Semiconductors: The Use of Hydrodynamic Cavitation For Calcium Removal From Electronics Wastewater

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he inorganic wastewater converted to insoluble calcium carbon- sure and collapse catastrophically. Dur-
produced in the etching ate (CaCO3) by adjusting water chemis- ing the collapse of cavities, extremely
process for the manufac- try. This can be accomplished by strip- high temperature and intensive pressure
turing of semiconductors ping dissolved CO2 gas from water, add- wave are generated around the cavities.
in the electronics indus- ing chemicals such as caustic (NaOH) These extreme physical conditions can
tries contains high con- and lime (Ca(OH)2, CaO) to raise pH. accelerate chemical reactions, including
centrations of fluoride When insufficient carbonate alkalinity the precipitation of CaCO3, and rupture
and nitrate. The chemical precipitation exists, addition of soda ash (Na2CO3) is bacteria cells (6-10).
process with lime is commonly used to required to supply the necessary carbon- In this work, a hydrodynamic cavita-
economically remove fluoride. This ate ions. The precipitation method relies tion devicea was incorporated into the
usually results to high calcium residual on the nucleation and subsequent growth conventional soda ash process to en-
in the effluent, which can adversely af- of CaCO3 particles. Therefore, the cal- hance the calcium removal from the ef-
fect the later stages of wastewater treat- cium removal rate and efficiency can be fluent of fluoride removal process. Test
ment processes, such as membrane biore- improved be enhancing the precipitation results reported in the following sections
actors (MBR), which are generally in- process. show that this new process can effective-
corporated for reuse of the wastewater. Hydrodynamic cavitation has been ly accelerate the CaCO3 precipitation
Thus, the effective removal of residual proven as effective to facilitate the pre- and improve the calcium removal effi-
calcium from the effluent of a fluoride cipitation process. Cavitation is the dy- ciency.
removal process is desirable. namic process of the formation, growth,
There are many different approaches and collapse of micro-sized bubbles in a Materials and Methods
to remove dissolved calcium from water fluid. When static pressure falls below a Test method. Figure 1 shows the test
stream. Ion exchange using zeolite and critical value, cavities start to form and setup. The test tank was equipped with
resin has been proven effective (1, 2). continue to grow in the fluid. With a a three-blade mixer. The rotation speed
But this process is not economical for sudden increase in pressure, these cavi- of mixer was kept constant at 148 revo-
the large-scale application. Membrane ties cannot sustain the surrounding pres- lutions per minute (rpm) to simulate the
filtration is also effective, especially with
recent developments in membrane tech-
nologies (3-5). However, membrane TABLE A
fouling and deterioration often cause Summary of Water Analysis Results for Test Water
high operation and maintenance costs.
The precipitation method remains as the Item Unit Concentration
most economical method. Temperature o
C 2.5-26.0 (17.9)
In this approach, dissolved calcium is pH 6.2-8.5 (7.1)
Conductivity μS/cm 2.5-4.9 (3.6)
By Sun-Jip Kim, Ph.D. Alkalinity mg CaCO3/L 22-111 (49)
Jin-Young Park, Ca mg/L 74-359 (170)
Won-Kwon Lee, Ph.D., Mg mg/L 3.1-4.9 (4.0)
G&G Co. Ltd. Na mg/L 165-287 (226)
Wiley Wang, Ph.D., K mg/L 4.8-6.4 (5.6)
VRTX Technologies LLC F mg/L 7.8-19.5 (12.7)
Yong-Woo Lee, Ph.D., Cl mg/L 413-548 (481)
Samsung Engineering Co. NO3 mg/L 255-262 (259)
Kyu-Won Hwang SO4 mg/L 375-545 (460)
Samsung Electronics Co.
CODCr mg/L 39-81 (56)
ISSN:0747-8291. COPYRIGHT (C) Tall Oaks T-N mg/L 307-326 (314)
Publishing, Inc. Reproduction in whole, or in NH4-N mg/L 193-205 (198)
part, including by electronic means, without per- T-P mg/L 0.04-0.14 (0.08)
mission of publisher is prohibited. Those regis-
tered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Note: Values in parentheses are the averaged concentrations.
may photocopy this article for a flat fee per copy.

26 ULTRAPURE WATER® March 2007--UP240226

conventional soda ash process. In the hydrodynamic cavitation
process, the treatment unit withdrew test water from the bottom
of the test tank and returned it to the top. After the test tank was
filled up, certain amounts of Na2CO3 was added to supplement
the necessary alkalinity. The reaction time was limited to 30
minutes for each test. Water samples were collected prior to the
Na2CO3 addition and during the reaction period to monitor the
changes of dissolved calcium and other water chemistry param-

Treatment unit for hydrodynamic cavitation process.

The treatment capacity of the treatment unit used in this study
was 80 liters per minute (L/min). The treatment unit was Figure 1. An illustration of the hydrodynamic cavitation
designed on the principle of controlled hydrodynamic cavita- process setup.
tion and has been used in cooling water treatment to control
scale, corrosion, and bacterial problems. The unit consists of
a pressure-equalizing chamber and a cavitation chamber. In-
side the cavitation chamber, two pairs of nozzles are positioned
opposite each other — at specific distances, lengths and angles.
Water is first pump into the pressure-equalizing chamber at a
pump pressure of 70 pounds per square inch gauge (psig).
From the equalizing chamber, water is channeled into the
cavitation chamber, where water is forced to rotate at high
velocities. The rotation of water streams creates a high vacu-
um, typically greater than -27.5’ mercury (Hg). This high
vacuum condition causes micro-sized cavities to form in the
water streams. The water streams in two nozzles rotate in
opposite directions. Meanwhile, the water streams travel
forward at high speeds. Upon exiting from the nozzle, the
opposite water streams collide at the mid-point of cavitation
chamber. At this point, pressure increases spontaneously, Figure 2. Calculated alkalinity/calcium hardness ratio in test
causing the sudden implosion of cavities and generating hydro- water.
dynamic cavitation.

Analytical methods. Water chemistry analyses included

pH, conductivity, alkalinity, and hardness. The conductivity
and pH were measured using a Orion 125A+ conductivity
meter (Thermo, U.S.) and an Orion 720A pH meter (Thermo,
U.S.). The alkalinity was determined using the traditional
titrimetric method. The calcium concentration was analyzed
with inductively coupled plasma method (ICP-OES Liberty,
Varian, U.S.). For selected samples, a more detailed analysis
was performed. An ICS-2000 Ion Chromatography (Dionex,
U.S.) was used to measure the inorganic ions; an AA3 Contin-
uous-Flow Wet-Chemical Analyzer (Bran+Luebbe, Germany)
was used to determine total nitrogen, and total phosphorous.
Organic content was measured using the Reactor Digestion
Method (Hach Method 8000). Total suspended solids (TSS) Figure 3. Changes of calcium removal with the hydrodynamic
were estimated with the procedure described in Standard cavitation process treatment frequency.
Methods 2540 D (11). CaCO3 precipitates were collected from
selected runs for particle size distribution analysis using a of 2.5 to 4.9 millisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm) and pH
MastersizerS Particle Analyzer (Malvern Inc., U.K.). changed from 6.2 to 8.5. The calcium concentration was in the
range of 74 to 359 milligrams per liter (mg/L), with an average
Results and Discussion of 170 mg/L and alkalinity was in the range of 22 to 111 mg
Laboratory test. The test water was collected from the CaCO3/L with an average of 49 mg CaCO3/L. Most of calcium
effluent stream of the fluoride removal process at an electronics hardness was in the form of non-carbonate (permanent hard-
manufacturer. Over the course of this test, effluent temperature ness), as indicated by low alkalinity/Ca hardness ratio in Figure
fluctuated from 2.5 to 26.0oC. Conductivity varied in the range 2. The total suspended solids were 0.5 to 5.0 mg/L during the
ULTRAPURE WATER® March 2007--UP240226 27
Figure 5. CaCO3 particle size distribution in the HVC and
Figure 4. Changes of Ca removal with Na2CO3 dose. conventional processes.

test period. Table A summarizes the remained almost unchanged with the CaCO3 particles were smaller than 55
concentration range and average of the further increase in the treatment fre- mm in the hydrodynamic process. The
main constituents in the test waters. quency. Based on these results, it is predominant particles were distributed
Contents of heavy metals, such as alumi- recommended that the hydrodynamic narrowly between 15 to 35 μm. It is also
num (Al), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), treatment unit for the process should interesting to note that often there was a
cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper have the capacity for treatment frequen- secondary peak around 2.5 μm for parti-
(Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), lead cy of 2.0 to 4.0. cles form the hydrodynamic cavitation
(Pb), and strontium (Sr), were usually Although the chemistry of test water process.
below 0.01 mg/L. varied over a wide range during the test The significant difference in particle
Due to high concentration of non-car- period, all test results indicated that the sizes indicates that more CaCO3 parti-
bonated hardness (approximately 80 %, HVC process can significantly acceler- cles were formed in the HVC process.
based on total hardness), the test water ate the precipitation reaction and reduce This is in agreement with previous stud-
was often under saturated to CaCO3. the Na2CO3 dose. Figure 4 shows the ies that hydrodynamic cavitation can
Even for effluent with high pH and alka- typical changes of calcium removal with facilitate the nucleation process of CaCO3
linity, the degree of supersaturation was Na2CO3 dose observed. On average, the precipitation. More CaCO3 nuclei were
too low to yield any significant calcium calcium removal efficiency of 26% was formed from the supersaturated solution
removal in the form of CaCO3. There- increased when Na2CO3 was dosed with in the HVC process by cavitation action.
fore, Na2CO3 was added to supply the the rate of 530 mg/L in feed. To achieve In addition, it is also possible that some
alkalinity and carbonate ions. a 70% calcium removal, amounts of of the CaCO3 particles were disintegrat-
Preliminary test results show that for Na2CO3 required could be reduced near- ed into small pieces under cavitation
the hydrodynamic cavitation process, the ly 20% with the hydrodynamic process. action and collision force generated by
calcium removal efficiency was affected The enhanced calcium removal by the the two water streams inside of the HVC
by the process’ treatment frequency. The hydrodynamic process, at least partially, unit. This could be responsible for the
most significant improvement was ob- is related to the population and size of secondary peak shown in Figure 6. Based
served when the treatment frequency CaCO3 particles formed in the water. on mass balance, it is estimated that the
was less than 2.0, followed by a much Particle size analysis revealed that CaCO3 number of CaCO3 particles formed was
slower improvement with further in- particles formed in the hydrodynamic increased at least 50 times by the hydro-
crease in the treatment frequency. A process were much smaller and more dynamic cavitation process. A high pop-
typical change of calcium removal with uniform. Selected test results are sum- ulation of CaCO3 particles provided more
the HVC treatment frequency is depict- marized in Table B and Figure 5. The active sites for CaCO3 molecules to grow
ed in Figure 3. In this set of tests, average particles size was reduced from on. Consequently, the calcium-removal
calcium removal was 40% with the con- 95 micrometer (μm) to 25 μm when the rate was increased and the added Na2CO3
ventional method, but was improved to hydrodynamic cavitation treatment was can be more effectively used within the
70% with the hydrodynamic treatment applied. The specific surface area of reaction period. This relationship is
frequency at 2.0. The calcium removal CaCO3 particles was increased almost illustrated in Figure 6 with the assump-
was further increased to 78% with treat- 10 times. While CaCO3 particles ranged tion of a liner dependence of CaCO3
ment frequency at 4.0. Beyond this from 15 μm to over 170 μm in the con- growth rate on calcium concentration.
point, the efficiency of calcium removal ventional soda ash method, most of the Despite the significant differences in

28 ULTRAPURE WATER® March 2007--UP240226

WaterTech of Eco-STAR project fund-

TABLE B ed by Ministry of Environment, South

Summary of Particle Size Analysis Results Korea.■

Operation Mode Hydrodynamic Conventional References

Process* Process* 1. Herrmann, C.C.; Klein, G., “Zeolite for
Average particle size (mm) 95 25 Selective Calcium Removal from Brack-
ish Water”, Reactive Polymers, Ion Ex-
Specific surface area (m2/g) 0.079 0.783 changers, Sorbents 5(3), pp. 281-293
Uniformity 2.905 E-01 4.005 E-01 (May 1987).
*See Endnote. 2. Ahn, B.G.; Oh, J.I.; Chang, Y.H. “Remov-
al of Concentrated Calcium Ion in Indus-
trial Wastewater Using a Packed Column
particle size and specific surface area, of Zeolites”, Korean Society of Environ-
there were little differences in the chem- Economic analysis. By effective mental Engineering Conference, Seoul,
South Korea, pp. 981-983 (May 1-3, 2003).
ical compositions of CaCO3 formed from control of dissolved calcium concentra-
the two different processes. All chemi- tion in wastewater stream, significant 3. Sabate, J.; Pujola, M.; Liorens, J. “Two-
Phases Model for Calcium Removal from
cal analyses showed that the calcium saving can be achieved by reduce the Aqueous Solution by Polymer-Enhanced
accounted for 99.2% of all cations in the maintenance cost on bioreactor mem- Ultrafiltration”, Journal of Membrane Sci-
precipitated CaCO3 particles. Sodium, brane. Based on this study, the net present ence 24(1-2), pp. 139~152 (July 2002).
magnesium, and aluminum were usually worth (NPW) analysis shows that the 4. Viero, A.F.; Mazzarollo, A.C.R.; Wada, K.;
in the ranges of 0.3 to 0.4%, 0.1 to 0.2%, hydrodynamic cavitation process is more Tessaro, I.C. “Removal of Hardness and
and 0.1 to 0.3%, respectively. Very low cost effective than the conventional soda COD from Retaining Treated Effluent by
Membrane Process”, Desalination, 149,
concentrations of manganese and iron, ash process for application in the elec-
pp. 145-149 (March 2002).
in the range of 0.02 to 0.04%, were also tronics wastewater treatment plant de-
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End Ultrafiltration in Hard Water Treat-
In addition, the hydrodynamic process ment”, Desalination, 168, pp. 341-346
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itation process. Based on the labora- ing the CaCO3 precipitation reaction and, 6. Sawyer, C.L.; McCarty, P.L.; Parkin, C.F.
tory tests, the optimum operation condi- therefore, reduce the size of reaction Chemistry for Environmental Engineer-
tion and Na2CO3 dose was obtained for tank and/or improve the efficiency of ing, McGraw-Hill Inc., Singapore, p.491
the hydrodynamic cavitation process. A plant operation. (1994).
field test was conducted using the efflu- 7. Brennen, C.E. Cavitation and Bubble Dy-
ent of the same fluoride removal process Conclusion namics, Oxford University Press, New
York, N.Y., p. 70 (1995).
for the above laboratory tests. At this The hydrodynamic cavitation process is
facility, the effluent from fluoride re- effective to remove dissolved calcium 8. Suslick, K.S.; Mdleleni, M.M.; Ries, J.T.
moval process will be commingled with from wastewater streams. Compared to “Chemistry Induced by Hydrodynamic
Cavitation”, Journal of the American
organic waste stream and then treated the conventional soda ash process, the Chemical Society 119(39), pp. 9303-9304
with bioreactor (MBR) to remove dis- hydrodynamic process requires a small- (July 1997).
solved nitrogen. To maintain bioreac- er sodium carbonate dose and yields 9. Kalumuck, K.M.; Chahine, G.L. “The Use
tor’s efficiency, the calcium concentra- higher calcium removal. The reaction of Cavitating Jets to Oxidize Organic
tion in the mixed wastewater stream is time can be reduced because of the ac- Compounds in Water”, Proceedings of
recommended less than 30 mg/L. Based celerated CaCO3 precipitation in the FEDSM’98, 1998 ASME Fluids Engineer-
ing Division Summer Meeting, Washing-
on the back-calculation as shown in Fig- hydrodynamic process, resulting to more ton, D.C., pp. 1-8 (June 21-25, 1998).
ure 7, the calcium removal from the efficient operation of the wastewater
10. Gravely M.; Belle, B.L.; Balachandra, J.
effluent of fluoride removal process treatment plant. In addition, the water
“Independent Assessment of the Energy
should be around 70 %. quality of the effluent is more easily Savings, Environmental Improvements
Selected field test results are summa- controlled by the hydrodynamic cavita- and Water Conservation of Emerging Non-
rized in Figure 8. Despite the wide range tion process. The net present worth chemical Water Treatment Technologies”,
EPRI/PIER Advanced Cooling Strategies/
of changes in water chemistry, dissolved (NPW) analysis shows that the hydrody- Technologies Conference, Sacramento,
calcium was effectively removed by the namic process can be more cost effec- Calif. (June 2, 2005).
hydrodynamic process. During the sta- tive than the conventional process for
11 APHA, AWWA, and WEF, Standard Meth-
ble operation period, the calcium re- application in the electronics wastewa- ods for the Examination of Water and
moval efficiency was maintained at ter treatment. Wastewater, 20th Ed., Clescerl, L.S.;
around 70%, with 63% of removal when Greenberg ,A.E.; Eaton, A.D., eds., Amer-
ican Public Health Association, Washing-
initial calcium concentration was low Acknowledgements
ton, D.C. (1998).
and 76% when initial calcium concen- This research was supported by a grant
tration was high. ( I2 WATERTECH 04-06) from 12. Kelsey, R.; Koontz, D.; Wang, W. “An
Innovative and Alternative Method for

ULTRAPURE WATER® March 2007--UP240226 29

Author Sun-Jip Kim, Ph.D., is a chief of Central Research
Center at G&G Co, Ltd. He has 20 years of experience in
development and application of water and wastewater treat-
ment procesess. He holds a doctorate from Konkuk University
in South Korea and is a member of IEC and KSEE.
Coauthor Jin-Young Park is a researcher of Central Re-
search Center at G&G Co. and has 4 years of experience in
development and application of water and wastewater treat-
ment processes.
Coauthor Won-Kwon Lee, Ph.D., is CEO at G&G Co. and
has 24 years of experience in development and application of
industrial water treatment processes. He holds a doctorate
from Hanyang University in South Korea.
Coauthor Wiley Wang, Ph.D., is senior chemist at VRTX
Technologies LLC. He has 16 years of experience in water
chemistry, water treatment product developments and appli-
Figure 6. Changes of calcium removal and CaCO3 particle size cations, laboratory and field testing, and evaluations. He
with time in batch treatment for different CaCO3 particle holds a doctorate from Texas A&M University and is an active
concentration (Solid line for high concentration and dashed line member of NACE, AIChE,, and ACS.
for low concentration) (12). Coauthor Yong-Woo Lee, Ph.D., is a general manager of
Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd. and is in charge of environ-
mental technology development at the R&D Center. He has 21
years of experience in advanced domestic and industrial
wastewater treatment, and reuse systems. He received his
doctorate. at Polytechnic University and is an active member
Coautho Kyu-Won Hwang is a manager of water treatment
team at Samsung Electronics. He has 9 years of experience in
construction and operation of water and wastewater treatment

Figure 7. Estimated calcium budget in the wastewater treatment Key words: SEMICONDUCTORS, WASTEWATER

Figure 8. Calcium removal efficiency of the hydrodynamic

cavitation process.

Cooling Water Treatment”, 2001 International Water Conference,

Pittsburgh, Pa. (October 22-24, 2001).

The hydrodynamic cavitation device referred to in the text is from VRTX
Technologies of San Antonio, Texas. The process is known as the Hyperki-
netic VRTX Crystallization (HVC) and is used to accelerate CaCO3 precip-
30 ULTRAPURE WATER® March 2007--UP240226

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