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Ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary. Anyovarian
follicle that is larger than about two centimeters is termed an ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst can be as
small as a pea, or larger than an orange.
Most ovarian cysts are functional in nature and harmless (benign).[1] In the US, ovarian cysts are found in
nearly all premenopausal women, and in up to 14.8% of postmenopausal women.[citation needed]
Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages. They occur most often, however, during a woman's childbearing
Some ovarian cysts cause problems, such as bleeding and pain. Surgery may be required to remove
cysts larger than 5 centimeters in diameter.
An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with fluid that forms on or inside of an ovary.

Alternative Names 
Physiologic ovarian cysts; Functional ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst can cause pain if it:

 Bleeds
 Breaks open
 Is twisted or causes twisting (torsion) of the fallopian tube
 Pushes on nearby structures

Symptoms of ovarian cysts can include:

 Abnormal uterine bleeding (change from normal menstrual pattern)

o Absent menstruation
o Irregular menstruation
o Longer than usual menstrual cycle
o Shorter than usual menstrual cycle
 Bloating or swelling in the abdomen
 Pain during bowel movements
 Pain in the pelvis shortly after beginning or ending a menstrual period
 Pain with intercourse or pelvic pain during movement
 Pelvic pain -- constant, dull aching

Note: Often there are no symptoms.

Types of Ovarian Cysts

 Functional Cysts
These normal cysts will often shrink and disappear within two or three menstrual cycles. Because this type of cyst
is formed during ovulation, it rarely occurs in menopausal women because eggs are no longer being produced.
 Dermoid Cysts
These are ovarian cysts that are filled with various types of tissues, including hair and skin.
 Endometrioma Cysts
These cysts are also known as the "chocolate cysts" of endometriosis, and they form when tissue similar to the
lining of the uterus attaches to the ovaries.
 Cystadenoma Cysts
These are ovarian cysts that develop from cells on the outer surface of the ovaries.
 Polycystic Ovarian Disease
This disease refers to cysts that form from a buildup of follicles. These cysts cause the ovaries to enlarge and
create a thick outer covering, which may prevent ovulation from occurring, and are often the cause of fertility

Signs and tests

 CT scan
 Doppler flow studies
 Pelvic exam
 Ultrasound

The doctor may order the following blood tests:

 Hormone levels (such as LH, FSH, estradiol, and testosterone)
 Serum HCG ( pregnancy test )


 Functional ovarian cysts usually don't need treatment. Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) may help make
cycles normal and decrease the development of functional ovarian cysts.
 Simple ovarian cysts that are larger than 5 - 10 centimeters and complex ovarian cysts that don't go away
should be removed with surgery (laparoscopy orexploratory laparotomy).
 The doctor may recommend other treatments if a disorder, such as polycystic ovary disease, is causing the
ovarian cysts.


Complications have to do with the condition causing the cysts. Complications can occur with cysts that:

 Bleed
 Break open
 Show signs of changes that could be cancer
 Twist


 If you are not trying to get pregnant and you often get functional cysts, you can prevent them by taking
hormone medications (such as birth control pills), which prevent follicles from forming.

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