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TERMS LIST #1 – BIO 231 (A&P I)

You are expected to demonstrate understanding of ALL terms on this list. Included are the
named anatomical structures (macro and microscopic) and terminology that you will be
accountable for on lab quizzes and practical exams. You must be able to: spell the terms
accurately, identify and describe the following structures in 2D (images and light microscope)
and 3D (anatomic models, preserved vertebrate tissue, human body donations, and imaging
techniques, where applicable). You must also be able to describe form : function relationships
to a level of detail discussed in your lab section. Be familiar with all lab discussion concepts and
experiments, including instrumentation and analysis.

Directional Terminology (alternate term):

• Superior (cephalad) / Inferior (caudal)
• Anterior (ventral) / Posterior (dorsal)
• Medial / Lateral
• Proximal / Distal
• Superficial / Deep

Regional Terminology:
Abdominal Dorsal Orbital
Antebrachial Femoral Patellar
Antecubital (cubital) Fibular Pedal/Pes
Auricular Frontal Pelvic
Axillary Gluteal Pollex
Brachial Hallux Pubic
Calcaneal Inguinal Sacral
Carpal Lumbar Scapular
Cephalic Manus Sternal
Cervical Mental Sural
Crural Costal Nasal Tarsal
Coxal Occipital Thoracic
Digital Olecranal Vertebral

Anatomic Planes:
• Sagittal
• Coronal / Frontal
• Transverse

Body Cavities:
i. Ventral: ii. Dorsal:
• Thoracic • Cranial
o Pleural
• Vertebral
o Mediastinum
o Pericardial
• Abdominopelvic
o Abdominal
o Pelvic

Histology – Study of Tissues and Cells:

i. Epithelial Tissue: ii. Connective Tissue (CT): iii. Nervous Tissue:
 Neuron
• Number of Layers • Cell Types  Glial cell
o Simple o Osteocytes, chondrocytes, fibroblasts,
o Stratified adipocytes, blood cells
o Pseudo- • Fiber Types iv. Muscle Tissue:
stratified o Elastin, collagen, reticular  Skeletal
o Ciliated  Cardiac
• Types of Connective Tissue:  Smooth
• Cell Shape o CT Proper
o Squamous  Loose:
o Cuboidal • Areolar
o Columnar • Adipose
 Dense:
• Regular
• irregular
o Supporting CT
 Cartilage
• Hyaline
• Fibrocartilage
• Elastic
 Bone
o Fluid CT
 Blood (and lymph)

Endocrine System
• Hypothalamus • Thymus
• Pituitary gland: • Adrenal gland:
o Anterior (adenohypophysis) o Cortex & Medulla
o Posterior (neurohypophysis) • Pancreas:
o Infundibulum o Pancreatic islets
• Pineal gland (islets of Langerhans)
• Thyroid gland • Gonads: Testis & Ovary
• Parathyroid gland

Integumentary System
i. Epidermis ii. Dermis (papillary, reticular) iii. Hypodermis
• Stratum Corneum • Collagen fibers • aka Subcutaneous fat (adipose
• Stratum Lucidum • Glands: tissue)
• Stratum Granulosum o Eccrine • aka Superficial fascia
• Stratum Spinosum o Apocrine
• Stratum Basale o Sebaceous
• Arrector pili muscle
• Hair follicle

iv. General Sense Organs

• Meissner’s corpuscle
• Pacinian corpuscle
• Free nerve endings

Central Nervous System - Brain with Ventricles & Meninges, and Spinal Cord
i. Cerebral hemispheres iii. Brainstem vi. Spinal Cord (cross-section)
• Cerebral cortex • Midbrain • Central canal
• Gyri/Gyrus o Cerebral peduncles • Gray/White matter
o Corpora quadrigemina
• Sulci/Sulcus (Superior/inferior colliculi) • Horns:
• Fissures: • Medulla oblongata o Lateral
o Lateral • Pons o Dorsal
o Longitudinal (posterior)
• Lobes: o Ventral
iv. Cerebellum (anterior)
o Frontal • Arbor vitae
o Parietal • Funiculi (columns)
o Temporal o Lateral
o Occipital v. Ventricles & Meninges: o Dorsal
o Insula • Choroid plexus (posterior)
• Fornix • Lateral ventricles o Ventral
• Corpus callosum • Septum pellucidum (anterior)
• Corona radiata • Third ventricle
• Basal nuclei/ganglia
• Cerebral aqueduct
ii. Diencephalon • Fourth ventricle vii. Spinal Cord (in situ)
• Thalamus • Dura mater • Conus medullaris
• Hypothalamus o Epi/Subdural spaces
• Pineal gland • Cauda equina
• Arachnoid mater • Filum terminale
• Mammillary bodies
o Subarachnoid space
• Pia mater Histology:
• Neuron & Glia

Peripheral Nervous System - Cranial Nerves (CN) & Spinal Nerves (SN)
CN#. Name: SN: Nerve Plexi:
I. Olfactory • Dorsal & Ventral roots • Cervical plexus:
II. Optic • Dorsal & Ventral rami o Phrenic n.
• Optic chiasm • Dorsal root ganglion
III. Oculomotor • Chain ganglia • Brachial plexus & cords:
IV. Trochlear • Levels: o Medial cord
V. Trigeminal o Cervical o Lateral cord
VI. Abducens o Thoracic
VII. Facial o Lumbar o Posterior cord
VIII. Vestibulocochlear o Sacral
IX. Glossopharyngeal • Branches:
o Coccygeal o Musculocutaneous n.
X. Vagus
XI. Accessory Neuron: o Median n.
XII. Hypoglossal • Dendrites o Ulnar n.
• Cell body (soma) o Axillary n.
• Axon o Radial n.
• Axon terminals
• Lumbar plexus
• Myelin sheath
• Sacral plexus
• Neurofibril# Node o Lumbo-sacral plexus
(aka “Node of Ranvier”)

#McKinley3e uses this descriptive

term where other authors use the
eponymous “Ranvier”.

Mnemonic CN Names: Mnemonic CN Function*

I. Oh I. Some
II. Once II. Say
III. One III. Marry
IV. Takes IV. Money
V. The V. But
VI. Anatomy VI. My
VII. Final
VII. Brother
VIII. Very
IX. Good VIII. Says (It’s)
X. Vacations IX. Bad
S = Sensory only
XI. Are X. Business (to)
XII.Heavenly! M = Motor only
XI. Marry
B = Both S and M
XII. Money

Peripheral Nervous System - Special Senses
Vision - Eye Anatomy: Acoustic - Ear Anatomy: Olfaction:
• Nasal conchae
Tunics (layers): External Ear: • Olfactory epithelium
• Fibrous: • Pinna (Auricle) • Olfactory nerve fibers (CN I)
o Sclera • External acoustic meatus • Olfactory bulb (mitral cells)
o Cornea • Olfactory tract (mitral axons)
• Vascular: Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity):
o Choroid • Tympanic membrane Gustation:
o Ciliary body • Oval window (vestibular) • Taste bud
o Iris • Round window (cochlear) • Gustatory (taste) cells
o Pupil • Auditory ossicles:
• Nervous: o Malleus
o Retina o Incus
o Ora serrata o Stapes
• Auditory tube
Internal Chambers & structures: (pharyngotympanic)
• Anterior segment:
o Aqueous humor Internal Ear:
• Posterior segment: • Vestibule
o Vitreous humor (body) o Semicircular canals
• Lens • Cochlea
• Suspensory ligaments o Spiral organ (of Corti)
• Optic disc • Vestibulocochlear nerve
• Optic nerve o Vestibular nerve
• Tapetum o Cochlear nerve

External Structures:
• Conjunctiva
• Lacrimal Apparatus:
• Lacrimal gland
• Lacrimal punctum (pl: puncta)
• Lacrimal canaliculus (pl:
canaliculi) Lacrimal sac
• Nasolacrimal duct

Extra-ocular Muscles:
• Obliques:
o Superior and Inferior
• Recti:
o Superior and Inferior
o Medial and lateral
• Levator palpebrae superioris


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