Trivia Quiz: - The Amazon Greenland The Pacific Madrid Saturn Thor Peter Parker

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1-What is the world’s longest river? The Nile- The Amazon- The Ganges
2-What is the world’s biggest island? Greenland- Fiji Island- Seychelles
3-Name the world’s largest ocean: The Atlantic- The Arctic- The Pacific
4-What is the capital city of Spain? Madrid- Barcelona- Bilbao
5-What is the name of the city
6-What is the sixth planet? Pluto- Mercury- Saturn
7-Which of the Avengers has a beard? Thor- Hulk- War Machine
8-What is the real name of Spider Man? Bruce Banner- Peter Parker-Steve
9-What are the primary colours? green, red, yellow- red, purple, yellow-
red, yellow, blue
10-In Siberia, the lowest temperature recorded was: - 50 degrees, -60
degrees, - 32 degrees

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