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Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Curriculum of Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Physics

Revised by: Jimma University Physics Department

Revision committee members

1. Milkessa Gebeyehu
2. Tolu Biressa
3. Gelana Chibsa
4. Solomon Hailemariam
5. Gashaw Dejene
6. Nebiyu Gemechu

Reviewed by: Wollo University Physics Department

April 2021
Jimma, Ethiopia
Table of Contents Pages

1 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Rationale............................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Vision and Mission ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Vision ..........................................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Mission .......................................................................................................................................................9
4 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 10
5 Graduate Profile ................................................................................................................................. 10
6 Program profile................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Admission Requirements......................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Graduation Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Duration of the study .............................................................................................................................. 13
6.4 Degree Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................. 13
6.5 Mode of Delivery ..................................................................................................................................... 13
6.6 Educational Philosophy ........................................................................................................................... 13
6.6.1 Teaching and Learning Approaches................................................................................................. 13
6.6.2 Assessment Strategies and Evaluation ............................................................................................ 14
6.7 Grading Scale and Letter Grade System .................................................................................................. 15
6.8 Course policy and quality assurance mechanism .................................................................................... 15
7 Option selection and entry-level sequences ...................................................................................... 16
7.1 Course selection ...................................................................................................................................... 16
7.2 Course coding, cluster and entry-level sequences .................................................................................. 18
7.2.1 Course Coding for Physics courses .................................................................................................. 18
7.2.2 Course coding schemes for non-physics courses ............................................................................ 22
7.3 List of courses in the program – major, supportive, service based category.......................................... 22
7.4 Semester breakdown of the courses ....................................................................................................... 26
8 Course Details ..................................................................................................................................... 27

9 References .......................................................................................................................................... 27
10 List of courses with their descriptions ................................................................................................ 29
10.1 Compulsory Physics Courses ................................................................................................................... 29
10.1.1 Mechanics ........................................................................................................................................ 29
10.1.2 Experiments in Mechanics ............................................................................................................... 35
10.1.3 Fluid and Thermal Physics ............................................................................................................... 43
10.1.4 Experiments in Fluid and Thermal Physics ...................................................................................... 50
10.1.5 Electromagnetism............................................................................................................................ 59
10.1.6 Experiments in Electromagnetism................................................................................................... 66
10.1.7 Modern Physics ............................................................................................................................... 73
10.1.8 Physics of Oscillations and Waves ................................................................................................... 80
10.1.9 Experiments in Oscillations and Waves ........................................................................................... 87
10.1.10 Introduction to Relativity ............................................................................................................ 94
10.1.11 Nuclear Physics .......................................................................................................................... 102
10.1.12 Mathematical Methods of Physics I .......................................................................................... 107
10.1.13 Mathematical Methods of Physics II ......................................................................................... 112
10.1.14 Electronics ................................................................................................................................. 118
10.1.15 Experiments in Electronics ........................................................................................................ 124
10.1.16 Introduction to Laser and Optics ............................................................................................... 132
10.1.17 Quantum Mechanics I................................................................................................................ 139
10.1.18 General Astronomy ................................................................................................................... 147
10.1.19 Electrodynamics I....................................................................................................................... 154
10.1.20 Classical Mechanics ................................................................................................................... 160
10.1.21 Quantum Mechanics II............................................................................................................... 165
10.1.22 Statistical Physics ....................................................................................................................... 172
10.1.23 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics............................................................................... 178
10.1.24 Computational Physics .............................................................................................................. 185
10.1.25 Research Methods ..................................................................................................................... 194
10.1.26 Electrodynamics II...................................................................................................................... 200
10.1.27 Advanced Experimental Physics ................................................................................................ 205

10.1.28 Introduction to Nano Physics .................................................................................................... 213
10.1.29 Senior Research Project/Thesis ................................................................................................. 218
10.2 Physics Elective Courses ........................................................................................................................ 222
10.2.1 Materials Physics and Electronic Devices ...................................................................................... 222
10.2.2 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics ............................................................................................ 228
10.2.3 Introduction to Space and Plasma Physics .................................................................................... 233
10.2.4 Geophysics ..................................................................................................................................... 238
10.2.5 Metrology ...................................................................................................................................... 242
10.2.6 Nuclear Physics and Applications .................................................................................................. 248
10.2.7 Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics ............................................................................... 254
10.2.8 Environmental Physics ................................................................................................................... 261
10.2.9 Introduction to Medical Physics .................................................................................................... 265
10.2.10 Energy Physics ........................................................................................................................... 271
10.2.11 Computational Physics and Applications .................................................................................. 280
10.3 Service Physics Courses ......................................................................................................................... 251
10.3.1 Electricity and Magnetism for Chemist ......................................................................................... 251
10.3.2 Mechanics and Heat for Chemists and Geologists ........................................................................ 257
10.3.3 Mechanics for Mathematics .......................................................................................................... 263
10.3.4 Modern Physics ............................................................................................................................. 268
10.3.5 Medical physics.............................................................................................................................. 272
10.4 Supportive Courses................................................................................................................................ 276
10.4.1 Calculus I ........................................................................................................................................ 276
10.4.2 Calculus II ....................................................................................................................................... 281
10.4.3 Introduction to Statistics ............................................................................................................... 287
10.4.4 Linear Algebra ................................................................................................................................ 292
10.4.5 Introduction to Computer Science ................................................................................................ 296
Introduction to Computer Science ................................................................................................................ 296
10.4.6 Fundamentals of Programming ..................................................................................................... 302
10.5 Common Courses .................................................................................................................................. 307
10.5.1 General Physics .............................................................................................................................. 307

10.5.2 Mathematics for Natural Sciences ................................................................................................ 313
10.5.3 Global Affairs ................................................................................................................................. 318
10.5.4 Moral and Civics ............................................................................................................................ 323
10.5.5 Entrepreneurship and Business Development .............................................................................. 328
10.5.6 General Biology ............................................................................................................................. 335
10.5.7 Economics ...................................................................................................................................... 340
10.5.8 Communicative English Language Skills I ...................................................................................... 349
10.5.9 Communicative English Language Skills II ..................................................................................... 364
10.5.10 General Chemistry ..................................................................................................................... 374
10.5.11 Introduction to Emerging Technologies .................................................................................... 383
10.5.12 Critical thinking .......................................................................................................................... 389
10.5.13 Inclusiveness .............................................................................................................................. 398
10.5.14 History of Ethiopia and the Horn ............................................................................................... 410
10.5.15 Anthropology of Ethiopian Societies and Cultures .................................................................... 420
10.5.16 Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn......................................................................................... 426
10.5.17 Physical fitness........................................................................................................................... 439
10.5.18 General Psychology ................................................................................................................... 443

1 Background

As a discipline of science, physics is concerned with the development of knowledge needed to

understand the nature of the physical world through rational and empirical means of inquiry, that is,
through careful arguments and well-designed experiments. The means of inquiry has the general
pattern of observing, measuring and describing natural phenomena and predicting the future and
retracing the past from current observations. The scientific enterprise is continuously advancing both
the rational and empirical ways of constructing knowledge, which has a direct impact on the design of
science curricula.

The science curriculum should not only portray science as a body of knowledge but also as a way of
knowing. Studies show that when students understand the way of knowing in science, their ability to
engage successfully in scientific arguments and investigations will advance; they can also provide
evidence-based explanations of events in the natural world. Research in science education also
indicates that the purpose and end of physics teaching and learning need to be producing well-
informed citizenry by bringing current, relevant, real world science into the classroom. The physics
curriculum should therefore, be constantly upgraded to that effect.

The Physics Curriculum should emphasize, among other things, foundational knowledge and real-world
skills; it should also stress societal needs in relation to the implications of the findings of physics in all
walks of lives ranging from the way we perceive reality to gadgets of everyday use. In addition, the
curricular content and structure must be designed not only around the needs of the learners but also
to challenge their imaginations with abstract concepts in the different fields of physics and make them
appreciate inventions and technologies that continuously change human lives.

In the past, the goal of the undergraduate physics curriculum was to produce physics graduates mostly
to address the pedagogical needs of the country. Although, some graduates were able to make it to
higher learning and research institutions in Ethiopia, public and private sector demands for trained
physicists have increased over the years. To address such and similar concerns, several curriculum
revisions and overhaul were carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, other
Ministries and Commissions. The most recent curriculum overhaul, Harmonized/Modularized BSc
Physics Curriculum (HESC2009/2013), has used for almost ten years until now. Besides, many
universities running natural science programs emerged in the last three decades, requiring new
educational goals and curricular perspectives for nascent disciplines.

As partly mentioned above, curriculum revision is crucial primarily to address the changes in the
market demand, and owing to the dynamic nature of the content and methods of science itself.
Second, the new educational roadmap demands inclusion of new freshman courses and has risen the
time for BSc study from three to four years. Third, the Higher education policy (MoSHE, 2020)
underlines the need for quality higher education that prepares students for more meaningful lives.

It is, therefore, imperative to revise and update the harmonized BSc physics program that has been
around since 2009.

2 Rationale

The Higher education policy, issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in December 2020,
stated in its Introduction that quality higher education “prepares students for more meaningful and
satisfying lives and work roles…” Further down in the Rationale part, the policy mentions the intention
to “overhaul and re-energize higher education system” through “revamping the curriculum” and
making it “flexible for learners”. The policy directions toward high quality education to manage the new
educational roadmap with the drastic changes in higher education and demands on the ground
necessitate for the development of physics curriculum. It is required to provide students the

foundations needed to grasp the core concepts, methods, processes and uses of science to recognize
the power of rational explanation, and empirical evidences in explaining and predicting natural

Moreover, current educational trends emphasize graduate profiles (attributes, knowledge and skills)
that enable students keep abreast of the progress in science and technology, and utilize their
knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems and their own.

Specifically, this revision of the BSc curriculum is needed to

• address the needs of a large and heterogeneous student population with varied career aims
while retaining academic rigor;
• provide strong physics and mathematics background needed for later studies in physics and
engineering fields and related careers;
• provide flexible options for student learning to pursue their dream careers, to empower them
in life skills, and expose them to a range of technologies;
• achieve the competencies and skills needed from graduates to deal with society’s demand for
sustainable economic growth and development;
• create all-rounded attributes through the provision of general knowledge that enable graduates
to utilize basic business concepts and professional skills such as teamwork and effective
communication in the workforce.

Based on these observations, and the points raised in the background section, it is necessary to revise
the existing curriculum in several ways as indicated in the next section.

Curricular Changes

1) Revision of the core-curriculum

a. The curriculum framework has been changed from modular-based to semester-based.
b. Some physics courses have been modified or replaced by new ones, as the case may be.

c. Some common courses are modified and some are added from the study areas to widen
students’ general knowledge.
d. The length of BSc study has been changed from three to four years.

2) Incorporation of new developments in science and technology:

The existing Harmonized/Modularized BSc Physics Curriculum (HESC2009/2013) has been revised
to retire some courses while introduction of some courses that reflect new developments in
science and technology has been made.

3) Physics major development issues:

a. Major course revision is made vis-à-vis owing to new developments in Physics and its
i. Course descriptions for some fundamental physics courses have been revised.
ii. Old physics courses have been modified or replaced.

4) Elective courses and career issues in the HESC2009/2013 curriculum

a. Priority towards the country’s GTP harmonization has considered.
b. Lack of expertise/professionals to teach, supervise, etc. has been taken into account.
c. Some grey areas in the mode of elective courses have been dealt with. In the revision,
i. Human and infrastructure developments are given due consideration.
ii. Problems with vast contents and unfocused specializations have been corrected.
iii. Block courses have been changed to 4-credit-hour semester courses.
d. The rigid and difficult nature of the core-curriculum has been made more flexible to give
students more options in specialization area electives. The list of elective courses has been
updated with more options to provide students with a wide spectrum of research
opportunities and future professional careers.
e. Elective courses are indicative of students’ senior projects/theses specialization areas that in
turn determine their science/professional career. Departments have the responsibility to

assign experts in specialization areas who can offer elective courses and supervise subsequent
projects/theses (See, Course policy and quality assurance mechanism).
The electives (Error! Reference source not found.) have accommodated a wide range of physics c
ourses that any student has both the right and obligation to elect one and only one elective
course among these with a minimal grade of C. Implicitly, this binding guideline gears the
student towards his/her future career development or helps to build future vision of the student.

f. In light of Ethiopia’s future science and technology development program, required for special
trainings, the new version has redesigned some of the elective courses that were included in
the HESC2009/2013 curriculum, and some other additional ones under service courses.

3 Vision and Mission

To see qualified Physics BSc graduates who are capable to apply their skills and experience in
contemporary physics applications to solve society problems and have a flexibility of mind that will
help them continue their personal development throughout their subsequent career.

• The Ethiopian Physics BSc Program is committed to produce physics graduates who have
desired academic knowledge, sufficient professional skills, good citizenship, attitudes and skills,
and those ethical and democratic values enshrined in the Ethiopian Constitution.
• The Ethiopian Physics BSc Program is to cultivate physicists who combine a high level of
numeracy with ability to apply their skills, experience for required application areas, and solve
society problems.
• The Ethiopian Physics BSc Program is dedicated to producing a physics graduates with a
flexibility of mind that will help them to continue their personal development throughout their
subsequent career.

4 Objectives
The BSc Physics curriculum has the following general objectives:
• To cultivate physicists who combine a high level of numeracy with the ability to apply their skills
and experience;
• To develop students’ awareness of the role of Physics in contemporary applications, together
with the skills of logical thought and a flexibility of mind that will help them continue their
personal development throughout their subsequent career;
• To lay emphasis on the fundamentals of Physics, whilst offering students a wide range of final
year options that are intended to stimulate the versatility, knowledge and skills that employers
look for in a Physics graduate.
• Ensure quality education in Physics within a stimulating and supportive environment committed
to excellence in Physics (theoretical, experimental, computational, research and community
• To support students develop the ability to carry out experimental or/and other investigations,
analyze the results critically, draw valid conclusions, and communicate their findings both
verbally and in writing;
• To render public consultations in areas closely related to Physics;
• To develop the students ability to work independently and in groups or cooperatively;
• To enhance the capability of the students to work as professional physicists in industries,
research and other institutions/organizations;
• To have enhanced skills in mathematics; problem solving; experimental techniques; scientific
report writing; collecting, analyzing and presenting information;

5 Graduate Profile

The Physics graduates are expected to acquire problem solving and abstract thinking skills. This makes

Physics graduates desirable professionals for various services and career over a wide range of science
and technology innovation, development, critical thinking and decision making, modeling, constructing
laws, tracing laws and principles of natural laws to explain phenomena over a wide range of systems
(from very small to very large system – quarks to galaxies) including new discoveries and explorations.
The graduates are expected to apply the knowledge and skill they obtained on new Science and
Technology applications and reforms for overall socio-economic development of the community

Having completed the BSc Physics program, students should be able to:

• have a solid knowledge and understanding of modern and classical Physics; along with the
associated mathematics and experimental techniques to become instructors at educational
• have preparedness to undertake a postgraduate program in Physics and other related
multidisciplinary postgraduate programs that require BSc in Physics;
• have the capability to work as professional physicists in scientific research; Physics-related
careers in industry, public service or the media;
• be prepared to enter a wide range of professional careers that require and values the
analytical, mathematical and computational skills of a well-trained Physics graduate;
• have acquired an insight into, and have practice in basic methods of independent research;
• have developed the following discipline-specific skills:
➢ investigative skills, to design, carry out, analyze and evaluate experiments;
➢ experimental skills, to use equipment safely; carry out measurements with desired
degree of accuracy in laboratories;
➢ mathematical skills appropriate to the subject; readiness to be trained in specific
professions like Physics teaching, Physics curriculum design and implementation
• have developed the following transferable skills:
➢ information retrieval skills, to gather and extract relevant information from books,
journals and other data sources;

➢ information technology skills, to collect, order, analyze and present data using
computers and other electronic systems;
➢ interpersonal skills, to communicate effectively with others, both in writing and orally,
and to work as part of a team;
➢ the ability to work independently and organize work to meet desired requirements;
➢ in developing local technologies and adapting technologies for local needs;
• have capacity for logical, critical, and objective thinking;
• develop interest to work in group, make reliable decisions, have personal confidence;
• have sense of responsibility and have the commitment to serve the community;

6 Program profile

6.1Admission Requirements
To be admitted to the BSc program in Physics, a candidate:
1) should satisfy the general admission requirements of Ethiopian Universities, and
2) must have at least a grade letter C in all physics and mathematics courses offered in the
preliminary programs; and if an entrance exam is provided, the candidate should score a
minimum of 50% marks in these subjects.

6.2Graduation Requirements
i) A student is required to take a minimum of 148 credit hours.
Table 1: Minimum graduation credit hour

Courses Cr. Hrs

Compulsory Physics 78

Elective Physics 4

Supportive 20

Common 47

Total 149

NB: Universities can have the opportunity to add a maximum of 6cr.hrs depending on their
resources and interest.
ii) The Minimum Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA) at the end should meet the value as
specified below:
Physics Cumulative Grade Point Average 2.00
Overall Cumulative Grade Point Average 2.00
No F in any of the courses

6.3Duration of the study

Once the student has been admitted for regular program, under normal circumstances, he/she is
required to attend the BSc program for four years. However, in case of justifiable academic problems
or the like, in agreement to the general graduation requirements of the program, the students can
extend his/her study according to the University’s legislation.

6.4Degree Nomenclature
English: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Physics
Amharic: የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በፊዚክስ

6.5Mode of Delivery
The program is fully delivered at regular program basis. But, under special cases the program will have
extensions: Summer program, Weekend program, Online and mixed programs with adjustments and
additional guiding principles to be designed by the program unit leaders and main stakeholders
including MoSHE, Universities, etc.

6.6Educational Philosophy

6.6.1 Teaching and Learning Approaches

In general, teaching and learning process during course offering is more of participatory. The

instructors will take a leading role in creating vibrant teaching and learning activities that could assure
adequate knowledge transfer. In practical term, instructors create a participatory system that can
provide a unique opportunity for students to self-reliant reading and solving physics problems in
covering the contents of the courses. Since diverse field of specializations in the program, certainly
there is no unique approach to design uniform methodology for all courses. However, the overview of
the common approach considers the following bases:

I. Lectures, tutorials, self-study (project works), discussions, assignment works, laboratory works,
demonstrations and hands-on exercises, observations, field works/visits, case studies, seminars,
projects, etc.
II. Course detail guideline (Course Details), shall be used for approximate design of the method
to follow for a given specific course that considers the nature of the course.

6.6.2 Assessment Strategies and Evaluation

The assessment of knowledge transfer depends on subject nature. However, the overall course
assessment strategy in the program includes quizzes, assignments, project works, interviews, field
works/visits, class works, demonstrations, presentations, mid exam, projects, final exams and others
based on the nature of the courses.

Moreover, course detail guideline (Course Details), shall be followed for approximate design of the
assessment for a given specific course that considers the nature of the courses. On the other hand, the
following assessment baseline is mandatory for course work:

1) Assignments…………………………….………………… 5 – 15 %

2) Mid exam …………….……………………………………15 – 20 %

3) Final exam………………………………………………… 40 – 50 %

6.7Grading Scale and Letter Grade System
Table 2: Grading system

Raw Mark Corresponding Fixed Corresponding

Interval-[100 %] Number Grade Letter Grade
[90,100] 4.0 A+
[85, 90) 4.0 A
[80, 85) 3.75 A−
[75, 80) 3.5 B+
[70, 75) 3.0 B
[65, 70) 2.75 B−
[60, 65) 2.5 C+
[50, 60) 2.0 C
[45, 50) 1.75 C−
[40, 45) 1.0 D
< 40 0 F

6.8 Course policy and quality assurance mechanism

There is a number of quality assuring indicators and standards used to assess and ensure the qualities
of learning outcomes, among where this curriculum uses; Evaluation and assessment, course policy
guiding principles, course detail and description strategy mechanisms for the purpose.

1) Evaluation and assessment strategies

1. Evaluations include exam regulations, assessment of teaching methods, evaluation of learning

and teaching outcomes, and evaluation of graduation project/thesis.
2. Assessments: execution of student surveys after completing each course; students will be
given unique opportunity to evaluate the courses by filling questionnaires that contain close-
ended and open-ended education quality controlling indicators and standards. Students’
response to the questionnaire will be processed and compiled to determine the strengths and

deficiencies of the education system, and enable decision makers to propose immediate actions
that would address the indicated problems.
3. Additionally, conducting surveys of graduates job positions and activities by establishing alumni
attachments with the program will help to assess the quality of the program. The alumni will
provide valuable information about how the program training has stimulated their knowledge
and skills in analytical and practical thinking, problem solving, decision-making and logical
reasoning which are key elements for the successful completion of their duties and
2) Course policy guiding principles

This guiding principle includes:

• class management strategy: course attendance, class ground rules, etc.;
• course coverage: portion being covered – 85% and above;
• eligibility of the instructor
- the instructor shall have at least MSc. in physics
- Instructors with relevant field of specializations shall offer specialized area courses.
- To offer higher courses, experience shall be taken into account. Departments will
decide for the eligibilities.
- Any elective course shall be offered by instructor(s) with related field of specialization
to the elective.
3) Course detail and description

Course detail guideline (Course Details) shall be strictly followed. This detail is expected to control the
teaching-learning process in the program partly. Thus, plays key roles in quality control and assurance.

7 Option selection and entry-level sequences

7.1Course selection
The Ethiopian Harmonized Physics BSc Program Curriculum (HESC2009/2013) is considered as a
baseline for the selection of courses in the new development. Most of the core-physics courses

selected as compulsory courses in the earlier curriculum are retained as compulsory in the new
development. However, there are major or minor revisions with up to date contents in the new course
description. Besides, there are introduction of some new courses as well as out phased courses in view
of the current progress in physics and its application in general, and Ethiopian current stance in
particular (HESC2009/2013 and Table 3). The new entry compulsory courses include:
1) Fluid and Thermal Physics
2) Introduction to relativity
3) General Astronomy
4) Introduction to Nano Physics
5) Introduction to Laser and Optics
6) Physics of Oscillations and Waves
7) Experiments in Fluid and Thermal Physics
8) Experiments in Oscillations and Waves

Out phased compulsory courses include:

1) Wave and Optics
2) Modern Optics
3) Classical Mechanics II
4) Statistical Physics II
5) Solid State Physics

On the other hand, the majority of Elective Courses in the undergoing program found to be difficult of
managing their aims as addressed in the rationale of this revision. Thus, in the new development the
elective courses are given emphases with specialization issue where the students are advised to elect
for their future career developments. Accordingly, a relatively more study credit and contact hours are
budgeted to the electives due attention. Ultimately, the elected courses decide the graduation
project/thesis work of the students (Error! Reference source not found.).

Finally, in the new development seven new entry compulsory courses are introduced to compensate
out phased course in physics major program, which consider the current knowledge for the new
science and technology of the country.

7.2Course coding, cluster and entry-level sequences

7.2.1 Course Coding for Physics courses
“Phys” followed by four digits code is used for all Physics courses. Meanings of the four digits are:
a. The first digit as read from left to right, indicate the level of the course being in the
subsequent 4 years program, i.e.,
1 – for first year courses

2 – for second year courses

3 – for third year courses

4 – for fourth year courses

b. The second digit that runs from 0-9 indicates various clusters of Physics Courses. The
clustering scheme design considers three features of the courses:
i) Basic physics courses – assigned 0: considered as important courses to cover advanced
courses, or used across other departments as supportive at basic level. These courses
include general physics courses offered at physics department and other departments as
supportive courses.
ii) Physics experiments and Metrology courses – assigned 1: All experiments in physics
and Metrology courses
iii) Specialization area related clusters – run from 2 to 9: Clustering with relative
specialization proximity. These codes also include higher specialization area courses offered

as supportive across other departments (Table 3).

Table 3: Course cluster and structure

2nd digit Cluster Courses Code

General physics Phys 1011

General physics Mechanics Phys 2001

Courses Electromagnetism Phys 2002

Fluid and Thermal Physics Phys 2003

0 Basic physics Physics of Oscillations and Waves Phys 3001

Service physics courses Mechanics for Mathematics Phys X03Y

Mechanics and Heat for Chemists/Geologists Phys X03Y

Electricity and Magnetism for Chemists Phys X03Y

Experiments in mechanics Phys 2101

Experiments in physics Experiments in electromagnetism Phys 2102

Experiments Experiments in Fluid & Thermal Physics Phys 2104

in physics
1 Experiments in Oscillations & waves Phys 3101
Metrology Experiments in electronics Phys 3102

Advanced experimental physics Phys 4102

Metrology Physics Metrology Phys 4122


Metrology Phys X13Y


Specialization area related clusters

2 Statistical and computational physics Statistical physics Phys 4201
related courses
Computational physics Phys 4203

Introduction to relativity Phys 3303

3 Classical, relativity, astronomy and General Astronomy Phys 3302

space physics related courses
Classical Mechanics Phys 3301

Introduction to space & plasma physics Phys 4322

Introduction to Astronomy & Astrophysics Phys 4324

4 Modern Physics Phys 2402

Quantum and Physics Major Quantum Mechanics I Phys 3402

related courses Quantum mechanics II Phys 4401

Introduction to Laser and Optics Phys 4402

Service Modern Physics Phys X43Y

5 Electronics Phys 3502

Condensed matter and related courses Introduction to Condensed matter physics Phys 4501

Introduction to Nano Physics Phys 4502

Material physics & electronic devices Phys 4522

6 Introduction to Atmospheric physics Phys 4622

Atmospheric & Physics Major Energy Physics Phys 4624

environmental Introduction to Geophysics Phys 4626

related physics Environmental Physics Phys 4628

Energy and Environmental physics Phys X63Y

Service Geophysics Phys X63Y

Mathematical Methods of physics I Phys 3701

7 Electrodynamics and Mathematical Mathematical Methods of physics II Phys 3702

Electrodynamics I Phys 3704

Electrodynamics II Phys 4701

Nuclear physics Phys 3802

8 Nuclear and Physics Major Nuclear physics and applications Phys 4822
related physics
Introduction to Medical Physics Phys 4824
Service Medical Physics Phys X83Y

Research methods and Graduate Research Method Phys 4941

9 Senior Research Project/Thesis Phys 4952

Note: Service courses are coded as

i) X03Y – considered as important courses as supportive at basic level across other departments.
- X stands for the year tentatively scheduled at the institute being offered.
- Y stands for the semester tentatively scheduled at the institute being offered.
ii) XA3Y – when considered under specialization and related area courses being offered as supportive
across other departments

- A stands for specialization area clustering when considered in major physics courses.
c. The third digit indicates course categories as:
- Common courses - to the general Ethiopian core-curriculum,
- Core-physics major courses - considered as compulsory,
- Elective courses,
- Physics service courses - offered to other departments, institutes, etc.
- Research method and senior project/thesis categories;
The assigned numbers to the courses grouping are:
0 – Compulsory course
1 – Common course
2 – Elective course
3 – Service course
4 – Research method
5 – Senior project/thesis
d. The fourth digit stands for the semester schedule.
Odd numbers running from 1-9 stand for first semester schedule.
Even numbers running from 0-8 stand for second semester schedule.

7.2.2 Course coding schemes for non-physics courses

• Four-digit coding is used for all Common courses scheduled and distributed by
MOSHE, where the program who owns the course will determine the specifications
of the courses that come before the 4-digits.
• Four-digit coding is used for all Supportive courses where the courses specifications
that come before the 4-digits be determined by the program who owns the course.

7.3 List of courses in the program – major, supportive, service based category
Generally, the lists of courses in the program are categorized as:
1) Compulsory physics courses;
2) Elective physics courses;

3) Service physics courses;
4) Supportive courses;
5) Common Courses;

Table 4: Compulsory Courses

No. Course Title Course Code Credit hrs.
1 Mechanics Phys 2001 4
2 Experiments in mechanics Phys 2101 1
3 Electromagnetism Phys 2002 4
4 Experiments in electromagnetism Phys 2102 2
5 Fluid and Thermal Physics Phys 2003 3
6 Experiments in Fluid & Thermal Physics Phys 2104 1
7 Modern Physics Phys 2402 3
8 Physics of Oscillations and Waves Phys 3003 2
9 Introduction to relativity Phys 3303 3
10 Classical Mechanics Phys 3301 3
11 General Astronomy Phys 3302 3
12 Mathematical Methods of physics I Phys 3701 3
13 Quantum Mechanics I Phys 3402 3
14 Experiments in Oscillations & waves Phys 3101 1
15 Nuclear physics Phys 3802 3
16 Electrodynamics I Phys 3704 3
17 Mathematical methods of physics II Phys 3702 3
18 Electronics Phys 3502 4
19 Experiments in electronics Phys 3102 1
2o Electrodynamics II Phys 4701 3
21 Statistical physics Phys 4201 3
22 Quantum mechanics II Phys 4401 3
23 Introduction to Condensed matter physics Phys 4501 3
24 Computational physics Phys 4203 3

25 Advanced experimental physics Phys 4102 2
26 Introduction to Laser and Optics Phys 4402 3
27 Introduction to Nano Physics Phys 4502 3
28 Research Method Phys 4941 2
29 Senior Research Project/Thesis Phys 4952 3
Total Compulsory Courses Hours 78

Table 5: Physics Elective Courses

No. Course Title Course Code Credit hrs.

1 Material physics & electronic devices Phys 4522 4
2 Introduction to Atmospheric physics Phys 4622 4
3 Introduction to space & plasma physics Phys 4322 4
4 Metrology Phys 4122 4
5 Nuclear physics and applications Phys 4822 4
6 Introduction to Astronomy & Astrophysics Phys 4324 4
7 Introduction to Medical Physics Phys 4824 4
8 Energy Physics Phys 4624 4
9 Geophysics Phys 4626 4
10 Environmental Physics Phys 4628 4
11 Computational Physics and Applications Phys 4222 4

Total elective courses credit hour 4

Table 6: Physics Service Courses

No. Course Title Course Code Credit hrs.
1 Mechanics for Mathematics Phys 2033 3
2 Mechanics and Heat for Chemists & Geologists Phys 2031 4
3 Electricity and Magnetism for Chemists Phys 3031 3
4 Modern Physics Phys X43Y 3
5 Medical Physics Phys X83Y 3
6 Metrology Phys X13Y 3
7 Energy physics Phys X63Y 3
8 Environmental Physics Phys X63Y 3

Table 7: Supportive courses

No. Course title Course Code Credit hrs

1 Calculus I Math 2021 4
3 Introduction to Statistics Stat 2071 3
4 Calculus II Math 2022 4
5 Introduction to computer science Comp 2041 3
6 Linear Algebra Math 3043 3
7 Fundamentals of programming Comp 3041 3
Total Supportive Courses 20

Table 8: Common Courses

No. Course Title Course Code Credit hrs

1 General physics Phys 1011 3
2 Critical thinking LoCT 1011 3
3 Communicative English language skills I FLEn 1011 3
4 Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn GeES 1011 3
5 Mathematics for natural science Math 1011 3
6 General psychology Psch 1011 3
7 Physical fitness (2hrs contact: pass or fail) SpSc 1011 P/F
8 General Biology Biol 1012 3
9 Introduction to emerging technologies EmTe 1012 3
10 Social Anthropology Anth 1012 2
12 Communicative English language skills II FLEn 1012 3
13 Moral and civics MCiE 1012 2
14 General Chemistry Chem 1012 3
15 Economics ECON 1105 3
16 Inclusiveness Incl 2011 2
17 Global Affairs GlaF 2012 2
18 Entrepreneurship and Business Development Mngt 4011 3
Total Common Courses Hours 44

7.4 Semester breakdown of the courses
Year I
Semester I Semester II
No Course title Course Code Cr hr. Course title Course Code Cr hr.
1 Communicative English language skills I EnLa 1011 3 Communicative English language skills II EnLa 1012 3
2 Critical thinking LoCT 1011 3 General Biology Biol 1012 3
3 General physics Phys 1011 3 General Chemistry Chem 1012 3
4 General psychology Psch 1011 3 Introduction to emerging technologies EmTe 1012 3
5 Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn GeES 1011 3 Moral and civics MCiE 1012 2
6 Mathematics for natural science Math 1011 P/F Social Anthropology Anth 1012 2
7 Physical fitness (2 cont. hrs. pass or fail) SpSc 1011 18 Economics Econ-1011 3
Total Credit Hours 19
Year II
Semester I Semester II
No Course title Course Code Cr hr. Course title Course Code Cr hr.
1 Calculus I Math 2021 4 Calculus II Math 2022 4
2 Experiments in mechanics Phys 2101 1 Electromagnetism Phys 2002 4
3 Fluid and Thermal Physics Phys 2003 3 Experiments in electromagnetism Phys 2102 2
4 Inclusiveness Incl 2011 2 Modern Physics Phys 2402 3
5 Entrepreneurship MGMT 1012 3 Global Trends GLAF 2012 2
6 Introduction to computer science Comp 2041 3 Introduction to Statistics Stat 2072 3
7 Mechanics Phys 2001 4 Experiments in Fluid and Thermal Physics Phys 2104 1
Total Credit Hours 20 Total Credit Hours 19
Year III
Semester I Semester II
No Course title Course Code Cr hr. Course title Course Code Cr hr.
1 Classical Mechanics Phys 3301 3 Electrodynamics I Phys 3704 3
2 Experiments in Oscillations and Waves Phys 3101 1 Electronics Phys 3502 4
3 Fundamentals of programming Comp 3041 3 Experiments in electronics Phys 3102 1
4 Introduction to relativity Phys 3303 3 Mathematical methods of physics II Phys 3702 3
5 Linear algebra Math 3043 3 Nuclear physics Phys 3802 3
6 Mathematical Methods of physics I Phys 3701 3 Quantum mechanics I Phys 3402 3
7 Physics of oscillations and Waves Phys 3001 2 General Astronomy Phys 3302 3
Total Credit Hours 18 Total Credit Hours 20
Year IV
Semester I Semester II
No Course title Course Code Cr hr. Course title Course Code Cr hr.
1 Computational physics Phys 4203 3 Advanced experimental physics Phys 4102 2
2 Introduction to Condensed matter physics Phys 4501 3 Elective Phys 4--- 4
3 Electrodynamics II Phys 4701 3 Introduction to Laser and Optics Phys 4402 3
4 Entrepreneurship and Business Development MGMT 4011 3 Introduction to Nano Physics Phys 4502 3
5 Quantum mechanics II Phys 4401 3 Senior research project/thesis Phys 4952 3
6 Statistical physics Phys 4201 3
7 Research method Phys 4941 2
Total Credit Hours 20 Total Credit Hours 15
Total cr. hr. = 149 hour = compulsory physics courses + 4 elective physics course + 20 supportive
courses + 47 common courses

8 Course Details

Under this section the detailed of the courses are provided as much as possible that considers the
nature of the course and others. The common detailing of the courses include: course identity,
rationale and objectives of the course, learning outcomes, contents, methodology, assessment
strategy, guiding principles, standard references, etc. The sample template displayed below

(Template 1: Template for course detail) may be used.

9 References

1. Ethiopian Higher Education Strategic Center Harmonized curriculum for BSc degree program in
physics; 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2. Ethiopian Higher Education Strategic Center Harmonized curriculum for BSc degree program in
physics; 2013. The Modular version of 2009 Harmonized curriculum for BSc degree program in
3. Ministry of Education Curriculum for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Physics, 2019; Addis Ababa,
4. Bologna European Higher Education Area Bologna process;
5. Ethiopian Ministry of Education; Teacher Education System Overhaul (TESO), 2003.
6. Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) letter issued for revision of Ethiopian

BSc curriculum; March 13, 2020 (Megabit 04, 2012 E.C.) to all Ethiopian Universities.
7. Jimma University Physics Department PhD Curriculum for Physics; 2017 Jimma, Ethiopia

Template 1: Template for course detail
1. Course information

Title to appear here

Course title: Course Code: Phys xxxx

Credit hours: Contact hrs: __hrs (__hr lecture + __hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Prior knowledge: approximate subject, field
Academic Year: Semester:
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department:
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description

a. Rationale

b. Objectives of the course

c. Learning outcomes

d. Course Title :

3. Instructional method and strategies

e. Teacher’s activities

f. Students’ activities

4. Assessment strategies

5. Instructional resource and material

6. Course Outline: contents and sub-contents

7. Texts and References

10 List of courses with their descriptions

10.1 Compulsory Physics Courses

10.1.1 Mechanics
1. Course information

Course title: Mechanics Course Code: Phys 2001

Credit hours: 4hrs Contact hrs: 7hrs (4hr lecture + 3hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): General Physics Prior knowledge: Basic Calculus, parallel
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Department:
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Course Rationale
The aim of this course is to develop a sound understanding of the central concepts of mechanics at the
conceptual and analytical level so that solving intermediate practical problems is possible.

b. Course Objective
This course intends to introduce students calculus based mechanics and dynamics of different physical
systems to develop their analytical and practical problems solving skill and understand fundamentals of
mechanics to be utilized in advanced physics courses.
c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• discuss the graphical and analytical methods of vector addition, subtraction and multiplication,
• compute average and instantaneous values of velocity, speed and acceleration,
• derive the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion,
• solve problems involving bodies moving in one and two dimensional space using concepts in
calculus and trigonometry,
• explain some implications of Newton’s laws of motion,
• derive and apply work-energy theorem,
• apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions,
• repeat the procedures followed to solve problems in rectilinear motion for rotational motion,
• demonstrate understanding of Newton’s law of gravitation,
• describe simple harmonic motion and the corresponding problems,

d. Course description
The main topics to be covered are Vector Algebra, Particle Kinematics and Dynamics, Work and Energy,
Conservative Forces and Potential Energy, Dynamics of a System of Particles, Linear Momentum,
Collisions, Rotational Kinematics, Dynamics and Statics of a Rigid Body, Gravitation and Planetary
Motion, Oscillatory Motion.
3. Instructional method and strategies
a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following peer learning and practice,
discussion, demonstration, reading assignments, imaginative (hypothetical condition) based problem,

group work and mastery of problem solving skills, Give worksheet and Assignment, give exercises and
monitor the process, Solve selected questions from worksheets during tutorials.

b. Student’s activities

Students should actively participate in every class as the topics are highly interrelated besides taking
notes, asking questions, solving exercise questions, involving in group activities and getting work done
individually, doing assignments individually and manage their time to preparing for quizzes, mid exam
and final exam to be competent among each other.

4. Assessment strategies
Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on
the following parameters. The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as

• Group /individual assignment …………………………………..…………………………….…… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ………………….……………………........................................................................ 5 - 10%
• Project work ……………..……………………………….…………………………………………..…… 5 – 10%
• Classwork ………………………………………………..…………………….…………………………... 0 – 5%
• Mid exam ………………………………………….……..................................................... 25 - 30%
• Final exam …………….………............................................................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Course Outline
1. Vectors (3hrs)
1.1 Representation of vectors
1.2 Vector addition
1.3 Vector multiplication
1.3.1 Dot (Scalar) product
1.3.2 Cross (Vector) product
1.3.3 Triple scalar product
1.3.4 Triple vector product
1.3.5 Applications of Vector Product
2. One and Two Dimensional Motions (5hrs)
2.1 Average and instantaneous velocity
2.2 Average and instantaneous acceleration
2.3 Motion with constant acceleration
2.4 Projectile motion
2.5 Uniform circular motion
3. Particle Dynamics (5hrs)
3.1 Newton’s laws of motion
3.2 Friction force
3.3 Application of Newton’s laws
4. Work and Energy (4hrs)
4.1 Work done by a constant force
4.2 Work done by a variable force
4.3 Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem
4.4 Elastic potential energy
4.5 Conservative and non-conservative forces
4.6 Conservation of Energy
5. Impulse and Momentum (8hrs)

5.1 Linear momentum and impulse
5.2 Conservation of momentum
5.3 System of particles
5.3.1 Center of mass
5.3.2 Center of mass of a rigid body
5.3.3 Motion of system of particles
5.4 Elastic and inelastic collision
5.4.1 Elastic collisions in one-dimension
5.4.2 Two-dimensional elastic collisions
5.4.3 Inelastic collisions
5.4.4 Systems of variable mass
6. Rotation of Rigid Bodies (6hrs)
6.1 Rotational kinematics
6.1.1 Rotational motion with constant and variable angular accelerations
6.1.2 Rotational kinetic energy
6.1.3 Moment of inertia
6.2 Rotational dynamics
6.2.1 Torque and angular momentum
6.2.2 Work and power in rotational motion
6.2.3 Conservation of angular momentum
6.2.4 Relation between linear and angular motions
7. Gravitation (4hrs)
7.1 Newton’s law of gravitation
7.2 Gravitational field and gravitational potential energy
7.3 Kepler’s law of planetary motion
8. Simple Harmonic Motion (4hrs)
8.1 Introduction to harmonic motion
8.2 Equations of simple harmonic motion

8.2 Pendulum

6. Instructional resources and materials

The instructor is advised to design instructional materials and equipments for demonstration related to
the contents. The design should be communicated to the students beforehand.

7. Recommended References
Course Textbook
• Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 9th ed., Thomson Bruke, 2004.
1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics 12 th ed.,
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th , 2005.
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th ed., 2008.
4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Scientists and
Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005.
5. Young, Hugh D. Sears & Zemansky’s, college physics, 9th ed. 2007.

10.1.2 Experiments in Mechanics
2. Course Information
Experiments in Mechanics

Course title: Experiments in Mechanics Course Code: Phys 2101

Credit hours: 1 hrs Contact hrs: 3 hrs (1 hr Lecture & 2 Lab hours)
Prerequisite(s): General Physics Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory
1. Instructor(s):
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2. Tutor:
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

3. Course description
a. Course Rationale

This laboratory course accompanies the common general physics offered at freshman level, which is
specifically designed for students enrolling to physical science, engineering and medicine covering
topics in basic classical mechanics such as kinematics, Newton's laws, energy, momentum and
oscillations. It will help the students to learn very basic measuring methods and the corresponding
units of measurement.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand and comprehend the basic laws
and concepts of mechanics with the help of rigorous practical works. Moreover, the course helps
learners to design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena and solve problems via
scientific approach.
c. Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course learners should be able to:

➢ Understand the basic laws of physics in a variety of physics courses and the contribution that
physics has made to contemporary society;
➢ investigative skills, including the design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena
and solve problems, the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and the
interpretation of evidence;
➢ understand that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analyzed and predicted using
concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action;
➢ identify, estimate, combine, quote and minimize experimental errors;
➢ use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, and skepticism and
intellectual rigor to evaluate claims;
➢ use mathematics to make predictions of experimental outcomes, with error estimates;
➢ use spreadsheet programs and other mathematical tools to analyze experimental data;
➢ demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
➢ identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and comply with the
safety precautions required;

➢ present the report in a concise report and oral presentations;
➢ appreciate the significance of working in a team spirit.

d. Time Breakdown of the Topics in Experiments in Mechanics

Pedagogical Teachers’ Students’

Weeks Topics
Approaches Tasks/Activities Tasks/Activities
1 General Lecture. Group Deliver an Attend the lesson and
introduction discussion. introduction lecture. take short notes.
about Questioning Make students discuss in Asking and answering
experiment and and answering group. Invite and inspire questions.
report writing students for question.
2 Lecture on the Lecture. Group Deliver lecture on Attend the lesson and
back ground of discussion. mechanics experiments. take short notes Asking
experiments in Questioning and Make students discuss in and answering
mechanics answering. group. Invite and inspire questions.
students to ask
3 Measurements Lecture. Group Give introductory lesson. Submit lab report.
of Mass, discussion. Make students discuss in Attend the lesson
Volume, Experimentatio group. Assist students in and take short notes.
density. n, and data the experimentation. Asking and answering
Local Value of gathering. Check the collected questions. Make an
Acceleration data. experiment and collect
due to gravity data. Improve their
report from the
comments given in the

4 Translational Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
Equilibrium discussion. give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
Vector Forces; Experimentatio introductory lesson. and take short notes.
Determination n, and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
of the static gathering. group. Assist students in questions. Make an
and kinetic the experimentation. experiment and collect
coefficients of Check the collected data. Improve their
friction data. report from the
comments given in the
5 Newton’s Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
Second Law on discussi give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
the Atwood on. introductory lesson. and take short notes.
Machine Experimentatio Make students discuss in Asking and answering
n, and data group. Assist students in questions. Make an
gathering. the experimentation. experiment and collect
Check the collected data. Improve their
data. report from the
comments given in the
6 Conservation of Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
Momentum; discussi give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
Projectile on. introductory lesson. and take short notes.
Motion; Experimentatio Make students discuss in Asking and answering
The Ballistic n, and data group. Assist students in questions. Make an
Pendulum gathering. the experimentation. experiment and collect
Check the collected data. Improve their
data. report from the

comments given in the

7 Centripetal Lecture Collect lab report and Submit lab report.

Force; Group give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
Centrifugal discussion introductory lesson. and take short notes.
force Experiment at Make students discuss in Asking and
and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
gathering the experimentation. Make an experiment
Check the collected and collect data.
data. Improve their report
from the comments
given in the feedback
8 Torques and Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
Rotational discussion. give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
Equilibrium of a Experimentatio introductory lesson. and take short notes.
Rigid Body; n, and data Make students discuss in Asking and
conservation of gathering. group. Assist students in answering questions.
energy; the experimentation. Make an experiment
A Model Pile Check the collected and collect data.
driver data. Improve their report
from the comments
given in the feedback
9 Moment of Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
Inertia and discussion. give feedback. Give Attend the lesson

Rotational Experimentatio introductory lesson. and take short notes.
Motion n, and data Make students discuss in Asking and
gathering. group. Assist students in answering questions.
the experimentation. Make an experiment
Check the collected and collect data.
data. Improve their report
from the comments
given in the feedback
10 Elastic Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
Forces/Hooks discussion. give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
Law Experimentatio introductory lesson. and take short notes.
n, and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
gathering. group. Assist students in questions. Make an
the experimentation. experiment and collect
Check the collected data. Improve their
data. report from the
comments given in the
11 Simple Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
Harmonic discussion. give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
Motion of a Experimentatio introductory lesson. and take short notes.
Spring Mass n, and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
System gathering. group. Assist students in Questions. Make an
The Simple the experimentation. experiment and collect
Pendulum Check the collected data. Improve their
data. report from the
comments given in the

12 Forced Lecture. Group Collect lab report and Submit lab report.
oscillations; discussion. give feedback. Give Attend the lesson
Determination Experimentatio introductory lesson. and take short notes.
of resonance n, and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
frequencies gathering. group. Assist students in questions. Make an
the experimentation. experiment and collect
Check the collected data. Improve their
data. report from the
comments given in the

13-14 Students self-exercise

15 Oral and practical Final Exam

16 Written Final Exam

4. Instructional method and strategies

Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material presented in the form of
handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the instructor. Tutor sessions should be
supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and
preparing formal experimental reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory activities whenever

Additional support will be given based on the feedback and progress of students. All course team
members will participate in supporting students.

Students should read the relevant sections in the Manual and the references, write a report based on
the collected data and improve the next report from the feedback of the previous reports. Attendance
at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be taken at all times.

5. Assessment strategies

All laboratory works will be supervised by the instructor. Lectures will be delivered prior to practical
works. Technical assistants will be available every time a lab is in progress (for arrangement of
laboratory equipments and any check off and other help).
Students are encouraged to team up in groups and discuss among themselves in conducting
experiment. Students will be given laboratory manual from the department. Students should master
the entire experiment and submit individually prepared summarized report (which includes the
purpose, theory, description of the apparatus and procedures used data analysis, quantitative result
with uncertainties, discussion of the results and conclusion). Material and ideas drawn from the
work of others must be properly cited and a list of references must be attached to the summary.

No Type of Assessment Weight

1 Pre-Lab Questions: 5-10 %

2 In-Lab questions (answering 10-15 %
questions during lectures and lab
3 Lab-Reports: 20-30 %
4 Practical 20-30 %
5 written examination 20-25%
Total 100 %
It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between 25 and 30.

6. Recommended References + texts

1. David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and Experimental Design,
Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., (1994).
2. Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Academic press, 2nd ed.,

10.1.3 Fluid and Thermal Physics
1. Course information

Fluid and Thermal Physics

Course title: Fluid and Thermal Physics Course Code: Phys 2003
Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): General Mechanics Prior knowledge: kinematics, dynamics
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory
1) Instructor(s):
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor:
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Course Rationale
The aim of this course is to develop a sound understanding of the central concepts of fluids and
thermal physics at the conceptual level so that solving relevant and practical problems is possible. A
calculus-based approach is adopted for simplifying complexities in solving problems regarding fluid
flow, hydrostatic hydrodynamic and thermal phenomenon. Emphasis will be given to basic
understanding rather than the development of mathematical theory. It also describes the fundamental
concepts of fluid behavior under both static and dynamic conditions to enable the learner to analyze
many practical problems in which fluid are the working medium. Greater attention has been given to
temperature, thermal energy transfer, thermodynamic laws and heat engines in order to engage
students to participate in practical works such laboratory activity and identifying devices working with
fluids and thermodynamics laws. Moreover, thermal conductivity and black body radiations is
discussed to elicit the learner to visualize and recap the basic knowledge of thermal properties of
matter and blackbody radiations.

b. Course Objectives

In this course, students will understand the phenomenon of fluid statistics and fluid dynamics. In
addition, they will also understand the laws of thermodynamics and thermal properties of matter from
macroscopic and microscopic point of view and develop a habit of solving problems.

c. learning outcomes

After completing this course, students will be able to:

 Explain characteristics of fluids at rest,

 States Archimedes’ and Pascal’s principles
 Describe fluid flow, continuity equations and flow rate,
 Explain Bernoulli’s equations and its applications.
 Explain hydrodynamics and aerodynamics,

 Compare and contrast the classical and modern aerodynamic theory.
 Use the concept of temperature to explain thermal equilibrium
 Explain thermal expansion of solids, real and apparent expansions of liquids and gases
 Explain the Kinetic theory of gases.
 Use laws of thermodynamics to sketch state variable relation diagrams and determine work done from
the diagram.
 State the second law of thermodynamics and determine the efficiency of engines
 Explain entropy, second law of thermodynamics, and third law of thermodynamics
 Differentiate reversible and irreversible process
 Explain Equipartition theory of energy and apply to solve problems
 Explain molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure and volume
 List some of the mechanisms of heat transfer
 Describe the phenomenon of thermal conductivity and rate of thermal energy flow
 Explain thermoelectric effect, thermal diffusivity and black body radiations.

d. Fluid and thermal physics contents and sub contents

The contents included in this course are: Basics of fluid statics and dynamics like Archimedes’s
principle, Bernoulli’s equations; basic concepts of heat and thermodynamics; kinetic theory of gases;
reversible and irreversible processes; entropy, laws of thermodynamics

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teachers activity

The teacher will prepare self-study module (lecture note), arrange students for group work, prepare
and give assignments, gives students’ independent activities, and gives quiz, mid exam and final exam
respectively, at the end of each chapters, at the mid semester and end of the semester. The instructor
has to check students group and individual works, arrange makeup and tutorial class if necessary, and
give counseling services depending on the conditions, and behavior of students. Besides the instructors
are expected to give a brief introduction of each laboratory activities and check students lab work

b. Students activity

In this course, students are expected to participate actively rather than sitting idle. To this end, a
students attending this course are expected to do assignment with in the specified period, prepare
short notes, participate in classroom instructions, perform simple demonstrations and experiments,
write laboratory report and submit in time, observe and bring some valuable but cheap materials from
their surrounding for the purpose of demonstrations. In addition, students are advised not to miss any
classroom instructions.

4. Assessment strategies

In this course students will assessed both during the course of instruction and at the end of
instructions. To this end, formative and summative assessment, techniques will be handled.

The proposed continuous assessment activities are as follows.

• Group /individual assignment …………………….………………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz …………………………………………………............................................................... 5 - 10%
• Project work ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%
• Classwork …………………………………..……………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………….................................................................. 25 - 30%
• Final exam ………………………………...................................................................... 40 - 50%
All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional
resource and material

Instructors can use a variety of instructional media and resource, which is relevant to the contents.
However, Handouts, LCD, computer, prepared power point, markers, white board and black board will

be used for the course of instructions. Some relevant demonstrational tools are important to help
students understand the concepts very well.

6. Course Outline
1. Fluid Mechanics (8hr)
1.1 Fluids and elasticity
1.2 Surface tension and capillarity actions
1.3 Fluid statistics
1.4 Variation of Pressure with Depth
1.5 Pressure Measurements
1.6 Buoyant Forces and Archimedes’ Principle
1.7 Fluid Dynamics
1.8 Factors affecting fluid flow
1.9 Transition from laminar to turbulent flow
1.10 Flow rate and Continuity equations
1.11 Bernoulli’s Equation and its applications
2. Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics (6hr)
2.1. Hydrostatics
2.1 The ideal fluid approximation
2.2 The hydrodynamic equations
2.3 Aerodynamics
2.3.1 Classical aerodynamic theory
2.3.2 Modern aerodynamic theory

3. Thermodynamics (4hr)
3.1 Temperature and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
3.2 Thermometers and Temperature Scale
3.3 Measurement of low temperatures
3.4 Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids
3.5 Macroscopic Description of an Ideal Gas

4. The First Law of Thermodynamics (6hr)

4.1 Heat and Internal Energy
4.2 Specific Heat and Calorimetry
4.3 Latent Heat
4.4 The First Law of Thermodynamics and its applications
4.5 Work done at constant volume and pressure
4.6 The law of Heat exchange

5. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Heat engines (8hr)

5.1 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
5.2 Heat engines, Heat Pumps and Refrigerators
5.3 Reversible and Irreversible Processes
5.4 The Carnot’s, Gasoline and Diesel Engines
5.5 The concept of Entropy microstates
5.6 Entropy and the Second Law of thermodynamics
5.7 Efficiency of heat engines and coefficient of performance
5.8 The third law of thermodynamics

6. The Kinetic Theory of Gases (6hr)

6.1 Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas
6.2 Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas
6.3 Distribution of Molecular Speeds
6.4 The Equipartition of Energy
6.5 Adiabatic Processes for an Ideal Gas

7. Thermal conductivity and black body radiation (7hr)

7.1 Mechanism of Heat Transfer
7.2 The rate of Heat flow (Stefan & Boltzmann law)
7.3 Measurement of thermal conductivity
7.4 Thermal conductivity due to conduction electrons
7.5 Thermoelectric effects
7.6 Thermal diffusivity
7.7 Black body radiation

7. Recommende
d References

Textbook: Raymond A. Serway- John W. Jewett, Jr. Physics for scientists and engineers with Modern
edition, 9th, March 2012.


1. Halliday and
Resnick, Fundamentals of physics, edition, 9th, 2011.
2. R. T. Jones,
classical and modern aerodynamic theory, June 18, 1979.
3. Hugh D. Young and
Roger A. Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics 12th. ed., 2008.
4. Munson, Young,
Okiishi, and Huebsch, and Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, 6th edt. 2009.

10.1.4 Experiments in Fluid and Thermal Physics
1. Course information
Experiments in Fluid and Thermal Physics

Course title: Experiments in Fluid and Thermal Physics Course Code: Phys 2104
Credit hours: 1 hrs Contact hrs: 3 hrs (1 hr lecture + 2
Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory
1) Instructor(s):
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor:
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Course Rationale

This laboratory course accompanies Fluid and Thermal Physics course that the students are expected
to do the arrangements of the experimental equipments setup, and then collect data, and reporting
which would support the theoretical background obtained in the topics of the course.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand and comprehend the basic laws
and concepts of Fluid and thermal physics with the help of rigorous practical works. Moreover, the
course helps learners to design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena and solve
problems via scientific approach.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course learners should be able to:
➢ Understand the basic laws of physics in a variety of physics courses and the contribution that
physics has made to contemporary society;
➢ investigative skills, including the design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena
and solve problems, the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and the
interpretation of evidence;
➢ understand that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analyzed and predicted using
concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action;
➢ identify, estimate, combine, quote and minimize experimental errors;
➢ use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, and skepticism and
intellectual rigor to evaluate claims;
➢ use mathematics to make predictions of experimental outcomes, with error estimates;

➢ use spreadsheet programs and other mathematical tools to analyze experimental data;
➢ demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
➢ identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and comply with the
safety precautions required;
➢ present the report in a concise report and oral presentations;
➢ appreciate the significance of working in a team spirit.

d. Time Breakdown of Topics in Experiments in Fluid and Thermal Physics

Pedagogical Teachers’ Students’

Weeks Topics
Approaches Tasks/Activities Tasks/Activities
1 General Lecture group Deliver an introduction Attend the lesson and take
Overview of discussion lecture. short notes Asking and
experiments Questioning Make students discuss in answering
in fluid and and group. questions
thermal answering Invite and inspire
physics students for question.
2 Elasticity: Lecture group Give introductory lesson. Attend the lesson and take
Young’s discussion. Make students discuss in short notes.
Modulus; Experimentati group. Asking and answering
Torsional on and data Assist students in the questions. Make an
vibrations gathering. experimentation experiment and collect
and torsion Check the collected data.
modulus; data. Improve their report
Measureme from.
nt of fluid

2 Archimedes’ Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
Principle and discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
Buoyancy Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
3 Bernoulli's Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
theorem discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
demonstrati Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
on on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
4 Laminar- Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
turbulent discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
transition for Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
flow in a on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
tube gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect

experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.

5 Equation of Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
state of ideal discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
gases Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
6 Thermal and Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
electrical discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
conductivity Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
of metals on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
7 Stefan- Lecture. Collect lab report and Submit lab report
Boltzmann’s Group give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
law of discussion. Give introductory lesson. short notes.
radiation Experimentati Make students discuss in Asking and answering

on and data group. questions. Make an
gathering. Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
8 Heat of Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
Fusion of Ice; discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
Heat of Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
Vaporization on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
of water gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
9 Vapour Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
pressure of discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
water at Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
high on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
temperature gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
10 Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
Mechanical discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
equivalent of Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
heat on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
gathering. group. questions. Make an

Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.

11 Measureme Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
nt of the discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
specific Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
capacity of on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
metals gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from. the
comments given in the
12 Heat Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
capacity of discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
gases Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
Newton’s on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
Law of gathering. group. questions. Make an
Cooling-The Assist students in the experiment and collect
Time experimentation data.
Constant of Check the collected Improve their report
a data. from.

13 Thermal Lecture group Collect lab report and Submit lab report
expansion in discussion. give feedback. Attend the lesson and take
solids and Experimentati Give introductory lesson. short notes.
liquids on and data Make students discuss in Asking and answering
gathering. group. questions. Make an
Assist students in the experiment and collect
experimentation data.
Check the collected Improve their report
data. from.
14 Practical
Final Exam
15 Written Final Exam

3. Instructional method and strategies

Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material presented in the form of
handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the instructor. Tutor sessions should be
supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and
preparing formal experimental reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory activities whenever

Additional support will be given based on the feedback and progress of students. All course team
members will participate in supporting students.

Students should read the relevant sections in the Manual and the references, write a report based on
the collected data and improve the next report from the feedback of the previous reports. Attendance
at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be taken at all times.

4. Assessment strategies

All laboratory works will be supervised by the instructor. Lectures will be delivered prior to practical
works. Technical assistants will be available every time a lab is in progress (for arrangement of
laboratory equipments and any check off and other help).
Students are encouraged to team up in groups and discuss among themselves in conducting
experiment. Students will be given laboratory manual from the department. Students should master
the entire experiment and submit individually prepared summarized report (which includes the
purpose, theory, description of the apparatus and procedures used data analysis, quantitative result
with uncertainties, discussion of the results and conclusion). Material and ideas drawn from the work
of others must be properly cited and a list of references must be attached to the summary.

No Type of Assessment Weight

1 Pre-Lab Questions: 5-10 %

2 In-Lab questions (answering 10-15 %
questions during lectures and lab
3 Lab-Reports: 20-30 %
4 Practical 20-30 %
5 written examination 20-25%
6 Total 100 %
It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between 25 and 30.

5. Recommended References + texts

1. David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and Experimental Design,
Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.
2. Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Academic Press, 2nd ed.,

10.1.5 Electromagnetism
1. Course information

Course title: Electromagnetism Course Code: Phys 2002

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge: electricity and magnetism

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: II

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
1) Instructor(s):
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor:

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The purpose of this course is to make learners conceptualize understand and describe the basic and
advanced concepts of electromagnetism with utilization of calculus. Electromagnetism is a
fundamental part of classical physics with considerable technological applications. The course
constitutes a basis for further studies in physics, electrical engineering and materials science. After
passing the course, the student will be able to account for basic theories in electrostatics, electrical

circuits, stationary electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction, and further be able to apply the
theory in different advanced courses of physics.

b. Course Objectives
➢ To impart knowledge on the concepts of electrostatics, electric potential, energy density and their
➢ To impart knowledge on the concepts of magnetostatics, magnetic flux density, scalar and vector
potential and its applications.
➢ To impart knowledge on the concepts of Faraday‘s law, induced emf and Maxwell‘s equations.
➢ To impart knowledge on the concepts of Concepts of electromagnetic waves and Transmission lines.
c. Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the students will be able to:

➢ explain the basic concepts of electric charge, electric field and

electric potential
➢ apply vector algebra and calculus in solving different problems
in electricity and
➢ analyze direct and alternating current circuits containing
different electric elements and solve circuit problems
➢ describe properties of capacitors and dielectrics
➢ describe the magnetic field and solve problems related to the
magnetic field and
magnetic forces.
➢ discuss about electromagnetic induction
➢ state Maxwell’s equation in free space
➢ describe some applications of Maxwell’s equations
➢ Describe electromagnetic radiation in medium and free space.

d. Course Content

This course is intended as a calculus-based introduction to electromagnetism and related topics. This
includes: Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field, Gauss’ Law, Electric Potential, Electric Potential Energy,
Capacitors and Dielectrics, Electric Circuits, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, Magnetic Field, Biot-Savart
Law, Ampere’s Law, Charging and discharging a capacitor, Electromagnetic Induction, Circuits with
time-dependent Currents, Maxwell’s Equations, Faraday’s and Lenz’s law, Inductance, RL circuits,
Principles of electric motors.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following peer learning and practice,
discussion, demonstration, experimentation, reading assignments, imaginative (hypothetical
condition) based problem, group work and mastery of problem solving skills, animations are

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problem associated with the respective topic.

4. Assessment strategies

Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is practiced
at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is
assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters. The
continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ……………………..………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ………………………………........................................................... 5 - 10%
• Project work …………………………..……………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Classwork …………………………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam ………………………........................................................ 25 - 30%
• Final exam …………………….......................................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of
the course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and materials:

➢ Laboratory resources such as: Voltmeters, Ammeters, ohmmeters etc. Van de Graff generator, Circuit
elements such as capacitors, resistors inductors and coils. Locally developed materials.
➢ Computational lab facilities and animation software such as PhET.

6. Course Outline
1. Electric Charges and Electric Fields (4 hrs.)
1.1. Properties of electric charges
1.2. Coulomb’s law
1.3. Electric field due to point charge
1.4. Electric dipole
1.5. Electric field due to continuous charge distribution
1.6. Motion of charged particles in electric field
1.7. Gauss’s law
2. Electric Potential (4 hrs.)
2.1. Electric potential energy
2.2. Electric potential due to point charges
2.3. Electric potential due to continuous charge distribution
2.4. Relations between electric field and potential
2.5. Equipotential surfaces
3. Capacitance and Dielectrics (4 hrs.)
3.1. Capacitance
3.2. Combination of capacitors
3.3. Capacitors with dielectrics

3.4. Electric dipole in an external field
3.5. Electric field energy
4. Direct Current Circuits (4 hrs.)
4.1. Electric current and current density
4.2. Resistance and Ohm’s law
4.3. Resistivity of conductors
4.4. Electrical energy, work and power
4.5. Electromotive force
4.6. Combinations of resistors
4.7. Kirchhoff’s rules
4.8. RC circuits
5. Magnetic Force (3 hrs.)
5.1. Properties of magnetic field
5.2. Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor
5.3. Torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field
5.4. Motion of charged particles in magnetic field
5.5. Hall effect
6. Calculation of Magnetic Field (4 hrs.)
6.1. Source of electric field
6.2. Bio-Savart’s law
6.3. The force between two parallel conductors
6.4. Ampere’s law and its application
7. Electromagnetic Induction (7 hrs.)
7.1. Magnetic flux
7.2. Gauss’s law in magnetism
7.3. Faraday’s law of induction
7.4. Lenz’s law
7.5. Induced emf (including motional emf)
7.6. Induced electric field
7.7. Displacement current
8. Inductance (4 hrs.)

8.1. Self-inductance and mutual inductance
8.2. RL circuits
8.3. Energy in magnetic field
8.4. Oscillations in an LC circuits
9. AC Circuits (6 hrs.)
9.1. AC sources and phasors
9.2. Resistors in an AC circuits
9.3. Inductors in an AC circuits
9.4. Capacitors in an AC circuits
9.5. The RLC series circuit
9.6. Power in an AC circuit
10. Maxwell’s Equations (4 hrs.)
10.1. Maxwell’s equations
10.2. Electromagnetic waves
11. Principles of Electric Motors (3 hrs.)
11.1. Electric motors
11.2. Overview about safety considerations in electricity
12. Electromagnetic Wave (4 hrs)
12.1. Displacement Current
12.2. Wave equation
12.3. Electromagnetic spectrum

6. Text book and references

Text book
➢ R.A. Serway and J.W. Jewett (2014). Physics for scientists and Engineers, second edition, Boston, USA.

Reference books

➢ D. Halliday and R. Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics.

➢ Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers.

10.1.6 Experiments in Electromagnetism
1) Course information
Experiments in Electromagnetism

Course title: Experiments in Electromagnetism Course Code: Phys 2102

Credit hours: 2 hrs Contact hrs: 6 hrs (2 hr lecture + 4 lab.hrs.)
Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge: High school concepts of
Academic Year: electricity and magnetism
College/Faculty/Institute: Semester: II Year: II
Program: Undergraduate Offering Department: Physics
Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory
1. Instructor(s):
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2. Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Course Rationale

This laboratory course accompanies the physics course Phys 2002, which covers the phenomena,
concepts and laws of electricity and magnetism, and electrical circuits where the students will
experiment the theoretical formulations presented in the theoretical course work. It will help the

students being motivated for further experimentations in electronics and optics in the subsequent

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand and comprehend the basic laws
and concepts of electromagnetism with the help of rigorous practical works. Moreover, the course
helps learners to design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena and solve problems via
scientific approach.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course learners should be able to:
➢ Understand the basic laws of physics in a variety of physics courses and the contribution that
physics has made to contemporary society;
➢ investigative skills, including the design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena
and solve problems, the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and the
interpretation of evidence;
➢ understand that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analyzed and predicted using
concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action;
➢ identify, estimate, combine, quote and minimize experimental errors;
➢ use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, and skepticism and
intellectual rigor to evaluate claims;
➢ use mathematics to make predictions of experimental outcomes, with error estimates;
➢ use spreadsheet programs and other mathematical tools to analyze experimental data;
➢ demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
➢ identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and comply with the
safety precautions required;
➢ present the report in a concise report and oral presentations;
➢ appreciate the significance of working in a team spirit.

d. Time Breakdown of the Topics in Experiments in Electromagnetism

Teachers’ Students’

Weeks Topics Pedagogical Tasks/Activiti Tasks/Activ

Approaches es ities

1-2 Calibration of a Voltmeter and Lecture. Lecture. Help Read

an Ammeter from a Discussion. design reference
Galvanometer; Learning by experiment. material
doing. Preparing and before
implementing in- laboratory
lab and pre-lab session.
questions. Giving Design and
feedback. perform the
writing report.
3-6 Verification of Ohms law and Lecture. Lecturing, Read
the law of combination of Discussion. Help design reference
resistors; Learning by experiment, material
Determination of internal doing. Preparing and before
resistance of a Cell; implementing in- laboratory
Temperature dependence of lab and pre-lab session Design
different resistors questions Giving and perform
and diode; feedback. the
Force acting on a current- experiment,
carrying conductor; writing report,
Characteristic curves of a solar presentation

Verification of
Kirchhoff’s Law;

Study the electrical Lecture. Lecturing. Read

characteristics of an AC-circuit Discussion. Help design reference
containing RLC circuit elements Learning by experiment. material
in series; doing. Preparing before
Study of AC circuits using and laboratory
oscilloscope; implementing in- session Design
Determination of unknown lab and pre-lab and perform
resistance using Wheatstone questions Giving the
bridge; feedback. experiment,
writing report,
7-9 presentation
10-11 Determination of capacitance Lecture. Lecturing. Read
and inductance with Discussion. Help design reference
Wheatstone bridge; Learning by experiment. material
Faraday’s law of induction; doing. Preparing before
Charging and discharging a and laboratory
capacitor (RC-the time implementing in- session Design
constant); lab and pre-lab and perform
Electrical fields and potentials questions Giving the
in the parallel plate capacitor; feedback. experiment,
writing report,
12-13 Measurement of the horizontal Lecture. Lecturing. Read
component of the Earth’s Discussion. Help design reference
magnetic field strength; Learning by experiment. material

Measurement of the magnetic doing. Preparing before
dipole moment of a bar and laboratory
magnet by the method of implementing in- session Design
Gauss; lab and pre-lab and perform
Magnetic field outside a questions Giving the
straight conductor; feedback. experiment,
Magnetic field inside a writing report,
conductor; presentation
Ferromagnetic hysteresis;
Magnetic induction;
Inductance of solenoids.
14 Students self-exercise

15 Oral and Practical Examination

16 Written Final Examination

3) Instructional method and strategies

Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material presented in the form of
handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the instructor. Tutor sessions should be
supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and
preparing formal experimental reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory activities whenever

Additional support will be given based on the feedback and progress of students. All course team
members will participate in supporting students.

Students should read the relevant sections in the Manual and the references, write a report based on
the collected data and improve the next report from the feedback of the previous reports. Attendance
at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be taken at all times.

4) Assessment strategies

All laboratory works will be supervised by the instructor. Lectures will be delivered prior to practical
works. Technical assistants will be available every time a lab is in progress (for arrangement of
laboratory equipment and any check off and other help).
Students are encouraged to team up in groups and discuss among themselves in conducting
experiment. Students will be given laboratory manual from the department. Students should master
the entire experiment and submit individually prepared summarized report (which includes the
purpose, theory, description of the apparatus and procedures used data analysis, quantitative result
with uncertainties, discussion of the results and conclusion). Material and ideas drawn from the
work of others must be properly cited and a list of references must be attached to the summary.

No Type of Assessment Weight

1 Pre-Lab Questions: 5-10 %

2 In-Lab questions (answering 10-15 %
questions during lectures and lab
3 Lab-Reports: 20-30 %
4 Practical 20-30 %
5 written examination 20-25%
6 Total 100 %
It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between 25 and 30.

5) Recommended References + texts

1. David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and Experimental Design,
Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.

2. Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Academic Press, 2nd ed.,

10.1.7 Modern Physics
1) Course information
Modern Physics

Course title: Modern Physics Course Code: Phys 2402

Credit hours: 3hrs Contact hrs.: 5hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Mechanics (Phys2001) Prior: General Physics

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: II

College/Faculty/Institute: Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2) Course Description
a. Rationale

The course is intended to provide the early 20th century major developments in Physics where
Classical physics in many areas had failed to describe physical principles. Mainly, the idea of absolute
space where the classical theory of coordinate transformations has framed upon it, failed to answer
the constancy of speed of light in vacuum. The discrepancy between empirical results and the classical

theory of electricity and magnetism; the incompatibility between experiment and classical theory of
blackbody radiation; experimental results of statistical thermodynamics of solids and the failure of
classical theory to explain the experiments; were some of the very early problems that have duly
suggested for the birth of modern physics. In addition, new discoveries such as nuclear radiation and
the mismatch of experimental results with the classical atomic model; New experimental facilities and
enhancement of mathematical modeling either from empirical results or thought models and a way of
testing the models are some of the keys that have led to new developments and the progress of
modern physics. Therefore, in this course the students will learn and apply solving quantitative
problems, explain and reason concepts and principles qualitatively through imaginative thinking and
thought experiments in physics that makes them ready to learn quantum mechanics and other modern
physics in the subsequent years.

b. Objectives of the Course

The main objective of the course is to introduce the students to fundamental aspects of modern
physics, relating them to everyday applications. It aims to introduce students to frontiers of modern
physics and illustrate the benefits that scientific investigation brings to society to unveil the
contribution of science in the improvement of the quality of life and help students appreciate
developments in modern physics.

c. Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the students will be able to:

• Define the major 20th century developments in Physics.
• Compare and contrast Modern Physics with Classical Physics.
• State the fundamental views of the Theory of Special Relativity.
• Apply Special Relativity to the solution of problems involving time dilation, length contraction,
simultaneity, relativistic momentum, and relativistic energy
• Define the experimental basis of the Quantum Theory of Matter.

• Apply quantum methods in the solution of problems involving atomic spectra, blackbody
radiation, the photoelectric effect, X-ray emission, the structure of the atom, and one
dimensional potentials.
• Define and explain cutting edge of 21st century Physics and its relation to Modern Physics
theories developed in the 20th century.
• Analyze relativistic corrections to distances and time intervals relevant to real physical
• Apply concepts related to the wave-nature of particles to various kinds of microscopy such as
electron and scanning tunneling microscopy as well as material characterization such as
electron diffraction.
• Contrast the various characters of the electromagnetic spectra emitted by stars, atoms,
molecules, metals and evaluate the nature (i.e. size, constitution etc) of the source based on
• Apply the principles of quantum mechanics to predict the chemical properties of various atoms
• Demonstrate understanding of the scientific method of work and the evolution of physics from
the classical to its modern era.
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of electric and magnetic phenomena in everyday
• Explain radioactivity and discuss different aspects of nuclear energy in nuclear reactors and in
the universe.
• Describe the modern aspects of statistical and solid state physics perspectives in contrast to the
classical counterpart

d. Modern Physics : Content and sub contents

The main contents of the course include; an overview of some limitations of Classical Physics
concepts, Special relativity, Particle properties of Electromagnetic Radiation, Wave properties of

matter, Atomic Structure, Modern perspectives of Statistical Mechanics, Modern perspectives of
Solid-State Physics. Sub-contents of the course are as given under the Course outline.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning, help students develop problem-solving skills,
design both thought and practical experiments to support students for imaginative thinking and
practical applications to learn concepts.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, thought experiments and imaginative thinking and solving problems
associated with the respective topics. Identify the place of modern physics in secondary school physics
contents in order to relate the contents that they learnt to the secondary school physics contents.

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters

Note The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ………………………………………. 5 – 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………................. 5 - 10%
• Project work ……………………………………………………….…5 – 10%
• Interview ……………………………………………….……………. 0 – 5%

• Field visit/Work …………………………………..…………………..0 – 5%
• Classwork ………………………………………..……………..….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam ……………………………………................................... 20 - 25%
• Final exam …………………………………….................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5) Course Outline
1. Overview of some limitations of Classical Physics concepts: Review for Modern Physics
1.1 Classical relativity
1.2 Classical Electricity and Magnetism
1.3 Blackbody Radiation
1.4 Particles and Waves
1.5 Atomic Structure
1.6 Classical statistical distributions of particles
1.7 Some classical concepts of Solid State physics
1.8 Conservation Laws and Fundamental forces
1.9 Astronomy and cosmology
2. Special relativity
2.1 The Michelson-Morley Experiment
2.2 Einstein’s Postulates
2.3 The Lorentz Transformation
2.4 The Lorentz Velocity Transformation Equations
2.5 Time Dilation and Length Contraction
2.6 Relativistic Linear Momentum
2.7 Relativistic Energy
2.8 Relativistic forms of momentum and Newton’s Laws

2.9 Conservation of relativistic momentum and energy
2.10 Electromagnetism and special relativity
2.11 Experimental tests of special relativity
3. Particle properties of Electromagnetic Radiation
3.1 Wave-Particle Dualism
3.2 Photoelectric Effect
3.3 Quantum Theory of Light
3.4 Compton Effect/Scattering
3.5 X-ray diffraction and Bragg’s law
3.6 Black Body Radiation
3.7 Derivation of Plank’s Radiation Law
4. Wave properties of matter
4.1 De Broglie Waves
4.2 Wave function and its Interpretation
4.3 De Broglie wave velocity
4.4 Phase and Group velocities
4.5 Particle Diffraction
4.6 Uncertainty Principle and its Application
5. Atomic Structure
5.1 Atomic Models
5.2 The Nuclear Atom
5.3 Electron Orbits
5.4 Atomic Spectra
5.5 Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels and Spectra
5.6 Correspondence Principle
5.7 Nuclear Motion
5.8 Atomic Excitations
6. Modern perspectives of Statistical Mechanics

6.1 Statistical Distributions
6.2 Molecular Energies in an Ideal Gas
6.3 Quantum Statistics
6.4 Specific Heats of Solids
6.5 Free Electrons in a Metal
6.6 Electron-Energy Distribution
7. Modern perspectives of Solid-State Physics
7.1 Molecular Bonds
7.2 Energy States and Spectra of Molecules
7.3 Bonding in Solids
7.4 Free-Electron Theory of Metals
7.5 Bond Theory of Solids
7.6 Electrical Conduction in Metals, Insulators, and Semiconductors
7.7 Semiconductor Devices
7.8 Super Conductivity

6) Instructional resource and material

➢ Michelson-Morley experiment kit
➢ Computational lab facilities and animation software such as PhET.

7) References
1. Beiser, A. (2003, 6th Edition). Concepts of Modern Physics
2. Serway, R.A., Moses, C. J. and Moyer, C.A. (2005, 3rd Edition). Modern physics
3. Serway, R.A. and Jewett, Jr, J. W. (2014, 9th Edition). Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics
4. Krane, K.S. (2009, 3rd Edition). Modern physics
5. Thornton, S.T. and Rex, A. (2013, 4th Edition). Modern physics For Scientists and Engineers

10.1.8 Physics of Oscillations and Waves
1) Course information
Physics of Oscillations and Waves

Course title: Physics of Oscillations and Waves Course Code: Phys 3001

Credit hours: 2 hrs Contact hrs: 3 hrs (2 hrs lecture + 1 hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge: concepts of vibrations

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: III

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department:

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
This course is mainly aimed at introducing concepts of waves. Emphasis is given to distinguish various
types of waves which paves a way for in depth understanding of sound, optics and the corresponding

b. Course Objective
This course intends to give students an understanding of oscillations and waves and an appreciation of
their importance in the study of physics with the use of mathematical tools used in their analysis
utilizing calculus.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• describe basic laws and principles of mechanical and electromagnetic waves,

• associate vibrations with the creation of mechanical waves,
• distinguish different types of waves,
• demonstrate the application of Physics laws in music and musical instrument,
• demonstrate understanding of the superposition principle,
• exhibit understanding of the geometrical description of different properties of light,
• describe the reflection and refraction phenomena,
• exhibits understanding of approaches employed in nature of light,
• develop understanding of the concept of electromagnetic waves,
• develop problem solving skills related to principles of electromagnetic waves,

d. Course Description
Vibrations, Periodic Motions, Resonance, Coupled Oscillation, Types of Waves, Mechanical Wave,
Sound, Music and Musical Instruments, Superposition of Waves, Standing Waves, Group and Phase
Velocities, Nature of Light, Characteristics of electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Electromagnetic
Spectrum, Geometric Optics, Reflection, Refraction, Propagation of light in material medium.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and solving problems and
show application sectors, show some simple demonstrations.
b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice during demonstrations in classes.

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews,
assignment, field work, etc. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on
the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………................................................. 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………………….…………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………............................................. 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………................................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5) Instructional resource and material

• Strings, and any oscillatory system, Computational lab facilities and animation software such as
PhET, etc. are used.

6) Course Outline
1 Vibrations (5 hrs)
1.1 Periodic motion

1.2 Vibration and waves

1.3 Types of vibrations

1.4 Sound

1.5 Music and musical instruments

1.6 Resonance

1.7 Coupled Oscillation

2 Types of Waves (9 hrs)

2.1 Mechanical waves

2.2 Standing Waves and Normal Modes

2.3 Transverse and longitudinal waves

2.4 Wave velocity

2.5 Phase velocity and group velocity

2.6 Amplitude and intensity of Waves

2.7 Vector addition of amplitude

2.8 Frequency and wavelength

2.9 Wave packets

2.10 Many dimensional waves

3 Superposition of Waves (6 hrs)
3.1 Vector addition of amplitudes

3.2 Superposition of two wave trains of the same frequency

3.3 Superposition of many waves with random phases

3.4 Complex waves

3.5 Addition of simple harmonic motions

4 Mechanical Waves (9 hrs)

4.1 Properties of mechanical waves

4.2 Periodic mechanical waves

4.3 Mathematical description of a wave

4.4 Reflections and superposition

4.5 Standing Waves and Normal Modes

4.6 Longitudinal Standing Waves

4.7 Interference

4.8 Sound and Hearing

4.8.1 Producing a Sound Wave

4.8.2 Characteristics of Sound Waves

4.8.3 Interference of Sound Waves

4.8.4 The Speed of Sound

4.8.5 Sound Intensity

4.8.6 Beats

4.8.7 The Doppler Effect

5 Simple Harmonic Motion (6 hrs)

5.1 Definitions of quantities that describe periodic motion

5.2 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

5.3 Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion

5.4 Frequency and Period of an Object in Simple Harmonic Motion

6 Electromagnetic Waves (10 hrs)

6.1 Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves

6.2 Speed of an Electromagnetic Wave

6.2.1 A Simple Plane Electromagnetic Wave

6.2.2 Characteristics of electromagnetic waves in vacuum

6.3 The electromagnetic spectrum

6.4 Propagation electromagnetic waves

6.5 Sinusoidal Waves

6.6 Nature of light

6.7 Reflection and refraction

6.8 Refractive index and optical path

6.9 Reversibility principle

6.10 Propagation of light in material medium

7) Course References and Textbooks
Course Textbook

1. F. A. Jenkins and H. A. White, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill, 4 th ed., 2001.

2. Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6 th ed., Thomson Bruke, 2004.

Reference Books

1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics 12 th ed.,
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4 th , 2005
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th ed., 2008

4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Scientists and
Engineers, 3 rd ed., 2005
5. Eugene, Hecht, Optics: International edition, 4 th ed., 2003
6. H. J. Pain, The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, John Wiley and Sons, 5th ed., 1999.

10.1.9 Experiments in Oscillations and Waves
1. Course Information

Experiments in Oscillations and Waves

Course title: Experiments in Oscillations and Waves Course Code: Phys 3101

Credit hours: 1 hrs Contact hrs: 3hrs.(1hr Lecture + 2 lab. hrs)

Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge: Basic mathematics

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: III

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1)Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2)Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description

a. Course Rationale
This laboratory course accompanies the physics course, Phys 3001, which covers basic waves and
oscillation topics that include: Waves sources and motion, sound wave, light wave properties
(Interference, Diffraction, Newton’s Rings, Dispersion), Holography, Electron diffraction, Fiber Optics

that the students will experiment the theoretical formulations presented in the theoretical course
work. Based on laboratory facilities at the departments, some experiments may be optional. However,
the students are expected to do at least 10 experiments out of the outlined experiments. This
laboratory course will help the students to gain further experimental skills to do advanced optics and
related experiments in the subsequent courses.

b. Course objective

The general objective of this experiment is to enable learners understand and comprehend the basic laws and
concepts of the physics of oscillations and waves with the help of rigorous practical works. Moreover, the course
helps learners to design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena and solve problems via scientific

c. Learning Outcomes

➢ Understand the basic laws of physics in a variety of physics courses and the contribution that physics
has made to contemporary society;

➢ investigative skills, including the design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena and
solve problems, the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and the
interpretation of evidence;

➢ understand that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analyzed and predicted using
concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action;

➢ identify, estimate, combine, quote and minimize experimental errors;

➢ use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, and skepticism and intellectual
rigor to evaluate claims;

➢ use mathematics to make predictions of experimental outcomes, with error estimates;

➢ use spreadsheet programs and other mathematical tools to analyze experimental data;

➢ demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;

➢ identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and comply with the safety
precautions required;

➢ present the report in a concise report and oral presentations;

➢ appreciate the significance of working in a team spirit.

d. Course Description

Selected experiments from topics of Waves and Optics Physics, at least 14, will be conducted.

3. Method of Teaching

Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material presented in the form of handouts
(manuals) and with necessary support from the instructor. Tutor sessions should be supplemented with (on-line)
notes, error analysis and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and preparing formal experimental reports.
Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.

Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory activities whenever possible.

4. Time Breakdown of Topics

Wee Teachers’
Topics Pedagogical Students’ Tasks/Activities
ks Approaches Tasks/Activities

1 General Overview of Lecture Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning and

experiments in Waves and answering
Asking and
Optics physics

2 Wave Motion and Sound Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and
Learning by answering
Wavelengths in the air by Lead supervised
the sound waves of practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data

different frequencies collection and report writing

Speed of sound in air

Superposition of Waves

3 Interference Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Learning by answering
Michelson Interferometer Lead supervised
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
Jamin Interferometer
collection and report writing

4 Diffraction Lecture by Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Learning answering
Diffraction from a Circular Lead supervised
and rectangular aperture practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
collection and report writing
HeNe Laser diffraction

dispersive power of grating-

normal incidence

Diffraction from a Slit

Newton’s Rings Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Learning answering
5 Determination of Lead supervised
wavelength of Light practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing

Refractive index of ordinary Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

and extraordinary ray Learning answering
Lead supervised
6 practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing

Dispersion Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and
Learning answering
7 Dispersive power of prism Lead supervised
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing

Study of Polarization and Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Absorption of light Learning answering
8 Lead supervised
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing

9 Holography Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Learning answering
Hologram recording Lead supervised
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
Hologram reconstruction
by collection and report writing

10 Electron diffraction Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Learning answering
Lead supervised
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing

11 Fiber Optics Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Learning answering
Measurement of Numerical Lead supervised
aperture practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing
Measurement of Speed of

Study of Optically Active Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

12 Substances Learning answering

Lead supervised
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data

by collection and report writing

13 Magnification with Convex Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Lenses and the Compound Learning answering
Lead supervised
Microscope doing
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing

• Solar Lecture Deliver lecture Proactive in questioning and

Energy Learning answering
14 Lead supervised
(measure solar doing
practical exercises Hands-on practical works Data
by collection and report writing

15 Practical Final Exam

16 Written Final Exam

5. Assessment

All laboratory works will be supervised by the instructor. Lectures will be delivered prior to practical works.
Technical assistants will be available every time a lab is in progress (for arrangement of Lab. equipment’s and
Lab. check off and any other help).

Students are encouraged to team up in groups and discuss among themselves in conducting experiment.
Students will be given laboratory manual from the department. Students should master the entire experiment
and submit individually prepared summarized report (which includes the purpose, theory, description of the
apparatus and procedures used data analysis, quantitative result with uncertainties, discussion of the results
and conclusion). Material and ideas drawn from the work of others must be properly cited and a list of
references must be attached to the summary.

No Type of Assessment Weight

1 Pre-Lab Questions: 10 %

2 In-Lab questions (answering questions 15 %

during lab sessions and preparedness):

3 Lab-Reports: 30 %

4 practical 25 %

6 written examination 20 %

Total 100 %

It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between 25 and 30.

6. Recommended References

1. Ch. Degu, B. Kuma, K. shogile and Ch. Gashu, Experimental Physics III, Jimma University, 2020.

2. F. A. Jenkins and H. A. White, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill, 4th ed., 2001

3. David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and Experimental Design,

Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.

4. Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Academic Press, 2nd ed., 2003.


10.1.10 Introduction to Relativity
1) Course information
Introduction to Relativity

Course title: Introduction to Relativity Course Code: Phys 3303

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Classical mechanics, calculus II Prior knowledge: parallel to classical mechanics

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: III

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
Einstein’s relativity theory, both special and general, is increasingly important in contemporary physics
on the frontiers of both the very largest distance scales (astrophysics and cosmology) and the very
smallest (elementary particle physics). Thus, this course introduces the basic ideas and equations of
Einstein's Theory of Relativity that will benefit the learners to apply in advanced courses and
applications in their physics career including Quantum, radiation, field theory, Astronomy, Cosmology.

b. Objectives of the course
The general objective of the course is to enable learners in order to understand and comprehend the
fundamental concepts and equations in Relativity where that will support the learners to implement in
advanced courses and applications in their physics career including research work.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course learners will be able to:
• Give geometrical description of space-time
• Explain the principles of spacetime and gravity in Newtonian physics
• Identify the main criticisms of the principles of Newtonian physics
• Describe Spacetime in Special Relativity
• Provide geometric structure of Special Relativistic space-time
• Work physics problems, principles and applications under Special Relativistic Mechanics
• Define the concepts and principles of General Relativity
• Distinguish geometrical descriptions and implications among the Newtonian, Special Relativistic
and General Relativistic Principle stand point.
• Apply basic relativity equations to solve problems.

d. Introduction to Relativity: contents

This course main topics includes: Geometry as physics, Spacetime and gravity in Newtonian physics,
Spacetime in Special Relativity, Geometric structure of Special Relativistic space-time, Transformation
of the electromagnetic fields in Special Relativity, Energy and momentum in Special Relativity, Special
Relativistic Mechanics, The curved Spacetimes of General Relativity, Description of curved spacetime,
Geodesics , Results of General Relativity.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in problem
solving and developing their own review works.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice and learn through problem solving.

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, assignment. On
the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………....................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………….………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview……………………………………………………………….………………………… 0 – 5%

• Field visit/Work ……………………………………………………..……………..………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ………………………………………………………………..…………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam……………………………………………………….................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………....................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5) Instructional resource and material

Special lecture notes, videos from expertise in the field, documentary films on the development of the
scientific antiquities and principles, and special demonstrations will be used with care.

6) Course Outline
1. Geometry as physics
1.1. Gravitational physics
1.2. Gravity is geometry
1.3. Experiments in geometry
1.4. Different geometries
1.5. Specifying geometry
1.6. Coordinate and line element
1.7. Coordinate and invariance
2. Space, time, and gravity in Newtonian physics
2.1. Absolute Space and Time
2.2. Geometric properties of the Space
2.3. Galileo and the Laws of Motion
2.4. Change of Coordinates between Frames in Relative Motion
2.5. Principle of Inertia
2.6. Principle of Relativity
2.7. Newtonian gravity
2.8. Gravitational and inertial mass
2.9. Maxwell’s Electromagnetism
2.10. In search of Ether and the path towards Einstein Special Theory of Relativity

3. Space and Time in Special Relativity
3.1. Postulates of Special Relativity
3.2. Length Contractions and Time Dilatations
3.3. Lengths Transversal to Motion
3.4. Composition of Motions
3.5. Transversal Components of the Velocity
3.6. Events and World Lines
3.7. Coordinate Lines of S’ in the Space-Time diagram of S
3.8. Lorentz Transformations
3.9. Comparing Clocks in Different Frames
3.10. Velocity and Acceleration Transformations
3.11. Doppler Effect
3.12. Transformation of Light
3.13. Transformation of a Plane Wave
3.14. Propagation of Light in Material Media
4. Geometric Structure of Special Relativistic Space-Time
4.1. Interval
4.2. Calibration Hyperbola
4.3. Light Cone
4.4. Timelike-Separated Events
4.5. Twin Paradox
4.6. Spacelike-Separated
4.7. Velocity Parameter: Rapidity
4.8. Wigner Rotation
5. Transformation of the electromagnetic fields in Special Relativity
5.1. The Electromagnetic Plane Wave
5.2. Transformation of E and B
5.3. Charge and current transformations

5.4. Field of a uniformly moving charge
5.5. Transformation of fields in material media
5.6. Moving dipoles fields
5.7. Lorentz force transformation
5.8. Electromagnetic field Invariants
6. Energy and momentum in Special Relativity
6.1. Conservation Laws
6.2. Energy and Momentum of a Particle
6.3. Energy–Momentum Invariant: Force
6.4. Charge Movement in Uniform Fields
6.5. Center-of-Momentum Frame
6.6. Phenomena Derived from Mass–Energy equivalence
6.7. Center of Inertia
6.8. Elastic Collisions
6.9. Interaction between Electromagnetic Radiation and Matter
7. Special Relativistic Mechanics
7.1. Four-vectors
7.2. Metric
7.3. Special Relativistic kinematics
7.4. Special Relativistic Dynamics
7.5. Variational principle for free particle motion
8. The curved Spacetimes of General Relativity
8.1. The Equivalence of Gravitational and Inertial Mass
8.2. The Equivalence Principle
8.3. The Inertial–Gravitational Field
8.4. Clocks in gravitational field
8.5. The Global Positioning System
8.6. Spacetime is curved

9. Description of curved spacetime
9.1. Coordinates
9.2. Metric
9.3. Local inertial frames
9.4. Light cones and world lines
9.5. Length area, volume
9.6. Vectors in curved spacetime
10. Geodesics
10.1. The geodesic equation and its solutions
10.2. Symmetries and conservation laws
10.3. Local inertial frames and freely falling frames
10.4. Riemannian Geometry
10.5. Motion of a freely gravitating particle
10.6. Covariant Derivative. Minimal Coupling
10.7. Riemann Tensor. Einstein Equations
11. Results of General Relativity
11.1. Schwarzschild Solution. Black Hole
11.2. Inertial Movement in Schwarzschild Geometry
11.3. Light Deflection in Schwarzschild Geometry
11.4. Kruskal-Szekeres Coordinates
11.5. Cosmological Models
11.6. Evolution of the Universe
11.7. Non-Machian Solutions. Cosmological Constant
11.8. Problems of the Standard Big-Bang Model
11.9. Experimental Tests

7) Texts and References

1. James B. Hartle (2003). Gravity: An introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity
2. Bernard F. Schutz (2009, 2nd Edition). A First Course in General Relativity

3. Rafael Ferraro (2007). Einstein’s Space-Time: An Introduction to Special and General

10.1.11 Nuclear Physics
1. Course information
Nuclear Physics

Course title: Nuclear Physics Course Code: Phys 3802

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Prior knowledge: concepts of charges, fields,
Prerequisite(s): Electromagnetism
and potentials
Academic Year:
Semester: II Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Enrollment: Regular
Program: Undergraduate
Course Status: Compulsory

1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
Reviewing atomic structure focusing on Thomson and Bohr Theory of the atomic model and
introduction to the energy levels and the atomic spectra leads to a prior information about the nuclear
models, size and properties of the atomic nucleus and the phenomena of radioactivity. Theoretical
models, that describe the atomic nucleus, offer fascinating insights in to the nature of the physical
world. The study of Nuclear reactions, radioactivity, decay and detection of radiation provide an insight
about the nature of particle interaction and the state of excitation and stability. Applications of the
nuclear physics provides an essential encouragement of the learners to proceed their education in the
area of Nuclear Physics and nuclear engineering.

b. Course objective
This aim of this course is to acquaint student with basic knowledge about nuclear physics concepts as well as
about different possibilities of nuclear physics applications and to enable them attain skills to evaluate specific
nuclear physics parameters.

c. Learning Outcomes
Up on completion of the course Nuclear Physics I students should be able to:

➢ explain the properties of atomic structure,

➢ describe the key properties of the atomic nucleus, with the aid of an underlying theoretical framework,
➢ explain about the difference of nuclear reactions from chemical reactions and use nuclear models to
explain about the nuclear structure
➢ have an understanding and appreciation of the principles of nuclear Physics, and to explore their
➢ apply the nuclear Physics concepts and principles learnt in class to solve problems,
➢ develop skills for analytical thinking that will be useful for problem-solving in other fields.

d. Course Description
Review of Atomic Structure, Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels, Atomic nuclei, Rutherford’s scattering
experiment, Nuclear Properties, Binding-Energy, Nucleon separation Energies, Radioactive decay, Instability of
Nuclei, Alpha and Beta Decay, Gamma Transition selection rules, Exponential Decay and growth, Nuclear
Models, Fermi Gas Model, Liquid Drop Model, Shell Model, Collective Motion in Nuclei, Introductory Nuclear
Reaction, Conservation Laws, Energetics, Stages of Nuclear Reaction, Radiation Detection and Measurement,
detectors, Applications of Nuclear Physics, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Energy
Applications (Nuclear Reactor).

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following group work and mastery of problem
solving skills, gapped lecture with the presentation of charts and diagrams based on existing
measured data, possible field visit.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, thought experiments and imaginative thinking and solving problems
associated with the respective topics. Field trip and excursion followed by a well-organized field

4. Assessment methods

Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve
student progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering,
interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning
is also administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method
comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ……………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………………................ 5 - 10%
• Project work ………………………………………………..………..…………..… 5 – 10%
• Field visit/Work …………………………………………………………….……… 0 – 5%
• Class activity.………………………………….……………….………………….... 0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………………………............................. 20 - 25%
• Final exam …………………………………………………........................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quiz, two assignment, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment with reallocation of their respective weights.

5. Instructional resource and material

Sodium iodide detector, Gamma detector, Different radioactive sources, Multi-channel analyzer, etc and
all instructional materials available like white board and white board marker, LCD, etc.

6. Course Outline
1.1. Atomic Models
1.2. Electron Orbits
1.3. Atomic Spectra
1.4. Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels
1.5. Atomic Excitation and Decay
2.1. Nuclear size
2.2. Rutherford’s scattering experiment
2.3. Rutherford’s scattering formula
2.4. Composition of Nuclei,
2.5. Nuclear Properties, mass, charge, spin, magnetic moment and electric moment
2.6. Binding-Energy Systematics
2.7. Nucleon separation Energies
3.1. Instability of Nuclei
3.2. Alpha Decay
3.3. Spontaneous Fission,
3.4. Beta Decay
3.5. Parity violation in beta decay
3.6. Gamma Transitions
3.7. Exponential Decay
3.8. Growth of Radioactive Products,
4.1. Nuclear Forces,
4.2. Nuclear Matter,
4.3. Fermi Gas Model,
4.4. Liquid Drop Model
4.5. Weizsacker Semi Empirical Mass formula

4.6. Shell Model,
4.7. Collective Motion in Nuclei
5.1. Types of Reactions
5.2. Conservation Laws
5.3. Energetics of Nuclear Reactions
5.4. Stages of Nuclear Reaction
5.5. Overview of Reaction Cross Section
6.1. Interaction of Radiation with Matter (charged particles and Electromagnetic radiation),
6.2. Gaseous Ion Collection Methods,
6.3. Semiconductor Detectors,
6.4. Detectors Based on Light Emission,
7.1. Trace Element Analysis
7.2. Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
7.3. Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine
7.4. Nuclear Energy Applications (Nuclear Reactor)

7. Text books and references

➢ Gerhart Friedlander, Joseph W. Kennedy; NUCLEAR AND RADIOCHEMISTRY, 3rd Edition, John
wiley & sons, Columbia University (1981)

➢ Robley D. Evans, THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS, McGraw-Hill Inc., Bombay (1955)

➢ H.R. Verma, ANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR METHODS, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ( 2007)

10.1.12 Mathematical Methods of Physics I
1. Course information
Mathematical Methods of Physics I

Course title: Mathematical Methods of Physics I Course Code: Phys 3701

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Calculus II Prior knowledge: concepts of differential and
integral calculus
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: III
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
1) Instructor(s):
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor:

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course aims to introduce students to some of the mathematical techniques that are most
frequently used in Physics, and to give students experience in their use and application. The course is
offered in Semester I of their second year so that Physics students will have an opportunity to develop
all the mathematical skills required for core Physics courses. Emphasis is placed on the use of
mathematical techniques rather than their rigorous proof.

b. Course Objective

The objectives of this course are to:

➢introduce students to the use of mathematical methods to solve physics problems; and
➢provide students with basic skills necessary for the application of mathematical methods in physics

c. Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

➢ make series expansions of simple functions and determine their asymptotic behavior;
➢ perform basic arithmetic and algebra with complex numbers;
➢ manipulate vectors and matrices and solve systems of simultaneous linear equations;
➢ calculate partial and total derivatives of functions of more than one variable;
➢ evaluate single, double and triple integrals using commonly occurring coordinate systems;
➢ apply differential operators to vector functions;
➢ apply Stakes’ and Gauss’s theorems;
➢ solve simple first-order differential equations and second-order differential equations with constant
➢ recognize the Dirac delta function and be aware of its properties;
➢ make a Fourier-series expansion of a simple periodic function;
➢ obtain the Fourier transform of a simple function;
➢ tackle, with facility, mathematically formed problems and their solution;

d. Course description

This course includes topics relevant for solving physical problems which we encounter in different
courses of physic. These are: Averages and Distribution Functions, Graphs and Least square fit, Power
Series and Applications, Complex numbers and the Euler Identity, Errors and Numerical Methods;
Separable, Exact, Linear , Numerical Integration; Homogenous, Inhomogeneous, Series Solutions of
ODEs, Numerical Solution of DEs, the Laplace Transform Method; the Wave Equation and Principle of
Superposition, Standing Waves and Harmonics, Fourier Series, Parseval’s Theorem and Frequency
Spectra, Solutions of Inhomogeneous DEs, Fourier Transform and the Dirac Delta Function.

3. Instructional method and strategies
a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following peer learning and practice,
discussion, demonstration, reading assignments, imaginative (hypothetical condition) based
problem, group work and mastery of problem solving skills, Give worksheet and Assignment, Give
exercises and monitor the process, Solve selected questions from worksheets during tutorials.

b. Student’s activities

Students should actively participate in every class as the topics are highly interrelated besides taking
notes, asking questions, solving exercise questions, involving in group activities and getting work done
individually, doing assignments individually and manage their time to preparing for quizzes, mid exam
and final exam to be competent among each other.

4. Assessment strategies

Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is practiced
at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is
assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters. The
continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment …………………………………………..…… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ………………….…………………….................................................... 5 - 10%
• Project work ………………………………….………………………………………… 5 – 10%
• Classwork …………………………………..…………………….…………………….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………….............................................. 25 - 30%
• Final exam …………….………............................................................ 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Course Outline
1. Distribution Functions, Graphs and Approximations (10 hrs.)
1.1. Averages and deviations
1.2. Distribution functions
1.3. Applications of distribution functions
1.4. Linear graphs
1.5. Least-square fit
1.6. Power series and its application
1.7. Complex numbers and the Euler identity
1.8. Errors and introduction to numerical methods
2. First-Order Differential Equations (12 hrs.)
2.1. First-order equations: Separable
2.2. First-order equations: Exact
2.3. First-order equations: Linear
2.4. Numerical integration
3. Second-Order Differential Equations (10 hrs.)
3.1. Second-order equations: Homogeneous
3.2. Second-order equations: Inhomogeneous
3.3. Series solution of ordinary differential equations
3.4. Numerical solutions of differential equations
3.5. Laplace transform method
4. Waves and Fourier analysis (15 hrs.)
4.1. Waves
4.2. Partial Differentiation
4.3. Wave Equation

4.4. Principle of Superposition
4.5. Standing Waves and Harmonics
4.6. Fourier Series
4.7. Parseval’s Theorem and Frequency Spectra
4.8. Solutions of Inhomogeneous differential equations
4.9. Fourier transforms ad the Dirac Delta functions
6. Text book and references
Text book
➢ Stround K.A. and Booth D.J. (2003). Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th edition, Paulgrave.

Reference books

➢ Arfken G.B. and Weber H.J., Mathematical methods for physicists (6th ed.), Academic Press, (2006).
➢ Spiegel M.R., Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Schaum Outline Series, McGraw-Hill,
➢ Donald A. McQuarrie, Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, University Science Books,
➢ Lambourne R. and Tinker M. Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Wiley, (2000).

10.1.13 Mathematical Methods of Physics II
1. Course information
Mathematical Methods of Physics II

Course title: Mathematical Methods of Physics II Course Code: Phys 3702

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Mathematical Methods of Physics I Prior knowledge: concepts in differential and
Academic Year: integral calculus
College/Faculty/Institute: Semester: II Year: III
Program: Undergraduate Offering Department: Physics
Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course aims to give learners a deeper understanding of and greater competence in some central
mathematical ideas and techniques used in Physics with the emphasis on practical skills rather than
formal proof. Students will acquire skills in some key techniques related directly to the advanced
courses they will meet in their final year.

b. Course Objective

The objectives of this course includes equipping students with advanced mathematical techniques to
solve problems in advanced physics courses and formulate different problems following all
mathematical steps without loss of physical reality. It enables students study different principles and
special functions, understand vector spaces and introduce to techniques of solving boundary value

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

➢solve partial differential equations by separation of variables;

➢calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors and apply the techniques to physical problems;
➢use basis vectors to transform differential operator equations to matrix form and hence apply Eigen
equation techniques;
➢obtain approximate solutions to differential equations through the use of perturbation theory.
➢develop analytical and numerical skills in mathematics;
➢formulate problems logically;
➢present and justify mathematical techniques and methods;

d. Course Content
This course contains topics like: algebra of vectors, basis vectors and components, vector spaces,
matrix algebra, numerical methods for matrices, coordinate transformation, Four-vectors, eigenvalue
problem; time derivatives of vectors, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, fields and the gradient, fluid
flow and the divergence, circulation and the curl, conservative forces and the Laplacian, electric and
magnetic fields, vector calculus expressions and identities; functions of a complex variable,
differentiation and integration, Cauchy integral formula and Laurent Expansion; Singularities, poles
and residues, applications; introduction to PDEs, the wave equation, Laplace’s equation, Orthogonal
functions and the Sturm-Liouville problem; Special Functions: Legendre, Bessel and Hermite

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following peer learning and practice,
discussion, demonstration, reading assignments, imaginative (hypothetical condition) based
problem, group work and mastery of problem solving skills, Give worksheet and Assignment, Give
exercises and monitor the process, Solve selected questions from worksheets during tutorials.

b. Student’s activities

Students should actively participate in every class as the topics are highly interrelated besides taking
notes, asking questions, solving exercise questions, involving in group activities and getting work done
individually, doing assignments individually and manage their time to preparing for quizzes, mid exam
and final exam to be competent among each other.

4. Assessment strategies

Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is practiced
at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is
assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters. The
continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment …………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ……………………………………………………................................ 5 - 10%
• Project work ……………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%
• Classwork …………………………………..………………………….………….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………….......................................... 25 - 30%
• Final exam ……………………………….............................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Course Outline
1. Vectors and Matrices (10 hrs.)
1.1. Vectors, basis vectors and components
1.2. Vector spaces
1.3. Matrix algebra
1.4. Numerical method for matrices
1.5. Coordinate transformations
1.6. Four-vectors
1.7. The eigenvalue problem
2. Vector calculus (12 hrs.)
2.1. Time derivatives of vectors
2.2. Fluid kinematics and dynamics
2.3. Fields and the gradient
2.4. Fluid flow and the divergence
2.5. Circulation and the curl
2.6. Conservative forces and the Laplacian
2.7. Electric and magnetic fields
2.8. Vector calculus expressions and identities
3. Complex Variables (8 hrs.)
3.1. Functions of complex variables
3.2. Differentiation and integration
3.3. Cauchy integral formula and Laurent expansion
3.4. Singularities, poles and residues
3.5. Applications
4. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) (16 hrs.)

4.1. Introduction to PDEs
4.1.1. Simple second order differential equations and common varieties
4.1.2. Harmonic oscillator, Schrödinger equations
4.1.3. Poisson’s equation
4.1.4. Wave equation and diffusion equation
4.2. Wave equation revisited
4.3. Laplace’s equation
4.3.1. Laplacian family of equations in physics
4.3.2. Mechanics of the techniques
4.3.3. Separation of variations
4.3.4. Form of solutions
4.3.5. General solutions in series form
4.3.6. Relation to Fourier series
4.3.7. Initial conditions: spatial boundary conditions and time dependence
4.4. Orthogonal functions and the Sturm-Liouville problem
4.5. Special functions
4.5.1. Hermite
4.5.2. Legendre
4.5.3. Bessel
6. Text book and references
Text book
➢ Tai L. Chow (2003). Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A Concise Introduction, Cambridge University
Press (Virtual Publishing).

Reference books

➢ Spiegel M.R., Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Schaum Outline Series, McGraw-Hill,
➢ Arfken G.B. and Weber H.J., Mathematical methods for physicists (6th ed.), Academic Press, (2006).
➢ Stround K.A. and Booth D.J. (2003). Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th edition, Paulgrave.

➢ Donald A. McQuarrie, Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, University Science Books,
➢ Lambourne R. and Tinker M. Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Wiley, (2000).

10.1.14 Electronics
1. Course information

Course title: Electronics Course Code: Phys 3502

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3 hrs lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Electromagnetism (Phys 2002) Prior knowledge:

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: III

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1)Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2)Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course Description
a. Course Rationale
This course is intended to provide basic concepts and practices of electronics. It is structured in such a
way that the learner has to go through the activities as prescribed for maximum attainment. This
course is helps to appreciate and apply basic electronic concepts and circuits in instrumentation and

b. Course Objective
The objective of this course is to introduce the students about the semiconductor devices and their
properties. It also aims to familiarize the students about electronics devices such as transistor, FET and
operational amplifier and introduce digital electronics.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
➢ explain charge carrier generation in intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors;
➢ explain formation and application of a P-N junction;
➢ design and analyze diode circuits (e.g. power supply circuits);
➢ explain how a Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT) works;
➢ design and analyze basic BJT circuits in various configurations (CE, CC, CB);
➢ explain how a Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) works(some theory);
➢ design and analyze JFET circuits in both configurations (CD, CS);
➢ explain how a MOSFET works (theory);
➢ design and analyze MOSFET circuits;
➢ explain the construction of the operational amplifier;
➢ design, analyze and synthesize operational amplifier circuits;
➢ manipulate numbers in various bases (2,8,10,16);
➢ apply Boolean algebra in design of logic circuits;
➢ design, analyze and synthesize logic circuits (multiplexer, decoders, Schmitt triggers, flip-flops, registers);
➢ explain the operation of a transducer in various modes (strain, light, piezo, temp);
➢ explain and apply transducer signal conditioning processes;
➢ apply conditioned signal in digital form;
➢ Explain the systems level components of a microprocessor.

d. Course Description
Review of Energy band theory, Network theories and Equivalent circuits, PN Junction and the Diode
Effect, Circuit, Applications of Ordinary Diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) Common Emitter
Amplifier, Common Collector Amplifier, Common Base Amplifier, Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET),

JFET Common Source Amplifier, JFET Common Drain Amplifier, The Insulated-Gate Field Effect
Transistor, Multiple Transistor Circuits, Open-Loop Amplifiers, Ideal Amplifier, Approximation Analysis,
Open-Loop Gain, Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Combinational Logic, Multiplexers
and Decoders, Schmitt Trigger, Two-State Storage Elements, Latches and Un-Clocked Flip-Flops,
Clocked Flip-Flops, Dynamically clocked Flip-Flops, One-Shot Registers, Transducers, Signal
Conditioning Circuits, Oscillators, Radio Signals, Laboratory sessions on Selected Electronic Circuits.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following peer learning and practice,
discussion, demonstration, reading assignments, imaginative (hypothetical condition) based
problem, group work and mastery of problem solving skills, Give worksheet and Assignment, Give
exercises and monitor the process, Solve selected questions from worksheets during tutorials.

b. Student’s activities

Students should actively participate in every class as the topics are highly interrelated besides taking
notes, asking questions, solving exercise questions, involving in group activities and getting work done
individually, doing assignments individually and manage their time to preparing for quizzes, mid exam
and final exam to be competent among each other.

4. Assessment strategies

Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is practiced
at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is
assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters. The
continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ……………….………….……………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ……………………….............................................................. 5 - 10%
• Project work ……………………..……………………………………………………… 5 – 10%
• Classwork ………………………………………………………………..………………. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam ………………………...................................................... 25 - 30%
• Final exam ………………………..................................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

Teaching resource and materials are books and guides for students and teachers, visual aids, including
films, slides, charts, film loops, models, experimental equipment and apparatus. The demonstrating
materials like solenoids, diodes, circuit board, connecting cables, ammeters, voltmeters, transistors,
resistors, etc.

6. Course Outline

1. Electric current and Ohm’s law

1.1. Electron Drift Velocity
1.2. Electric Potential
1.3. Resistance
1.4. Ohm’s Law
1.5. Resistance in Series
1.6. Resistance in Parallel
1.7. Current and Voltage Divider Rule
1.8. Short and Open Circuits
2. Network theories and Equivalent circuits
2.1. Kirchhoff’s rules
2.2. Node and Mesh analysis

2.3. Norton’s theorem
2.4. Thevenin’s Equivalent circuits
2.5. Conversion of Thevenin’s to Norton’s Equivalent circuits
2.6. Delta and Y Networks
2.7. Superposition principle
2.8. Maximum power transfer
3. Semi-conductors and its applications
3.1. Energy bands of semi conductors
3.2. Valence bands and conduction of semi conductors
3.3. Intrinsic and Extrinsic semi conductors
3.4. Accepters and Donors
3.5. p-type and n-type semi conductors
3.6. pn-junction
3.7. Diodes
3.8. Zener diodes as voltage regulators
3.9. Diodes as rectifiers (Full wave rectifier, Regulated power supply)
3.10. Filters (Passive and Active-low pass Filters)
4. Transistors
4.1. Transistor basics
4.2. Pnp and npn transistors
4.3. Physics of operation of transistors in active mode
4.4. Static characteristics: cut off, saturation and active regions
4.5. Analysis of Transistor circuits at DC
4.6. Transistors as an amplifier
4.7. Biasing the BJT for discrete circuit design
4.8. Biasing single stage BJT amplifier configurations (Common emitter, base and collector
4.9. Field Effect Transistors

4.10. The junction field-effect transistor (JFET), JFET Common Source Amplifier, JFET Common
Drain amplifier
4.11. Insulated-Gate Field Effect Transistor Power
4.12. Multiple Transistor Circuit
5. Operational Amplifiers and Oscillations
5.1. Open loop Amplifiers,
5.2. Ideal Amplifiers, Approximation Analysis, Ope-loop Gain.
5.3. The Ideal Op-Amp
5.4. Analysis of Circuit Containing Ideal Op-Amps- Inverting Configuration
5.5. Applications of the Inverting Configurations
5.6. The Non inverting Configuration
5.7. Examples of Op-Amp Circuits
5.8. Tran sister amplifier, biasing points
6. Digital Circuits
6.1. Number systems, Boolean algebra, Logic Gates,
6.2. Combinational Logic,
6.3. Multiplexes and decoders, Schmitt Trigger, Two-State storage elements,
6.4. Latches and un-clocked flip-flops,
6.5. Dynamically clocked flip-flops,
6.6. One-shot registers
6.7. Digital information in series, parallel or timed signals
7. Data Acquisition and Process Control
7.1. Transducers, Signal Conditioning
7.2. Circuits, Oscillators
7.3. Radio basics AM Receivers and RF Spectrum
8. Feedback and Oscillators
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Principle of feedback

8.3. Advantages and disadvantages of feedback
8.4. DE sensitivity to parameter variation
8.5. Reduction of noise and distortion
8.6. Effect on the frequency response and terminal impedance of the amplifier
8.7. Types of feedback
8.8. Shunt-shunt amplifier
8.9. Series-series feedback
8.10. Stability and other considerations

7. Text book and references

1. Frederick F. Driscoll; Robert F. Coughlin.Solid State devices and Applications, D.B Taraporevala
Sons and Co.PVT, Published with arrangement with Prentice Hall, Inc. (1981).
2. Close K.J and J Yarwood. Experimental Electronics for Students, London Chapman and Hall,
Halsted Press Book, John Woley and Sons, (1979).
3. Tayal D.C. Basic Electronics, 2nd ed. Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai, (1998).
4. Theraja B.L., R.S. Sedha. Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits, S.Chand and Company Ltd,
New Delhi, (2004).
5. Sparkes J.J. Semiconductor Devices 2nd ed. Chapman and Hall, London, (1994).
6. Richard R. Spenser and Mohammed S. Ghaussi. Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design,
Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc (2003).
7. Noel M Morriss. Semiconductor Devices, MacMillan Publishers Ltd. (1984).
8. A.E.Fitzgerald, Basic Electrical Engineering.
9. R.L.Havill, Elements of Electronics for physical scientists.
10. J.J.Brophy, Basic Electronics for scientists.

10.1.15 Experiments in Electronics

1. Course information

Experiments in Electronics

Course title: Experiments in Electronics Course Code: Phys 3102

Credit hours: 2hrs Contact hrs: 6 hrs (2hr lecture + 4 lab. hr)

Prerequisite(s): Experiments in Prior knowledge:


Academic Year: Semester: II Year: III

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No._____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No._____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Course Rationale

This laboratory course accompanies the course Phys 3502. The topics include: 1) Electric circuit
Networking, 2) Equivalent circuits rules (Kirchhoff’s rules, Norton’s theorem, Thevenin’s theorem), 3)
Diode V-I characteristics (PN junction diode, Ideal diode, PN junction breakdown), 4) Unregulated
power supply Diode as rectifier( Half wave Rectifier); Regulated power supply Diode rectifier as Full
wave rectifier and 5) Bipolar junction transistors (BJT), PNP transistors; Bipolar junction transistors

(BJT), NPN transistors. The students practically learn and develop skills of converting AC to DC power
regulation and supply. The students also gain practical experience in circuit networking.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand and comprehend the basic laws
and concepts of electronics with the help of rigorous practical works. Moreover, the course helps
learners to design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena and solve problems via
scientific approach.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course learners should be able to:
➢ Understand the basic laws of physics in a variety of physics courses and the contribution that
physics has made to contemporary society;
➢ investigative skills, including the design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena
and solve problems, the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and the
interpretation of evidence;
➢ understand that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analyzed and predicted using
concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action;
➢ identify, estimate, combine, quote and minimize experimental errors;
➢ use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, and skepticism and
intellectual rigor to evaluate claims;
➢ use mathematics to make predictions of experimental outcomes, with error estimates;
➢ use spreadsheet programs and other mathematical tools to analyze experimental data;
➢ demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
➢ identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and comply with the
safety precautions required;
➢ present the report in a concise report and oral presentations;
➢ appreciate the significance of working in a team spirit.

d. Time Breakdown of the Topics in Experiments in Electronics

Weeks Topics Pedagogical Teachers’ Students’ Tasks/Activities


1 Introduction Lecture. Group Deliver an introduction Proactive in questioning

discussion lecture. Make students and answering
Questioning and discuss in group. Invite
answering. and inspire students for

2 Lecture on the back Lecture. Group Give introductory lesson. Submit lab report. Attend
ground of the discussion. Make students discuss in the lesson and take short
Electronics part of Questioning and group. Assist students in notes. Asking and
experiment answering. the experimentation. answering questions.
Make an experiment and
Check the collected data.
collect data. Improve their
report from.

3 Network theories and Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
Equivalent circuits discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
Kirchhoff’s rules Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
report from.

4 Network theories and Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
Equivalent circuits discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
Nortons theorem Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
and data group. Assist students in answering questions.

gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
report from.

5 Network theories and Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
Equivalent circuits discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
Thevenin’s theorem Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
report from.

6 Diode characteristics Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
V-I characteristics of discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
a PN junction diode Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
Ideal diode equation and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
PN junction gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
breakdown Diode collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
circuit analysis report from.

7 Unregulated power Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
supply Diode as a discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
rectifier Half wave Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
Rectifier and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
report from.

8-9 Regulated power Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
supply Diode as a discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
rectifier Full wave Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
rectifier How and data group. Assist students in answering questions.

effectively a rectifier gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
converts AC in to DC collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
Types of diodes report from.

10 Low pass filter Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
Frequency response
Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
report from.

11 High pass filter Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
Frequency response
Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
collect data. Improve their
Check the collected data.
report from.

12 Bipolar junction Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
transistors (BJT) discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
PNP transistors; Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
The surprising action
gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
of a transistor;
collect data. Improve their
The working of a Check the collected data.
report from.
Transistor amplifying
Transistor configure.

13 Bipolar junction Lecture. Group Collect lab report. Give Submit lab report. Attend
transistors (BJT) discussion. introductory lesson. the lesson and take short
NPN transistors; The Experimentation Make students discuss in notes. Asking and
surprising action of a and data group. Assist students in answering questions.
transistor; gathering. the experimentation. Make an experiment and
collect data. Improve their
The working of a Check the collected data.
report from.
Transistor amplifying

14 Student self-exercise

15 Revision and practicing model exam, students self-study

16 Final Examination

3. Instructional method and strategies

Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material presented in the form of
handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the instructor. Tutor sessions should be
supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and
preparing formal experimental reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory activities whenever

Additional support will be given based on the feedback and progress of students. All course team
members will participate in supporting students.

Students should read the relevant sections in the Manual and the references, write a report based on
the collected data and improve the next report from the feedback of the previous reports. Attendance
at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be taken at all times.

4. Assessment strategies

All laboratory works will be supervised by the instructor. Lectures will be delivered prior to practical
works. Technical assistants will be available every time a lab is in progress (for arrangement of
laboratory equipments and any check off and other help).
Students are encouraged to team up in groups and discuss among themselves in conducting
experiment. Students will be given laboratory manual from the department. Students should master
the entire experiment and submit individually prepared summarized report (which includes the
purpose, theory, description of the apparatus and procedures used data analysis, quantitative result
with uncertainties, discussion of the results and conclusion). Material and ideas drawn from the
work of others must be properly cited and a list of references must be attached to the summary.

No Type of Assessment Weight

1 Pre-Lab Questions: 5-10 %

2 In-Lab questions (answering 10-15 %
questions during lectures and lab
3 Lab-Reports: 20-30 %
4 Practical 20-30 %
5 written examination 20-25%
6 Total 100 %
It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between 25 and 30.

5. Textbooks an References
1. Bernard Grob, Basic Electronics, 4th ed., McGraw Hill International Book Company, London,

2. David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and Experimental
Design, Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.
3. Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Academic Press, 2nd
ed., 2003.

10.1.16 Introduction to Laser and Optics

1. Course information
Introduction to Laser and Optics

Course title: Introduction to Laser and Optics Course Code: Phys 4402

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Physics of Oscillations and Waves Prior knowledge:

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
With significant advance in laser technology and its quite diverse applications, it would be necessary if
the students acquire the fundamental background of laser in undergraduate level.

b. Course Objective

This course is intended to introduce basic concepts of stimulated light amplification mechanisms and
their possible applications.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will able to

• develop familiarity with historical development of laser Physics,

• describe electromagnetic wave,
• describe properties of light generated by laser,
• develop understanding of the concept of modern and nonlinear optics,
• explain the fundamental laws and principles applicable in laser,
• elaborate some peculiar applications of laser,
• understand the mechanism responsible for non-classical properties of light,
• describe different sources of laser,
• design/set up beam pointing system, beam focusing controls, beam power and beam quality
• measurements in laser amplifier

d. Course Description
Review of Essential Concepts , Review of Electromagnetic Waves, Interference, Diffraction,
Polarization of Light, Absorption and Scattering, Characteristics of Laser Light, Optical Cavities, Optical
Pumping, Beam Optics, Atom-light interaction, Atomic Radiation, Spontaneous and Stimulated
Emission of Radiation, Optical Laser Excitation, Einstein’s Coefficients, Population Inversion, Laser
Oscillation, Laser Frequencies, Laser Rate Equation, Types of Laser, Applications of Laser.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and solving problems and
show application sectors, show some simple demonstrations.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice during demonstrations in classes.

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews,
assignment, field work, etc. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on
the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment………………………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz…………………………………………………………......................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work…………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………...…………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ………………………………………………….………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam……………………………………………………..................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………...................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

• Different laser sources, gratings, holograms, laser detectors, spectrometers, computer facilities
and simulations.

6. Course Outline
1. Fundamental Concepts of Optics (12 hrs.)
1.1 Historical background of optics

1.2 Interference Involving Multiple Reflection

1.3 Interference in the transmitted light

1.4 Diffraction of light

1.5 Polarization of Light

1.6 Interference of Polarized Light

1.7 Absorption and Scattering

1.8 Theory of optical activity

1.9 Introduction to Laser

2. Laser operation (10 hrs)

2.1 Characteristics of laser light

2.2 Optical cavities

2.3 Optical pumping

2.4 Beam optics

2.5 Monochromaticity

2.6 Einstein’s coefficients

2.7 Gain and threshold

2.8 Laser oscillation

2.9 Laser frequencies

2.10. Shape and width of spectral lines

3. Radiation (6 hrs)
3.1 Atom-light interactions

3.2 Atomic radiation

3.3 Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation

3.4 Optical laser excitation

3.5 Population inversion

3.6 Two- and Three-level lasing

4. Types of Laser (4 hrs)

4.1 Gas lasers

4.2 Solid state laser

4.3 Semiconductor laser

4.4 Ruby and tunable dye laser

5. Dynamics of Laser Process (7hrs)

5.1 Laser rate equation

5.2 Pulsed lasers

5.3 Mode locking

5.4 Giant pulse dynamics

5.5 Light amplifiers

5.6 Fundamentals of fiber optics

5.7 Fundamentals of nonlinear optics

6. Applications of Laser (6 hrs)

6.1 Holography

6.2 Parametric harmonic generation

6.3 Second harmonic generation

6.4 Four-wave mixing

6.5 Spectroscopic consideration

6.6 Phase matching

6.7 Laser in Military

6.8 Laser in medicine

6.9 Laser in industry

6.10 aser in Entertainment and recreation

7. Textbooks an References

Course Textbook

• Peter W. Milonni and Joseph H. Eberli, Laser Physics, John Wiley and Son Inc. (2009).
Reference Books

1. Murray III Sargent, Marlan O. Scully and Willis E. Lamb, Laser Physics, West View Press, (1978).

2. O. Svelto and D C Hanna, Principles of Lasers

3. F. A. Jenkins and H. A. White, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill, 4th ed., (2001).
4. William S. C. Chang, Principles of Lasers and Optics, Cambridge University Press, 1 st ed., (2005).

5. Karl F. Renk, Basics of Laser Physics: For Students of Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg, 2nd ed., (2012).
6. H.J. Eichler, et’al, Laser Physics and Applications, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1st ed.

10.1.17 Quantum Mechanics I

1. Course information

Quantum Mechanics I

Course title: Quantum Mechanics I Course Code: Phys 3402

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Co-requisite(s): Nuclear Physics (Phys 3802) Prior knowledge: calculus I, II & Physics of
oscillation and waves
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: III
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory


1)Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2)Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
Quantum mechanics is fundamental theoretical framework in describing microscopic systems. Learners
are introduced to the basic postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Emphasis is given to limitations of
Classical Mechanics. This course leads to advanced Physics courses that require description of
microscopic systems.

b. Course Objectives

This course intends to show the limitations in classical mechanics and introduces basics quantum
mechanical postulates and principles to lay down basement for advanced physics concepts.

c. Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• verify the limitations of classical mechanics at the microscopic level;

• elaborate the central concepts and principles of quantum mechanics useful tomake calculation;
• explain the uncertainty principle and its consequences;
• verify and apply Schrödinger equation to different quantum system;
• describe the harmonic oscillator;
• elaborate angular momentum

d. Course Description
Origin and Development of Quantum Mechanics, Limitations of Classical Mechanics, Mathematical
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Observables and Operators, Properties of Operators, Wave
Function and Probability Density, Eigenvalues and Eigenstates, Expectation Values, Uncertainty
Principle, Schrodinger Equation, Heisenberg Equation, Time Evolution of Expectation Values, Free
Particle, Infinite Potential Well, Finite Potential Well, Finite Potential Barrier, Reflection and
Transmission Coefficients, Harmonic Oscillator, Angular Momentum Eigenvalues and Eigenstates.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and solving problems and
show application sectors, show some simple demonstrations.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice during demonstrations in classes.

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews,
assignment, field work, etc. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on
the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………………………..…………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………...................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work…………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………………….…………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………..................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………........................................ 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

• Computer facilities and simulation softwares.

6. Course Outline
1. Origin and Development of Quantum Mechanics (4 hrs.)

1.1 Limitations of Classical Mechanics

1.2 Wave/Particle Dualism

1.3 The need for quantum mechanics

1.4 Postulates of quantum mechanics

1.5 Schrödinger equation

1.6 Development of Quantum Mechanics

2. Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics (9 hrs)

2.1 Measurements and Observables

2.2 Operators and Observables

2.3 Expectation Values of Dynamical Variables

2.4 Uncertainty Principle

2.5 Wave Function and its Physical Interpretation

2.6 Probability Density

2.7 Current Density

3. Operator Algebra (6 hrs)

3.1 Linear Operators

3.2 Dirac Notation (Bra and Ket)

3.3 Normalization and Orthogonalisation

3.4 Commutation Relation

3.5 Kronecker Delta Function

3.6 Adjoint and Hermitian Operators

3.7 Eigen Values and Eigen Functions

3.8 Dirac Delta Function

3.9 Fundamental Postulates

3.10 Expectation Values

3.11 Fundamental Commutation Rules

3.12 Correspondence with Poisson’s Brackets

3.13 Schwartz Inequality

4. The Schrödinger and Heisenberg Equations (14 hrs)

4.1 Time In/Dependent Schrödinger Equation

4.2 Solution of the Schrödinger Equation

4.3 Boundary Conditions

4.4 One-Dimensional Potentials

4.5 Zero Potential (Free Particle)

4.6 Square Well Potential

4.7 Infinite Well Potential

4.8 Step Potential

4.9 Barrier Potential

4.10 Reflection and Transmission Coefficients

4.11 Quantum Tunneling

4.12 Time Evaluation of Operators

4.13 Hamiltonian Operator

4.14 Schrödinger and Heisenberg Pictures

5. The Harmonic Oscillator (12 hrs)

5.1 Simple Harmonic Oscillator

5.2 1-D Scrödinger Equation and its Solution for the Harmonic Oscillator

5.3 Energy Eigenvalues and the Zero Point Energy

5.4 Correspondence Principle

5.5 Gaussian Wave Function

5.6 Hermite Polynomials and 1D Solutions of the Harmonic Oscillator

5.7 3 D Harmonic Oscillator

5.8 Description of the HO in terms of Creation and Annihilation Operators

7. Recommended References
Course Textbook

• B. H. Brandsen and C. J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., Benjamin Cummings, (2000).
Reference Books

1. John S. Townsend, A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics, 2 nd University Science Books,

2. W. Greiner, Quantum Mechanics (An Introduction), 4th ed., Springer (2008).
3. David Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Benjamin Cummings, (2004).
4. J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics Revised edition, (1993).

5. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., (2008)
6. J. Singh, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications to Technology 1st ed., (1996).
7. David A.B. Miller, Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers, (2008).
8. K.T. Hecht, Quantum Mechanics, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 1st ed., (2000).
9. Daniel R. Bes, Quantum Mechanics: A Modern and Concise Introductory Course, Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 3rd ed., (2012).
10. Paul R. Berman, Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Springer International Publishing AG (2018).

10.1.18 General Astronomy

1. Course description
General Astronomy (Phys 3302)

Course title: General Astronomy Course Code: Phys 3302

Credit hours: 3 Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Introduction to relativity (Phys 3303) Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: IV
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory

Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The major intention of the course is to initiate and help students to be motivated to further
exploration of concepts in Astronomy. The course is concerned with fundamentals of Astronomy
introducing new scientific developments where Astronomy has full open issues and phenomena that
everyone can participate as an open laboratory for all. It introduces basic concepts stressing that
Astronomy gives everyone the opportunity to participate in new discoveries and debates to develop
science and technology that play role in our everyday lives and culture; a way to view our real physical
world. Generally, the comprehensive system and phenomena entailed in astronomy and astrophysics
entertains every human being on earth to question, experiment, demonstrate, hypothesis, formulate,
philosophy, etc and apply to personal life style. So, this course contributes for the development of
scientific knowledge and skills among the learners.

b. Objectives of the course
The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand and comprehend the
fundamental concepts in astronomy where physics is extensively used. Moreover, the learner will be
able to present a basics of astronomical science, including highlights of modern exploration and the
open questions in astronomy including origins and dynamisms. Topics include the introductory
concepts in Astronomy including history, the earth-moon-sun system and the eclipses, the formation
and characteristics of the Solar System, including the planets and minor members of the system;
Telescopes; the Sun; the birth, life and death of stars; the Milky-way and other galaxies; Big Bang

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course learners will be able to:
• Describe the fundamental concepts used in Astronomy, together with the historical
development of Astronomy;
• Demonstrate different motions of earth and its moon, and describe seasons on earth and
occurrences of different eclipses;
• Describe the features of objects in the Solar System (i.e. Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets,
planetary interiors, atmospheres, etc.) giving details of similarities and differences between
these objects;
• Detail changes which are observed when viewing the sky daily, weekly, monthly, annually and
longer period of time and demonstrate an understanding of the reasons behind any observed
• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic properties of the Sun and other stars;
• Explain stellar evolution, including red giants, supernovas, neutron stars, pulsars, white dwarfs
and black holes, using evidence and presently accepted theories;
• Detail the main features the Milky Way and other galaxies in the Universe;
• Explain the evolution of the expanding Universe using concepts of the Big Bang and cosmological

• Use information learned in class and develop observation skills explain astronomical features
and observations obtained via telescopes and/or data provided through computer simulations.

d. General Astronomy: contents

Introduction and history of astronomy, the features of objects in the Solar System, the basics of sky
observation and telescopes, the basic properties of the sun and other stars, stellar evolution, the main
features of the Milky way and other galaxies, the evolution of the expanding Universe in the Big Bang
theory, and the dark matter and dark energy.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in practical
field work including sky observation (the moon, stars, star patterns, etc.) with and without telescope.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice and learn through field work including sky observation (the moon,
stars, star patterns, etc.) with and without telescope. The learners also learn more individually by
constructing a simple Sundial (take-home practical). Each practical will result in a report for
assessment. The students will also use Virtual astro-lab to do observation and for observational data

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment field work- sky observation, virtual astro-lab work. On the other hand, assessment of
learning is also administered framing on the following parameters

Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment …………………………………………5 – 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………………….5 - 10%

• Project work ………………..…..…………………………………….……5 – 10%

• Interview …………………………………………………………………...0 – 5%

• Field visit/Work …………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work …………………………………………….…………….…….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam ………………………………………………..................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam ……………..………………………………….................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

• Observational tools, telescopes, virtual astro-lab, star pointers.

• Computational lab facilities and animation softwares such as stellarium, Midnight Kit, etc. are

6. Course Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction and History of Astronomy (7 hours)

1.1. The nature of Science and Astronomy
1.2. Numbers in Astronomy
1.3. The Universe at glance
1.4. Observing the sky
1.5. Ancient history of Astronomy

1.6. Astrology versus Astronomy
1.7. Birth and development of modern Astronomy
1.8. Astronomical objects, distances and sizes
1.9. Overview of celestial mechanics

Chapter 2: The Earth, moon, and the sky (6 hours)

2.1. Locations on Earth
2.2. Locations on sky
2.3. The Earth's motions and seasons
2.4. Time keeping and Calendars
2.5. Phases of the moon
2.6. Solar and lunar eclipses

Chapter 3: Behavior of light and Telescopes (6 hours)

3.1. The nature of light
3.2. Radiation Processes: Intensity, Planck Radiation, and Cyclotron & Synchrotron Radiation
3.2. Electromagnetic spectrum
3.3. Spectroscopy in Astronomy and spectral lines
3.4. The Doppler effect
3.5. Telescopes: components and functions
3.6. Visible-light (optical), IR, and Radio telescopes
3.7. Outer space observations

Chapter 4: Overview of the Solar System (5 hours)

4.1. Structure and composition of the Solar system
4.2. Origin of the Solar system
4.3. The sun and its properties
4.4. The Solar atmosphere
4.5. Planets and their orbits

4.6. Terrestrial and Jovian planets, and moons
4.7. Comets, Asteroids and Meteoroids

Chapter 5: Stars and their evolution (7 hours)

5.1. Luminosity and brightness of stars
5.2. Colors and temperatures of stars
5.3. Spectral classes
5.4. Stellar distances
5.5. Proper motion
5.6. The mass determination and the mass-luminosity relation
5.7. The Hertzsprung-Russel (HR) diagram
5.8. The Main-Sequence (MS) stars
5.9. Evolution of the low-mass (<=0.5 solar mass), medium mass (~0.5 – 8 solar mass), and high
mass (>8 solar mass) stars
5.10. White dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes

Chapter 6: The overview Galaxies (6 hours)

6.1. The Milky-Way galaxy
6.1.1. Structure and main components
6.1.2. Characteristics of the galaxy
6.1.3. Mass of the galaxy
6.1.4. Center of the galaxy
6.1.5. Stellar population
6.2. Other galaxies
6.2.1. Morphological types of galaxies
6.2.2. The masses of galaxies
6.2.3. Characterizing different types of galaxies
6.2.4. The Mass to light ratio
6.2.5. Estimating distances to galaxies

6.2.6. The Hubble classification of galaxies (evolution)

Chapter 7: Introduction to Cosmology (5 hours)

7.1. The beginning of the universe
7.2. The Big Bang models of the universe
7.3. The expansion of the universe: a problem with age
7.4. The cosmic microwave background (CMB)
7.5. The inflationary universe
7.6. Dark matter and dark energy

7. Texts and References

1. Ian Morison, 2008, Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology, John Wiley & Sons LTD.
2. R. A. Freedman & W. J. Kaufmann , 2008, Universe, 8th Ed., W. H. Freeman and Company .
3. John D. Fix, 2008, ASTRONOMY Journey to the cosmic Frontier, 5thEd, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
4. A. Fraknoi , D. Morrison , S. Wolff , 2018, Astronomy, OpenStax, Rice University.
5. P. Jain, 2015, An Introduction to ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
6. E. Chaisson & S. McMillan, 2011, Astronomy Today, 7th Ed., Pearson Education, Inc .
7. M.A. Seeds & D.E. Backman, 2011, Stars and Galaxies, 7th Ed, Brooks/Cole CengageLearning .
8. T.T Arny, 1996, EXPLORATIONS: An Introduction to Astronomy, Mosby, Year Book, Inc.

10.1.19 Electrodynamics I
1. Course information
Electrodynamics I

Course title: Electrodynamics I Course Code: Phys 3704

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Electromagnetism (Phys 2002) Prior knowledge: Calculus I

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: III

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course deals with classical electrodynamics applying integral and differential calculus. Emphasis is
given to employing specialized approaches and most appropriate coordinate system in solving
problems. It also addresses electric and magnetic phenomena in material medium including boundary
problems. It is hence hoped that the approaches to be followed in this course strengthen the
mathematical skills required in other fields.
b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to develop learners’ understanding of Maxwell’s equations and
their applications including some advanced topics. It introduces the concepts of waves thereby
distinguishing various types of waves which pave a way for in depth understanding of the properties
and propagation of waves in different media. In electrodynamics electricity, magnetism and optics are
unified. Students will get to the point where they can handle the fundamentals of fields due to moving
charges and also to begin to explore the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course, the student will have good understanding of basic theories in classical
electrodynamics. Specifically, at the end of the course students will be able to:

• Develop reasonable understanding of electrostatic and magnetostatics fields in free space and material
• advance their skill of solving problems using integral and differential calculus,
• acquire understanding in solving boundary value problems in electrodynamics,
• solve electrodynamical problems using specialized techniques,
• develop the basic concepts of electromagnetic wave,

d. Electrodynamics I: contents and sub contents

This Course is organized in Eight Chapter, and the main topics to be covered in this course; Mathematical
Preliminary, Electrostatic Fields and Potentials, Electrostatic Fields in Dielectric Materials, Electrostatic Energy,
Uniqueness Theorem, Image Techniques, Biot-Savart’s Law, Divergence of Magnetic Field, Vector Potential,
Ampere’s Law, Magnetic Properties of Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetic Energy, Maxwell’s
Equations, Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space, Poynting Vector, Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in
Dielectric and Conducting Media.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Presentation of lecture followed by guiding the students, demonstrate problem solving, give exercises and
monitor the process, give and Solve worksheets during tutorials. Also prepare the online learning resources.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through Listen to a lesson, take
short notes, asking and answering questions, doing homework, reading assignments, Presentation ,
Solve exercises, Work in group and individual and etc.
In addition to the above Students should read the relevant sections in the textbook and/or reference materials
and do the assignments on time. Practice with solved problems and come to lecture hours to get concepts
clarified. Review and extra problems will be given through worksheets. Students are also expected to have
worked through the problems in the worksheets before the tutorial sessions. Attendance at lectures and
tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be taken at all times. It is the student’s chance to
ask questions, solve problems and work in team.

4. Assessment strategies
Mostly, continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through guiding, questioning and answering. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………............................................. 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………..………………………….……… 5 – 10%

• Class work ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………............................................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………................................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Course Outline
1. Mathematical Preliminary
1.1. Differential calculus
1.2. Integral calculus
1.3. Curvilinear coordinate systems
1.4. Dirac delta function

2. Electrostatics
2.1. Coulomb’s law
2.2. Electrostatic field due to continuous charge distributions
2.3. Electric flux density
2.4. Gauss’s law and its application
2.5. Electric potential
2.6. Electrostatics energy density

3. Electrostatic Field in Matter

3.1. Properties of materials
3.2. Convection and conduction currents
3.3. Conductors
3.4. Polarization
3.5. Filed of polarized object
3.6. Electric displacement
3.7. Linear dielectrics

4. Techniques for Calculating Potentials

4.1. Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations
4.2. Boundary conditions and uniqueness theorem
4.3. Method of images
4.4. Multipole expansion
5. Magnetostatics

5.1. Review of electric current
5.2. Lorentz force law
5.3. Biot-Savart’s law
5.4. Ampere’s law
5.5. Magnetic flux density and Gauss’s law
5.6. Curl and Divergence of B
5.7. Magnetic vector potential
5.8. Magnetostatics boundary conditions in free space
5.9. Multipole expansion of the vector potential
5.10. Magnetostatics energy density

6. Magnetostatics Field in Matter

6.1. Magnetization
6.2. Magnetic field of a magnetized object
6.3. Auxiliary magnetic field H
6.4. Linear and non-linear media.

7. Electrodynamics
7.1. Electromotive force
7.2. Faraday’s law of induction
7.3. Maxwell’s equations in material medium
7.4. Displacement current
7.5. Energy density for electromagnetic field
7.6. Poynting theorem

6. Text Book & References

Course Textbook

• Munir H. Nayfeh, Electricity and Magnetism, Banjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1999.

Additional References

➢ David J. Griffiths, Introduction to electrodynamics, 3rs ed., 1999.
➢ Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics 12th ed., 2008
➢ Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th, 2005
➢ Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th ed., 2008
➢ Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd
ed., 2005

10.1.20 Classical Mechanics
1. Course information
Classical Mechanics

Course title: Classical Mechanics Course Code: Phys 3301

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Mechanics (Phys 2001) Prior knowledge: Basic Calculus and Algebra

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: III

College/Faculty/Institute: Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor:

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course is designed to introduce generalized treatment of the motion of particles in various
coordinate systems. It also addresses an alternative formulation of solving classical problems using
Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s principles. The procedure to be employed paves the way for establishing
relationships between different areas of Physics.

b. Objectives of the course
The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand and comprehend the fundamental
concepts in coordinate systems and coordinate transformation, velocity and acceleration in coordinates, particle
dynamics, position, time and velocity dependent forces, simple harmonic oscillator, damped and forced
oscillations, conservative forces and potential energy, conservation of energy, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formalism and their application.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course learners will be able to:
• describe base vectors and their reciprocal,
• relate motions in different coordinate systems,
• obtain the velocity, acceleration and momentum in generalized coordinate,
• interpret results described in terms of generalized coordinates,
• explain the fundamental concepts of Newtonian formulation of mechanics,
• develop the capability to determine the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of mechanical systems and use
these functions to obtain the corresponding equations of motion,
• identify any conserved quantities associated with the system, distinguish different types of oscillations.

d. Classical Mechanics: contents and sub contents

Coordinate Systems and Coordinate Transformation, Velocity and Acceleration in Generalized Coordinates,
Particle Dynamics, Position, Time and Velocity Dependent Forces, Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Damped and
Forced Oscillations, Conservative Forces and Potential Energy, Conservation of Energy, Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian Formalism and Their Application.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, derive mathematical expressing,
solving problems and supporting students further through tutorial work.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice and learn through problem solving and project activities.

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through testing, project work and class activity. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….…………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz…………………………………………………………….......................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………………………………..………… 5 – 10%

• Interview……………………………………………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Field visit/Work …………………………………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ………………………………………………………………………………….……….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………........................................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................ 40 - 50%

• All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at

least two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the
completion of the course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

• General instruction materials, computer, projector and the necessary accessories.

• Stationary materials, white board and related facilities.

6. Course Outline
1. Coordinate Systems (12 hrs)

1.1. Coordinate systems

1.2. Non-orthogonal base vectors

1.3. Orthogonal coordinates system

1.4. Coordinate transformation

1.5. Generalized velocity and acceleration

1.6. Gradient operator in cylindrical and spherical coordinates

2. Particle Dynamics (6 hrs)

2.1 Newton’s laws of motion

2.2 Motions under time and velocity dependent forces
2.3 Motions under position dependent forces
2.4 Concepts of work and energy
2.5 Force as a function of position

3. Oscillations (8 hrs)
3.1 Stable and unstable equilibrium
3.2 One-dimensional motion of a particle in a given potential field
3.3 Simple harmonic oscillations in one and two dimensions
3.4 Damped oscillations
3.5 Forced oscillations and resonance
3.6 Oscillations in electrical circuits
3.7 Rate of energy dissipation

4. Central Field Motion (7 hrs)

4.1 Conservative forces and potential energy
4.2 Conservation of energy and angular momentum
4.3 Equations of motion
4.4 Orbits in central field

4.5 Planetary motion

5. Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s Formulation (12 hrs)

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Holonomic constraints
5.3 Derivation of Lagrange’s equations of motion
5.4 Euler’s theorem and the kinetic energy
5.5 Conservation of linear momentum
5.6 Conservation of energy
5.7 Conservation of angular momentum
5.8 Generalized velocities and generalized momenta
5.9 Hamilton’s principle
5.10 Canonical equations of motion.
5.11 Cyclic coordinates.

7. Course Text Books and References

Course Textbook

1. Walter Hauser, Introduction to principles of mechanics, Addison Wesley, 1966.

2. Jery Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 1994.

1. Marion Thoronton, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 4th ed., 1995
2. Murrey R. Speigle, Schaum’s Outline series: Theory and problems of theatrical mechanics
3. Devid Morin, Introduction to Classical Mechanics: with problems and solutions, Cambridge
University Press, 2008.
4. R. Taylor, Calassical Mechanics, Universal Science, 2005.
5. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison Welsey 3rd ed.

10.1.21 Quantum Mechanics II
1. Course information
Quantum Mechanics II

Course title: Quantum Mechanics II Course Code: Phys 4401

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Quantum Mechanics I (Phys 3402) Prior knowledge: differential & integral calculus

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The rationale of this course are to acquaint students with application of the Schrödinger to different
quantum mechanical systems, discuss interactions responsible for the electronic structure of atoms,

apply different approximation methods and verify scattering theory and introduce the basics of cold
atomic gases.

b. Course Objective
The primary objective of this course is to develop an understanding of some of the more advanced
topics and techniques used in quantum mechanics. Most of this material will be essential for graduate
research in many areas of physics, such as quantum optics, astrophysics, and atmospheric physics. This
course will provide the necessary knowledge and skills to apply advanced techniques in quantum
mechanics throughout the students’ careers. A secondary goal is to further develop the students’
problem solving ability, which will be essential not only on qualifying exams but in the students’ future

c. Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• explain the significance of the wave function in determining the physical behavior of electrons,
• show how quantization arises from boundary conditions and calculate energy levels in simple
model systems,
• discuss the energy levels, angular momenta and spectra of atoms,
• explain the relation between wave functions, operators and experimental observable,
• derive eigenstates of energy, momentum and angular momentum,
• apply approximate methods to more complex systems,
• Explain the basics of cold gases.

d. Course Description
Orbital Angular Momentum Eigenfunctions, Spherical Harmonics, Hydrogen Atom, Time-Independent
Perturbation Method, Time-Dependent Perturbation Method, Spin angular momentum, Non-
degenerate and degenerate perturbation theory, Hydrogen Fine Structure, Zeeman Effect, Interaction
of Radiation with Atoms, Scattering of particles, Born approximation and the basics of cold atomic

3. Instructional method and strategies
a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and solving problems and
show application sectors, show some simple demonstrations.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice during demonstrations in classes.

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews,
assignment, field work, etc. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on
the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment………………………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………...................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………………………..………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………………….………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ………………………………………………………………………….……….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………................................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam ………………………………………………….................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

• Computer facilities and simulation software.

6. Course Outline
1 Angular Momentum (12 hrs)
1.1 Angular momentum operator

1.2 Representation in spherical co-ordinates

1.3 Square of angular momentum operator

1.4 Commutation rules

1.5 Eigenvalues of Lz and L2

1.6 Eigen-functions of angular momentum

1.7 Spin, spin operator, Pauli’s spin matrices

1.8 Matrix representation of angular momentum operator

1.9 Pauli’s spinors and their transformation properties

2 The Hydrogen Atom (12 hrs)

2.1 Reduction to one body problem

2.2 Separation of variables, spherical eigenfunctions

2.3 Angular dependence of solutions

2.4 Spherical Harmonics

2.5 Radial equation, Laguerre polynomial

2.6 Associated Laguerre polynomial

2.7 Radial probability distribution functions

2.8 Atomic energy levels, quantum numbers

2.9 Normalized eigenfunctions

2.10 Eigenvalues, Quantum Numbers and Degeneracy

2.11 Pauli exclusion principle and shell structure

3. Perturbation Methods (9 hrs)

3.1 Perturbation Methods

3.2 Time-Dependent Perturbation Method

3.3 Time independent Perturbation Method

3.4 Hydrogen like atoms

3.5 Hydrogen Fine Structure

3.6 Zeeman Effect

3.7 Interaction of Radiation with Atoms

3.8 Energy Shift

4. Scattering Theory (6 hrs)

4.1 Scattering theory

4.2 Types of scattering

4.3 Born Approximation

4.4 Low energy scattering

4.5 Resonances

5. Basics of Cold Atomic Gases (6 hrs)

5.1 Basics of Cold Gases

5.2 Superfluidity

5.3 Bosons and Fermions

5.4 Bose-Einstein Condensation

5.5 Atomic, Molecular and Fermionic Condensates

7. Textbooks and References

Course Textbook

• B. H. Brandsen and C. J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., Benjamin Cummings, (2000).

Reference Books

1. John S. Townsend, A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics, 2 nd University Science

Books, (2000).
2. W. Greiner, Quantum Mechanics (An Introduction), 4th ed., Springer (2008).
3. David Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Benjamin Cummings, (2004).
4. J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics Revised edition, (1993).
5. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., (2008)
6. J. Singh, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications to Technology 1st ed.,
7. David A.B. Miller, Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers, (2008).
8. K.T. Hecht, Quantum Mechanics, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 1st ed., (2000).

9. Daniel R. Bes, Quantum Mechanics: A Modern and Concise Introductory Course,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 3rd ed., (2012).
10. Paul R. Berman, Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Springer International Publishing
AG (2018).
11. Nouredine Zettili, Quantum Mechanics Concepts and Applications, 2nd ed., Wiley (2009).
12. K.T. Hecht, Quantum Mechanics, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. in (2000).

10.1.22 Statistical Physics
1. Course information
Statistical Physics
Course title: Statistical Physics Course Code: Phys 4201

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Quantum Mechanics I (Phys 3402) Prior knowledge: Thermal physics

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. ____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course is designed to provide introductory ideas of the basic principles of Statistical Physics and
their application. The contents included in this course are very essential in understanding probabilistic
nature of macroscopic phenomena. A clear connection between microscopic and macroscopic
interpretations of the physical systems would be established. This course is also designed to introduce
basically quantum statistics. Emphasis on to study systems with many particles using statistical

approaches. The designed procedures aided in investigating and interpreting results associated with
macroscopic systems.

b. General Objectives of the course

➢ To impart knowledge about the fundamentals of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
➢ To introduce the fundamental concepts relevant to thermodynamic potentials, probability,
classical and quantum statistics.
➢ To enable the students to understand the statistical basis of thermodynamics and its applications
to magnetism, black body radiation and phase transition.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

• demonstrate clear understanding of microscopic and macroscopic systems,

• distinguish reversible and irreversible processes,

• understand basic statistical concepts required to describe physical systems,

• obtain various mean values using the statistical distribution function,

• demonstrate clear understanding of laws of thermodynamics and their relation with underlying
microscopic process,

• describe applications of statistical approach in solving problems associated with many particles.

• identify simple application of classical and quantum statistics,

• apply statistical approaches in studying different properties of a system,

• derive and apply equi-partition theorem,

• employ Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics in describing a given system.

d. Contents covered in this course

This course offers Statistical Description of System of Particles, Ensemble, Accessible States, Probability
Calculations, Thermal equilibrium, Temperature, Heat, and Heat transfer, Macroscopic Measurements,
Work, Internal Energy, Absolute Temperature, Entropy, Equipartition Theorem, Laws of
Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Potentials, Conditions for Equilibrium, Maxwell’s Relations,
Maxwell’s distribution, Phase Transitions, Simple Application of Statistical Mechanics, Quantum and
Classical Statistics, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein System of Interacting Particles.

3. Method of Teaching Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Presentation of the course is through lecture, tutorial, student center, Demonstration and problem
solving. Tutorials are guided-inquiry worksheets for use in small groups, typically in a recitation section.
Instructors circulate through the room and engage groups and leading them to discover the solutions
to their own problems. Online learning resources can also be employed.

b. Students’ activities
The learners actively participate to acquire a foundation for advanced courses in physics, especially
those involving many particle systems. The student should be able to analyze and debate society
problems of energy, environment and climate based on fundamental principles of thermodynamics
and statistical physics.
4. Assessment Strategies
Typically, continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through guiding, questioning and answering. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………................................. 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Class work …………………………………………………….…………………………. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………............................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………............................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

• Computational lab facilities and animation software.

6. Course Outline
1. Features of Macroscopic Systems and basic probability concept (6 hrs)
1.1. Macroscopic and microscopic systems
1.2. Equilibrium state and fluctuations
1.3. Reversible and irreversible processes
1.4. Properties of systems in equilibrium
1.5. Elementary relations among probabilities
1.6. Binomial distribution
1.7. Mean values and Calculation of mean values for spin system
1.8. Continuous probability distributions
2. Statistical Description of Systems of Particles (9 hrs)
2.1. Specification of the state of a system
2.2. Statistical ensemble
2.3. Statistical postulates
2.4. Probability calculations
2.5. Number of stats accessible to a macroscopic system
2.6. Distribution of energy between macroscopic systems
2.7. Thermal equilibrium, Temperature and Heat

2.8. Heat transfer
2.9. Mean energy of ideal gas
2.10. Mean pressure of ideal gas
3. Microscopic Theory and Macroscopic Measurements (6 hrs)
3.1. Determination of the absolute temperature
3.2. High and low absolute temperature
3.3. Work, internal energy and heat
3.4. Heat capacity
3.5. Entropy
3.6. Intensive and extensive parameters
4. Thermodynamics (7 hrs)
4.1. Laws of thermodynamics and Basic statistical relations
4.2. Statistical calculation of thermodynamic quantities
4.3. Thermodynamic potential
4.4. Gibbs-Duhem’s and Maxwell’s relations
4.5. Response functions
4.6. Condition for equilibrium
4.7. Thermodynamics of phase transitions
5. Simple Applications of Statistical (12 hrs)
5.1. Partition function and their properties
5.2. Calculations of thermodynamic quantities
5.3. Gibbs paradox
5.4. Validity of the classical approximation
5.5. Proof of equipartition
5.6. Simple applications
5.7. Specific heat of solids
5.8. General calculation of magnetism
5.9. Maxwell’s velocity distribution
5.10. Number of molecule striking a surface
5.11. Effusion
5.12. Pressure and momentum

6. Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases and System of Interaction Particles (12 hrs)
6.1. Identical particles and symmetry requirement
6.2. Formulation of statistical problems
6.3. The quantum distribution functions
6.4. Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
6.5. Photon statistics
6.6. Bose-Einstein statistics
6.7. Fermi-Dirac statistics
6.8. Quantum statistics in the classical limit
6.9. Lattice vibration and normal mode
6.10. Debye approximation
6.11. Calculation of the partition function for low densities
6.12. Equation of state and virial coefficients
6.13. Alternative derivation of the van Der Waals equation

7. Recommended Textbook & References

Course Textbook

F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, Wave Land Price, 2008.


1. B. B Laud, Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics, India, 2009.

2. C. Kittel, Elementary statistical Physics, Rieger Pub Co., 1988.

3. Michel D. Sturge, Statistical and Thermal Physics: Fundamentals and Applications, 2003

10.1.23 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
1. Course information
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics

Course title: Introduction to Condensed Matter Course Code: Phys 4501

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Electronics (Phys 3502) Prior-knowledge: quantum mechanics,

Academic Year: Semester: I Year : IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1.) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2.)Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course is an introduction to the physics of materials designed for upper level undergraduate
students in physics. The course will cover traditional solid state physics and will also include topics in

soft condensed matter. Students should have a strong physics background with knowledge of
electromagnetism, thermal physics and quantum mechanics.

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic ideas that underline Condensed Matter
physics, with emphasis on the behaviour of electrons in crystalline structures, particularly in materials
that are metallic. Students will appreciate Condensed Matter physics as one branch of physics which
plays a fundamental role in the electronic industry.

b. Objectives of the course

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• examine the behaviour of solid state systems and, through the application of physical
laws, make quantitative predictions of future behaviour based upon their properties,
• describe crystal structure of solids in terms of a space lattice + unit cell, and relate
structures in real space to those in reciprocal space,
• relate crystal structure and degree of ordering to atom binding and packing,
• explain the concepts of the reciprocal lattice and the Brillouin zone,
• describe Bloch’s theorem,
• familiar with linear combination of orbitals,
• discuss band structure and band gap of crystals,
• familiar with classical transport theory of electrons
• discuss classical Boltzmann equation with respect to motion of charge carriers,
• discuss the electrical, thermal and optical properties in terms of the free electron model,
• apply knowledge of how crystalline structures vibrate and the associated theories of heat
• discuss the factors that control the electrical conductivity of metals,
• elaborate how the diffraction of X rays is related to the properties of the reciprocal

c. Learning outcomes
• The students will be able to understand how different kinds of matter are described
mathematically and how material properties can be predicted based on microscopic structure.
• Students will learn the importance of different materials in a variety of applications and will be
able to explain how many technological devices function.
• The Students will become familiar with the language of condensed matter, specialized terms
and key theories, thus enabling them to read and understand research papers and produce
their own term paper on a relevant topic.

d. Introduction to Condensed matter physics: contents and sub contents

The course covers phenomena associated with the Condensed matter physics: Topics to be treated
include the classification of solids and crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, classification of crystals,
binding energy, and an introduction to their electronic, vibrational, thermal, optical, magnetic,
dielectric properties and the quantum mechanical description of electrons in crystals.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, problem solving, group work presentation
feedback etc. and guide students in their practical activities.
b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice and learn every given activities for each topics. The learners also learn
more individually by constructing a simple Sundial (take-home practical).
4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.

Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment for group work. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on
the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….……………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz…………………………………………………………….................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………………….……………… 5 – 10%

• Interview……………………………………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Presentation….. ………………………………………………………….…..…………… 0 – 5%

• Class work …………………………………………………………………..……………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………................................. 20 - 25%

• Final exam ………………………………………………….................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.
5. Instructional resource and material
• Instructional models of crystals, animations to show crystal structures, packing fractions, ppt

6. Course Outline
1. Crystal Structure and X-ray Diffraction (7 hrs)
1.1. Lattice points and space lattice
1.2. Fundamental types of lattices
1.3. Index system for crystal planes
1.4. Classification of crystals

1.5. Crystal and reciprocal space
1.6. Brillion zone in one, two and three dimensions
1.7. X-ray diffraction
1.8. Structure factor and extinction rules
1.9. Liquid crystal

2. Binding Energy in Crystals (5 hrs)

2.1. Bonding in solids

2.2. Ionic bonding
2.3. Covalent bonding
2.4. Metallic bond
2.5. Properties of metallic crystals
2.6. Calculation of cohesive energy
3. Electronic Band Structures (7 hrs)
3.1. Plane waves, LCAO formulation of Bloch theorems
3.2. Periodicity and gap openings
3.3. Band structure methods
3.4. Density of states
3.5. K-point sampling
3.6. Thermodynamic properties of non-interacting Fermi systems
3.7. Graphene
4. Vibration in Molecules and Crystals (5 hrs)
4.1. Crystal vibration
4.2. Acoustic and optical modes
4.3. Thermodynamic properties
4.4. Long wave length limit and elasticity theory
5. The Free Electron Fermi Gas (5 hrs)
5.1. Energy levels in one dimension
5.2. Effect of temperature on the Fermi-Dirac distribution
5.3. Free electron gas in three dimensions
5.4. Heat capacity of the electron gas

6. Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics (7 hrs)
6.1. Review of basic formulae
6.2. The microscopic concept of polarization
6.3. Langevins theory of polarization in polar dielectrics
6.4. Clausius-Mosotti relation
6.5. The static dielectric constant of solids and liquids (Elemental dielectrics, Polarization of ionic
6.6. Ferroelectricity
6.7. Piezoelectricity

7. Magnetism (7 hrs)

7.1. Magnetic permeability

7.2. Magnetization
7.3. Diamagnetism
7.4. Para magnetism
7.5. Ferromagnetism
7.6. Quantum theory of paramagnetism and ferromagnetism
7.7. The domain model

8. Transport Theory (5 hrs)

8.1. Dynamics of electrons

8.2. Drude model of transport
8.3. Classical Boltzmann equation
8.4. Application to electrons and phonons
8.5. Quantum transport in nanostructures
7. Text and Reference Books
Text Book:

C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley, 9thedition, (June, 2018).

Recommended References

1. M. Ali Omar, Elementary Solid state Physics: Principles and Applications, Addison Wesley, (1993).

2. S. O. Pillai, Solid State Physics, New Age Int. 6thed., (2008).

3. Ashcroft N.W. and Mermin N.D., Solid State Physics, Holt-Saunders, (1976).

4. Burns G., Solid State Physics, Academic Press, (1985).

5. Hook J.R. and Hall H.E., Solid State Physics 2nded.,, Wiley, (1991).

7. L. Mihly and M.C. Martin, Solid State Physics; Problems and Solutions, Wiley-VCH,(2009)

10.1.24 Computational Physics
1. Course information
Computational Physics

Course title: Computational Physics Course Code: Phys 4203

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3 hrs lecture + 2 Lab. hr.)

Prerequisite(s): Introduction to Programming (COMP-- ) Prior knowledge: basic physics and calculus I & II

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1.)Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2.)Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The use of computers in physics has increased many times along with the rapid development of faster
and cheaper hardware. Nowadays, in addition to the two main branch of physics: theoretical and
experimental physics, computational physics is considered to be a third branch of physics. In general,
computational physics is a problem-solving technique, that is, the measure of a student’s progress is

demonstrated by the ability to solve numerical problems in physics. While the very nature of physics is
to express relationships between physical quantities in mathematical terms, an analytic solution of the
resulting formulas is often not available. Instead, numerical solutions based on computer programs are
required to obtain concrete results for real problems. Computation has led to important conceptual
advances and new ways of thinking about physical systems. Computation can support three-
dimensional visualizations of abstract quantities, offer opportunities to construct symbolic rather than
numeric solutions to problems, and provide experience with the use of vectors as coordinate-free
entities. It can also allow students to explore models in a way not possible using the analytical tools
available to students. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to acquire the basic
knowledge of numerical modeling that may be required for graduate research or in a position at a
technical corporation. In addition, almost all undergraduate students who take physics course will use
computational tools in their future careers even if they do not become practicing physicists.

b. Course Objectives
This course intends to equip students with the necessary computational skills to their level in order to
solve problems unsolvable with analytical approach.

c. Learning Outcomes
The aim of this course is to provide: advanced programming skills like FORTRAN on a Linux
environment, computational techniques used in physics and their applications to physics. The material
covered will be found useful in any project or problem solving work that contains a strong
computational or data analysis element. It is important to note here that in this course students should
be able to learn by doing. The course is therefore designed such that a significant fraction of the
students' time is spent actually programming specific physical problems instead of learning abstract

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• use Linux commands to interact with Unix/Linux environment,

• gain experience in writing programming codes on a Unix/Linux environment,

• have the ability to use computers to solve physical problems,

• write a moderate-sized computer program to model a given physical process,

• use the program to investigate the underlying physics of the given process,

• discretize a differential equation using finite element methods,

• improved confidence in developing and writing computer programs for scientific applications

• develop awareness of the value and also of the limitations of numerical methods in the
simulation of physical systems

• demonstrate knowledge in essential methods and techniques for numerical computation in


• use appropriate numerical method to solve the differential equations governing the dynamics
in physical systems

• design and implement computer programs to solve physical problems by using FORTRAN or
other softwares,

• outline the essential features of each of the simulation techniques introduced and give
examples of their use in contemporary science,

• develop computer simulation for science problems, and investigate the problems using
statistical, graphical and numerical packages,

• They will have gained a deeper understanding of the physical processes and principles
underlying the particular system they have modeled.

d. Course Description
This course is designed to cover Introductory Computational Physics and techniques used in modeling
physical systems numerically. It is designed to help the students in the selection of an operating system
(Windows versus Unix/Linux), and programming language (some of the more popular in science
include FORTRAN, C, C++, MatLab, Mathematica, and Visual Basic) that best meet the requirements
needed to solve the problem. Techniques will be developed to find root of an equation and to
numerically differentiate and integrate, and to solve ordinary differential equations (ODE), partial
differential equations (PDE), linear algebraic equations using numerical methods, and finally curve
fitting. Monte-Carlo and Molecular dynamics simulation methods will also be discussed as modern
applications to the technique.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following peer learning and practice,
discussion, demonstration, reading assignments, imaginative (hypothetical condition) based
problem, group work and mastery of problem solving skills, Give worksheet and Assignment, Give
exercises and monitor the process, Solve selected questions from worksheets during tutorials.

b. Student’s activities
Students should actively participate in every class as the topics are highly interrelated besides taking
notes, asking questions, solving exercise questions, involving in group activities and getting work done
individually, doing assignments individually and manage their time to preparing for quizzes, mid exam
and final exam to be competent among each other.

4. Assessment strategies
Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is practiced
at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is

assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters. The
continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment …………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ………………………………………………...................................... 5 - 10%
• Project work …………………………………………………………….………… 5 – 10%
• Classwork …………………………………..………………………………………. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam ……………………………………......................................... 25 - 30%
• Final exam ……………………………….............................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

Computer room with internet connection and one person per PC, LCD, White board, white board marker, some
relevant softwares.

6. Course Outline
1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction to scientific computing (FORTRAN, Python, MATLAB, C++, JAVA)

1.2. Errors and Uncertainties in Computations

1.2.1. Types of Errors

1.2.2. Subtractive Cancellation

1.2.3. Round-off Error Accumulation

1.2.4. Errors in Algorithms

1.2.5. Minimizing the Error

1.2.6. Error Assessment

2. Approximation of a function

2.1. Interpolation
2.2. Least-squares approximation
2.3. The Millikan experiment
2.4. Spline approximation
2.5. Random-number generators
3. Numerical calculus
a. Roots of an equation
i. Bisection Method
ii. Secant Method
iii. Newton-Raphson Method
b. Numerical Differentiation
i. Forward Difference
ii. Central Difference
iii. Extrapolated Difference
c.Numerical Integration
i. Trapezoid Rule
ii. Mid-Point Rule
iii. Simpson's Rule
iv. Romberg Integration
v. Gaussian Quadrature

4. Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equation (3 hrs)

a. Euler Method

b. Midpoint Method

c.Runge-Kutta Method

d. Initial Value Problems

e. Boundary Value Problems

4. Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations (3 hrs)

a. Initial Value Problems

i. Hyperbolic Differential Equation

ii. Parabolic Differential Equation

iii. Boundary Value Problems

iv. Elliptic Differential Equation
6. Matrices
6.1. Linear systems of equations
6.2. Gaussian elimination
6.3. Standard libraries
6.4. Eigenvalue problem

6.5. Solution of nonlinear equations

6.5.1. Bisection method

6.5.2. Newton’s method
6.5.3. Method of secants
6.5.4. Brute force method

7. Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation

7.1. Random Number Generators

7.2. Metropolis Algorithm

7.3. Sampling & Integration

7.4. Application in Statistical Physics – Ising Model

8. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics

8.1. Classical Molecular Dynamics

8.2. Basic Methods For Many Body Systems

7. Recommended Text Books & References

Text Books:
a) Computational Physics: An Introduction to Computational Physics, Tao Pang, Second Edition
2006; Computational Physics -Problem Solving with Computers 2ed -Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J.
Páez, Cristian C. Bordeianu (WILEY, 2007)

b) Introductory Computational Physics, Andi Klein and Alexander Godunov, Los Alamos National
Laboratory and Old Dominion University, Cambridge University Press 2006
Reference Books:

a) Computational Physics:

1. Computational Physics: Fortran Version, Steven E. Koonin and Dawn C. Meredith, 1990.

2. An Introduction to Computational Physics, Tao Pang, Second Edition 2006.

3. A Survey of Computational Physics: Introductory Computational Science, Rubin H. Landau,

Manuel J. Páez, Cristina C. Bordeianu, 2008.

4. Computational Physics: An Introduction, F. J. Vesely, 2001.

5. Introductory Computational Physics, Andi Klein and Alexander Codunov, 2006.

6. Computational Physics, Morten Hjorth-Jensen, 2006.

7. Computational, Physics, Nicholas J. Giordano,1997 BerendSmit,1996.

b) Programming:

1. Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77: The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition Volume 1 of
Fortran Numerical Recipes, William H. press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling and Brian
P. Flannery, 1992.

2. Computer Programming in Fortran 90 and 95, V. Rajaraman, 1997.

3. Fortran 90/95 Explained, Micael Metcalf and John Reid, Second Edition,1999.

4. Introduction to Fortran 90 For Scientists and Engineers, Brian D. Hahn, 1993.

5. Fortran 90 Handbook, Jeanne C. Adams, Walter S. Brainerd, Jeanne T. martin, Brian T. Smith,
Jerrold L. Wagener, 1992.

6. Introduction to Programming With Fortran, Ian D. Chivers and Jane Sleightholme, 2006.

10.1.25 Research Methods
1. Course information
Research Methods

Course title: Research Methods in Physics Course Code: Phys 4941

Credit hours: 2 hrs Contact hrs: 3hr(2hr lecture + 1hr tutor)

Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge:

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. ____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The course is designed to train students of physics to become good researchers by taking a project after
introducing them with the basic concepts of research methodology.

b. Course Objective
This course is to enable students aware of research writing format and procedures.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of these course students will have demonstrated the ability to:

• Formulate research problems and objectives and determine what problem/objective is researchable
• Gain insight into the aspects of literature and studies partially and closely related to the study
• Differentiate the four kinds of research designs and identify the strengths and limitations of each design
• Diagnose correct statistical tools to answer the research problems/objectives
• Analyze and interpret raw data in terms of quantity, quality, attribute, trait, pattern, trend and
• Follow the widely accepted format and style of writing in the academic community
• Develop the qualities of a good researcher - Research-oriented, Efficient, Scientific, Effective, Active,
Resourceful, Creative, Honest, Economical, and Religious analyze the content of selected articles in
physics or physics related area and critique the arguments made in those articles.
• Perform a literature search; give a scientific presentation, work in the context of a research group, keep
a professional log book, present and defend a scientific poster, write a scientific report.
• Present their own work using the formats commonly employed in scientific presentations.
• Acquire Time-management transferable skill; working in groups; report writing; keeping a professional
journal (log book); oral and written presentation, communication. Course Competency Up on successful
completion of this course students have the ability to:
• Work as a research assistant in science/physics related research centers,
• Develop acceptable research proposal and conduct research in physics and related areas.

d. Course Description
This course includes nature and characteristic of research, review of literature, designing research,
sampling design, data analysis and interpretation and the styles of research.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, facilitate group discussions;
provide platforms for selected topics presentations etc. Prepare review questions to the students, and
give corrections to and feedbacks to the student.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. Students should read the

relevant sections in the textbook and/or reference materials and do the assignments on time. Students
are also required to come up with preview/overview of some topics to interact more during the

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through testing, project work and class activity. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………....................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………………………….………… 5 – 10%

• Review work …………………………………………………………………………………… 0 – 10%

• Class work ……………………………………………………………………………..……….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam……………………………………………………….................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………....................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material
• General instruction materials, computer, projector and the necessary accessories, journals,
books, unpublished research works for review work.

6. Course Outline
1.1 Meaning of research
1.2 Characteristics of research
1.3 Qualities and characteristics of a good researcher
1.4 Values of research to man
1.5 Types and classifications of research
1.6 Meaning and types of variable
1.7 Components of the research process
2.1 The research problem
2.2 The Research objectives
2.3 Statement of research problem/objectives
2.4 The hypothesis and assumptions
2.5 Theoretical and conceptual framework
2.6 Significance of the Study
2.7 Scope and limitations of the Study
2.8 Definition of Terms
3.1 Meaning and nature of review of related literature
3.2 Need of review of literature
3.3 Objectives of review of literature
3.4 Principles and procedures for the review of literature
3.5 Sources of review of literature

3.6 Reporting review of literature
4.1 Meaning of research design
4.2 Purposes of research design
4.3 Difference between research method and research methodology
4.4 The different types of research designs
4.4.1 Quantitative research designs
4.4.2 Qualitative research Designs
4.4.3 Mixed Method research design
5.1 Validity
5.2 Reliability
5.3 Usability
6.1 Population, sample and sampling
6.2 Need for sampling
6.3 Advantages and disadvantages of sampling
6.4 Determination of the sample size
6.5 Techniques of sampling
7.1 Quantitative data gathering instruments
7.2 Qualitative Data gathering Instruments
8.1 Data processing
8.2 Scales of Measurement
8.3 Analysis of Quantitative data
8.3.1 Statistics used in quantitative research: Descriptive and Inferential statistics
8.3.2 Software’s used to analyze quantitative data

8.4 Analysis of Qualitative data
8.5 Analysis of Mixed Method research data
8.6 Interpretation
9.1 Research report
9.2 General format of research report
9.3 Mechanisms of report writing

7. References
Bell, J. (1999). Doing Your Research Project (3rd ed.). Open University Press, United Kingdom.

Cohen, L., Manion, L. and Morrison, K. (2000). Research Methods in Education (5th ed.), Routledge
Falmer, London.

Gibaldi, J. (2004). MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Paper (6th ed.), First East-West Press Edition,
New Delhi.

Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International (P)
Limited Publishers, India.

Laurentina, P-C. (2006). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing.

Singh, Y. K. (2006). Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Statistics. New Age International (P)
Limited Publishers, India.

Temechegn Engida (2008). Educational Research Methods (Module). Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila,

10.1.26 Electrodynamics II
1) Course information
Electrodynamics II

Course title: Electrodynamics II Course Code: Phys 4701

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Electrodynamics I (Phys 3702) Prior knowledge: Calculus II

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
This course is mainly intended to introduce potential formulation for solving electrodynamical
problems. It also emphasizes on the electric and magnetic fields produced by moving charges where
special attention is given to radiating systems. The procedure in which potentials are used instead of

fields lays concrete foundation for relating electrodynamics with relativity that leads to covariant
formulation of electrodynamics.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to develop and extend learners’ understanding of Maxwell’s
equations and their applications including some advanced topics. Students will get to the point where
they can handle the fundamentals of fields due to moving charges and also to begin to explore the
interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. It also introduces potential formulation of electro-
dynamical problems. The procedure in which potentials are used instead of fields lays concrete
foundation for relating electrodynamics with relativity that leads to covariant formulation of

c. Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:

➢ Extend the concepts in Electrodynamics I to none quasi-static limit,

➢ Apply Maxwell’s equation to variety of physical systems,
➢ Describe electromagnetic phenomena with the aid of potentials,
➢ Demonstrate understanding how electric potential and fields transform,
➢ Solve problems applying potential formalism and understand that the results are independent of the
approaches one used,
➢ Demonstrate understanding of the process of electromagnetic radiation,
➢ Relate electrodynamics with relativity

d. Electrodynamics I: contents and sub contents

This Course is organized in five Chapter, and the main topics are: Maxwell’s Equations and their Empirical Basis,
Lorentz Condition, Lienard-Wiechert Potentials, Lorentz Transformation of Electric and Magnetic Fields, Fields of
Uniformly Moving Charge, Motion of Point Charge in an Electromagnetic Field, Power Radiated by Accelerated
Point Charge, Bremsstrahlung, Thomson Scattering, Electric Dipole Radiation, Covariant Formulation of

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Presentation of lecture followed by guiding the students, demonstrate problem solving, give exercises and
monitor the process, give and Solve worksheets during tutorials. Also prepare the Online learning resources.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through Listen to a lesson, take
short notes, asking and answering questions, doing homework, reading assignments, Presentation ,
Solve exercises, Work in group and individual and etc. In addition to the above Students should read the
relevant sections in the textbook and/or reference materials and do the assignments on time. Practice with
solved problems and come to lecture hours to get concepts clarified. Review and extra problems will be given
through worksheets. Students are also expected to have worked through the problems in the worksheets before
the tutorial sessions. Attendance at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be
taken at all times. It is the student’s chance to ask questions, solve problems and work in team.

4) Assessment strategies
Typically, continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through guiding, questioning and answering. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………….………………………… 5 – 10%

• Class work ……………………………………………………………………………………. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………................................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………..................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5) Instructional Materials
All instructional materials available, computer with internet connection, simulations.

6) Course Outline
1. Electromagnetic Waves
1.1. Electromagnetic waves in free medium
1.2. Electromagnetic waves in non-conducting medium
1.3. Electromagnetic waves in conducting medium
1.4. Dispersion

2. Maxwell’s Equations
2.1. Electrodynamics before Maxwell’s
2.2. How Maxwell fix Ampere’s law
2.3. Maxwell’s equations
2.4. Magnetic charge
2.5. Maxwell’s equation in matter
2.6. Boundary conditions

3. Conservation Laws
3.1. Charge and energy
3.2. Conservation of momentum
3.3. Newton’s law in electrodynamics

4. Potential and Fields

4.1. Potential formulation
4.2. Coulomb’s and Lorentz’s gauges
4.3. Continuous charge distributions
4.4. Retarded potentials
4.5. Jefimenko’s equations
4.6. Lienard-Wiechert’s potentials

4.7. Field of moving point charge

5. Radiation
5.1. Electric dipole radiation
5.2. Magnetic dipole radiation
5.3. Radiation from arbitrary source
5.4. Power radiated by point charge
5.5. Radiation reaction
5.6. Physical basis of radiation reaction
5.7. Bremsstrahlung

6. Covariant Formulation of Electrodynamics

6.1. Magnetism as relativistic phenomena
6.2. Field transformation
6.3. Electromagnetic field tensor
6.4. Covariant formulation of Electrodynamics
6.5. Relativistic potentials

7) Course Text Book & References

David J. Griffiths, Introduction to electrodynamics, 3rd ed., 1999.

Additional References

1. Munir H. Nayfeh, Electricity and Magnetism, Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1999.
2. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics 12th ed., 2008
3. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Wiley, 3rd ed., 1998.Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz,
Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 2005

10.1.27 Advanced Experimental Physics
1. Course information
Advanced Experimental Physics

Course title: Advanced Experimental physics Course Code: Phys 4102

Credit hours: 2 hrs Contact hrs: 6 (2 hrs lecture + 4 Lab. Hrs. )
Prerequisite(s): Prior knowledge: nuclear, optics, atomic
physics concepts
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Compulsory
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Course Rationale

This advanced experimental physics course introduces basic techniques used in research. It is designed
to cover different special topics from modern physics where the students will get the exposure to do
their own research both experimental and semi-experimental.

b. Objectives of the course
The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand advanced physics concepts, which
are atomic physics, nuclear physics, solid state physics and modern physics, with the help of rigorous
practical works. Moreover, the course helps learners to design and conduct of investigations to explore
phenomena and solve problems via scientific approach.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course learners should be able to:
➢ Understand the basic laws of physics in a variety of physics courses and the contribution that
physics has made to contemporary society;
➢ investigative skills, including the design and conduct of investigations to explore phenomena
and solve problems, the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and the
interpretation of evidence;
➢ understand that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analyzed and predicted using
concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action;
➢ identify, estimate, combine, quote and minimize experimental errors;
➢ use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, and skepticism and
intellectual rigor to evaluate claims;
➢ use mathematics to make predictions of experimental outcomes, with error estimates;
➢ use spreadsheet programs and other mathematical tools to analyze experimental data;
➢ demonstrate awareness of the importance of safety within the laboratory context;
➢ identify the hazards associated with specific experimental apparatus, and comply with the
safety precautions required;
➢ present the report in a concise report and oral presentations;
➢ appreciate the significance of working in a team spirit.

d. Topics in Advanced Experimental physics and Time Breakdown
Weeks Topics Pedagogical Teachers’ Students’
Approaches Tasks/Activities Tasks/Activities
1 General Lecture. Group Introduce the Get manual. Proactive in
Overview of discussion manual explain questioning and
Advanced Presentation. report writing, answering.
Experimental Asking and data analysis
Physics answering safety precautions
2 Rutherford Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning,
experiment Supervised Lead supervised answering and solving
practical and and practical problems.
unsupervised exercises. Hands-on practical
practical works Data collection
activities and report writing.
2 Elementary Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
charge and Supervised Lead supervised and answering. Hands-
Millikan practical and and practical on practical works Data
experiment; unsupervised exercises. collection and report
Specific charge practical writing.
of electron activities
3 Franck-Hertz Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
experiment Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
practical and report writing.

4 Planck’s Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
“quantum of Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
action” from practical and and practical Hands-on practical
photoelectric unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
effect (2- practical and report writing.
different activities

4 Compton Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning

Effect Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
practical and report writing.
5 Photovoltaic Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
Energy Supervised Lead supervised and answering. Hands-
Conversion practical and and practical on practical works Data
unsupervised exercises. collection and report
practical writing.
6 Fine structure, Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
one-electron Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
and two- practical and and practical Hands-on practical
electron unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
spectra practical and report writing.

6 Hall Effect in Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
Semiconductor Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
s and metals practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
practical and report writing.
7 X-Ray Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
Diffraction Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
practical and report writing.
8 Study of Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
Properties of Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
Geiger Muller practical and and practical Hands-on practical
Counter unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
practical and report writing.
8 Balmer series Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
in hydrogen Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
atom practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises. works Data collection
practical and report writing.
9 Nuclear Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
Counting Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
Statistics practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises. works Data collection

practical and report writing.
10 Absorption of Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
Beta and Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
Gamma Rays practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises.. works. Data collection
practical and report writing.
11 Zeeman Effect Lecture. Deliver lecture. Proactive in questioning
with an Supervised Lead supervised and answering.
electromagnet practical and and practical Hands-on practical
unsupervised exercises. works. Data collection
practical and report writing.
12-13 Student self-exercise
14 Oral and practical exam time
16 Final Exam

3. Instructional method and strategies

Laboratory classes should be conducted in groups, with background material presented in the form of
handouts (manuals) and with necessary support from the instructor. Tutor sessions should be
supplemented with (on-line) notes, error analysis and graph plotting elaborations. Private study and
preparing formal experimental reports. Group work in preparing and delivering oral presentation.
Simulation experiments from the Internet can be used to supplement laboratory activities whenever

Additional support will be given based on the feedback and progress of students. All course team
members will participate in supporting students.

Students should read the relevant sections in the Manual and the references, write a report based on
the collected data and improve the next report from the feedback of the previous reports. Attendance
at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be taken at all times.

4. Assessment strategies

All laboratory works will be supervised by the instructor. Lectures will be delivered prior to practical
works. Technical assistants will be available every time a lab is in progress (for arrangement of
laboratory equipments and any check off and other help). Students are encouraged to team up in
groups and discuss among themselves in conducting experiment. Students will be given laboratory
manual from the department. Students should master the entire experiment and submit individually
prepared summarized report (which includes the purpose, theory, description of the apparatus and
procedures used data analysis, quantitative result with uncertainties, discussion of the results and
conclusion). Material and ideas drawn from the work of others must be properly cited and a list of
references must be attached to the summary.
No Type of Assessment Weight

1 Pre-Lab Questions: 5-10 %

2 In-Lab questions (answering questions 10-15 %
during lectures and lab sessions):
3 Lab-Reports: 20-30 %
4 Practical 20-30 %
5 written examination 20-25%
6 Total 100 %
It is recommended that the number of students per laboratory session to be between 25 and 30.

5. Text Books and References

1. Derese, T and Milkessa, G.: Advanced Physics Experimental Lab Manual, Amazon, 2017.

2. David C. Baird, Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement, Theory and Experimental
Design, Benjamin Cummings, 3rd ed., 1994.
3. Andrian C. Melisinos and Jim Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics Academic Press,
2nd ed., 2003.
4. Jerry D. Wilson and Cecilia A. Hernández-Hall, Physics laboratory experiments, 7th ed,
CENGAGE Learning, 1982.

10.1.28 Introduction to Nano Physics
1) Course information

Introduction to Nano Physics

Course title: Introduction to Nano Physics Course Code: Phys 4502

Credit hours: 3 hrs. Contact hrs.: 5 hrs. (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Introduction to Condensed matter Prior knowledge: Quantum mechanics

physics (Phys 4501)

Academic Year:
Semester: II Year: IV
Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate
Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Compulsory


1) Instructor(s):
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor:

Others (if any):

7. Course description
a. Rationale
This course is about nanostructures, structures in which charge carriers are confined in one two or
three dimensions. Most of these nanostructures are hetrostructures which comprises more than one
kind of material. Understanding this course helps students to be familiar with new physical, electronic

and optical properties of material due to reduced size. It also gears them to see the industrial
application of nanostructures in developing nano devices and optoelectronic devices for next
generation. .

b. Objectives of the course

The course aims to introduce low dimensional systems or materials at nanometer scale. Physical
properties (electronic, optical and magnetic) differing from the bulk due either to an increase in surface
area to volume ratio or quantum confinement will be introduced in structures ranging from quantum
wells, wires and dots to self-assembled monolayers and hetrostrucure formation.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course learners will be able to:
• define Nano scale and describe important milestones in Nano science;
• understand quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots;
• understand the density of states of quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots;
• familiar with physical properties low dimensional systems;
• familiar with examples of fascinating Nano systems;
• able to appreciate the significance of Nano scale;
• understand electron transport in quantum wires;
• understand band theory of solids;
• familiar with two dimensional electron gas and quantum hall effect;
• familiar with preparation and physical properties quantum wires and dots;
• understand integral and fractional hall effects;
• understand the optical property of nanostructures;
• explain the difference between physical and optical properties of bulk and nanostructures.

d. Introduction to nanophysics: contents and sub contents

Introduction to nanophysics: What is nanophysics?, how small is a nanometer, Important milestones in Nano
science; Quantum mechanics for low dimensional systems: Review on quantum mechanics, Schrödinger
equation for free particles, Schrödinger equation for confined particles, potential well, quantization and bound
states, Density of states; Hetrostructures: General properties of hetrostructures, Growth of hetrostructures,

Layered structures, optical confinement; Band gap in solids: Free electron theory of metals, Band theory of
solids; Two dimensional systems: Infinitely deep square well, Square well of finite well, parabolic well, triangular
well, Fabrication of two dimensional system, Hall effect (integral, fractional), Resonant tunnel diode, Giant
magneto resistance, Two dimensional electron gas at complex oxide interface; Quantum tunneling: Quantum
tunneling, Potential barrier, Tunnel junction; One dimensional systems: What is quantum wire, transport in
quantum wire, preparation, theory, properties and application of nano wires and carbon nanotubes; Zero
dimensional systems: What is quantum dot? The idea of Coulomb blockade, Preparation, theory, properties,
application of semiconductor quantum dots, size dependent optical properties of quantum dots.

8. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by small group discussion, demonstration, simulation, presentation and
online learning are employed as teaching strategy.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each topic. The students individually and in group are expected to
do assignments. Moreover, students are requested to choose a topic related to nanophysics, study literature,
discuss with the lecture and make a final presentation of about 20 minutes each.

9. Assessment strategies
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….………………………… 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………..................................... 10%

• Project presentation……………………………………………………………………….10%

• Midterm………………………………………………………………………………………….20%

• Final exam ………………………………………………………………….………………….50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

10.Instructional resource and material
Online materials, Video.

11.Course Outline

1. Reviews on Quantum Mechanics and Band structure of solids

1.1. Schrödinger equation for free particles
1.2. Schrödinger equation for confined particles, potential well, quantization and
bound States
1.3. Fermi energy and Density of states
1.4. Metal, Semiconductor and Insulators
1.5. Band formation in Solids
1.6. Carrier transport in semiconductors
2. Introduction to nanophysics
7.5. What is nanoscience and nanotechnology?
7.6. What is nanophysics?
7.7. Important milestones in Nanoscience
3. Quantum nanostructure
3.1. Two dimensional electron gas systems
3.2. Hall effect
3.3. Quantum dots, wires and wells
3.4. Nanomaterials
4. Hetrostructures
4.1 Compound Semiconductors:
4.2 pn, nn and pp heterojunctions
4.3 Hetrostructures
4.4 Quantum mechanics applied to heterostructures
4.5 Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces (Schottky Barriers):

5. Nanomaterials Fabrication and Characterization Techniques
5.1. Nanomaterials Fabrication (Top-down process, Bottom-up process)
5.2 Characterization techniques (Chemical characterization, Structural characterization)

12.Text Book and References

Due to the fast growing of the field it is impossible to find a single text book that can cover all of the contents.
Some of the references are:

1. H. Davies, the Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

2. P. Harrison, Quantum well, wires and dots, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
3. Charles P. Poole, Jr. Frank J. Owens, Introduction to nanotechnology, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
4. C. Kittle, Introduction to solid state physics, 8th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

10.1.29 Senior Research Project/Thesis
1. Course information
Senior Research Project/Thesis
Course title: Senior Research Project/Thesis Course Code: Phys 4952

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 3 hrs

Prerequisite(s): both of the following two Prior knowledge:

1) Research Methods (Phys 4941) &

2) Relevant Elective course to the research

as prerequisite or given in parallel Semester: II Year: IV

Academic Year: Department: Physics

College/Faculty/Institute: Enrollment: Regular

Program: Undergraduate Course Status: Compulsory

Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

1) Advisor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Co-advisor:

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The senior research project/thesis course is designed to make the student to conduct an independent
research project/thesis that will provide an experience for future academic and professional career
build up. So, the student is expected to complete an independent project/thesis and submit a written

report. The possible projects/thesis will include; numerical analysis, extensive literature reviews on
advanced physics topics, building apparatus (or improving, expanding on, or developing a new
experiment) in Physics, and so on. The student that takes senior research project/thesis course must
find a potential advisor for the project/thesis work, and the student should work her/his project/thesis
in consultation with the advisor. The project/thesis should be up to the expected international

b. Course Objective
To help students conduct independent researches, projects that will provide experiences for their
future academic and professional career build up.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to have the following skills.

1. Carry out independent research, projects, etc. in physics

• Design and formulate experiments, apparatus, experimental methods, theoretical or numerical

methods for addressing forefront research topics in physics and related fields.
• Effectively work as a member of a research team and other collaborative creative works.
• Analyze and synthesis physical data and results.

2. Communication skills needed for research

• Write research proposals, reports, etc.

• Appreciate the potential impact of research on the scientific and engineering enterprise, as well
as the potential impact on technology and society
• Communicate results in multiple formats: written, oral, and poster presentations, including
formats such as progress reports which invite detailed questions from and discussions with
supervisors and peers.

3. Understand professional research practices

• Ethical issues in research

• Professional practices in research
• Common processes for publishing,

3. Assessment Method
SN. Assessment Method (%)Contribution
to Final Grade
1 Progress Report 10
2 Progress Presentation 10
3 Ability to learn on own 5
4 Effectiveness in working with others 5
5 Colloquia and Meeting Attendance 10
6 Final Written report 35-40
7 Final Presentation 20-25
Total 100

Note: Points to consider in the evaluation process:

- Knowledge of physics and mathematics and ability to apply

- Ability to design and conduct experiments or develop theory, and to analyze and interpret data and/or
- Ability to design a system, component, or process within realistic constraints
- Understanding of the importance of their project to science, engineering, and/or society
- Creativity/resourcefulness/independence
- Ability to communicate
- Timeliness, consistency of effort

Suggested Text Book

• Scientific Papers and Presentations, 2nd edition by Martha Davis, Academic Press Elsevier,
ISBN: 0-12-088424-0.


• The Craft of Scientific Writing, 3rd edition by Michael Alley; Springer, 1997, ISBN: 0387947663.

• The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid by
Michael Alley, Springer, 2002, ISBN: 0387955550.
• The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication: Second Edition by James G. Paradis,
Muriel L. Zimmerman, The MIT Press; 2nd Sprl edition, 2002, ISBN: 0262661276.
• Communicating in Science : Writing a Scientific Paper and Speaking at Scientific Meetings, 2nd
edition by Vernon Booth, Cambridge University Press, 1993, ISBN: 0521429153.

10.2 Physics Elective Courses
10.2.1 Materials Physics and Electronic Devices
1. Course information
Materials Physics and Electronic Devices

Course title: Materials Physics and Electronic Devices Course Code: Phys 4522

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Condensed Matter Physics (Phys 4501) Prior knowledge: approximate subject, field

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Elective


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor:

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course prepares students to understand one of the practical aspects of physics in materials science. It is
aimed at to exercise the students on developing new technologies in the field of materials physics and electronic
devices. The studies, designs, and applications of electronic, magnetic and functional materials are rapidly

becoming an essential part of modern technology. The course prepares students to advanced courses in solid
state and quantum electronics, magnetic and functional materials. It also provides an opportunity for students
to continue education in undertaking advanced study and research in the field of materials physics.

b. Course Objective
This course aims to prepare students for advanced course which help them in their future career introducing
them to the study of material physics so that they can bridge science and technology.

c. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• explain clearly the basic principles of semiconductor devices

• explain the properties of electrons in semiconductors.
• explain clearly effects of various processes on device characteristics
• explain electronic and optoelectronic application of semiconductor materials.
• design new semiconductor devices.
• explain clearly magnetic materials and their uses
• design new functional materials

d. Course Description

Energy Bands and Charge Carrier Concentration in Semiconductors, Carrier Transport Phenomena, P-n Junctions,
Bipolar Transistor and Related Devices, MOSFET and Related Devices, Microwave Diodes, Quantum-Effect, and
Hot-Electron Devices, Photonic Devices, Magnetic Materials, and Introduction to Functional Materials.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following peer learning and practice,
discussion, demonstration, reading assignments, imaginative (hypothetical condition) based problem,
group work and mastery of problem solving skills, Give worksheet and Assignment, Give exercises and
monitor the process, Solve selected questions from worksheets during tutorials.

b. Student’s activities
Students should actively participate in every class as the topics are highly interrelated besides taking
notes, asking questions, solving exercise questions, involving in group activities and getting work done
individually, doing assignments individually and manage their time to preparing for quizzes, mid exam
and final exam to be competent among each other.

4. Assessment strategies
Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is practiced
at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is
assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters. The
continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ……………………………………..…………..… 5 – 15%

• Quiz …………………………………………................................................ 5 - 10%
• Project work …………………………………………..………………..….…………..… 5 – 10%
• Classwork …………………………………..…………..…………………………….......0 – 5%
• Mid exam ……………………………………............................................ 25 - 30%
• Final exam ………………………………............................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least one
quizzes, one assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5. Instructional resources and materials

➢ Available instructional materials with LCD, computer with network
➢ Sample materials for characterization like Hall effect modules, UV spectrometer, XRD, SEM, Infrared
spectrometers, ammeters, voltmeters, chemicals for synthesization of samples, diodes, transisters,

6. Course Outline
1. Energy Bands and Charge Carrier Concentration in Semiconductors (5 hrs)
1.1. Review of Basic Crystal Structure
1.2. Energy Bands
1.3. Intrinsic Carrier Concentration
1.4. Donors and Acceptors
2. Carrier Transport Phenomena (5 hrs)
2.1. Carrier Drift
2.2. Carrier Diffusion
2.3. Generation and Recombination Processes
2.4. Continuity Equation
2.5. High Field Effects
3. P-n Junctions (3 hrs)
3.1. Thermal equilibrium Condition
3.2. Depletion Region
3.3. Depletion Capacitance
3.4. Current Voltage Characteristics
3.5. Charge storage and Transient Behavior
3.6. Junction Breakdown
3.7. Heterojunction
4. Bipolar Transistor and Related Devices (6 hrs)
4.1. The Transistor Action
4.2. Static Characteristics of Bipolar Transistor
4.3. Frequency Response and Switching of Bipolar Transistor
4.4. The Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
4.5. The Thyristor and Related Power Devices
5. MOSFET and Related Devices (6 hrs)
5.1. The MOS Diode
5.2. MOSFET Fundamentals
5.3. MOSFET Scaling

5.4. CMOS and BICMOS
5.5. MOSFET on Insulator
5.6. MOS memory Structures
5.7. The Power MOSFET
5.8. Metal Semiconductor Contacts
5.10. MODFET
6. Microwave Diodes, Quantum-Effect, and Hot-Electron Devices (7 hrs)
6.1. Basic Microwave Technology
6.2. Tunnel Diode
6.3. IMPATT Diode
6.4. Transferred Electron Devices
6.5. Quantum Effect Devices
6.6. Hot Electron Devices
7. Photonic Devices (5 hrs )
7.1. Radiative Transition and Optical absorption
7.2. LEDs
7.3. Semiconductor Laser
7.4. Photodetector
7.5. Solar cell
8. Introduction to Functional Materials (8 hrs)
8.1. Integration and devices (ceramic thick films)
8.2. Phase diagrams for functional materials
8.3. Functional composite materials
8.4. Nano sized ferroelectric crystals
8.5. Functional thin films
8.6. Magnetic sensors: principles and applications

7. Recommended References
1. S.M. Sze and Kwok K. Nq, Physics of Semiconductor Devices Wiley-Intersciences 3rd ed., (2006).
2. S.M. Sze, Modern Semiconductor Device Physics Wiley, John and Sons (1997)

3. S.M. Sze, High Speed Semiconductor DevicesWiley-Interscience, (1990).
4. Michael Shur, Physics of Semiconductor Devices Prentice Hall, (1990)
5. B. Streetman and S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, (2005).
6. Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals Addison-Wesley, (1996).
7. Donald A Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles McGraw-Hill, (2002).
8. Hasse F. and Ulla A., Physics of Functional Materials, Joh Wiley and Sons, (2008)
9. K. Buschow and F. De Boer, Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers,

10.2.2 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics
1. Course information
Introduction to Atmospheric Physics

Course title: Introduction to Atmospheric physics Course Code: Phys 4622

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Fluid and Thermal Physics (Phys Prior knowledge: concepts in mechanics and

2004) electrostatics; General chemistry

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Elective


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
1) Rationale
Developments in science and technology in general and Atmospheric physics in particular has given
new dimensions to the understanding of earth’s processes, which has proved to be a means for
improvement of quality of life of the people, and preserving the ecological balance at the same time.

Atmospheric motion causes winds. Winds and precipitation are important components for weather
and climate. Extreme weather effects such as tornado and hurricane directly affect human life and
economy. Interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere are responsible for important global
climate phenomena such as El Nino Southern Oscillations (ENSO). Therefore, understanding the
atmospheric dynamics is essential for understanding climate variability and prediction.

2) Course Objective

This course aims to introduce fundamental physical principles upon which the atmospheric sciences
are based and to provide description and interpretation of the wide range of atmospheric
phenomena starting with simple weather phenomenon to climate change.

3) Course Learning Outcome

After completion of the course the student shall be able to:

➢ apply fundamental physical principles to understand atmospheric processes

➢ apply thermodynamics on dry and humid air
➢ determine if the atmosphere is stable or unstable from a vertical temperature profile
➢ describe how precipitation is created
➢ explain how motion (wind) is created in the atmosphere
➢ derive simple model of greenhouse effect
➢ describe basics of climate change

4) Course Contents

The topics covered under this course includes: composition and structure of the atmosphere,
Thermodynamic processes and stability, Scattering, absorption and transmission of solar and thermal
radiation, greenhouse and climate effects, cloud formation processes and formation of precipitation,
simple climate models, and climate change.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following group work and mastery of problem
solving skills, gapped lecture with the presentation of charts and diagrams based on existing

measured data. Students will take measurements of temperature, relative humidity, and incoming
solar irradiance with available materials after a day visit at nearby meteorological agency.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, thought experiments and imaginative thinking and solving problems
associated with the respective topics. Field trip and excursion followed by a well-organized field

4. Assessment methods

Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve
student progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering,
interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning
is also administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method
comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ……………………………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………......................................... 5 - 10%
• Project work ………………………………………………..……………………………….……… 5 – 10%
• Field visit/Work …………………………………………………………………………….……… 0 – 5%
• Class activity.………………………………….……………….……………….…………….…….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………………………............................................. 20 - 25%
• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................ 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
one quiz, one assignment, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment with reallocation of their respective weights.

5. Instructional resource and material

Solar irradiance measuring devices, Optical filters, Portable sun photometers, retrieval softwares,
environmental air sampler and counter, computer facilities with internet, etc.
6. Course Outline

1. Structure and composition of the atmosphere
1.1. Introduction to the atmosphere
1.2. Principal layers of the Earth’s Atmosphere and its Structure
1.3. Atmospheric composition
1.4. Whether and climatic variations
2. Atmospheric thermodynamics
2.1. Ideal gas model, exponential variation of pressure with height
2.2. Temperature structure and lapse rate
2.3. Hydrostatic balance
2.4. Entropy and potential temperature
2.5. Parcel concept and the available potential energy
2.6. Moisture in the atmosphere
2.7. Cloud formation
3. Radiation and the atmosphere
3.1. The sun as a prime source of energy for the Earth
3.2. Solar energy input, daily and annual cycles
3.3. Spectrum of solar radiation reaching the Earth
3.4. Total radiation and the Stefan Boltzmann, Wien, Plank and Kirchhoff’s laws
3.5. Radiation balance at the Earth’s surface and determination of the surface temperature
3.6. The ozone layer and ozone layer depletion
3.7. Absorption by atmospheric gases
3.8. The radiative transformation
3.9. CO2, methane, H2O and other greenhouse gases
4. The hydrosphere
4.1. Properties of water
4.2. The hydrologic cycle
4.3. Measuring the water content of the atmosphere; humidity
4.4. Thermodynamics of moist air and cloud formation
4.5. Growth of water droplets in clouds
4.6. Rain and thunderstorms
4.7. Winds in the atmosphere

4.8. Hydrostatic equilibrium
5. Dynamics of the atmosphere
5.1. Geostrophic, hydrostatic
5.2. Cyclostrophic flow (High and Law pressure system)
5.3. Thermal wind equations, equation of state
5.4. Continuity, vorticity and divergence theorems
5.5. Thermodynamic energy equation, instability
5.6. Wave motions
6. Atmospheric remote sensing
6.1. Atmospheric observation
6.2. Atmospheric remote sounding from space
6.3. Atmospheric remote sounding from the ground
6.4. Dobson ozone spectrometry, radar, lidar
7. Climate Change
7.1. Introduction
7.2. An energy balance model
7.3. Some solutions of the linearized energy balance model
7.4. Climate feedbacks
7.5. The radiative forcing due to the increase of carbondioxide
8. Atmospheric modeling
8.1. The hierarchy of models
8.2. Numerical modeling
8.3. Laboratory models
8.4. Simple application of models

7. Text books and references

Text books
➢ D.G. Andrews (2010). An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics, Cambridge University press.
➢ J.M. Wallace and P.V. Hobbs (2006). Atmospheric Science, 2nd edition, Elsevier.
➢ R.McIlveen (1992). Fundamentals of Weather and Climate, Chapman and Hall.

10.2.3 Introduction to Space and Plasma Physics
1. Course information
Introduction to Space and Plasma Physics

Course title: Introduction to Space and Plasma Physics Course Code: Phys 4322

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3 hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Electrodynamics I (Phys 3704) Prior knowledge: EM, fluid and thermal physics

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Elective


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale

Space plasma physics explores the physical processes which occur in space environment. Solar system
plasma have the unique and useful feature that they can be observed closely and in many cases

probed internally with local in situ detectors, whereas the rest outside can be remotely reached.
Plasma physics currently has important technological applications to energy, the environment, and
space technology, among others. Plasma physics is an important subject for a large number of research
areas including space physics, astrophysics, controlled fusion research, high-power laser physics,
plasma processing, accelerator physics, and many areas of experimental physics. The primary goal of
this course is to present the basic principles and main equations of plasma physics at an introductory
level, with emphasis on topics of broad applicability.

b. Course Objective

The aim of this course is to explore the physical processes which occur in the space environment. Theories of
solar wind propagation and its interaction with the earth will be developed. The acquisition of a descriptive
knowledge of the space environment in the solar system, in particular the main properties of the solar
corona, the solar wind, the heliospheric magnetic field, the solar wind’s interaction with the Earth’s
magnetic field, the formation of the magnetosphere, the formation of the ionosphere, magnetospheric
structure and convection for open and closed configurations, the effects of solar-variability on solar-
terrestrial relations.

c. Course Learning Outcome

After completion of the course the student shall be able to:

➢ understand motion of charged particles in the magnetosphere and ionosphere, as well as trapped
particles and their motion
➢ derive governing equations in plasma physics (kinetic and fluid description)
➢ describe the dynamics of a multi-particle system on different levels
➢ apply the fundamental laws of physics to describe the relationship between mechanical and
electromagnetic stresses
➢ apply the conservation laws and Maxwell’s equations to describe dynamical processes like plasma wave

d. Course Description

The course space plasma physics includes: single particle theory, different particle populations in the
magnetosphere/ionosphere, adiabatic invariants, formation of the ring current, ionospheric current
systems, kinetic theory of particles, derivation of magneto hydrodynamics, mechanical and
electromagnetic forces and derivation of a variety of supported plasma waves.

3. Instructional method and strategies
a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following group work and mastery of problem
solving skills, gapped lecture with the presentation of charts and diagrams based on existing
measured data, possible field visit.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, thought experiments and imaginative thinking and solving problems
associated with the respective topics. Field trip and excursion followed by a well-organized field

4. Assessment methods

Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve
student progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering,
interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning
is also administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method
comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ………………….………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz …………………………………………............................................ 5 - 10%
• Project work ……………………………………………………….……………… 5 – 10%
• Field visit/Work ……………………………………………………………..…… 0 – 5%
• Class activity.………………………………….………………..……….………... 0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………………………............................ 20 - 25%
• Final exam ……………………………………………………...................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
one quiz, one assignment, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment with reallocation of their respective weights.

5. Instructional resource and material

Space data from Addis available sites, analysis softwares, computers with internet, etc

6. Course Outline
1. Introduction to space and plasma physics
1.1. The sun and the solar corona
1.2. The solar wind and the heliosphere
1.3. The Earth’s ionosphere
1.4. Planetary magnetospheres
2. Physics of solar system plasmas
2.1. Origin; quasi-neutrality; motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields
2.2. Drift motion; plasma as ion-electron gas
2.3. Equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy
2.4. The fluid description of plasma
2.5. Maxwell’s equations applied to plasma
2.6. Electromagnetic force on plasma
2.7. Magnetic tension and pressure
2.8. The magnetohydodynamic (MHD) approximation and frozen-in flows
2.9. MHD wave modes
2.10. Shock waves
3. Physics of the solar corona and the solar wind
3.1. Plasma and magnetic structures in the solar corona
3.2. The origin of the solar wind and Parker’s isothermal solar wind solution
3.3. The solar cycle dependence of solar phenomena
4. Physics of the heliosphere
4.1. The solar wind and the heliospheric magnetic field
4.2. Fast and slow solar wind streams
4.3. Corotating and transient disturbances in the solar wind
4.4. Solar cycle effects
4.5. The boundary of the heliosphere and the local interstellar medium
5. Physics of the Earth’s Ionosphere
5.1. Formation of the ionosphere

5.2. Photoionization and the Chapman production function
5.3. Ionization by energetic particles
5.4. Loss mechanisms
5.5. Conductivity and current system
5.6. Ionosondes
6. Physics of planetary magnetospheres
6.1. The Chapman-Ferraro problem
6.2. The interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere
6.3. Bow shock, magneto sheath, magnetopause, magnetosphere, magnetospheric tail
6.4. Plasma flows due to corotation and solar-wind driven convection
6.5. Radiation belts
7. Solar-terrestrial physics and space weather
7.1. Geophysical effects of solar phenomena
7.2. Some practical effects of space weather phenomena
7.3. Solar cycle dependence of geophysical effects
7.4. Problems with forecasting space weather

7. Text books and references

Text books
➢ W. Baumjohann and R. Treumann (1997). Basic Space Plasma Physics, Imperial College Presse.
➢ M.G. Kivelson and C. T. Russell (1995). Introduction to Space Physics, Cambridge University Press.
➢ T.E. Cravens (1997). Physics of Solar System Plasmas, Cambridge University Press.

10.2.4 Geophysics
1. Course information

Course title: Geophysics Course Code: Phys 4626

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs.: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3 hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge: Oscillations and Waves
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV
College/Faculty/Institute: Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Elective
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. rationale
This course provides students with the basic knowledge in the application of geophysical methods,
with the knowledge and skills in survey design, field procedures and presentation of results,
interpretation of anomalies.

b. Objective
The course intends to introduce students with basics of general geophysics and exploration geophysics.

c. Learning outcome
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

• Know the basic principles of geophysics like gravity, waves, magnetism, and heat ad applied to
unraveling the hidden structure and composition of the Earth.
• Have the skill of operating the different instruments of geophysics
• Collect data and interpret
• Prospect the deep seated resources of the Earth.

d. Course contents

Gravity: fundamental principles, mass and density; gravitational potential and equipotential surfaces;
The Earth’s shape and normal gravity; gravity anomalies. Isostasy: crustal thickness and the surface
relief of the Earth. Seismology: forces within the earth and crustal deformation; Stress and strain,
Mechanical response of rocks to deformation; tectonic structures; earth processes; physical principles;
seismic waves; elasticity and seismic waves; Seismic wave velocity variations within Earth, travel-time
curves and travel times within Earth, Seismic tomography. Geomagnetism: geomagnetic fields and
variations of the geomagnetic field; diurnal and secular variations; magnetic anomalies; magnetic
character of continental and oceanic crust. Heat Flow: The sources of the Earth’s heat; internal and
external heat; transfer of heat from the interior to the surface. The course covers the following main
topics: Basic principles and applications of geophysical exploration; Overview of the different
geophysical methods; Gravity Method: General principles, the gravity field of the Earth, stable and
unstable gravimeters, gravity data correction, Regional Residual Separation, Interpretations; Magnetic
Method: Principles, The magnetic field of the Earth, Magnetometers: Hotchkiss Super dip, Schmidt
balance and the Proton-Precision magnetometers, ground and airborne magnetic surveys, magnetic
data corrections, data presentation and qualitative interpretation; Electrical Methods, types of
electrical methods of prospecting; Resistivity methods: Resistivity Sounding and Profiling, Theory of
Images: Hummel’s Image, Theory and apparent resistivity over two-layer Earth, two-layer master
curves; The Self Potential Method: Principles and origin, Field procedure, applications; Induced
Polarization Method: Principles, origin, Field procedure and applications; Seismic Methods: Elementary
principles of seismic reflection and refraction methods, Two- and three-layer reflection and refraction
problems including inclined layers, Applications, Field procedure, Fundamentals of seismic

3. Instructional method and strategies
a. Teacher’s activities
➢ Introducing objectives to the students

➢ Asking brain storming questions

➢ Defining terms in statistics

➢ brief introduction to the sub topics

➢ Giving class room and home based works

➢ Checking, evaluating, and giving feedback to students’ work

➢ Summarizing the chapters

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
brainstorming, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics.

4. Assessment methods
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve
student progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering,
interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning
is also administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method
comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Individual assignment ………………………………………………………………………… 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………........................................ 5%
• Group assignment……………………………………………….……………………………… 15%
• Field work …………………………………………………………………………………………….10%
• Group presentation …………………………………………………………………….…….… 5%

• Attendance and participation ……………………….……………….…………….………. 5%
• Mid exam ……..…………………………………………………...................................... 20%
• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................ 40%
5. Instructional materials and resources required
All instructional materials available and lab equipments like Gravimeter, resistivity meter, terameter,
magnetometer, porosimeter, radiometer and other survey meters.

6. Recommended Text and Reference

1. Lowrie, W. L., Fundamentals of Geophysics, Cambridge University Press.
2. Fowler, C. M. R., The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, 2nd ed., Cambridge
University Press.
3. Mussett, M; Khan, M., A Looking into the Earth: An Introduction to Geological Geophysics.
Cambridge University Press, 2000.
4. Stacey, Frank D.: Physics of the earth. 2nd Ed., Wiley, 1977.
5. Schubert, G., Turcotte, D., and Olson, P.: Mantle Convection in the Earth and Planets,
Cambridge University Press Press.
6. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, Dobrin M.B, 1976.
7. Turcotte, D.; Schubert, G.: Geodynamics. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2002.
8. Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, QES A663
9. Burger, H.R. : Exploration Geophysics of Shallow Subsurface, Prentice Hall, TN26 B86 1992.
10. Dobrin, M.B. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw Hill, New York, (1960).
11. Keller, G.V. and Frischknecht F. C. Electrical Methods of Geophysical Prospecting. Pergamon
Press, New York, (1996) .
12. Telford, W.M, Geldart, L.P and Sheriff, R.E. Applied Geophysics. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, (1990).
13. Geophysical Exploration, Hanfer Publshing vompany, TN269 H37 (1963).
14. Foundation of Exploration Geophysics, Elsevier, TN269A75.
15. Applied and Environmental Geophysics, John M..Reynolds

10.2.5 Metrology
1. Course information

Course title: Metrology Course Code: Phys 4122

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4 hr lecture + 3 hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Any of experimental courses Prior knowledge: Experimental physics courses

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Elective


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The growing export market in the agriculture and industry sectors is accompanied by increased
demand of standardization and quality assurance. This course will motivate and gives the
fundamentals to enter quality assurance and standardization procedures. Maintaining quality is a key
for competitiveness in the global market. Industrial productions of highly complex goods or semi-

processed raw materials demand for reliable and accurate measurements. Accurate and traceable
measurements are essential for the society and trade. The Science of measurement has become
advanced as well as sophisticated, and has consequently enjoyed expanded range of application from
agriculture to medicine from industries to forensics. In Ethiopia, there is a growing need of trained man
power. Modernizing manufacturing and agricultural sectors, creating conducive environment for
investment and food self-sufficiency are focus areas of the country. Metrology is not an activity that is
only carried out in specialized institutes or calibration laboratories. In order to meet the needs of
society for accurate and reliable measurements in all its many applications, a strong spirit of metrology
must also exist in companies and enterprises that make the instruments and that use them to make

b. Objectives:

This course aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of measurement science and quality
infrastructure. It also aims to deepen the concepts of measurement science and quality control by
attaching students to a project work in collaboration with the facilities in the Quality and Standards
Authority of Ethiopia.

c. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• • explain the working principle of instrumentation;

• Perform advanced measurement activities;
• Recognize measurement as a science and the importance of standardization;
• Perform basic measurement activities;
• Explain and national quality infrastructure;
• Recognize quality control, quality systems and quality management;
• troubleshoot faults ins measuring instruments;
• Understanding of quality assurance and infrastructure concept in various sectors of the national

• Work Co-operatively: students are free to discuss homework problems with each other. Hence they
have the opportunity to work co-operatively and exploit each other as a learning resource.
• Work in calibrations, standardization and quality control agencies.
• Work as industrial metrologies, and compute in the physical laboratories

d. Course Description

This course contains topic like Fundamentals of measurement science, Fundamentals of measurement
science, Statistical Analysis of Measurement, Analogy Measuring instruments, Quality and Quality
Systems, the ISO Quality Systems, Quality Management as well as Project Work on Quality and
standard topics. Quality and Quality Systems, the ISO Quality Systems, Quality Management will
motivate and gives the fundamentals to enter quality assurance, standardization procedures and
professions that need of.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in practical
field work including visits at national quality and standard authorities and facilities under it.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice and learn through field work including visits at different relevant

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment field work. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the
following parameters

Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment………………………………………………………..… 5 – 15%

• Project work………………………………………………..…………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Class work ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………....................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two tests, two assignments, one, project, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the
completion of the course assessment. Students should read the relevant sections in the textbook
and/or reference materials and do the assignments on time. Review questions will be given through
worksheets. Students are also expected to have worked through the questions in the worksheets
before the tutorial sessions. Attendance at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. It is the
students chance to ask questions, do their assignments and work in team.

5. Instructional resource and material

Different measuring tools, like tape, meters, balances and calibrated standards for different physical
quantities, etc.

6. Course Outline
1) Fundamentals of Measurement Science
1.1) Historic Development of Measurement
1.2) Classification of Measurement Science
1.3) Measurement Disciplines
1.4) Importance of Measurement Science
1.5) Analogue Measuring Instruments
2) National Quality Infrastructure (NQI)
2.1) Elements of NQI
2.2) NQI in Ethiopia
2.3) Interrelations between the elements of NQI

2.4) Impact of NQI on value (product or system) chains
2.5) international Integration

3. Standardization
3.1) What is Standard?
3.2) Technical Regulation
3.3) Relationship between Technical Regulation and Standard
3.4) International Organizations dealing with Standards
4) Metrology
4.1) Basic Concepts of Metrology
4.2) Scientific or fundamental metrology
4.3) Applied or Industrial Metrology
4.4) Legal Metrology
5) Testing
5.1) Definition
5.2) Types of Testing Laboratories
5.3) Testing in Conformity Assessment
5.4) Proficiency Testing Scheme
5.5) National Arrangement for Testing
5.6) Importance of Testing in International Trade
6) Certification
6.1) Management System Certification
6.2) Personal System Certification
6.3) Product Certification
6.4) Inspection
7) Accreditation
7.1) Value of Accreditation
7.2) Necessity for Accreditation
7.3) Accreditation in Relation to Conformity Assessment
8.) Experiment and project
8.1) Project on Topics of Standardization, Measurement or Quality infrastructure
8.2) Citation Referencing

8.3) Form writing a project

Students should read the relevant sections in the textbook and/or reference materials and do the
assignments on time. Review questions will be given through worksheets. Students are also expected
to have worked through the questions in the worksheets before the tutorial sessions. Attendance at
lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. It is the students chance to ask questions, do their
assignments and work in team.

7. Text book and reference

Course text book

FARAGO, F.T., Curtis, M.A., Handbook of Dimensional Measurement, Third Edition, Industrial Press,


Harrison M. Wadsworth, Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement, John Weily and Sons,

10.2.6 Nuclear Physics and Applications
1. Course Information

Nuclear Physics and Applications

Course title: Nuclear Physics and Applications Course Code: Phys 4822
Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4 hr lecture + 3 hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Nuclear Physics I (Phys 3802) Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV
College/Faculty/Institute: ______ Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Elective
1) Instructor(s):____________ Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor:__________________ Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale

The course introduces the fundamental principles that underline nuclear science and its engineering
applications, as well as mathematical tools needed to grasp these concepts. Applications to nuclear
science will be used to illustrate these (often abstract) principles. It describes models for the nuclear
structure and radioactivity, description of various mechanisms for interaction between ionizing
radiation and matter, and introduction to radiation dosimeter. The course includes the detail of how
nuclear energy can be used and generated.

b. Objectives

The general objective of this course is to set up the knowledge of Nuclear and radiation physics for
application in different areas including application in medicine and energy production.

c. Learning Outcomes

Up on completion of the course Nuclear Physics I students should be able to:

• use basic concepts of nuclear physics to describe nuclear decay mechanisms and solve
problems related to nuclear decay,
• apply their knowledge of nuclear structure to find the structural detail of a given nucleus,
• describe different nuclear physics applications in science and technology,
• explain effects of radiation and how to measure radiation dose and apply radiation protection
techniques to protect the public from radiation hazard
• discuss energy applications of nuclear physics to produce neutrons and power for destructive
and constructive purposes and applications to speed up charged particle projectiles
• perform basic nuclear physics calculations and interpret the results

d. Nuclear Physics and application: contents and sub contents

Nuclear Decay, Alpha decay, Beta decay, Nuclear Reaction, Q-equation of nuclear reaction, Reaction
cross-section based on partial wave analysis, Compound Nucleus theory, Nuclear Structure, The liquid
drop model, The independent particle model, The Nuclear Shell Model, Effects of Radiation and Dose,
Radiation dosimeter, Biological effects of radiation, Radiation protection, Applications of Nuclear
Radiation, Radioactive dating, Medical applications, Industrial and agricultural isotopes, Energy
Applications, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Reactors, Research reactors and application, Power reactors and
applications, Charged particle Accelerators, Cyclotrons and syncho-cyclotrons.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in project work,
virtual field trip and during medical equipment observations. And also permitting the students to voice and
defend their own opinions and enhancing the students’ commitment to individual study and acquiring
knowledge are among the activities.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice and learn through project work, virtual field trip and observations.

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews,
assignment. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………..………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………........................................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………….……………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………………….…………………………..…………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ……………………………………….………………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam…………………….………………………………........................................................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………......................................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

Teaching resource and materials are books and guides for students and teachers, visual aids, including
films, slides, charts, film loops, models, experimental equipment and apparatus.

Course Outline

1. Nuclear Decay (12 hr)

1.1 Alpha decay
1.1.1 Transmission coefficient for barrier transmissions
1.1.2 Gamows theory of alpha decay
1.2 Beta decay
1.2.1 Fermi theory of beta decay
1.2.2 Kuri-plots and applications
1.2.3 Ft- values and selection rules
1.2.4 Parity and non-conservation of parity in beta decay
1.3 Gamma decay
1.3.1 Gamma decay transition probabilities
1.3.2 Selection rules
2. Nuclear Reaction (8hr)
2.1. Q-equation of nuclear reaction
2.2. Stages of Nuclear Reaction
2.3. Reaction cross-section based on partial wave analysis
2.4. Compound Nucleus theory
3. Nuclear Structure /14 hrs/
3.1. The liquid drop model
3.1.1. Semi-empirical mass formula: coupling the shell model and collective model
3.1.2. Volume, surface and coulomb contributions

3.1.3. Symmetry Energy, pairing and shell correction
3.1.4. Nuclear Stability: The mass surface and the line of stability
3.2. The independent particle model
3.2.1. The degenerate Fermi gas
3.2.2. The nuclear symmetry potential in the Fermi gas
3.2.3. Degenerate Fermi gas Stability
3.3. The Nuclear Shell Model
3.3.1. Evidence of the presence of the nucleon shell structure
3.3.2. The eigen value problem for the bound system
3.3.3. The Potentials
3.3.4. The spin orbit coupling
4. Effects of Radiation and Dose /8hr/
4.1. Types and sources of radiation
4.2. Review of interaction of radiation with matter
4.3. Radiation dosimeter
4.3.1.Radiation quantities and units
4.3.2.Radiation dose
4.4. Biological effects of radiation
4.5. Radiation protection
5. Applications of Nuclear Radiation /8hrs/
5.1. Radioactive dating
5.2. Medical applications
5.2.1.Diagnostic nuclear medicine
5.2.2.Therapeutic nuclear medicine
5.3. Industrial and agricultural isotopes
6. Energy Applications /14 hrs/
6.1. Nuclear Fission
6.2. Nuclear Fusion
6.3. Nuclear Reactors
6.3.1.Reactor Fuel

6.3.2.Reactor Moderators
6.3.3.Reactor controlling rods
6.4. Research reactors and applications
6.5. Power reactors and applications
6.6. Charged particle Accelerators
6.7. Cyclotrons and syncho-cyclotrons

1. Krane K.S., Introductory Nuclear Physics, Wiley, (1987).
2. K Heyde, Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics, 2nd Ed., IOP Publishing Ltd,, Belgium, (1999)
3. G.F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, 3rd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, (1999).

10.2.7 Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics
1. Course information
Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics

Course title: Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics Course Code: Phys 4324

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Introduction to relativity (Phys 3303) Prior knowledge:

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Elective


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The intention of the course is to instigate and appreciate new scientific discoveries where astronomy
has full open issues and phenomena that everyone can participate as an open laboratory for all. It gives
everyone the opportunity to participate in new discoveries and debates to develop science and
technology that play role in our everyday lives and culture; a way to view our real physical world.
Overall, the comprehensive system and phenomena entailed in astronomy and astrophysics entertains

ever human being on earth to question, experiment, demonstrate, hypothesis, formulate, philosophy,
etc and apply to personal life style.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to enable learners understand and comprehend the
fundamental concepts in astronomy where physics is extensively used. Moreover, the trainee will be
able to present a survey of astronomical science, including highlights of modern exploration and the
open questions in astronomy including origins and dynamisms. Topics include the formation and
characteristics of the Solar System, including the planets and minor members of the system;
Telescopes; the Sun; the birth, life and death of stars; galaxies and dark matter; active galaxies and
quasars; Big Bang cosmology.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course, learners will be able to:
• Describe the features of objects in the Solar System (i.e. Sun, planets, moons, asteroids,
comets, planetary interiors, atmospheres, etc.) giving details of similarities and differences
between these objects;

• Detail changes which are observed when viewing the sky daily, weekly, monthly, annually and
longer period of time and demonstrate an understanding of the reasons behind any observed

• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic properties of the Sun and other stars;

• Explain stellar evolution, including red giants, supernovas, neutron stars, pulsars, white dwarfs
and black holes, using evidence and presently accepted theories;

• Detail the main features and formation theories of the various types of observed galaxies, in
particular the Milky Way;

• Explain the evolution of the expanding Universe using concepts of the Big Bang and
observational evidence;
• Use information learned in class and develop observation skills explain astronomical features
and observations obtained via telescopic observations and/or data provided through computer

d. Introduction to Astronomy & Astrophysics: contents and sub contents

History of astronomy, the features of objects in the Solar System, the basics of sky observation, the
basic properties of the sun and other stars, stellar evolution, the main features and formation theories
of galaxies, the evolution of the expanding Universe in the Big Bang theory and observational evidence.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in practical
field work including sky observation (the moon, stars, star patterns, etc.) with and without telescope.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students
individually and in peer practice and learn through field work including sky observation (the moon,
stars, star patterns, etc.) with and without telescope. The learners also learn more individually by
constructing a simple Sundial (take-home practical). Each practical will result in a report for
assessment. The students will also use Virtual astro-lab to do observation and for observational data

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews

assignment field work- sky observation, virtual astro-lab work. On the other hand, assessment of
learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment …………………………………………….…………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz …………………………………………………………………………........................ 5 - 10%

• Project work ………………..…..……………………………………………………..……… 5 – 10%

• Interview ………………………………………………………………………………..……… 0 – 5%

• Field visit/Work ……………………………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ...……………………………………………………………….…………….…….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam ….………………………………………………………………..................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam ……………………………..………………………………….................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least
two quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the
course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

• Observational tools, telescopes, virtual astro-lab, star pointers.

• Computational lab facilities and animation softwares such as stellarium, Midnight Kit, etc. are

6. Course Outline
1. Preliminaries (4hrs)

1.1 Astronomy and astrophysics: An overview

1.2 Celestial Mechanics
1.2.1 Equations of Motion

1.2.2 Elliptical Orbits & orbital elements
1.2.3 Newtonian Mechanics
1.2.4 Kepler’s Second and Third Law
1.2.5 The Virial Theorem
2. Observations and Instruments (3hrs)

2.1 Basic Optics

2.2 Optical and Radio Telescopes
2.3 Infrared, Ultraviolet, X-ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy
2.4 All-Sky Surveys and Virtual Observatories

3. Stellar Spectra (3hrs)

3.1 Measuring Spectra
3.2 The Harvard Spectral Classification
3.3 The Yerkes Spectral Classification

4. Binary Stars and Stellar Masses (4hrs)

4.1 Visual Binaries
4.2 Astrometric Binary Stars
4.3 Spectroscopic Binaries
4.4 Photometric Binary Stars
5. Stellar Structure and Evolution (6hrs)
5.1 Internal Equilibrium Conditions
5.2 Physical State of the Gas
5.3 Stellar Energy Sources
5.4 Stellar Models
5.5 Evolutionary Time Scales
5.6 The Contraction of Stars Towards the Main Sequence
5.7 The Main Sequence Phase
5.8 The Giant Phase

5.9 The Final Stages of Evolution

6. The Sun (3hrs)

6.1 The Solar Interior
6.2 The Solar Atmosphere
6.3 The Solar Cycle

7. Variable stars (4hrs)

7.1 Classification
7.2 Pulsating Variables
7.3 Cataclysmic and Eruptive Variables

8. Compact Stars (4hrs)

8.1 White Dwarfs and Brown Dwarfs
8.2 Neutron Stars
8.3 Black Holes

9. The Milky Way Galaxy (4hrs)

9.1 Stellar Statistics
9.2 The Morphology of the Galaxy
9.3 The Kinematics of the Milky Way
9.4 The Galactic Center

10. The Nature of Galaxies (5hrs)

10.1 The Hubble Sequence
10.2 Spirals and Irregular Galaxies
10.3 Elliptical Galaxies

10.4 Galactic Evolution

10.4,1 Interactions of Galaxies
10.4.2 The Formation of Galaxies

11. Active Galaxies (4hrs)

11.1 Observations of Active Galaxies

11.2 A Unified Model of Active Galactic Nuclei
11.3 Radio Lobes and Jets
11.4 Using Quasars to Probe the Universe

12. Cosmology: The Big Bang and beyond (6hrs)

12.1 General Relativity
12.2 Einstein's Theory of General Relativity
12.3 The Primeval Fireball
12.4 The Standard Big Bang Model
12.5 Alternative cosmological models
12.5.1 Problems with the Big Bang model
12.5.2 Some alternative models

7. Texts and References

1. Bradley W. Caroll and Dale A. Ostilie, (2007) An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, 2nd
edition, Pearson Education Inc
2. Zelik, M and Gregory, S Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics, Thompson Learning, Inc. 1998
3. Hannu Karttunen, et al. (2017), 6th ed. Fundamental Astronomy
4. Sun Kwok, (2016) 2nd edition. Our Place in the Universe: Understanding Fundamental
Astronomy from Ancient Discoveries.

10.2.8 Environmental Physics
1. Course information

Environmental Physics

Course title: Environmental Physics Course Code: Phys 4628

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3hrs tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Fluid and Thermal Physics (Phys 2004) Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Elective
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
Environmental Physics is defined as the application of the Laws of Physics in order to provide a description of the
natural environment. It is widely observed that most of the environmental issues like global warming, nuclear
waste, ozone layer depletion, energy crisis, air, soil and water pollution, electronic waste etc can be understood
from the perspective of Physics. This days, Sound and light pollutions as well are becoming causes of major
health problem. So that mitigating them scientifically is very important. Hence the study of Environmental
Physics becomes even more important than ever.

b. Objectives of the course

The major aim of this course is to make students aware of the physical aspects of the environment by applying
the basic laws and principles of physics. Actually environmental physics is more than the study of the physical
environment; it comprises aspects of atmospheric physics, soil physics, energy utilization in the society and
many aspects of applied physics and engineering. Rather than giving the superficial definitions of these
aspects of the environment, the course is designed to engage students and make them aware of the physics
which will help analyze, prevent and mitigate environmental problems.

c. Learning outcomes
After completing this course, the students will be able to:

• Define basic concepts of the basis of environmental physics

• Explain the basic scientific concepts of environmental spectroscopy.
• Describe the greenhouse and greenhouse effect qualitatively and analytically.
• Characterize the vertical structure of the atmosphere.
• Analyze temperature variations between day and night using heat equations.
• Identify the factors influencing the atmosphere.
• Develop qualitative and quantitative model of the global energy balance.
• Identify the pollution agents of the environment.
• Identify how pollutants (aerosols) are transported.
• Characterize the levels of sound pollutions by measuring Sound level in a certain environment.

d. Environmental Physics : Content and sub contents

Essentials of environmental physics, how it is important to human beings and societal development, Green
house and the greenhouse effect, Vertical structure of the atmosphere, Ozone and ozone layer depletion,
Basic Environmental spectroscopy, Blackbody radiation and emission spectrum of the sun. The energy
balance: the zero dimensional greenhouse model. Renewable energy resources: Solar, wind, hydro,
geothermal Environmental pollution and pollutant agents, Sound and noise: Measuring sound level and the
impact of excess sound on health and the environment.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following group work and mastery of problem solving
skills, gapped lecture with the presentation of charts and diagrams based on existing measured data. A one-day
excursion session will be arranged for site visiting and writing report about it.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, thought experiments and imaginative thinking and solving problems associated with the
respective topics. Field trip and excursion followed by a well-organized field report.

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for.
On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters

Note The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment …………………………………..……… 5 – 10%

• Quiz ………………………………........................................................... 5 - 10%
• Project work ……….……………………………………….…………… 5 – 10%
• Interview ………………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%
• Field visit/Work ………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%
• Classwork ……………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam ……………………………...................................................... 20 - 25%
• Final exam …………………………………............................................ 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two quizzes,
two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course assessment.

5. Instructional resource and material

➢ Charts and global resources of data display, Sound level meter.

➢ Computational lab facilities and animation software such as PhET.

6. References

➢ Egbert Boeker and Reink Van Grondelle, Environmental Physics

➢ Peter Hughs, Environmental Physics
➢ John Twidell & Tony Weir, Renewable Energy Resources
➢ School text books

10.2.9 Introduction to Medical Physics
1. Course information
Introduction to Medical Physics

Course title: Introduction to Medical Physics Course Code: Phys 4824

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7hrs (4hr lecture + 3hrs tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Nuclear physics (Phys 3802) Prior knowledge: Nuclear physics concepts

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Elective


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The general intention of the course is to describes and appreciate role of physics in medicine. It is introductory
course of medical physics for students having inclination toward health physics and Medicine which will help
them to understand basic physical principle behind diagnostic and treatment machine that uses both ionizing
and non-ionizing radiation.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to enable learners to understand role of physics in medicine and it helps
learners to develop basic understanding of medical physics concepts and describe key physical principles applied
to medical imaging and radiation therapy.


▪ To provide a broad knowledge on the interaction of Non-Ionizing radiation and ultrasound in tissues and
their use in medicine.
▪ To teach the basics of radiological physics, interaction of radiation with matter, basic dosimetric concepts and
radiation detector.
▪ To provide the knowledge on the importance of treatment efficacy quality and accuracy of radiation therapy
treatments through improved clinical dosimetry.
▪ To teach the construction and working principles of radiotherapy equipments
▪ In addition it helps the learners to understand physics of human body, radiobiology and understand
radiation safety related to both diagnostic and treatment equipments.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course learners will be able to:
• explain the physics of the human body
• explain the mechanics, optical and electrical system of a body
• have an understanding of the structure of atoms and X-ray generation
• appreciate the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation
• be aware of methods of detecting ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
• have a grasp of the interactions that occur between electromagnetic radiation (ionizing and non-
ionizing) and tissue
• know important SI units and definitions of parameters associated with electromagnetic radiation
• understand the nature of magnetic resonance signal acquisition - how it relates to net magnetization,
simple RF pulse sequences
• have a general understanding of the physical principles, construction and function of a diagnostic X-ray
• have a general understanding of the physical principles, construction and function of a CT scanner
• have a general understanding of the principles, rationale and practice behind radiotherapy

• have an appreciation of the theoretical description of imaging systems
• appreciate the role of the medical physicist in the management of medical imaging systems, safety
aspects and quality assurance
• have a basic understanding of radiobiology and the effect of radiation on man
• explain radiation protection and safety issues both in diagnostic and treatment procedures using

d. Contents and sub contents

1. Physics of the body
1.1. Mechanics of The Body
1.2. Energy Household of The Body
1.3. Pressure System of the Body
1.4. Acoustics of the Body
1.5. Optical System of the Body
2. Diagnostic X-rays
2.1. x-ray sources and generation
2.2. design considerations
2.3. factors affecting the x-ray spectrum
2.4. Attenuation of heterogeneous and homogenous x-rays
2.5. Attenuation coefficients
2.6. Attenuation mechanisms
2.7. Image formation
2.8. Radiographic image quality
2.9. factors affecting image quality
2.10. Diagnostic applications of X-rays
2.11. mobile and dental x-ray machine
2.12. mammography, Basic principle of CT scanner
2.13. Generation of CT
2.14. Single slice and Multi slice CT scan System
2.15. Image reconstruction

2.16. CT artifacts;
3. Radiation Protection Absorbed dose
3.1. dose equivalent
3.2. effective dose
3.3. quality factors, kerma, relevant units and definitions
3.4. ionizing radiation and man
3.5. biological effects of ionizing radiation
3.6. Radiobiology
3.7. shielding calculation for radiation emitting diagnostic and treatment facilities
4. Radiation detection
1.1. gas ionization
1.2. solid state
1.3. scintillation;
5. Therapeutic X-rays
5.1. External beam radiotherapy
5.2. radiotherapy equipments
5.3. treatment role
5.4. treatment factors
5.5. dose fractionation
5.6. treatment planning
5.7. Brachytherapy
6. Nuclear Medicine
6.1. physics of nuclear medicine and radio pharmaceuticals
6.2. rectilinear scanners and gamma cameras
6.3. clinical scanning of different organs
6.4. positron emission computed tomography( PET) and SPECT(elementary ideas)
7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
8.3. Review of the classical model
8.4. the quantum model and physical interpretation

8.5. parameters relevant to MRI imaging , proton spin, precession, net magnetization, RF fields,
90 and 180 degree pulse sequences, receiver coils, signal localization, image production,
MRI hardware, safety;
9. Ultrasound imaging
9.1. Ultrasound physics (waves, reflection, transmission and attenuation) and Ultrasound
Imaging principles (Echoes, resolution, speckle, Doppler).

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in practical field
work in hospitals and different health facilities to observe CT scanning procedures, x-ray imaging procedures,
LINAC workflow and working principle, MRI scanning etc.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems related to specific topics. The students individually and in peer practice
and learn through field work by visiting and observing both diagnostic and treatment procedures in hospitals
followed by report for each observations.

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, essence of continuous assessment is implemented in the
way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve students’ progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews, and reports of each observation. On the
other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters.

Note: The continuous assessment method compromises of various modalities as follows,

• Group/individual assignment……………………………………….10-20%
• Quiz………………………………………………………………………………5-10%
• Project work…………………………………………………….………..…10-15%
• Class work…………………………………………………………………..0-5%

• Mid exam……………………………………………………………………20-25%
• Final exam……………………..……………………………………………40-50%

All the fore mentioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least one quiz,
one projects, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for completion of the course

5. Instructional resource and material

Diagnostic and treatment facilities like CT Scanner, MRI , Ultrasound and x-ray machine and Linear accelerator
which can be found in hospitals and different health facilities..

6. Text and References

1. Medical Physics: Imaging, Jean A. Pope, Heinemann Publishers, 2012
2. Herman Cember and Thomas A. Johnson, Introduction to health physics, 4th ed., (2008).
3. William R. Hendee and E. Russell ritenour, Medical imaging physics, 4th ed., (2002).
4. Glenn F.Knoll. Radiation Detection and Measurement,3rdedition John Wiley &Sons,Inc,2000
5. J.T. Bushberg, J.A. Seibert, E.M. Leidholdt Jr. and J.M. Boone, The Essential Physics of Medical
Imaging, L. Williams and Wilkins, (2001).
6. S.R. Cherry, J. Sorenson, m. Pharps, Physics in Nuclear Medicine, Saunders, 3rd ed., (2003). J. Herbert
and D. A. Rocha, Text Book of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 2 and 6, Lea and
Febiger Co., Philadelphia, 2002.
7. J.A. Zaggzebski, Essentials of Ultrasound Physics, Mosby Inc., (1996)
8. I.P. Herman, Physics of the Human Body, Springer Verlag, (2007).

10.2.10 Energy Physics
1. Course information
Energy Physics

Course title: Energy Physics Course Code: Phys 4624

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4 hrs lecture + 3 hrs tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge: concepts of energy

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Elective


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description

a. Rationale
The Physics of sustainable sources Energy is a new subject, offered for BSc in physics students.
The course is designed as an elective course for the student who wants to understand the
fundamental laws and physical processes that govern the sources, extraction, transmission,
storage, degradation, and end uses of energy. This course will focus on the fundamental

physical principles underlying renewable energy processes, and on the application of these
principles to practical calculations. Energy systems trends and directions; Review of energy
reserve. Production and consumption trends in Ethiopia and the world. Use of energy and its
impact on the environment i.e greenhouse gas emissions and pollution; Energy policy
considerations and design of future sustainable energy systems; Exergy as a measure of the
quality of energy, and exergy destruction as an indicator for environmental impact; exergy
analysis; sustainability and the role of technology and physical analysis in the context of
addressing environmental problems. We will emphasize quantitative analysis and will
introduce and apply many important analytical tools. The class will explore society’s present
needs and future energy demands, examine conventional energy sources and systems,
including fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and then focus on alternate, renewable energy
sources such as solar, wind, biomass, hydro, tidal, wave, ocean thermal, Geothermal, fossil
fuels, and nuclear energy; Energy carriers including hydrogen and bio-fuels as appropriate;
Energy conservation methods will be emphasized. .
b. Objectives of the course

At the end of this course students will be able to:

• Develop detailed knowledge and critical understanding of the core skills in renewable
energy resources, converters, storage and systems;
• Develop and use a significant range of principal and specialist skills, techniques and
practices in renewable energy;
• Discuss the physics behind sustainable sources of energy, build a scientific foundation
for that critical assessment, and build a scientific basis for physical analysis.
• Discuss remedies/potential solutions to the supply and environmental issues associated
with fossil fuels and other energy resources.
• Describe the challenges and problems associated with the use of various energy
sources, including fossil fuels, with regard to future supply and the environment.

c. Learning outcomes
Students completing the course will have enhanced their abilities to:

• conceptualize how physical principles influence sustainable sources of energy use;

• assess and interpret graphs and quantitative data, and;
• Understand the process by which science generates knowledge.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to energy resources

1.1. Energy fundamentals; definitions.
1.2. Energy and Power; forms of energy and conversions; efficiency; units.
1.3. conservation of energy, second law of thermodynamics,
1.4. energy flow diagram to the earth, origin of fossil fuels, time scale of fossil fuels,
1.5. Exergy as measure of the quality of energy,
1.6. Exergy destruction as an indicator for environmental impact,
1.7. Exergy analysis.
2. Global Energy Scenario
2.1. Energy consumption in various sectors,
2.2. projected energy consumption for the next century,
2.3. exponential growth of energy consumption,
2.4. energy resources-coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, hydro-electricity and other renewable
2.5. Impact of exponential rise in energy consumption on global economy;
2.6. Future energy options.

3. Ethiopian Energy Scenario

3.1. Commercial and non-commercial forms of energy,

3.2. Energy consumption pattern and its variation as a function of time,
3.3. Energy resource available in Ethiopia,
3.4. Urban and rural energy consumption,
3.5. Sources of energy-promise and future,

3.6. Energy as factor limiting growth, need for use of new and renewable energy

4. Energy, sustainability & the environment

4.1. Environmental degradation due to energy production and utilization,

4.2. primary and secondary pollution, air, thermal and water pollution,
4.3. depletion of ozone, global warming: biological damage due to environmental degradation,
4.4. pollution due to thermal power station and their control,
4.5. pollution due to nuclear power generation, radioactive waste and its disposal,
4.6. Effect of hydroelectric power station on ecology and environment.
4.7. Greenhouse gas emissions, impacts, mitigation;
4.8. Sustainability-Energy systems and sustainability metrics: Energy from a systems perspective,
systems analysis approaches, mathematical representation and indicators of sustainability,
drivers of societal change,
4.9. General principles of sustainable development.
4.10. Future energy systems, Clean energy technologies,

5. Fossil Fuels: Nonrenewable energy

5.1. Fossil fuel formation theories; exploration and production technologies; reserves and
5.2. Transportation of fossil fuels.
5.3. Reserve estimation and Hubbert theory; world fossil fuel reserves; future of fossil fuels.
5.4. Impact of fossil fuels on the environment, air pollution and its control; global warming.
5.5. Thermal Energy: Heat transfer; laws of thermodynamics; Heat engines and heat pumps.

6. Introduction to Renewable Energy

6.1. Introduction and overview: Solar-thermal & photovoltaic, Wind energy, Bio-energy,
Hydropower, Wave energy, Tidal, Geothermal, Renewable Hydrogen.
6.2. Other forms of renewable energy technologies.

7. Introduction to Solar Energy and solar radiation:

7.1. Basic concepts: Energy and Solar Energy

7.2. Sun Earth Relationships and Apparent Position of the Sun; Reckoning of time

7.3. Solar angles; Declination, Hour angle, Solar altitude angle, Solar azimuth angle, incidence
7.4. Shading and daylighting concepts and applications; Sunrise and Sunset times and day length
7.5. Extra-terrestrial Radiation and Attenuation of Radiation, beam and diffuse radiation
7.6. Estimation of Terrestrial Solar Radiation - Measurement, Correlations and by Remote Sensing.
7.7. Radiation on horizontal and tilted surfaces
7.8. Solar radiation and sunshine measuring instruments; Pyrometer, Pyrhelometer
7.9. Solar Energy resource development-Ethiopian scenario

8. Solar thermal energy conversion techniques and applications

8.1. Solar to Heat conversion; Solar incidence power and spectrum;

8.2. Passive and active solar systems, solar thermal electric generation.
8.3. Flat plate solar collectors: Heat Transfer Processes in Flat-plate Solar Collectors,
8.4. Efficiency of Flat-plate Solar Collectors,
8.5. Solar Collector Performance Models, Collector Efficiency Factor, Heat Removal Factor
8.6. Concentrating Collectors: Types, Performance and Efficiency
8.7. Testing of solar collectors
8.8. Applications of solar thermal and power systems for heating and electricity
8.9. Tracking mechanisms
8.10. Recent Advances in Solar Thermal Applications in industry and buildings
8.11. Solar cookers

9. Direct solar electricity conversion (Photovoltaics)

9.1. Photoelectric Effect, Doped Semi-conductors, p-n Junction Diode

9.2. Solar Cells, Modules and Arrays: Performance and characteristics of PV cells
9.3. Balance of systems and their performance
9.4. PV storage systems
9.5. Uses of Photovoltaic: Lighting and Television, Water Pumping, Refrigeration
9.6. Recent Advances in PV Applications: Building integrated PV, grid connected PV systems, hybrid
systems and solar cars.
9.7. Principles of photovoltaics, PV technologies; PV cost vs efficiency; trends;

10. Wind Energy

10.1. Wind energy: Wind power capacity; wind turbines and systems; trends.
10.2. Origin of Wind, Historical Uses of Wind,
10.3. Wind Energy Application Markets,
10.4. Wind Energy in Ethiopia: Status, Potential and Prospects
10.5. Characteristics of the Wind
10.6. Mean Annual Wind Speed and Wind Speed Frequency Distribution
10.7. Increase in wind speed with Altitude – Wind Shear
10.8. Variations of Wind Resource
10.9. Measurements of Wind
10.10. Wind energy resource development-Ethiopian scenario.

11. Nuclear energy:

11.1. Fundamentals of nuclear physics; Binding energy; Fission and fusion; radioactivity.
11.2. Nuclear energy: Generation of nuclear power: Fission reactors; fuel production;
11.3. Nuclear waste management; Safety and risk assessment.
11.4. Future of nuclear energy;
11.5. New reactor designs; Fusion power project.
11.6. Nuclear energy resource development-Ethiopian scenario

12. Geothermal energy:

12.1. Its origin and capacity analysis; hydrothermal systems;

12.2. Hot dry rock; low-temperature geothermal systems.
12.3. Geothermal well test analysis and monitoring;
12.4. Direct and Indirect Use of Geothermal Resources,
12.5. Geothermal Power Plants;
12.6. direct (dry) steam plants, single-, double-, and multiple-flash plants;
12.7. binary-cycle plants, hybrid plants (including Kalina), and combined heat and power (CHP)
12.8. Power plant efficiency,
12.9. Geothermal resource development-Ethiopian scenario.

13. Bio-Energy

13.1. Biomass formation,

13.2. Biomass resources-classification
13.3. features of biomass as a fuel,
13.4. Proximate and ultimate analysis,
13.5. biomass significance for sustainability,
13.6. Bio-energy utilization pathways-heating, process heat, electric and motive power;
13.7. biological and thermo-chemical modes of conversion:
13.8. combustion, gasification and pyrolysis; Biomass estimation
13.9. Application of remote sensing for forest estimation
13.10. Bio-energy in Ethiopia: Status, Potential and Prospects

14. Tidal/wave/hydro power

14.1. Conventional Hydroelectric Dams

14.2. Wave and Tidal Energy
14.3. In-River Hydro-kinetics
14.4. Global Use of Hydroelectricity
14.5. Hydroelectric Potential
14.6. Challenges to Further Hydroelectric Deployment
14.7. Hydro power resource development-Ethiopian scenario

15. Energy Storages

15.1. Types of energy storages:

15.2. sensible and latent, phase changing material (PCM),
15.3. compressed air, pumped hydro, thermo-chemical energy storage and batteries,
15.4. Innovative energy storage devices
15.5. Fuel Cell Systems & Technologies, Electrochemistry of Fuel Cells,
15.6. Energy from hydrogen, hydrogen’s properties, production methods, storage,
15.7. conversion to usable energy, costs, drivers for market penetration, and safety issues

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, problem solving, group work presentation
feedback etc. and guide students in their project work.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and
answering, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The
students individually and in peer practice and learn every given activities for each topics.

4. Assessment strategies
Project work, exercises, and problems are provided to students as both individual and group work with
both reference books and online repositories. Then, they will introduce in the class orally and present its
printed copy. Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of the teaching and learning process to
improve student progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning, and answering,
interviews assignment for group work. On the other hand, the continuous assessment grading will be
done as follows:

10% Home Work/assignment + 10% Quizzes + 20% Mid Term Exam+ 20% Project Work & presentations
+ 40% Final Exam

5. Instructional resource and material

• E-Learning resources, ppt, lecture notes, reference books etc.

6. References
Text Book:
Robert L. Jaffe, The physics of Energy. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Recommended References
1. S P Sukhatme, Solar Energy Principles of thermal collection and storage, 2nd ed, 2004.

2. Ehrlich R, Geller HA. Renewable energy: a first course. CRC Press; 2017 Oct 30.

3. Boyle G. Renewable energy. Open University. 2004.

4. Hafemeister D, Kammen D, Levi BG, Schwartz P. Physics of Sustainable Energy II: Using Energy

Efficiently and Producing It Renewably. In Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics

Conference Series, Berkeley, CA, USA 2011 Mar (Vol. 58).
5. Prentiss M. Energy revolution: The physics and the promise of efficient technology. Harvard

University Press; 2015 Feb 10.

6. Godfrey Boyle, Bob Everett, and Janet Ramage, Energy Systems and Sustainability, Oxford University

Press TJ163.2.E4925 2003

7. Jefferson W. Tester, Elisabeth M. Drake, Michael J. Driscoll, Michael W. Golay, and William A.

Peters, Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options, MIT Press TJ808.S85 2005
8. Monteith J, Unsworth M. Principles of environmental physics: plants, animals, and the atmosphere.

Academic Press; 2013 Jul 26.

9. Boeker E, Van Grondelle R. Environmental physics: sustainable energy and climate change. John

Wiley & Sons; 2011 Sep 19.

10. Wengenmayr R, Bührke T, editors. Renewable energy: sustainable energy concepts for the future.

John Wiley & Sons; 2011 Nov 28.

11. Grogg K. Harvesting the wind: the physics of wind turbines. Physics and Astronomy Comps Papers.

2005 Apr 13;7.

12. Nayak JK, editor. Solar energy: principles of thermal collection and storage. Tata McGraw Hill India;

13. Duffie JA, Beckman WA. Solar engineering of thermal processes. New York: Wiley; 1991.

14. Klass DL. Biomass for renewable energy, fuels, and chemicals. Elsevier; 1998 Jul 6.

15. Mathew S. Wind energy: fundamentals, resource analysis, and economics. Springer; 2006.

10.2.11 Computational Physics and Applications
1. Course information

Computational Physics and Applications

Course title: Computational Physics II Course Code: Phys 4222

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4 hr lecture + 3 Lab hour)

Prerequisite(s): Computational physics I (Phys 4203) Prior knowledge: basic compu. Physics

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: IV

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Instructor(s): Course Status: Elective

1.) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. ____

2.) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. ____

Others (if any):

2. Course description

a. Rationale

The use of computers in physics has increased many times along with the rapid development of faster and
cheaper hardware. Nowadays, in addition to the two main branch of physics: theoretical and experimental
physics, computational physics is considered to be a third branch of physics. In general, demonstrated by the
ability to solve numerical problems in physics. While the very nature of physics is to express relationships
between physical quantities in mathematical terms, an analytic solution of the resulting formulas is often not
available. Instead, numerical solutions based on computer programs are required to obtain concrete results for
real problems. Computation has led to important conceptual advances and new ways of thinking about
physical systems. Computation can support three dimensional visualizations of abstract quantities, offer
opportunities to construct symbolic rather than numeric solutions to problems, and provide experience with
the use of vectors as coordinate-free entities. It can also allow students to explore models in a way not

possible using the analytical tools available to students. Upon completion of this course, the student will be
able to acquire the basic knowledge of numerical modeling that may be required for graduate research or in a
position at a technical corporation. In addition, almost all undergraduate students who take physics course
will use computational tools in their future careers even if they do not become practicing physicists.
Computational physics is a problem-solving technique, that is, the measure of a student’s progress

b. Course Objectives

This course intends to equip students with the necessary computational skills to their level in order to solve
problems unsolvable with analytical approach.

c. Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course the student shall be able to:

➢ Understand monte carlo applications

➢ Develop Thermodynamic Simulations
➢ Describe Differential Equation Applications
➢ Understand Spectral analysis
➢ Familiar for Image processing application
d. Assessment strategies
Continuous assessment should be implemented. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is practiced
at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is
assigned for. Assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters. The
continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:
• Group /individual assignment……………………………..…………15%
• Quiz ………………………………......................................................10%
• Project work…………..……………………………………………… 40 %
• Final exam …………………….......................................................... 35%

3. Course Outline

1. Monte Carlo Applications

1.1 A Random Walk

1.2 Radioactive Decay
1.2.1 Discrete Decay
1.2.2 Continuous Decay
1.3 High-Dimensional Integration
1.3.1 Multidimensional Monte Carlo
1.3.2 Error in N-D Integration
1.4 Integrating Rapidly Varying Functions
1.4.1 Variance Reduction (Method)
1.4.2 Importance Sampling
1.4.3 No uniform Randomness
1.4.4 von Neumann Rejection
1.4.5 No uniform Assessment
1.5 Variational quantum Monte Carlo simulations
1.6 Green’s function Monte Carlo simulations
1.7 Two-dimensional electron gas
1.8 Path-integral Monte Carlo simulations
1.9 Quantum lattice models

2. Thermodynamic Simulations:

2.1 Statistical Mechanics

2.2 An Ising Chain (Model)

2.2.1 Analytic Solutions

2.3 The Metropolis Algorithm

2.3.1 Equilibration

2.3.2 Thermodynamic Properties

2.3.3 Beyond Nearest Neighbors and 1D

3. Differential Equation Applications

3.1 Types of Differential Equations

3.2 Dynamical Form for ODEs

3.3 ODE Algorithms

3.4.1 Euler’s Rule

3.4.2 Runge Kutta Algorithm

3.5 Nonlinear Oscillations

3.5.1 Solution for Nonlinear Oscillations

3.6 Nonlinear Resonances, Beats and Friction

3.7 Projectile Motion

3.8 Planetary Motion

4. Spectral analysis

4.1 Fourier analysis and orthogonal functions

4.2 Discrete Fourier transform

4.3 Fast Fourier transform

4.4 Power spectrum of a driven pendulum

4.5 Fourier transform in higher dimensions

4.6 Wavelet analysis

4.7 Discrete wavelet transform

4.8 Special functions

4.9 Gaussian quadrature

5. Image processing application

5.1 Fundamentals of Image Processing

5.1.1 General image formats

5.1.2 Image array indexing

5.2 Image Filters, Transformations, and Registration

5.3 Image Segmentation

5.3.1 pixel- based method

5.3.2 Threshold level adjustment

5.3.3 Continuity based method

5.3.4 Multi-Thresholding

5.3.5 Edge based segmentation

5.4 Image Reconstruction

5.4.1 Fan beam geometry

5.4.2 Invers radon transform

5.4.3 Parallel beam geometry

Text books

1. Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J. Páez, and Cristian C. Bordeianu (2007), Computational Physics Problem
Solving with Computers, 2nd, Revised and Enlarged Edition.
2. Tao Pang (2006), an Introduction to Computational Physics, Second Edition.

Reference books

1. JOHN L. SEMMLOW (2004), Bio signal and Biomedical Image Processing, MATLAB Based
Applications, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.
2. Andi Klein and Alexander Godunov (2006), Introductory Computational Physics, Los Alamos National
Laboratory and Old Dominion University, Cambridge University Press.

10.3 Service Physics Courses
10.3.1 Electricity and Magnetism for Chemist
1. Course information

Electricity and Magnetism for Chemists

Title: Electricity and Magnetism for Chemists Course Code: Phys 3031
Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester:
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Service
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
This course is designed to introduce concepts of classical electrodynamics with the aid of calculus. It also
emphasizes on establishing a strong foundation of the relation between electric and magnetic phenomena; a
concept that turns out to be a fundamental basis for many technological advances.

b. Objectives

The objectives of this course are to make the students to explain the various concepts related to
electrostatics; electric circuits and networks; magnetic field; dielectric and magnetic properties of materials.

c. Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

➢ explain the basic concepts of electric charge, electric field and electric potential

➢ apply vector algebra and calculus in solving different problems in electricity and magnetism
➢ analyze direct and alternating current circuits containing different electric elements and solve circuit problems
➢ describe properties of capacitors and dielectrics
➢ describe the magnetic field and solve problems related to the magnetic field and magnetic forces.
➢ discuss about electromagnetic induction
➢ state Maxwell’s equation in free space
➢ describe some applications of Maxwell’s equations
➢ describe electromagnetic radiation in medium and free space.
d. Electricity and Magnetism: contents and sub contents
The topics to be included are Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field, Gauss’ Law, Electric Potential, Electric Potential
Energy, Capacitors and Dielectric, Electric Circuits, Magnetic Field, Bio-Savart’s Law, Ampere’s Law,
Electromagnetic Induction, Inductance, Circuits with Time Dependent Currents, Maxwell’s Equations,
Electromagnetic Wave.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in project work.
And also permitting the students to voice and defend their own opinions and enhancing the students’
commitment to individual study and acquiring knowledge are among the activities.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students individually and in

peer practice and learn through project and practical work. Each practical will result in a report for

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews, assignment. On the other hand, assessment
of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters.
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………..………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz…………………………………………………………….................................................. 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………….……………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………………….……………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ……………………………………….…………………………………….………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam…………………….………………………………................................................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………................................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course
5. Course Outline
1) Electric Field (4 hrs)
1.1) Properties of electric charges
1.2) Coulomb’s law
1.3) Electric field due to point charge
1.4) Electric dipole

1.5) Electric field due to continuous charge distribution
1.6) Motion of charged particles in electric field
1.7) Gauss’ Law
2) Electric Potential (3 hrs)
2.1) Electric potential energy
2.2) Electric potential due to point charges
2.3) Electric potential due to continuous charge distribution
2.4) Relations between potential and electric field
2.5) Equi-potential surfaces
3) Capacitance and Dielectrics (3 hrs)
3.1) Capacitance
3.2) Combination of capacitors
3.3) Capacitors with dielectrics
3.4) Electric dipole in an external field
3.5) Electric field energy
4) Direct Current Circuits (3 hrs)
4.1) Electric current and current density
4.2) Resistance and Ohm’s law
4.3) Resistivity of conductors
4.4) Electrical energy, work and power
4.5) Electromotive force
4.6) Combinations of Resistors
4.7) Kirchhoff’s Rules
4.8) RC Circuits
5) Magnetic Force (2 hrs)
5.1) Properties of magnetic field
5.2) Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor
5.3) Torque on a current loop in uniform magnetic field

5.4) Motion of charged particles in magnetic field
5.5) Hall Effect
6) Calculation of Magnetic Field (4 hrs)
6.1) Source of electric field
6.2) Biot-Savart’s law
6.3) The force between two parallel conductors
6.4) Ampere’s Law and its application
7) Electromagnetic Induction (7 hrs)
7.1) Magnetic flux
7.2) Gauss’s Law in Magnetism
7.3) Faraday’s Law of Induction
7.4) Lenz’z law
7.5) Induced Emf (including motional Emf)
7.6) Induced electric field
7.7) Displacement current
8) Inductance (4 hrs)
8.1) Self inductance and mutual inductance
8.2) RL circuits
8.3) Energy in Magnetic field
8.4) Oscillations in an LC circuits
9) AC Circuits (5 hrs)
9.1) AC sources and phasors
9.2) Resistors in an AC circuits
9.3) Inductors in an AC circuits
9.4) Capacitors in an AC circuits
9.5) The RLC series circuits
9.6) Power in an AC circuits
10) Maxwell’s Equations (4 hrs)

10.1) Maxwell’s equations
10.2) Electromagnetic waves
11) Nature of Light ( 6 hrs)
11.1) Electromagnetic spectrum
11.2) Propagation and speed of light
11.3) Reflection and refraction
11.4) Refractive index and optical path
11.5) Reversibility principle
11.6) Fermat’s principle
11.7) Propagation of light in material medium

6. Recommended References
Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, PHYSICS For Scientists & Engineers


1. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers

2. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics

10.3.2 Mechanics and Heat for Chemists and Geologists
1. Course information
Mechanics and Heat for Chemists and Geologists

Course title: Mechanics and heat for chemists Course Code: Phys 2031
and Geologists
Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 7 hrs (4hr lecture + 3hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester:
College/Faculty/Institute: Department:
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment:
Course Status: Service
1) Instructor(s):
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2. Course description
a. Rationale

At the end of this course students are expected to be acquainted with basic concepts in mechanics, identify
the connection between them and explain the common phenomena. They will also develop skills of solving
b. Objectives

At the completion of each topic and suggested activities, the students are expected to:

1. Apply the concepts and principles of mechanics and heat to practical situations in the various fields of
2. Gain a comprehensive grasp of the concepts, theories and perspective principles involving heat and mechanics.
3. Develop the ability to manipulate numbers and variables with accuracy.
4. Gain proficiency on the different basic operations regarding heat and mechanics.

c. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

➢ compute average and instantaneous values of velocity, speed and acceleration
➢ derive the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated one-dimensional motion
➢ solve problems involving bodies moving in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion using the
concepts in calculus and trigonometry
➢ explain some implications of Newton’s laws of motion
➢ derive the work-energy theorem
➢ solve mechanics problem using impulse, momentum and the conservation of linear momentum
➢ apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions
➢ repeat the procedures followed in rectilinear motion for rotational motion
➢ explain basic laws of heat and thermodynamics
d. Mechanics and heat: contents and sub contents
Vector algebra, Particle Kinematics and Dynamics, Work and Energy, Conservative forces and Potential Energy
Dynamics of Systems of Particles, Collision, Rotational Kinematics, Dynamics and Static of a Rigid Body,
Oscillations, Gravitation and Planetary Motion, Fluid Mechanics, Heat.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in project work. And also
permitting the students to voice and defend their own opinions and enhancing the students’ commitment to individual
study and acquiring knowledge are among the activities.

b. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students individually and in
peer practice and learn through project and practical work. Each practical will result in a report for

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews, assignment. On the other hand, assessment
of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters.
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………................................................. 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview……………………………………………………………………………..…………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ……………………………………….……………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam…………………….………………………………............................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………................................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course
5. Course Outline
1) VECTORS (2 hrs)

1.1) Vector algebra

1.2) Geometrical & algebraic representation of vectors

1.3) Vector calculus


2.1) Average and instantaneous Velocity

2.2) Average and instantaneous Acceleration

2.3) Motion with Constant Acceleration

2.4) Projectile Motion

2.5) Uniform Circular Motion

3) Particle Dynamics (5 hrs)

3.1) Newton’s Laws of Motion

3.2) Friction Force

3.3) Application of Newton’s Laws

3.4) velocity dependent forces

4) WORK & ENERGY (7 hrs)

4.1) Work done by constant and variable forces

4.2) the work energy theorem

4.3) Conservative and non-conservative forces, conservative force and potential energy,

4.4) Conservation of mechanical energy

4.5) Power

5) Dynamics of System of Particles (8 hrs)

5.1) Linear Momentum and Impulse

5.2) Conservation of Momentum

5.3) system of particles

5.4) Center of mass

5.5) Center of mass of a rigid body

5.6) Motion of system of particles

5.7) Elastic and Inelastic Collision (1 & 2-D)

5.8) Elastic collisions in one-dimension

5.9) Two-dimensional elastic collisions

5.10) Inelastic collisions

5.11) Systems of variable mass

6) Rotation of Rigid Bodies (7 hrs)

6.1) Rotational motion with constant and variable angular accelerations

6.2) Rotational kinetic energy

6.3) Moment of inertia

6.4) Rotational dynamics

6.5) Torque and angular momentum

6.6) Work and Power in Rotational Motion

6.7) Conservation of Angular Momentum

6.8) Relation between linear and angular motions


7.1) Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

7.2) Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion

7.3) Pendulum

7.4) Damped and forced oscillations

7.5) Resonance

8) Heat and Thermodynamics (8 hrs)

8.1) Temperature, Zeroth law of thermodynamics,

8.2) Heat, work, and Internal energy of a thermodynamic system,

8.3) the first law of thermodynamics, and its consequences

8.4) The second law of thermodynamics, Carnot’s engine

8.5) Entropy, the third law of thermodynamics, Kinetic theory of gases

6. Recommended Text & References

Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson Bruke, 2004


1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics 12th ed., 2008

2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th, 2005

3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th ed., 2008

4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd
ed., 2005

10.3.3 Mechanics for Mathematics
1. Course information
Mechanics for Mathematics

Course title: Mechanics for Mathematics Course Code: Phys 2033

Credit hours: 3hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester:
College/Faculty/Institute: Department:
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment:
Course Status: Service
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

1. Course description
a. Rationale
At the end of this course students are expected to be acquainted with basic concepts in mechanics, identify
the connection between them and explain the common phenomena. They will also develop skills of solving
b. Objectives
At the completion of each topic and suggested activities, the students are expected to:

• Apply the concepts and principles of mechanics and heat to practical situations in the various fields of
• Gain a comprehensive grasp of the concepts, theories and perspective principles involving heat and
• Develop the ability to manipulate numbers and variables with accuracy.
• Gain proficiency on the different basic operations regarding heat and mechanics.

c. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

➢ compute average and instantaneous values of velocity, speed and acceleration
➢ derive the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated one-dimensional motion
➢ solve problems involving bodies moving in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion using
the concepts in calculus and trigonometry
➢ explain some implications of Newton’s laws of motion
➢ derive the work-energy theorem
➢ solve mechanics problem using impulse, momentum and the conservation of linear momentum
➢ apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions
➢ repeat the procedures followed in rectilinear motion for rotational motion
➢ explain basic laws of heat and thermodynamics

d. Mechanics and heat: contents and sub contents

Vector algebra, Particle Kinematics and Dynamics, Work and Energy, Conservative forces and Potential Energy
Dynamics of Systems of Particles, Collision, Rotational Kinematics, Dynamics and Static of a Rigid Body,
Oscillations, Gravitation and Planetary Motion, Heat, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Thermodynamics.

2. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in project work.
And also permitting the students to voice and defend their own opinions and enhancing the students’
commitment to individual study and acquiring knowledge are among the activities.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students individually and in
peer practice and learn through project and practical work. Each practical will result in a report for

3. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews, assignment. On the other hand, assessment
of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters.
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………..…………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………............................................. 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………….….……………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………………….….………..…………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ……………………………………….…………………….…………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam…………………….………………………………........................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………........................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course
4. Course Outline

1) Vectors (2 hr.)
1.1) Vector algebra
1.2) Geometrical and algebraic representation of vectors
1.3) Vector addition
1.4) Vector multiplication
2) One and Two Dimensional Motions (4 hrs)
2.1) Average and instantaneous Velocity
2.2) Average and instantaneous Acceleration
2.3) Motion with Constant Acceleration
2.4) Projectile Motion
2.5) Uniform Circular Motion
3) Particle Dynamics (6 hrs.)
3.1) Newton’s Laws of Motion
3.2) Friction Force
3.3) Application of Newton’s Laws
3.4) velocity dependent forces
4) Work and Energy (7 hrs.)
4.1) Work done by constant and variable forces
4.2) the work energy theorem
4.3) Conservative and non-conservative forces, conservative force and potential energy,
4.4) Conservation of mechanical energy
4.5) Power
5) Dynamics of System of Particles (8 hrs.)
5.1) Linear Momentum and Impulse
5.2) Conservation of Momentum
5.3) system of particles
5.4) Center of mass
5.5) Center of mass of a rigid body
5.6) Motion of system of particles
5.7) Elastic and Inelastic Collision (1 & 2-D)
5.8) Elastic collisions in one-dimension
5.9) Two-dimensional elastic collisions
5.10) Inelastic collisions
5.11) Systems of variable mass
6) Rotation of Rigid Bodies (7 hrs)

6.1) Rotational motion with constant and variable angular accelerations
6.2) Rotational kinetic energy
6.3) Moment of inertia
6.4) Rotational dynamics
6.5) Torque and angular momentum
6.6) Work and Power in Rotational Motion
6.7) Conservation of Angular Momentum
6.8) Relation between linear and angular motions
7) Simple Harmonic Motion (4 hrs)
7.1) Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
7.2) Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion
7.3) Pendulum
7.4) Damped and forced oscillations
7.5) Resonance

5. Recommended References

Course Textbook

Raymond A. Serway, Physics: For Scientists & Engineers, 6th ed., Thomson Bruke,


1. Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedmann, University Physics with Modern Physics 12th ed., 2008
2. Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for scientists and engineers, Printice Hall, 4th, 2005
3. Robert Resnick and David Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, HRW 8th ed., 2008
4. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephene Gasiorowicz, Stephen T. Thoronton, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd
ed., 2005

10.3.4 Modern Physics
1) Course information
Modern Physics

Course title: Modern Physics Course Code: Phys X43Y

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): General Physics (Phys 1011) Prior knowledge: knowledge of relative motion

Academic Year: Semester: Year:

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Service


3) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

4) Tutor:

Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
This course is focused on the basic concepts, phenomena, and principles of Modern Physics. That is, physical
theory developed near the beginning of the 20th century and beyond. This period is a time when a new view
of the world of physics was emerged especially after Einstein’s postulates of theory of relativity were
discovered. Learners should expect to learn not only how to solve quantitative problems, but also how to
explain and reason qualitatively with concepts and principles through imaginative thinking and thought
experiments. The contents described in the course content section are to be presented in such away that
introducing the fundamental concepts of modern physics that makes the learners ready to learn quantum
mechanics in the subsequent years.
b. Objectives of the course
The main objective of this course is making students familiarize with basic premises of the emerging of
modern physics especially from the year 1905, the year Einstein was become popular of his three publications:
the Brownian Motion, the photo electric effect and theory of relativity which proposed drastic revisions in the
Newtonian concepts of space and time.

c. Learning outcomes
After completing this course, the students will be able to:

• Describe explicitly basic principles in special theory of relativity and its mathematical methods with application
relevant to problems in modern physics.
• Provide basic explanation of modern theories of atomic and nuclear structure.
• Conceptualize the special theory of relativity.
• Explain how the velocity of an object depends on the frame of reference from which it is observed.
• Demonstrate with mathematical relations how the theory of relativity modifies the relationship between
velocity and momentum.
• Explain Lorentz transformation by connecting physical events in inertial reference frames (IRF).
• Explain the Schrödinger equation in simple cases and gets familiar with quantization of energy and angular
• Identify the implications of the course in teaching secondary school physics.
• Evaluate the learning gain of the course in relation to secondary school physics.

d. Modern Physics : Content and sub contents

The two postulates of Einstein’s theory of relativity. The principle of Special Theory of Relativity, The Michelson-Morley
Experiment, Galilean Transformation, Lorentz Transformation, Length contraction, time dilation, Relativistic Momentum
and Energy, Black-Body Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect, X-Rays, Wave particle duality of light. The

Uncertainty Principle, Rutherford Scattering, The Bohr Theory of the Hydrogen Atom, Nuclear Forces and Binding
Energy, Radioactivity; implications of the course for secondary school physics teaching.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following group work and mastery of problem solving skills,
thought experiments and imaginative thinking approaches are employed. Follow and assist students while they relate
the course to the contents of secondary school physics contents.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering, reflection,
reporting, thought experiments and imaginative thinking and solving problems associated with the respective topics.
Identify the place of modern physics in secondary school physics contents in order to relate the contents that they learnt
to the secondary school physics contents.

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented in a way
that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is practiced at each
phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of interest through couching,
questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of
learning is also administered framing on the following parameters

Note The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment ………………………………………. 5 – 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………......................... 5 - 10%
• Project work …………………………………………………………….….…5 – 10%
• Interview ……………………………………………….……………………… 0 – 5%
• Field visit/Work …………………………………..……………………….. 0 – 5%
• Classwork ………………………………………..………………………..….. 0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………….................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam ……………………………………................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two quizzes, two
assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course assessment.

5) Instructional resource and material

➢ Michelson-Morley experiment kit
➢ Computational lab facilities and animation software such as PhET.

6) References
➢ Beiser , Modern Physics (6th ed)
➢ Serway Jewett second edition: Physics for scientists and Engineers
➢ Halliday, Resnick, Walker : Fundamentals of Physics :
➢ Sears and Zemansky’s: University Physics (Unit 37-44)
➢ School text books

10.3.5 Medical physics
1) Course information
Medical physics

Course title: Medical physics Course Code: Phys X83Y

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Nuclear physics I (for Phys major) Prior knowledge: General physics

Academic Year: Semester: Year:

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment:

Course Status: Service


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
The general intention of the course is to describes and appreciate role of physics in medicine. It is introductory course of
medical physics for students having inclination toward health physics and Medicine which will help them to understand
basic physical principle behind diagnostic and treatment machine that uses both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to enable learners to understand role of physics in medicine and it helps learners
to develop basic understanding of medical physics concepts and describe key physical principles applied to medical

imaging and radiation therapy. In addition it helps the learners to understand physics of human body , radiobiology and
understand radiation safety related to both diagnostic and treatment equipments.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course learners will be able to:
• Explain the physics of the human body
• explain the mechanics, optical and electrical system of a body
• Describe an imaging system and learn the physical principles behind each imaging modalities(x-ray, CT,NM, US,
• Identify key factors that affect image qualities and address these factors for different imaging modalities
• Learn to communicate the physical principle behind medical technology, radiation safety and relevant
• Explain how radiation will be used for treatment of different diseases specially cancer
• Explain radiation protection and safety issues both in diagnostic and treatment procedures using radiations

d. Introduction to Medical physics: contents and sub contents

Physics of the body : Mechanics of The Body, Energy Household of The Body, Pressure System of the Body, Acoustics of
the Body, Optical System of the Body ; Physics of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems: Radiation and Radiation
Protection: Radiation exposure physics (radiobiology ,dosimetry) and Radiation exposure principles( safety, risk,
radiation protection), Diagnostic Radiology: X-ray physics( photon interaction, attenuation) and X-ray imaging( x-ray
production and detection, conventional x-ray, mammography, computed tomography), Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine:
radioisotope production, SPECT,PET, Ultrasound Imaging : Ultrasound physics (waves, reflection, transmission and
attenuation) and Ultrasound Imaging principles (Echoes, resolution, speckle, Doppler), therapeutic Nuclear Medicine
and Radiotherapy.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in practical field work in
hospitals and different health facilities to observe CT scanning procedures, x-ray imaging procedures, LINAC workflow
and working principle, MRI scanning etc.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering, reflection,
reporting, solving problems related to specific topics. The students individually and in peer practice and learn through
field work by visiting and observing both diagnostic and treatment procedures in hospitals followed by report for each

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, essence of continuous assessment is implemented in the way
that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is practiced at each
phase of teaching and learning process to improve students’ progress to the desired level of interest through couching,
questioning and answering, interviews, and reports of each observation. On the other hand, assessment of learning is
also administered framing on the following parameters.

Note: The continuous assessment method compromises of various modalities as follows,

• Group/individual assignment………………………………………10-20%
• Quiz ……………………………..…………..……………………………..….5-10%
• Project Work ……..…..…………….…………………….………..10-15%
• Class work………..………………………….………………………0-5%
• Mid exam……………..…………………….………………………20-25%
• Final exam………….……………………………….……………..40-50%
All the fore mentioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least one quiz, one
projects, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for completion of the course assessment.

5) Instructional resource and material

Diagnostic and treatment facilities like CT Scanner, MRI , Ultrasound and x-ray machine and Linear accelerator which
can be found in hospitals and different health facilities..

6) Text Book and References

1. Herman Cember and Thomas A. Johnson, Introduction to health physics, 4th ed., (2008).
2. William R. Hendee and E. Russell ritenour, Medical imaging physics, 4th ed., (2002).

3. J.T. Bushberg, J.A. Seibert, E.M. Leidholdt Jr. and J.M. Boone, The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging,
L.Williams andWilkins, (2001).
4. S.R. Cherry, J. Sorenson, m. Pharps, Physics in Nuclear Medicine, Saunders, 3rd ed., (2003).
5. J.A. Zaggzebski, Essentials of Ultrasound Physics,Mosby Inc., (1996)
6. I.P. Herman, Physics of the Human Body, Springer Verlag, (2007).

10.4 Supportive Courses
10.4.1 Calculus I
1. Course information
Calculus I

Course title: Calculus I Course Code: Maths 2021

Credit hours: 4 hrs Contact hrs: 6 hrs (4hr lecture + 2hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Mathematics for Natural Science Prior knowledge: slope and rate calculation

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: II

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Mathematics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Supportive


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Rationale
The main theme of this course is to introduce the fundamental result in power series and technique of integration that
are needed for the advanced studies in mathematics.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to develop learners’ understanding of techniques of integration and
their applications including some advanced topics. It introduces the concepts of limits of function with the

application of intermediate value Theorem. And also, to prepare the students for the advanced studies in
mathematics and other Sciences.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course, at the end of the course students will be able to:

❖ Evaluate limits of functions,

❖ Determine points of discontinuity of functions,
❖ Apply Intermediate Value Theorem,
❖ Evaluate derivatives of different types of functions,
❖ Apply derivatives to solve problems,
❖ Evaluate integrals of different types of functions,
❖ Apply integrals to find areas and volumes.

d. Calculus I: contents and sub contents

This Course is organized in Four Chapter, and This course provides a firm foundation in the basic concepts and
techniques of the differential and integral calculus.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Presentation of lecture followed by guiding the students, demonstrate problem solving, give exercises and monitor
the process, give and Solve worksheets during tutorials. Also prepare the online learning resources.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through Listen to a lesson, take short
notes, asking and answering questions, doing homework, reading assignments, Presentation , Solve exercises,
Work in group and individual and etc.
In addition to the above Students should read the relevant sections in the textbook and/or reference materials and do
the assignments on time. Practice with solved problems and come to lecture hours to get concepts clarified. Review and
extra problems will be given through worksheets. Students are also expected to have worked through the problems in
the worksheets before the tutorial sessions. Attendance at lectures and tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance
records will be taken at all times. It is the student’s chance to ask questions, solve problems and work in team.

4. Assessment strategies
Mostly, continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through guiding, questioning and answering. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment………………….………………………………….………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………….................................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work…………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Class work ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………................................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam ……………………………………………..................................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two quiz,
two assignment, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course assessment.

5. Course Outline

1. Limits and continuity

1.1. Definition of limit
1.2. Basic limit theorems
1.3. One-sided limits
1.4. Infinite limits and limits at infinity
1.5. Continuity
1.6. The Intermediate Value Theorem and its applications

2. Derivatives
2.1. Definition of derivative
2.2. Tangent and normal lines
2.3. Properties of derivatives
2.4. Derivative of Functions (polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and
hyperbolic functions)
2.5. The Chain Rule
2.6. Higher order derivatives
2.7. Implicit differentiation
3. Applications of derivatives
3.1. Extreme Values of functions
3.2. Rolle’s Theorem, the Mean Value Theorem, and their application
3.3. Monotonic functions
3.4. The first and second derivative tests
3.5. Applications to extreme values and related rates
3.6. Concavity and inflection points
3.7. Graphing sketching

3.8. Tangent line approximation and differentials

4. Integrals
4.1. Antiderivatives
4.2. Indefinite integrals and their properties
4.3. Partitions, upper and lower sum, Riemann sums
4.4. Definition and properties of the definite integral
4.5. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
4.6. Techniques of integration (integration by parts, integration by substitution, trigonometric
integration, integration by partial fractions)
4.7. Application of integration: Area, volume of solid of revolution

6. Text Book & References

Course Textbook
• Robert Ellis, Denny Gulick, Calculus with Analytic, 6th edition Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, publishers.
1. Leithold. The Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 3rd Edition, Harper and Row, publishers.
2. Lynne, Garner. Calculus and Analytic Geometry. Dellen Publishing Company.
3. John A. Tierney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 4th edition, Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston.
4. Earl W. Swokowski. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 2nd edition, Prindle, Weber and Schmidt.

10.4.2 Calculus II
1. Course information
Calculus II

Course title: Calculus II Course Code: Math 2022

Credit hours: 4 Contact hrs: 6 hrs (4 hrs lecture + 2 hrs tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): Calculus I Prior knowledge:

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: II

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Mathematics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Supportive


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Course Rationale

The main theme of this course is to introduce the fundamental result in power series and technique of
integration that are needed for the advanced studies in mathematics.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is for students to enable learners understand and comprehend the
fundamental concepts and knowledge in calculus computations. In calculus II, there are four main tools for
analyzing and describing the behavior of functions Inverse functions, techniques of integration,
Indeterminate forms, improper integrals and Taylor’s formula and sequence and series. Students will use
these tools to solve application problems in a variety of settings of physics courses.

c. Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course learners should be able to:

• find derivatives of inverse functions,

• evaluate integrals of different types of functions,

• evaluate limits by L’ Hopital’s Rule,

• approximate functions by Taylor’s polynomial,

• determine convergence or divergence of a series,

• find interval of convergence of a power series and find its sum in the interval,

• approximate a function by using its power series,

• apply integrals (arc length, surface area),

• approximate integrals,

• find the Taylor’s series expansion of a function

d. Calculus II: contents and sub contents

Inverse functions, properties of inverse functions, derivative of inverse functions, inverses of trigonometric
functions and their derivatives, exponential and logarithmic functions, exponential growth and decay, inverse
of Hyperbolic functions and their derivatives, techniques of integration, Elementary integration formulas,
Integration by parts, integration by trigonometric substitution, integration by partial fractions, trigonometric
integrals, trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule, application of integration (area, volume, arc length, surface area),

indeterminate forms, improper integrals and Taylor’s formula, Cauchy formula, L’ Hopital’s rule, Improper
integrals, Taylor’s theorem, sequence and series, infinite series, power series

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, presentation, etc.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students do class work
and home assignments individually or in small groups.

4. Assessment strategies
The essence of continuous assessment is implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning
and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning
process to improve student progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and
answering, interviews, assignment and class work. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….………….………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………….……..……………… 5 – 10%

• Interview……………………………………………………………….……………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work …………………………………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5. Instructional resource and material

Mathematical softwares to perform challenging calculations and check the compatibility of analytical and
numerical results

6. Course Outline
1. Inverse functions
1.1. Properties of inverse functions
1.2. Derivative of inverse functions
1.3. Inverses of trigonometric functions and their derivatives
1.4. Exponential and logarithmic functions
1.5. Exponential growth and decay
1.6. Inverse of Hyperbolic functions and their derivatives

2. Techniques of integration

2.1. Elementary integration formulas

2.2. Integration by parts
2.3. Integration by trigonometric substitution
2.4. Integration by partial fractions
2.5. Trigonometric integrals
2.6. Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule
2.7. Application of integration (area, volume, arc length, surface area)

3. Indeterminate forms, improper integrals and Taylor’s formula

3.1. Cauchy’s formula

3.2. Indeterminate forms (L’ Hopital’s Rule)
3.3. Improper integrals

3.4. Taylor’s formula
3.5. Approximation by Taylor’s polynomial

4. Sequence and series

4.1. Sequences

4.1.1. Convergence and divergence of sequences

4.1.2. Properties of convergent sequences
4.1.3. Bounded and monotonic sequences

4.2. Infinite series

4.2.1. Definition of infinite series

4.2.2. Convergence and divergence of series
4.2.3. Properties of convergent series
4.2.4. Convergence tests for positive series (integral, comparison, ratio
and root tests)
4.2.5. Alternating series
4.2.6. Absolute convergence, conditional convergence
4.2.7. Generalized convergent tests
4.3. Power series

4.3.1. Definition of power series

4.3.2. Convergence and divergence, radius and interval of convergence
4.3.3. Algebraic operation on convergent power series
4.3.4. Differentiation and integration of a power series
4.3.5. Taylor and Maclaurin series
4.3.6. Binomial Theorem

7. References + texts
1. Robert Ellis, Denny Gulick, Calculus with Analytic, 6th edition Harcourt Brace Jovanovich publishers.
2. Leithold, The Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 3rd Edition, Harper and Row, publishers.
3. Lynne, Garner. Calculus and Analytic Geometry. Dellen Publishing Company.

4. John A. Tierney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 4th edition, Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston.

5. Earl W. Swokowski. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 2nd edition, Prindle, Weber and Schmidt.

10.4.3 Introduction to Statistics
1) Course information
Introduction to Statistics

Course title: Introduction to Statistics Course Code: Stat 2071

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 4 hrs (3hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Mathematics for Natural Science Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Statistics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Supportive
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale

This is an introductory course in statistics designed to provide students with the basic concepts of data
analysis statistical computing. Students manipulate data and estimate the probability of an event occurring.
Topics covered includes: basics descriptive measures, measures of association, probability theory, confidence
intervals and hypothesis testing.

b. Course Objective

The main objective is to provide students with pragmatic tools for assessing statistical claims and conducting their own
statistical analysis when doing research and conducting experiments.

In terms of knowledge:

➢ demonstrate their understanding of descriptive statistics by practical application of quantitative reasoning and
data visualization
➢ demonstrate their knowledge of the basics of inferential statistics by making valid generalizations from sample

In terms of skills:

➢ use Excel and other tools to conduct statistical analysis

➢ recognize pitfalls in using statistical methodology

In terms of attitudes, students should develop in this course:

➢ critical attitudes, which are necessary for life-long learning

➢ greater appreciation for the importance of statistical literacy in today’s data rich world

c. Expected Course Learning Outcome

At the end of this course students should be able to,

➢ demonstrate their understanding of descriptive statistics by practical application of quantitative reasoning and
data visualization
➢ demonstrate their knowledge of the basics of inferential statistics by making valid generalizations from sample
➢ use Excel and other tools to conduct statistical analysis
➢ recognize pitfalls in using statistical methodology
➢ develop critical attitudes, which are necessary for life-long learning
➢ develop greater appreciation for the importance of statistical literacy in today’s data rich world.

d. Course Contents

Topics covered includes: basics descriptive measures, measures of association, probability theory, confidence intervals
and hypothesis testing.

3) Instructional method and strategies

c. Teacher’s activities

➢ Introducing objectives to the students

➢ Asking brain storming questions

➢ Defining terms in statistics

➢ brief introduction to the sub topics

➢ Giving class room and home based works

➢ Checking, evaluating, and giving feedback to students’ work

➢ Summarizing the chapters

d. Students’ activities

Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
brainstorming, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics.

4) Assessment methods

Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is

implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method comprises of
various modalities as follows:

• individual assignment ………………………………………………………………………… 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………......................................... 5%
• as a group assignment………………………………………….……………………………… 15%
• Group presentation …………………………………………………………………….…….… 5%
• Attendance and participation ……………………….……………….…………….………. 5%
• Mid exam ……..…………………………………………………...................................... 20%
• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................ 40%
5) Course Outline
1. Overview, Collecting data and Descriptive statistics
1.1. Introduction to the role of statistics
1.2. How to collect data
1.3. Summarizing a data set by using statistical measure of central tendency and variability, and using graphical
presentation (histograms, bar plots, and others)
1.4. Homework
2. Introduction to probability
2.1. Definition of probability
2.2. Random variables
2.3. Some common probability distribution (normal, t-student, chi-square)
2.4. Homework
3. Numerical: the average, median, the standard deviation and other numerical measures, with exercise problems
4. Introduction to statistical inference: confidence interval.
4.1. Sampling distribution
4.2. Statistical estimation
4.3. Two sided confidence interval for population mean
4.4. Two sided confidence interval for population proportion
4.5. Contingency table
4.6. Homework
5. Hypothesis testing
5.1. t-test for mean of one sample
5.2. t-test for mean of paired data
5.3. t-test for comparing two population means of independence data (equal variance and unequal variance)
5.4. Homework
6. The central limit theorem
6.1. The central limit theorem
6.2. One sample test about a population mean
6.3. Comparing two population means
6.4. Comparing many means with ANOVA

7. Testing for categorical data and normality
7.1. Testing for normality of data
7.2. Goodness of fit test
7.3. Chi-square test for independence
7.4. Homework
8. Linear regression model
8.1. Setup a regression model
8.2. Fitting model
8.3. Model checking (the significant of coefficients, model assumptions)
8.4. Model predicting
8.5. Homework
9. Emerging statistical applications
9.1. SPSS, R, SAS

6) Recommended Text and Reference

1. Introduction to Statistics, Diez, Barr and Cetinkaya-Rundel, third edition, 2015.
2. Freedman, David, Robert Pisani, & Roger Pervis (2007). Statistics. New York: W. W.
3. James, Gareth, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, & Robert Tibshirani (2013). An Introduction to Statistical Learning:
With Applications in R. New York: Springer.
4. Kabacoff, Robert (2015). R In Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R. Shelter
Island, NY: Manning Publications Co.

10.4.4 Linear Algebra
1) Course information
Linear Algebra

Course title: Linear Algebra Course Code: Math 3043

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 4 hrs (3hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Mathematics for Natural Science Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: III
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Mathematics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Supportive
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
The aim of this course is to lay down a strong foundation for advanced studies in linear algebra and related
courses. Linear algebra is useful in studies of many applied sciences. Most disciplines like Mathematics
(mathematical modeling & mathematical solutions), Engineering, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics and Statistical
Analysis … etc, use Numerical Methods. On the other hand, one of the basic prerequisite courses for
Numerical Methods is Linear Algebra. So, one has to start with elementary and basic concepts of linear

b. Course Objective
This course is intended to

• Understand matrices, vectors and vector spaces,

• Understand basic properties and operations on matrices,
• Relate vector space and Linear Transformation

c. Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students are expected to:

➢ analyze matrix and related problems

➢ develop techniques of solving system of linear equations
➢ analyze vector related problem in real space
➢ define vector spaces
➢ construct vector spaces
➢ design matrix representation of linear transform
➢ find the image, Kernel, rank and Nullity of linear transformation
➢ determine the eigen values and eigenvectors of a matrix
d. Course Description
Linear Algebra the course includes:- Matrices, Determinants, Vectors, Vector Spaces, Linear Transformation,
Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following group work and mastery of problem solving
skills. Gapped lectures using illustration diagrams, models and simulations.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, thought imaginative thinking and solving problems associated with the respective topics.

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned
for. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters

Note The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment …………………………….………………………………………… 5 – 15%

• Quiz …………………………………………………………….................................................... 5 - 10%
• Project work ………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 – 10%
• Classwork ………………………………………………………………………………………………………0 – 10%
• Mid exam ……………………………………………..........................................................20 - 25%
• Final exam ………………………………………..............................................................40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5) Course Contents
1. Matrix
1.1. Definition & Types of Matrices
1.2. Matrices Operation on
1.3. Transpose of a matrix
1.4. Elementary row operations and echelon forms
1.5. Rank of a Matrix
1.6. Inverse of a Matrix
2. Determinants
2.1. Definition of Determinants by cofactor expansion
2.2. Properties of Determinants
2.3. Adjoint and inverse of a Matrix using determinants
2.4. System of Linear equations
2.4.1. Gauss and Gauss Jordan elimination Method
2.4.2. Cramer’s rule
3. Vectors
3.1. Vectors in IRn
3.2. Vector addition & Scalar multiplications
3.3. Scalar product & Norm of a vector; Unit Vector
3.4. Angle b/n two vectors; Parallel & orthogonal vectors; Direction cosines
3.5. Orthogonal Projections and Resolution of vectors
3.6. Cross product and Triple products
3.7. Lines in space; Different forms of equations of a line; Distance from a point to a line

3.8. Planes in space
4. Vector Spaces
4.1. Definition and Examples
4.2. Subspaces
4.3. Linear combination and Span
4.4. Liner dependence and independence of vectors
4.5. Basis and Dimension of a vector Space
4.6. Sum & Direct sum
5. Linear Transformation
5.1. Definition and examples of Linear Transformation
5.2. Kernel and Image; The rank- Nullity Theorem
5.3. Matrix representation of linear Transformation
5.4. Injective, Surjective, and Bijective linear transformation
6. Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a Matrix
6.1. Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors of a Matrix
6.2. Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors of a linear transformation

6) Text book and references


1. Howard Anton; Elementary Linear Algebra.

2. Seymour Lipschutz; Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra (Schaum’s outline series Mc-GrawHill 1987)


1. Serge Lang; Introduction to Linear Algebra.

2. Robert Ellis; Calculus with analytic geometry (5thed).
3. Franz E. Hohn; Elementary Matrix Algebra
4. Leslie Hogben; Elementary Linear Algebra

10.4.5 Introduction to Computer Science
1. Course information

Introduction to Computer Science

Course title: Introduction to Computer Science Course Code: Comp 2041

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 3 hrs (2 hr lecture + 1 hr lab)
Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge:
Academic Year:
College/Faculty/Institute: Semester: I Year: II
Program: Undergraduate Offering Department: Computer Science
Instructor(s): Enrollment: Regular
1) Instructor(s): Course Status: Supportive
2) Tutor:
Others (if any): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Course description
An overview of Computer Science, the development of computers, data representation in computers, logical
organization of a computer system, computer software and hardware, computer number system and
arithmetic, computer system architecture, computer networks and communications with description of
modern networking technologies, introduction to computer security.
Course objectives
This course introduces the students with fundamentals of Computer Science by furnishing them with a broad
oversight of the discipline of formal computer science.
At the end of the course students should be able to:
➢ explain what Computer Science is, its characteristics and applications

➢ explain the historical development, generations and types of computers
➢ get familiar with the computer system, data representation techniques, and computer arithmetic
➢ get familiar with the different coding methods
➢ explain Boolean logic, logic elements, etc.
➢ define computer networks and types
➢ get familiar with the Internet and its services
Course outline
Chapter 1: Overview of Computer Science (5 hours)
1.1. Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (1/2 hour)
1.2. Definition of Computer and Computer Science (1/2 hour)
1.3. Characteristics of computers (1 hour)
1.4. Speed, accuracy, capacity, versatility, durability and reliability
1.5. Types of computers (1 hour)
1.6. Analog, digital, special purpose, general purpose
1.7. Super computers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers (desktop, laptop or
notebook, PDA or palmtop, handheld)
1.8. Applications of computers (2 hours)
1.8.1 Learning aid
1.8.2 Entertainment
1.8.3 Commercial and business applications
1.8.4 Information utility
1.8.5 Engineering and research applications
1.8.6 Public service
Chapter 2: Development of computers (3 hours)
2.1 History of computing (1 hour)
2.1.1 Abacus
2.1.2 Pascal’s Calculator
2.1.3 The difference engine and the analytical engine

2.1.4 Herman Hollerith’s tabulating machine
2.1.5 Mark I
2.1.6 ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
2.1.7 The Von Neumann Machine
2.1.8 Commercial computers
2.2 Generations of computers (2 hours)
2.2.1 First, second, third, and fourth generations
2.2.2 Current Trends
Chapter 3: Organization of a computer system (8 hours)
3.1 Introduction to Computer Systems (1/2 hour)
3.2 Computer hardware (3 hours)
3.2.1 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
3.2.2 Purposes of the Central Processing Unit
3.2.3 Control Unit
3.2.4 Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
3.2.5 RAM and ROM
3.2.6 The bus system (address bus, data bus, and control bus)
3.2.7 Input/output units
3.2.8 Input units (pointing devices, game controllers, keyboard, scanner,
camera, microphone)
3.2.9 Output units (monitor, printer, speaker)
3.2.10 Storage units
3.2.11 Sequential access media ( tape)
3.2.12 Random access media (magnetic disk, optical storage media, flash
memory cards)
3.3 Computer software
3.3.1 System software (3 hours)
3.3.2 Operating systems

3.3.3 What is an operating system?
3.3.4 Functions of an operating system (controlling operations,
input/output management, command processing)
3.3 5 Types of operating systems (single/multi tasking, single/multi user,
real-time, command driven vs GUI-based)
3.3.6 Example operating systems (Windows, UNIX, Solaris, MacOS)
3.3.7 Language software
3.3.8 Translators (assemblers, compilers, interpreters), and editors
3.3.9 Applications software (1 1/2 hours)
3.3.10 Word processing
3.3.12 Database management systems
3.3.13 Graphics
3.3.14 Software suites
3.3.15 Enterprise application software
Chapter 4: Data representation in computers (12 hours)
4.1 Units of data representation (1 1/2 hours)
4.1.1 Bit, Byte, Word
4.2 Concept of number systems and binary arithmetic (4 hours)
4.2.1 Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal number systems
4.2.2 Conversion from one number system to another
4.2.3 Binary arithmetic
4.3 Coding method (2 1/2 hours)
4.3.1 EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)
4.3.2 BCD 4 and 6 (Binary Coded Decimal)
4.3.3 ASCII 7 and 8 (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

4.4 Representation of negative numbers and arithmetic (3 hours)
4.4.1 Signed magnitude, One’s complement, Two’s complement
4.5 Floating-point representation (1 hour)
Chapter 5: Computer System architecture (12 hours)
5.1 Hierarchical structure of computer system architecture (1 hour)
5.2 Logic elements and Boolean algebra (3 hours)
5.2.1 Logic gates and Boolean algebra
5.3 Implementation of Boolean algebra (3 hours)
5.3.1 Boolean functions and truth tables
5.3.2 Construction of logic circuits
5.4 Types of circuits (2 hours)
5.4.1 Combinational and sequential circuits
Chapter 6: Computer networks and communications (4 hours)
6.1 Introduction to computer networking and its applications (2 hours)
6.2 Types of networks
6.2.1 LANs (Local Area Networks) and WANs (Wide Area Networks)
6.3 Introduction to tthe Internet (2 hours)
6.3.1 Services of the Internet (e-mail, World Wide Web, file transfer/access, remote login/
execution, video conferencing)
Chapter 7: Computer security (1 hour)
7.1 Introduction to computer security
7.2 Encryption
7.3 Backup
7.4 Viruses and worms

Reading assignment: 10% (depending on the number of students per class)

➢ Lab: 20%
➢ Mid exam: 20%

➢ Final exam: 50%

Text books and References


Esl, I. (2004). Introduction to Computer Science. Pearson Education India.


Brookshear, J. G. (2008). Computer science: an overview. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Dida Midekso (1994). Introduction to Computer Science. Ethiopia, AAU.

Tucker, A. B. (Ed.). (2004). Computer science handbook. CRC press.

10.4.6 Fundamentals of Programming
1) Course information
Fundamentals of Programming

Course title: Fundamentals of Programming Course Code: COMP 3041

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 4 hrs (3 hrs Lecture 1 hrs tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Introduction to Computer Science Prior knowledge: computer basics
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: III
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Computer Science
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Supportive
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
Physics can be studied using experimental and theoretical techniques. But there are numerous physics problems that
cannot be solved using the two techniques. The third technique is therefore to use computer programming languages.

b. Course Objective
This course is introduced to help students to solve practical problems using computers. The aim of the course in to
provide sufficient knowledge of programming and FORTRAN 90 to write straightforward programs. The course is
designed for those with little or no previous programming experience and need to be able to work in Linux or Unix and
use Linux or Unix text editor.

c. Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
➢ get introduced the concepts of computers, algorithms, programming and Fortran
➢ understand programming language to non-majors.
➢ be able to read programs written in FORTRAN
➢ be able to identify a problem that requires a programmed solution.
➢ use numerical techniques to solve physical problems.

d. Course Descriptions

This course provides an introduction to the Fortran 90 programming language. It should provide students with enough
knowledge to write straight forward FORTRAN programs and students should also gain some general experience which
can usefully be applied when using any programming language. The course contents include: Getting started,
programming basics, flowcharts; Input and output and using intrinsic functions; Arrays: vectors and matrices; Program
control: do loops and if statements; Subprograms: functions and subroutines.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods and inquiry based learning following group work and mastery of problem solving
skills. Gapped lectures using illustration diagrams, models and simulations.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, thought imaginative thinking and solving problems associated with the respective topics.

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment etc., while no mark is assigned
for. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows:

• Group /individual assignment …………………………….……………………………..…… 5 – 10%

• Lab. tests ……………………………………………………………...................................... 5 - 20%
• Project work ……………………………………………………………………………………………10 – 20%
• Classwork …………………………………………………………………………………………………0 – 5%
• Mid exam …………………………………………….......................................................10 - 20%
• Final exam ………………………………………...........................................................40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5) Course Outline
1. Introduction (1 hr.)
2. Programming basics (2 hrs.)
2.1. Main parts of a Fortran 90 program
2.2. Layout of Fortran 90 statements
3. Data types (3 hrs.)
3.1. Constants
3.2. Integers
3.3. Reals
3.4. Double precession
3.5. Character
3.6. Logical
3.7. Complex
3.8. Variables
4. How to write, process and run a program (4 hrs.)
4.1. Writing a program
4.2. Compiling and linking
4.3. Running a Program

4.4. Removing old files
5. Hierarchy of operations in FORTRAN (1 hr.)
6. About input and output (1 hr.)
6.1. Redirection of input/output
6.2. Formatting input/output
6.3. E-format and D-format
7. More intrinsic functions (1 hr.)
8. Arrays (5 hrs.)
8.1. Whole array elemental operations
8.2. Whole array operations
8.3. Working with subsection of arrays
8.4. Selecting individual array elements
8.5. Selecting array elements
8.6. Using masks
8.7. Allocatable arrays
9. Parameters and initial values (2 hrs.)
10. Program Control: Do loops and if statements (6 hrs.)
10.1. DO END DO Loops
10.2. IF statements
10.3. Case statements
10.4. Controlling DO loops with logical expressions
10.5. Conditional EXIT loops
10.6. Conditional CYCLE loops
10.7. DO WHILE loops
10.8. Named DO loops and IF statements
10.9. Implied DO loops
11. Subprograms (4 hrs.)
11.1. Functions
11.2. Subroutines
11.3. Storing subprograms in separate files
11.4. Using subroutine libraries
6) Recommended Reading materials
1. Nyhoff, Larry, Introduction to FORTRAN 90 for Engineers and Scientists.
2. Stephen J Chapman, Introduction to FORTRAN 90/95.
3. Walter S. Brainerd, Charles H. Goldberg and Jeanne C. Adams, Programmer’s Guide to Fortran 90, Third
4. T. M. R. Ellis, FORTRAN 77 Programming, Second Edition.

10.5 Common Courses
10.5.1 General Physics
1) Course information
General Physics

Course title: General Physics Course Code: Phys 1011

Credit hours: 3hrs Contact hrs: 5hrs (3hr lecture + 2 lab hrs)
Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge: High school physics
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: I
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Physics
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale

At the end of this course students are expected to be acquainted with basic concepts in different branches of
physics, identify the connection between them and explain the common phenomena. They will also develop
skills of solving problems.

b. Objectives
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
➢ Discuss basic physics by refreshing and summarizing the previous preparatory physics concepts before
tackling the advanced physics courses.
➢ Explain the kinematics and dynamics of particles in one and two dimensions.
➢ Explain the basic concepts of charges, fields and potentials.
➢ Demonstrate the use and the working system of cells (batteries), resistors, generators, motors and
➢ Explain the first law of thermodynamics for a closed system and apply it to solve problems.
➢ Discuss systems that oscillate with simple harmonic motion.
➢ Explain the application of physics in different sciences and technology fields.
c. Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course the student will able to:
▪ Develop knowledge and skills in basic measurement and uncertainty.
▪ Understand the basic concepts of physics and the relations between them (Laws).
▪ Describe and explain natural phenomena using the basic concepts and laws.
▪ Apply the basic concepts and laws to practical situations.
▪ Develop the algebraic skills needed to solve theoretical and practical problems.
▪ Appreciate the applicability of physics to a wide range of disciplines.

d. General Physics: contents and sub contents

This algebra based course provides science students with the basic concepts of physics that enable
them to understand, describe and explain natural phenomena. Emphasis is laid on general principles
and fundamental concepts in measurements, mechanical and thermal interactions, fluid mechanics,
electromagnetism, oscillations and waves with applications of physics in various fields of science.

3) Instructional method and strategies

c. Teacher’s activities

Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, demonstration, etc. and guide students in project work.
And also permitting the students to voice and defend their own opinions and enhancing the students’
commitment to individual study and acquiring knowledge are among the activities.
d. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students individually and in
peer practice and learn through project and practical work. Each practical will result in a report for

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews, assignment. On the other hand, assessment
of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters.
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment…………………………..…………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz…………………………………………………………….............................................. 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………….…………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview…………………………………………………………….……………..…………………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ……………………………………….…………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam…………………….………………………………............................................ 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................... 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5) Course Outline

1. Preliminaries (2Hrs)
1.1 Physical Quantities and Units of Measurement
1.2 Uncertainty in Measurement and Significant Digits
1.3 Vectors: composition and resolution
1.4 Unit Vectors
2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Particle (13Hrs)
2.1 Kinematics in One and Two Dimensions (4hrs)
2.1.1 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration in 1D and 2D
2.1.2 Motion with Constant Acceleration
2.1.3 Free Fall Motion
2.1.4 Projectile motion
2.2 Particle Dynamics and Planetary Motion (6Hrs)
2.2.1 The Concept of Force as a Measure of Interaction
2.2.2 Types of forces
2.2.3 Newton’s Laws of Motion and Applications
2.2.4 Circular Motion
2.2.5 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Examples
2.2.6 Kepler’s laws, satellites motion and weightlessness
2.3 Work, Energy and Linear Momentum (3Hrs)
2.3.1 Work and Energy
2.3.2 Linear Momentum
2.3.3 Conservation of Energy and Linear Momentum / Collisions
2.3.4 Power
2.3.5 The Concept of Center of Mass
3. Fluids Mechanics (4 hrs)
3.1 Properties of Bulk Matter /Stress, Strain/
3.2 Density and Pressure in Static Fluids
3.3 Buoyant Forces, Archimedes’ principle
3.4 Moving Fluids and Bernoulli’s Equation
4. Heat and Thermodynamics (5Hrs)
4.1 The Concept of Temperature: Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
4.2 The Concept Heat and Work
4.3 Specific Heat and Latent Heat
4.4 Heat Transfer Mechanism
4.5 Thermal Expansion
4.6 Energy Conservation: First Law of Thermodynamics
5. Oscillations, Waves and Optics (5Hrs)
5.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
5.2 The Simple Pendulum
5.3 Wave and Its Characteristics
5.4 Resonance
5.5 Doppler Effect
5.6 Image formation by thin lenses and mirrors
6. Electromagnetism and Electronics (6Hrs)
6.1 Coulomb’s Law and Electric Fields
6.2 Electric Potential
6.3 Current, Resistance and Ohm’s Law
6.4 Electrical Power
6.5 Equivalent Resistance and Kirchhoff’s Law
6.6 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Flux
6.7 Electromagnetic Induction
6.8 Insulators, Conductors, Semiconductors
6.9 Diodes / Characteristics Curve
6.10 Transistors

6) Recommended References

Course Textbook

• Physics for Scientists and Engineers with modern Physics, Ninth Edition. Raymond A.Serway and John
W.Jewett, Jr.

1. Serway, R. A. and Vuille, C., 2018, College Physics, 11th ed., Cengage Learning, Boston, USA
2. University Physics with Modern Physics by Young, freedman and Lewis Ford
3. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics by Douglas C. Giancoli
4. Fundamentals of physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Gearl Walker
5. College Physics by Hugh D. Young Sears Zemansky, 9th edition
6. Herman Cember and Thomas A. Johnson, Introduction to Health Physics, 4th ed., (2008).
7. William R. Hendee and E. Russell Ritenour, Medical Imaging Physics, 4th ed., (2002).
8. Tayal D.C. Basic Electronics. 2nd ed. Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai, (1998).
9. Theraja B.L., R.S. Sedha. Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits, S.Chand and Company Ltd,
NewDelhi, (2004).
10. Introduction to Space Physics, M. G. Kivelson and C. T. Russell, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
11. Stacey, Frank D.: Physics of the earth. 2nd Ed.,Wiley, 1977.

10.5.2 Mathematics for Natural Sciences
1) Course information
Mathematics for Natural Sciences

Course title: Mathematics for Natural Sciences Code: Math 1011

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 3hrs (3hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge: High school mathematics

Academic Year: Semester: I Year: I

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Mathematics

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Common Course


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
The course intends to prepare natural science students with the basic concepts and materials from
mathematics that necessitate a good foundation to treat fundamental mathematical tools in science.

b. Objectives of the course

The general objective of this course is to develop learners’ understanding of techniques of mathematics and
their applications including some advanced topics. It is able to introduce students the concepts and application

of propositional logic in reasoning. And the learner will able to Understand basic properties of logarithmic,
exponential, hyperbolic, and trigonometric functions.

c. Learning outcomes
After completion of this course, at the end of the course students will be able to:

❖ apply propositional logic in reasoning,

❖ use quantifiers in open propositions in mathematical logic
❖ understand concepts of sets and set operations,
❖ understand the fundamental properties of real numbers
❖ use mathematical induction in proofs,
❖ analyze least upper bound and greatest lower bound,
❖ understand the fundamental properties of complex numbers
❖ express complex numbers in polar representation
❖ explain different types of functions, their inverses and their graphs
❖ evaluate zeros of polynomials
❖ Understand basic properties of logarithmic, exponential, hyperbolic, and trigonometric functions
❖ Understand basic concept of analytic geometry
❖ derive equations of conic sections

d. Contents and sub contents

This Course is organized in Four Chapter, and strictly discusses the basic concepts of logic and set theory, the
real and complex number systems, mathematical induction, least upper bound and greatest lower bound,
functions and types of functions, polynomial and rational functions, logarithmic and exponential functions,
trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions and their graphs and analytic geometry.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Presentation of lecture followed by guiding the students, demonstrate problem solving, give exercises and
monitor the process, give and Solve worksheets during tutorials. Also prepare the online learning resources.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through Listen to a lesson, take short
notes, asking and answering questions, doing homework, reading assignments, Presentation,
Solve exercises, Work in group and individual and etc.
In addition to the above Students should read the relevant sections in the textbook and/or reference materials
and do the assignments on time. Practice with solved problems and come to lecture hours to get concepts
clarified. Review and extra problems will be given through worksheets. Students are also expected to have
worked through the problems in the worksheets before the tutorial sessions. Attendance at lectures and
tutorials is expected for all students. Attendance records will be taken at all times. It is the student’s chance to
ask questions, solve problems and work in team.

4) Assessment strategies
Mostly, continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through guiding, questioning and answering. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment………………………….………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz…………………………………………………………............................................................ 5 - 10%

• Project work……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Class work ………………………………………………..………………………………………………………. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam…………………………………………………........................................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam …………………………………………………........................................................ 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5) Course Outline
1. Propositional logic and Set Theory
1.1. Definition and examples of proposition
1.2. Set theory
2. The real and complex number systems
2.1. The real number system
2.2. Complex number system

3. Functions
3.1. Review of relations and functions
3.2. Real-valued functions and their properties
3.3. Types of functions and inverse of a function
3.4. Polynomials, zeros of polynomials, rational functions, and their graphs
3.5. Definitions and basic properties of logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic
functions, and their graphs.
4. Analytic Geometry
4.1. The straight-line: Division of segments and various forms of equation of a line.
4.2. Circles

4.3. Parabola
4.4. Ellipse
4.5. Hyperbola

6) Text and References

Course Textbook
1. Alemayehu Haile and Yismaw Alemu, Mathematics an Introductory Course, Department of
Mathematics, Addis Ababa University
2. Demisu Gemeda and Seid Mohammed, Fundamental Concepts of Algebra, AAU

5. Semu Mitiku Kassa,
Berhanu Guta Wordofa and Tilahun Abebaw Kebede, Engineering Mathematics I, Galaxy University
Books Series, 2017
6. Edwin J. Purcell, Dale
Varberg, Calculus with Analytic Geometry
7. G. Chartrand, A. D. Polimeni and P. Zihang, Mathematical proofs: a transition to advanced
mathematics 3rd edition, Pearson Education. Inc.
8. Goodman Hirsch,
Precalculus-Understanding functions, 2000
9. James Ward Brown and
Ruel V. Churchill: Complex Numbers and Applications, 7th edition
10. Michael D. Alder: An
Introduction to Complex Analysis to Engineers, 1997

10.5.3 Global Affairs
1) Course information
Global Affairs

Course title: Global Affairs Course Code: GLAF 2012

Credit hours: 2 hrs Contact hrs: 2 hrs (2hrs lecture + 0 hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: _______
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
This course introduces concepts, such as national interest, foreign policy, actors, globalization, balance of
power, cold war, multi-polar systems, international law and other relevant concepts. Different debates and
approaches to the study of international relations including realism, liberalism are also given due emphasis.

b. Course Objective
The course is designed to equip students with the basics of international relations so that they will be exposed
to global challenges and perspectives.

c. Expected Course Learning Outcome

After completing this course, students will be able to:

➢ Understand nations, nationalism and states

➢ Explain the nature and historical development of international relations
➢ Examine the extent and degree of influence of state and non-state actors in the international system
➢ Gain basic knowledge of the major theories of International Relations and develop the ability to
critically evaluate and apply such theories
➢ Elucidate national interest, foreign policy and diplomacy
➢ Assess the overriding foreign policy guidelines of Ethiopia in the past and present
➢ Explicate the nature and elements of international political economy
➢ Examine the roles major international and regional institutions play in world politics
➢ Explore Ethiopia‘s role in regional, continental and global institutions and affairs
➢ Critically evaluate the major contemporary global issues
d. Course Contents
The contents included in this course are: the nature, scope, evolution, actors and levels of analysis, structure
as well as theories of international relations; national interest, foreign policy, diplomacy and Ethiopian foreign
policy under successive regimes are discussed in some length; issues of international political economy with
emphasis on global institutions of governance; the debates between regionalism and globalization with
contemporary global issues that affect international relations.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
➢ Introducing objectives to the students

➢ Asking brain storming questions

➢ Defining terms and concepts in global affairs

➢ brief introduction to the sub topics

➢ Giving class room and home based works

➢ Checking, evaluating, and giving feedback to students’ work

➢ Summarizing the chapters

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
brainstorming, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated to the respective topics.

4) Assessment methods
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method comprises of
various modalities as follows:

• individual assignment ………………………………………………………………………… 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………......................................... 5%
• as a group assignment………………………………………….……………………………… 15%
• Group presentation …………………………………………………………………….…….… 5%
• Attendance and participation ……………………….……………….…………….………. 5%
• Mid exam ……..…………………………………………………...................................... 20%
• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................ 40%

5) Course Outline (Broad contents)

1. Understanding International Relations

1.1. Conceptualizing Nationalism, Nations and States
1.2. Understanding international relations
1.3. The nature and evolution of international relations
1.4. Actors in international relations
1.5. Levels of analysis in international relations
1.6. The structure of international relations
1.7. Theories of international relations
2. Understanding Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
2.1. Defining national interests
2.2. Understanding foreign policy and foreign policy behaviors
2.3. Overview of foreign policy of Ethiopia
3. International Political Economy (IPE)
3.1. Meaning and nature of international political economy (IPE)
3.2. Theoretical perspectives of IPE
3.3. Survey of the most influential national political economy systems in the world
3.4. Core issues, governing institutions and governance of international political economy
3.5. Exchange rates and the exchange rate system
4. Globalization and Regionalism
4.1. Defining globalization
4.2. The globalization debates
4.3. Globalization and its impacts on Africa
4.4. Ethiopia in a globalized world
4.5. Pros and Cons of globalization
4.6. Defining regionalism and regional integration
4.7. Major theories of regional integration
4.8. Selected cases of regional integration
4.9. Regionalization versus globalization and states
4.10. The relations between regionalization and globalization

4.11. Regionalization, globalization and the state
5. Major Contemporary Global Issues
5.1. Survey of major contemporary global issues

6) Recommended Text and Reference

1. Balaam, David N., and Bradford Dillman. 2011. Introduction to International Political Economy. Boston:
2. Bates, R. (1982). Markets and States in Tropical Africa. Berkeley: University of California Press.
3. Baylis, J. and Steve S. 2001. The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International
Relations. Oxford University Press: New York.
4. Booth, K. and Smith, S. (eds), International Relations Theory Today (Cambridge: Polity)
5. Brown, Chris, Understanding International Relations (London, Macmillan, 1977)
6. Bull, Hedley, The Anarchical Society (Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1977)
7. Burchill, Scott, ‗Introduction‘, in Burchill, Scott and Linklater, Andrew et al., Theories of
International Relations (London, Macmillan, 1996)

10.5.4 Moral and Civics
1) Course information
Moral and Civics

Course title: Moral and Civics Course Code: MCiE 1012

Credit hours: 2 hrs Contact hrs: 2 hrs (2 hrs lecture, 0 hr tutorial)
Prerequisits): Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: I
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: ______
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale

The benchmarking moral, ethical and citizenship education are part of the curriculum of the educational
system to address diversity and national unity. The education system should promote these realities and be
able to produce adequate and capable graduates to satisfy both the domestic and global markets.
Accordingly, this course basically aspires to equip the learners with relevant knowledge, respect for the worth
and human dignity of every individual, right attitudes and requisite skills to enable them perform their roles as
a credible members of their society.

b. Course Objective
This course aspires to equip the learners with relevant knowledge, respect for the worth and human dignity of
every individual, right attitudes and requisite skills to enable them perform their roles as a credible members
of their society.

c. Expected Course Learning Outcome

After the successful completion of this module students will be able to:

➢ Conceptualize what morality, ethics and civics mean.

➢ Comprehend the goals of civics and ethics as well as the competences of a good citizen.
➢ Discuss the relations between society, state and government.
➢ Differentiate federal state structure from unitary and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the
state structures.
➢ Discuss the processes of modern Ethiopian state formation and nation building.
➢ Comprehend the features of Ethiopian federalism.
➢ Conceptualize constitution, its classification and unique features.
➢ Define the term human rights, the unique features and its classifications.
➢ Differentiate the teleological, deontological and virtue theories.
d. Course Contents
This course comprises of five chapters. The contents included are: definition of concepts and terms,
differences between civics and ethics, goals of civics and ethics as well as competences of a good citizen; the
major rival theories and perspectives on ethics and morality; ethical decision making and the justification

behind the moral judgments; the concepts of citizenship, state and government particularly the state
structures and theories of state, systems of government, theories of citizenship, ways of acquiring and losing
citizenship and the interplay between citizens, state and government; constitution, human rights and

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
➢ Introducing objectives to the students

➢ Asking brain storming questions

➢ Defining terms in Moral and Civics

➢ brief introduction to the sub topics

➢ Giving class room and home based works

➢ Checking, evaluating, and giving feedback to students’ work

➢ Summarizing the chapters

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
brainstorming, reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics.

4) Assessment methods
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method comprises of
various modalities as follows:

• individual assignment ………………………………………………………………………… 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………......................................... 5%
• as a group assignment………………………………………….……………………………… 15%
• Group presentation …………………………………………………………………….…….… 5%
• Attendance and participation ……………………….……………….…………….………. 5%
• Mid exam ……..…………………………………………………...................................... 20%
• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................ 40%
5) Course Outline
1. Understanding Civics and Ethics
1.1. Chapter introduction
1.2. Defining Civics, Ethics and Morality
1.3. Ethics and Law
1.4. The importance/goal of moral and civic education
2. Approaches to Ethics
2.1. Chapter introduction
2.2. Normative ethics
2.3. Non-normative ethics
3. Ethical Decision Making and Moral Judgements
3.1. Chapter introduction
3.2. How can we make ethical decisions and actions?
3.3. To whom or what does morality apply?
3.4. Who is morally/ethically responsible?
3.5. Why should human beings be moral?
4. State, Government and Citizenship
4.1. Chapter introduction
4.2. Understanding state
4.3. Rival theories of state
4.4. The role of the state
4.5. Understanding government
4.6. Understanding citizenship
5. Constitution, Democracy and Human Rights
5.1. Chapter introduction
5.2. Constitution and constitutionalism
5.3. Constitutionalism
5.4. The constitutional experience of Ethiopia: Pre and post 1931.
5.5. Democracy and democratization
5.6. Human Rights: concepts and theories

6) Recommended Text and Reference

1. Bunbongkarn, S., 2001. The role of civil society in democratic consolidation in Asia. Center for
International Exchange, p.230.
2. Camara, M. S. (2008). Media, civil Society and political culture in West Africa, African Journalism
Studies, 29(2), 210-229.
3. Dorsen, N., Rosenfeld, M., Sajó, A., & Baer, S. (2003). Comparative constitutionalism: cases and
4. Gashaw, A. (2015) Constitution, constitutionalism and foundation of democracy in Ethiopia.
5. Getahun, K. (2007). Mechanisms of Constitutional Control: A preliminary observation of the
Ethiopian system. Afrika Focus, 20(1-2).

10.5.5 Entrepreneurship and Business Development
1) Course information
Entrepreneurship and Business Development

Course title: Entrepreneurship and Business Development Course Code:

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 4 hrs (3hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): none Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: IV
College/Faculty/Institute: Department:
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale
This interdisciplinary course is designed to introduce students to meaning and the concept of
entrepreneurship vs entrepreneur, creativity and innovation and their manageable processes that can be
applied across careers and work settings. It focuses on building entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors that
will lead to creative solution within community and organizational environments.

b. Course Objective
The course enables learners to have worthy understanding on:

➢ Meaning & definition of entrepreneurship within the context of society; organizations and individuals.
➢ The specific management issues involved in setting up and running a business enterprise.
➢ Demonstrating more understanding of the role of entrepreneurship in the economy.
➢ Distinguishing between an entrepreneurial and a conventional approach to management.
➢ The need to recognize that entrepreneurial success in the 21st century depends on teamwork and
➢ Recognizing and overcoming obstacles to creative problem-solving.

➢ Describing the elements of an effective business model/plan.

➢ Developing a concept for an innovative idea, product or service in one’s own area of interest.
➢ The need to develop a personal framework for managing the ethical dilemmas and social
responsibilities facing entrepreneurs.
➢ Describing the leadership studies of entrepreneurs who have been successful in different sectors (e.g.,
start-ups, corporations. Community, public sector, etc.).
On the ways of equipping them with basic knowledge and skills of starting and operating a business for
which they will be managers in the future (or even Owner-managers) of these firms.

➢ Identifying characteristics of an entrepreneur/ entrepreneurs as demonstrated in behavior.

➢ Developing elements of the entrepreneurial mindset and discussing the implications for functioning as
a successful entrepreneur

c. Expected Course Learning Outcome

After completing the course learners will be able to understand:

➢ Meaning of the term entrepreneurship within the context of society; organizations and individuals.
➢ The role of entrepreneurship on the economy.
➢ Developing a concept for an innovative idea, product or service in one’s own area of interest.
➢ How to develop elements of the entrepreneurial mindset and discuss the implications for functioning
as a successful entrepreneur.

➢ The way how to prepare business plan as roadmap.
➢ The basic concepts of risk, its type & classification
➢ How to develop market and new venture
➢ How to explore alternative sources of financing the new venture
➢ How to form business organizations and consider practical ethical issues during the process
d. Course Contents
Course topics include the history of entrepreneurship, the role of entrepreneurs in the 21st century global
economy, and the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. The elements of creative problem solving,
the development of a business ideas, products and services, marketing and developing new ventures, the
examination of feasibility studies and the social and moral implications of entrepreneurship will be
incorporated. Besides, issues related to starting and financing a new venture are included. Finally, managing
growth and through merger, acquisitions, licensing, outsourcing, franchising etc. And forms of business
organizations, legal and regulatory frameworks of governing the whole system are also encompassed in the
course syllabus.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
➢ Introducing objectives to the students

➢ Asking brain storming questions

➢ Defining the term entrepreneurship & entrepreneur

➢ brief introduction to the sub topics

➢ Giving class room and home based works

➢ Checking, evaluating, and giving feedback to students’ work

➢ Summarizing the chapters

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, brainstorming. Some specific activities includes:
➢ Define entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

➢ Discuss importance of entrepreneurship

➢ Discuss meaning and importance of small business

➢ Discuss failure factors for a small business

➢ Explain the elements while setting a small business

➢ Discuss business planning

➢ Discuss elements of business plan

➢ Developing business plan in a small group

➢ Discuss concepts of idea, product or service technology

➢ Discuss idea, product or service development process and their protection mechanisms

➢ Discuss concept of manage early growth

➢ Discuss new venture expansion strategies

➢ Discuss about the legal and regulatory frameworks

4) Assessment methods
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is
implemented in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
Assessment for learning is practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student
progress to the desired level of interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews
assignment etc., while no mark is assigned for. On the other hand, assessment of learning is also
administered framing on the following parameters. The continuous assessment method comprises of
various modalities as follows:

• individual assignment ………………………………………………………………………… 10%

• Quiz ………………………………………………………………......................................... 5%
• Developing business plan(as a group assignment)………………………………… 15%
• Group presentation …………………………………………………………………….…….… 5%
• Attendance and participation ……………………….……………….…………….………. 5%
• Test ……..…………………………………………………............................................... 10%
• Final exam …………………………………………………............................................ 50%

5) Course Outline
1. Overview of Entrepreneurship

1.1 What is entrepreneurship?

1.2 Definition and philosophy of entrepreneurship vs entrepreneur
1.3 Historical origin of entrepreneurship
1.4 Role within the economy
1.5 Entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation
2. Chapter Two Business Development

1.1 Definition and importance

1.2 Economic, social & political aspects of business enterprises

1.3 Business Failure factors.

1.4 Problems of small scale businesses in Ethiopia

1.5 Setting up small scale businesses

1.5.1 Basic business ideas

1.5.2 the ways of organizing business ideas that an entrepreneur should have
1.5.3 Definition of industry and small scale industry
1.5.4 Steps in setting up a small scale business
1.5.5 Steps in setting up a small scale business
3. Chapter Three Business Planning
3.1 The concept of business planning
3.2 Feasibility planning
3.3 The business plan
3.4 Developing a business plan
4. Conception of Idea, Product or Services
4.1. Idea, Product or Service Technology
4.2. Idea, product or service development process
4.3. Idea, product or service protection

4.3.1. Patents

4.3.2. Trademarks
4.3.3. Copyrighting

5. Marketing and new venture development

5.1. What is market?
5.2. Marketing research
5.3. Marketing intelligence
5.4. Competitive analysis
5.5. Marketing strategies
5.6. International markets

6. Organizing and financing the new venture

6.1 Entrepreneurial team and business formation

6.1. Sources of financing

6.1.1. Asset management

6.1.2. Equity Financing

6.1.3. Venture Capital

6.1.4. Debt financing

6.1.5. Government financing eg. Omo, Dev’t Bank etc…

6.1.6. NGO financing eg. Germany supports for disabilities interest free loan disbursement.

7. Managing Growth and Transaction

7.1. Preparing for the launch of the venture

7.2. Managing early growth of venture

7.3. New venture expansion strategies and Issues (Mergers, Acquisitions, licensing and Franchising)

7.4. Legal and regulatory frameworks of growth & transaction of new venture

6) Recommended Text and Reference

5. Hailay Gebretinsae, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 2nd Edition.
6. Hodgetts, RichardM.Kurakto, DonaldF. “Entrepreneurship: A contemporary approach “. Fourth Edition,
the Dryden Press, 1998.
7. HirshRobertD. and D. and PetersMichaelP. “Entrepreneurship” Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Edition,
8. Holt David H. “Entrepreneurship – New venture Creation “Eastern Economy Edition, 2000.
9. DonaldF.Kutatko and RichardM.Hodgetts, “Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary Approach, Fourth

10.5.6 General Biology
1. Course information
General Biology

Course title: General Biology Course Code: Biol 1012

Credit hours: 3 hrs. Contact hrs: 5 hrs (3 hrs lecture + 2 lab. Hrs.)

Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge: High school biology

Academic Year: Semester: II Year: I

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Biology

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course Status: Common


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. Course Rationale
Biology deals with the entire world of living things to bring out an evolutionary theme that is introduced from
the start.

b. Objectives
At the end of the course, students will be able to:

➢ Explain the scope of biology and molecular basis of life

➢ Describe life activities from the cellular point of view
➢ Manipulate basic biological tool, record data and draw conclusions
➢ Develop scientific attitude, skill and conduct biological experiments using scientific procedures
➢ Outline basic processes of energy transduction and synthesis of intermediate or final products in living
➢ Understand the basic concepts of genetics and inheritance
➢ Understand the concepts of infection and immunity
➢ Classify organisms based on their cellular organization and complexity
➢ Explain components, processes and interrelationships within a given ecosystem
➢ Know the general features of invertebrate and vertebrate animals
➢ Appreciate the practical uses of biological knowledge and its application in the
wider society

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
The course will involve deploying different teaching methods that attempt to make the teaching-learning
process as effective as possible. For most part of the course, delivery method will be arranged as to make the
process student-centered. There shall be full and active participation from students and they are strongly
encouraged to ask questions, to reflect on brain-storming queries, and be involved actively and attentively in
take-home assignments and peer discussions that appear during the semester both within and outside class-
room sessions.
While there is no limit to the imagination and flexibility of the instructor, the course delivery techniques will
generally involve the following items:

➢ Lecture
➢ Brain-storming sessions
➢ Group discussions
➢ Individual and group assignments
b. Students’ activities
You must come to class prepared by bringing with you the appropriate materials like handouts, worksheets
and exercises given, text books and completed assignments. Complete the individual and group assignments
and other activities on time. You must plan your own learning through reading various course related
materials and chapters in books. You are expected to work much individually to meet the requirement of the

4. Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews, assignment, field work, etc. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….………………………………… 10 – 20%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………............................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………….………………………………… 0 – 10%

• Field work …………………………………………………………………………………….……….. 0 – 10 %

• Interview……………………………………………………………….………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………........................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam ………………………………………………….............................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least one
quizzes, one assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5. Instructional resource and material
• Computational lab facilities with internet connection; Laboratory facilities like microscopes, chemicals,
different preserved samples, etc.

6. Course contents
1. Introduction
1.1. The meaning and scope of biology
1.2. The origin and nature of life
1.3. Scientific methods
2. Biological Molecules
2.1. Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic acids
2.2. Vitamins, water, minerals
3. The Cellular Basis of Life
3.1. The cell theory
3.2. The cell organelles
3.3. Structure and function of organelles
3.4. Cellular diversity (shape, size)
3.5. Transport across the cell membranes
4. Cellular Metabolism and Metabolic Disorder
4.1. Cellular metabolism
4.2. Bioenergetics and biosynthesis
4.3. Metabolic disorders, diagnosis and treatment
5. Genetics and Evolution
5.1. Basic principle of Mendelian genetics and patterns of inheritance
5.2. Molecular genetics and inheritance
5.3. Protein synthesis
5.4. Introduction to evolution
6. Infectious Diseases and Immunity
6.1. Principles of infectious diseases
6.2. Types of infectious diseases and their causative agents
6.3. Modes of transmission
6.4. Host defenses against infectious diseases
6.5. Adverse immune reactions (responses)
6.6. Tumor immunology
7. Taxonomy of Organisms
7.1. Early attempts to classify organisms
7.2. Modern views of classifications (schemes of classification)
7.3. Domains of life and the Hierarchical system of classification
7.4. Binomial nomenclature
7.5. Operative principles of nomenclature
8. Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources
8.1. Definition of ecological terms and basic concept of ecology
8.2. Branches of ecology
8.3. Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem
8.4. Energy flow through ecosystems
8.5. Cycling of materials (Nutrients)
8.6. Conservation of natural resources
8.7. Environmental pollution and public health
9. Introduction to Botany and Zoology
9.1. Introduction to botany
9.2. Introduction to zoology
10. Applications of Biological Sciences

7. References

1. Pechenik, J. (2004). Biology of the Invertebrates. (5th ed.) McGraw-Hill.

2. Devlin, RM and Witham, FH (1986). Plant Physiology. (4th ed.) CBS, New Delhi
3. Hickman, C. P., Robert L. S. and Larson, A. (1996). Integrated Principles of Zoology.
(10th ed.) Mosby - Year Book, Inc. St. Louis.
4. Karp, G. (2003). Cell and Molecular Biology. (3rd ed.) John Wiley & Sons, New York.
5. Kardong, K. V. (2005). Introduction to Biological Evolution. Washington
6. Alcamo, I. E. (2001). Fundamentals of Microbiology. Jones and Btatltt Publishers, Boston.
7. Nicholl, D. S. (2002). An Introduction to Genetic Engineering. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

10.5.7 Economics
1) Course information

Course title: Introduction to Economics Course Code: ECON 2011

Credit hours: 3hrs Contact hrs: 4hrs (3hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: II
College/Faculty/Institute: Department:
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2) Course description
a. Rationale

There are two fundamental facts that provide the foundation for the field of economics.

1) Human (society‘s) material wants are unlimited.
2) Economic resources are limited (scarce).
The basic economic problem is about scarcity and choice since there are only limited amount of resources
available to produce the unlimited amount of goods and services we desire. Thus, economics is the study of
how human beings make choices to use scarce resources as they seek to satisfy their unlimited wants.
Therefore, choice is at the heart of all decision-making. As an individual, family, and nation, we confront
difficult choices about how to use limited resources to meet our needs and wants. Economists study how
these choices are made in various settings; evaluate the outcomes in terms of criteria such as efficiency, equity,
and stability; and search for alternative forms of economic organization that might produce higher living standards or a
more desirable distribution of material well-being.

b. Objectives
i. General Objective
The course will enable the students to make critical and informed economic decisions and it also equips the
student with the necessary standard tools to interpret and explain key economic phenomenon that affect
outcomes at micro and macro levels.

ii. Specific Objectives

This course is aimed at:

➢ Describing the major economic units making up a society and their respective roles
➢ Familiarizing students with the standard concepts of individual decision-making units, their objective
functions and the constraints within which they operate
➢ Introducing students to the neoclassical theory of consumer preferences and utility maximization
➢ Providing students with instruments of analyzing the cost structure of producers, how firms organize
factors of production and minimize costs both in the short and the long run.
➢ Exploring the different market structures and their implication for firm pricing and social welfare under
increasing concentration of firm power from perfect competition to monopoly.
➢ Enlightening students with methods of general equilibrium analysis, distortions arising from
asymmetric distribution of information between transaction parties, and the implications for
regulation and competition policy.
➢ Equipping students with macroeconomic concepts that relate to national income accounting, economic
crisis, unemployment, inflation, and policy responses from monetary and fiscal authorities.
➢ Enabling students to contextualize the key analytical instruments with stylized facts from the Ethiopian
c. Learning Outcomes

After completing introduction to economics, students will be able to:

➢ Describe the major economic units constituting a given society and their corresponding roles
➢ Explain the objective functions of consumers and how they attain this objective under resource
➢ Define producers’ objective functions, describe their cost structures in the short and the long run, and
apply partial equilibrium approaches to find optimal prices and quantities under different degrees of
➢ Tabulate markets into different categories on the basis of the number of buyers and sellers and outline
the various social welfare implications of each market structure.
➢ Elaborate the concept of general equilibrium analysis, identify its merits and demerits, and discuss the
various market failures due to distortions arising from imperfect information and cultivate the
corresponding possible remedial measures
➢ Understand how aggregate economic measures are constructed, their weaknesses, and alternative
measures of national wellbeing
➢ Identify the sources and adverse effects of economic crises and describe the pool of policy instruments
that can be deployed to mitigate the consequences of these crises.
➢ Contextualize the key analytical instruments with stylized facts from the Ethiopian economy.

d. contents and sub contents

This course provides a general introduction to economics combining elements of micro and macro fundamentals. The
first part of the course focuses on partial equilibrium aspects of theories of consumer behavior, producer behavior as
well as on the arrangements and implications of different market structures. It will also cover the neoclassical theory of

product and/or service pricing for perfectly competitive, monopolistic, oligopoly, and monopoly market structures. In
addition, topics covered will include factor market pricing, general equilibrium analysis and distortions which relate to
asymmetric information and moral hazard problems. The second part will discuss elements of macroeconomics that
revolve around issues of measurement of aggregate economic activities, unemployment, and inflation. Emphasis will
also be given to sources, consequences and policy responses to economic fluctuations. In the first part the course
commences by highlighting the underlying assumptions behind each theory followed by in-depth analyses of the
decisions of economic units subject to resource constraints in an effort to realize their respective objectives assuming
the prevalence of market clearing situation. Finally, students will be able to contextualize the key analytical instruments
with stylized facts from the Ethiopian economy.

3) Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
The course will involve deploying different teaching methods that attempt to make the teaching-learning
process as effective as possible. For most part of the course, delivery method will be arranged as to make the
process student-centered. There shall be full and active participation from students and they are strongly
encouraged to ask questions, to reflect on brain-storming queries, and be involved actively and attentively in
take-home assignments and peer discussions that appear during the semester both within and outside class-
room sessions.
While there is no limit to the imagination and flexibility of the instructor, the course delivery techniques will
generally involve the following items:

➢ Lecture
➢ Brain-storming sessions
➢ Group discussions
➢ Individual and group assignments
b. Students’ activities
You must come to class prepared by bringing with you the appropriate materials like handouts, worksheets
and exercises given, text books and completed assignments. Complete the individual and group assignments
and other activities on time. You must plan your own learning through reading various course related

materials and chapters in books. You are expected to work much individually to meet the requirement of the
You have to use your time for group work and home study effectively.
Participation: Make active participation during discussions (you must participate in class). You are not
participating if you are simply talking to a friend, doing homework, daydreaming, or not doing what the rest
of the class is doing. If you are working in a group or with a partner, you must talk to your group members or
partner and be a part of the group. Always be ready and willing to give constructive feedback to
partners’/group members and to listen to their comments on your work
Medium: Use only English, which is the medium of instruction, especially in the class room
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students individually in
intuitive approaches with local materials. Each practical will result in a report for assessment. The students will
also use Virtual geology-lab to do observation and for observational data analysis and with and without field

4) Assessment strategies
Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews, assignment, field work, etc. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters
Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;
• Group /individual assignment……………………………….………………………………… 10 – 20%

• Quiz……………………………………………………………............................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………….………………………………… 0 – 10%

• Interview……………………………………………………………….………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Mid exam………………………………………………………........................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam ………………………………………………….............................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5) Instructional resource and material

• Observational tools, microscopes, Geology-lab, field trips and locally available materials.

• Computational lab facilities and animation softwares to clearly understand the different economic
analysis, like market fluctuation, rate analysis, etc.

6) Course Outline
The economic circular flow model and production possibilities frontier

1. Theory of consumer behaviour and demand

1.1. consumer preferences and choices
1.1.1 Consumer preference
1.1.2 Utility
1.2 Approaches to measuring utility
1.2.1 The cardinal utility approach
1.2.2 Assumptions of cardinal utility theory
1.2.3 Total and marginal utility
1.2.4 Law of diminishing marginal utility (LDMU)
1.2.5 Equilibrium of a consumer
1.2.6 Derivation of the cardinalist demand

1.3 The ordinal utility approach

1.3.1 Assumptions of ordinal utility approach
1.3.2 Indifference set, curve and map
1.3.3 Properties of indifference curves
1.3.4 The marginal rate of substitution (MRS)
1.3.5 Types of indifference curves

1.4 The budget line or the price line
1.4.1 Factors affecting the budget line Effects of changes in income Effects of changes in price
1.5 Optimum of the consumer
1.5.1 Effects of changes in income and prices on consumer optimum Changes in income: income consumption curve and the Engel curve Changes in price: price consumption curve (PCC)
1.5.2 Decomposition of income and substitution effects (normal, inferior or giffen goods)
1.5.3 Derivation of market demand curve Elasticity of demand
2. The Theory of Production
2.1. Production function
2.2. Stages and laws of production
2.3. The law of variable proportions
2.4. Laws of returns to scale
2.5. Choice of optimal combination of factors of production
2.6. Short run and long run production functions
3. Theory of Costs
2.7. Definition and types of costs
2.8. Short-run costs
2.9. Long-run costs
2.10. Derivation of cost functions from production functions
2.11. Dynamic changes in costs- the learning curve
4. Perfect Competition Market
1.1. The concept of market in physical and digital space (e.g. Amazon, Alibaba,etc..)

1.2. The welfare costs, benefits of e-markets and their implication for regulatory mechanisms
1.3. Competitive markets, short- run equilibrium of the firm, industry, and market

1.4. The long-run equilibrium of the firm, industry and market
5. Pure Monopoly Market
1.1. Characteristics and source of monopoly
1.2. Short run and long-run equilibrium
1.3. Price discrimination
1.4. Multi-plant monopolist
1.5. Social cost of monopoly power

6. Monopolistic Competition
1.1. Assumptions
1.2. Product differentiation, the demand curve and cost of the firm
1.3. The concept of industry and product ‘group’
1.4. Short-run and long-run equilibrium of the firm excess capacity and welfare loss
1.5. Brief introduction to oligopoly markets
7. Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
1.1. The concepts of GDP and GNP
1.2. Approaches of measuring national income (GDP/GNP)
1.3. Other social accounts (GNP, NNP, NI, PI and DI)
1.4. Nominal versus real GDP
1.5. The GDP deflator and the consumer price index
1.6. GDP and welfare
1.7. The business cycle
1.8. Unemployment and inflation
1.9. Technology (.e.g. Robots) and unemployment
1.10. Role of exchange rate, terms of trade, and other external shocks
1.11. Brief introduction to the Ethiopian Economy
8. References + texts

1. Koutsoyiannis, Modern Microeconomics
2. D.N. Dwivedi, 1997, Micro Economic Theory, 3rd Ed., Vikas Publishing
3. R.S. Pindyck & D.L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics.
4. Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, 6th Ed.
5. C.L. Cole, Micro Economics: A Contemporary Approach.
6. Ferguson & Gould’s, 1989, Microeconomic Theory, 6th Ed.
7. N. Gregory Mankiw, 2007, Macroeconomics 4th edition
8. William H. Branson, 2006 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy

10.5.8 Communicative English Language Skills I
1. Course information
Communicative English Language Skills I

Course title: Communicative English Language Skills I Course Code: EnLa 1011
Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs.: 4 hrs (3 hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge: High school physics
Academic Year: Semester: I Year: I
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: English
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:

• Express themselves in social and academic events in English--Use English intelligibly with reasonable level of
curacy and fluency
• Listen and comprehend to talks related to social and academic events given in English
• Read and understand texts written in English –texts on academic and social matters

• Write in English as academically and socially desirable.
• Learn and develop their English on their own—learning to learn: the language and the skills

3. Course Description
Communicative English Skills I is a course designed to enable studentsto communicate in English intelligibly with
acceptable accuracy, fluency and ability to use English appropriatelyin different contexts. The course exposes students
to English language learning activities designed to help students use English for their academic and social needs.
Students would be engaged in language learning development activities through doing and reflection on action. This
includes grammar and vocabulary as used in communicative events and all skills and their sub-kills: speaking, listening,
reading and writing. The language and skills are integrated where one becomes a resource to the other. There are six
units covering topics related to the life world of students as well as of societal relevance.

Prerequisite: None

4. Course Contents
Study Units Sections/Sub- Expected Learning
Week Hours sections Role of Students and Teachers Outcomes

Unite 1: Introducing
Section 1: Listening
Activity one
- Introducing oneself (who - Students listen and take notes; use - using English to introduce
you are, where you came notes for class discussion. oneself
from, where you finished - Teacher introduces himself/herself. - taking notes in English from
your primary and - Teacher facilitates that all students the introductions listened to
secondary school), what introduce themselves and engages - interacting in English by
3 Hours you intend to study and students in group discussion where asking more questions using
why they ask more questions to their the notes already taken
friends using the notes they took
- Teacher gives more input on
introductions—use of language and
style of introducing oneself. He/She
explains the grammar and vocabulary
used in introductions mainly the
simple present and simple past

(Grammar), and lexical items that
express actions can be given focus.
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
- Teacher introduces the story and
- Reading a short biography
arouses students’ interest. He/She asks
written in simple English: - reading and understanding
pre-reading questions and pre-teaches
using background texts of simple stories
key vocabulary.
knowledge, reading with - learning the structure of
5 Hours - -Students answer pre-reading
comprehension, making composing a biography
questions and discuss their answers.
notes while reading, - learning the language used
- Teacher instructs students to read the
guessing meanings, in writing biography
text in detail and answer
attending to reference - guessing meanings from
comprehension questions.
words & discussing notes, context
- Students read the story, write notes
as they read; guess meanings of new - taking notes while reading
words, attend to reference words (e.g. - reading with
pronouns), discuss notes & answer a comprehension
few comprehension questions. - identifying text
relationships while reading

Activity two - interacting in English using

the notes made while
- Reading a short
deductive essay: taking
notes while reading, - Teacher introduces the essay and asks
discussing notes, guessing students to read it quickly.
meaning while reading, - Students read the essay, notice words - learning descriptive
identifying descriptive written in bold, write notes as they vocabulary
words, using descriptive read and discuss their notes. - using notes to interact in
words in sentence writing - Teacher, after a brief lecture on English
descriptive words, instructs students to - writing short descriptive
focus identify the descriptive words sentences
written in bold in the essay. - exchanging feedback and
- Students read specific parts in the correcting sentences
essay; notice descriptive words; learn - Interacting in English while
what the words are used to describe comparing own sentences.
(physical appearance, personal values,

- Teacher, after giving example

sentences, encourages students to
write short sentences describing a
person/an object/a place, etc using
selected words; discuss their sentences
and correct them.

- Students write sentences & discuss


Unit 2: Study Skills

Section 1: Listening
Activity one
- listening to a talk on - interacting in English
habits of successful while reflecting on one’s
students: reflecting on - Teacher introduces the activity -interacting
study skills in English while reflecting
one’s study skills, taking &encourages students to reflect on on one’s studywhile
- taking notes skills
notes while listening, their own study skills. listening
-taking notes while listening
discussing notes, answering - Students talk about their study skills - interacting in English
listening comprehension in small groups. using notes taken
-interacting whileusing notes taken
in English
2½ hour questions, discussing - Teacher reads out a short expository listening and answers to
while listening and answers to listening
answers text on habits of successful students. listening comp.
comp. questions questions
- Students listen to the teacher and
Activity two take notes; discuss their notes. -noticing grammar pattern (the
- Giving advice using tips language of giving advice)
from the listening text: - noticing grammar pattern
using the language of giving -attending to form, function and
(the language of giving
advice meaning of grammar (the language of
- Teacher reads out the text again to advice)
giving advice)
facilitate comprehension; instructs - attending to form,
students to answer comprehension function andnotes
-improving meaning
and of
using them to
questions & discuss their answers. grammar (the
interact in language of
- Teacher finally discusses answers to giving advice)
the questions with students. -- improving
giving advice in English
notes and
- Teacher reads out the text on habits using them to interact in
of successful students once more & English
encourages students to improve the - giving advice in English
notes they made in Activity one.
- Students listen to the teacher again
and improve their notes.
- Teacher writes example sentences,
which give advice through ‘should’,

‘had better’ and ‘ought to’ using tips
from students notes; draws students’
attention to the language of giving
advice in the example sentences.
- Students notice the language of
giving advice in the example
- Teacher gives brief a lecture on the
language of the language of giving
- Students listen to the lecture and
take notes at the same time; discuss
their notes.
- Teacher engages students in
interaction by asking for and giving
advice (orally) on personal issues.
- Students ask for and give advice
about personal issues.
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
- Reading an expository
- Teacher introduces the activity; pre- - using prior knowledge in
essay on study skills:
4½ hour teaches vocabulary and asks a few pre- text comprehension
reading with
reading questions. - skimming for main ideas
comprehension, attending
- Students the text quickly and answer and scanning for specific
to new vocabulary, writing
pre-reading questions; discuss their facts
notes while reading, writing
answers. - reading for detailed
brief summaries from notes
- Teacher asks skimming and scanning comprehension
questions. - guessing meaning of
- Students skim-read and scan the words based on context
text to answer the questions. - writing notes while
- Teacher encourages students to reading
read the text in detail, guessing - Interacting in English
meanings of new words (written in using notes and answers to
bold) and making notes while reading. reading comprehension
- Teacher discusses meanings of some questions.
new words as they are used in the - Writing short one-
text, and orders them to do paragraph summaries
comprehensions questions. based on notes made while
- Students answer comprehension reading
questions; then discuss their answers - learning from peer
in small groups before they receive feedback
feedback from the teacher.
- Teacher encourages students to
improve their notes (by referring to
the text), discuss them and write
summaries based on them.
- Students develop their notes into
one-paragraph summaries; discuss and
improve them.
Activity two
- Studying the present
perfect tense and the past
perfect tense: form, use - Teacher asks students to list the - noticing grammar pattern
and meaning of main things done in activity one. (the
conditionals - Students list what have been done - present perfect and the
and quickly discuss them. past perfect tenses)
- Teacher asks individual students to - attending to form,
tell their answers and writes sentences function and meaning of
in the present perfect tense (e.g. We grammar (the present
have done…) based on the responses. perfect and the past
- Students notice the form of the perfect tenses)
present perfect tense in the example - using the present perfect
sentences. tense and the past perfect
- Teacher gives a short lecture on the tense correctly especially in
simple present tense and the past writing
perfect tense.
- Students listen to the lecture and
write down notes; then discuss the
- Teacher gives context-based
exercise which students do as home-
take assignment.
Unit 3: Sports and Health
Section 1: Listening - talking about a famous
Activity one person
- Teacher introduces the activity, pre-
- Listening about Zinedine - understanding the
teaches vocabulary (e.g. professional
Zidan (who he is, his structure of a story
career) and asks few pre-listening
childhood, his professional - interacting in English
career): using prior using notes and answers to
knowledge (talking about - Students answer pre-listening exercise
a famous football player), questions. - presenting oral summary
3 hour predicting what comes - Teacher reads out a brief story - asking and answering
next and checking about Zinedine Zidan. Wh-questions
prediction, taking notes - Students listen to the story, write
while listening, discussing notes as they listen and complete a
notes, presenting oral table (exercise) as they listen.
summary), asking and - Teacher encourages students to
answering Wh-questions interact in English using their notes
and answers to the exercise.
- Students discuss their notes and
answers; present oral summary of the
story about Zinedine Zidane.
- Teacher engages students in
conversation-asking and answering
Wh-questions about Zinedine Zidane
(e.g. When was Zinedine Zidan
Activity two born?).
- Studying conditionals
(form, use and meaning)
- Teacher redirects students to the txt
- learning the forms, uses
about Zinedine Zidan; asks them to
and meanings of
tell what they will do if they meet
conditional Types I, II and
Zinedine Zidan (using the clue: If I
meet Zinedine Zidan, I will…).
- using conditionals
- Students follow the clue and write
correctly especially in
complete sentences.
- Teacher asks students to discuss
- interacting in English using
answers, and
notes and answers to
- later on, feedbacks on their answers.
- Students discuss their answers.
- Teacher gives a brief lecture on
- Students listen to the lecture and
take notes as they listen; discuss their
- Teacher gives a short context-based
- Students do the exercise in writing
and then discuss answers in groups.
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
- Reading a short expository - Teacher asks pre-reading question: - discussing a familiar issue
passage on sports and How do sports help you to improve in English
your health?
health: discussing how - Students discuss their answers to the - reading a text to grasp
sports improve health, question. main ideas
reading for main ideas, - Teacher instructs students to read - writing notes while
making notes while the passage for main idea, making reading
reading, developing notes notes as they read. - developing notes into
into short summaries, - Students discuss their notes of the short summaries
comparing summaries main ideas of paragraphs. - interacting in English while
- Teacher encourages students to comparing summaries
discuss their notes and develop their
notes into short summaries.
- Students write summaries; discuss
the summaries.

Activity two
- Working on vocabulary - Teacher instructs students to work
using word formation out meanings of words written in - using prefixes and suffixes
bold in the passage on sports and to workout meanings of
health (using context and word new words.
formation clues).
- Students notice the words and work
out their meanings; discuss their
answers in groups and then with the
- After a brief lecture, teacher gives
exercise that involves working out
meanings of words using prefixes and
- Students do the exercise; discuss
their answers in pairs and then with
the teacher.
Unit 4: Cultural Values
Section 1: Listening
Activity one
- Listening about cultural
tourism: discussing how - Teacher introduces the activity and - -interacting in English
culture attracts tourists, asks pre-listening question: How can based on background
listening with culture attract tourists? knowledge
comprehension, taking - Students discuss the question and - interacting in English using
notes while listening, write agreed-upon answers which written answers
discussing notes, they will share to the whole class, - listening with
developing notes into one- orally. comprehension
3½ hour paragraph summaries - Teacher reads out the text. - taking notes while
- Students listen to the teacher and listening & discussing
take notes as they listen; then discuss notes in English
the notes. - writing short summaries
- Teacher draws the students’ from notes taken while
attention to comprehension listening
questions (Students answer the - learning from peer
questions and discuss their answers). feedback
- Teacher encourages students to
develop their notes into one-
paragraph summaries.
- Students write summaries and then
exchange them for peer feedback.
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
- Reading an expository text
on cultural values: reading - interacting in English by
with comprehension, - Teacher introduces the activity and answering pre-reading
writing notes while asks few pre-reading questions. questions
reading, answering - Students skim-read & scan the text
comprehension questions, - reading a leveled-text for
and answer the questions orally.
summarizing the text detailed comprehension
- Teacher orders students to read the
based on notes made text for detailed comprehension, - working out meanings of
while reading, discussing writing notes as they read, guessing words from context
summaries meanings of new words based on - identifying reference-
context and identifying reference- referent relationships in a
referent relationships. text
- Students read the text in detail and
- writing notes while listening
answer comprehension questions.
- Teacher encourages students to - interacting in English using
discuss the notes they made while notes made while listening
listening. - summarizing text based on
- Students discuss the notes in small notes
groups - learning from peer feedback
- Teacher encourages students to
summarize the text using their notes.
- Students summarize the text &
discuss their notes
Activity two
- Revision simple present, - learning how to use simple
simple past, present
- Teacher selects few sentences from present, simple past,
5½ hour perfect and past perfect
the text on cultural values and present perfect and past
tenses: revising form, use
changes the verbs into different perfect tenses
and meanings of these
tenses, writing short - writing sentences using
- Students read the sentences and
meaningful sentences simple present, simple past,
revise verb forms and tense
using simple present, present perfect and past
simple past, present - Teacher selects more sentences from perfect forms of verbs.
perfect and past perfect the passage and asks students to - discussing answers in
forms of verbs change the verbs into different English
- learning grammar
- Students do the exercise in writing
and discuss their answers. independently
- Teacher gives students few verbs and
asks them to construct short
meaningful sentences using the
tenses in focus.
- Students do the exercise individually
and discuss their answers in small
groups before they show them to the
- Finally, teacher assigns self-study and
- Compilation task on present, past and
perfect tenses.
Unit 5: Tourism and Wildlife
Section 1: Listening
- Listening about human- - Teacher introduces the activity, pre- - Interacting in English using
wildlife conflict teaches few words and asks few pre- background knowledge
(argumentative text): listening questions. - listening with
using prior knowledge, - Students discuss the questions and comprehension
listening with then answer them orally. - writing notes while
comprehension, making - Teacher reads out the text. listening
notes while reading, - Students listen to the teacher and - developing notes into
writing summaries using take notes as they listen. paragraph-level
the notes, discussing the - Teacher discusses answers to summaries
summaries comprehension questions and orders - discussing summaries in
students to develop their notes into English
one-paragraph summaries. - learning from peer
3 hour
- Students write one-paragraph feedback
summaries using the notes they
made while listening.
- Teacher encourages students to
discuss their summaries in English,
talking about errors and correcting
them together.
Section 2: Reading
Activity one
- Reading a text on tourism - Teacher introduces the activity and - interacting in English while
and wildlife: using visual, distributes copies of a map. interpreting map
reading with - Students study the map in groups. - reading with
comprehension ,guessing - Teacher discusses the map with comprehension
- working out meanings of
meanings of words based students and instructs students to words from context
on context, writing brief read the text for detailed - discussing notes and
notes while reading, information. answers to exercise in
discussing notes and - Students read the text silently, English
developing them into guessing meanings of words and - writing notes while
summaries, discussing writing notes as they read; answer reading
summaries comp. questions. - developing notes into
- Teacher encourages students to paragraph summaries
compare answers and interact in - learning from peer
English in doing so. feedback
- Teacher discusses students’ answers;
encourages students to discuss their
notes and develop them into short
6 hour
- Students discuss their notes and
develop them into two-paragraph
- Teacher encourages students to give
feedback on their partners’
- Students give feedback.

- taking and discussing

- Teacher draws students’ attention to notes while learning
some words written in bold in the vocabulary
text on tourism and wildlife. - attending to connotative
- Students notice the words. and denotative meanings
- Teacher writes a few sentences while studying vocabulary.
showing denotative and connotative
meanings; explains denotative and
connotative meanings of the words
as used in the example sentences.
Activity two - Students read the example sentences
- Working on denotative and write brief notes from the
and connotative meanings teacher’s explanation; then discuss
the notes quickly.
- Teacher encourages students to learn
denotative and connotative meanings
of few words from dictionaries.

- interacting in English using

- Teacher introduces the activity and pictures.
gives out pictures of tourist sites with - interacting in English while
their resources (e.g. the Walia Ibex at learning grammar
the Semen Mountains) in Ethiopia. - using grammar
- Students discuss the pictures. communicatively.
- Teacher constructs sentences (e.g. If I - learning grammar
go to the Semen Mountains, I will see independently
the Walia Ibex,) based on the
- Students discuss the grammar in the
- Teacher asks students to construct
similar sentences based on the rest of
the pictures.
- Students write short sentences and
Activity three discuss them before they show them
- Revising conditionals: to the teacher.
constructing meaningful - Teacher finally assigns self-study and
sentences based on portfolio compilation task on
pictures conditional sentences.

Unit 6: Population
Section 1: Listening
Activity one
- Listening about population - learning vocabulary while
density: learning the - Teacher introduces the activity and listening to a talk.
meanings of ‘population’, pre-teaches vocabulary: population, - listening with
‘density’ and ‘population density, population density. comprehension.
density’, predicting what - Students write and discuss meanings - interacting in English using
comes in the talk and of the words. notes and answers to the
checking prediction, - Teacher reads out a short text on questions.
listening with population density. - developing notes into
3 hour comprehension, taking - Students listen to the teacher, take summaries; discussing
notes while listening, notes as they listen & answer summaries
discussing notes, writing comprehensions questions. - learning from peer
short paragraphs using the - Teacher encourages students to feedback
notes and discussing them discuss their notes and answers.
- Students discuss their notes and

Section 2: Reading
Activity one
- Reading a text on
population pyramid: - Teacher distributes copies of a table,
interpreting tables, graphs a graph and a pie chart that display
and pie charts, reading the 5 most populated cities in the
with comprehension, world.
making notes while - Students write short paragraphs - writing interpretative
reading, discussing notes, interpreting the table, the graph and paragraphs
developing notes into the pie chart (based a model - interacting in English while
paragraphs, discussing and provided by the teacher). reading
improving paragraphs - Teacher encourages students to - reading with
discuss their paragraphs, and improve comprehension
them later on. - writing improved versions
- Teacher orders students to read the of paragraphs based on
text on population pyramid, make peer feedback
notes as they read, discuss notes and
answer questions; then discuss them.
- Students read the text silently, make
notes while reading, discuss their
notes, answer comprehension
questions and discuss them.
- Teacher encourages students to write
paragraphs based on their notes,
discuss the paragraphs and improve
Activity two
- Studying collocation:
learning the definition of - Teacher writes the word ‘population’
collocation, identifying in a circle with lines branching out
words that collocate with from the border.
‘population’, doing - Students view the word in the circle.
exercise on collection, - Teacher writes words that collocate
using collection in with ‘population’ at the endings of
vocabulary study two lines (e.g. population----density).
- Students notice the examples and
discuss them in pairs.
- Teacher asks students to find, from
their dictionaries, words that
collocate with ‘population’ and
complete the exercise (based on the
- Students use dictionaries to identify
words that go in company with - learning the meaning of
‘population’, and complete the ‘collocation’
exercise. - using collocation in
- Teacher makes students discuss their vocabulary study
- Students discuss their answers.

Activity three
- Working on active and - Teacher writes one active and one
passive constructions passive sentence taken from the
(form, use, meaning): passage on population density.
noticing grammar pattern - -Students notice the grammar
in example sentences, patterns in the example sentences.
listening to a brief lecture, - Teacher gives a short lecture on
writing lectures notes, active and passive constructions
discussing notes, (taking examples from the text on
identifying active and population density.
passive constructions, - Students listen to the teacher and
completing contextualized take notes.
exercise, reading - Teacher encourages students to
independently and discuss their notes and answer
compiling portfolio on context-based exercise.
passive constructions - Students discuss their notes, do
exercise and discuss in answers.
- Teacher finally assigns self-study and
portfolio compilation task.

- attending to form, use and

meaning in studying active
and constructions.
- discussing notes and
answers to questions in
- learning grammar

5. Independent Work
1. Self-Study and portfolio compilation on:
• present tenses
• perfect tenses
• conditionals
• active and passive constructions
6. Teaching Methods
• Short lectures
• Pair and group work
• Discussions
• Presentations
• Independent learning (e.g. independent reading)
7. Assessment
• Active Participation =5%
• Individual Assignment (portfolio)= 10%
• Group Assignment = 15%
• Written test = 10%
• Oral presentation = 10%
• Final Examination = 50%
8. Grading

9. Course Policy
• Regular attendance
• Punctuality
• Active participation
• Feedback provision
• Support and cooperation
• Fair judgment
• Transparency
• Mutual respect
11. References

1. Alfassi, M. 2004. Reading to learn: Effects of combined strategy instruction on high school students. Journal of
Educational Research, 97(4):171-184.
2. Anderson, N. 1999. Exploring second language reading: Issues and strategies. Toronto: Heinle & Heinle
3. Bade, M. 2008. Grammar and good language learners. In C. Griffiths (Eds.). Lessons from good language learners
(pp. 174-184). Cambridge University Press. https//
4. Bouchard, M. 2005. Reading comprehension strategies for English language learners: 30research-based reading
strategies that help students read, understand and really learn content from their textbooks and other nonfiction
materials. New York: Scholastic.
5. Cameron, L. 2001. Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University
6. Press.

7. Chamot, A.U. 1987. The learning strategies of ESL students. In A. Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.). Learner strategies in
language learning (PP 71-85). Prentice-Hall: Hemel Hempstead.
8. Gairns, R. & Redman, S. 1986. Working with words: A guide to teaching and learning vocabulary. Cambridge
University Press.
9. Department of Foreign Language and Literature. 1996. College English (Volume I and Volume II). Addis Ababa
University Press.
10. McNamara, D.S. (Ed.). 2007. Reading comprehension strategies: Theories, interventions, and technologies. New
York: Erlbaum.
11. Tilfarlioğlu, Y. 2005. An Analysis of the relationship between the use of grammar learning strategiesandstudent
achievement at English preparatory classes. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 1: 155-169.
12. Murphy R. (?). Essentials of English grammar in use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate
students of English (2nd Ed.). Cambridge University Press.
13. Murphy R. 2004. English grammar in use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of
English (3rd Ed.). Cambridge University Press.
14. Zhang, L. J. 2008.Constructivist pedagogy in strategic reading instruction: Exploring pathways to learner
development in the English as a second language (ESL) classroom. Instructional Science, 36(2): 89-

10.5.9 Communicative English Language Skills II

1. Course information
Communicative English Language Skills II

Course title: Communicative English Language Course Code: EnLa 1012
Skills II Contact hrs.: 4 hrs (3 hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)
Credit hours: 3 hrs Prior knowledge: High school physics
Prerequisite(s): EnLa 1011 Semester: II Year: I
Academic Year: Offering Department: English
College/Faculty/Institute: Enrollment: Regular
Program: Undergraduate Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:

• Identify the structure and emphasis of academic lectures,

• Distinguish the different meaning levels in academic texts,
• Interpret visuals like tables, charts, graphs etc in academic texts,
• Conduct oral presentations in academic contexts with confidence,
• Debate logically about different issues with their friends,
• Express their ideas effectively in various communicative contexts,
• Master skills of persuasive arguments
• Describe visuals in paragraphs,
• Write clear reports and assignments in academic contexts, and
• Summarize, review and critique academic texts.
3. Course Description
• A Writing Proficiency course is one in which the development of writing skills is an integral part of the course
objectives. These/This courses/course provide/provides students with opportunities to develop basic writing
skills and learn the process of writing as practiced by a particular academic discipline or profession.
• The course predominantly focuses on academic writing, presentation, reports, and appraisal of academic
• The course intends to introduce students to the basic functions of English in the areas stated below: note taking
from lectures, identifying structure of lectures, identifying focuses of lectures, discriminating major and minor
ideas in lectures, distinguishing lecturers opinions from academic facts, writing reports, writing summaries and
reviews in academic writing, showing probability and certainty in academic reports, describing and reporting
visuals such as tables, graphs etc.
Prerequisite: Communicative English Skills I

4. Tentative Schedule
Study materials
Week Hours Units/Sections/Sub-sections Students’ Activities /Assignments

Unite 1: Indigenous Knowledge - make discussion on the concept

Section 1.1: Speaking: Discussing 'Indigenous Knowledge'
on the term 'Indigenous - predict what is to come and check
Knowledge' the result
Section 1.2: Listening: Predicting - find out collocating words like the
6 Hours and words "Indigenous" and "
checking the prediction Knowledge"
Section 1.3: Vocabulary: Dealing
with words that collocate.

Section 1.4: Reading: Finding out - find out inferences and references in a
inferences and references reading text
- write an argumentative essay for or
Section 1.5: Writing: Writing for
against "Indigenous Knowledge"
or against "Indigenous - use correct and appropriate tenses for
5 Hours Knowledge" writing research proposals and for
reporting studies conducted
Section 1.6: Grammar : Using

appropriate tenses for planning
and reporting

Unit 2: Environmental Protection - individually make a list of words

connected to environmental
Section 2.1: Listening degradation or pollution and
• Listening text compare their lists in pairs
• Discourse markers showing - discuss in groups of four what can be
contrast and addition done to reverse an environmental
3 hours problem they know of in their
locality or country.
- listen to a talk and summarize the
main points of the talk in a table
- discuss which of the ways to reverse
environmental degradation
suggested by the speaker can work
in their context
- listen to a talk and identify discourse
markers showing contrast and
addition in the talk and write them

Section 2.2: Reading • work in small groups and talk about

• An article on measures to whether it is possible to ban the
protect the environment use of plastic bags in Ethiopia.
3 hours • Gap-fill exercises for • read an article and take note of the
verbs formed form measures taken and decide in their
adjectives and the groups if the measure can be put
adjectives themselves into practice in Ethiopia
• Comprehension • complete sentences with blank
questions spaces using verbs formed from
adjectives and the adjectives
• answer comprehension questions
• guess the meanings of new words in
the article and select their
contextual meanings form given

Section 2.4: Writing • write a five-paragraph essay to

inform the danger of industrial
• A five-paragraph essay waste and persuade factory
2 hours • An article to be summarized managers to treat their wastes
before releasing them into the
• summarize the main points of a
reading text using bullet points
Unit 3: Digital Technology • predict the contents of a talk using -
its title
Section 3.1: Listening
• listen to a talk and make note of
• A TED Talk on the dangers of main points.
digital technology • compare their notes to their
• listen to the talk again and tell their
2 hours
partners if they are experiencing
similar problems or if they know
anyone who has the problems

Section 3.2: Reading

2 hours • Magazine article • skim an article and tell its central
idea to a neighbour

• tell the main idea of the text to the

whole class

• identify the words and match the

words to their meanings

• identify pieces of evidence

provided by the writer in the
reading text and discuss the
sources of evidence

Section 3.3: Speaking • tell inventions of digital technology
• Phrases for asking for and and writes a list on the board
giving • rank order in pairs the inventions in
terms of their importance by
• reasons. producing their own justifications
• Comparative and superlative compare inventions in terms of
forms importance using comparative
• 'Wh' questions and superlative forms
• Modals • work in pairs and are provided
different but complementary
tables. Each student looks at
his/her own incomplete table and
asks his/her partner using 'wh'
3 hours questions to complete the missing
information in the table
o Each table contains the
information the other student
needs to complete the table
o Each table contains information
about names of inventors,
names of countries where the
inventions were made and the
times when the inventions
were made.
• complete short conversations to
express certainty, doubts and

Section 3.4: Writing

• work in groups of three or four and
• Questionnaire for a survey develop a questionnaire to assess
the use of digital technology and its
• A 2-3 pages long report on
potential impact on the social life
the results of a questionnaire
and physical health of individuals.
• Oral presentations of the
results of the survey • distribute questionnaires to 20 - 25
• Sample survey report for students and collect and analyze
analysis the data.
3 hours
• analyze a sample survey report
with teacher to understand the
structure and nature of a survey

• write one report for their group

and submit it to their teacher.

• give oral presentations on the

results of the survey. Each student

participates in oral presentations

Unit 4: Lifelong Learning • discuss on self-learning and make

oral presentation
Section 4.1: Speaking and • find out the structure of a listening
6 hours text
• find out synonyms and antonyms
Section 4.2: Listening of given words
Section 4.1: Vocabulary

Section 4.4: Grammar • identify and use various descriptive

5 hours Section 4.5: Reading terms appropriately and correctly
Section 4.6 Writing • skim and scan a text and find out
the gist and the specific
information addressed
• write an effective paragraph of
their own on 'Life Long Learning'

Unit 5: Wonders of the World • tell a neighbour any wonder of the

2 hours world they know about
Section 5.1: Listening • explain a plan to visit any wonder
of the world and say if there is a
• Listening text describing a
possibility of visiting it
wonder of the world • listen to a talk and complete a table
containing specific information

Section 5.2: Reading • predict the content of a story based

• A story about national on title
heritage that the government • read and transfer statistical
information in a text to a graph
of Ethiopia is campaigning for
• categorize words that show change
its recognition by UNESCO
• An article that contains the
history of world heritage
1 hour sites registered by UNESCO
• A table containing nouns,
verbs and adverbs used to
describe statistical

Section 5.3: Speaking • individually describe a favorite

wonder of the world working in a
• Expressions for suggestions small group and select together
or recommendations, national heritage that should be
2 hours agreement and disagreement registered as world heritage site by
• Language of descriptions
• join another group and select
• A sample descriptive essay together one of two wonders of
the world
• class nominates one wonder of the
world for recognition by UNESCO

Section 5.4: Writing • complete a gap-fill exercise on the

3 hours • Gap-fill exercise on use of prepositions
• read a sample descriptive essay
and use it as a model in writing
• Sample descriptive essay their own descriptive essay
• demonstrate their use of the five
stages of writing
• email their essays to a local
newspaper to be published

Unit 6: Mindset • pre-learn key vocabulary

• listen to and orally expanding the
Section 6.1: Listening definition of 'mindset'
2 hours • listen to live lecture on the history
of 'mindset' and its role in politics
• listen to the same lecture to
understand and the gist of the talk
• present oral summary of the talk
on the history of mindset and its
role in politics

Section 6.2: Reading • work on a jigsaw activity to make a

3 hours text on mindset (structured into
history, in politics, in collective
thinking) complete (see instruction
in the course material and/or the
instructor's guide)
• match new words with their
meanings based on contextual
clues in the text on teenage
• use new words (selected from the
text on mindset) to complete a
contextualized level writing activity

Section 6.3: Speaking • revise the notes previously taken
2 hours on the features of an argument
• collect contents (mainly from the
jigsaw activity) for an argument on
the motion: Collective thinking is a
disadvantage since it erodes the
individual's right to think freely
• organize argument logically
• argue for or against the motion
rating argument and deciding on
the winning group (judges only)

• take brief lecture notes on how to

write expository essay
Section 6.4: Writing • plan to write an expository essay
on the topic: How mindset affects
our behaviour
• write the draft of the essay based
3 hours on the plan
• compare the draft essay with a
partner’s to exchange feedback
• write an improved version of the
• send the improved essay to a local
newspaper (e.g. the Ethiopian
Herald) for publication
- Providing brief introductory notes,
- Pair and group discussions,
- Facilitating interactive work,
- Encouraging independent learning,
- Giving individual and group works ... are some of the major teaching methods to be used.

- Continuous Assessment,
- Valuing Active Participation,
- Quizzes,
- Individual and Group Assignments,
- Valuing Attendance,
- Final Exam.

- Accessibility,
- punctuality,
- Feedback provision,
- Support


- Fairness,- Transparency,
- Respect,
- Tolerance,
- Optimism,


10.5.10 General Chemistry
1. Course information
General Chemistry
Course title: General Chemistry Course Code: Chem 1012
Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs.: 5 hrs (3hr lecture + 2hr lab.)
Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge: High school chemistry
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: I
College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Chemistry
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. ____
Others (if any):

2. Course description
a. rationale
The course covers essential ideas in chemistry, measurements and units, classification of matter, composition
of substances and solution, chemical reactions, reactions stoichiometry, electronic structure and periodic
properties of elements, the chemical bond and molecular geometry, concepts of equilibrium and acid-base
equilibrium, basic concepts of organic chemistry and some selected laboratory activities.

b. Objective

This course intends to summarize the previous High school and preparatory School chemistry concepts ensure
readiness and develop interest towards basics and advanced chemistry concepts.

c. Learning outcome
At the end of this course students will be able to:

• Understand the basic principles of chemistry concepts

• List out possible chemical units and composition of matter

• Predict the type of compounds formed from the elements based on their location in the periodic table

• Discuss about stoichiometry of chemical reactions

• Understand the quantum mechanical model of an atom and describe the periodic properties of the

• Discuss the formation of ionic and covalent bonds

• Predict the molecular structures of simple compounds using VSEPR theory

• Explain the dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium and discuss acid-base equilibrium

• Name and differentiate different organic compounds based on their functional groups

• Describe the structure and properties of hydrocarbons and their derivatives

• Grasp the general guidelines of laboratory work

• Develop the skill of handling and operating some laboratory equipment

• Develop the skill of performing different laboratory activities

d. Course contents
The contents of the course are: measurements and units, classification of matter, composition of substances and
solution, chemical reactions, reactions stoichiometry, electronic structure and periodic properties of elements, the
chemical bond and molecular geometry, concepts of equilibrium and acid-base equilibrium, basic concepts of organic
chemistry and some selected laboratory activities.

3. Instructional method and strategies

a. Teacher’s activities
Interactive lecture methods followed by discussion, problem solving, group work presentation feedback etc.
and guide students in their practical/Laboratory activities.

b. Students’ activities
Active involvement of learners is required at each phase. This is done through questioning and answering,
reflection, reporting, solving problems associated with the respective topics. The students individually and in
peer practice and learn every given activities for each topics. The learners also learn more individually by
constructing a simple Sundial (take-home practical).

4. Assessment strategies

Basically continuous assessment is practiced. However, the essence of continuous assessment is implemented
in a way that can address both assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning is
practiced at each phase of teaching and learning process to improve student progress to the desired level of
interest through couching, questioning and answering, interviews assignment for group work. On the other
hand, assessment of learning is also administered framing on the following parameters

Note: The continuous assessment method comprises of various modalities as follows;

• Group /individual assignment……………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Quiz…………………………………………………………….................................................... 5 - 10%

• Project work………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 – 10%

• Interview……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 0 – 5%

• Presentation….. ……………………………………………………………………………..…………… 0 – 5%

• Class work ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 0 – 5%

• Mid exam…………………………………………….......................................................... 20 - 25%

• Final exam ……………………………………….............................................................. 40 - 50%

All the aforementioned assessment modalities will conditionally be implemented. However, at least two
quizzes, two assignments, one mid exam and final exam are mandatory for the completion of the course

5. Instructional resource and material

a. E-Learning resources, ppt etc.
b. Recommended Laboratory Activities

1. Introduction to laboratory safety rules

General Objectives: To become acquainted with the safety rules for working with chemicals
and participating in a safe manner when carrying out lab procedures
2. Basic laboratory techniques
General Objective: To learn the use of common, simple laboratory equipment.
3. Mass and volume measurements
General Objective: To become familiar with measuring, Reading and recording measurements
correctly (significant digits and unit).
4. Identification of substances by physical properties
General Objective: To become acquainted with procedures used in evaluating physical
properties and the use of these properties in identifying substances
5. Separation of the components of a mixture
General Objective: To become familiar with the methods of separating substances from one
another using filtration, decantation and distillation techniques.
6. Solution preparation
General Objective: To practice the preparation of solutions of known concentration from a
solid and by dilution from a stock solution.
7. Chemical Reactions

General Objective: To observe some typical chemical reactions, identify some of the products,
and summarize the chemical changes in terms of balanced chemical equations
8. Solubility of Salts in Water
General Objectives: To Predict the solubility of common inorganic compounds by using
solubility rules
9. Vinegar Analysis
General Objective: To determine the percentage by mass of acetic acid in vinegar.
6. Course Outline

1. Essential Ideas in Chemistry

1.1. Chemistry in Context
1.1.1. Chemistry as the central science
1.1.2. The scientific method
1.1.3. The Domains of Chemistry
1.2. State and classification of matter
1.2.1. State of matter
1.2.2. Classification of matter
1.3. Physical and chemical properties
1.4. Extensive and intensive property
1.5. Measurements and units
1.5.1. SI units
1.5.2. Derived SI units
1.6. Measurement uncertainty
1.6.1. Significant figures in measurement
1.6.2. Significant figures in calculation
1.6.3. Accuracy and Precision
1.7. Conversion factors and dimensional analysis
2. Atoms, Molecules and Ions
2.1. Atomic structure and symbolism
2.1.1. Chemical symbols and isotopes
2.1.2. Atomic mass unit and average atomic mass
2.2. Chemical formulas
2.3. The periodic table
2.3.1. Historical development of the periodic table

2.3.2. Classification of elements in the periodic table
2.4. Ionic and Molecular compounds
2.4.1. Formation of Ionic Compounds
2.4.2. Formation of molecular compounds
2.5. Chemical nomenclature
2.5.1. Ionic compounds
2.5.2. Compounds Containing only Monatomic Ions
2.5.3. Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions
2.5.4. Compounds Containing a Metal Ion with a Variable Charge
2.5.5. Ionic Hydrates
2.5.6. Molecular compounds Compounds composed of two elements Binary acids Oxyacids
3. Composition of Substances and Solutions
3.1. Formula mass and mole concept

3.1.1. Formula mass

3.1.2. Mole concept

3.2. Determining empirical and molecular formulas

3.2.1. Percent composition

3.2.2. Determination of empirical formulas

3.2.3. Determination of molecular formulas

3.3. Molarity and other concentration units


3.3.2.Dilution of solution

3.3.3.Percentage (W/W, W/V and V/V) Mass Percentage Volume Percentage Mass-Volume Percentage

3.3.4. Parts per million (ppm) and Part

4. Stoichiometry of Chemical Reaction

4.1. Writing and balancing chemical equations
4.1.1. Writing chemical equation
4.1.2. Balancing chemical equation
4.1.3. Equation for ionic reaction
4.2. Classification of chemical reactions
4.2.1. Acid base reactions
4.2.2. Precipitation reactions and solubility rules
4.2.3. Redox reactions
4.3. Reaction stoichiometry
4.4. Reaction yields
4.4.1. Limiting reactant
4.4.2. Percent yield
4.5. Quantitative Chemical Analysis
4.5.1. Acid-base titration
4.5.2. Gravimetric analysis
5. Electronic Structure and Periodic Properties of Elements
5.1. Electromagnetic energy
5.1.1. The Characteristics of Light
5.1.2. Quantization and Photons
5.2. The Bohr model
5.3. Development of Quantum theory
5.3.1. The quantum mechanical model of an atom
5.3.2. Quantum Theory of electrons in atoms
5.3.3. The Pauli exclusion principle
5.4. Electronic structure of atoms
5.4.1. Orbital energies and atomic structure
5.4.2. The Aufbau principle
5.4.3. Electronic configuration and the periodic table
5.4.4. Electronic configuration of ions
5.5. Periodic variation in element properties
5.5.1. Variation in covalent radius
5.5.2. Variation in ionic radii
5.5.3. Variation in ionization energies
5.5.4. Variation in electron affinities
6. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry
6.1. Ionic Bonding
6.1.1. Formation of Ionic Compounds
6.1.2. Electronic structure of cations and anions
6.2. Covalent Bonding
6.2.1. Formation of covalent bonds
6.2.2. Polarity of covalent bonds
6.3. Lewis structures
6.3.1. Writing Lewis structures with the octet rule
6.3.2. Exception to the octet rule
6.4. Formal charges and resonances
6.4.1. Calculating formal charge
6.4.2. Predicting molecular structure using formal charge
6.4.3. Resonance
6.5. Strengths of ionic and covalent bonds
6.5.1. Ionic bond strength and lattice energy
6.5.2. Bond strength of covalent bond
6.6. Molecular structure and polarity
6.6.1. Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR)
6.6.2. Molecular structure and dipole moment
7. Equilibrium Concepts and Acid-base Equilibrium
7.1. Chemical equilibrium
7.2. Le Chatelier’s principle
7.3. Equilibrium calculation
7.4. Concepts of acid-base
7.4.1. Arrhenius concept
7.4.2. Bronsted-Lowery concept
7.4.3. Lewis concept
7.5. pH and pOH
7.6. Relative strengths of acids and bases
7.7. Buffers solution
8. Organic Chemistry
8.1. Hydrocarbons
8.1.1. Alkanes
8.1.2. Alkenes
8.1.3. Alkynes
8.2. Aromatic Hydrocarbons
8.3. Alcohols and Ethers
8.3.1. Alcohols
8.3.2. Ethers
8.4. Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids and Esters
8.4.1. Aldehydes and Ketones
8.4.2. Carboxylic acids and Esters
8.5. Amines and Amides
8.5.1. Amines
8.5.2. Amides

7. Text and References

Text Book:
1. _____________

Recommended References
1. R. Chang, General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 5th ed., 2008
2. J.W. Hill and R.H. Petrucci, General Chemistry: An Integrated Approach, 2nd ed., 1999.
3. Patricia Eldredge, R.H. H and, LLC, General Chemistry-Principles, Patterns, and Applications, 2011.
4. David W. Ball, Introductory Chemistry, Cleveland State University, 2011,
5. J. E. Brady, J. W. Russel and J.R. Holum, General Chemistry: Principles and Structure, 5 th ed., 2006.

6. S. S. Zumdahl and S.A. Zumdahl, Chemistry, 7th ed., 2007

7. J. McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 8th ed., 20P

10.5.11 Introduction to Emerging Technologies1
1. Course information
Introduction to Emerging Technologies
Course title: Introduction to emerging technologies Course Code: EmTe 1012
Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs.: 4 hrs (3hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)
Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge:
Academic Year: Semester: II Year: I
College/Faculty/Institute: Department:
Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular
Course Status: Common
1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
2) Tutor: Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____
Others (if any):

2. Course Description

This course will enable students to explore current breakthrough technologies in the areas of Artificial Intelligence,
Internet of Things and Augmented Reality that have emerged over the past few years. Besides helping learners become
literate in emerging technologies, the course will prepare them to use technology in their respective professional

3. Objective of the course

Needs References
Up on the completion of this course students will be able to:

➢ Identify different emerging technologies

➢ Differentiate different emerging technologies

➢ Select appropriate technology and tools for a given task
➢ Identify necessary inputs for application of emerging technologies

4. Syllabus Components

Course Contents, Methods & strategies, and learning outcomes

Time Content & sub-contents Methods & Students Task Learning Outcomes:
Strategies At the end of this
chapter students
will be able to
Chapter 1: Introduction to Emerging • Listening • Attend the • Develop knowledge
Technologies • Note-taking lesson of IR
1.1 Evolution of Technologies • Brainstorming • Listen and take • Identifies

1.1.1 Introduction to Industrial • Reading notes programmable

revolution (IR) • Individual work • Answer device

1.1.2 Historical Background (IR 1.0, IR • Group questions • Develop the

2.0, IR 3.0) discussion • Read knowledge how

1.1.3 Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR • Reflections • Doing class computer interact

4.0) • Gapped Lecture works and with machine

home works, • Develop general
1.2 Role of Data for Emerging
Technologies • Reflects knowledge about
1.3 Enabling devices and network
(Programmable devices)
1.4 Human to Machine Interaction
Week 1-2

1.5 Future Trends in Emerging


Chapter 2: Introduction to Data Science • Listening • Attend the • Develop the
2.1. Overview for Data Science
• Note-taking lesson Knowledge of data
2.1.1. Definition of data and
• Brainstorming • Listen and science
• Gapped Lecture take short • Identify the
2.1.2. Data types and
• Group notes, various data value
discussion • Asking and chain
2.2. Data Value Chain
• Class work answering • Know how about
2.2.1. Data Acquisition
• Tutorials questions, Big data
2.2.2. Data Analysis
• Doing class
2.2.3. Data Curating
works and
2.2.4. Data Storage
home works,
2.2.5. Data Usage
• Participating in
2.3. Basic concepts of Big data
Week 3 - 4

• Reflects
Chapter 3: Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Listening • Attend the • Develop the
3.1. Introduction to AI • Note-taking lesson knowledge of AI
3.1.1. What is AI • Brainstorming • Listen and • Know how where
3.1.2. History of AI • Gapped Lecture take short to use AI
3.1.3. Levels of AI • Group notes,
3.1.4. Types of AI discussion • Asking and
3.2. Applications of AI • Class work answering
3.2.1. Agriculture • Tutorials questions,
3.2.2. Health • Reflections • Doing class
3.2.3. Business (Emerging market) works and
3.2.4. Education home works,
3.3. AI tools and platforms • Participating in
(e.g.: scratch/object tracking) group
Week 5 – 7

3.4. Sample application with hands on discussions.

activity (simulation based) • Reflects

Chapter 4: Internet of Things (IoT) • Listening • Attend the • Develop the
4.1. Overview of IoT • Note-taking lesson general knowledge

4.1.1. What is IoT? • Brainstorming • Listen and of IOT.

4.1.2. History of IoT • Reading take short • know how IoT

4.1.3. Advantage of IoT • Individual work notes, works and where

• Group • Asking and to Put on

4.2. How IoT Works
discussion answering
4.2.1. Architecture of IoT
• Reflections questions,
4.2.2. Device and Network
• Gapped Lecture • Doing class
4.3. IOT tools and platforms (e.g.: KAA IoT
works and
/Device Hive/Zetta/Things Board…)
home works,
4.4. Sample application with hands on • Participating in
activity (e.g. IOT based smart farming) group
Week 8 – 10

• Reflects

Chapter 5: Augmented Reality (AR) • Listening • Attend the • Develop the
5.1. Introduction to AR • Note-taking lesson knowledge of AR

5.2. Virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality • Brainstorming • Listen and • Identify and

(AR) vs mixed reality (MR) • Reading take short differentiate about

5.3. Architecture of AR systems. • Individual work notes, VR, AR and MR

• Group • Asking and • Develop the

5.4. Application of AR systems (education,
discussion answering knowledge of AR
medical, assistance, entertainment)
• Reflections questions, architecture and its
workshop-oriented hands demo
• Gapped Lecture • Doing class Application area.
works and
home works,
• Participating in
Week 11-12

• Reflects
Chapter 6: Ethics and professionalism of • Listening • Attend the • Develop general
emerging technologies • Note-taking lesson knowledge on
6.1. Technology and ethics • Brainstorming • Listen and ethics and

6.2. Digital privacy • Reading take short professionalism of

6.3. Accountability and trust • Individual work notes, emerging

• Group • Asking and technologies

6.4. Treats and challenges
discussion answering

• Reflections questions,

• Gapped Lecture • Doing class

works and
home works,
• Participating in
Week 13

• Reflects

Chapter 7: Other Emerging Technologies • Listening • Attend the • Know how about
7.1. Nanotechnology • Note-taking lesson currently available

7.2. Biotechnology • Brainstorming • Listen and emerging

• Reading take short technologies
7.3. Blockchain technology
• Individual work notes,
7.4. Cloud and quantum computing
• Group • Asking and
7.5. Autonomic computing
discussion answering
7.6. Computer vision
• Reflections questions,
7.7. Embed systems • Gapped Lecture • Doing class
7.8. Cyber security works and

7.9. Additive manufacturing (3D Printing) home works,

• Participating in
Etc. …
Week 14 – 15

• Reflects

10.5.12 Critical thinking
1. Course information
Critical thinking
Course Title Critical Thinking
Course Code LoCT 1011
Credit Hrs./ ECTS Cr Hrs=3 L=3 T=0 P=0 H=7 CP=5
Semester I
Year I
Pre-requisites None

Target Group All First Year Undergraduate Students

Status of the Course Common Course

Instructor’s Name

1. Course Description:
Logic and Critical Thinking is an inquiry that takes arguments as its basic objects of investigation. Logic is
concerned with the study of arguments, and it seeks to establish the conditions under which an argument may be
considered acceptable or good. Critical thinking is an exercise, a habit, a manner of perception and reasoning that
has principles of logic as its fulcrum, and dynamically involves various reasoning skills that ought to be human
approach to issues and events of life. To think critically is to examine ideas, evaluate them against what you already
know and make decisions about their merit. The aim of logic and critical thinking course is to maintaining an
‘objective’ position. When you think critically, you weigh up all sides of an argument and evaluate its validity,
strengths and weaknesses. Thus, critical thinking skills entail actively seeking all sides of an argument evaluating
the soundness of the claims asserted and the evidence used to support the claims. This course attempts to
introduce the fundamental concepts of logic and methods of logical reasoning. The primary aim of this course is
to teach students essential skills of analyzing, evaluating, and constructing arguments, and to sharpen their
ability to execute the skills in thinking and writing.

2. Objective of the course
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
➢ Understand the relationship of logic and philosophy,
➢ Recognize the core areas of philosophy,
➢ Appreciate the necessity learning logic and philosophy,
➢ Understand basic logical concepts, arguments,
➢ Understand deductions, inductiveness, validity, strength, soundness, and cogency,
➢ Develop the skill to construct sound argument and evaluate arguments;
➢ Cultivate the habits of critical thinking and develop sensitivity to clear and accurate usage of language;
➢ Differentiate cognitive meanings from emotive meanings of words,
➢ Differentiate standard forms of categorical propositions from other types of sentences used in any
➢ Apply symbols to denote standard forms of categorical propositions to form further logical assertions
among them.
➢ Develop logical and open-mind that weighs ideas and people rationally;
➢ Develop confidence when arguing with others,
➢ Demonstrate logical argumentative ability,

➢ Develop logical reasoning skill in their day to day life, and
➢ Appreciate logical reasoning, disproving mob-mentality and avoid social prejudice.
➢ Understand the basic concepts and principles of critical thinking.
➢ Understand the criterion of good argument.
➢ Identify the factors that affect critical thinking.
➢ Apply critical thinking principles to real life situation.

3. Syllabus Components
3.1. Course Contents, Methods & strategies, and learning outcomes
Content & sub-contents Methods and Students Task Outcomes:
strategies At the end of
this chapter

students will be
able to:
Chapter I: Introducing ✓ Brainstorming ➢ Attend the ➢ Understand
Philosophy ✓ Gaped Lecture, lesson and the meaning

✓ Group take short and nature of

1.1. Introduction.
Discussion, notes, philosophy,
1.2. Meaning and Definition of
✓ Pair Discussion, ➢ Asking and
✓ Peer-Learning answering ➢ Recognize
1.3. Core Branches of Philosophy.
questions, the core
✓ Self-Reading.
1.4. Importance of
➢ Doing class areas of
Learning Logic and ✓ Debate
works philosophy,
Week 1& 2

➢ Participating ➢ Appreciate the

in group necessity
discussions. learning logic


Chapter II: Basic Concepts of ✓ Brainstorming ➢ Attend the • Define what

Critical ✓ Gaped Lecture, lesson and critical
Thinking ✓ Group take short thinking is,

2.1. Introduction Discussion, notes, • Describe

2.2. Meaning and Definition of ✓ Pair Discussion, ➢ Asking and principles of

Critical Thinking. ✓ Peer-Learning answering critical

Principles of Critical Thinking. questions, thinking,

2.3. ✓ Self-Reading.
➢ Doing class • Identify
2.4. Criterion/Standard of ✓ Debate
works factors that
Argument Good
Argument. ➢ Participating affect critical
in group thinking.
2.5. Factors Affecting Critical
discussions. • Appreciate
the relevance
2.6. Relevance of Critical
Week 3 &4

of learning
thinking in
real life
Chapter III: Basic Concepts of ✓ Brainstorming ➢ Attend the • Describe the
Logic ✓ Gaped Lecture, lesson and basic
3.1 Introduction ✓ Group take short concepts in


3.2 Basic Concepts of Logic Discussion, notes, logic,

3.3 Techniques of recognizing ✓ Pair Discussion, ➢ Asking and • Differentiate

arguments. answering argument

3.4 Types of Arguments ✓ Peer-Learning questions, from non

3.4.1 Deductive Arguments ✓ Self-Reading. ➢ Doing class argument,

3.4.2 Inductive Arguments Debate works • Describe

3.5 Evaluation of Arguments Participating deductive

in group and
3.5.1 Evaluating
discussions inductive
Deductive Argument
Evaluating Inductive
• Be able to

Formulate their
own good

Chapter IV: Logic and Language ✓ Brainstormi ➢ Attend the • Understand

4.1 Introduction ng lesson and the

4.2 Logic and Meaning ✓ Gaped take short relationship

4.2.1 Cognitive and Emotive Lecture, notes, between logic

meaning of Words ✓ Group ➢ Asking and and language

4.2.2 Intensional and Discuss answering • Describe

Weeks 8 & 9

Extensional Meaning of ion, questions, emotive and

Terms ✓ Pair ➢ Doing class cognitive

4.3 Logic and Definition Discussion, works functions of

4.3.1 Types and Purposes of ✓ Peer- ➢ Participating in language

Definition Learning group • Describe

Techniques of Definition discussions. intensional and

4.3.2 ✓ Self-
extensional Extensional techniques of Reading.

Definitions ✓ Debate • Describe types Intensional Techniques of of of
Definitions definitions

4.4 Criteria for Lexical Definitions and their

• Explain
methods of
intensional and
Chapter V: Informal Fallacies ✓ Brainstormi • Define what
5.1. Introduction ng ➢ Attend the fallacy is

5.2. Types of Fallacies: Formal and ✓ Gaped lesson and • Explain

Informal Lecture, take short formal and

5.3. Categories of Informal Fallacies ✓ Group notes, informal

5.3.1. Fallacies of Relevance Discuss ➢ Asking and fallacies

ion, answering • Describe

5.3.2. Fallacies of Weak Induction
✓ Pair questions, varieties of
5.3.3. Fallacies of Presumption
Discussion, ➢ Doing class informal
5.3.4. Fallacies of Ambiguity
✓ Peer- works fallacies
Weeks 10 – 13

5.3.5. Fallacies of Grammatical

Learning ➢ Participating in • Be conscious
✓ Self- group not to commit

Reading. discussions. these fallacies

in their life.
✓ Debate

Chapter VI : Categorical ➢ Attend the • Define
Propositions ✓ Brainstormi lesson and what
6.1. Introduction ng take short categoric

6.2. Categorical Propositions ✓ Gaped notes, al

6.2.1. The Components of Lecture, ➢ Asking and propositi

Categorical ✓ Group answering on is,

Propositions Discuss questions, • Explain

6.2.2. Attributes of Categorical ion, ➢ Doing class standards

Propositions: Quality, ✓ Pair works and

Quantity, and Discussion, ➢ Participating in attributes of

Distribution ✓ Peer- group categorical

6.2.3. Representing Categorical Learning discussions. proposition,

Weeks 14—16

Propositions • Describe
✓ Self- Venn Diagrams Reading. traditional and

Boolean and modern ✓ Debate
Aristotelian Square of square of

Oppositions opposition Evaluating Immediate • Understand

Inferences: Venn immediate

Diagrams and inferences

Square of based on rules

Oppositions of conversion, Logical Operations: obversion,

Conversion, and

Obversion, and contraposition


3.2. Assessment Strategies & Techniques and Course Policy

Assessment 5 Test… ................................................................................. 10%

6 Group (Individual) Assignment ............................................ 10%
7 Quiz/Presentation ................................................................ 5%
8 Mid........................................................................................ 25%.
9 Final Exam ............................................................................ 50%
10 Total… ....................................................................................100%
Course policy A student has to:
✓ Attend at least 85% of the classes.
✓ Take all continuous assessments and mid Exam.
✓ Take final examination.
✓ Respect all rules & regulations of the university.
3.3. Instructional Resources


1. Hurley, Patrick. (2014) A Concise Introduction to Logic, 12th Edition, Wadsworth, Cengage
2. Hurley, Patrick. (2012) A Concise Introduction to Logic, 11th Edition, Wadsworth, Cengage

Reference Books
1. Copi, Irving M.and Carl Cohen, (1990) Introduction to Logic, New York: Macmillan Publishing

2. Damer, Edward. (2005). Attacking faulty reasoning. A practical guide to fallacy free
argument. Wadsworth Cengage learning, USA.
3. Fogelin, Robert. (1987) Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic,
New York: Harcourt Brace Jvanovich Publisher.
4. Guttenplan, Samuel: (1991) the Language of Logic. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers

5. Stephen, C. (200) the Power of Logic. London and Toronto: Mayfield Publishing Company.

6. Simico, N.D and G.G James. (1983) Elementary Logic, Belmont, Ca: Wadsworth Publishing

7. Walelign, Emiru, (2009) Freshman Logic, Addis Ababa.

10.5.13 Inclusiveness
1. Course information
Course Title Inclusiveness

Course Code Incl 2011

Credit Hrs./ ECTS Cr Hrs=2 L=2 T=0 P=0 H=6 CP=4

Semester II

Year I

Pre-requisites None

Target Group First year students of Medicine band

Instructor’s Name and Address:

Status of the course: Common

2. Course Description:

Development efforts of any organization need to include and benefit people with various types of disabilities,
people at risks of exclusion/discrimination and marginalization, through providing quality education and training,
creating equity, accessibility, employability, promoting prosperity, reducing poverty and enhancing peace, stability and
creating inclusive society. Unfortunately, this has not been the practice for the majority of people with disabilities and
vulnerable groups, due to unfavorable attitude, negligence, inaccessibility and exclusion from all development
endeavors. It is obvious that people with disabilities are the large stand most disadvantaged minority in the world.
They are about 15 percent of the global population (about one billion people), and 17.6 million in Ethiopia, with most
extended families including someone with a disability (World Health Organization and World Bank and 2011). An
exclusion practice of this large number of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia is an indicator of violating fundamental
human rights that undermines their potential/ability to contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth within
their household, their community and the country. It is clear that it is not impairment, but the exclusion practices that
has contributed for insecurity (conflict), poverty aggravation for persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities, that has
highly demanding inclusive practices. Exclusion practices of persons with disabilities have a long history, affecting the

life of people with disabilities and the society at large. In the past and even today people have been discriminated due
to their disabilities.

Inclusiveness promotes effective developments through full participation of all members of a population, people with
disabilities and vulnerabilities, where all are equal contributors of development and equitable beneficiaries.
Through inclusive practices, it is possible to i dentify and remove social and physical barriers so that people with
disabilities and vulnerabilities can participate and benefit from all developments. Genuine inclusion of people with
disabilities and vulnerabilities allow of them to actively participate in development processes and eliminate
dependence syndrome, leads to broader benefits for families and communities, reduces the impacts of poverty, and
positively contributes to a country’s economic growth, development and ultimately create inclusive society. All stages
of development processes of any organization should be inclusive through creating equal access to education, health
care services, work and employment, social protection and all development center of human being.

Hence, in this course, the higher education students will learn how to assess, understand and address the
needs of persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities; and provide relevant support or seek extra support
from experts. He/she also learns how to adapt and implementing services for an inclusive environment that
aimed to develop holistic development such as affective, cognitive and psychosocial skills of the population
with disabilities and vulnerabilities. Identification and removal/management of environmental barriers
would find a crucial place in the course. The students learn how to give more attention and support for
persons with; hearing impairments, visual impairment, deaf-Blind, autism, physical and health impairments,
intellectually challenged, emotional and behavior disorders, learning difficulty, communication disorders,
vulnerable persons including gifted and talented, and those at risk due to different reason (persons who are
environmentally and culturally deprived, abused, torched, abandoned, and orphaned..etc.). All University
students should be given the chance to study the specific developmental characteristics of each group of
persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities. Furth more, they also identify the major environmental and
social barriers that hinder the development of individuals; and come up with appropriate intervention
strategies in inclusive settings of their respective professional environment and any development settings
where all citizens are equally benefited.

3. Objective of the course

The objective of this course is to develop knowledge, skill and attitude of the learners so that they can provide
appropriate services, the tools and strategies that help to create a convenient inclusive environment. This course
encourages learners exploring the benefits of collaborating with colleagues to design and implement inclusion an all
sphere of life. It also guides the discovery of ways to modify environment as well as services and practices to meet the
needs of all persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities in inclusive environment. As a result of reviewing various
reading materials, completing the assignments, engaging in related discussions, and strongly workings on activities,
towards the completion of the course, the students will be able to:

• Identify the needs and potentials of persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities.
• Identify environmental and social barriers that hinder the needs, potentials and full participations, in all
aspects of life of persons disabilities and vulnerabilities
• Demonstrate desirable inclusive attitude towards all persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities in full
• Apply various assessment strategies for service provisions for evidence-based planning and
implementation to meet the needs of persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities
• Adapt environments and services according to the need and potential of the persons with disabilities
and vulnerabilities
• Utilize appropriate assistive technology and other support mechanisms that address the needs of
persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities
• Respect and advocate for the right of persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities
• Collaboratively work with special needs experts and significant others for the life success of all persons
with disabilities and vulnerabilities in every endeavor and in all environments.
• Create and maintain successful inclusive environment for persons with disabilities and vulnerabilities
• Promote the process of building inclusive society

4. Syllabus Components

4.1. Course Contents, Methods & strategies, and learning outcomes

Methods Learning Outcomes:

Content & sub-contents and Students Task


At the end of this chapter

strategies students will be able to:

Chapter 1: Understanding Disabilities and • Listening • Attend the • Define disability and
Vulnerabilities • discussion lesson vulnerability
• Listen and • List different types of
1.1 Definitions of disability and vulnerability • Reflections
take disabilities and
1.2 Types of disabilities and vulnerabilities
• Gapped notes vulnerabilities
1.3 Causes of disability and vulnerability
Lecture • Explain brief causes of
1.4 Historical movements from segregation • Answer
disability and vulnerability
Week 1-3

to inclusion questions
• Describe the brief
1.5 The effects of attitude on the move • Read
historical movements from
towards inclusion • Doing class
segregation to inclusion
1.6 Models of disability works and
• Describe the effect of
attitude on the move
towards inclusion
• Reflects
• Discuss models of

Chapter 2: Concept of Inclusion • Listening • Attend • Define inclusion
the lesson • Discuss the principles of
2.1 Definition inclusion • Note-
taking • Listen and inclusion
2.2 Principles of inclusion
• Brainstorm take short • Discuss the rationale for
2.3 Rationale for inclusion
ing notes, inclusion
2.4 Features inclusive environment
• Describe inclusive
• Gapped • Asking
Lecture and
• Group
Week 4&5

• Doing
• Class work
• Tutorials works and

• Participati
ng in

• Reflects

Chapter 3: Identification, Assessment and • Brainstorm • Attend • Refer to identify the
Differentiated Services ing the lesson level of disability to the

3.1 Level of disabilities for support • Gapped • Asking

right professionals for

3.2 Needs and potentials of persons with Lecture and appropriate support
disabilities • Group answering • Identify the needs and
3.3 Needs and potentials of persons with discussion/ questions, potential of persons
vulnerabilities cooperativ with disabilities for
• Group
3.4 Assessment and evaluation Availability e teaching support
of legal frameworks in line with • Class work • Identify the needs of
inclusion • Reflections • Doing
persons with
3.5 Assessment and evaluation group and
• Group and vulnerabilities for
inclusiveness of the sector plans individual
individual support
3.6 Assessment and evaluation attitude presentati
presentati • Assess and evaluate the
towards inclusion ons
on availability of legal
3.7 Assessment and evaluation of • Participati
• Field visit frameworks in line with
accessibilities of social and physical ng in
environments • Role-play group
• Assess and evaluate the
3.8 Assessment and evaluation of discussion
• Seminar inclusiveness of the
strategies and plans that remove s, field
sector plans
social and physical barriers to
Weeks 6-9

• Assess and evaluate the

facilitate inclusiveness • Reflection
favorability of attitude
3.9 The components and purpose of
• Special • Assess and evaluate the
differentiated service plans
needs/Incl accessibilities of social
3.10, Assistive technologies and software to usive and physical
enhance inclusion education environments
• Design strategies and
plans that remove social
and physical barriers to
facilitate inclusiveness
• Describe the
components and
Chapter 4: Promoting Inclusive Culture • Asking • Define Inclusive Culture
and • Discus the dimensions of
4.1 Definition of Inclusive Culture • Brainstorm
answering Inclusive culture
4.2 Dimensions of Inclusive culture ing
4.3 Policy related to Inclusive Culture • Cooperativ • Evaluate policy related
4.4 Building Inclusive Community e teaching • Doing to Inclusive Culture
4.5 Means of Establishing Inclusive Culture • Group individual • Explain the process of
4.6 Inclusive Values discussion /group building community for
4.7 Indigenous Inclusive Values and assignme inclusive culture
• Reflections
Practices nt,
• Discus approaches of
• Gapped
• Participati establishing inclusive
Week 10

ng in culture
• Role-play
group • Discuss inclusive values
• Individu
• Explore and discuss
presenta indigenous inclusive

tion • Reflects values

• Expert • Evaluate existing
consultatio inclusive practices

Chapter 5: Inclusion for Peace, Democracy • Brainstorm • Asking • Define Peace, Democracy
and Development ing and and development from the
• Using answering perspective of
5.1. Definition of Peace, Democracy and
cooperativ questions, Inclusiveness
development from the perspective of
e learning • Identify sources of
Inclusiveness • Doing
• Individual exclusionary practices
group and
5.2. Sources of exclusionary practices work and • Discuss exclusionary
group practices in the
5.3. Exclusionary practices in the works,
work community
• Group • Group • Discuss respecting diverse
5.4. Respectingdiverse needs, culture, discussion discussions needs, culture, values,
values, demands and ideas demands and ideas
• Reflections • Reflection
• Discus conflict emanated
5.5. Conflict emanated from exclusion • Participatio
• Gapped from exclusion
Week 11&12

n in role
5.6. The full participation of the Lecture • Explain means and
play and
marginalized group of people benefits of participation of
• Role-play seminar
the marginalized group of
5.7. The democratic principles for
inclusive practices • Seminar people
• Discuss the democratic
5.8. The importance of inclusion for principles for inclusive
psychosocial development practices

5.9. The importance of inclusion for • Explain the importance of

economic development inclusion for psychosocial

5.10. The importance of inclusion for
• Elaborate the importance
of inclusion for economic
• Discus the importance of
inclusion for peace

Chapter 6: Legal frame work • Brainstorm • Asking • Define the components of
ing and legal framework
6.1. Components of legal framework
• Using answering • Identify all international
6.2. International legal frame works cooperativ questions, and national legal frame
in relation to inclusiveness e learning works in relation to
• Doing
• Individual inclusiveness
6.3. National legal frame works in group and
and group • Discus the legal
relation to inclusiveness individual
assignmen frameworks and their
works and
t implementations
• Group • Exploring the gaps of the
Week 13

discussion legal framework specific to

• Group the sector
• Reflections
discussions • Assess and evaluate
• Gapped persons with disabilities
• Reflection
Lecture are equally and
• Participati
• Role-play on in role equitably treated
play and • Assess and evaluate the
• Field
field visit legal frameworks and
plans are implemented

Chapter 7 Resources Management for • Brainstorm • Asking • Define inclusive resources
Inclusion ing and • Explain the need of
• Using answering planning for inclusion
7.1. Resources for inclusion
cooperativ questions, services
7.2. Planning for inclusion services e learning • Identify appropriate
• Group
• Interactive resources for inclusive
lecture development
Week 14

• Group • Reflection • Discus how to develop

discussion budget for inclusive
• Reflection

Chapter 8: Collaborative Partnerships with • Brainstorm • Asking • Define collaboration,
stakeholders ing and partnership and
• Using answering stakeholder
8.1. Definition of collaboration,
cooperativ questions, • Identify key elements of
partnership and stack holder
e teaching successful collaboration
8.2. Key elements of successful • Doing
• Interactive • Describe the benefits
collaboration group
discussion and challenges of
8.3. The benefits and challenges of • Group
, collaboration for various
collaboration for various stakeholders for discussion
Week 15&16

stakeholders for the

the success of inclusion • Reflection
• Reflection success of inclusion
8.4. The strategies for effective co-
assignmen • Participati • Discus the strategies for
planning and team working
t on in field
effective co-planning
8.5. Characteristics of successful visit and
• Role- and team working
stockholders’ partnerships role-play
play • Identify characteristics
8.6. Strategies for community
• field of successful
visit partnerships
• Design strategies for
community involvement

4.2. Assessment Strategies & Techniques and Course Policy

Assessment • Test.……………………………………………………………………..….10%
• Assignment/group/assignment …..………………………………………..10%
• Midterm Exam………………………………………………………….….30%.
• Final Exam ………………………………………………………………..50%
Total………………………………………………..…………………….… 100%

Course policy A student has to:

- attend at least 85% of the classes.

- take all continuous assessments and mid Exam.
- take final examination.

- respect all rules & regulations of the university.

4.3. Instructional Resources


Module for the course: Inclusiveness


1. Alemayehu Teklemariam and TemsegenFereja (2011). Special Need Education in Ethiopia: Practice of
Special Needs Education around the World. Washington: Gallaudet University Press.
2. Alemayehu Teklemariam (2019). Inclusive Education in Ethiopia: WILEY and Blackwell: Singapore
3. A Teachers Guide (2001). UNESCO. Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education (2004).
4. Berit H. Johanson and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2006). Towards Special Needs Education as a
University Discipline: An Important step on the way to Education for All. In When All Means All.
Hakapaino Oy: Helsinki
5. TirussewTeferra and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2007). Including the Excluded: Integrating disability into EFA
Fast Track Initiative Process and National Education Plans in Ethiopia. World Vision
6. MOE (2007). School Improvement Program
7. MOE (2010). Special Needs Program strategies implementation guide.
8. MOE (Ministry of Education). (2006). Special Needs Education Program Strategy. Addis Ababa
9. Understanding and responding to children’s need in inclusive classroom (2010).

10. ዓለማየሁትክለማርያም (2009). በመተባበርመማር፡- አንድለሁሉም፣ ሁሉምለአንድ፣ አዲስአበባ፡- ፋርኢስትአታሚ

11. ዓለማየሁትክለማርያም (2011). አካቶትምህርትለምን፣ምን፣ለነማንእንዴት፤ አዲስአበባ፡- ፋርኢስትአታሚ

10.5.14 History of Ethiopia and the Horn
1. Course Information
History of Ethiopia and the Horn

Course Title History of Ethiopia and the Horn

Course Code Hist 1012

Credit Hrs./ ECTS Cr Hrs =3

Contact Hrs. 3

Semester II

Year I

Pre-requisites None

Target Group First year students:

2. Course Description:
This course is a common course given to Higher Learning Institutions Students/HLIS. Students will learn about the role of history in
human life and goals of studying history. Students will also learn the importance of history in nation building and the making of
identity in time and space. This course covers the major historical processes in Ethiopia and the Horn. The course is also concerned
with how the socio cultural, religious, economic and political experiences of the past are interwoven in the making of the current
Ethiopia and the Horn. It is useful to know how personalities helped change the scenario, and how societies, peoples and the world
that we live in have changed over time and its implication for history of Ethiopia and the Horn. It is helpful to understand history as a
base for shaping and bettering of the future.

3. Objectives of the course

After completing the course, students will be able to:

-Distinguish meaning, nature and uses of history

-Identify pertinent sources for the history of the peoples of Ethiopia and the Horn

-Describe changes & continuities that unfolded in Ethiopia and the Horn

-Elucidate the causes, courses and consequences of events happened in the region

-Explain the nature of the region’s external contacts and their effects

-Appreciate peoples‟ achievements, heritages and cultural diversities of the region

4. Syllabus Components
4.1 Course Contents, Methods & strategies, and learning outcomes
Methods and
Content & sub-contents Students Task

strategies At the end of this

chapter students
will be able to:

Unit 1: Introduction • Brainstorming • Attend the lesson • Describe the
• Gapped Lecture and take short general concepts
1.1. Concepts of History: Meaning, Nature and Uses
• Group discussion notes, of history
1.2. Sources & Methods of Historical Study • Class work • Asking and
• Mention the
1.3. Origin and Development of Historiography of relevant sources
Ethiopia and the Horn for History of
• Doing class works
Ethiopia and the
1.4. Introducing and Understanding Ethiopia and the and home works,
Horn • Participating in
group discussions. • Explain Ethiopia
Unit 2: Peoples and Cultures in Ethiopia and the
and the Horn in
relation to human

2.1. Human Evolution evolution and

2.2. Neolithic Revolution
Week 1- 3

2.3. The Peopling of the Region

2.3.1. Languages and Linguistic Processes: Afro-Asiatic

Super Family (Cushitic, Semitic & Omotic
Families) and Nilo-Saharan (Chari-Nile & Koman

2.3.2. Settlement Patterns

2.3.3. Economic Formations

2.4. Religion and Religious Processes

2.4.1. Indigenous

2.4.2. Judaism

2.4.3. Christianity

2.4.4. Islam

Unit 3: Polities, Economy & Socio-Cultural Processes • Brainstorming • Attend the lesson • Mention the
in Ethiopia & the Horn to end of 13th Century and take short various socio-
• Gapped Lecture
notes, cultural and
3.1. Evolution of States
• Group discussion political
• Asking and
3.2. Ancient Polities achievements in
• Class work answering
civilizations of the
3.2.1. North and Northeast questions,
region Punt • Doing class works

• Trace the origin
and home works, Damat and developments

• Participating in of states in the Axum
group discussions. region during the Zagwe ancient period

Week 4&5

3.2.2. East, Central, Southern and Western Agaw, Bizamo, Damot, Enaraya, Gafat. Muslim Sultanates (Shewa, Ifat, Dawaro,

Fatagar, Bali, Hadiya, Arebabani, Shirka,

3.3. External Contacts

3.4. Economic Formations (Agriculture, Handicraft,


3.5. Socio-cultural achievements (Architecture,

Writing …)

Unit 4: Politics, Economy & Socio-Cultural Processes • Brainstorming • Attend the lesson • Explain the long
from Late 13th – the beginning of 16th Century • Gapped Lecture and take short term effect of the
• Group discussion notes, „‟Solomonic‟‟
4.1. “Restoration” of the “Solomonic‟‟ Dynasty
• Class work • Asking and dynasty in the
4.2. Power Struggle, Consolidation, Territorial and answering region.
Religious Expansion of the Christian Kingdom questions,
• Describe the
• Doing class works
4.2.1. Succession Problem and the Establishment dynamics of the
and home works,
of Royal Prison territorial
• Participating in
expansion of the
4.2.2. Territorial Expansion towards Agaw, Bizamo, group discussions.
Christian kingdom
Damot, Red Sea, Bete-Israel/“Falasha…”
and rivalry
Weeks 6&7

4.2.3. Evangelization and Religious Movements between the

Christian Kingdom
4.3. Social, Economic and Political Dynamics of Muslim
and Muslim
Sultanates in the

4.3.1. Political Developments in the Muslim region

Sultanates and the Rise of Adal

• Discuss the role

4.3.2. Trade and the Expansion of Islam of foreign

relations and
4.4. Rivalry between the Christian Kingdom and the interventions from
Muslim Sultanates ancient to modern
times in Ethiopia
4.5. External Relations
and the Horn

Unit 5: Politics, Economy & Socio-Cultural Processes • Brainstorming • Attend the lesson • Describe the
from Early 16th –the End of the 18th Century • Gapped Lecture and take short interplay between
• Group notes, local
5.1. Interaction and Conflicts of the Christian Kingdom
discussion • Asking and developments and
and the Sultanate of Adal
• Class work answering foreign influences
5.2. Foreign Interventions and Religious Controversies • questions, • Examine the role
• Doing class works of population
5.3. Population Movements
• Participating in movements in

5.3.1. Population Movements of the Afar, Somali group discussions. shaping the

and Argobba modern Ethiopia

and the Horn
5.3.2. Gadaa System and Oromo Population
• Explain the major
Movement (1522- 1618)

5.4. Interaction and integration across ethnic and religious &

religious diversities political

achievements of
5.5. Peoples and States in Eastern, Central, Southern Gonder period
and Western Regions
• List the

5.5.1. Kushitic: Afar, Somali, Oromo, Sidama, characteristic

Week 8-10

Hadya, Kembata, Konso, Gedeo, Burji… features and

effects of
5.5.2. Semitic: Harari Emirate, Shewa Kingdom, “Zemene
Gurage Polity… Mesafint”
• Assess the
5.5.3. Omotic: Kaffa, Wolayita, Gamo Gofa, Dawro,
developments in
Konta, Yem…
Eastern, Central,
5.5.4. Nilotic: Anuak, Nuer, Berta, Gumuz… Southern &
Western parts of
5.6. The Period of Gondar (1636-1769) and “Zamana
Ethiopia & the
Mesafint/Era of Princes” (1769-1855)
5.6.1. The Revival of the Christian Kingdom

5.6.2. Gondar achievements: architecture,

painting, music, literature, urbanization, trade
5.6.3. Gondar Political Developments: “Close Door
Policy,” Reforms, “Byzantine Politics”…
Unit 6: Internal Interactions and External Relations • Brainstorming • Attend the lesson • Analyze the
from the 1800–1941 • Gapped Lecture and take short political process
• Group discussion notes, for formation of
6.1. The Nature of Interactions among peoples and
• Class work • Asking and Modern Ethiopia
states of Ethiopia and the Horn
answering and the Horn
6.1.1. Peoples and sates of Kafa, Wollaitta, Gibe, questions, identify the social
Leqa, Qabena, Shawa... • Doing class works and economic
• Participating in developments
6.1.2. The Role Trade and Trade Routes in the
group discussions. from 1800-1941
• Appreciate the
6.2. Power Rivalry
move towards

6.3. The Making of Modern Empire State (Territorial modernization and

Expansion, Centralization process…) the challenges

Week 11- 13

6.4. Modernization Attempts: administration,
military, innovation, education, road • Trace legacies of

construction, railway, transportation & major battles,

communication, constitution… victories and the

roles of patriots
6.5. Socio-Economic Issues/Processes: agriculture,
disease & famine, trade, slavery, manufacturing…

6.6. External Relations, Challenges and Threats

6.6.1. External Diplomatic Relations and Treaties

6. 6. 2. The Major Battles (Meqdela, Gundet,

Gura, Dogali, Mattama, Adwa, Maychew…)

6. 6. 3. Italian Occupation and the Patriotic


Unit 7: Internal Interactions and External Relations • Brainstorming • Attend the lesson • Explain the socio-
from the 1941–1994 • Gapped Lecture and take short economic and
• Group discussion notes, political progresses
7.1. Post 1941 Imperial Period
• Class work • Asking and of the post 1941
7.1. 1. Political Scene: Restoration & Consolidation • answering imperial period
of Imperial Power and External Relations questions, • Describe the
• Doing class works major changes,
7.1. 2. Socio-economic Conditions: agriculture &
• Participating in and challenges
tenancy, famine, factories, education, health,
group discussions. that led to the
transportation, religion, welfare institutions
demise of the
(idir, iqub…)

7.1.3. Opposition: Conspiracies, Revolts and • Discuss the

Downfall of the Monarchical Regime political

Week 14& 15

7.2. The Derg Regime (1974-1991) .
reforms and

7.2. 1. The Rise of Derg and the Political oppositions during

Momentum the Derg period

• Describe the
7.2.2. Attempts at Reforms: Land Reform,
Development through Cooperation Campaign,
Collectivization, Agricultural Marketing
from 1991-1994
Corporation, Resettlement, Villagization,

7.2. 3. Internal oppositions, Ethio-Somali War,

International Changes & End of the Derg

7.3. Historical Developments, 1991-1994 (transitional

charter: language & identity issues…)

Unit 8: Cross-Cutting Issues in History of Ethiopia and • Brainstorming • Attend the lesson • Mention the role
the Horn • Gapped Lecture and take short of Women in
• Group discussion notes, Ethiopian History
8.1. The Role of Women in Ethiopian History
• Class work • Asking and • Discuss the
(economic, political, cultural and social)
answering environmental
Week 14-16

8.2. Environmental Dynamics: changes and questions, change in

continuities (deforestation, drought, pollution…) • Doing class works Ethiopia and the
• Participating in Horn across
8.3. Indigenous Knowledge: education, folk medicine,
group discussions. periods
conflict resolution mechanisms (Makabanto,
Shimigilinna, Yejoka, Samugnit, Guma, Luwa,
Byto, Heer, Seera… )

4.2 Assessment Strategies & Techniques and Course Policy

Assessment • Continues assessment (Tests, Quizzes, Assignments, ….) ….. ………..20%
• Mid………………………………………………………………………..………….………… .30%.
• Final Exam …………………………………………………….……………………………….50%
Total……………………………………………………………………..……..…………………… 100%

Course policy A student has to:

- attend at least 85% of the classes.

- take all continuous assessments and mid Exam.
- take final examination.
- respect all rules & regulations of the university.

4.3 Instructional Resources


Abir, Mordechai. Ethiopia and the Red Sea: The Rise and Decline of the Solomonic Dynasty and MuslimEuropean Rivalry in the
Region. Frankcass, 1980.

____________. Ethiopia: The Era of The Prince; The Challenge of Islam and The Re-unification of The Christian Empire 1769-1855.
Institute of Asian & African Studies the Hebrew University, 1968.

Alberto, Sbacchi. Ethiopia under Mussolini: Fascism and the Colonial Experience. 1985.

Alemayehu Haile et al. History of the Oromo to the Sixteenth Century. Finfinne: OCTB, 2006.

Andargachew Tiruneh. The Ethiopia Revolution 1974-1987: Transformation from Aristocracy to Totalitarian Autocracy. Cambridge
University Press, 1993.

Asmarom Legesse. Gada: Three Approaches to Study of African Society. London: Free Press.

Bahru Zewde. A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855-1991. Addis Ababa University Press.

__________. A Short History of Ethiopia and the Horn.1998.

__________. Society, State and History, Selected Essays. Addis Ababa: AAU Pres, 2008.

Bender, M. L. and et al. Eds. The Languages of Ethiopia. London, 1976.

Clark, J.D. The Prehistoric Cultures of the Horn of Africa. Cambridge University Press, 1954.

Crabtree J Pam &Campana V. Douglas. Archaeology and Pre-history.

Gebru Tareke. Ethiopia Power and Protests: The Ethiopian Peasants Revolts in the 20th Century. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Gadaa Melbaa. Oromia. Minneapolis, 1999.

Haberland, Eike. “Notes on the History of Southern Ethiopian Peoples.” Paris, 1975.

Marcus, Harold G. A History of Ethiopia. University of California Press: Berkeley, 1992.

Mohammed Hassen. The Oromo of Ethiopia 1570-1860. Cambridge, 1990.

Pankhrust, Richard. 1997. The Ethiopian Borderlands: Essays in Regional History from Ancient Times to the end of the 18th Century.
Red Sea Press.

Rubenson, Sven. Survival of Ethiopian Independence. 1972.

Sergew Hable Selassie. Ancient and Medival Ethiopian History to 1270. Addis Ababa, 1972.

Shiferaw Bekele. Economic History of Modern Ethiopia: Imperial Era 1941-1974. Vol. I. Dakar, 1995. Taddesse Tamrat. Church and
State in Ethiopia, 1270-1527. Oxford, 1972.

Teshale Tibebu. The Making of Modern Ethiopia, 1855- 1974. The Red Sea Press, 1995. Trimingham, J.Spencer. Islam in Ethiopia.

London: Frankcass and Company LTD, 1965.

10.5.15 Anthropology of Ethiopian Societies and Cultures

1. Course information
Anthropology of Ethiopian Societies and Cultures

Course title: Anthropology of Ethiopian Societies & Cultures Course Code: Anth1012

Credit hours: 2 hrs Contact hrs: 3 hrs(2hr lecture +1hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge: -

Academic Year: Semester:

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Anthropology

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course status: Common


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor:

Others (if any):

2. Course description
This course is designed to introduce the anthropology of Ethiopian societies and cultures to first year students' of Higher
Learning Institutions (HLIs). It covers basic concepts of anthropology such as culture, society and humanity. It also
discusses themes including unity and diversity; kinship, marriage and family; indigenous knowledge systems and local
governance, identity, multiculturalism, conflict, conflict resolution and peacemaking system; intra and inter-ethnic
relations of Ethiopian peoples. In addition, the course explores culture areas of Ethiopia such as plough culture, enset
culture and pastoralism. The course further covers marginalized minority and vulnerable groups in terms of age, gender,
occupation and ethnicity by taking ethnographic case studies into account and discuss ways of inclusive growth.

3. Course Objectives
Intended Learning Outcome:
Up on the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
• Develop an understanding of the nature of anthropology and its broader scope in making sense of humanity in a
global perspective;
• Understand the cultural and biological diversity of humanity and unity in diversity across the world and in
• Analyze the problems of ethnocentrism against the backdrop of cultural relativism;
• Realize the socially constructed nature of identities & social categories such as gender, ethnicity, race and

• Explore the various peoples and cultures of Ethiopia;
• Understand the social, cultural, political, religious& economic life of different ethno-linguistic & cultural groups
of Ethiopia;
• Understand different forms marginalization and develop skills inclusiveness;
• Appreciate the customary systems of governance and conflict resolution institutions of the various peoples of
• Know about values, norms and cultural practices that maintain society together;
• Recognize the culture area of peoples of Ethiopia and the forms of interaction developed over time among
themselves; and
• Develop broader views and skills to deal with people from a wide variety of socio-economic and cultural
4. Course Contents:
Chapter One
1. Introducing Anthropology and its Subjects
1.1. What is anthropology – a Mirror for Humanity?
• Sketching the subject matter, scope and concerns of anthropology
• Anthropological imagination: asking questions and seeing the world anthropologically.
• Q- What does it mean by using the anthropological lens when looking at the world?
• Defining Features of Anthropology- holism, relativism & comparative perspectives
Methods of Research in anthropology: ethnography & ethnographic methods
1.2. Sub-fields of Anthropology: Four Mirrors for Understanding Humanity
1.3. The relation between anthropology and other disciplines
Chapter Two
2. Human Culture and Ties that Connect
2.1. Conceptualizing Culture: What Culture Is and What Culture Isn’t?
2.2. Characteristics features of culture: what differentiates culture from other traditions?
2.3. Aspects of Culture –Material & Non-material (values, beliefs & norms)
2.4. Levels of culture: universality, generality and particularity (cultural diversity)
2.5. Ethnocentrism, Cultural relativism, and human rights
➢ Discussion- Debating cultural relativism: Human rights law and the demonization of culture
and anthropology along the way

2.6. Cultural Change: what is cultural change?
• Cultural Diffusion versus Cultural Assimilation
• Innovation
• Discussion - Contesting culture as sharply bounded versus unbounded ‘cultural flows’ or as ‘fields of discourse’ in
the context of globalization.
2.7. Ties that Connect: Marriage, Family and Kinship
• Marriage -rules, functions and forms of Marriage
• Family -types and functions of Family
• Q. How families and marriage differ in different societies?
• Kinship System -types of kin groups and rules of descent
• Kinship and Gender Across Cultures Sex and Gender: Mapping differences in cross cultural perspective Gender –
as power relations
2.8. Cultural practices, norms and values that maintain society together
Chapter Three
3. Human Diversity, Culture Areas, and Contact in Ethiopia
3.1. Human Beings & Being Human: What it is to be human? –(a bio-cultural animal?)
3.2. Origin of the Modern Human Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (that’s you!)
• Religious, biological & evolutionary (paleo-anthropological) explanations
3.3. 3.3. The Kinds of Humanity: human physical variation
• Q. Why isn’t everyone the same?
• Q. Why do people worldwide have differences in their phenotypic attributes?
3.4. Human Races: the history of racial typing
The Grand Illusion: Race, turns out, is arbitrary
• Q. What can we say for sure about human races?
3.5. 3.5. Why is Everyone Different? Human Cultural Diversity - anthropological explanations
• Q. Why don’t others do things the way we/I do?
3.6. Culture areas and cultural contacts in Ethiopia
3.6.1.Plough culture area
3.6.2. Enset culture area
Pastoral societies culture area
3.6.3. Historical and social interactions between culture areas

Chapter Four
4. Marginalized, Minorities, and Vulnerable Groups
4.1. Gender based marginalization
4.2. Occupational cast groups
4.3. Age based vulnerability (children and old age issues)
4.4. 4.4. Religious and ethnic minorities
4.5. 4.5. Human right approaches and inclusive growth, anthropological perspectives
Chapter Five
5. Theories of inter-ethnic relations and multiculturalism in Ethiopia
5.1. The Scales of Human Identity: Who am I?- Understanding ‘self’ & ‘other’
• Q- What are the ways we tell for others who we are?
5.2. Ethnicity and Race: What’s in a name?
5.3. Ethnic Groups & Ethnic Identity
• Q. What is the basis of one’s ethnic identity?
• Q. Is ethnicity a fundamental aspect of human nature & self-consciousness, essentially
unchanging and unchangeable identity? Or
• Q. Is it, to whatever extent, socially constructed, strategically or tactically manipulable, and
capable of change at both the individual and collective levels?
5.4. Race –the social construction of racial identity
• Q. Do the claims of some people/groups about superior & inferior racial groups have any
scientific validity?
5.5. Primordialism; Instrumentalism; Social constructivism
5.6. Debates on inter-ethnic relations and identities
Chapter Six
6. Customary and local governance systems and peace making
6.1. Indigenous knowledge systems and local governance
6.2. Intra and inter-ethnic conflict resolution institutions
6.3. Ethnographic cases: commonalities and shared practices (e.g., Oromo and Somali, Afar and Tigray; Gedeo and
Oromo; Guraghe and Siltie; Amara and Tigray)
6.4. Customary/Local governance systems
6.5. Ethnographic cases: Oromo Geda; Somali-Gurti; Gamo, Gofa, Wolayita-Woga; Guraghe-Sera

6.6. Legal pluralism: interrelations between customary, religious and state legal systems
❖ Students Work Load:

Student Lecture Tutorial, class Continuous Assessments (test, Private Total

discussions & term paper, home taken exam/case study
Work Load
presentation studies & final exam)
48hr 22hr 2hr 28hr 100hr

❖ Course Requirements:
(Classroom, resources, and other inputs required to deliver the course will be listed)
❖ Grading Policy:
(Legislation of the concerned university will be adopted by departments/schools handling the common course across
the country)
❖ Assessment and Evaluation Criteria:
Based on the progressive understandings of the course, students will be evaluated continuously through both non-
graded assignments/activities, like (reading assignments) and graded assignments/activities and assessments
including class discussion & participation, Test, Term Paper & presentation, Home Taken Exam/case studies and Final
5. Suggested readings:
1. Asmarom Legesse (2006). Oromo Democracy: an Indigenous African Political System. The Red Sea Press, Inc.
2. Cameron, M. Smith and Evan T. Davies (2008). Anthropology for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis,
3. Clifored Geertz . (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures. A division of Harper Collins Publishers.
4. Donald Donham . (1986). Marxist Modern. The Ethnographic History of Marxist Ethiopia.
5. Donald N. Levine. (1974). Greater Ethiopia: The Evolution of A Multiethnic Society. Chicago & London., University of
6. Dunif-Hattis and Howard C. (1992). Anthropology: Understanding Human Adaptation. New York: Harper Collins, Inc.
7. Eriksen, T. H. (2001). Small Places, larger Issues: An introduction to social and cultural anthropology. London: Pluto
8. Eriksen, T. H. (2004). What is anthropology? London: Pluto Press.
9. Eriksen, T. Hylland. (2002). Ethnicity and Nationalism. London; Pluto Press.
10. Eriksen, T.H. and Nielsen, F.S. (2001). A History of Anthropology. London: Pluto Press.
11. Hallpike, Christopher R. (1972). The Konso of Ethiopia: A Study of the Value of a Cushitic People. Oxford: Clarendon
12. Hamer, John. (1970). The Sidama Generational Class Cycles: A Political Geronotocracy. Africa 40,I (Jan,1970): 50-70.
13. Haviland, WA, (1999).Cultural Anthropology (9th ed.). Fort Worth: Harcourt and Brace College Pub.
14. Kottak, C. P. (2004) – Anthropology: the Exploration of Human Diversity (10th ed.). McGraw Hill, New York.
15. Lavenda, R. and Emily S. (2015). Anthropology. What Does It Mean to Be Human?. (3rded.). Oxford. Oxford
University Press.
16. Pankhurst. R.(2001). Historic Images of Ethiopia. Shamans Books. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
17. Richard Jenkins. (2006). Rethinking Ethnicity. London Sage Publication.
18. Rosman, A., Rubel, P.G. and Weisgrau, M. (2009). The Tapestry of Culture: an Introduction to Social Anthropology.
Lanham: Rowman and Little field.
19. Scupin and DeCorse (1988). Anthropology: A Global Perspective (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
20. Shack, William S. (1966). The Gurage: A People of the Enset Culture. London: Oxford University Press.
21. Triulzi et al. (2002). Remapping Ethiopia Easer African Studies:. Addis Ababa: AAU

10.5.16 Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn

1. Course information
Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn

Course title: Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn Course Code: GeES 1011

Credit hours: 3 hrs Contact hrs: 4 hrs (3hr lecture + 1hr tutorial)

Prerequisite(s): None Prior knowledge: -

Academic Year: Semester:

College/Faculty/Institute: Offering Department: Geography

Program: Undergraduate Enrollment: Regular

Course status: Common


1) Instructor(s): Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

Address: Block No. ____Room No. _____

2) Tutor:

Others (if any):

2. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course the students will be able to:
• Describe the location, shape and size of Ethiopia and the Horn
• Explain the implications of location, shape and size of Ethiopia and the
Horn on the physical environment, socioeconomic and political aspects.
• Elaborate the major geological events; the resultant landforms and
mineral resources of Ethiopia and the Horn.
• Identify the major drainage systems and water resources of Ethiopia and
their implications for regional development and integration.
• Develop an understanding of the climate of Ethiopia, its dynamics and
implications on the livelihoods of its inhabitants.
• Examine the spatio-temporal distribution and abundance of natural
vegetation, wildlife and Soil resources of Ethiopia.
• Discuss the demographic attributes and dynamics as well as the ethnic
diversity of Ethiopia.
• Read maps as well as compute basic demographic and climatic rates
• Appreciate the biophysical and socio-cultural diversities in Ethiopia and
the Horn
• Explicate the major types of economic activities in Ethiopia; discern their
spatiotemporal distributions and their contributions to the overall
development of the country.
• Comprehend the effects of globalization on the socioeconomic
development of Ethiopian and the Horn.
3. Expected ➢ Acquire basic knowledge on the geographic attributes of Ethiopia
Learning and Horn
➢ Develop a sense of appreciation and tolerance of cultural diversities
and their interactions

➢ Acquire general understanding of physical geographic processes, and

human-environment relationships

➢ Develop ethical aptitudes and dispositions necessary to live in

harmony with the natural environment

➢ Develop an understanding of national population distributional

patterns and dynamics

➢ Conceptualize the comparative advantages of economic regimes;

and understand the impacts of globalization.

➢ Understand their country’s overall geographic conditions and

opportunities; and be proud of the natural endowments and
cultural richdom that help them develop a sense of being an
4. Mode of Delivery Semester based/parallel
5. Target Group All first year undergraduate students

6. Course Content
Weeks Conceptual focus
1.1. Geography: Definition, scope, themes and approaches
1&2 1.2. Location, Shape and Size of Ethiopia and the Horn
1.2.1. Location and its effects
1.2.2. The shape of Ethiopia and its implication
1.2.3. The size of Ethiopia and its implications
1.3. Basic Skills of Map Reading

2.1. Introduction
2.2. The Geologic Processes: Endogenic and Exogenic Forces
2.3. The Geological Time scale and Age Dating Techniques

2.4. Geological Processes and the Resulting Landforms
2.4.1. The Precambrian Era geologic processes and resultant features
2, 3 & 4
2.4.2. The Paleozoic Era geologic processes and resultant features
2.4.3. The Mesozoic Era geologic processes and resultant
features 2.4.4.The Cenozoic Era geologic processes and resultant
2.5. Rock and Mineral Resources of Ethiopia
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Physiographic Divisions
3.2.1 The Western Highlands and Lowlands
3.2.2 The Southeastern Highlands and Lowlands
3.2.3 The Rift Valley

4&5 3.3. The Impacts of Relief on Biophysical and Socioeconomic Conditions


4.1. Introduction
4.2. Major Drainage Systems of Ethiopia
4.3. Water Resources: Rivers, Lakes, and Subsurface Water
4.4. General Characteristics of Ethiopian Rivers
5&6 4.5. Water Resources Potentials and Development in Ethiopia

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Elements and Controls of Weather and Climate
5.3. Spatiotemporal Patterns and Distribution of Temperature
and Rainfall in Ethiopia
5.4. Agro-ecological Zones of Ethiopia
5.5. Climate and its Implications on Biophysical and
Socioeconomic Aspects
5.6. Climate Change/Global Warming: Causes, Consequences and
Response Mechanisms
7, 8 & 9
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Ethiopian Soils: Types, Degradation and Conservation
6.3. Types and Distribution of Natural Vegetations in Ethiopia
6.4. Natural vegetation: Uses, Degradation and
Conservation Strategies
6.5. Wildlife Resources of Ethiopia: Types, Importance, and
9, 10 & 11 Conservation Strategies
7.1. Introduction

7.2. Population Data: Uses and Sources

7.3. Population Dynamics: Fertility, Mortality and Migration

7.4. Population Distribution and Composition

7.5. Sociocultural Aspects of Ethiopian Population: Education, Health

and Languages
11, 12 &13

7.6. Settlement Types and Patterns


8.1. Introduction
8.2. Mining, Fishing and Forestry
8.3. Agriculture in Ethiopian
8.3.1. Contributions, potentials and characteristics of agriculture
in Ethiopia
14, 15 & 16
8.3.2. Agricultural systems in Ethiopia
8.3.3. Major problems of Ethiopian agriculture
8.4. Manufacturing in Ethiopia
8.4.1. Manufacturing: essence and contributions
8.4.2. Types, characteristics and distribution of manufacturing
8.4.3. Industrial development in Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects
8.5. The Service Sector in Ethiopia
8.5.1. Transportation and communication in Ethiopia: types,
roles and characteristics
8.5.2. Trade in Ethiopia: types, contributions and characteristics
8.5.3. Tourism in Ethiopia: Types, major tourist attraction
sites, challenges and prospects
7. Teaching Gap Lecture, Peer/ group Discussion and Reflection, Reading Assignment.
8. Assessment Paper & presentation (20 %); Mid exam (30 %); Final examination (50 %)
Methods Date of Submitting Assignment:

As a student of this university, you are expected to abide by the code of
conduct of students enshrined in the university’s legislation. Academic

dishonesty including cheating (exam or attendance), fabrication and
plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to concerned bodies for
appropriate action. Moreover, you are expected to actively participate in
classroom discussions through asking and answering questions, raising issues,
giving constructive feedbacks, accomplishing and submitting assignments
according to the program schedule. You are also expected to attend class
9. Course Policy
regularly. Attendance will be taken regularly and any absenteeism without
tangible reasons will severely affect your performance and grade. Side talks,
moving chairs and creating all sorts of disturbance are intolerable. If you miss
20% of the class attendance, you will be cancelled from the course. You
should come to the class in time. You are also supposed to come to class with
your appropriate learning materials like note book, handouts and other

A.D. Tathe.(2012). Lecture Notes on Climatology: For Intermediate Met
Training Course, Indian Meteorological Department.
10. References
Addis Ababa University (2001). Introductory Geography of Ethiopia,
Teaching Text, Department of Geography.
Assefa M., Melese W., Shimelis G.(2014). Nile River Basin; Ecohydrological
Challenges, Climate Change and Hydropolitics. Springer International
Publishing, Switzerland.
B. D, Ray (1989). Economics for Agriculture: Food, Farming and the Rural
Economy. Macmillan.
CSA 1994 & 2007. Population and Housing Census Results. CSA: A.A.
Diao, Xinshen,. 2007. The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development:
Implications for Sub Saharan Africa. Sustainable Solutions for ending
Hunger and Poverty, Research Report 153. IFPRI.Ethiopia.
Engdawork Assefa(2015). Characterization and classification of major
agricultural soils in CASCEP intervention weredas in the central
highlands of Oromia Region, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University
FDRE.2001 Ministry of Water Resources, National Metrological Survey, A.A.

Girma Kebede(2017). Society and Environment in Ethiopia
Hartshorne, T. & J. Alexander (1988). Economic Geography, 3rd Ed.
Hooguelt, A (2001). Globalization and the post-colonial world. The New
political Economy of Development. Basingstoke plagrave.
Hurni. H. 1988. Ecological Issues in the Creation of Ethiopia. Paper presented
in the National Conference on Disaster prevention and preparedness
Strategy for Ethiopia, A.A
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) (2008). East
Africa Migration Route Initiative Gaps & Needs Analysis Project Country
Reports: Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya. Vienna
Laurence G., Jeremias M., Tilahun A., Kenneth M.(2012). Integrated Natural
Resource Management in The Highlands of Eastern Africa; From
Concept to Practice. New York, Earthscan.
Lloyd, P. & P. Dickens (1977). Location in Space. Harper @ Row.
Mesfin Woldemariam (1972). Introduction to Ethiopian Geography, Addis
Ministry of Agriculture/MOA/ (1998). Agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia:
Natural Resources Management and Regulatory Department, Addis
Morgan R.P.C (2005). Soil Erosion and Conservation. National Soil Resources
Institute, Carnfield University. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
OXFAM(2018). Horn of Africa climate crisis response. Regional summary
Pausewang, Siegfried (1990), Ethiopian Rural Development Options.
Plant genetic resource center (1995). Ethiopia: country report to the FAO
International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resource, Addis
Robert, E.G, James, F.P & L. MichaelT.(2007). Essentials of Physical Geography.
Thomson Higher Education, Belmont, 8th edition.
UNDP, FAO (1984) Ethiopia Forest Resources and Potential for Development;
437 planning.
An assistance to land use
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2007). Climate
Change; Impacts Vulnerabilities and Adaptations in Developing
Waugh, D. (1990). Geography: An Integrated Approach. Nelson: London.
Approval Section
Instructors Name Date Signature
Department Head

10.5.17 Physical fitness

- Course name: Physical fitness

- Course code: SpSc 1011
Course Information - Credit hours: No (P/F)
- Contact hours: 2 hrs theory and practice
- Course eligibility: All first year undergraduate
- Semester:

- Instructor’s name:
Instructor’s Contact Information
- Department:
- Office/block and room number:
- Phone:
- Email:
- Contact hour:
This course will provide the students with basic concepts of
the five components of health related physical fitness
Course Description
(cardiovascular, muscular strength and endurance,
flexibility, and body composition), conditioning, hypokinetic
disease and general principles of training. It is mainly
practical oriented. As a result, the students will be exposed
to various exercise modalities, sport activities, minor and
major games, and various training techniques as a means to
enhance health related physical fitness components. In
addition, they will develop the skills to assess each
component of fitness and will practice designing
cardiovascular, muscular strength and endurance, and
flexibility programs based on the fitness assessment. The
course serves as an introduction to the role of exercise in
health promotion, fitness, performance including the acute
and chronic responses of the
body to exercise.
By the end of this course the students will be able to:
1. Recognize the immediate and long term responses
Expected learning outcomes
of the body to various types of exercise.
2. Understands the basic concepts of physical fitness
439and conditioning exercises.
3. Understand the concept of hypokinetic disease and
4. Distinguish the general principles of fitness training
5. Develop conditioning programs to enhance the
components of health related physical finesses.
6. Participate in conditioning programs which may
help to develop the components of health related
physical finesses.
7. Understand health issues in relation to excess body
fatness and excessively low body fat.
8. Develop skills to assess health related physical
fitness components.
9. Develop healthy body weight management skill.
10. Appreciate and value the benefits of regular
physical exercise to healthy living.
11. Develop interest to engage in a regular physical
exercise program as a life time activity.
12. Develop self-confidence and effective
communication skills in and out of the school

Course Calendar and Delivery

Date /week Key Topics Teaching Method

Chapter 1- Concepts of physical fitness and conditioning

Week - 1 1.1. Meanings and definitions of terms Lecture
1.1.1. physical fitness Group discussion
1.1.2. physical conditioning Questioning and answering
1.1.3. Physical Activity,
1.1.4. Physical exercise and
1.1.5. Sport
1.2. General principles of fitness training

Chapter 2- The Health Benefits of Physical Activity Lecture

Week - 2 Group discussion
2.1 Physical Activity and Hypokinetic Diseases/Conditions Questioning and answering
2.2. Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Diseases
2.3. physical activity and postural deformity
Week - 3 Chapter 3 - Making Well-Informed Food Choices Lecture
3.1. Sound Eating Practices Group discussion
3.2. Nutrition and Physical Performance Questioning and answering

Chapter 4- Health related components of fitness
2.1. Cardiovascular fitness Lecture
2.1.1. Meaning and concepts of cardiovascular fitness Group discussion
Week - 4 & 5
2.1.2.Means and methods of developing cardiovascular fitness Presentation
2.2. Muscle fitness
2.2.1. Meaning and concepts of muscle fitness
2.1.2.Means and methods of developing muscle fitness
2.3. Flexibility
2.3.1. Meaning and types of flexibility
2.1.2. Means and methods of developing flexibility
2.4 Body composition
2.4.1. Meaning of body composition
2.4.2. Health risks associated with over fatness
2.4.3.Health risks associated with excessively low body fatness
Chapter 5- Assessment of fitness components Lecture
Week – 6 3.1. Assessment of cardiovascular fitness Group discussion
3.2. Assessment of muscle fitness Presentation
3.3. Assessment of flexibility
3.4. Assessment of body composition
Practical session
Week Chapter 6- Development and Assessment of Field Practice
7-16 the health related components of fitness Explanation
Assessment techniques
Students are expected to participate in and complete all of the assessment criteria listed below.
Types of Assessment Assessment Assessment Competency to be assessed
Date Weight
Test (Written) Week 3 10% Chapter 1
Group assignment (peer fitness ) Week 8 20% Chapter 5
Mid - term exam (Written) Week 9 30% Chapter 1,2,3,& 4
Final exam - practical group 40% Chapter 6
assignment (peer training on the Week 14-16
five components of fitness)

Instructor’s commitment - Provide maximum physical activity time within the class period
- Promote equal participation of all students in the course
- Teach skills and activities that transfer in to lifetime physical activity
- Motivate students to be active participants in the course

- Praise for active participation

Course policies
Grading As per the university’s legislation

Attendance policy As per the legislation of the university

Class Participation: The success of this course and students learning experience is dependent on
active engagement and participation of the students in all the spectrum of the
course. Students are expected to come well prepared/dressed and
constructively engage in class.
Class Discipline “In each and every aspect of life, discipline comes first and worth a lot”. This is
what department of Sport Science reflects. As a result of this, any noise,
chatting, chewing gum and the like are prohibited in every sessions of the
course. In addition to these portable electronic media and communicative
devices such as cell phones, pagers, MP3 players, I pods etc are not be used
during the class for any reason. Thus, these devices should be switched off and
kept out of sight.
Reference materials
• Charles B. Corbin, Gregory J. Weik, William R. Corbin and Karen A. Welk.
(2006). Concepts of fitness and wellness: a comprehensive lifestyle
approach. 6th edt.

1. Schott k. Powers, Stepheen L. Dod and Virginia J. (2006), Total Fitness
and Wellness.
2. Paul M, and Walton T. (2006), Core Concepts in Health, 10th edit.
3. Charles B. Corbin and Ruth Lindsey (1990), Fitness for life, 3rd Edition,

10.5.18 General Psychology

Course Title General Psychology

Course Code Psyc1011
Credit Hrs./ ECTS Cr Hrs=3 L=3 T=0 P=0 H=7 CP = 5
Semester I
Year I
Pre-requisites None
Target Group All first year students
Status of the Course Common course

Course Description:

This course introduces students with an overview of concept of psychology and life skills. More specifically, topics
will be covered historical foundations of psychology, Goals of psychology, research methods in psychology ,
Sensation and Perception ,Memory and Forgetting, motivation and emotion, personality, psychological disorders
and psychotherapy Besides, it also introduce students to the core set of life skills, which are important in
realizing holistic development of students that is sense of well-being, confidence and academic performance so
that they can lead happy, healthy, successful, and productive life.

3. Objectives of the course

After completion of this course students will be able to:
• Define the concept of psychology
• Compare and contrast the major perspectives in Psychology
• Explain the various research methods in Psychology
• Discuss Concept of sensation and perception
• Explain the process of learning a new behavior from different theoretical basis
• Describe motivational and emotional processes
• Discuss personality theories
• Describe the characteristics of major psychological disorders
• Demonstrate social and interpersonal skills in everyday life.
• Apply knowledge of psychology to one’s own life & to develop life skills.


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