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Sure he has, its just that no one ever had the proof of text messages and phone conversations

others on the line to corroborate
You sent Yesterday at 8:40 AM
That's why all of your texts between he and you, along with whatever he had you do in the name of
the MSTA are key.
You sent Yesterday at 8:41 AM
They used Temple finances to secure another corporations building, in the name of that corporation.
You sent Yesterday at 8:41 AM
Thats embezzlement and fraud
You sent Yesterday at 8:43 AM
They became directors of a christian church with the charge to further the program of that Christian
church, that's abandonment of the faith, which according to the Religious corporation act, and the
way he treated you is enough to declare the office of SGS/chm vacant according to the following...
You sent Yesterday at 8:43 AM
A trustee may be removed from office by an election, called and conducted in like manner as
elections for trustees, or his office declared vacant for a failure to act, immoral conduct, or for an
abandonment of the faith of the congregation, church or society. 805/110 Sec 40 ILCS
You sent Yesterday at 8:45 AM
They obtained that insurance in the name of New Galilee Missionary Baptist Church because they
never obtained the building in the name of the Moorish Science Temple of America but they used
Temple finance to do it. They used Temple finances to fix the building up.
You sent Yesterday at 8:46 AM
They have had for more than four years, the Moorish Science Temple of America, and Temple #1
illegally obtaining entry into a building that has an injunction which stipulates no usage or occupancy
is allowed until the building is up to code. They have put the MSTA in a bad situation. They have
jeopardized the members health and security.
You sent Yesterday at 8:47 AM
He, himself, has put you in a situation where you are being shamed and guilted because of his lower
self/carnal nature. That is immoral conduct
You sent Yesterday at 8:47 AM
These things will not be swept under the rug

Melinda sent Yesterday at 8:48 AM

I told them this it has black mold this is why wilder el hates me
Melinda sent Yesterday at 8:48 AM
Thank you
You sent Yesterday at 8:48 AM
They were not qualified to perform mold remediation.
You sent Yesterday at 8:49 AM
They ran a family out the temple because the father of the family would not bring his family to that
location because of the mold and overall safety issue of that building. When I was over Maryland
they ran one of the Grand Sheiks under me from out the movement because he told them the building
wasn't worth it, that is was set for demolition.
You sent Yesterday at 8:49 AM
So any and all emails that you have which sheds light into how they may have operated is going to
add more fuel to the fire
You sent Yesterday at 8:50 AM
No Sister, thank you for having the courage. I know its not easy on you. And you probably have
everyone in your in box inquiring.

Those are the MASS DOCUMENT I have they tell who is on the board
Melinda sent Yesterday at 3:13 PM
I sent you the documents that the insurance company has on new galiee but the check were from
moorish science temple

Melinda sent Yesterday at 3:18 PM

The proposal were written to and paid for by the moorish science temple. But the final report
given to insure the building I was given a call and told I had to change the name from the
Moorish science temple to New Galilee or the building would be insured. This is proof the
temple paid over 40k on a roof with no warranty and it’s still not completed.

Melinda sent Yesterday at 3:25 PM

The moorish science temple should have funded a project on a building they do not own and it’s
illegal to rent a building out that has violations and code issues
Melinda sent Yesterday at 3:25 PM
You sent Yesterday at 3:56 PM

Melinda sent Yesterday at 3:57 PM

Where are those board members for mass
You sent Yesterday at 3:57 PM

Melinda sent Yesterday at 3:59 PM

Where are the up dated min and where are those funds?
Melinda sent Yesterday at 3:59 PM
MAss hasn’t operated in urs where is that 27k
Tue 6:25 PM
You sent Yesterday at 6:25 PM
No one really knows what MASS does

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