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shp2mysql - Convert Shape file to MySQL geometric tables

VERSION: 0.4 (July 2004)
This is a quick hack by Barend Kobben <> of the original
shp2pgsql loader 0.7 for PostGIS by
*** ALMOST NO SERIOUS TESTING DONE, use at own risk!
*** NOTE: requires [included] cygwin1.dll (part of the windows-unix shell (http:
Released under GPL,
This program takes in ESRI shape files and outputs SQL command files suitable
for use in the MySQL spatial database version 4.1.x , and should also work
in future 5.0 versions (not tested).

This application uses functionality from shapelib 1.2.9

by Frank Warmerdam <> to read from ESRI
Shape files.

- Use the readymade binary "shp2mysql.exe" in conjunction with cygwin1.dll
- (re-)build shp2mysql: just run 'make' in the 'src' directory
(USING THE CYGWIN SHELL if you are in MS Windows!);
Copy the binary wherever you like.

shp2mysql [<options>] <shapefile> <tablename> <database name>
The <shapefile> is the name of the shape file, without any extension
information. For example, 'roads' would be the name of the shapefile
comprising the 'roads.shp', 'roads.shx', and 'roads.dbf' files.
The <tablename> is the name of the database table you want the data stored
in in the database. Within that table, the geometry will be placed in
the 'geometry' column by default.
The <database name> is the name of the database you are going to put the
the data into.
The options are as follows:
-s <srid> Set the SRID field. If not specified it defaults to -1.
(-a || -c || -d) these options are mutually exclusive.
-a Append mode. Do not delete the target table or try to create
a new table, simple insert the data into the existing table.
A table will have to exist for this to work, it is usually
used after a create mode as been run once.(mutually exclusive
with -c and -d)
-c Create mode. This is the default mode is no other is specified.
Create a new table and upload the data into that table.
(mutually exclusive with -a and -d)
-d Delete mode. Delete the database table named <tablename>, then
create a new one with that name before uploading the data into
the new empty database table.(mutually exclusive with -a and -c)

Saving to an intermediate sql file to load in mysql later:
shp2mysql roads1 roads_table my_db > roads.sql
Loading directly:
shp2mysql -c roads1 roads_table my_db | mysql my_db -u user -p password
shp2mysql -a roads2 roads_table my_db | mysql my_db

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