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what is meant by social distencing

Some say maintaining social distancing, reducing contact between residents or in English, social
distancing. What does it mean? Standard answer: critical actions formal leaders take to stop or slow the
pace of highly contagious diseases, such as the coronavirus (COVID-19). It reduces sick people from
having contact with healthy people.

How to do social distancing?

Keeping a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people is one step. But social distancing is more
than that. Including social distancing is not shaking hands, postponing big events, such as community
meetings, entertainment, sports or business.

You may ask: can I go to supermarkets or markets? The answer is okay but reduce the frequency to a
minimum. When possible, people at risk (the elderly and those with chronic health problems) should
avoid public places.

When you are in a public place, try to keep your distance from other people as much as possible and
wash your hands with soap and running water or hand sanitizer when you return home.

If you can work from home, do it. If you have to go to the office, limit contact with coworkers and follow
sneezing / coughing etiquette (cover sneezing / coughing with folded elbows or tissue that is thrown
directly into the trash).

If you are sick, stay at home and if you experience symptoms of the corona virus, seek medical
treatment or call the 119 ext. 9. If you are caring for someone who is sick at home, use a mask and wash
your hands frequently with soap and running water.

If your child's school is temporarily closed it doesn't mean it's a vacation. Make sure children follow the
teacher's instructions for studying at home and don't let them out in crowded public places.

The situation is developing fast. So, protect yourself, protect others and stay up to date with

Keep a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people, don't go to a crowded place and use a mask if
you have to be in a crown

do not shake hands, stay at home, do not need to leave the house except for important matters (study
at home, worship at home if possible Work at home)

not gathering (chatting in arisan coffee shops and so on

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