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Om! Gam! Ganapathaye! Namaha!

Om! Sri Raghavendraya Namaha!

Om! Namo! Bhagavathe! Vasudevaya!
Om! Ham! Hanumathe! Sri Rama Doothaya Namaha!

Lord Shani (Saturn) – A brief sketch

(All you wanted to know about Lord Shani in a nutshell)

 Category: Navagraha (7th in number)

 Name: Shani (Saturn)
 Other names: Sanaischara, Mandha, Pangu, Krushna,
Chaayasutha, Bhanuputhra, Kona, Bhabru,
Anthaka, Yama, Pingala

 Paramatma Amsa: Kurma Avathara of Lord Vishnu

 Gothra (Lineage): Kashyapa

 Grand Parents: Sage Kashyapa and Aditi
 Parents: Surya (Sun God) and Chaaya
 Step Mother: Samjna Devi
 Brothers: Lord Yama (Yama Dharmaraja)
Aswini Devathas

 Sisters: Yamuna, Tapathi

 Spouse: Jyesta Devi
 Son: Maandi (Upagraha)
 Jayanthi: Vaisakha Bahula Amaavasya
 Birth Star: Rohini (Vrushabha Raasi)
 Upasana Devathas: Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva
 Nature (Guna): Tamasik (Tamo guna)
 Tattva: Vaata (Windy), Vayu tattva
 Direction: West
 Vehicle: Eagle
 Celestial Role: Dandanaadhikari

Astrological facts

 Overseeing Lord: Lord Yama (God of Death)

(Adhi Devatha)

 Presiding Deity: Prajapathi (Lord Brahma)

(Pratyadhi devatha)

 Karakattva: Aayush karaka (Longevity) &

Karma karaka (Livelihood)

 Presiding Lord: 10th & 11th houses of the zodiac

 Presiding signs: Capricorn (Makara) & Aquarius (Kumbha)
 Star Lord for: Pushyami, Anuradha and Uttarabhadra
 House of exaltation: Libra (Thula Raasi)
 House of debilitation: Aries (Mesha Raasi)
 Moola Trikona: Aquarius (Kumbha Raasi)
 Raja Yoga: Sasha Yoga (Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga)
 Friends: Venus, Mercury, and Rahu
 Enemies: Sun, Moon, Mars, and Kethu
 Equivalent: Jupiter (Guru)
 Saturn’s aspects: 3rd, 7th, and 10th, house
 Saturn’s potency: 7th house (Dighbala), Night time, Krishna
Paksha, Dakshinayana, Saturday

 Shani Vimshottari: 19 years (Shani Dasa)

 Gochara (Transit): 2½ years in each sign

30 years to complete one orbit

 Gochara phases: Sade-Sathi, Ashtama & Ardhaashtama

(7½ yrs) (2½ yrs) (2½ yrs)

 Day: Saturday
 Season: Sisira Ruthu (autumn)
 Colours: Black & Blue
 Metals: Iron & Steel, Engineering
 Mines: Coal
 Grains: Sesame seeds (Black Thil seeds)
 Oils: Thil Oil
 Gems: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst
 Sacrificial fuel: Shami (Jammi) Tree
 Body parts: Knees, Ankles, Thighs, Muscles
 Number: Eight (8)
 Finger: Middle finger

 Society: Labourers, Underprivileged
 Shani Temples (Key): Thirunallar, Mandapally,
Pavagada, Shani Shingnapur

 Saturn’s Calendar: Sanaischara Jayanthi, Shani Trayodasi,

Shani Amaavasya, Shani Pradosham,
Shani Hora

Astronomical facts about Saturn

 Planet in Solar system

 Sixth planet from Sun
 Second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter
 Ten times larger than Earth in Diameter
 Farthest planet from Earth (1.2 billion km)
 Roman God of Agriculture, Justice and Strength
 Least dense planet in solar system
 Length of one orbit around the Sun is approx 30 years

Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu


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