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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


WEEK 1-6
WEEK 1-2


1. Introduction
Introduce to your reader the “problem” by providing a brief background of your research. Include
the basic reasons for how and why you came up with the problem and the probable solutions that you can
offer. In general, the introduction summarizes the purpose of the research paper.

2. Review of Related Literature

This section is where you will be providing all the relevant readings from previous works.
Provide brief summaries or descriptions of the works of other authors. Make sure that your research
materials are from credible sources such as academic books and peer-reviewed journals. Also, make sure
that your reading materials are directly relevant to the topic of your research paper. The literature review
typically includes the names of the authors, the titles of their works, and the year of the publication of
these works.

3. Conceptual Framework
This is a set of coherent ideas or concepts organized in a manner that makes them easy to
communicate to others. A framework can help us to explain why we are doing a project in a particular
way. It can also help us to understand and use the ideas of others who have done similar things.
A framework can help us decide and explain the route we are taking why would we use certain
methods and not others to get to a certain point. People might have tried a similar path before and have
had different experiences using one road versus another. Or there may be paths that have never been
explored. With a conceptual framework, we can explain why we would try this or that path, based on the
experiences of others, and on what we ourselves would like to explore or discover.

4. Methodology
This section is where you will be providing the methods that you will be using in your research.
Typical methodologies include laboratory experiments, statistical or mathematical
calculations/computations, and comparison of existing literature.

5. Analysis of Data
This section is where you will be analyzing the data that you have obtained from the
methodological operation that you have chosen. Depending on the type of your research paper, data
analysis instruments and operations may vary. Common data analysis methods include but are not limited
to SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) which is a form of qualitative data

6. Results / Findings / Presentation of Data

This section is where you will be presenting the actual results of the analysis that you have made
based on your chosen methodology.
7. Discussion / Implication of Data Analysis
This is where you will be discussing more of the results of your research, its implications on other
fields as well as the possible improvements that can be made to further develop the concerns of your
research. This is also the section where you need to present the importance of your study and how it will
be able to contribute to the field.

Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
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8. Conclusion
Provide the conclusion to your research paper. While it is important to restate your general thesis
in this section, it is also important to include a brief restatement of the other parts of the research paper
such as the methodology, data analysis, and results.

9. Reference Page / Bibliography

One of the important parts of a research paper is the References Page. It is vital to cite our
sources of information in your research paper properly. Usually, the format used is the American
Psychological Association (APA) format.
1. APA format from a book is: Author, F. M. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Publisher.
Example: James, Henry. (2009). The ambassadors. Serenity Publishers.
2. APA Format from the internet: Author, F. M. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Publisher. URL or
Example: Stoker, B. (2000). Dracula. Dover Publications.
10. Appendices
These are the last few pages that support your analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy
information), validate your conclusions, or pursue a related point that should be placed in an appendix
(plural appendices). Sometimes excerpts from this supporting information (i.e. part of the data set) will be
placed in the body of the report but the complete set of information ( i.e. all of the data set) will be
included in the appendix. Examples of information that could be included in an appendix include
figures/tables/charts/graphs of results, statistics, questionnaires, transcripts of interviews, pictures, lengthy
derivations of equations, maps, drawings, letters, specifications or datasheets, computer program
Learning Competency: Distinguish technical terms used in research.

TASK 1: Directions: Identify the following statements. Write your answers in your
_________1. It is a part of research that is referred to as a “cover page”.
_________2. These are the last few pages that support your analysis.
_________3. A part of research where you list down all the academic materials you used.
_________4. It is a section in research where you need to present the importance of your study
and how it will be able to contribute to the field.
_________5. This section is where you will be presenting the actual results of the analysis.
_________6. This is the section where you put the set of coherent ideas or concepts organized in
a manner that makes them easy to communicate to others.
_________7. This section is where you will be presenting the actual results of the analysis.
_________8. This section is where you will be providing the methods that you will be using in
your research.
_________9. This section is where you will be analyzing the data that you have obtained.
________10. This section provides a brief background of your research.

Learning Competency: Distinguish technical terms used in research.

Directions: Write sample references of any chosen topic. Give at least 3 sources using the
APA format from a book and 3 sources using the APA format from the internet.

From a book:
1. James, Henry. (2009). The ambassadors. Serenity Publishers.
From the internet:
1. Stoker, B. (2000). Dracula. Dover Publications.

Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
Contact Nos: (046) 416-9484/ (046) 230-9622
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WEEK 3-4

A conceptual definition tells you what the concept means, what your constructs are by
explaining how they are related to other constructs. In other words, the conceptual definition is
just the literal or core sense of a word. There is nothing to read into the context, no subtext; it's
just the straightforward, literal, dictionary definition of the word.
However, there are words that are used in specific ways in different disciplines. You call
it operational definition.


 Operational definition is the specific meaning of a word or phrase given to it by the group
of people who use the word in their specific context.
 Operational definitions assign meaning to a variable by specifying the activities or
operations necessary to measure, categorize, or manipulate the variable.
 Operational definition is stated in terms of operations or procedures that must be carried
out in observing or measuring that which is being defined.
 The sole purpose of defining the terms or variables in a research study operationally is to
keep them unambiguous, thereby reducing errors.

Learning Competency: EN10V-IIa-13.9 Give technical and operational definitions.

TASK 3. Directions: Identify whether the definitions given in each number is a Conceptual
Definition or an Operational Definition. Write C if it is conceptual and O if operational.

________1. Academic achievement pertains to the performance of the learners based on the
point average in all subject areas for SY 2020-2021.
________2. A tongue is a structure in a mouth, a strip of land, part of a shoe, a language, part of
a belt buckle, part of a bell, or anything that is shaped like a tongue.
________3. Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that
generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood (age of majority).
________4. Thirst is a distressful feeling caused by a desire or need for water.
________5. Thirst is a distressful feeling of not accessing water for a period of 18 hours.

Learning Competency: EN10V-IIa-13.9 Give technical and operational definitions.

Directions: Develop an operational definition of emotions, behaviors, and states of being.
For each of the following statements, please provide an operational definition for the
underlined words.

1. The experimenter wants to figure out how recreational drugs affect a person’s sense of
2. The teacher wants to find a way to help make Billy act more friendly toward the other
3. Does this drug help people overcome their tiredness?

Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
Contact Nos: (046) 416-9484/ (046) 230-9622
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4. Are college athletes not as smart as regular students?


5. People dream more if they have eaten a big meal three hours before going to sleep.

WEEK 5-6

An expanded definition is one or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex

term. It uses a combination of formal and informal definitions. Let’s get to know first formal and
informal definitions.

A. Formal Definition of Words

One of the first things to do when you write an expanded definition is to compose the
formal sentence definition of the term you are writing about. Place it toward the beginning of the
expanded definition. It establishes the focus for the rest of the discussion. Formal sentence
definition is
composed of the term being defined, the class of object or concept to which the term belongs,
and its distinguishing characteristics that distinguish it from all others of its class.
Formal definition = term being defined+ the class of object or concept to which the term
belongs + its distinguishing characteristics that distinguish it from all others of its class

It is "formal" because it uses a certain form. Take particular care when you write the
reference to the class to which the term belongs; it sets up a larger frame of reference or context.
It gives readers something familiar to associate the term with. The term may belong to a class of
tools, diseases, geological processes, electronic components; it may be a term from the field of
medicine, computer science, agriculture, reprographics, or finance. Avoid vague references to the
class the term belongs to: for example, instead of calling a concussion an "injury" or botulism a
"medical problem," call them something more specific like "a serious head injury" and "a severe
form of food poisoning," respectively.

Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
Contact Nos: (046) 416-9484/ (046) 230-9622
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Similarly, provide plenty of specific details in the characteristic component of the formal
sentence definition. Readers need these details to begin forming their own understanding of the
term you are defining.

B. Informal Definition of Words

In an informal definition, known words and examples are used to explain an unknown
term. The definition may include synonyms or antonyms, introduced by or, in other words, like.
It could also be a stipulation, analogy, or illustration.

Example: Freedom

Freedom, also referred to as liberty or independence, is a state people reach when they
are free to think and do whatever they please.


The key to writing a good expanded definition is to choose the sources of definition to
help readers understand the term being defined. Use this checklist to select the kinds of
discussion to include in your extended definitions:

Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
Contact Nos: (046) 416-9484/ (046) 230-9622
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Example 1: Freedom with expanded definitions

Freedom is a state people reach when they are free to think and do whatever they please.
(Formal definition) To our colonial forefathers, freedom meant having a voice in their
government. (Historical reference) The Revolutionary War was the last resort against an empire
that continued to tax its colonists without the representation of the colonists in Parliament. Since
the United States won the right to rule itself, our country has been referred to as "the land of the
free and the home of the brave." (Example) True freedom means the ability to think, feel, say, or
act however one chooses. (Listing parts) It is a state where the bars of bondage does not exist.
(Negation/negatives) Unfortunately, the widening gap between the haves and have nots means
that some are now shackled by their lack of education. (Evoke the senses: shackled –
parenthetical definition) Americans can attain real freedom when everyone has the same
educational opportunities.

Learning Task: EN10V-IIIa-13.9 Give expanded definitions of words

Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
Contact Nos: (046) 416-9484/ (046) 230-9622
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TASK 5: Directions: Identify the source of expanded definition for each item number. You
may refer to the list of Sources of Expanded Definition.

The so-called greenhouse effect is an atmospheric process by which a portion of the sun's
heat is trapped within the earth's atmosphere, making the earth's surface warmer than it would
otherwise be. Life on earth is possible because there is liquid water, a blanket of life-supporting
gases, and a climate neither too warm nor too cold. 1. Human beings may now be altering this
balance by adding unusual amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere . 2. This could
make the global climate warmer than at any other time in human history. And this change
would be irreversible.

The atmosphere contains 75% nitrogen, 23% oxygen, with argon, water vapor, and trace
gases--including carbon dioxide--making up the remaining 2%. 3. Carbon dioxide is an
odorless, colorless gas which constitutes about 0.035%. It is essential for photosynthesis, 4.
the process by which the sun's energy is converted into forms usable by plants and animals.

5. Carbon dioxide affects the heat balance by acting as a one-way screen. It is

transparent to incoming visible sunlight and allows the sun's heat to warm the ocean and
the land. But carbon-dioxide molecules block some of the infrared heat radiated back into
space. This reflected heat is absorbed into the lower atmosphere. This is the so-called
greenhouse effect.

Learning Task: EN10V-IIIa-13.9 Give expanded definitions of words


Directions: Give an expanded definition for each term below using the given sequence.
Organize them in a paragraph to form an expanded definition.


Sequence: (Please follow) Sequence: (Please follow)

1. Formal Definition 1. Formal Definition

2. Classes or Types 2. Origin of the term
3. Process 3. Historical Background
4. Effects/ Consequences 4. Advantages of Vaccines
5. Statistics

Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
Contact Nos: (046) 416-9484/ (046) 230-9622
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- McMurray, D. (2022).

- (2021)


- (2021, February 2). Operational Definition in Research.
- The NROC Project (2022).

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Address: Lagmay Compound Medina Ville, Brgy.San Jose, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
Contact Nos: (046) 416-9484/ (046) 230-9622
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