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Pietro Cervellera
Altair Germany
Manager Customer Relations
Aerospace Industry +49-89-379952-456

Reducing Weight in Aircraft Structures

November 27 2007, 2:00 – 2:40pm ET

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

Reducing Weight in Aircraft Structures

Challenge: Find the lightest design

which meets all design
g requirements
while meeting the project deadlines
but also minimizing design and manufacturing costs

ƒ How to design a structure with minimum weight?

ƒ With trial and error, iterating trough design (CAD) and analysis (CAE)
ƒ With engineering intuition, with past experience
ƒ Is if effecti
e? Is it eno

ƒ Where to reduce weight?

ƒ At which level of complexity: at system level? At part level? At detail level?

ƒ When to reduce weight?

ƒ In the concept / pre-design phase?
ƒ Is weight reduction allowed by project’s scheduling and budget?
ƒ Do I have the needed information? What if requirements then change?
ƒ After part release? In a weight reduction loop? Airplane 7?
ƒ Can weight be reduced minimizing design changes?
ƒ A requirement relaxation would leads to weight save? How much?

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Reducing Weight in Aircraft Structures

Challenge: Find the lightest design

which meets all design
g requirements
while meeting the project deadlines
but also minimizing design and manufacturing costs

ƒ How to design a structure with minimum weight?

ƒ With trial and error, iterating trough design (CAD) and analysis (CAE)
ƒ With engineering intuition, with past experience
ƒ Is if effecti
e? Is it eno

ƒ Where to reduce weight?

ƒ At which level of complexity: at system level? At part level? At detail level?

ƒ When to reduce weight?

ƒ In the concept / pre-design phase?
ƒ Is weight reduction allowed by project’s scheduling and budget?
ƒ Do I have the needed information? What if requirements then change?
ƒ After part release? In a weight reduction loop? Airplane 7?
ƒ Can weight be reduced minimizing design changes?
ƒ A requirement relaxation would leads to weight save? How much?

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Fairchild Dornier 728 - Door Support Arm

Design details:
ƒ Connector element between door and
ƒ Integral aluminum part
ƒ Machined in two directions
ƒ Three static load cases
• Door blocking
• Emergency opening
• Hit of damper mechanism on door

Project objectives:
ƒ Redesign part minimizing weight
ƒ Maintaining original stiffness by 3 load cases
ƒ Maintaining material and manufacturing
ƒ Strength and buckling allowables (not critical)
Cervellera, P., Optimization
p Driven Design
Process: Practical Experience on
Structural Components, Proc. 14th
Convegno Nazionale ADM/AIAS, Bari,
Italy, 30.8.04-2.9.04
Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 4
Fairchild Dornier 728 - Door Support Arm




1. Intuitive Design 2. Design Space 3. Design Result of

Topology Optimization
Optimization driven redesign

6. Optimized Design
5. Sizing with 4. CAD Proposal
Shape Optimization
Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 5
Fairchild Dornier 728 - Door Support Arm

ƒ How to design a structure with minimum weight?

ƒ With trial and error,, iterating
g trough
g design
g (CAD)
( ) and analysis
y (CAE)
( )
ƒ With engineering intuition, with past experience
ƒ Is if effective? Is it enough?

Project results:
ƒ Reduced development time and minimization of
CAD/CAE loops
• 12 weeks (design loop) vs
3 weeks (optimization loop)
Intuitive Design
ƒ Optimized mechanical properties
• Mass: -19% byy same stiffness
• Meets strength and buckling requirements
ƒ Innovative design
• Non-intuitive
N i t iti ribs
ib configuration
fi ti
Optimized Design
Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 6
Optimization driven design process

Pre-design Boundary conditions

Geomettry definittion

Design space
(FE or CAD model) requirements

Topology optimization study

Proposal 1 Proposal 2 … Proposal i

Interpretation of the results

Concept (CAD)

Detailed design Detailed


requirements boundary
safety factors

optimal sizing
Shape and/or size optimization

Sized FE Interpretation of the results

Final CAD Model

Verification analysis

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Reducing Weight in Aircraft Structures

Challenge: Find the lightest design

which meets all design
g requirements
while meeting the project deadlines
but also minimizing design and manufacturing costs

ƒ How to design a structure with minimum weight?

ƒ With trial and error, iterating trough design (CAD) and analysis (CAE)
ƒ With engineering intuition, with past experience
ƒ Is if effecti
e? Is it eno

ƒ Where to reduce weight?

ƒ At which level of complexity: at system level? At part level? At detail level?

ƒ When to reduce weight?

ƒ In the concept / pre-design phase?
ƒ Is weight reduction allowed by project’s scheduling and budget?
ƒ Do I have the needed information? What if requirements then change?
ƒ After part release? In a weight reduction loop? Airplane 7?
ƒ Can weight be reduced minimizing design changes?
ƒ A requirement relaxation would leads to weight save? How much?

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

A350 Fuselage Tail Section 19 concept study

ƒ Objectives: Reduced mass & maintained or improved structural

ƒ Design space model on base of A330 rear fuselage FE-model
ƒ In total about 130 load cases + 90 mirrored

FE- Analysis Model FE-Design Space Model for Optimization

Presented by Dr. Gerd Schuhmacher, EADS, at the German OptiStruct User Meeting 2005
Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 9
A350 Fuselage Tail Section 19 concept study

Two levels topology optimization Reengineered concept design

j results:
ƒ New design concept derived for all design load Preliminary sized concept
ƒ Homogenized stresses
ƒ Significant reduced peaks, increased fatigue life
ƒ Reduced internal loads
ƒ Preliminaryy bucklingg assessment shows sufficient
ƒ No displacement increase with a reduced mass of 10%
ƒ Expected mass saving 15-20%

Presented by Dr. Gerd Schuhmacher, EADS, at the German OptiStruct User Meeting 2005
Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 10
A380 Pax doors weight reduction campaign

Actuator bracket

Mass = - 35%
Door stop fitting

ƒ Results summary:
• Several applications
• Weight reduction in the
10% to 40% range
• Consistent development
time reduction

Mass = - 16%
Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 11
Reducing Weight in Aircraft Structures

ƒ Where to reduce weight?

ƒ At which
hi h level
l l off complexity:
l it att architecture
hit t llevel?
l? At partt level?
l l? At detail
d t il

A/C Level MDO and

Global Sizing

A/C Requirements and specs. Subsystem architecture

Design space Feasibility
Boundary conditions Preliminary mechanical properties
Preliminary definition of parts
Optimization Driven
Part Concept Design

Structural Requirements and specs.

Design space
Detailed part configuration
Detailed mechanical properties
d conditions
diti St
Stress reportt
Driven Design

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

Reducing Weight in Aircraft Structures

Challenge: Find the lightest design

which meets all design
g requirements
while meeting the project deadlines
but also minimizing design and manufacturing costs

ƒ How to design a structure with minimum weight?

ƒ With trial and error, iterating trough design (CAD) and analysis (CAE)
ƒ With engineering intuition, with past experience
ƒ Is if effecti
e? Is it eno

ƒ Where to reduce weight?

ƒ At which level of complexity: at system level? At part level? At detail level?

ƒ When to reduce weight?

ƒ In the concept / pre-design phase?
ƒ Is weight reduction allowed by project’s scheduling and budget?
ƒ Do I have the needed information? What if requirements then change?
ƒ After part release? In a weight reduction loop? Airplane 7?
ƒ Can weight be reduced minimizing design changes?
ƒ A requirement relaxation would leads to weight save? How much?

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Detail Part Optimization on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural

Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 1 - 4 May 2006, Newport,
Rhode Island

Detail Part Optimization on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Robert M. Taylor*, Jason E. Thomas†, and Nicholas G. Mackaron‡
Shawn Riley§ Martin R. Lajczok**

ƒ Several applications discussing use of structural optimization on

detailed parts of the F-35 JSF

ƒ Also presenting how optimization fits in the aerospace design process

and in the typical project scheduling

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Detail Part Optimization on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Attachment fitting

ƒ High scheduling pressure

ƒ Topology provides insight into

load paths and allows reducing
g from the beginning
weight g g of the
design process

ƒ Followed directly by traditional

hand justification/sizing for

ƒ Effective alternative to
configuration studies (picture 1)

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

Detail Part Optimization on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Equipment bracket

ƒ Complex design including

stiffness, strength, stability and
eigenfrequencies requirements

ƒ Topology optimization drives

weight save suggesting optimal

ƒ Sizing and shape optimization

adds value by quickly delivering
a design which meets all
requirements by
y keeping
p g weight
to minimum

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Trade-off study of a passenger door beam

Design details:
ƒ Door longitudinal beam
ƒ Integral aluminum part
ƒ Provide
P id b bending
di stiffness
tiff d
cabin pressurizing

Project objectives:
ƒ Trade-off study
• Weight vs configuration
• Weight vs stiffness requirement
ƒ Further strength,
strength buckling and
crippling allowables
ƒ Scheduling pressure
Cer ellera P.,
P Zhou
Zho M.,
M Schramm U., U Optimization
Optimi ation dri
en design of shell
structures under stiffness, strength and stability requirements
Proc. 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Design
Optimization, Rio De Janeiro, 30.5.05-3.6.05
Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 17
Trade-off study of a passenger door beam

Free-sizing optimization Sizing optimization

Design space I-Beam configuration

Topology optimization Sizing optimization

Non design space

Truss configuration

ƒ P
j t results:
• Concept design method (~2-3
• Trade-off diagram
– configuration/weight/stiffness
• Quantitative-based decision

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Weight reduction and uncertainties

ƒ Optimization specializes the design for

e input:
• Design space
• Boundary conditions
• Design requirements

ƒ Couple optimization with robust design

• Considering nominal
loads/requirements and perturbations
• Which changes are affecting the
• Sensitivity analysis

ƒ Streamed and automated

optimization-driven design process
• More what-if scenarios and trade-off
studies possible
• Faster reaction to design changes by
keeping weight to minimum

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

HyperWorks for Weight Reduction

ƒ HyperWorks offers an integrated platform for weight reduction

• Integrated solvers with optimization technology
• Complete and flexible optimization tools Structural Simulation
– Topology, sizing, shape, free-sizing, free-shape optimization
– Robust design
design, Design of Experiment
Experiment, Sensibility analysis
– For metallic and composite structures
• Best in class pre-processors Mechanical Simulation
– To create FE models
– To set-up analysis and optimizations
– Morphing technology for variants Results Visualization

• Powerful and effective ppost-processors

p Visualization
– To quickly extract knowledge from data

ƒ Altair offers a competent

p p
partner for weight
g reduction
• Training, consulting, mentoring, methods Optimization & Stochastic

• Engineering services
• Extensive aerospace experience and problems knowledge
• Complete weight reduction processes
Data Analysis

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 20


ƒ HyperWorks offers complete technology for weight reduction

• Integrated
I t t d FE modeling,
d li analysis,
l i optimization,
ti i ti visualization
i li ti

ƒ HyperWorks allows CAE-based weight reduction where previously not

possible because of lack of time
• Improved concept / pre-design phase
• Faster CAE tools allow more trade-off studies and what-if scenarios
• High-quality
High quality quantitative information available earlier
• Minimization of redesign loops and risk to be overweight

ƒ Optimization driven design integrates optimization with analysis

ƒ Can be used to directly design minimum weight structures from the
beginning of the process
• Right first time
• Light first time!
Application of Topology, Size
p Optimization
and Shape p on the
787 Wing Leading Edge
Steve Amorosi

Copyright © 2006 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

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