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People these days, especially the youth, find it very difficult to look for jobs that are more in line with
their educational qualifications and complement the skills they possess. It gets very confusing at times to
find job opportunities that need the work experience from you that you have practiced for in your time
while pursuing graduate or post graduate degrees from universities. Many are unable to showcase their
full potential due to not working in jobs that utilize their knowledge of their crafts fully. What to do


Career calendar (APP)

It is an app idea to curb the problem given above. How so? The way the app will function is that it will
provide you with job options based on what you are looking for and not just that, it will also provide you
with any new courses that you should pursue to qualify for that job. It will be an even further step for a
student fresh out of school as based on their preferences and interest in a job field, the app will give
them feasible options for educational degrees and courses they can pursue that will be specifically
modified to match their needs. The app will also guide you and help you in finding your favored job by
telling you exactly the procedure required to apply for the positions. All you need to do is:-

1. Sign up for the app.

2. Fill up a questionnaire form on the app, highlighting your job preferences, your likes and dislikes,
the expected salary, any additional job benefits you’re looking for, etc.
3. Specify whether you’re a student or an already working individual.
4. Then you’ll be asked for your prior educational qualifications.
5. After accumulating all this data, it will be processed and analyzed, and you’ll be given an array of
jobs to choose from.
6. Clicking on one job option will provide you with all the necessary skills and educational
requirements for the job you’re interested in.

So what CAREER CALENDER is, is a career planner and a job advisor that can help you in mere moments
with finding you the best fit. And it is highly accessible too. With just one click on your mobile device
you’ll be open to a world of opportunities. And unlike other career advisors, this one is free.


This idea is highly feasible as it revolves around an app made of codes and algorithms, which only
requires a few IT personnel, like coders, to get it up and running. And as it isn’t a physical product and
rather a virtual one, it doesn’t require high volumes of capital.

As mentioned before, the app will be free. But how does it generate revenues then? The answer is
simple. The app will generate revenue through promotions and advertisement. The app will charge
certain advertising fees for showing ads of various other companies and products on the interface to its
users. So it’s a win-win situation as the users of the app won’t have to pay any premium amounts for the
service and can access the app without committing to any membership programs that are generally
required in service based apps.

The app will be made available on PLAY STORE for free.


This app idea doesn’t require much resources to begin with. Even with a number of staff that can be
counted on the fingers of both hands the project can be started, with just requirement for high
processing computers and a server room that will be used for data storing and computer networking.
Also a requirement of an accountant will be there. Later on as the business expands, proper
departments cam be introduced like the finance, accounting and HR department as the size of the
employee numbers rises.


1. A privacy policy is required- Under most countries’ laws it’s mandatory that you disclose details
related to privacy and your data processing activities. Failure to do so can result in massive fines,
app store/marketplace rejection, leave you open to litigation and negatively affect the credibility
of your website or app.
2. Cookie management- Many app developers use cookies either in-app or via the app website for
everything from usage statistics to remarketing ads. If you use cookies and you have EU-based
users, you’re required by both by law and by law-abiding third-parties such as Google, Amazon,
Apple, Facebook etc. to comply with legal requirements – in this case Cookie Law. This generally
means having valid cookie policy and cookie management solution in place.
3. Settling rules and protecting your interest with terms and conditions- Terms and Conditions
(also called ToS – Terms of Service, Terms of Use or EULA – End User License Agreement) set the
way in which your product, service or content may be used, in a legally binding way. Not only
are crucial for protecting you from potential liabilities, but (especially in cases where something
is being sold to consumers) they often contain legally mandated information such as users’
rights, withdrawal or cancellation disclosures.
4. Valid records of the consents you collect- The GDPR requires that you keep and maintain valid
records of consent if processing user data based on consent. Without these records, the consent
you collect is considered invalid. When processing the personal data of EU-based users on the
legal basis of Consent. Typical examples of this include collecting personal data via forms for
newsletters, email lists, subscriptions etc. This does not typically apply to consent for cookies as
cookies are still largely governed by the ePrivacy Regulation (Cookie Law).
5. Records of your processing activities- The GDPR requires that you keep and maintain valid
records of processing if processing the personal data of EU-based persons. Without these
records, your processing activities would be in violation of the law.  If you fall under the scope of
the GDPR and your processing activities are not occasional, could result in a risk to the rights or
freedoms of others, and involves sensitive data or if you have more than 250 employees — in
short, it’s almost always required.

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