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Matthew Tabor


Sophomore Year Statement

I think one of my biggest goals right now would be refining my singing voice. After

starting lessons with Dr. Pierce, I’m relearning breath support and resonance for the third time.

It’s a challenge to relearn, but it’s also a little discouraging, since it feels as though I’m starting

from square one. To give myself a more defined goal to help me with motivation, I want to be

able to fully utilize Dr. Pierce’s method of breath support and resonance on everything I sing by

the end of the year. I’m already wrestling with myself to incorporate it every day, but putting it to

paper helps me want to work for it even more.

One of my biggest issues as a musician is rhythm. I have slowly been getting better at

keeping time, but I still feel that I struggle to identify rhythms before I have heard them aurally

and execute them when I first sight sing them. This goal is a little looser for me, but I think I’d

like to spend at least 10 minutes a week listening to and practicing different rhythms on my drum

pad to get experience with common and uncommon beats.

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