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Claudia Cabrera

Classroom management is such an essential factor in order to ensure the classroom runs

smoothly, without any disruptive behavior erupting from students. As a way to establish the

expected behavior in the classroom, I plan on creating the classroom rules with the students. This

will help students move towards maintaining a positive environment and understand to respect

these rules for better learning. In addition, I want to be able to keep the students focused,

attentive, and academically productive in the classroom. By doing so, I will create an organized

and structured classroom to maximize student’s learning opportunities, such as providing “Do

Now” once they enter the classroom or allowing students to read a book if they finish their work

early. With a purposeful learning environment, students become more engaged in their learning

and gain more knowledge in the curricular topic rather than misbehaving. However, if disruptive

behavior were to occur in the classroom, I do not want to yell or lose my temper. It’s important

to address the behavior with a calm but firm voice to demonstrate the respectable way of

acquiring self-control when providing the expected behavior to the student. Once the

consequence for the misbehavior has been decided, I want to ensure the consequence relates to

the behavior for the student to fully understand the reasoning behind it to be able to learn from it.

Also, I plan on creating a reward system as a form of positive reinforcement in the classroom.

The reward is not always a materialistic item, such as a token from the treasure box. The reward

can vary from a high-five to earning free time of student’s choice. Establishing a reward system

will act as a motivator for academic growth and increase the likelihood of the good behavior to

be repeated.

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