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Executive Summary

Moodiz’s Enterprise, Global Exporters of fresh products is based in Faisalabad, Pakistan. We

export mainly fresh fruit from Pakistan to numerous countries all over the world mainly in
United Kingdom. The Union comprises four 'home nations': England, Scotland, Wales, and
Northern Ireland.

2.1 The product which is offered by us is “Fresh Mangifera” with four product lines which are
Summer Bahisht Chaunsa, White Chaunsa, Sindhri and Fresh Green Mango. We have segmented
the whole UK market on the basis of various ethnic groups so that we can better focus on our
target market. The size and origin of the ethnic population in a country is an important indicator
for consumption levels. As they are used to eating mangos, they were the first to demand
mangos. Next to this, the increased travelling of people to exotic destinations has induced a
growing interest in foreign cuisine and exotic food. The larger supermarkets quickly picked up
on this trend and made mangos available to many people. In positioning we mainly focus on the
taste which is unique one from all over the world.

4.3Our positioning statement is “Craving to deliver Quality by offering Fresh Mangifera at

reasonable price.” Our product slogan is “Feel the Freshness” Our core product is the
nutrients which a customer gets by using this product. Pakistani mangoes are rich in Vitamin A,
C and D and other antioxidant vitamins. Our actual product is mango which we are offering to
our customers.

Our port of shipment is Karachi Pakistan. Our destination port is Manchester in United
Kingdom. Our CFR price per piece is PKR 98 and in air PKR 191.For distribution, we have
selected main stores of united kingdom includes High Street, Blue water Shopping Centre,
Marks & Spencer ,Grocery Shop. Our media mix is newspaper ads, in house television ads,
opinions leaders (Doctors team), and Web emails. Promotional tools for enhancement of sales
are free sampling and discount at bulk purchase.

For securing our payment, we use the letter of credit. It helps us to acquire our payment within
the settled period. We have also managed well and sufficient marketing budget and resources for
our business at international level.
Company Profile:

Moodiz’s Enterprise, Global Exporters of fresh products will be based in Faisalabad, Pakistan.
We will export mainly fresh fruit from Pakistan to numerous countries all over the world mainly
in United Kingdom. Apart from supplying products from the local farmers we also have our own
farms in Punjab where we will produce a number of fruits. However, the main operations will
take place on the large number of fertile orchards which would source across Pakistan. Each
year, we will provide the top quality fresh fruits from Pakistan at an international standard. 
We have the dream to expend the business at an international level. 
As a step forward and caring out our dream completely true, Moodiz’s Enterprise will be
registered as an Exporters of fresh fruits.

Basic Information:-
Business Type: Exporting Company, Distributor/Wholesaler  

Summer Bahisht Chaunsa, White Chaunsa, Sindhri,

Fresh Green Mango

Fresh Mangifera
Brand: Mangifera is the botanical name of mango and we have extracted our
brand name from this.  
Number of Employees: 40 - 50 People  

Trade & Market:-

Main Markets: United Kingdom
Total Annual Sales
UK£ 1 Million – UK£ 2 Million  
Volume Expected:

Company Information:-
Company Location: Faisalabad Jhang Road , Pakistan  
Number of Production

HACCP   ISO 9001
Vision Statement:-

“To be a Global exporter of AGRI PRODUCTS”

Mission Statement:-

Our mission is to reach foreign markets through Indigenous Fruits and expand continually by
improve utilizing quality practices and employee involvement. We ensure this value through
well organized value chain to maintain the freshness, taste and aroma of Fruits. To exceed our
customer’s expectations in quality, delivery, and cost to achieve customer satisfaction is our
ultimate goal.

Market Need:-

Exotic fruits are rapidly becoming more popular in the EUORPEON UION. Mangos are one of
the faster growing exotic fruits in the EU market, though they still have a small market share.
Pakistani Mangoes have huge demand in the international market due to its rich flavor, aroma,
and health value, i.e., nutrients and minerals contents.

The problem:-

From the research, there are following critical problems in the mango market, which are;
Anthracnose (Black Spot) – Mango Disease:-
Ripe Mangoes affected by Anthracnose develop sunken, prominent, dark brown to black decay
spots. Then, the spots can coalesce and eventually penetrate deeply into the fruits, resulting in
extensive fruit rotting. Exporters are now suffering from this problem.
Other problems:-
 There is no domestic production of mangoes in UK because of unfavorable agriculture
 There is huge gap between demand and supply of mangoes in UK.
 In the latest research doctors are suggesting that European community should entail the
fresh and natural fruits instead of juices because it causes cancer and different diseases.
 In Pakistan there is huge surplus of mangoes production.
 Pakistani mango occupies a central position in international market due to its unique
taste and flavor.

Swot Analysis

 Varieties like "Chaunsa" mango are recognized as one of the best varieties.
 Pakistan is included among the top ten mango producing countries in the world.
 Priority fruit crop supported by major programs.
 Availability of raw material (mangoes) with a consistent growth in production.
 Availability of farm labor and technical expertise.


 Irregular & inconsistent supply of quality fruits.

 Short storage life and inadequate post harvest facilities.
 Non availability of cold storage and reefer container facilities at airports & seaports.
 Limited air space and high freight costs.


 Prospective markets within geographic proximity i.e., Middle Eastern countries.

 Domestic competition level is moderate for a modern processing unit.
 Presence of premium domestic markets.
 Lower tariff imposed by importing countries under GATT and by EU countries.
 Expansion opportunity in new markets like Far East and Central Asia.


 Competition from other mango producing countries.

 Trade protectionism, which may be applied by countries due to "fruit/white fly virus etc.
 Ruthless competition amongst local exporters.
 Trade restriction if imposed by the importing countries.
 Illegal supplies of mangoes by local exporters through ferryboats to Dubai.

Segmentation of UK:-
We have segmented the whole UK market on the basis of various ethnic groups so that we can
better focus on our target market. The size and origin of the ethnic population in a country is an
important indicator for consumption levels. As they are used to eating mangos, they were the
first to demand mangos. Next to this, the increased travelling of people to exotic destinations has
induced a growing interest in foreign cuisine and exotic food. The larger supermarkets quickly
picked up on this trend and made mangos available to many people.

Percentage of total UK population:-

Ethnic group Population % of total*
White British 50,366,497 85.67%
White (other) 3,096,169 5.27%
Indian 1,053,411 1.8%
Pakistani 977,285 1.6%
Bangladeshi 283,063 0.5%
Other Asian (non-Chinese) 247,644 0.4%
White Irish 691,232 1.2%
Mixed race 677,117 1.2%
Black Caribbean 565,876 1.0%
Black African 485,277 0.8%
Chinese 247,403 0.4%
Other 230,615 0.4%
Black (others) 97,585 0.2%

The Union comprises four 'home nations': England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Our
main target will be Asians in United Kingdom as well as English people by offering Fresh green
mangoes for them.

Indian 1,053,411 1.8%

Pakistani 977,285 1.6%
Bangladeshi 283,063 0.5%
Other Asian (non-Chinese) 247,644 0.4%

Asian or Asian British 2,248,289 4.58% 2,914,900 5.7%


Core Product:-

Our core product will be the nutrients which a customer gets by using this product. Pakistani
mangoes are rich in Vitamin A, C and D and other antioxidant vitamins.
Nutritional Value of Pakistani Mango (Ripe)

Food energy (calories) 57

Protein 0.5
Fiber 0.4
Vitamin A (1.u.) 2580
Thiamine (mg) 0.09
Ascorbic acid (mg) Vit. C 47

Actual Product:-
Our actual product will be mango which we are offering to our customers. We have four product
lines for our customers which are
 Summer Bahisht Chunsa
 White Chaunsa
 Sindhri
 Fresh Green Mango

Freshy Coating:-
Freshy Coating will be the first and only food graded mango coating, providing cost effective
solution that makes longer lasting and better quality produce and can successfully tackle the
existing problems. The distinctive benefits of Freshy Coating will be;  
 Eliminating the Anthracnose on mango’s peel with lusterless look.
 Extending mango life span from 18 days to 24 days which will increase the shelf life of
mangoes and reduce damage rate.
 It will be helpful for us to shift the transportation mode from air to sea freight thus reduce
the cost.

Competitive Advantages:-

The season of Pakistani mangoes begins in May till August.

This means that you could enjoy Pakistani mangoes for about four months. 
For the die-hard mango fans, try freezing the mango pulp and they would still
enjoy the heavenly taste even when the season is over.


It is the golden temptation that has a slight perfume and weighs between 1/2 pound and 1 pound
each, best eaten fresh.

It is ideal for shakes and juice because of its low fiber content -- at 3% to 5% compared to 27%
of Chaunsa.

Value Proposition:-
In positioning we mainly focus on the taste which is unique one from all over the world. Its taste
is very sweet and unique. Pakistan is the 3rd largest Exporter of Mango in the world.

We will be the Leading Exporters of Quality Fresh Fruits from Pakistan, so we can provide you
best Quality Mango on very competitive prices with prompt delivery.

Positioning Statement:-

“Craving to deliver Quality by offering Fresh Mangifera at reasonable price”

Our product slogan is “Feel the Freshness”


FREIGHT   161   33
45 10
ADMIN COST   7   7
OTHER COST   4   4
TOTAL   295   130
PROFIT 20%. 59 35%. 46
    354   176
COMMISSION 8%. 28 12%. 21
UK Pound 2.9 UK Pound 1.4
Sterling 0 Sterling 9
UK Pound 1.4 UK Pound 0.7
Sterling 5 Sterling 5
Transit time in air will be forty eight to fifty six hours. In case of sea transit time will be twenty two
days. After deeply analysis we have decided to made shipment by sea, because here per kg price is less.
We have calculated above prices on below quantities

200 KGS in case of AIR

9200KGS in case of SEA shipment

Origin port:-

Our port of shipment will be Karachi Pakistan.

Destination port:-

Our destination port is Manchester in United Kingdom.

Transportation Mode:-

 Air carrier
 Ocean carrier

We will normally use the ocean carrier for carrying our good to the destination as it is economical but in
case of urgency we will also employ air carrier for the transportation of our goods as per requirement of
our Customer.

Advertisement objective:-

Our advertisement objective will be enhancement of the sales volume and penetrate in the
England markets through targeting the main superstores.

Media Mix:-

We will employ the various sources of media that are mentioned as under:

 Newspaper adds
 In house television adds
 Opinions leaders (Doctors team)
 Web emails
 Random banners will be display on various advertisement sites.
Cost of advertisement:-

Our calculated cost of advertisement is PKR 1 million.

Process flowchart:-

Economic benefit:-

Development of Rural Sector and Improving the Standard of Living:-

Our business plan is expected to have significant impact on produced volumes and producer
income. It will increase producer income through the increased volumes and higher prices. This
is based on the assumption that the typical farmers have 0.5-1 hectares of land, on average 10
mango trees; and annual revenue from mango of UK pound sterling 50 at the start of business.

Exploring New Markets:

Our business plan will explore new markets for Pakistani Mangoes to earn foreign exchange
which will be beneficial for our country.
Increasing the GDP of the economy:-

Agriculture has a great contribution towards the GDP of Pakistan. Economic development takes
place when the GDP of a country increases. According to World Bank In the year 2007, 20% of
the GDP of Pakistan came from the agriculture sector of the economy. This implies that
agriculture is the back bone of Pakistan’s economy and has integral role in the economic
development of the country.

The production will increase by improving productivity and reducing mango rejects. Improved
productivity measures and reduced waste at farm level are estimated to contribute approximately
6-8 MT (60%) of the total increase by year 5 through better planting and harvesting
management. So with the help of our business plan we will be capable of exporting more
quantity of mangoes which will surely increase the GDP of the economy.

Source of employment:-

The plan aims to increase mango production by about 40% in 5 years from the current level of
production through quality seeds and by using latest techniques of farming. In addition to the
financial benefits, the plan will create new jobs, reforest land and promote farming which is a
source of employment.

Contribution towards Exports:-

 Foreign exchange through exportof agriculture items helps the central bank to stabilize its
currency and reducing debtburden of Pakistan.

Infrastructural Development
Organizational Plan

Form of business:-
The form of business will be “PRIVATE LIMITED”. And it would be registered under
“COMPANIES ORDINANCE 1984” so, it would be advantageous for high profit making and it
would be managed in a structured way. There will be total 3 members in this organization and
actively participating in the organizations activities.

Management slogan:-
“Past for Tradition, Quality for Future”
Authority to control:-
The chairman will be the supreme body of the organization and all the orders of the chairman
will be carried out by the respective departmental Heads. The chairman will be selected with
consensus of the heads of the departments and the members by most voting in favor of expected
person. The person with most votes would be selected as the chairman of the board of directors
and the supreme head of the departments.

Managing directors:-
The managing directors will be comprised of one chairman who will be selected by the directors.
There will be three managing directors. Chief Executive officer will be the head of all
management bodies. CEO will be also selected by directors.

Signing authority and control:-

The chairman board of directors has the complete signing authority about the critical issues of
the organization. The departmental activities are handled by the head of the departments and the
departmental signing authorities are respected with them.

Employees Training:-
Our training program would be to enhance INTERPERSONNEL traits and COMMUNICATION
skills. So, there will be better and smooth communication among employees working in Pakistan
and in UK. We will also conduct PRE-POST TRAINING TEST to get an idea that whether
training will be helpful for employees to achieve the desired results and goals.
Organization hierarchy:-

The Organization hierarchy gives an idea on how we can build our team effectively. It shows

the need of required broad talents/qualifications to get organization going. The organization chart
for each company is made as per its staff requirement. As per the company's staff requirements,
our organizational hierarchy will be;


Chairman Managing
Managing Managing
Director (MD) Director (MD) Director

Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director

(MD) (MD)

Marketing/ Research & Quality Export

Procurement Finance/Account HR/Legal
Sales CEO Development Manager
Manager Manager Manager Control
Manager Manager
Research &
Procurement Marketing/ Sales Finance/Account
Fiancial HR/Legal Quality Control
Mango Sale& Development
Manager Manager Analyst Manager Manager
Recruitment IT ManagerManager Manager
collection Distribution
Officer Officer
Officer in UK

Mango collection Accountanting

Sale &Distribution Recruitment
Fiancial Analyst IT Manager
Officer Officer in PAKSpecialist Training & OfficerNetworking
Workers Development Cordinator
Sale& Training &
Workers Networking
Workers Distribution Development
Specialist Cordinator
Officer in UK Officer

Management Team

Job Title:-
Key Responsibilities:-
 Supply vision and imagination at the highest level (normally working closely with the
MD or CEO)
 Act as the organization’s representative in its dealings with the outside world
 Play a leading part in determining composition of board and sub-committees, so as to
achieve harmony and effectiveness
 Take decisions as delegated by the board and where required chair board meetings.

Job Title:-
Key Responsibilities:-
 Identify, develop and direct the implementation of business strategy
 Plan and direct the organization’s activities to achieve stated/agreed targets and
 Recruit, select and develop executive team members
 Maintain and develop organizational culture, values and reputation in its markets and
with all staff, customers, suppliers, partners and regulatory/official bodies.

Job Title:-
Key Responsibilities:-
 Management of strategy for and liaison with stock market, business press and business
analysts community.
 Contributing to strategic planning and development as a FINANCE MANAGER, and
probably keeping and distributing notes and records.
 Making projections, estimates and then keeping a record of all inflows and outflows.
 Company insurance, export administration, licensing, contracts and agreements, legal
areas and activities, corporate level negotiations (e.g. premises, plant, trading,
acquisitions and divestments, disposals).
Job Title:-
Key Responsibilities:-
 Plan and carry out direct marketing activities (principally direct mail) to agreed budgets,
sales volumes, values, product mix and timescales.
 Maintain and develop corporate image and reputation, and protect and develop the
company's brands via suitable PR activities and intellectual property management.
 Maintain and report on equipment and software suitability for direct marketing and sales
reporting purposes.

Job Title:-
Key Responsibilities:-
 Purchasing policy, planning, Monitoring and managing quality.
 Effective proactive liaison with other departments as necessary to forecast, plan to meet,
and to supply demand to relevant quality.
 Warehousing, distribution, shipping management, Health and safety compliance.
 Awareness regarding International trading issues/legal rules.
Job Title:-
Key Responsibilities:-
 Develop and maintain systems to establish standards relating to activities and products.
 Monitor performance (in relevant areas) according to agreed standards and take necessary
action to communicate/advise/assist according to performance levels.
 Monitor and inform/communicate/apply standards created/maintained by external bodies,
and integrate within internal quality management systems.
Job Title:-
Key Responsibilities:-
 Plan, develop and implement strategy for HR management.
 To manage the human resources requirement of the company that includes developing
job descriptions, hiring competent staff, maintaining the records of the staff and most
important developing regular training programs for the staff;
 Establish and maintain appropriate systems for measuring necessary aspects of HR
Compensation structure:-

Positions Number Salary/month Annual

(Year 1) (Rs.) Salary
Supervisor 2 12,000 288,000
Mango collection officer 5 8,000 480,000
Helper (for 3 months) 3 7,500 270,000
Labor force (for 3 months) 5 8,000 480,000
CEO 1 60,000 720,000
Admin office 2 9000 216,000
Marketing Manager 2 35,000 840,000
Sales personnel in uk 3 30,000 1,080,000
HR Manager 1 30,000 360,000
Training & development staff 1 20,000 240,000
Food technologist 1 35,000 420,000
Labs officers 2 9000 216,000
Financial analyst 1 30,000 360,000
IT PERSONNEL 2 40,000 960,000
Workers for packing 6 8,000 576,000
Peon & security guards 3 6,000 216,000
TOTAL 46 7,722,000


Economy Related Assumptions:-

 Electricity cost growth rate 10%
 Inflation rate 20%
 Interest rate on long-term loan 14%
 Mango purchase price growth rate 5%
 Other raw material price growth rate 10%
 Wastage price growth rate 5%
 Insurance rate for plant 3.5%

Revenue Assumptions:-
Maximum capacity utilization i.e., at 100% will increase from 50% to 100% over the seasons at
the rate of 8% annually. The UK pound sterling rate is assumed to be Rs 138.40

 Annual Increase in Production capacity 8%

(Average increase over the seasons)
 Mango C&F sales price for UK GBP (Rs./kg) (Average) 150
 Waste mango sale price (Rs/metric ton) 15000
 Service charges to other exports (Rs/Kg) 10
 Sales price (for all options) growth rate per annum 5%
 Market mix for UK 20%
 Capacity utilization for other exports 25%

Financial Assumptions:-
 Project life (Years) 10
 Debt 40%
 Equity 60%
 Debt tenure (Years) 10
 Debt payments per year 2
Machinery Assumptions:-
 Capacity of processing plant (Tons/hour) 1.5
 Waste production (% of production) 20%
 Machine maintenance cost (% of machine cost) 5%
 Machine maintenance growth rate 2.5%
 Total production capacity (Tons) including wastage 840

Operating Assumptions:-
 Hours operational per day 8
 Annual Production Growth Rate (%) 8%
 Days operational per month 26days
 Day operational per season 70days

Other Assumptions
 Mango packaging per carton (kg) 4.5
 Cartons per pallets 143
 Air freight for UK (Rs per kg) 77
 Sea Freight to UAE via reefer container (Rs. per Ton) 35
 Promotional expenses (% of Sales) 1%



Land 1,538,417

Building 3,150,500

Office Equipment

Furniture 150,000

A.C 250,000

Computer 170,000

Fax Machine 50,000


Mango washing grading drying plant 175000

Ice bank for water chilling for mango 1,150,000

Cold storage(9,000 cu.ft)@140 Rs per ft. 2,102,000

Plastic crates(2000@350) 700,000

Water pump of 4 HP motor and water fiber glass(1,500 121,000


Fork lifter 450,000

Diesels Generator 1,020,000

Preliminary Expenses 50,000

Working capital 1,429,962

Total Investment Cost 12,506,879

Financing Plan:-

Equity 60% 7,504,127

Debt 40% 5,002,752

Projected Returns:-

Net Present Value 8230.25

Internal Rate of Return 31%

Payback Period (Years) 4.79

Projected Income Statement:-

Year1 Year 2 Year 3

Sale/Revenue 25,848 27910 29856

CGS 10,944 11,718 12,687

G.P 14,904 16,192 17,169

Operating Expenses
Administrative 2,880 3,168 3,485

Marketing 8,920 7,200 7,200

Operating Profit 3,104 5,824 6,484

Financial charges 660 600 550

L.C and bank charges 100 110 120

EBT 2,344 5,114 5,814

Taxation @35% 820 1,790 2,035

Net Income 1,524 3,324 3,779

Projected Balance Sheet:-
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Tangible Fixed Assets 9,114 8,871 6,902

Preliminary Expenses 43 35 28

Current Assets
Account Receivable 776 788 800

Cash (1,742) 969 4,998

Total 8,191 10,390 12,728

Owner Equity
Capital 5,319 5,319 5,319

Accumulated Profit 1,524 3,324 3,779

Long Term Loan 1,003 1,177 2,935

Current Liabilities
Current portion of 345 345 345
long term loans
Account Payable - 225 350

8,191 10,390 12,728

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