Observing Behaviour Assignment Matt Duke

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Foundations of Education – Assignment 2 – ABC Charting/Interpretation

Behaviour Observation/Interpretation Assignment:          DUE:  Mar. 14 in Dropbox

Chart appropriate or inappropriate target behaviours you have observed with your CICE
student, or a child/student you have regular contact with. On page 2, analyze and consider
whether the consequence of a behaviour will increase (encourage) or decrease (discourage) the

Part 1: (10 marks) Observe at least 5 different behaviour sequences – use clear, specific and
non-judgmental language to describe the Antecedent – Behaviour – Consequence for each


What happened before the What specific action occurred? What happened after the
behaviour? behavior?

When I was chatting with He was distracted so he spoke I managed to get him back on
my CICE student, I had to while I was speaking. track by telling him to focus in a
pause to get him back on little bit more to what I was
track. saying.

My CICE student was having He got frustrated about the I empathized with him as I had
problems with his internet, problems that his internet was experienced internet issues in the
causing him to be removed causing him and showed his past but assured him there was no
from the Zoom call several frustration by yelling at his need to get worked up.
times. computer.
I asked my CICE student My CICE student shared with me I thanked him for sharing with him
what his interests were and what his favorite bands were. and encouraged him to share any
what kinds of things he other facts about his personality.

I was trying to help my CICE He got frustrated and said a swear I told him to try and not use that
student format a word. language during our meetings.
presentation that he was
struggling with.

I was helping my CICE He asked me how to create an I walked him through the steps of
student figure out how to account on Kahoot. creating a Kahoot account.
create a Kahoot for one of
his projects.
Part 2: (3 marks)

Select one of the sequences of behaviour you have observed and charted and provide further
detail and insights

Topic: Internet Issues

Antecedents - What happened prior to the behaviour (include all relevant factors that you are
aware of) – previous discussion/observations/experiences that may have affected the situation.

My CICE student was having very bad internet issues prior to having an outburst. He had
voiced a few times beforehand that he disliked using computers when issues occur with
them. It also didn’t help that there was an extra CICE student in our meeting that I had to be
assisting alongside him, as I think not being able to get my full help and attention was
bothering him a little bit.

Behaviours - Provide more detail on the specific observations/action(s) that occurred -

(physical, visual and/or auditory)

My CICE partner got visually upset and started raising his voice, announcing how much the
internet cutting out was bothering him. He picked up his mouse and lightly hit it down on the
desk as well. I could easily tell that he was quite flustered and upset. Clearly, he had reached
a personal breaking point.

Consequences - What happened after the behaviour i.e. how did others respond to the
behavior? Were there delayed responses or other consequences that may have occurred later?
E.g. at home, back in class, etc.
I responded once he was done with his outburst by explaining as calmly as I could that I
understood his frustration, however I also told him that he should try his best to not get too
frustrated. I personally can relate to having problems with internet connections, especially on
Zoom, so I could understand the frustration and had a lot of empathy for him. The other CICE
student who was in the call didn’t react much, other than stating that they have had similar
problems in the past.
Part 3: - Interpretation: (2 marks)

How did consequence or antecedent increase or decrease the behaviour? Why?

Antecedent – The events beforehand may have led to an increase in the behaviour, as I
wasn’t able to fully pay attention to my student and support him through the issues he was

Consequence – I would say the consequence helped to decrease the behaviour, as reacting
calmly helped to show my student that his internet cutting out wasn’t the end of the world
for him. By showing empathy, I may have helped him feel less alone in the situation he was
dealing with.

How could the antecedent or consequences be changed to increase the desired behavior?

If I could have put more attention onto helping out my CICE student beforehand, I might have
been able to calm him down and reassure him that even though his internet was cutting out I
could still help him in anyway possible. This might have led to a more desired behaviour, like
not having an outburst.

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