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Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі

«Ақтөбе облысы білім басқармасының Шалқар ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі» ММ-нің
«№1 мектеп-гимназиясы» КММ-сі
Approved: ____________

Unit: 6. Traditions and language

Teacher’s name: Zhalimbet T.K
Date: 07.02.2022
Grade: 9
Theme of the lesson: Festival blog
Learning objective(s): - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general
and curricular topics; - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives: Learners will be able to:

use some target language correctly in response to speaking and writing task prompts and in
use a range of target language correctly in response to a wider range of speaking and writing
task prompts and in exchanges

Planned Planned activities Learners’ activities Evaluation Resources


Begining GREETINGS Photoes

5 min What’s in this module?
Read the title of the module”Traditions and
Warm up. Free talk. Learners look at the
When you hear the words "tradition" and "customs" photo and guess the
what associations do you have? traditions
What traditions and customs do people have?
Do people try to keep traditions alive?
Britain is full of culture and traditions which have
been around for hundreds of years. British
customs and traditions are famous all over the
world. When people think of Britain they often
think of people drinking tea, eating fish and chips
and wearing bowler hats, but there is more
to Britain than just those things.
In groups speak about these traditions.
Middle READING  TASK: Learners match the Verbal evaluation
30 min Match the facts with people and countries. facts with people and
Don’t forget to underline new words and be able to countries
say their meanings.

How do people keep the traditions alive?

Do traditional stories travel from one country to
While reading the text write down word –
Learners read the text
and write down word –
Individual avaluatio
Word - Meaning n
make up create
calm down relax
pass down to give from one generation to
the next
find out learn by studying
get orders order
get mad become very angry
come up with have an idea
look into explore, investigate
keep on continue

Which of the traditional stories did you like best of

Explain: “Remember the ant”.

5 min Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using
the method:
“Six thinking hats”:
Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Red: How do you feel about your work today?
White: What have you leant today?

Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?

Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
Hometask: W.B. p.46, Ex.5 – 6 p. 69 St.B.
Saying goodbye

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