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Delos Reyes, Precious Melody S.


Different Types of Computers in First Generation


 Electronic Numerical Integrated and Computing was the first electronic calculator used for general
purposes, such as solving numerical problems. It was designed and invented by John Presper Eckert and
John Mauchly of the University of Pennsylvania to calculate artillery firing ranges for the US Army Ballistic
Research Laboratory. Its construction began in 1943 and was not completed until 1946. Although not
completed until the end of World War II, the ENIAC was created to aid the war effort against the forces.
German quantity. During the war, there was a shortage of male engineers, so programming was done by a
team of six female computer scientists: Betty Jean Jennings (Bartik), Marilyn Wescoff, Ruth Lichterman,
Elizabeth Snyder, Frances Bilas, and Kathleen McNulty in 1953, the Burroughs Corporation built 100-word
magnetic core memory, adding to the memory capabilities of ENIAC, which at the time contained only 20-
word internal memory. In 1956, at the end of its operations, ENIAC occupied approximately 1,800 square
feet and consisted of nearly 20,000 vacuum tubes, 1,500 relays, 10,000 capacitors, and 70,000 resistors. It
also consumes 200 kilowatts of electricity, weighs more than 30 tons, and costs about $487,000

 The Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) was one of the earliest large mainframe
computers to be built in the 1940s. It was the first mainframe computer that represented binary systems
rather than decimal systems. It was designed in 1944 and built in the 1940s, before being installed in the
U.S. Army’s Ballistics Research Laboratory in Maryland in August of 1940. As a binary serial computer,
EDVAC processed mathematical operations with a serial memory capacity of roughly 5.5 kB. EDVAC used
magnetic tape as a data media and could run over 20 hours a day. It was replaced in 1961 by the Ballistic
Research Laboratories Electronic Scientific Computer (BRLESC) which had a larger memory and faster
response times.


 Universal Automatic Computer is a trademark of the Unisys Corporation, is a series of electrical computers
containing thousands of vacuum tubes. It utilized punch cards and switches for inputting data and punch
cards for outputting and storing data. The UNIVAC II and III was later released with various models, such
as the 418, 490, 491, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, and 1108. Many of these models
were only owned by a few companies or government agencies. In 1952, UNIVAC predicted the outcome of
the US presidential election and helped introduce people to the computer. UNIVAC, in All-In-One
Automated Computing, one of the first commercial computers. After leaving the Moore School of
Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, J. Presper Eckert, Jr. and John Mauchly, who
worked on the technical design of the ENIAC computer for the United States during World War II,
struggled to secure the capital. to build their latest design, a computer they call the Universal Automated
Computer, or UNIVAC. (In the meantime, they contracted Northrop Corporation to build the Binary
Automated Computer, or BINAC, which, when completed in 1949, became America's first stored program
computer.) 1951, though although their business, patents and talents were acquired by Remington Rand,
Inc., in 1950.

 Although he had some experience with ENIAC, UNIVAC was built from the ground up as a machine.
Computes the host program, so it is very different from an architectural point of view. It uses the operator
keyboard and control panel typewriter for simple or limited input and magnetic tape for all other inputs
and outputs. Print results are recorded on tape and then printed by a separate tape printer. UNIVAC I was
designed as a commercial data processing computer, intended to replace the punch card accounting
machines of the time. It can read 7,200 decimal places per second (it doesn't use binary numbers), making
it the fastest trading machine ever built. Eckert's use of mercury delay lines has greatly reduced the
number of vacuum tubes required (to 5,000), allowing the main processor to take up "space" of only 14.5
x 7.5 x 9 feet (about 4.4 x 2.3 x 2.7 meters) . It was a veritable business machine, signaling the
convergence of university computer science research with the office automation trends of the late 19th
and early 20th centuries. As such, it was ushered in the era of the "Big Iron" -the mainframe, mass-
produced device.

IBM 701

 The IBM 701 Defense Calculator (1952) was IBM`s first production computer. It was designed primarily for
scientific calculation and included microsecond circuits installed at critical locations to send electrical
impulses from one unit to another at a speed faster than one-millionth of a second" devised at Columbia
University's Watson Lab [37]. It rented for about $16,000 per month. In all, 19 units were manufactured,
most of them for US national laboratories, the US Weather Bureau, aircraft manufacturers, and big
companies like GE. The first device was installed in 1952 at IBM's New York headquarters, replacing SSEC.
The 701 has eleven parts: two electrostatic storage units containing 72 cathode ray tubes (CRTs), enough
to provide 2048 36-bit words, three power supply and distribution units, and an electronic control and
analyzer (CPU). Plus punch cards, reader and recorder, printer, tape kit (world's first) and drums. 701 was
officially published on 21 May 1952. It is the unit of the Global Data Processing System 701, in which the
actual calculations are performed. This operation involved 274 assemblies that performed all the
calculation and control functions of the system by means of electronic pulses emitted at a rate of up to
one million per second. 701 contains arithmetic components, input and output driver circuits, and stored
program driver circuits. The control board is also mounted on the 701. The arithmetic section contains the
memory register, the accumulator register, and the multiplier quotient register. Each register has a
capacity of 35 bits and a sign. The accumulator also has two additional locations called register overflow
locations. The control section decodes stored programs and instructs the machine to automatically
execute its instructions. Instructions can only be entered into the command section by electrostatic
storage or manually from the control panel. The whole machine can be controlled manually from the
operator's panel through various buttons, keys, switches and indicator lights. The operator can manually
control the input of information into the electrostatic memory or various registers. The contents of
various registers can also be displayed with neon lights for operator viewing. The control panel is used
primarily when starting an operation on the 701 and when initially testing a program for a new operation.

IBM 650

 The IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Data Processor was announced on July 2, 1953 (as the "Magnetic Drum
Computer", or MDC), but was not released until December 1954 (together with NORC). Frank Hamilton,
who also designed ASCC and SSEC. Two IBM 650s were installed at Columbia University's IBM Watson
Science Computing Laboratory, 612 West 116th Street, beginning in August 1955. IBM sometimes calls the
650 its first computer, although it predates at least ASCC (1943) and SSEC (1947), is not the product, and
701 (1952), certainly is. It is perhaps more accurate to call it IBM's first commercial computer (used for
scientific purposes since 701) and the first to generate significant profits. In any case, the IBM 650 was the
first all-in-one to be installed and used at Columbia University (NORC was built here in 195054, but the
only Colombians who could use it were a handful of people). In Watson Laboratories [61,65 ]). As noted in
the timeline, Watson Lab 650s has supported over 200 Columbia research projects and has also been used
in a variety of computer crash courses. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any photos of the Watson Lab
machines. The 650 is a vacuum tube, memory-empty, decimal -and non-binary logic calculator. Data is
stored in words containing ten decimal places and one sign, and instructions that operate on numbers are
stored in this format. IBM calls the 650 an automaton, not a calculator. Until the mid-1950s, the word
“computer” referred to people who performed calculations, not machines [57]. But before this decade
ends, "digital computing" is applied to the 650 and other "giant brains" and "computer" is a grotesque
thing on your desk. Originally a card-only machine, the 650 is compatible with a wide variety of popular
IBM unit recorders (sorters, collations, punchers, bookkeepers, etc.), but advances have been made. Seen
for the first time in the 700 series has been upgraded over the years: tape drives, line printers; Connect
IBM 407 link, RAMAC drive, memory hub.

Different Types of Computers in Second Generation

IBM 1620

 The IBM 1620 computer dates from March 1961. It is used for education and research in the field of
computing, we believe it was used at Eindhoven University of Technology. The IBM 1620was first
introduced in 1959, as a second generation computer with solid state circuits. The Model 1's internal
processing speed was 20 microseconds, and it featured up to 20,000 digits of base memory, which was
expanded using IBM's 1623 base storage (40,000 digits). Programs can be charged with punch cards,
paper strips and keyboards, but this particular device does not have a card reader. Output via tape and
printer. It uses variable word length in decimal, as opposed to fixed word length in binary. IBM 1620
typically costs around £22,000 with education discounts. Adjusted for 2019, that's £500,000 ($656,000).
This will not include additional core memory. The IBM 1620 was designed to be an inexpensive computer!
It was codenamed CADET (Computer with Advanced Economic Technology), renamed "Can't Add, Don't
Try", because it uses main memory lookup tables instead of specialized arithmetic circuits. Use it like any
smart computer. More than 1300 were produced during the computer's production life.
IBM 7094

 The IBM 7094 model of the IBM PC is specifically designed to process large-scale data at a faster
rate. This IBM model was introduced in the mid-19th century. This IBM computer model is very
reasonably priced compared to previous models and its performance is also much better than
other models of this company, and the IBM 7094 computer caused an expansion in the
computer field due to its very reliable performance. The IBM 7094 model was undoubtedly one
of the best computers of its time in every respect, be it price or performance. So, due to all
these qualities and being the most powerful computer in the world, NASA and many other
government and military associations have used these IBM computer models in laboratories and
workplaces. During the 1990s, these IBM 7094 computers were used by many government
agencies, including NASA and the armed forces. These computer models were the biggest
computers of their time and they were of great help to NASA, many NASA projects were
successfully accomplished using these computer models and these computers. Also play an
important role in the missile defense system. Designed for large-scale scientific computing, the
IBM 7094 data processing system features outstanding price/performance and increased
computing power. Compatible with the IBM 7090, the advanced solid-state IBM 7094 provides
significant increases in internal operating speed and functional capabilities to meet the growing
scientific workloads of the 1960s. The powerful IBM 7094 has 1.4 to 2.4 times the internal
processing speed, depending on the individual application. 7094, combined with the significant
input/output improvements through the IBM 729 VI and IBM 7340 Hyper tape units as well as
programming systems such as the 7090/7094 FORTRAN, has dramatically reduced the work time
for user.

CDC 1604
 The CDC 1604 is a 48-bit computer designed and manufactured by Seymour Cray and his team at Control
Data Corporation (CDC). 1604 is known as one of the first commercially successful transistorized
computers. (The IBM 7090 was delivered earlier, in November 1959.) Legend has it that the name 1604
was chosen by adding the first CDC address (501 Park Avenue) to Cray's old project, ERAUNIVAC 1103 A
version Miniature 24-bit, designated CDC 924, was produced shortly thereafter and delivered to NASA.
The first 1604 was delivered to the United States Naval Postgraduate School in January 1960 [5] for
applications supporting large fleet operations control centers, primarily for weather forecasting in the
United States. Hawaii, London and Norfolk, Virginia. By 1964, more than 50 systems had been built. CDC
3600, which adds five opcodes, has succeeded 1604 and is "widely compatible" with it. One of the 1604s
was delivered to the Pentagon at DASA (Defense Atomic Assistance Agency) and was used during the
Cuban Missile Crisis to predict Soviet attacks against the United States. The 12-bit minicomputer, known
as the CDC 160, is commonly used as the I/O processor in 1604 systems. A standalone version of the 160
called the CDC 160A is believed to be the first minicomputer.

CDC 3600

 The Control Data Corporation (CDC) 3600 computer arrived in NCAR in November 1963. NCAR began
operations in 1960 as a program of the National Science Foundation and operated by the nonprofit
University Foundation. Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). Prior to construction
(groundbreaking June 1964) and opening (May 10, 1967) NCAR Mesa Laboratories, NCAR was located
primarily on the campus of the University of Colorado (CU) in Boulder, CO. NCAR's CDC 3600 is housed in
an unfinished University of Colorado building under construction at 3215 Marine Street in Boulder, CO. In
the summer of 1963, employees of the NCAR Computer Facility (CF), then of NCAR's Atmospheric
Technology Division (ATD), assessed that the operation of software developed by Control Data would not
be available. Ready to install the system and would self-assemble enough of the operating system to use
the machine, and by early 1964, CF was able to provide computer services to the first users on the CDC
3600. NCAR CF became the National Computing Facility in March 1964, with the mission of providing
large-scale computing facilities to NCAR and the national community engaged in atmospheric and related
research. By the end of 1964, CDC 3600 usage had grown from an initial 50 hours per month to more than
300 hours per month, and CF had performed approximately 19,000 jobs in the system. The CDC 3600 is a
nice looking machine with smoked glass panels and a "gorgeous and gorgeous" look. Seymour Cray did
most of the basic architecture design work on the CDC 3000 systems. NCAR's CDC 3600 has 32,700 words
of 48-bit word-core memory and support for the FORTRAN compiler. In anticipation of the delivery of, and
to make facility modifications to accommodate, its CDC 6600 successor, the CDC 3600 was moved to a
building owned by Martin Marietta on Prince Street, where it continued to be operated through April


 UNIVAC 1108 was the second member of Sperry Rand's UNIVAC 1100 series of computers, introduced in
1964. Integrated circuits replaced the thin film memory that UNIVAC 1107 used to store registers. Smaller
and faster cores, compared to 1107, are used for main memory. In addition to faster components, two
significant design improvements have been incorporated: base registers and additional hardware
instructions. Two basic 18-bit registers (one to store instructions and one to store data) allow dynamic re-
move:when a program is swapped in and out of main memory, its instructions and data can be placed
anywhere whenever it is recharged. Additional hardware instructions include double-precision arithmetic,
two-word load, store, and compare instructions. The processor can have up to 16 input/output channels
for peripheral devices. Clear plastic front and back covers with the back of a man's head on the front and
the UNIVAC logo on the back. On the first inside page was a full-page color photo of a UNIVAC 1108II
computer with a man sitting at the station. Full-page color photographs of people working in front of the
UNIVAC 1108II are found in this brochure, in addition to the photo on the center page. Text content
includes: Features; Correct computer system background; Multiple processors in one system; Centralized
control of pay; Massive hardware for a large system; Wide range of communication; Proven software
ready for your applications.
Different Types of Computers in Third Generation


 The IBM 360 (System / 360) series of computers was one of the first families of computers. The plan is to
offer a wide range of computers that, in price and performance, are compatible with each other in so-
called "backward compatibility". This means that programs written on cheaper, less powerful models can
be run on more expensive, more powerful models. For the first time, customers can upgrade the power of
their computer systems without having to re-program a new system. The concept proved extremely
popular and was adopted by other computer manufacturers in the mid-1960s. Backward compatibility
remains an industry standard. The IBM System/360 (S/360) was a family of mainframe systems
announced by IBM on April 7, 1964 and shipped between 1965 and 1978. It was the first line of
computers designed for meet both commercial and scientific applications and covers the full range of
applications, from the smallest to the largest. Design distinguishes between architecture and
implementation, allowing IBM to release set of compatible designs at a variety of price points. All but the
Model 44 are partially compatible and the most expensive systems use microcode to implement the
instruction set, including 8-bit byte addressing and binary, decimal, and hexadecimal floating point
operations . The System/360 family introduced IBM's Solid Logic Technology (SLT), which packed more
transistors into printed circuit boards, allowing for more powerful but smaller computers to be built.


 Honeywell 6000, (GE600) a line of 36-bit mainframe computers manufactured by Honeywell International,
Inc. manufactured from 1970 to 1989, built from TTL SSI integrated circuits and ferrite core memory.
These are improved versions of General Electric's GE600 series that originated in the 1960s as discrete
transistors. The architecture is similar to the IBM 7090. The GE600 aka Honeywell 6000 uses 36-bit words
and 18-bit addresses and has two 36-bit accumulators A and Q, and eight 18-bit X0 index registers. X7 and
an 8-bit exponent for floating point support with mantissa in both. Single precision 36 bits and double
precision 2 x 36 bits. The system consists of three main types of interconnected units, the processor, the
system control unit, including the memory, and the I/O multiplexer (IOM) for connecting peripherals, the
unit disk storage and tape drives. The Honeywell 6000 series computer was an improved version of the
General Electric 600 series mainframe developed by Honeywell International, Inc. manufactured from
1970 to 1989. Honeywell acquired the line when it bought GE's computer division in 1970 and continued
to develop them under various names over the years. . The top model is the 6080, with about 1 MIPS
performance. The smaller models were the 6070, 6060, 6050, 6040 and 6030. In 1973, a lower top 6025
was introduced. Even-number models include the Advanced Instruction Set (EIS) feature, which adds
decimal arithmetic and storage operations to the original word-oriented architecture. In 1973, Honeywell
introduced the 6180, the 6000 series with addressing modifications to support the Multics operating
system. In 1974, Honeywell released the 68/80 which added cache memory in each processor and
supported large direct-addressable memory (28 million words).In 1975, the 6000 series system was
renamed Level 66, which was slightly faster (up to 1.2 MIPS) and offered larger memory. In 1977, the line
was again renamed 66/DPS, and in 1979 as DPS8, again with a small performance increase to 1.7 MIPS.
The Multics model is the DPS8/M. In 1989, Honeywell sold its IT division to the French company Groupe
Bull, which continued to market compatible machines.

 Programmed Data Processor was a series of computers developed by Digital. The first PDP, and the first
minicomputer was the PDP-1. It was developed in 1960 and had five-megacycle circuits, a magnetic core
memory, and fully parallel processing with a computation rate of 100,000 additions per second. The PDP
series included the PDP-4, PDP-6, PDP-7, PDP-8, PDP-9, PDP-10, PDP-11, PDP-12, PDP-14, and PDP-15
computer. The PDP-1 uses an18-bitwordsize and has 4096 words as standard main memory(equivalent to
9,216 eight-bit bytes, though the system actually divides an 18-bit word into six-bit characters),
upgradable to 65,536 words. The magnetic-core memory's cycle time is 5.35microseconds(corresponding
roughly to a "clock speed" of 187kilohertz); consequently most arithmetic instructions take10.7
microseconds (93,458 operations per second) because they use two memory cycles: the first to fetch the
instruction, the second to fetch or store the data word. Signed numbers are represented in ones'
complement. The PDP-1 has computing power roughly equivalent to a 1996 pocket organizer and a little
less memory. The PDP-1 uses 2,700transistorsand 3,000 diodes.[5]It is built mostly ofDEC1000-
seriesSystem Building Blocks, using micro-alloyandmicro-alloy diffused transistors with a rated switching
speed of 5MHz.The System Building Blocks are packaged into several19-inch racks. The racks are
themselves packaged into a single large mainframe case, with a hexagonal control panel containing
switches and lights mounted to lie at table-top height at one end of the mainframe. Above the control
panel is the system's standardinput/outputsolution, a punched tape reader and writer.

IBM 370/168
 The IBM System/370 (S/370) is a model range of IBM mainframe computers announced on June 30, 1970
as the successors to the System/360 family. The series mostly maintains backward compatibility with the
S/360, allowing an easy migration path for customers; this, plus improved performance, were the
dominant themes of the product announcement. In September 1990, the System/370 line was replaced
with the System/390. The IBM System/370 Model 168 had unique features that separated him from other
such kind of computers and made the world buy it and use it. The main features of the IBM System/370
Model 168 includes unique and new buffer storage it’s not just a buffer storage but an ultra-high speed
buffer storage that made it work faster than other computing models and these features made people
and organizations buy these models from everywhere around the world. The Model 168 gained its power
largely from a combination of ultra-high-speed buffer storage, operation of the instruction unit`s logic
circuitry, which capitalized on the availability of instructions and data from the buffer, and a high degree
of concurrency in operation. The operation of the instruction unit was overlapped, allowing up to three
instructions to be undergoing preparation concurrently so that the next program-sequenced instruction
was ready for execution. Introduced with the 168 were an additional register and instruction buffer to
increase overlap, and reorganization of the optional 16K buffer to gain speed.
TDC 316

 The Torpedo Data Computer (TDC) is an early electrical analog computer used for Torpedo Fire Control on
American submarines during World War II. United Kingdom, Germany and Japan have also developed
Torpedo automatic firepower control equipment, but no one is progressive compared to the US Navy TDC
because it can automatically track the target instead of just simply offer an instant shooting solution. This
unique CCT capacity has determined the standard to control the torpedo submarines during World War II.
Replace standard pocket bag for diapse devices (called"banjo"). TDC has been designed to provide the
FIRE CONTROL solution for ocean cooking on the sea for ships operating on surface operations on the
surface (surface warships have used another computer). TDC is a large addition to TCB conversation tower
and requires two additional crew: one is an expert in his interview, the other is the current executive.
Despite these limitations, the use of TDCs was an important factor in the success of the commercial
raiding program conducted by American submarines during World War II's Pacific Campaign. Reports of
US submarine operations in the Pacific often cite the use of TDCs. Some officers became proficient in its
use, and the Navy established a training school to use it. Two U.S. Navy upgraded World War II fleet
submarines (USS Tusk and Cutlass) with their TDCs continue to serve with the Taiwanese Navy and staff
from the American Maritime Museum help they maintain their equipment. The museum also houses a
fully restored and operational USS Pampanito TDC, docked in San Francisco.

Different Types of Computers in Fourth Generation

DEC 10
 DEC 10 otherwise called Dec framework 10 has a place with the group of PDP. These PCs were presented
in 1966, in any case, suspended in 1983 because of surprising guidance sets. The working framework
utilized in DEC 10 were ITS, TOPS10, TENEX, with 36-piece word length. The DEC 10 is a centralized server
PC family and were essentially utilized because of the working framework utilized by it -TOPS 10. The
DEC10 is practically like its ancestor PDP 6 with slight changes in the improvement of equipment and
different working frameworks. Contrasted with the past three ages of computers. The fourth era of PCs
are versatile and economical with speed and accuracy. However these PCs required a fan for cooling the
framework. Anyway some block was brought about by the microchips, as they expected exceptionally
high specialized information to be fabricated. With the advancement and the highlights given by the
fourth era of PCs, the unrest of PCs began and turned out to be more reasonable. The size of the PCs were
diminished. Expected rise of microchip and single chip utilization, a wide range of undeniable level dialects
were involved bringing about the advancement in the systems administration region growing incredibly
strong PCs.

STAR 1000

 STAR 1000 were the main supercomputers which utilized the incorporated circuits and were planned and
fabricated by a control information organization. These PCs upheld vector handling which only the central
processor that is carrying out the arrangement of guidelines for working countless clusters and
information handling. These PCs additionally upheld virtual memory capacities. However, the general
exhibition of the STAR 1000 was not delivering the ideal outcomes. Explicit guidelines were vectorized
true to form however on the off chance that singular scalar directions were played out, the STAR 1000 PC
appeared to be plainly unsuitable for it.

PDP 11
 PDP 11 was acquainted with the world in the time of 1970 to 1990s. The Modified Information Processor
series presented the PDP 11 PCs making it one of the most amazing selling minicomputers. Other PDP
series of PCs, for instance PDP-11 PCs included inbuilt guidance sets and extra registers which helped in
simpler programming. Dissimilar to different PCs, The PDP 11 PCs have no particular info yield directions,
as the information and result guidelines were planned to the memory locations or registers. The PDP 11
PCs were likewise worked on Unix in the mid 1970s.


 Featuring a central column surrounded by a padded, circular seat, the Cray-1 looked like no other
computer. And performed like no other computer. It reigned as the world’s fastest from 1976 to 1982. Its
distinctive design reflected Seymour Cray’s innovative engineering solutions and theatrical flair. The round
tower minimized wire lengths, while the distinctive bench concealed power supplies. Densely packed
integrated circuits and a novel cooling system reflected Cray’s attention to “packaging and plumbing.” The
Cray-1 was 10 times faster than competing machines. But speed came at a cost. It sold for up to $10M and
drew 115 kW of power, enough to run about 10 homes. Over 60 miles of wire snaked through the Cray-1,
with no segment longer than 3’ to minimize signal delays.

 Designed and manufactured in 1982 by Cray Research, the CRAY-X-MP were known as the
supercomputers. CRAY-X-MP computer was contemplated as the world’s fastest computer from the year
1983 to 1985 with quad processor provision. The X-MP is an advanced and improved version of CRAY-1
computers with faster clock cycles and better operational facilities.The Central Processing Unit in X-MP
has 9.5 nanoseconds clock cycle with improved memory bandwidth and benefits of two read ports, one
write port, and one dedicated port for I/O instead of one port for both the read and write instructions as
in CRAY-1. However, the improved models of CRAY-X-MP were announced in the year 1984 consisting of
one, two, and four-processor systems.

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