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Conservative vs Liberal nationalism indications

Conservative nationalism aims to create a perception of social cohesiveness as well as solidarity.

Nationalist feelings should be expressed in a congruent manner with the core conservative goal
of community cohesion. Nations have a sense of nationalism that expresses a sense of affinity
with the history. This is what provides conservative nationalism its sentimental, defiant taste
(Conservative nationalism 2020). Conservative nationalism is based on an ecological
understanding of community. Nations arose from a primal desire to form bonds between
individuals to whom we possess similar features (Conservative nationalism 2020).
The BJP's recent political comeback has once again propelled an opposing nationalism towards
the frontline, primarily founded on the notion that Indian civilization is congruous with Hindu
heritage, instead of on secularism values (Vaishnav, 2019). The growth of Hindu Indian
nationalism with Prime Minister Narendra Modi has heightened the argument. Throughout 2014,
regional and local administrations backed by the BJP have introduced a slew of anti-Muslim
legislation, according to analysts (Khan, 2022). Among these are harsh fines for consuming meat
or urging a partner to shift from Hinduism to Islam, as well as a nationality provision that allows
only non-Muslims from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh to seek for rapid immigration.
The imposition of authoritarian ideals on minorities by the Hindu much further in the southern
Indian region of Karnataka has sparked a huge uproar, despite heightened worries that assaults
on Muslim emblems and traditions are indicative of a bigger Hindu conservative strategy (Khan,
2022). The hijab has every reason to be disliked by Indians. However, a prohibition will be
perceived as yet another stage in the nation's descent into extremism and conservatism (Dhume,

Nationalism's ongoing growth in Europe and internationally is frequently portrayed as a danger

to liberal principles. In response, liberal nationalists claim that nationalism can assume a liberal
aspect, supporting simultaneously democratization and social equity (Miller, 2019). Left-wing
players in France support a robust economic meddling with "mercantilist" economics as well as
remaining relatively liberal in their concept of social structure of minority privileges and
adolescents, amid various issues. Furthermore, left-wing activities promote global warming, the
goal of ecological equity and fairness for all inhabitants, and reorganizations that promote a far
more participative and thus underside democracy (Varga, 2020). The freshly rekindled
excitement for government interventionism in Poland and Hungary targets problems related to
the "preservation of the country," which include politics, cultural, and demographics. Quite a
comprehensive approach has been demonstrated by "nationwide," as existing power bearers in
Poland and Hungary term to themselves. Not just financial policies, but also public welfare, legal
and cultural regulations, the position of independent research universities, and international
migration and international strategy have been shifted to the "nationalism” (Varga, 2020). These
policies led the Europe towards more liberal or civic nationalism, also Donald Trump’s
campaign of “Make America Great Again” also supports such conventions towards liberal

Conservative nationalism. tutor2u. Politics. (2020). Retrieved March 15, 2022, from

Vaishnav, M. (2019, April 4). Religious nationalism and India's future - the BJP in power: Indian
democracy and Religious Nationalism. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Retrieved March 15, 2022, from

Khan, R. F. (2022, February 16). What's behind the escalating row over Hijabs in India? Religion
News | Al Jazeera. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from

Dhume, S. (2022, February 17). Opinion | India's hijab debate is both nuanced and nasty. The Wall
Street Journal. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from

Gustavsson, G., & Miller, D. (2019-12-13). Introduction: Why Liberal Nationalism Today?. In Liberal

Nationalism and Its Critics: Normative and Empirical Questions. : Oxford University Press.
Retrieved 15 Mar. 2022, from

Varga, M. (2020, October 18). The return of economic nationalism to East Central Europe Right-
wing intellectual milieus and anti-liberal resentment. Nations and Nationalism. Retrieved
March 15, 2022, from

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