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Management consultant

productivity hacks
How to be lazy and still get things done


Management consultants are brutally efficient

In this presentation I will show you how
to do the right things fast and efficiently
so you can enjoy fully your work and life

What will we talk about?

Selection Faster pace Team work

 Issue tree  SMART goals  Tools

 Priorities  To-do list  Time budget
 Low hanging fruits  Tools  Collect knowledge
 Benchmarks  Bottlenecks  Bottlenecks
 80/20 rule  Multitasking  Up-or-out
 Emails  Manage expectations
 Folder structure  Sprints
 Simplify  Universal soldiers
 Standards and templates  Oh no methods
 Iteration  Meetings
 Smart batching and 1 piece  Australian race
 Templates, Modules,
 Automation and Delegation Standards
 Zero Defect Rule
 Knowing for your customer
and being him
Which frameworks will we use?

Getting things done Lean manufacturing

80/20 Critical Chain

Theory of constraints Lean startup

What you will see in this presentation is are part of our on-line
course on how to be productive. You can get it with all the
additional resources with great discount

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How to select things that it
makes sense to concentrate on?

What to do and what
NOT to do?

It makes more sense to stand
still than to chase the wrong
If you are traveling on a train, before trying to
speed it up check whether you are heading in
the right direction.

See the forest first
and then the trees

Can't see the forest for the trees
Rules that will help you see the forest and not get distracted
by the many trees around you

Go from general to
Don’t read too much

Look for main drivers Set the stopping point

(up to 5) for details

Start with an empty Don’t go too fast into

page details

Be critical and selective Set time limits

Get views from

Go to the forest
different angels

Example of how to see the forest first – consulting project.
Many go too fast to details and do not see the general picture

Going from specific to general

Ask for all data

Go through data Ask for more data
(50 points)

Find ways to cut

Analyze all data

It makes much more sense to start from the general picture and
only after this go to details. It the case of consulting project that
would mean start with i.e. asking for cost structure and only going
in details for most important items

Going from general to specific

Ask only for data
hypotheses for
Ask cost structure to check
the main cost

Find the most

Analyze the
important ways
selected data
to cut costs

As a result you get the work done 5-10 times faster and
almost all the possible effect

Going from specific to general Going from general to specific

Ask only for
Ask for all data Go through Ask for more Ask cost hypotheses for
data to check
(50 points) data data structure the main cost
position hypotheses

Find the most

Find ways to Analyze all important Analyze the
cut costs data ways to cut selected data

5-10 x faster

You get 75-95% of the impact

Use simple math

Whenever somebody mentions
math you see the dreaded formulas
There are some rules that are worth following

 Main things that certain thing depends on

Find drivers

Make educated guess

Round to integers  Instead of multiplying 2,3 by 3,61 multiple 2 by 4

Calculate in your mind

Do sampling afterwards

Write down the rough

Imagine that you want to use simple math to estimate how
long you will wait in the queue. You should use the following
simple formula

Number of people in
x Time per 1 customer
the queue

Number of cash

If you try to calculate the using the exact digits you may get

Number of people in
x Time per 1 customer
the queue

Number of cash

Number of Time you will

Number of Time per 1
people in the wait
cash tilts customer
queue In min

32 3 2.3 23.4

Yet, if you round it up to integers you get fast a good-enough

Number of people in
x Time per 1 customer
the queue

Number of cash

Number of Time you will

Number of Time per 1
people in the wait
cash tilts customer
queue In min

32 3 2.3 23.4

30 3 2 20.0
Issue tree

Issue tree is a concept that help you guess in a structured
manner the problems, reasons causing those problems and
on the basis of this decide what should be analyzed
Analysis to be
Area of analysis Suspected problems Possible reasons performed

Possible Reason 1 Analysis 1

Problem 1

Possible Reason 2 Analysis 2

Area 1

Possible Reason 3 Analysis 3

Problem 2

Possible Reason 4 Analysis 4

Have a look at an issue tree example for a chicken meat
producer. We guess that he has 3 problems in Logistics
Analysis to be
Area of analysis Suspected problems Possible reasons performed

High costs of transport per ton of


Big level of waste and breakage in


Low usage of resources

Then for those problems we try to guess the reasons
causing them
Analysis to be
Area of analysis Suspected problems Possible reasons performed

Badly designed routes

High costs of transport per ton of

Too big fuel usage

No shipments on the way back

Badly designed method of packaging

which makes the product prone to
Big level of waste and breakage in

Speed not adjusted to the product

Badly organized work and schedule of


Low usage of resources

Limitation on delivery time of finished

Finally we come up with analyzes we have to carry to prove
or disprove these hypotheses (that certain reason is causing
certain problem Analysis to be
Area of analysis Suspected problems Possible reasons performed
Analysis of designed routes, their
Badly designed routes length and the influence of possible

High costs of transport per ton of Analysis of fuel usage and kilometers
Too big fuel usage
goods covered by vehicles

Analysis of load carried on the way

No shipments on the way back

Badly designed method of packaging Analysis of correlation between type

which makes the product prone to of packaging and percentage of
damage damaged
Big level of waste and breakage in
Analysis of time spent on the way and
Speed not adjusted to the product
kilometers covered in that time

Badly organized work and schedule of Analysis of level of overtime, daily

deliveries organization of drivers work

Low usage of resources

Limitation on delivery time of finished Analysis of Clients’ preferences on
goods delivery time

Low hanging fruit

We are taught to look for challenges. In
real life it makes more sense to start with
the simple things that give you big impact
Get the low hanging fruits first. By low hanging
fruits we mean things with big impact and easy
to accomplish. You should first concentrate on
low hanging fruits and only after that go for
other priorities
How to find low hanging fruits? Low hanging fruits



2 1

 Things with big impact yet  Things with big impact that
expensive, time consuming require little work

No 3

 Easy but with low impact

Low Resources needed

Big Small 32
Example of low hanging fruits for StartupAkademia
Low hanging fruits
Impact (traffic generated
to the web)

High 2  Blog posts 1

 Udemy Course

 Office hours
 Additional resources

 Events

4 3

 Slideshare presentation
 Sniply
 Youtube
Resources needed
Low (money + time)
 Twitter

Big Small 33

There are 4 types of priorities you can use

 FCFS – First Come First

Served (FIFO)
 LCFS – Last Come First (LIFO)
 Due Date
 SOT – Shortest Operating Time

Depending on the rules you use you will do differen things
needed for
When completion
it came In minutes FCFS LCFS Deadline SOT
Task Deadline

 Write 1 blog post  01.04  10.04  120 1 5 4 5

 Analyze sales  01.04  04.04  30 2 4 1 4


 Send email  02.04  09.04  2 3 3 3 1

 Read 4 articles  02.04  11.04  25 4 2 5 3

 Pay for cable TV  03.04  04.04  4 5 1 2 2

I use apply a mixture of SOT and Deadlines as it gives biggest
impact fast especially in a team set-up
needed for
When completion
In minutes Deadline SOT
Task it came Deadline

 Write 1 blog post  01.04  10.04  120 4 5

 Analyze sales  01.04  04.04  30 1 4


 Send email  02.04  09.04  2 3 1

 Read 4 articles  02.04  11.04  25 5 3

 Pay for cable TV  03.04  04.04  4 2 2


Without some point of reference you will not know
whether you are tall or short

There are 2 types of benchmarks

Internal External

 Based on previous execution  Based on some external source (i.e. reports)

 Extremely comparable  Not that easily comparable

 Very reliable  They to be treated with caution

 Detailed – can be put for each and every activity  Only for chosen amount of activities

 Can give you food for drastic improvements - by

analyzing them you can find totally different
method of working

By comparing your results and benchmarks you can decide
what to improve, work on
Current Internal External
Area Unit result Conclusions

 Salary  K USD  5 4 7  Your salary went up in

comparison with your previous
one but you are still below the

 Speed of typing  words/ minute  40 39 80  Your typing speed has improved

slightly yet you are far below the
speed achieved by others

 Speed of  minute  15 10 12  You not only improved your speed

analyzing Excel of analyzing but also are better
than others
 Makes sense to teach others how
to do it

Applying 80/20 rule
in practice

80/20 – Pareto Principal

What does 80/20 mean in practice

 Concentrate only on the big items

 Concentrate on the big customers
 Analyze the most typical cases
 Concentrate on the most frequently occurring
 Analyze problems with big impact
 Your analyses should have only 20% of the
variable that generate 80% of the impact
 Start with subjects where you see the biggest
difference between actual results and

Here are 3 examples of using 80/20 rules

Area Description

 Learning Visual  Learn only the 5 most used items that will take only 20% of full course and will
Basic for Excel be used by in you in 80% cases

 Checking  You check only 20% of competitors that sales add-up to 80% of the market

 Salsa course  Go through 20% of the course to learn the moves and the figures used by 80% of

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How you can work

Create to-do lists

To do list will help you to arrange you work into smaller
actionable pieces

There are few rules that will help you write down the to-do
list and make the best out of them

Use calendar as one of

Put everything on a list
the lists

Go through lists
Use multiple lists

Specific actionable Use tools to track tasks

things execution

Divided jobs into small

Put project as to-do list

Set pace

You can use different type of list of to-dos

Lists by status – by Getting Things Done

Next Someday
Projects Waiting for
Actions Maybe

Lists by place– by Getting Things Done

Home Work On-line Calendar Phone

Lists by status
To be done Done

Lists by production stages – example of udemy course

Topic Post-
Presentation Script Recording Upload
Research production

I use 4 types of lists

Managing me Managing Project done for Supervising

personal team customers startups

To be done Monika Project A Startup A

Expecting from
Lidia Project B Startup B

Recurring items Michael Project C Startup C

Master list Lisa Project D Startup D

Set SMART goals

The SMAR formula translates to 5 rules you should use when
defining the goals

S Specific – target a specific area for improvement

M Measurable – it has to be quantifiable; you have to have a way of measuring it

A Assignable – it says who will do it

R Realistic – it can be delivered

T Time-related – it says when it has do be delivered / by which dates

SMART goals should be set for the task but also for skills

Goals for ordinary tasks Goals for skills

 Avoid vague tasks  Set goals for improving your skills

 Always for projects set deliverable, date and  Set goals for learning new things
responsible person
 Set goals for making the repetitive things faster and
 Merge the task with the goal on the to-do list and better
set the right pace to a achieve the goal within the
defined time

Imagine that you want to write a book. Let’s translate it into
task with SMART goals

Imagine that you

want to write a book
Define the size
Divided into Make the tasks Set the pace and
of the book and
small tasks SMART execute

You first have to define the size of the book and the deadline
by which it has to be written

Imagine that you

want to write a book
Define the size
Divided into Make the tasks Set the pace and
of the book and
small tasks SMART execute

 200 pages
 1 page = 800
 Time= 1 year

Once you have the size and deadline divide it into small tasks.
In our case it will be writing pages

Imagine that you

want to write a book
Define the size
Divided into Make the tasks Set the pace and
of the book and
small tasks SMART execute

 200 pages  Write pages

 1 page = 800
 Time= 1 year

Obviously “writing pages”is not SMART so you have to be
more specific. In our case we set the goal as 1 page per day

Imagine that you

want to write a book
Define the size
Divided into Make the tasks Set the pace and
of the book and
small tasks SMART execute

 200 pages  Write pages  Write 1 page

 1 page = 800 every day
 Time= 1 year

Finally, you have to have a way of controlling the pace and
reacting. In our case once a week you make a summary. If
you are below the target you have to speed up or allocate
more resources
Imagine that you
want to write a book
Define the size
Divided into Make the tasks Set the pace and
of the book and
small tasks SMART execute

 200 pages  Write pages  Write 1 page  Measure every

 1 page = 800 every day week completion
characters rate against the
 Time= 1 year target (1
 If necessary act
to keep the pace

By comparing your results and benchmarks you can decide
what to improve, work on
Area Unit result Internal External Target Actions

 Learn  Level  0 n/a Intermediate  Intermediate  Sing-in the course

Spanish in 2 years  Listen to Spanish TV 30 minutes
every day

 Speed of  words/  40 39 80  Achieve 60  Enroll into a on-line course

typing minute words/minute  Devote 15 minutes every day to
In 3 months training

Map your skills, experience, skills and set goals where you
want to be Current

# of projects Industry

Experience Current Target Current Target

 Sales projects  1  4

 Marketing projects  2  6

 Supply chain projects  2  2

 Production projects  3  3

 HR projects  0  1

Skills Lowest Level Highest level

 Excel

 Negotiation

 English

 Optimizing production

 Setting up on-line
marketing campaigns

Use the right tools
and master them

People tend to use old tools there are used to
as they have no incentive to work better and
faster. You can drastically improve the
efficiency by identifying the right tools

Let’s have a look at tools used in consulting

First you list most often activites

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Analyze

 Present

 Collect knowledge

 Manage projects
and teams

 Sell

Then you list the tools currently used

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Analyze  Excel

 Present  Power Point

 Collect knowledge  Database on Google

Sheet with links

 Manage projects  Database on Google

and teams Sheet

 Sell  Direct sales and

content marketing
on events

As a 3rd step you try to device ways to improve your usage of
those tools
Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve
Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Analyze  Excel  Learn advanced formulas ,

formats and VBA,
 Present  Power Point  Learn animation, using of
templates, shortcuts

 Collect knowledge  Database on Google  Use advanced function

Sheet with links and templates, use zapier
for partial automation

 Manage projects  Database on Google  Learn advanced features

and teams Sheet of Google Sheet that will
enable you managing the
project or team

 Sell  Direct sales and  Increases your network

content marketing (LinkedIn) and start
on events propagating content
marketing on different
platforms (Guest blogging,
reports distributed to
customers, Slideshare)

Finally you can look for much better options.

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Analyze  Excel  Learn advanced formulas ,  Test Access, SPSS, R

formats and VBA, for specific
shortcuts purposes
 Present  Power Point  Learn animation, using of  Test Prezio,
templates, shortcuts Powtoon, Explain
everything for this

 Collect knowledge  Database on Google  Use advanced function  Test Get Pocket,
Sheet with links and templates, use zapier Evernote
for partial automation

 Manage projects  Database on Google  Learn advanced features  Test Asana, Leankit,
and teams Sheet of Google Sheet that will Smartsheet, Trelllo,
enable you managing the Nobe
project or team

 Sell  Direct sales and  Increases your network  Use Linkedin

content marketing (LinkedIn) and start Premium, Buffer,
on events propagating content start microblogging
marketing on different on Twitter, Google+
platforms (Guest blogging,  Get for cold
reports distributed to calling and delegate
customers, Slideshare) it partially to other
team members

You have to find tools for the most often done activities

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Analyze  Excel  Learn advanced formulas ,  Test Access, SPSS, R

formats and VBA, for specific
shortcuts purposes
 Present  Power Point  Learn animation, using of  Test Prezio,
templates, shortcuts Powtoon, Explain
everything for this

 Collect knowledge  Database on Google  Use advanced function  Test Get Pocket,
Sheet with links and templates, use zapier Evernote
for partial automation

 Manage projects  Database on Google  Learn advanced features  Test Asana, Leankit,
and teams Sheet of Google Sheet that will Smartsheet, Trelllo,
enable you managing the Nobe
project or team

 Sell  Direct sales and  Increases your network  Use Linkedin

content marketing (LinkedIn) and start Premium, Buffer,
on events propagating content start microblogging
marketing on different on Twitter, Google+
platforms (Guest blogging,  Get for cold
reports distributed to calling and delegate
customers, Slideshare) it partially to other
team members

Thanks to this exercise you can speed up main
activities 2-10x. We start with mastering
current tools as it is easy to ask people to
improve at things they know then to make
them learn new tools

List of the most important tools for consultant

Market research Analyze Present Sales & Marketing Team management

Now let’s have a look at a different, yet real example of engineers
preparing drawing of aluminum constructions for their customers

Below example of engineers in a support department that
have to draw designs for clients in Autocad. They draw
aluminum profiles but unfortunately line by line

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Prepare projects  AutoCad

for clients

You can significantly improve by introducing libraries of ready
made elements and storing previous projects in standardized

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Prepare projects  AutoCad  Create libraries

for clients  Store previous projects

On top of that you can buy add-on for Autocad that reduces
drastically the time needed for drawing

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Prepare projects  AutoCad  Create libraries  Buy add-on Autocad

for clients  Store previous projects that changes the
drawing methods

As you can see by going the full way you are able to improve
8x and do in 2 hours what used to take you 16 hours. For a
department of 4 people basically it meant that now they
could do the job of 32 qualified engineers

Define what you do Master the tools you Constantly improve

Find tools
most often are using and test new ones

 Prepare projects  AutoCad  Create libraries  Buy add-on Autocad

for clients  Store previous projects that changes the
drawing methods

 Time in hours  16 hours  10 hours  2 hours

needed for 1

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Removing bottlenecks

Bottlenecks are dangerous as their hurt the efficiency of the
whole system. To improve the wholes system you have to
improve first bottlenecks

Bottleneck is always at the place where you have the lowest
capacity. Have a look at 3 examples below x Stage capacity

x Bottleneck

Example 1

7 5 7

Example 2

5 10 20

Example 3

5 5 3

The are 4 rules that you should follow when it comes to

 Identify what is the bottleneck

 Increase its throughput by lowering the time needed for

everything that goes through the bottleneck

 Add new resources to bottleneck

 Adjust everything to the bottleneck – so it works at the

same pace

Imagine that you are working in a company working in a
content marketing. Your bottleneck is writing posts
# of post that can
xx be done in a week
by 1 person

Edit and modify

Research topics for a
Write a post Create illustration post, add illustration
and schedule

20 5 7 10

If you Speed up the writing process (faster typing, better tools,
shortcuts for the most popular words) you boost capacity to 7 and
Creation of illustration becomes your bottleneck
# of post that can
xx be done in a week
by 1 person

Edit and modify

Research topics for a
Write a post Create illustration post, add illustration
and schedule

20 5 7 10

 Speed up the writing process (faster typing, 20 8 7 10

better tools, shortcuts for the most popular

Finally if you make the researcher do also par time writing and
making illustration you boos capacity even further to 9 post per
week. Writing post again becomes bottleneck. But with the same
people you produce almost 2x
# of post that can
xx be done in a week
by 1 person

Edit and modify

Research topics for a
Write a post Create illustration post, add illustration
and schedule

20 5 7 10

 Speed up the writing process (faster typing, 20 8 7 10

better tools, shortcuts for the most popular

 Make the researcher do also par time

writing and making illustration 10 9 10 10

Avoid multitasking

What is the role of business analyst?

Multitasking = Pure evil

When you try to multitask you get deconcentrated

You waste time on switching between tasks

It lowers actually your IQ

You can’t achieve the flow

If you want to avoid multitasking follow the following rules

Check email only on set

Make regular breaks

Switch off the phone / Make the tasks small

fb/ others enough

Block time for certain Test how music works

tasks with you

Follow to-do list using

the priorities

1 task at a time

Avoid emails

Emails are causing a chaos due to its iterative nature

If you want to avoid emails follow the following rules

Write in clear and Use Slack for small

simple manner things

Don’t respond with

Forbid emails
“thank you”

Send always to the

minimal # of people

Send always to the Kill the reasons for

person that can react emails

Use Google Sheet /

Kill the iteration
Asana for projects

Create universal
structure of folders

In most cases in consulting you will be doing a lot of different
project and you may loose a track of what you have done
Supply chain

General audit

Cost cutting

Sales Force Management

 After a few project you will be
Marketing improvement lost – you will not remember
what was done on what project
Cost cutting  Consulting and many services
are bout managing knowledge
 If you organize the knowledge
Supply chain properly you can reuse it on
other projects
Supply chain  Therefore create universal
structure of folders
Sales Force Management

Sales Force Management

Marketing improvement

General audit

Supply chain
Below an example of structure used for consulting project



Customer Project A
folder folder
Area A

Area B

Talk and write simple, in a
clear and coherent way

Writing in a simple way is about following certain simple

Make it short and sweet Use the right format

Use the pyramid


Tell in a pure and clear Send it to the right

way what you want person

Start from general and

Use bullet points
then go to specific

Kill adjectives and

Conclusion first

Messaging – example how NOT to write it
Dear Kate

You probably remember that last week, somewhere around

afternoon, when I was strolling with my boyfriend in this humid day,
we came across you and then when I was talking on the phone you
my back turned to you, you kissed my boyfriend on the lips.

Moreover, I day before that incident, when you were at my mom’s

place at dinner you said that it was the worst meal you had ever had.

On top of that, when my cat tried to approach you gently you kicked
him and told him that next time you would bring your big, scary dog.

Taking everything mentioned above, I must say admit that I cannot

me your friend any longer. In fact it seems that I do not like you

Best regards

Messaging – example how to write it

Dear Kate

I do not like you and I don not wish to see you anymore because:
1. You were hitting on my boyfriend
2. You insulted my mother
3. You hurt my cat


Standardize everything

Why it makes sense to standardize?

Easy to go through what Brain works faster with

you have done so far standards

You can reuse your

You can find faster what
you need

Less versions to manage

How to decide whether to standardize

Often used Used by many


Last for longer time

Below you will find examples of things standardized in
consulting and a typical company

Consulting Typical company

Folder structure Internal documents

Naming of files External documents

Proposals to customers Main process

Agreements Dress code

Language of


Main processes

There are some rules for standardizing that you should follow

Use few standards Communicate standards

Internal standards
higher than external Teach standards

Round up to closes

Standardization – examples of
rules for Excel

What rules should be used when building analysis in Excel

Usage of colors Shortcuts

Consistency between
No mouse

Pyramid principle Description

1-source rule Data source

Repetition of variables Master sheet

The most useful functions

Financial /
Basic functions Others


 HLOOKUP  NPV  Relative addresses
 VLOOKUP  IRR  Formats
 MATCH  ABS  Hyperlink
 SUMPRODUCT  MAX / MIN  Remove Duplicates
 IF  CORREL  Filters
 AND / OR  Sorting
 IFERROR  Data Validation
 AVERAGEIF  Trace Dependents /
 LEFT / RIGHT / MID Precedent
 FIND  Analysis Tool Pack

Create templates

Templates can save you a lot of time. They are area almost
ready made pieces of work that need some changes to be
used. It is great for repetitive work

How to decide whether to make templates

Can be reused Often Used



Define what you should create templates for. In consulting
we use a lot of templates to make the repetitive work less
time consuming
Consulting Dimensions
 For every product, branch

 All standard emails: about meetings, data request, workshop, sales emails,
Emails thank you email

Data request  For every product (project type) and branch – Excel

Project Time

Proposal  For every product (project type) and branch – Word

 For every product (project type) – Word


 For every product (project type) – Word

Folder structure

Deliverable  For every product (project type) and branch in Excel

presentation  Library of standard slides with typical analyses to choose from

Create modules

Modules is something that helps you go beyond templates
and used them in a situation that seem not easy to be

Creating modules enables you to turn even things that


Rather standard

About the company (history, experience, offices)

Problem description

Proposed solution


Contact Details

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Management Consulting Productivity hacks


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Shelf management

Consulting is a place where the work is very volatile – one day you work
15 hours and next day you have nothing to do. What you want to do is
use the time of low activity to somehow prepare yourself and absorb
periods of high activity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

If you have such a volatile work, you should create a shelf of
tasks to be done once you are free. This to-dos should be
properly selected and structured and can have the form of a

Below you have an example of defining of to-dos for the
Kanban shelf Read 5 articles

Read 5 articles
Read articles
Read 5 articles

Read 5 articles

Read 50 pages
of 1 book

Product Read 50 pages

Read book
development of 1 book

Read 50 pages
of 1 book

Draft in pencil

Draft in PP
Fill in 5 slides

Fill in 5 slides
Tasks from the Product development exercise you put into
the Kanban

Education Product Sales


There are number of things that you can put on the shelf

Learning new tools Training preparation

Conduct training (esp.

Learning new skills
lesson learnt)

Improving skills Business development

Project preparation Template preparation

Knowledge base
Product Development

Avoid iteration

As you can see in the example of email exchange iteration is
one of the worst things that absorbs too much time and
prolongs all activities

There are number of things causing iteration

Formats of

Organizational structure
Lack of sense of urgency
& number of people

You don’t know people Vacations and travels

No data / No
Reaction time

Lack of clear priorities

Therefore makes sense to take actions and kill iteration

Avoid emails

Prepare ahead

Decision sessions

Create rules of behavior

Delegate things down

the command chain

Simplify organizational
Decision session how it can look like?

Why it makes sense? Rules:

Shorter reaction time Get into one room

Huge time savings Do regularly

Less noise (emails) and

Take notes

No effort to coordinate Make decision

Strengthen the team Come prepared

Be brutally

Guess and prepare ahead

If you prepare ahead you can save a lot of time on the project. On most
project data collection starts at the beginning of the project which is
actually 2-3 months too late

Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 Project Start

 Data Gathering

 Analysis

 Presentation & Discussion

 End of the project

Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 Project Start

 Data Gathering

 Analysis

 Presentation & Discussion

 End of the project

Guess and prepare ahead
Prepare a list of Prepare Excel
Guess what the hell is the
questions for the sheets for data
Client input

Tools • Excel • Word • Word / Excel

End product • Issue tree • List of PBC (documents • Formats and manual for
to be Prepared By filling them in
Aim • Structure your problem • Put into words your • Create formats in Excel to
• Specify analyses to be information needs gather data as raw as
performed possible

Time • A week or two before the start • After preparing issue tree. If • After preparing issue tree and
of the project. possible at least a week list of questions for the client.
• Should take up to 4-8 hours before arriving at the clients If possible at least a week
premises. before arriving at the clients

Source of • Your own mind • Issue tree • Issue tree

information • Internet • Former projects
• Specialized literature

Get rid of unused things

Why it makes sense to get rid of unused things?

Slows down

Takes the place that can

be used by good things

Mental pressure

Distracts you

You lose track

Costs money

Since you operate on many platforms and levels you can
create multiple messes. On all of them you should introduce
order and simplicity

Desktop Browser Desk Folder structure

To-do list Kanban shelf Computer House


Why you need deadlines?

To know when it has to

be done

To set priorities properly

To manage properly
Parkinson Law

To communicate with
the rest

To create sense of

We have 2 types of deadlines

Internal ≪ External

Know your customers

Who is your customer and why working for him will make you
work faster

Identify your Implement in your

Observe and understand
customer work

Description • Internal • Listen • Use the knowledge to

• External • See how he behaves and uses your product apply 80/20 rules
• Observe how he takes decisions • Set priorities on things
• Observe how he sets priorities that involving specific
• Create in your head his decision making model customers using the
knowledge on his
constraints and

Outcome • You know who you • Know his pains an problems • Doing the right things
relate to internally and • Understand how your actions are entangled with that will get effect at
externally his every day life your customer
• Insight into mechanisms
• Insight into preferences and customer constraints

Be your customer

It makes a lot of sense to become your customer. This will help you even
further understand how to communicate properly and what will give you
biggest results

Suffer his pains and doubts

Learn competitors / Taste

their solutions

Get to know other customers

Understand the customer


Master your field

Who have to first define your field and the level of your
 Current level

 Target level

Sales Marketing Operations Programming

There are number of pros and cons of becoming an expert in
a relatively wide area

Expert status Diminishing returns

Your specialization may

Faster thinking disappear

You can go further In-box thinking

within certain field

No need to invent Crowd effect

Always ahead of the rest

Imagine that you want to become VP of sales. First you start
by defining your current profile
Allocate time for this
Define your current Define your target Set your SMART goal
or to-dos in the Kanban
profile profile on this subject
/ shelf for future tasks

VP of sales / CEO Level

 Sales  1
 Marketing  1
 Operations  0
 Finance  1
 Coding  0

Afterwards you have to set your target level of things you
want to concentrate on
Allocate time for this
Define your current Define your target Set your SMART goal
or to-dos in the Kanban
profile profile on this subject
/ shelf for future tasks

VP of sales / CEO Level VP of sales / CEO Level

 Sales  1  Sales  3
 Marketing  1  Marketing  5
 Operations  0  Operations  2
 Finance  1  Finance  2
 Coding  0  Coding  1

…. And you convert them into SMART goals

Allocate time for this

Define your current Define your target Set your SMART goal
or to-dos in the Kanban
profile profile on this subject
/ shelf for future tasks

VP of sales / CEO Level VP of sales / CEO Level Goals for Year 1

 Sales  1  Sales  3  Sales – jump by 1 level
 Marketing  1  Marketing  5  Marketing – jump by 2
 Operations  0  Operations  2 levels
 Finance  1  Finance  2  Operations – jump by 1
 Coding  0  Coding  1 level

In last stage you convert them into tasks

Allocate time for this

Define your current Define your target Set your SMART goal
or to-dos in the Kanban
profile profile on this subject
/ shelf for future tasks

VP of sales / CEO Level VP of sales / CEO Level Goals for Year 1 Allocate time
 Sales  1  Sales  3  Sales – jump by 1 level  Every Friday or
 Marketing  1  Marketing  5  Marketing – jump by 2  1 month devoted to studying
 Operations  0  Operations  2 levels Example of to-dos
 Finance  1  Finance  2  Operations – jump by 1  SALES: Reading 2 articles on
 Coding  0  Coding  1 level cold-calling
 SALES: Work on 1 day in a call
 SALES: Work on 1 hour every
day in a customer service
 MARKETING: Reading 2
articles on content marketing
 MARKETING: Reading 2
articles on marketing
 MARKETING: Learn to use
 MARKETING: Learn to use
 OPERATIONS: Read 50 pages
of Goal (book on theory of
 OPERATIONS: Analyze 3
processes at your company
using OLE and bottleneck

1 piece flow

Thanks to well set up process I got my tooth removed in under 20 minutes
from entering the building to leaving it without the tooth in a taxi heading

Register Take picture Tooth removal Payment

 2 minutes  5 minutes  5 minutes  2 minutes

Why it make sense to use 1-piece flow

Brain is more likely to

Maximal Output
experience flow

Successes come often Less distractions

No work in progress Bigger order

Fewer chances to do Faster you discover

something wrong whether it made sense

Faster reaction time Lower waste

As you can see one piece flow for content marketing gives
you more often results than extreme batching. Yet it is not as
efficient Number of posts
done at the same

Edit and modify

Research topics for a
Write a post Create illustration post, add illustration Outcome
and schedule

 1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  4 post every
 4 days on this phase  4 days on this phase  4 days on this phase  4 days on this phase 16 days

 1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  1 post every
 1 days on this phase  1 days on this phase  1 days on this phase  1 days on this phase 4 days

Smart batching

Smart batching is a compromise between 1-piece flow and
extreme batching. You get some efficiencies yet you do not
do things in big batches

Extreme 1 piece Smart

batching flow batching

Example of smart batching for content marketing vs extreme
batching and 1 piece flow Number of posts
done at the same

Edit and modify

Research topics for a
Write a post Create illustration post, add illustration Outcome
and schedule

 1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  1 post every
 1 days on this phase  1 days on this phase  1 days on this phase  1 days on this phase 4 days

 1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  4 post every
 4 days on this phase  4 days on this phase  4 days on this phase  4 days on this phase 16 days

 1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  1 day per post  2 post every
 2 days on this phase  2 days on this phase  2 days on this phase  2 days on this phase 8 days

Why it make sense to use smart batching

Efficiency Gains Suitable for known tasks

Some (limited) work in

No flood of output for
your customers

Compromise between
efficiency & stimulation

When it makes sense to use smart batching? 1-piece flow


What Is the set-up / switching cost high? High Low

Is it boring? Yes No Yes No

How long it takes to complete 1 piece? Hours Weeks Hours Weeks Hours Weeks Hours Weeks


What is automation?

Full automation Semi-automatic

What is the benefit of automation

Huge Time savings Suitable for known tasks

Some (limited) work in

No flood of output for
your customers

Compromise between
efficiency & stimulation

Examples of automation

Area Basic Tool Automation

 Analysis  Excel  VBA

 Access

 Emailing  Email  Emailing programs with

autoresponders i.e. Mailchimp,
 Marketing automation solutions

 Pictures  Paint  Canva and Canva for Work


 Content  Power Point  VBA for Power Point

marketing  Facebook / Twitter modules  Buffer
 Zapier

Examples of semiautomatic solutions

Manual Automatic

Examples – marketing automation

Examples – marketing automation


There are 2 types of delegations

Delegate part of the

Full outsourcing

You have to follow some rules to make delegation successful

Same standards as you Ordering tool

Manage capacity for

Use your templates

Trained by you

Control tool

Same philosophy of

Examples of delegation from management consultants -
Option 1 sb Person performing
the task
Duration of task
x day performance

Write in pencil Template in Conduct analysis

Fill in slides
presentation Power Point for the slides

You You You You

1 day 2 days 14 days 4 days

Visual Additional Overview and

Final overview
modification analyses modifications

You You You You

1 day 2 days 2 days 1 day

Examples of delegation from management consultants -
Option 2 sb Person performing
the task
Duration of task
x day performance

Write in pencil Template in Conduct analysis

Fill in slides
presentation Power Point for the slides

PM / Associate Business Analyst Business Analyst Business Analyst

1 day 2 days 14 days 4 days

Visual Additional Overview and

Final overview
modification analyses modifications

PM / Associate Visual Assistant Business Analyst PM / Associate

1 day 2 days 2 days 1 day

Have a look at what gives you delegating in terms of money

Option 1 – You do everything Option 2 – You delegate whatever you can

PM / Associate 27 day PM / Associate 3 day

Business Analyst 0 days Business Analyst 22 days

Visual Assistant 0 days Visual Assistant 2 days

Cost of the project = 27 K Cost of the project = 10 K

Zero defect rule

Zero defect rule

Find the error as soon as possible

and eliminate it from the flow 169
Examples of management consultants – where should be the
checking points? sb Person performing
the task
Duration of task
x day performance

Write in pencil Template in Conduct analysis

Fill in slides
presentation Power Point for the slides

PM / Associate Business Analyst Business Analyst Business Analyst

1 day 2 days 14 days 4 days

Visual Additional Overview and

Final overview
modification analyses modifications

PM / Associate Visual Assistant Business Analyst PM / Associate

1 day 2 days 2 days 1 day

Poka Yoke

Poka Yoke Example in office

More details and additional resources you will see in our on-
line course on how to be productive

Management Consulting Productivity hacks


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them properly

Market research
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Check my presentation on on-line models to understand
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Check my presentation on on-line models to understand
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