Examen Segundo Periodo Sexto Grado

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Institución Educativa Simón Araujo

Test of English

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ 6 ____ Date: 12 - 06 -2018

Logro1. Identificar información general y específica en textos de diverso tipo

Comprensión de lectura I: Lea el texto y responda las 6. My last class is …….

preguntas a. Music
b. Literature
I usually wake up at about 5:00 or 5:30 in the morning, c. Math
after my alarm clock. I make my bed and take a shower,
7. My first class is …….
I brush my teeth. Then I get dressed and go downstairs. I a. Music
have breakfast with my family. I always have coffee, b. English
c. Math
cereal, and fruits.
I take a bus to school and I arrive at 6:30, I have 6 8. I play _______ with Sofia
a. Chees
lessons a day. School begins at 7:00 o´clock. The first
b. Parcheesi
class is English every day for two hours. At 10.30 I have a c. Basketball
break for 30 minutes, I go to the school cafeteria and I
9. My best friend is…
have a snack, I regularly have a chicken sandwich, a. Sofia
b. Santiago
apples and yogurt. I play Parcheesi with my friends or
c. Jimenez
chees with Sofia, she is my best friend. After break, I
10. The school begins at…
have a lesson of Biology for two hours.
a. Half past six
At 1:00 o’clock I have lunch. I have rice, potatoes salad, b. Seven o’clock
c. Half past ten
juice and fruits. The lunchtime is for one hour. I have
time to read and listen to music. My last class is Verdadero o falso: Escoja la respuesta correcta

Literature with teacher Santiago Jimenez. I like lessons 11. I have a snack T/F
12. I am at home at 3:45 T/F
with teacher Jimenez because I like books of adventures. 13. I wake up at 5.30 T/F
At 3:00 P.M I go home, I take the bus with my friend 14. I have 2 hours of Biology lesson T/F
15. The school is from 7:00 to 3.30 T/F
Sofia and at 3.45 I am at home.
Selección múltiple: Escoja la respuesta correcta Comprensión de lectura II: Lea el texto y responda

1. I eat for breakfast……. Hi friends! My name is Sophie, I am eleven years old. I

a. Coffee, cereal and fruits
am from Sincelejo. I am student like you. On Saturday my
b. Chocolate, bread and fruits
c. Coffee, eggs and toast routines are: I get up at 8:30 A.M second I take a shower
then I brush my teeth after that I have breakfast ,I
2. In my school I have ….
a. Five lessons usually eat yucca with cheese later I go to the guitar
b. Six lessons
classes until 12:30 M after I have lunch, I eat soup ,rice
c. Seven lessons
and salad then I take a shower again and I help to my
3. I have lunch at ….
mother with the dinner ,we eat for dinner hamburger
a. Eleven o’clock
b. Five o’clock and fruit juice then I do my homework, listen to music
c. One o’clock
and read a book and before I go to bed I watch my
4. I eat ________ for lunch favorite programs.
a. Rice, potatoes salad, juice and fruits
b. Rice, meat, juice and fruits Verdadero o falso: Escoja la respuesta correcta
c. Rice, chicken, juice and water
16. Her lunch is cheese and yucca T/F
5. I have _____ for my lunch 17. On Saturday Sophie gets up 7:30 A.M T/F
a. One hour
b. Two hours 18. Sophie listens to music in the morning T/F
c. Three hours 19. Sophie is 11 years old T/F
20. Her dinner is pizza and fruit juice T/F
Logro 2. Construir textos sencillos sobre temas variados
Producción textual I: observe atentamente las imágenes, luego organice las oraciones de 1 a 8 para crear un texto
coherente. La número 0 es un ejemplo de inicio de párrafo

Example: My name is Maria Isabel, and this is my daily routine __0__

21. I watch T.V; my favorite program is BEN 10 _____

22. I go home at 8 o clock _____
23. I have breakfast in the kitchen; I have a sandwich and orange juice _____
24. I wake up early. _____
25. I go to the bathroom and I take a shower _____
26. I go to school _____
27. In the afternoon I go home _____
28. I have lunch; I usually have chicken with potatoes _____

Producción textual II: relacione las columnas y forme oraciones coherentes

29. I ____________ early at 4:00 A.M A Have

30. I ____________ to school by bus B Watch
31. I ____________ my teeth C Take a shower
32. I ____________ T.V every night D Go to bed
33. I ____________ after exercise E Put on
34. I ____________ homework with my mother F Comb
35. I ____________ my school uniform G Play
36. I ____________with my friends in the park H Put on
37. I ____________ my hair I Brush
38. I ____________ cereal with milk J Go
39. I ____________ at 9:00 P.M K Do
40. I ____________ my school uniform L Get up

Vocabulario: escoja la respuesta correcta

41. 3:05 46. 11:50

a. It’s five past nine a. It’s ten minutes to twelve
b. It’s three o’clock b. It’s Fifty minutes to eleven
c. It’s five past three c. It’s eleven o’clock

42. 5:30 47. 12:00 P.M

a. It’s five thirty five a. It’s Twelve noon
b. It’s half past five b. It’s Twelve midnight
c. It’s five o’clock c. It’s One-two o’clock

43. 2:15 48. 12:00 A.M

a. It’s fifteen past two a. It’s Twelve noon
b. It’s two twenty five b. It’s Twelve midnight
c. It’s two o’clock c. It’s One-two o’clock
44. 5:12 49. 9:15
a. It’s twelve fifty five a. It’s fifteen past nine
b. It’s fifty past twelve b. It’s nine past fifteen
c. It’s twelve o’clock c. It’s half past nine

45. 2:25 50. 10:25

a. It’s fifteen past two a. It’s ten twenty
b. It’s two twenty five b. It’s twenty past ten
c. It’s two o’clock c. It’s twenty-five past ten

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