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MBA 2021-23


Company: Strategy Soda

Industry: Advertising Services



Prepared by: ESHA RAO

PRN: 21050143033
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Project-2 Report 2022


Project-2 Report 2022

Strategy Soda is a group of committed strategists and purposeful producers who work in the

digital advertising and marketing industry. In whatever method the audience interacts with it,
They strategize and curate an engaging experience for them.

They specialise in cutting-edge digital advertising and provide cutting-edge solutions in Brand
Management, Online Business Consultation, Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization,
Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Management, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, and Content
Marketing. Email marketing, public relations and advertising, and website design and
development are all services that we offer. Online Reputation Management and Analytics &


This project opportunity thus involved brand strategists, as an intern I was supposed to work on a
new apps brand strategy and curate ideas which the company should do in order to make people
aware about the app. It also included analyzing consumer insights and crafting plans for the team
to promote the app across various channels. Strategies were built and justifications for the same
were provided.
Ultimately, we had to ensure our brand message and tone are consistent across all online and
offline channels.

Post the submission the mentor gave her valuable suggestions and mentioned if any changes to be
made. The experience for 7 weeks was encouraging and helped me grow both professionally and
personally. The project help me enhance my skills for the industry.

Project-2 Report 2022

Gather insights of the market and analyze consumer behavior.

Define positioning for the app

Create strategies which are different from other apps.

Making terminologies, suggestion for blog posts and hash tags for social media

Crafting marketing projects like campaigns, advertising banners and social media posts

Market research about other brands and there strategy

Design promotional campaigns for the app

Developing social media strategy for the new app

Visuals for social media

Identify possibilities and challenges by analyzing market trends.

Evaluation of the campaign how it will reach to the audience.

How to promote that the app has security features

Project-2 Report 2022

The company introduced with a new app and assigned to build strategy for the same. Brief for the

new app was provided with the approach they expected. They also gave few insights/ features

about the new app.

As Brand communication intern, I was assigned with the strategy building of the app with
required promotion. Pitch presentations were supposed to be made. With attached visuals and

justification for every idea and why do I think that shall be done. In total 3 presentations were
made and post that the mentor gave her suggestions if any further changes to be made.
After presentation the mentor assigned to give examples to the blog posts, provide visual aids to
all the ideas, and how/why the particular influencer, sponsors for the application.
Major task was to provide strategy for the new app and how to build awareness.

After the brief about the new app market research for the app and competitor analysis was done in
order to understand the market and the current trends.
Audience behaviour was observed to optimize content distribution over various platforms

Presentation was made with app background and brand strategy which included promotion idea
over different media platforms to gather attention and aware people about the application.
Curated content on the basis of requirement and platform was achieve.
Overall The presentation had market insights, brand positioning, strategies which are different
from other apps, Ideas for blog posts, social media strategy , Visuals for social media posts, Places
where the events will take place, Sponsor names with justification, Strategy for their USP.
Justification for all ideas and particular medium chosen
In total there were 3 submission with mentor meets.
All suggested changes after every submission was made without any fail and under designated

Project-2 Report 2022

I understood the application of communication analysis by studying about other apps and

market trends, which in turn helped me, understand tone and personality of the brand which

we studied briefly in our course on Account Planning.

This project helped me understand and differentiate between the various requirements in the

creative briefs, which further strengthened my understanding of concepts like content goals
from the course on Content Marketing.

How to create strategy for different brands by keeping the point of parity and point of
difference in mind, which I learned from the strategic brand management class.

Advertising research could help me understand the market and gave me a deeper
understanding Market research before providing with ads and which particular promotion
should be used in which platform and why.

Also, concepts of Principles of Management and gave a deeper understanding of Management

by Objective.

Project-2 Report 2022

 I was able to comprehend the applications and implications of communication analysis

through the project, and I was able to offer results based on the findings.

 The project opportunity gave me work experience as a Brand Strategist which helped me
understand how the real industry works.

 It gave me an excellent understanding of the full marketing mix.

 Brand-building for a real time app was done which kept me excited and made me work with
full potential. The project work helped me in my portfolio building.

 It made me research which enhanced my skills and gave me data-driven thinking.

 By providing new ideas and creating visual ads magnified my creativity

 My Communication and writing skills got improved.

 By signing the NDA for the project, I could enhance myself personally by keeping work
related things to myself which in return will be a good skill for future work as I can be
considered as a trustable employee.

Project-2 Report 2022

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