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 ICE Runner v2.01 

CUB: HpDr.cub
MSI: WinFiol and Tools-
DATE: Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 4:37:21 PM
ICE Type Description
ICEHPVERS WARNING CUB Version: '1.13', CUB BuildDate: '27 September 2005, 1
8:48:06', CUB FileName: 'HpDr.cub', Customer: 'HP'. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE VAL
ICE33 WARNING Reg key registry41 is used in an unsupported way. ProgId
should be registered via the ProgId table. This entry may overwrite a value crea
ted through that table.
ICE33 WARNING Reg key registry42 is used in an unsupported way. ProgId
- Icon associations should be registered via the ProgId and Icon tables. This en
try may overwrite a value created through those tables.
ICE33 WARNING Reg key registry39 is used in an unsupported way. Shell e
xtension verbs info should be registered via the Verb table. This entry may over
write a value created through that table.
ICE33 WARNING Reg key registry40 is used in an unsupported way. Shell e
xtension verbs info should be registered via the Verb table. This entry may over
write a value created through that table.
ICE40 WARNING REINSTALLMODE is defined in the Property table. This may
cause difficulties.
ICE69 WARNING Mismatched component reference. Entry 'registry43' of the
Registry table belongs to component 'registry'. However, the formatted string i
n column 'Value' references file 'winfiol.exe' which belongs to component 'winfi
ol.exe'. Components are in the same feature.
ICEHP01 WARNING Property 'hprof.dll' contains an excluded value '*HP*' (I
D: HP000009); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s):hprof.dll
ICEHP01 ERROR Property '' contains an excluded value '*.pf' (ID:
HP000006); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s)
ICEHP01 WARNING Property 'jvm.hprof.txt' contains an excluded value '*HP*
' (ID: HP000009); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s):jvm.hprof.txt
ICEHP01 ERROR Property '' contains an excluded value '*.pf' (I
D: HP000006); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s)
ICEHP01 WARNING Property 'hwisearches.txt' contains an excluded value '*W
ise*' (ID: HP000014); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s):hwisearches.txt
ICEHP01 WARNING Property 'hpi.dll' contains an excluded value '*HP*' (ID:
HP000009); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s):hpi.dll
ICEHP01 ERROR Property '' contains an excluded value '*.pf
' (ID: HP000006); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s)
ICEHP01 ERROR Property '' contains an excluded value '*.pf' (ID:
HP000006); Table:File, Column:FileName, Key(s)
ICEHP02 ERROR Property 'registry43' contains an excluded value 'SOFTWAR
E\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall*' (ID: HP000103); Table:Registry, C
olumn:Key, Key(s):registry43
ICEHP04 ERROR Property 'ROOTDRIVE' contains a hardcoded path at the sta
rt; Table:Property, Column:Value, Key(s):ROOTDRIVE
ICEHP09 WARNING Resolved directory for property 'TempFolder' ('SOURCEDIR\
Windows\Temp') contains an excluded value '*Windows\Temp*' (ID: HP000028); Table
:Directory, Column:Directory, Key(s):TempFolder
ICEHP09 WARNING Resolved directory for property 'TempFolder' ('SOURCEDIR\
Windows\Temp') contains an excluded value '*Temp*' (ID: HP000015); Table:Directo
ry, Column:Directory, Key(s):TempFolder
ICEHP19 ERROR Property 'readme.txt2' contains a file belonging to a mer
ge module. Module: 'SQLSvr.msm', File Found: 'readme.txt'; Table: File, Column:
FileName; Key(s): readme.txt2
ICEHP19 ERROR Property 'readme.txt' contains a file belonging to a merg
e module. Module: 'SQLSvr.msm', File Found: 'readme.txt'; Table: File, Column: F
ileName; Key(s): readme.txt
ICEHP19 ERROR Property 'readme.txt4' contains a file belonging to a mer
ge module. Module: 'SQLSvr.msm', File Found: 'readme.txt'; Table: File, Column:
FileName; Key(s): readme.txt4
ICEHP19 ERROR Property 'readme.txt6' contains a file belonging to a mer
ge module. Module: 'SQLSvr.msm', File Found: 'readme.txt'; Table: File, Column:
FileName; Key(s): readme.txt6
ICEHP19 ERROR Property 'readme.txt72' contains a file belonging to a me
rge module. Module: 'SQLSvr.msm', File Found: 'readme.txt'; Table: File, Column:
FileName; Key(s): readme.txt72
ICEHP19 ERROR Property 'readme.txt79' contains a file belonging to a me
rge module. Module: 'SQLSvr.msm', File Found: 'readme.txt'; Table: File, Column:
FileName; Key(s): readme.txt79
(Validation Time: 0 00:00:53)

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