Market integrat-WPS Office

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Market Integration benefits

Market integration brings a number of social benefits, including expanding the range of financial services
and investment opportunities available to consumers and increasing competition in the provision of
these services. It can reduce trade costs, increase the availability of goods and services, and increase the
purchasing power of consumers from Member States. Employment opportunities are increasing as trade
liberalization leads to market expansion, technology transfer and cross-border investment.This could
have an impact on poverty alleviation as markets become more integrated, with faster transport of
food, allowing for faster price equalization, limiting the decline in the purchasing power of the poor.

Market integration into the global economy has proven to be a powerful tool for countries to promote
economic growth, development and poverty reduction. ... Trade between developing countries is also
growing rapidly, with 40% of exports now going to other developing countries.

Market integration broadens the range of financial services the competition will increase in the
provision of those sellers as well as investment opportunities available to consumers. This market
integration is an observed set and theory of how markets behave. It's a great benefits to the ipileños
consumers of the cost of the goods and trade will be reduce. By this , the businessmen/businesswomen
in ipil will sell the goods n an affordable prices because of the low tariffs so the consumers could save
money and can really buy the goods or needs. With the market integration the availabilityof goods and
services improve. And also, increase consumers purchasing of the products in the Philippines.

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