NS3 As Drug Targets

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334 Current Chemical Biology, 2009, 3, 334-342

NS3 Helicases as Drug Targets

Patrick Chène*

Disease Area Oncology, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland

Abstract: Members of the viral family Flaviviridae are a major cause of infectious diseases, such as hepatitis C, Dengue
fever, Japanese encephalitis, Yellow fever or West Nile fever. Major efforts are therefore being made to identify medi-
cines that can fight these infections. The genome of the Flaviviridae contains a single ORF that is translated into a precur-
sor polyprotein which is processed in the host into several proteins. Amongst these, the nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) is
formed from two domains that show distinct catalytic activities: a serine protease and a helicase activity. Since both ac-
tivities are required for viral replication, there is a lot of interest in investigating NS3 as a potential drug target. On the ba-
sis of the structural information available, we shall assess here the druggability of the helicase domain of NS3.

Keywords: NS3 helicase, hepatitis C virus, dengue virus, west nile virus.

1. INTRODUCTION these enzymes can be targeted by low molecular weight

compounds [11, 12]. This opens up new opportunities for
The viral family Flaviviridae is divided into three gen-
drug discovery, since helicases form a large family of pro-
era: Flavivirus, Hepacivirus and Pestivirus [1]. Amongst
teins present in bacteria, viruses and humans.
Flaviviridae, the genus Flavivirus encompasses the largest
number of species. Flaviviridae are at the root of several Helicases catalyze the separation of double-stranded
human diseases, such as Dengue fever, Yellow fever, Japa- DNA or RNA into single-strands in an ATP-dependent man-
nese encephalitis and Hepatitis C [2, 3]. These diseases af- ner [13]. For unwinding double-stranded nucleic acids, heli-
fect a large number of individuals all over the world and cases translocate along nucleic acids. Several mechanisms
major efforts are being made to identify therapeutic agents have been proposed to explain the movement of helicases on
for these infections. One of the strategies which is currently nucleic-acids [14-18]. It should be noted that helicases have
under investigation is the identification of low molecular to be differentiated from translocases that just move onto
weight molecules that could selectively block the function of nucleic-acids without inducing strand separation. Helicases
the proteins encoded by these viruses. possess several primary sequence stretches, called motifs,
that are well conserved and that have been used to classify
The organization and length of the genome is similar for
them. On the basis of these motifs and of structural consid-
all Flaviviridae. It comprises a ~9.5 to ~12.5 kb single- erations, helicases are grouped into different superfamilies
stranded positive sense RNA that forms a single open read-
[19]. The NS3 helicases belong to superfamily II. This is the
ing frame. The translation of the viral genome in the host cell
largest helicase superfamily, and enzymes belonging to su-
leads to the synthesis of a large single polyprotein. This pro-
perfamily II are involved in broad variety of processes re-
tein is then processed by both viral and host proteases to
lated to nucleic acid biology. Many of these proteins, includ-
produce several viral proteins. These include three structural
ing NS3, are RNA helicases and, within the superfamily II,
proteins called C, prM and E, and seven nonstructural pro- they are classified into the DExD/H helicases family [20].
teins called NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B and
The name of this family comes from the primary sequence of
NS5. Several of these proteins possess a catalytic activity
a motif called motif 2 or Walker B [21], which is conserved
and are therefore attractive targets for drug discovery. NS5
in these enzymes. This small region is used by helicases to
possesses S-adenosyl methyltransferase and RNA-dependent
coordinate the divalent cation (magnesium) used as co-factor
polymerase activities, both being potentially interesting tar-
for ATP hydrolysis during the catalytic cycle [22]. The other
gets for molecules that inhibit these catalytic activities [4-7]. conserved motifs (in total 7) found in helicases are either
The second viral protein which is currently under investiga-
involved in the binding of the nucleotide (ATP) or in the
tion is the NS3 protein. This also possesses multiple catalytic
interaction with nucleic acids [19, 20, 22].
activities: serine protease, helicase and RNA triphosphatase.
Proteases are classical drug discovery targets, and substantial The fact that NS3 helicases are enzymes and that they are
efforts have been made to identify inhibitors of the important for the life cycle of Flaviviridae is a necessary but
Flaviviridae proteases [7-10]. Helicases are rather new tar- not sufficient prerequisite to make them suitable targets for
gets for drug discovery, and these enzymes have not yet been drug discovery. A very important aspect of drug discovery is
intensively investigated by the pharmaceutical companies. the druggability of the selected target, which is a fuzzy no-
However, some recent examples nicely demonstrate that tion. It is linked to the possibility of identifying binding
site(s) on the target protein, where potent, low molecular
weight compounds could bind and affect its biological func-
tion with the desired outcome. The word potent is quite im-
*Address correspondence to this author at the Disease Area Oncology,
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland; portant, because it is potency which ensures that the selected
Tel: +41616962050; Fax: +41616963835; target is really druggable. The potency required in drug dis-
E-mail: patrick_chene@yahoo.com

1872-3136/09 $55.00+.00 © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

NS3 Helicases as Drug Targets Current Chemical Biology, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 335

covery is defined by the efficacy of compounds in humans. It We shall focus here on the general description of NS3hel.
is often possible to identify weakly active molecules that An alignment of the primary sequences of the different
affect the selected target, but if its druggability is low, the NS3hel that have been crystallized is provided in Fig. (1).
optimization of these initial leads to produce more potent No helicase structure from viruses belonging to the genus
compounds might be very difficult. Pestivirus is available. Nevertheless, the primary sequence
of the NS3hel from border disease virus was also included
The best way to estimate the druggability of a protein is
for comparison. The primary sequence homology amongst
to look at its three dimensional structure in order to see if
the different NS3hel from flaviviruses is quite high. There is
possible compound binding sites can be identified on its sur-
a lower degree of homology between these enzymes and the
face. Until recently, few X-ray structures of NS3 helicases
HCV NS3hel (genus Hepacivirus) and an even lower one
were available, but in the last years several of them have
been published, and it is now possible to study these proteins with the BDV NS3hel (genus Pestivirus). Some of the motifs
(1, 2, 3 and 6) characteristic of helicases [20, 22] are well
in more detail. In this short review, we shall describe the
conserved but a lower homology is observed between motifs
general structure of NS3 helicases and evaluate different
1A, 4 and 5.
possible strategies that could be used to target these en-
zymes. The structures of DENV and HCV NS3hel, as prototype
helicases from viruses from their respective genera, are rep-
2. GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE NS3 HELICASE resented in Fig. (2). The helicase domain is formed of three
Several structures of NS3 helicase are available (Table subdomains. Subdommmain 1 (white, Fig. 2) and subdomain
1). These enzymes have been crystallized in their apo con- 2 (grey, Fig. 2) have a structure similar to that of the RecA
formation or in the presence of a nucleotide and/or a nucleic protein [23]. These two subdomains are linked by a flexible
acid (NA). Structures of full-length NS3 proteins were also linker. It has been observed that the distance between sub-
determined (hereafter, NS3 corresponds to the full-length domain 1 and subdomain 2 is different between the JEV and
NS3 protein, including both the protease and helicase do- HCV helicases [24]. Recently it has been shown that RNA
mains; NS3hel corresponds to the helicase domain alone). binding to the DENV helicase induces closure between
Detailed descriptions of these structures are provided in the subdomains 1 and 2 [25]. The superimposition of different
original publications, and readers interested in obtaining a structures (1hei and 8ohm) of the HCV helicase in its apo
deeper knowledge should consult these references (Table 1). conformation also shows that the distance between both sub

Table 1. Published X Ray Structures of NS3 Protein Constructs. For Simplicity the Serotypes for the Dengue and Hepatitis Vi-
ruses are not Indicated

Virus Protein form PDB code Resolution (Å) Reference


Murray Valley encephalitis Apo 2v8o 1.9 [56]

Apo 1yks 1.8
Yellow fever [43]
ADP 1ymf 2.6
Apo 2bmf, 2bhr, 2jlq 2.4, 2.8, 1.7
ADPNP 2jlr 2
ADP 2jls 2.2
RNA 2jlu, 2jlw 2, 2.6
Dengue ADPNP; RNA 2jlv 1.9 [25, 27, 31]

ADP•VO4; RNA 2jlx 2.2

ADP•PO4 ; RNA 2jly 2.4
ADP; RNA 2jlz 2.2
Protease/Helicase 2vbc 3.15
Japanese encephalitis Apo 2z83 1.8 [24]
Kunjin virus Apo 2qeq 3.1 [57]
Kokobera virus Apo 2v6i 2.1 [58]
RNA 1a1v, 2f55 2.2, 3.3 [51, 59]
HCV Apo 1hei, 8ohm 2.1, 2.3 [60, 61]
Protease/Helicase 1cu1 2.5 [32]
336 Current Chemical Biology, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 Patrick Chène

Fig. (1). Alignment of the primary sequence of different NS3hel. Sequence start was chosen for all proteins on the basis of the location of the
linker region between the protease and helicase domain described for DENV NS3 [31]. MVEV: Murray Valley encephalitis virus; YFV: Yel-
low fever virus; DENV: Dengue virus; JEV: Japanese encephalitis virus; KUNV: Kunjin virus; KOKV: Kokobera virus; HCV: Hepatitis C
virus; BDV: Border disease virus. The position of the different helicase motifs is indicated on the basis of previous assignment established
from the primary sequence of HCV NS3 [20, 22]. The alignment was made using T-Coffee [62].
NS3 Helicases as Drug Targets Current Chemical Biology, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 337

domains varies for the same protein (data not shown). Alto- located at the opposite side of the C-terminus (sphere in Fig.
gether this suggests that subdomains 1 and 2 can move rela- 2C) of the NS3 protein, and the enzyme has an elongated
tive to each other and that their movement may be linked to structure. In the case of the HCV NS3, both the protease and
different steps in the catalytic cycle [26]. Subdomain 3 the C-terminus of the NS3 protein are on the same side of the
(black, Fig. 2) is linked to subdomain 2 via a linker, and the enzyme, which has a more compact conformation (Fig. 2B).
structure of subdomain 3 differs from that of the other two This structural difference may have some important conse-
subdomains. There is a lower homology between subdomain quences for the mechanism behind the processing of the viral
3 from HCV and DENV NS3hel than between the two other polyprotein by the NS3 protease [31, 33].
subdomains, which are more conserved. It has been postu-
In addition to these observations, it has been shown that
lated that the lower similarity between subdomains 3 may
the protease domain influences the catalytic activity of the
reflect different types of interaction between the NS3 protein
helicase domain. HCV NS3hel is unwinding RNA or DNA
and one of its interacting partners, the NS5B protein [8, 27].
more slowly than NS3 [30, 34, 35]. A similar observation
Several publications show that HCV NS3 also interacts via
was made with DENV type 2 NS3 [36]. HCV NS3 hydro-
its N-terminus with HCV NS5B [28] and that the protease lyzes ATP more slowly than NS3hel when translocating on
domain of NS3 is required for this interaction between these
nucleic acids, and NS3 assembles as higher oligomeric forms
two proteins [29, 30].
than NS3hel on DNA and on ssDNA, suggesting a coopera-
The structure the NS3 protein has been determined for tive effect in the presence of the protease domain [34]. Ex-
DENV and HCV [31, 32]. These structures are schematically periments conducted with HCV NS3hel also indicate that
presented in Fig. (2C) and (2D). The position of the protease multiple molecules of this protein assemble on DNA [16,
domain (black on Fig. 2) is very different in the two proteins. 37]. Beran et al. have proposed that the enhanced helicase
In the case of the DENV NS3 protein, the protease domain is activity observed with NS3 when compared to NS3hel is a

Fig. (2). Structure of the NS3 protein. Solid ribbon representation of the DENV (A), HCV (B), DENV (C) and HCV (D) NS3hel proteins.
Within the helicase domain, subdomain 1, subdomain 2 and subdomain 3 are represented in white, grey and black, respectively (A, B). The
protease and the helicase domain are represented in black and white, respectively (C, D). The spheres represent the C-terminus of the en-
zymes. The structures used to make the figure are 2jlq (DENV NS3hel [25]), 1hei (HCV NS3 hel [61]), 2vbc (DENV NS3 [31]) and 1cu1
(HCV NS3 [32]).
338 Current Chemical Biology, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 Patrick Chène

consequence of a specific allosteric contribution from an difficult to pursue, because it could be challenging to design
interaction between the helicase and protease domain [38]. selective inhibitors, and therefore such molecules may show
Altogether these findings indicate that the catalytic activity some toxicity. This strategy will not be discussed here.
of the helicase domain of NS3 is influenced by the protease
domain. Therefore screens for inhibitors of NS3 helicase Nucleotide Competitive Inhibitors
activity should preferentially be done with NS3 and not with DENV and YFV NS3hel have been co-crystallized in the
the isolated helicase domain, NS3hel. presence of a bound nucleotide (Table 1). Both structures
Other viral proteins seem to contribute to the regulation show a high similarity within their nucleotide binding site.
of the catalytic activity of NS3. This is the case with NS4A The structure of DENV NS3hel co-crystallized with the ATP
cofactor [39-41] and with NS5B [29, 30, 36]. NS2B also analog, ADPNP, is represented in Fig. (3) [25]. The ATP
modulates NS3hel activity [36, 42]. For example, it influ- binding site is located at the interface between subdomain 1
ences the selectivity of the WNV NS3 protein. WNV NS3 and subdomain 2 (Fig. 3A). A key feature of the interaction
and WNV NS3hel unwind both DNA and RNA templates, between ADPNP and DENV NS3hel is that the adenine ring
while WNV NS2B-NS3 only unwinds RNA templates and points toward the solvent and there is little interaction with
has its DNA unwinding activity repressed [42]. The NS2B the protein. This binding mode is also observed with ADP
co-factor enhances the affinity of DENV NS3 for ATP [31]. co-crystallized with YFV NS3hel [43]. The main interactions
The structure of DENV fused to 18 residues of NS2B reveals between the nucleotide/metal cofactor and the protein take
that a basic region located at the surface of the protease do- place in a narrow pocket surrounding the phosphate groups
main may increase the affinity for the nucleotide and partici- of the ATP analog. Most of the interactions occurring in this
pate in RNA binding [31]. Altogether these different results area are ionic/electrostatic interactions (Fig. 3B). Altogether
indicate that NS3 helicase activity may be modulated by these structural features are not very appealing for drug dis-
various viral proteins and potentially by host proteins. On the covery. In an aqueous environment, hydrophobic (or apolar)
basis of our current information, it is difficult to predict interactions are very favorable because of the changes in
whether these different interactions can affect the binding of solvation occurring upon the interaction between two hydro-
compounds to NS3hel. Keeping this in mind, we shall now philic partners. It has been reported that the strength of the
discuss the different possible strategies for targeting NS3hel. interaction between a ligand and its receptor increases with
the apolar surface buried upon the interaction [44, 45]. Even
3. TARGETING THE NS3 HELICASE if some enhancements in potency can be made by creating
electrostatic/ionic interactions; apolar regions involved in
Since NS3 helicases interact with both nucleotides and
NAs, two strategies can be proposed to inhibit these en- making the contact surface usually contribute to a large part
of the binding energy of an interaction between low molecu-
zymes. The first is to identify compounds that prevent nu-
lar weight inhibitors and their receptors. For example, it has
cleotide binding and/or hydrolysis. The second is to obtain
been possible to synthesize potent low molecular weight
molecules that prevent NA binding and/or processing. In
inhibitors of protein kinases because the adenine ring of ATP
both cases, the inhibitors could either directly compete with
is buried in a cavity where several hydrophobic contacts can
the substrates for binding to NS3, or alternatively they could
interact with the protein on a remote site preventing by an be created between the inhibitor and the protein. On the basis
of the available NS3hel structures, it seems that it will be
“allosteric” effect ATP and/or NA binding. Another possibil-
very difficult to design such inhibitors for NS3hel proteins.
ity would be to identify compounds that, upon binding to the
NA, prevent its interaction with NS3hel. This approach, even There is also some intriguing experimental evidence
if it may lead to the identification of inhibitors, might be showing that inhibition of the ATPase activity of NS3hel

Fig. (3). ATP binding site of DENV NS3hel. A. Surface representation of the DENV NS3hel protein. Subdomain 1, subdomain 2 and sub-
domain 3 are colored white, grey and black, respectively. The ATP analog, ADPNP, is represented at the interface between subdomain 1 and
subdomain 2. B. Details of the interaction between DENV NS3hel and the bound ADPNP. Water molecules are represented by small white
spheres and the metal cofactor (Me2+) by a grey sphere. For clarity, H bonds are not indicated. The structure used to make this representation
is 2jlv [25].
NS3 Helicases as Drug Targets Current Chemical Biology, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 339

might not lead to the abrogation of its helicase activity. For teracts with the protein mainly via its phospho-sugar back-
example, it has been shown that the Met283Phe, His293Ala, bone (residues colored as white and grey sticks on Fig. 4B).
Thr324Ala and Cys292Gly HCV NS3hel mutant proteins There are few contacts with the more hydrophobic parts (the
have a strongly reduced ATPase activity, while preserving a bases) of the NA and the protein (residues colored as black
substantial helicase activity [46-48]. Similar findings have lines on Fig. 4B). The only region of the DENV NS3hel with
been observed with the DENV enzyme where the Arg460Ala a small hydrophobic patch formed by residues of the protein
and Arg463Ala mutant proteins show reduced ATPase activ- is located near the 5’ end of the NA. However this region
ity but helicase activity similar to wild-type enzyme [49]. does not form a defined area where inhibitors could bind
The corresponding mutations in the JEV NS3 (Arg461Ala strongly. One marked difference between HCV and DENV
and Arg464Ala) [24] and the HCV NS3 (Arg464Ala and NS3hel is the presence of a tryptophan residue – Trp501 – at
Arg467Lys) [46] proteins do not lead to the same results. one end of the NA binding site of the HCV protein [51]. This
These mutations abolish both the ATPase and the helicase aromatic amino acid shows stacking interactions with one
activity of the JEV and HCV NS3 proteins. In addition, to base of the bound nucleotide. The presence of such a residue
the results obtained with mutated proteins, it has been re- in the binding site could be exploited to design inhibitors that
ported that the HCV NS3hel protein has a strand-separating bind to Trp501 and make additional contacts with the sur-
activity in the absence of ATP [50]. Altogether the findings rounding residues. However the region around Trp501 is not
suggest that NS3 proteins with weak (if any) ATPase activity very favorable for drug discovery, and it might be difficult to
are still able to show good helicase activity. On the basis of create additional interactions to enhance the potency of in-
these observations, it was proposed that inhibiting the AT- hibitors interacting with Trp501. A low molecular weight
Pase activity of the NS3 enzymes may not be the right strat- inhibitor of HCV NS3hel, QU663, has recently been de-
egy for drug discovery [8, 48]. However the Met283Phe mu- scribed [52], and docking studies suggest that it could bind
tant protein, which shows a reduced ATPase activity (at to that region of the protein. QU663 potency is low, 0.75
24°C) and an increased helicase activity (at 37°C) in bio- M, and it remains to be demonstrated if more potent ana-
chemical assays, has impaired functions in in vivo experi- logs can be designed. Furthermore the binding mode of this
ments (at 37°C) [47]. Therefore the helicase activity detected molecule has to be confirmed by further structural studies.
in the biochemical assays may not be sufficient in vivo, sug- Even if the finding of molecules such as QU663 creates
gesting that a certain level of ATPase activity is required in some hopes, the NA binding site of NS3hel proteins is not
vivo for full activity of the NS3 protein. very attractive for drug discovery. Potent compounds bind-
ing to this region of NS3 proteins might be very challenging,
Nucleic acid Competitive Inhibitors because few hydrophobic residues are present in the cleft
Different structures of NS3hel in complex with NA sub- where the NA binds.
strates have been determined (Table 1). The bound NA is It should be noted that other helicases do not interact
located in a cleft formed at the interface between [subdomain with NAs in the same way as NS3 enzymes. For example,
1 - subdomain 2] and subdomain 3 (Fig. 4A). Some differ- the DNA helicase PcrA makes many contacts with the bases
ences exist in the interaction between the NA and HCV or and shows few interactions with the phospho-sugar back-
DENV NS3hel (see Luo et al. for a discussion [31]). The NA bone [53]. Hydrophobic residues from PcrA are located
binding site is not surprisingly larger than the ATP binding around bases, creating some kind of discrete binding pockets
site, and therefore low molecular weight compounds could where inhibitors could bind. This situation is more favorable
be easily docked into it. Looking in more detail at the inter- for drug discovery, and inhibitors binding to these pockets
actions between the NA and NS3hel reveals that the NA in- have been identified [54].

Fig. (4). Nucleic acid binding site of DENV NS3hel. A. Solid ribbon representation of the DENV NS3hel protein. Subdomain 1, subdomain
2 are represented in white and subdomain 3 in black. The bound nucleic acid is schematically represented in grey. B. Interaction between the
bound NA and DENV NS3hel. The residues interacting with the phosphate groups, the sugar moieties or the bases are white sticks, grey
sticks and black lines, respectively. The bound nucleotide is represented in black sticks. For clarity neither the hydrogen bonds nor the name
of the residues are indicated. The structure used to make this representation is 2jlv [25].
340 Current Chemical Biology, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3 Patrick Chène

Nucleotide and Nucleic Acid Non-Competitive Inhibitors upon binding to a pocket outside the ATP and NA binding
sites [12]. Strategies aimed at identifying nucleotide and/or
Since both the ATP and the NA binding sites show low
nucleic acid non-competitive inhibitors are complex and
druggability, an alternative strategy is to identify compounds
require the combined forces of enzymology, biophysics and
that bind outside of these regions and inhibit NS3hel by an
structural biology to guide the research effort in medicinal
“allosteric” mechanism. Since helicases are flexible proteins, chemistry.
they can take different conformations during the catalytic
cycle, and one can imagine identifying compounds that CONCLUSION
block them in one of these conformations. For example, one
Hepaciviruses and flaviviruses are at the origin of various
might consider molecules binding to NS3hel in its apo con-
human diseases and major efforts are being made to identify
formation. Such inhibitors would then prevent the enzyme
medicines that will be effective in the treatment of these vi-
from changing its conformation and consequently interacting
with its substrate(s). In this case, screens could be designed ruses. Identifying inhibitors of NS3 helicase activity is one
of the drug discovery strategies currently under investiga-
so that the inhibitors are pre-incubated with the apo enzyme
tion. The helicase activity of NS3 is important for viral in-
and then the catalytic reaction initiated by the addition of the
fection, making NS3hel an attractive target for drug discov-
substrates. Alternatively, miniaturized thermal denaturation
ery. Helicases are new drug targets, and little is known about
methods could be used to identify compounds that bind to
their druggability. Using the structural information available,
the apo enzyme [55]. Since NS3 and NS3hel have distinct
kinetic properties (see above) it would be more reasonable to three different possibilities were evaluated for identifying
inhibitors of NS3hel: the design of nucleotide competitive
run these screens with the full-length protein and not only
inhibitors, nucleic acid competitive inhibitors and nucleotide
with the isolated helicase domain.
or nucleic acid non-competitive inhibitors. The study of the
The question is: are there druggable pockets/cavities at structure of ATP and NA binding sites shows that these are
the surface of the helicase domain of NS3 where compounds not very attractive targets for drug discovery. This suggests
could bind and inhibit the enzyme? Pockets/cavities are often that it might be very difficult to design potent low molecular
present at the surface of proteins, but not all of them are weight inhibitors targeting these regions of NS3hel proteins.
druggable and, even if it is possible to identify a compound It is more difficult to draw a conclusion on the third strategy,
that binds to one of them, it may not necessarily affect the since some pockets/cavities are present at the surface of the
catalytic activity of the targeted protein. Several computer NS3 protein. Careful studies should be carried out to deter-
programs enable pockets/cavities to be identified at the sur- mine whether some of these pockets/cavities play a role in
face of proteins. Using such tools, it is possible to find some the function of the protein. This will help in deciding
pockets/cavities at the surface of NS3 (see for example Fig. whether this strategy can be pursued. But it should be borne
5). It remains to be established if they are suitable binding in mind that, even if these pockets are important for the ac-
sites for low molecular compounds and if their interaction tivity of the protein, they should also be suitable for drug
with these pockets will abolish NS3 helicase activity. discovery, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain potent
Can this type of inhibitor be identified for RNA heli- inhibitors. Finally, because the helicase activity is modulated
cases? Every protein is different, and a general rule cannot by the protease domain and other viral proteins, the design of
be established. However it has been shown that this strategy screening assays using the isolated kinase domain might not
is applicable to the DEAD box RNA helicase eIF4A. Hip- be the best strategy. Assays using full-length NS3 and if pos-
puristanol, a coral-derived natural compound, inhibits eIF4A sible some of its interacting partners might be a better way
for the identification of NS3hel inhibitors.
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Received: April 17, 2009 Revised: May 19, 2009 Accepted: May 25, 2009

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