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St. Paul Colleges Foundation Inc.

Samput, Paniqui, Tarlac

Mid-Term Exam in NSTP 2

I. Identification
Instruction: Read each question carefully. Identify the correct answer, and write your answer in
the space provided. 2pts. each

______________1. One of the strategies of community organizing. COMMUNITY

______________2. Refers to effort that develop from within the community and are led by
community members. FIRST
______________3. The process by which efforts of the people at the grassroots level.
______________4. Refers to efforts that are instigated and run by professional from outside the
community. SECOND
______________5. Encourage the community to work together. SELF-HELP APPROACH
______________6. Involves the community but a smaller scale from what is essential in
community work. COMMUNITY-BASED WORK
______________7. Requires the efforts of the people in greater or larger areas degree.
______________8. It is focuses on the behavioral, cultural, ethical, and social affairs. SOCIAL
______________9. Is directed towards the creation of community composed of individuals
within an area or with a common interest. COMMUNITY BUILDING
______________10. Are designed to create some sort of economic autonomy. ECONOMIC

II. Multiple choice.

1. It involves extensive exposure of the students to various community activities.

a. community project
b. community immersion
c. community activities
d. community service
2. What are the two models of community development works operate.
a. first and second
b. second and third
c. third and fourth
d. fourth and fifth
3. It is kind of approach that efficient delivery of improving programs or services.
a. con approach
b. multi-method approach
c. ecological/environmental approach
d. technical assistance approach

4. It involves the banding of communities taking action to produce social change.

a. community organizing
b. community technology
c. social activism
d. social action

5. It refers to the gathering of people to solve a problem.

a. community immersion
b. community organizing
c. community building
d. community development project

6. It helps improve neighborhood, building a sense of community, and connect to the

environment by planting and harvesting fresh produce and plants.
a. community gardening
b. economic community project
c. welfare community project
d. community environment

7. It combines methods that will ensure progress and success

a. technical assistance approach
b. con approach
c. structural/brick and mortar approach
d. multi-method approach

8. It may help bridge the digital divide among generations.

a. technology center
b. community technology centers
c. community technology
d. technology

9. Sharing of skills or knowledge in music, dance, _________, mechanic and the likes provide
excellent opportunities for community-building.
a. crafts
b. craftsman
c. craftsmanship
d. craftship

10. It targets crises as a major focal point.

a. ecological/environment approach
b. con approach
c. self-help approach
d. technical assistance approach
III. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement
is wrong. Write your answer in the space provided. 2pts. each

____________1. Identifying the economic, psychological and political status of the people.
____________2. Acquire second-hand experiences in dealing with community intervention and
services. FALSE
____________3. Community Development is the process by which efforts of the people at the
grassroots level. TRUE
____________4. Have a chance to learn life skills that will enrich and better them as persons.
____________5. First, and third are the two models of community development works operate.
____________6. Community Building is directed forwards the creation of community composed
of individuals within an area or with a common interest. FALSE
____________7. Establish rapport and relationship with different people who may be of help to
them at some future time. TRUE
____________8. Gain social acceptance derived from community relations coupled with the
appropriate community immerse. FALSE
____________9. Realizing the student’s participation yields contribution of the welfare of the
community. TRUE
____________10. Have the opportunity for the students to appreciate other people’s live through
determining, recognizing, associating with the people. FALSE

Prepared by:


Approved by:


College Dean
St. Paul Colleges Foundation Inc.
Samput, Paniqui, Tarlac

Mid-Term Exam in GYMNASTICS

I. Identification
Instruction: Read each question carefully. Identify the correct answer, and write your answer in
the space provided. 2pts. each

______________1. It defined any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in
energy expenditure. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
______________2. The amount of force you can put forth with your muscles. MUSCULAR
______________3. Is the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to other body tissue,
such as bone and muscle. BODY COMPOSITION
______________4. It has been used interchangeably with physical activity. EXERCISE
______________5. Is the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time. HEART
______________6. Is the ability to use your joins fully. FLEXIBILITY
______________7. Is the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the bones.
______________8. Are the two tests used in measure flexibility. SIT-AND-REACH AND
______________9. It is 45% of healthy body composition for boys. MUSCLES TISSUE
______________10. Is a set of attributes that people have or achieve. PHYSICAL FITNESS

II. Multiple choice.

1. How many % of Essential fat for girls?

a. 3%
b. 12%
c. 13%
d. 2%
2. In contrast with physical activity, which is related to the movements that people perform.
a. physical fitness
b. physical activity
c. exercise
d. body composition

3. Exercise is physical activity that is

a. plan, structure, purpose
b. improvement or maintenance
c. repetive, purposive
d. planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive

4. How many % of bone for girls?

a. 15%
b. 36%
c. 12%
d. 45%
5. How many % of Essential fat for boys?
a. 12%
b. 3%
c. 25%
d. 36%

6. Fitness testing will be measured by doing?

a. sit-and-reach
b. push-ups
c. trunk lift
d. pull-ups

7. Before and after activities will help to improve flexibility

a. flexible
b. muscular strength
c. muscular endurance
d. stretching

8. How many % of bone for boys?

a. 12%
b. 15%
c. 3%
d. 25%

9. It requires a strong heart, healthy lungs, and clear blood vessels to supply the body with
a. carbon
b. water
c. oxygen
d. hydrogen

10. How many % of Non-Essential fat for girls?

a. 15%
b. 12%
c. 25%
d. 3%
III. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement
is wrong. Write your answer in the space provided. 2pts. each

____________1. It defines any bodily movement produced by skeletal system that results in
energy expenditure. FALSE
____________2. The ability to carry in daily tasks with vigor and alertness, w/o undue fatigue
with ample energy. FALSE
____________3. The term physical activity has been used interchangeably with physical fitness.
____________4. In healthy body composition 12% of Non-essential fat for boys while girls are
15%. TRUE
____________5. Muscular strength is the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the
bones. FALSE
____________6. Stretching is the ability to use your joints fully. FALSE
____________7. Body composition is the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to
other body tissue. TRUE
____________8. Seat-and-reach and the trunk lift are three tests used to measure flexibility.
____________9. In healthy body composition 25% of other (organs etc) for boys and girls.
____________10. There are six areas of health-related fitness. FALSE

Prepared by:


Approved by:


College Dean

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