Speed and Velocity Lesson Plan 4

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Physics for Grade 7 Students

Distance and Displacement
Prepared by: Leizl H. Moncada
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Marita Manguilimotan
Cooperating School: Iligan City National High School
I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to:
 Describe the motion of an object in terms of speed and velocity
 Differentiate distance and displacement from speed and velocity
 Calculate the average speed and average velocity of a moving object

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Speed and Velocity
B. References:
Science Grade 7 K-12 Learner’s Guide, Internet resources
Textbook: Grade 7 Science; Learner’s Material
C. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids
D. Value Integration:
Determination, Patience, Honesty
E. Science Concept:
Speed is defined as distance travelled divided by the time of travel. Also, in describing motion of an object,
we do not just describe how fast the object moves. We also consider the direction to where it is going. Speed with
direction is referred to as velocity.

F. Skills Processed:

Describing,Differentiating, Critical Thinking

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning class? How was your day? Good morning ma’am. It was fine ma’am, we
have a great sleep

May I request (call a student) to lead the prayer. (After praying) Before (Learners are praying, and do what the
you sit, please arrange your chairs, pick up some pieces of paper. teachers say)
(Checking of attendance)
(Collecting of Assignments)
Settle down everyone! Kindly share what we have done yesterday We’ve calculated of who was the fastest
class? ma’am in walking, speed walking and hopping

Yes very good, thank you for that. You’ve calculated who was the (Learners will name who’s the fastest)
fastest among of your three chosen classmate. So, in group one, who
was the fastest?

How about the slowest? (Learners will name who’s the slowest)

In group two, who was the students who did the obstacles? (Learner will name who’s the participants)

Then who was the fastest? (Learners will name who’s the fastest)

How about the slowest? (Learners will name who’s the slowest)

Now, how did you determine, of who was the slowest and who was the We divided the distance over the time ma’am

Yes very good. You divided the distance taken over the time of your
Our first discussion was all about Distance and Displacement right? Yes ma’am
What’s Distance and Displacement again class? Distance is the total length of the path
travelled while Displacement is the shortest
distance in initial position up to its final
position, also it includes direction
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Very good. The question in your first activity was How far did the Yes ma’am
object travelled, wherein you measure the path travelled. Am I right?

That’s why we came up knowing what is Distance and what is Yes ma’am
Displacement. But today, the question in the activity was Who was the
fastest. Remember that we re-tell the story of the Rabbit and the
(Teacher will show the diagram of the Rabbit and the turtle)

The activity that you have done yesterday questions about who was
the fastest or who was the slowest. And through this activity you will
be introduced to a new concept, which is the speed and velocity.
If you know the speed of each participant, you can tell who is the
fastest. Let me introduce you to speed. Speed is the distance travelled
divided by the time travel. So, to solved speed, this will be the
equation for finding speed. (Teacher will show the equation of speed in
the board)

Equation : S=d/t (Speed= distance/time)

Let’s go back to the story of the rabbit and the turtle. This was the path
taken, it measures 125 meters, the rabbit finished the race in 66
seconds while the turtle finished the race within 80 seconds.
Remember that this diagram is based on reality okay not on the short
story. You’ve answered that the rabbit is faster than the turtle because
of the time consume in running the 125 meters distance.

So, to know who was the fastest, we will use this equation (referring to
the speed’s equation). Therefore, we will divide the distance over the
time, so the result rabbit runs 1.89 m/s while the turtle runs 1.56 m/s
So, from the result of the Rabbit and the turtle who was the fastest? The rabbit ma’am
Yes, the rabbit of course. Right? Why the rabbit?

Yes, the rabbit speed which 1.89 m/s means than in 1 second, the
rabbit travelled 1.89 meters. Understand? Compared to the turtle that
runs 1.56 meters in every second. Understand? Yes ma’am

Just like what you did yesterday. (Teacher will call three students in the
front) The first’s person average speed in walking is 1.2 while the
second person is 1.5 while the third person is 1.4. (Teacher will explain
for further understanding why the rabbit and the second person is the
fastest. Understand class? Yes ma’am

You want example? Yes ma’am

What is the speed of a jet plane that flies 7,200 km in 9 hours? 800 km/hr

Very good! This one, you cover 10 meters in a time of 1 seconds. Is

your speed the same if you cover 20 meters in 2 seconds? Yes ma’am
Why did you say so?
Because if we divide 10 meters to 1 second
the result would be 10 m/s. While when we
divide 20 meters in 2 seconds the result
would be the same ma’am
Very good, because if you divided 10 meters in 1 second the answer
would be 10 m/s, while if you divided 20 meters in 2 seconds, the Yes ma’am
result will be also as 10 m/s. so, the speed will be the same.

There are two types of speed: The average speed and instantaneous
Average speed refers to the speed of the object throughout its travel. It
is obtained by dividing the total distance by the total time elapsed.
While the Instantaneous speed refers to the speed of the object at a
particular instant, because there were instants that his speed would
To know the instantaneous speed of an object, we have what we call as
Speedometer. Are you familiar with speedometer? Like those in the Yes ma’am
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Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a
vehicle. It is very important to the drivers, in order for them to know
how fast they are going, whether they are already driving beyond the
speed limit or not. Understand? Yes ma’am

Now, let’s go to velocity. Have you heard this word before?

Yes? From where?

Ohhh really, I also heard it but in Science is Velocity refers to the rate of Yes ma’am
change in displacement. Also, it is known as speed with direction. From a name of a dance group ma’am
Remember distance and displacement class? Displacement is both the
distance with direction. The same with Velocity, the difference is that Yes ma’am
in velocity it includes the time while in displacement just only the
distance is measured. Understand?

Okay, what if in the equation, speed is given, time is given and

direction is the one missing. How we will find it out?

Yes, for you to find distance all you need to do is like this (Teacher will
show how the distance is solved) Are we clear? (Learners will answer)
Very good, just the same with time okay, If the speed and distance is
given and the time is missing, all you need to do is just like this
(Teacher will show how the time is solved) Understand? Yes ma’am

Very good. Example. Ben is running at a velocity of 3 m/s to the east.

How long will it take him to travel 720 meters? Yes ma’am

Very good. All you need to is to (Teacher will solved the problem in the
board for the other students to see how the answer is found)
Easy right? 240 seconds ma’am

You want another example?

A man walks 7 km east in 2 hours and then 2.5 km west in hr. What is Yes ma’am
the man’s average speed and average velocity for the whole journey?
Yes ma’am
Very good. Can you write your solution in the board please? Please The man’s average speed is 3. 16 km/hr. while
write also the given okay. (After the learner write the solution in the his average velocity is 1.5 km/hr.
board) Kindly explain how you get the answer.
(Learner will write the solution of the
Thank you for that. Do everyone understand what is Speed and problem in the board)
Velocity class?
Okay, What is speed again? What is the equation for speed?
Yes ma’am

Speed refers to the rate of change in distance

How about velocity? What is the equation for velocity? while it’s equation is speed is equals to
distance divided by time

Velocity refers to the rate of change in

Can you differentiate Distance and Displacement from speed and displacement. Also known as speed with
velocity class? direction.

The difference between the two ma’am is

that Distance and displacement refers only to
the distance travelled while in Speed and
Velocity refers both to the Distance and time
travelled. And also, both Displacement and
Very good, it seems that you really understand the lesson. So, are you Velocity has direction while the Speed and
ready for your quiz? Distance have none.
Please get ½ crosswise, I will give you 5 minutes to do your quiz.
Yes ma’am
1. Define what is Speed. Give the equation of speed.
2. Define what is Velocity. Give the equation of velocity. (Learners will do the quiz)
3. Differentiate Distance and Displacement from Speed and
4. You are a formula race car driver, you had a great race and
finish the 300 km race in 2 hours. What is your average speed
and average velocity? Show your solution. (In here, teacher
will show
This study source a diagram
was downloaded for this situation)
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(After the quiz)
Okay, time is up. Please pass your paper in the front. I’ll be the one
who’ll check it
Now, what is the answer for this situation. Please read the problem.
The question is what is the average speed and velocity. Let’s first find (Learners pass their papers)
out the average speed. What is the answer? (Teacher will call a student
to answer the problem) (A learner will answer and show his/her
solution in the board and explain his/her
Very good. How about the average velocity? answer)
Very good, the answer is Zero (0) because as you can see, the race start
from these point and will end in this point also. So, were trying to find
out what is the average velocity right, and velocity is all about Zero ma’am
displacement over time with direction. So, therefore the velocity is Yes ma’am
Zero (0) Understand?

Very good! No more question in Speed and Velocity?

Okay, that’s a wrap! Tomorrow, group leaders please collect 1php in

each of your members for the activity. Please do it ahead of time, so No ma’am
that we will not run out of time. Are we clear group leaders.
Yes ma’am
Okay, for your assignment, in your ½ crosswise, answer this problem.
(Teacher will write the assignment)
Are we clear?
Very good! Good bye class, see you tomorrow!

Yes ma’am
Good bye ma’am!

I. Evaluation (1/2 crosswise)

1. Define what is Speed. Give the equation of speed.
2. Define what is Velocity. Give the equation of velocity.
3. Differentiate Distance and Displacement from Speed and Velocity.
4. You are a formula race car driver, you had a great race and finish the 300 km race in 2 hours. What is
your average speed and average velocity? Show your solution. (In here, teacher will show a diagram for
this situation)
II. Assignment

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