Reading Lesson Plan Tesol Son Hali - Edited

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Age: 16
Proficiency level: B1 (Pre-intermediate)
Duration: 40 minutes
Materials: Reading Text, Comprehension activities, Pictures.
To improve reading skills,
To encourage learners to work in groups,
To enable learners to practise reading skills with the help of activities,
To make students familiar with the target grammatical item “If Clause”.
To make students notice differences between Mexico and Canada

Pre-reading stage (10 minutes)

to get the learners ready for the lesson,
to make students curious about the topic,
to activate their previous background knowledge and engage students in the lesson,
to show the topic of the reading text to students.
Procedure: The teacher comes to the class and greets the students. The teacher shows some pictures to
students and pins them to the board. The teacher asks the students what they see in the pictures and
guides them by asking questions like “What do these pictures tell about?”, “Is it about a country?”, “Is
it about winter?” so that the teacher can help them to learn. After leading students to the topic, the
teacher collects the answers of students and writes them to the board.
1- The teacher comes to the class and says “Good morning/Hello everyone, how are you today?
2- The teacher says “Today, we are going to discover exciting things.”
3-She/he shows some pictures such as flags of Canada and Mexico, Canada and winter in Canada then
pins them to the board and asks “What do you see in the pictures, what is this? what could it be
about?’’ “What do these pictures tell about?”.
4- He collects the answers from students and helps them to understand the topic.
5- The teacher writes the responses to the board.
6- The teacher says "Now let’s proceed to see if your ideas are related to reading or not”.
While-reading stage (20 Minutes)
To practice reading skills, improve reading comprehension,
To help students internalize the target item rather than just focusing on certain parts of reading,
To create a grammatical consolidation about the target item.
To help students to acquire and use the knowledge.
Procedure: The teacher starts the while-reading part by giving instructions, shows the activity
and paper distributes it. She/he asks the students to read the text and understand the main idea of
the text. The teacher asks students to find if their ideas are mentioned in the text and gives a time
limitation for this activity which is two minutes. After students read the text, the teacher asks for
ideas from students about the text. Teacher and students elicit the ideas that they’ve given in the
pre-reading stage. After talking, eliciting and collecting information from students, the teacher
asks a question that needs careful reading for details. Naturally, students don’t answer. To make
them relieved, the teacher tells them it is very normal that they cannot answer. Then the teacher
tells students to read the text for the second time in three minutes. After reading teacher asks
students to complete two activities in ten minutes that are related to text which enables students
to internalize the target grammatical items. The teacher starts with collecting the answers of
students for the first activity, if students make a mistake teacher tries to correct them by asking
questions like “Why do you think so?” “At which part of the text did you get that idea” “Are
you sure?” and leads them to the correct answer. Then teacher passes to second activity and
does the same routine in five minutes. In the end, the teacher asks students whether they’ve any
questions or not and passes to the post-activity.

1- The teacher shows the while activity paper and says “Now, we are going to read a text and try to
understand the main idea of the text after that we are going to elicit your ideas. You’ll work on
your own and you have two minutes.”
2- S/he checks the instruction and lets students read the text for two minutes.
3- After reading, the teacher asks students about the main idea of the reading text and gets answers and
compares the students’ ideas that are written on the board and elicit them.
4- The teacher asks a detailed question about the text and naturally they don’t answer, so the teacher
wants students to read the text for a second time carefully in 3 minutes.
5- Teacher collects the answers about detailed questions and gives instructions about the first while
activity, gives a minute to students to read the text and collects the answers of students. If needed the
teacher corrects students by asking questions by leading them to correct answers.
6-After finishing the first activity teacher introduces the second activity, gives time limitations and
collects answers from students. The teacher corrects students if needed by asking many questions.
7- The teacher proceeds to post the activity by saying “alright everybody, this activity is over, you
worked great, thank you all!’’ and gets feedback from students by asking what they think and feel
about the activity.

Post-reading stage (10 Minutes)

to have them revise what they have learnt/acquired in the lesson,
to internalize the grammatical items by using reading skills,
to make students discuss in the target language,
to make students work in groups,
to produce something new in the target language.
Procedure: For the last activity, the teacher introduces the post-reading activity to students. S/he wants
students to choose 5 words from the text and write a short story with the chosen words. Students need
to use the target grammatical item which enables them to create genuine output. The teacher gives five
minutes to students so that they can brainstorm about the short story. After students complete the
brainstorming part teacher gives another five minutes for students to write, complete and share their
short stories with the classroom.
1- The teacher says “We are going to choose 5 words from the text and write a short story by using
these words also you should use the If clause in your sentences. You have 10 minutes for this
2- She/he checks the instruction,
3- The teacher monitors the students while they are discussing.
4-After they finish the writing, students share their stories with the classroom.
5- The teacher finishes the lesson by saying “there, our lesson is over, thank you all for your
participation and this enjoyable and useful lesson, you’ve made a good job! Hope to see you next
1) Visuals that are used on the pre-activity stage

2) Worksheet

See You Next Vacation Canada 

Susan is a young girl who spent three years working in Montreal, Canada. Now She
is working in her hometown Mexico again, and some friends ask her to talk about
the differences between Mexico and Canada because they want to go to Canada in
winter. Susan says that one of the main differences between Mexico and Canada is
the weather; in Mexico, we do not have extreme cold in winter, while in Canada it
gets around –20 Celsius Degrees. People in Canada are used to it because houses,
stores, restaurants and more places have heating. If people want to go out, they will
wear proper clothes for the cold. They will wear thick jackets, special boots over
the shoes, winter hats and scarves. If you go to the bus stop, you will find airproof,
glass-like shelters that protect people from the snow. Buses are always on time. If
you take a taxi you will pay more money and you need to call it before. If you want
to use your car, you will need to plug it into the electricity because the oil and the
water of the car are frozen. Although it is very cold, you will find that stores and
restaurants are open if you go to the malls or downtown. You will pay 25 dollars for
each person if you want to have dinner in an average restaurant. If you want to buy
fruits and vegetables, you will pay a lot because, because they aren’t produced in

A) There are six statements below, read them and match them with one of the
countries that are written.

Canada Mexico

1) If you want to buy fruits in this country, it will cost a lot.

2) If you use buses in this country, you won’t wait a lot.
3) If you live in this country, winters won’t be too cold.
4) You will need special winter boots if you spend your winters in this
5) You can use your car in winter without freezing if you live in this country.
6) You can be Susan's friend if you are in this country.

B) Read the statements below and decide whether they are true, false or not

1) Susan loves Mexico more than Canada. True/False/Not mentioned

2) Susan worked in Canada for more than 3 years. True/False/Not
3) Susan’s friends want to visit Canada in winter. True/False/Not mentioned
4) Canada is colder than Mexico. True/False/Not mentioned
5) If you live in Mexico, you will take precautions for cold. True/False/Not
C) Turn to your elbow partners and choose 5 five words from the text, create a
short story using the words that are chosen.

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