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Name: Payten Ford Date: 2/28/22-3/4/22 Period: 4

Ensemble or Class: 4th Grade General Music Lesson Topic: Treble Clef notes, movement, Fa

Standards: MU.4.O.1.1- Compare musical elements in different types of music, using correct music vocabulary, as a
foundation for understanding the structural conventions of specific styles.
MU.4.S.3.5- Notate simple rhythmic phrases and extended pentatonic melodies using traditional notation.
Long Term Goal: Students will be able to read notes on the Treble Clef fluently.
Students will be able to associate movement with music.
Students will be able to label Fa and its affiliated hand sign.
Students will be able to sing melodies that incorporate Fa.
Instructional objectives(s): Students will be able to identify note names for written notation on the Treble Clef.
Students will be able to follow the teacher/student leader when shadowing.
Students will be able to identify the solfege hand sign as Fa.
Students will be able to sing simple melodies using Fa.
Key Vocabulary Treble Clef, Shadowing, Fa Instructional Materials/Resources/Technology:
Quaver Music, Movement Soundtrack, Pitch Ladder
Critical Thinking: Lesson Structure:
Students will be able to analyze the melodic pitches written Warm-Up, Treble Clef Review, Shadowing, Label Fa, Do-Re-
on formal music notation in the treble staff to determine Mi-Fa, Conclusion
what the note name is.
Students will be able to create movements according to the
music when leading in the shadowing activity.
ESE Modifications CPLAMS Access Points
(identify access point, if needed)



Lesson/Rehearsal Procedures:
Pacing: Assessment:
Highlight Differentiated Instruction in Yellow
Introduction Procedures:
3 min Drum Chant Warm-Up Students will perform a steady beat.
Lesson/Rehearsal Procedures:
10 min Students will stay seated on assigned dots. Students will be able to identify the
The teacher will display the Quaver activity: Staff Champion for pitch names for written notation on
Treble Clef on the board. Students will take turns coming up to Treble Clef.
the board to select an answer for a variety of example on music
notation in treble clef. Continue until all students have answered.
5 min Students will transition to standing on their dots.
The teacher will then model Shadowing. Shadowing is the same
concept as Mirroring, just the teacher is now facing the same Students will be able to compare and
direction as students, not the opposite direction. Teacher will contrast Shadowing to Mirroring.
model a few examples before allowing student leaders to come
to the front and lead.
5 min Students will stay on their dots. Students will be able to match pitch
Using the solfege pitch ladder, the teacher will sing short patterns with the teacher for the new pitch, Fa.
using Sol-La-Mi-Re-Do. The teacher will lead the class to reveal
that the pitch between Sol and Mi is Fa. Introduce Fa’s hand sign Students will be able t identify the hand
and sing short patterns incorporating Fa using hand signals. sign for Fa.
10 min Students will transition to a circle.
The teacher will introduce the song “Do-Re-Mi-Fa”:
“Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Students will be able to match pitch
I am tired of this Sol- La thing, with the teacher.
I know not what you’ve been saying.” (repeat)
The teacher will introduce the hand signs in the first line of the Students will be able to create
melody but not the rest. The class will then brainstorm ideas of movements for the new song.
simple actions to perform during the last two lines of this melody.
Students will practice with the teacher multiple times. Next week,
this will be used as a canon.
Closure Procedures:
Students will get into line order.

Post Rehearsal or Lesson Reflections

Content Adjustment: No content was omitted from this lesson and all classes were able to get to canon in the last activity

Rehearsal or Lesson Adjustment: If I were to teach this lesson differently, I would find a way to make the treble clef note
identification at the beginning of the lesson more engaging for all students. To help this, when students would get an
answer wrong, the whole class would work to help the students to the correct answer without giving it away.

Reflection on Teaching: This lesson was effective, but I did need to add the canon to the last activity as students were able
to easily sing the song and master it much faster than anticipated. By adding the canon, students were challenged which
allowed them to stay engaged in the lesson.

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