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Gender Discrimination has been one of the major problems in the world for centuries,

gender discrimination that are dangerous for it creates gender biases, wherein women are the one
who really suffered the most because gender biases brought by gender discrimination is one of
the major factors that causes women oppression. For centuries, women have been oppressed and
being looked down on. The world defines women, as weak, fragile, vulnerable and powerless
humans. And because of that perception, women are being prone to sexual assault that is
attached in inequality. People who commit sexual violence are targeting the people that they
believe who are less powerful in the world. That reason why many young girls and women are
been a victim of rape and sexual violence worldwide and most of them are denied to have justice
that they deserve because of the gender discrimination. Instead of helping the victims to get the
justice that they deserve, they are being blamed for what happened, all the blame are being
pushed to them. The society that supposedly will encourage them to fight for their dignity, will
just only judge them for being a victim because of the assumptions about on how they dressed
and act. And I personally dispute that because whatever we wear, we are still being violated, we
experience being harass through verbal, as for own experience I often encounter cat calling even
if I wear decent attire. Here in the Philippines, we have the RA 11313 or the Safe Space Act, but
the government still fails to protect women because of the societal norms of gender
discrimination, just what like Widney Brown had stated, “It is shocking that in the 21st century
with so much legislation designed to ensure women’s equality, the government still fails to
protect women or to ensure that their abusers are held to account for their crimes.” Women
deserve the freedom from all the abuse, sexual assault and discrimination, we deserve a safe
space to live in because no woman deserves to be violated, we women have the right to life,
because women rights are human rights.
Moreover, many people around the world are suffering to the horrific violation on human
rights based on how someone perceived his/her sexual orientation, gender expression and
identity. People who are part of the LGBT community are afraid to expose who and what they
really are because of all the judgement that the society can throw to them. Most of my friend are
LGBT, and they cannot show their true sexual orientation because they are afraid of the
discrimination and judgements. And what is worst is even in their family they cannot admit their
true sexuality because they are afraid that their parent won’t accept them, just what like my gay
friend just did before, one time one of he asked another friend to pretend as her girlfriend in his
dad who just came home from abroad. At first, we are all against about it but when he told us the
reason why he did that, a sudden realization hit me it is that we do not have an inclusive society
that accepts one’s differences. In this issue we should have a deeper understanding and learn to
accept differences through having inclusive society because inclusivity can urge worldwide to
outlaw discrimination against this societal problem, because this problems in gender
discrimination can trigger as well to stress that can lead to depression.
According to United Nations (n.d.), persons having a mental and psychosocial disorder
represents the proportion of the population around the world. Among the million people
worldwide an approximately of one in every four people globally experienced a mental health
problem that they will carry through their life time. Furthermore, an approximately of one
million people die every year because of the suicide, and due to this reason, it ranked 3 rd in the
significant factor that cause of death among the millennials worldwide, and it is predicted to rank
first in the year 2030.
The very common mental health problem that increases the rate of the people who committed
suicide is depression, depression that was triggered by stress. As a college student, I admit that
I’m stress in my academics, every day I only slept for 3-4 hours because I was busy complying
different formative assessment. I’m doing my best in my studies because of the expectations that
I was carrying, my family has so much expectations in me and I’m afraid to think that I will
disappoint them. And I know may teenager are also going this problem as well, and what is
worst is that they are suffering in mental health problems. I know my problem is nothing
compared to the people who are experiencing the mental health problems, but I’m already
suffering, so what more in their situation. Millions of people around the world are going through
with these but the society was not taking it seriously, and that is the reason why they are afraid to
seek help, they are afraid to admit what they are going through because the people around them
would not believe and they just make fun of it, as if depression is just a joke. They are
experiencing the worst tragic experiences that world could have because we do not have an
inclusive society that will accept them and care for them. Instead of supporting them, the society
are making fun of them, the society are abusing them and what is worst is that their own family
that supposedly will help them to surpass what they are going through would not believe them if
they admit their situations.
Let us give people with mental health issues an inclusive society that will accept them, let
us extend our perception to look beyond why this stigma is happening. let us be their source of
strength for them to gain enough and sufficient courage to fight the most difficult battle that they
are currently in, the battle to fight their mental health.


Amnesty International. (2021, June 23). Rape victims worldwide denied justice and dignity.


Mental Health and Development | United Nations Enable. (n.d.). United Nations.


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