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Lesson Plan Template (Direct)

Teacher Candidate: Claudia Cabrera

Subject: Science Grade Level: 1 Mentor: Kathryn Gibson

Central Focus: Describe the important understandings and core The students will learn to identify the characteristics of
concepts that you want students to develop over the course of living things orally and share their ideas in writing through a
the learning segment/lesson. What are they going to learn? graphic organizer.

Standard: Using the TEKS as guidance, what standard(s) do you TEKS…

want your students to master?) (1.9) Organisms and environments. The student knows that the living environment is composed of relationships
between organisms and the life cycles that occur. The
Deconstructing/ student is expected
Unpacking the Standard(s)
Determine key verbs:
(A) sort and classify living and nonliving things based upon
Identify and underline key verbs within the standard and/or
element(s). whether they have basic needs and produce offspring

Identify concepts and skills students will need to know,

understand, and be able to do to reach proficiency

Lesson Objective: Targets must be aligned to the TEKS and with I can sort living things based upon their basic needs.
the assessment(s); targets should be stated as measurable in
student friendly language. What will students be able to do? Use “I I can classify the characteristics of living things orally and in
can” statements . You cannot change the verb or content. writing through a graphic organizer.
***Reminder - Verb alignment present in standard, objective and

Sub-Objectives: How will you connect to past learning? What key Connection to past learning (previous TEKS)
vocabulary and/or academic language needs to be reviewed or (1.6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that
introduced? force, motion, and energy are related and are a part of
If applicable: What images will you use for key vocabulary? What everyday life. The student is expected to:
sentence starters might be helpful? (C) demonstrate and record the ways that objects can move
such as in a straight line, zig zag, up and down, back and
forth, round and round, and fast and slow.

Key Vocabulary/Academic Vocabulary to include in the

Living things
Basic Needs

ELPS, if applicable: (Put NA if Not Applicable) ELPS

Include #s, letters and full-verbiage (2) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/listening. The student is expected to:
(C) learn new language structures, expressions, and basic
and academic vocabulary heard during classroom
instruction and interactions
(3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking.
The student is expected to:
(D) speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in
context to internalize new English words and build academic
language proficiency
(4) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/reading.
The student is expected to:
(C) develop basic sight vocabulary, derive meaning of
environmental print, and comprehend English vocabulary
and language structures used routinely in written classroom

Language Objective based on ELPS: (TSWBAT…), If I can learn the new vocabulary that is used in the lesson by
applicable (Put NA if Not Applicable) the teacher or my peers.

Use the format: “ I can…” I can demonstrate my understanding of the vocabulary by

classifying the characteristics of living things orally.

I can read the directions carefully on the worksheet given in

order to do it correctly.

How will you summatively assess student mastery? Students will be given the same interactive worksheet given
as the pre-assessment to ensure the students understand
NOTE: The summative assessment might not be a part of this and know how to classify all living things.
lesson..You might describe your post-assessment here if it is
different from your IP.

How will you formatively assess student mastery? For formative I will be walking around the classroom throughout the
assessment, just generally describe what you will be doing. lesson to ensure the students are on task and are paying
Specific questions will be included later in the lesson plan. attention. I will also be noticing the student’s work on the
graphic organizer to check for understanding.

What are your plans for adjusting the pacing of the unit for I will slow down when discussing the characteristics and
struggling learners? basic needs of living things to ensure better understanding.
I could provide more examples and visuals of living things.

Materials/Technology/Resources needed for the lesson: Materials: Pictures of living and non-living things, graphic
Describe the materials, technology, and resources needed organizer
for the lesson
Technology: Smartboard, Lumens (document camera)

Other Resources:

Managing Student Behavior Can’t teach them if you can’t Behavior Expectations for the Lesson: The students know
reach them! what is expected of them, but I will reinforce that if I’m
speaking, they shouldn't be.
❏ When and how will you establish rules for learning
and behavior during the lesson? How engagement will look and sound: The students will
answer questions when called on, actively work on
❏ What will it look and sound like if students are
assignments, and participate throughout the lesson.
engaged vs. compliant in the lesson?
❏ How will you allow for movement, transitions or brain
breaks to capitalize on engagement and performance Plan for movement, transitions, or brain breaks, if
❏ What will you use for an attention signal? applicable: After the opening of the lesson, I will tell the
students that when I say ‘GO”, they will be able to walk
around the classroom for the gallery walk. Once their time is
up, I will say “Bears Bears” and have the students
tiptoe/jump on one foot back to their assigned seats to wait
for further instructions.

Opening (describe ❏ Opening: What will Opening, if applicable: As the students are coming into the
activity): students be doing classroom from Specials, I will explain to the students that
immediately after the they will come in quietly (Level 0) and direct their attention
Opening: bell rings to kickstart to the front of the classroom. Once the students are settled,
Estimated time to class? (bell ringers, do I will begin the hook for the lesson.
complete’:_______ nows, seat work)
Structure (whole class,
Hook: I will say, “For today’s science lesson we are going to
collaborative, individual,
start off with a gallery walk. As we can see there are pictures
etc): _______ ❏ Hook: What will you
do to get students posted all around the classroom of things we would see
Focus/Anticipatory excited about learning? outside or around the school. Now as you look at these
pictures I want you to think about whether that object is a
Set/Hook/Activate Why is this information living or non-living thing. You will have 5 minutes to walk
Thinking relevant? How will you around the classroom. I am going to set up a timer and once
Estimated time to motivate students to the timer goes off, I will instruct you to go back to your
complete:_______ learn this material in seats. So when I say “GO”, you may calmly get up and walk
Structure (whole class, the set and throughout over to a picture around the room. Make sure we are visiting
collaborative, individual, the lesson? Think about more than one picture. I will be walking around to ensure
etc): _______ how this activity is everyone is staying on task”. Once the timer goes off, I will
aligned to the
get the attention of the students by saying “Bears Bears”
standards and
objectives. Use and instruct them tiptoe back to their seats when I say,
knowledge of students’ “GO”.
prior learning,
personal, cultural,
and/or community
assets to “hook” them.

‘I Do’/Content Input I Do/Content Input (modeling): I Do: I will call on students to share with me things they saw
(Direct Instruction – During this part of the lesson, the throughout the gallery walk. As the students are telling me
describe activity): teacher will model the strategy or the things they saw, I will create a list on the board for the
skill that students will learn. What students to see. Then I will ask, “Looking at the list I created
Estimated time to complete content knowledge are you of the things we saw throughout our gallery walk, can
‘I Do’’:_______ teaching students based on your anyone tell me which objects they think are a living or a
Structure (whole class, own understanding? You are
non-living thing?” After the students have guessed which
collaborative, individual, literally thinking aloud. Should objects they thought were living or non-living, I will reveal
etc): _______
include both Tier 1 (examples) the answers of which objects were living or non-living. Then
and Tier 2 (think aloud) I will say, “These living and non-living things are what makes
up our environment that we see around us everyday. But
how can we tell if it is a living or a non-living thing? Well I am
going to play a short video, and I want you to pay close
Differentiation: attention to how we can figure out if an object we see
For Differentiation during around us is a living or a non-living thing”.
the “I Do” or the “Modeling”
portion,consider if you
Differentiation for ‘I do”: Grouping of students, if applicable: The students will be
have any accommodations/
❏ Grouping of students: sitting at their assigned seats.
modifications/ supports
What opportunities do
that need to be addressed
students have to work Differentiation: Enrichment and Remediation: The
in the lesson based on
independently or students will be given the opportunity to interact and
student need. If not, put
together? How are answer questions throughout the video to help strengthen
these groups designed
their understanding of the content.
to increase mastery of
(Enrichment and
objective? NOTE: You
remediation): Tailoring
may or may not have Specific accommodations and Modifications: For the
instruction to meet students with IEPs, I will closely monitor for understanding
groups during the I Do
individual needs; throughout the lesson and will repeat oral directions if
part of the Lesson)
differentiating the content, needed. For the students that are not yet identified (but are
process, and/or product. in the process of) for GAP and Special Education, they will
Consider cultural
❏ Differentiation - be given a personal white board to draw on to maintain calm
diversity, gifted, etc.
Enrichment and and focused, while another student will have a personal
Remediation: What laptop to be on to keep from abusive and harmful behavior
Accommodation(s)- (A
opportunities do to occur in the classroom. After the I Do, we will have a class
change that helps a student
students need to discussion over the video the students just watched to allow
overcome or work around
strengthen their the students to fully understand what a living and a
the disability):
understanding of the
non-living thing is and what their characteristics are for
strategy or skill
Modification(s)- (A those who are still struggling to identify a living or
change in what is being non-living thing.
taught or what is expected
from the student):
❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
Remember, an
accommodations and
accommodation is not
modifications do you
lowering expectations or
have to make for ELL,
teaching below grade level
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
ESL Strategies Document accommodations and
modifications support
ESL Strategies Matrix mastery of the

Questioning “I Do”: What type of Questions:

questions can you ask students to Understand- “What is one thing we notice about living
overcome their mistakes? What things?”
misconceptions do you anticipate Understand- “Would we be considered a living thing?”
students might have? (Using
Bloom’s Taxonomy or Costa’s Plan for calling on students: I will be calling on students
Levels of Thinking, plan some randomly through the use of popsicle sticks, so students can
questions you will ask student) be more eager to pay attention and participate.

How will you make sure that you

are calling on volunteers,
non-volunteers, and a balance
of students based on ability
and sex?

‘We Do’ (Guided Practice – We Do (Guided Practice): We Do: After the video, I will lead a class discussion. I will
Describe Activity) During this part of the lesson, the start the class discussion regarding the video by asking,
teacher and students are thinking “What are living things?” I will explain that living things are
Estimated time to complete aloud together. anything that is alive, which are people, animals, and plants.
‘We Do’’:_______ Next I will ask, “What are the characteristics of a living
Structure (whole class, thing?” I will explain that living things grow, eat, breathe,
collaborative, individual,
move, and reproduce. Lastly, I will ask the students, “What
etc): ______
are the basic needs of a living thing?” I will explain that the
basic needs of living things are air, water, food, sunlight, and

Differentiation “We Do”: Grouping of students: The students will be sitting at their
❏ Grouping of students: assigned seats.
What opportunities do
students have to work Differentiation: Enrichment and Remediation: Students
Differentiation independently or will have the opportunity to listen and chime in on the class
(Enrichment and together? How are discussion to help strengthen their understanding of the
remediation): Tailoring these groups designed
content. Students will also be able to phone a friend if they
instruction to meet to increase mastery of
individual needs; do not know the answer to the question when called on.
differentiating the content,
process, and/or product. ❏ Differentiation - Specific Accommodations and Modifications: For the
Consider cultural Enrichment and students with IEPs, I will closely monitor for understanding
diversity, gifted, etc. Remediation: What throughout the lesson and will repeat oral directions if
opportunities do needed. For the students that are not yet identified (but are
Accommodation(s)- A students need to in the process of) for GAP and Special Education, they will
change that helps a student strengthen their be given a personal white board to draw on to maintain calm
overcome or work around understanding of the and focused, while another student will have a personal
the disability: strategy or skill laptop to be on to keep from abusive and harmful behavior
presented? to occur in the classroom. If students seem to not be
Modification(s)- A change
understanding what a living thing is, then I will re-explain
in what is being taught or ❏ Accommodations and
how we can identify what a living thing is by their
what is expected from the Modifications: What
student: characteristics and basic needs using the video or pictures.
accommodations and
modifications do you
Remember, an have to make for ELL,
accommodation is not SPED, 504, and
lowering expectations or struggling students?
teaching below grade level How will these
content/objectives. accommodations and
modifications support
ESL Strategies Document mastery of the
ESL Strategies Matrix
Questioning “We Do”: What type Questions:
of questions can you ask students Understand- “Give an example of a living thing from the
to overcome their mistakes? What video.”
misconceptions do you anticipate Analyze- “Would a tree be considered a living thing?”
students might have? (Using
Bloom’s Taxonomy or Costa’s Plan for calling on students: I will be calling on students
Levels of Thinking, plan some randomly through the use of popsicle sticks, so students can
questions you will ask student) be more eager to pay attention and participate.

How will you make sure that you

are calling on volunteers,
non-volunteers, and a balance
of students based on ability
and sex?

Academic Feedback “We Do”: Academic Feedback Stems: If students are not fully
What type of support or understanding the lesson, I plan to pull the students that are
academic feedback do they need not mastering the content to the carpet to help the students
to overcome such challenges? fully understand the content.
How do you plan to reteach if
students are not mastering
content? Student Feedback- Positive: You did a superior job on
Plan at least 2-3 academic explaining what a living thing is!
feedback stems that are aligned to Student Feedback- Needs to Improve: Don’t forget that a
the learning goal so that they can tree is considered a plant, so it is a living thing.
easily identify students who are Student Feedback- Questions I Have: How do you know an
meeting those goals. object is a living thing?

‘You Do’ (Independent You Do (Independent Practice): You Do: After the class discussion from the We Do, I will
Practice/Assessment of Skill During this part of the lesson, the randomly call on students (using the popsicle sticks or
– Describe the Activity) teacher will monitor students’ students who are sitting in SLANT) to help me pass out the
understanding through graphic organizer. The students will be able to work in their
Estimated time to complete independent practice.
groups or independently to complete the graphic organizer.
‘We Do’’:_______
I will go over the graphic organizer before releasing the
Structure (whole class,
collaborative, individual, students to work on their own to ensure they understand
etc): ______ what is expected of them. I will explain to the students that
they will need to highlight the characteristics of a living
thing that we have been discussing throughout the lesson in
the graphic organizer. I will set up a timer for the students
on the Smartboard to show the students how much time
they are allowed for the independent practice. I will instruct
the students to come show me their paper once they are
Differentiation done to check for understanding.
(Enrichment and
remediation): Tailoring
instruction to meet Differentiation “You Do”: Grouping of students: The students will be sitting at their
individual needs; What instructional strategies and assigned seats.
differentiating the content, planned supports will you employ
process, and/or product. to meet the needs of each student Differentiation - Enrichment and Remediation: Students
Consider cultural in order for each student to are able to work with a partner or group, if needed, to help
diversity, gifted, etc. demonstrate learning and move strengthen their understanding of the content.
towards mastery regarding the
Accommodation(s)- (A learning target(s)?
Accommodations and Modifications: For the students with
change that helps a student ❏ Grouping of students:
What opportunities do IEPs, I will closely monitor for understanding throughout
overcome or work around the lesson and will repeat oral directions if needed. For the
the disability): students have to work
independently or students that are not yet identified (but are in the process
together? How are of) for GAP and Special Education, they will be given a
Modification(s)- (A
these groups designed personal white board to draw on to maintain calm and
change in what is being
taught or what is expected to increase mastery of focused, while another student will have a personal laptop to
from the student): objectives? be on to keep from abusive and harmful behavior to occur in
the classroom. I will also be available to answer questions
Remember, an and try to give individual attention to the struggling
accommodation is not ❏ Differentiation - students. Time can be extended, if needed.
lowering expectations or Enrichment and
teaching below grade level Remediation: What
content/objectives. opportunities do
students need to
ESL Strategies Document strengthen their
understanding of the
ESL Strategies Matrix strategy or skill

❏ Accommodations and
Modifications: What
accommodations and
modifications do you
have to make for ELL,
SPED, 504, and
struggling students?
How will these
accommodations and
modifications support
mastery of the

Questioning “You Do”: What Questions:

type of questions can you ask Remember- “What are some characteristics of a living
students to overcome their thing?”
mistakes? What misconceptions Remember- “Is a living thing alive?”
do you anticipate students might
have? (Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Describe your plan for calling on students: I will be calling
or Costa’s Levels of Thinking, plan on students randomly through the use of popsicle sticks, so
some questions you will ask students can be more eager to pay attention and
student) participate.

How will you make sure that you

are calling on volunteers,
non-volunteers, and a balance
of students based on ability
and sex?

Academic Feedback “You Do”: Academic feedback stems: If students are not fully
What type of support or understanding the lesson, I plan to pull the students that are
academic feedback do they need not mastering the content to the carpet to help the students
to overcome such challenges? fully understand the content.
How do you plan to reteach if
students are not mastering Student Feedback- Positive: You did a superior job on
identifying the characteristics of a living thing!
Plan at least 2-3 academic
Student Feedback- Needs to Improve: Don’t forget to write
feedback stems that are aligned to
the learning goal so that they can Living Things as your topic on your graphic organizer.
easily identify students who are Student Feedback- Questions I Have: What else can we
meeting those goals. write about living things on our graphic organizer?

Closing - Check for Write your Closure using the Launch Frame: We have been learning how to identify living
Understanding (Describe Planning a Discussion things and their characteristics. We used a gallery walk to
the activity): How will the Framework: display objects that we see everyday around us in our
lesson end and bridge to environment that are living and non-living things. What are
learning for the future? Launch Frame some important characteristics of a living thing?
What do you want to ❏ Opening statement
reiterate to students?
and question to get Eliciting, Orienting Questions: How can you figure out if an
Based on the pacing of the
the discussion object is a living thing? Would a chair or a table be
lesson and feedback from
students, did they master started (Example, considered a living thing?
the objective? Make sure to “We have been
revisit objectives. learning how to add Conclusion Frame: Great Job Everyone! We will continue to
fractions in this talk about how to identify living and non-living things for
activity. What was tomorrow’s science lesson.
an important key in
adding the fractions
that helped you?
What have we been
learning about
Eliciting, Orienting
Questions to ask During the
❏ What eliciting,
probing, and
questions will you
ask during the
Conclusion Frame
❏ Closing statement
about what they
learned in the
lesson and what
they will be
working on next.
(Example - “We
have been adding
fractions in this
activity - In our
next activity, we
are going to
continue this
work…. or
Tomorrow, we will
begin subtracting

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