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Anurag Choudhary

This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the

PGDM Program of the Universal Business school, KARJAT

Distribution list:
Company mentor: MR. VIDUR CHANDNA
College mentor: Prof. Inderpal Singh
Date of submission: August 17 2021
I, Anurag Choudhary hereby declare that this project is a record of original work done
by me. The results personified during this report haven't been submitted to the other
university or institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
The findings and conclusions of this report are based on my study and experience and
are conducted under the guidance of Mr. Vidur Chandna, SR. Area Manager,
Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the PGDM
Program of, Universal Business school, KARJAT

Anurag Choudhary

This report would have been quite impossible without the immense help and pleasant
environment offered at Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd., wherein they hired
me as an intern for three months. I am deeply grateful to the entire management of “
UBS, KARJAT ” for allowing me to work on the practical aspect of life.

To start with, I would like to thank Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
and UBS KARJAT for providing me the chance to undertake this internship study
and allowing me to explore management areas like marketing, finance.

I would like to thank Mr. Vidur Chandna (Managing Director) WHO gave ME
an opportunity to be a section of their organization and endure my summer
coaching and steerage enabled ME to conceive and construct the project.

I am thankful to the entire team of Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

who provide their valuable suggestions and precious time to accomplish my
project report.

Then I would like to express my profound gratitude towards my Faculty

Guide, Prof. Inderpal Singh for his valuable suggestions, comments,
feedback, and support throughout the internship. It an pleasure to work under
his guidance.

Anurag Choudhary
Executive Summary 1


1.1 General Introduction about the sector. 2

1.2 Industry Profile. 3

a. Origin and development of the industry. 3-4

b. Growth and present status of the industry. 4-5

c. Future of the industry. 5-6


2.1 Origin of the Organization. 7-8

2.2 Growth and development of the Organization. 8-10

2.3 Present status of the Organization. 11

2.4 Functional Departments of the Organization 11-14

2.5 Organization structure-and Organization chart. 15-17

2.6 Porter 5 force model. 18-19

2.7 SWOT Analysis. 20

2.8 Products and services offered by the company. 21-22

2.9 Promotional strategies. 23


3.1 Student's work profile (Role and responsibilities), tools, and 24

techniques used.

3.2 Key learning 24


4.1 Statement of the research problem. 25

4.2 Statement of research objectives. 25

4.3 Research design. 25-26

4.4 Sampling Technique. 26

4.5 Limitations. 26





7.1 Data Analysis 34-42

7.2 Finding, Conclusions and Recommendations. 43-46




Anurag Choudhary




Amoolya Group of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Amoolya Group of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is a wealth advisory firm.


To study the Marketing strategies of Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


To study the factor affecting market conditions and the marketing strategies of
Amoolya. To study the marketing conditions for successions of the organization, find
out the areas of development and also to find out the failure of some strategies.


To study the origin, growth, and development, present status, functional departments,
products and service profile, organizational structure, marketing profile, and
organizational competitors of Amoolya.


The methodology used in the project is a primary method with the help of Google
docs, surveys, and personal interaction with clients and employees. In the second
method, we will use previous year reports and previous surveys.

The limitation of this study is it is hard to analyze market strategies as sometimes
strategies are for the long-term benefits of employees and the company. And
sometimes even employees are not aware of that. Some employees who were
interviewed didn’t share their observations or problems they were facing because they
didn’t find it important to share because of their personal opinions and views.


In Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd., my role as a trainee in the organization

working on the marketing strategies survey done by Amoolya Group Of Consultants
Pvt. Ltd. My responsibility is to know the marketing strategies of Amoolya Group Of
Consultants Pvt. Ltd. for this I made a questionnaire for the survey and made a report
on that survey.
1.1 General Introduction about the sector.

With the worldwide expansion of companies and changing technologies, Indian

Organizations have realized the importance of corporate training. Training is
considered as more of a retention tool than a cost.

Today, human resource is now a source of competitive advantage for all

organizations. Therefore, the training system in Indian Industry has been changed to
create a smarter workforce and yield the best results. With the increase in
competition, every company wants to optimize the utilization of its resources to yield
the maximum possible results. Training is required in every field be it Sales,
Marketing, Human resources, Relationship building, Logistics, Production,
Engineering, etc. It is now a business effective tool and is linked with the business

With the increase in awareness of corporate training in the Indian Industry, a gradual
shift from a general to a specific approach has been realized.

According to NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services

Companies), the IT corporate training market is expected to reach Rs 600 crore in
2010 from Rs 210 Crore in 2006.

In the Indian market, 50% of the training company’s revenue comes from retail
training and the rest from other segments.
On the other hand, in many organizations training is regarded as a non-essential or a
need-based activity. Some organizations start a training department to look modern.
Some organizations are headed by unwanted employees rather than employees of
outstanding merit. While some organizations do not have a separate budget to hire
highly qualified trainers for training and development.

1.2 Industry Profile.

Corporate training, which had always been a constant focus area for all insightful
companies, has now become a powerful tool to improve business performance. The
role of Corporate Training in companies today is integral in ensuring that your
workforce is tuned into your organization's goals. On one hand, the knowledge
economy, is booming training budgets are estimated to be low and restricted to certain
‘learning’ companies. Traditionally, Indian companies spend anywhere between 0.7
and 2.1 percent of their turnover on training their employees. The software and BPO
segment, which are essentially people-oriented businesses, spend about 2-4 percent of
their revenues on upgrading employee skills. The other sectors that are strong on
spending on training programs for their employees are retail, automobile, sales,
service, financial services, and banking, telecom, and manufacturing. In today’s India,
the market with an increase in recruitment makes a big base of the training companies
to offer their services for shaping these new recruits into business individuals. The
training industry is still in its nascent stage with immense business and recruitment
possibilities for the market to tap.

Several organizations within the training industry estimate the size of the market by
comparing internal research to economic data. uses data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis along
with data collected from annual Top Training Company studies. Training Industry.
Om’s estimates of the global spend compared to North American spend is below.
Note that data related to spending includes all dollars spent by companies for training
activities, including sourced and outsourced spend.

a) Origin and development of the industry.

All organizations must manage four resources: money, equipment, information, and
people. Investments in better equipment may speed up production or reduce waste.
Information is power; data about products, prices, and customers are essential to
every business When the organization invests in improving the knowledge and skills
of its employees, the investment is returned in the form of more productive and
effective employees. Training and development programs may be focused on
individual performance or team performance. The creation and implementation of
training and management.

Investing in human resources through training and management development

improves individual employee capabilities and organizational capabilities. But
investing in people is not the same as investing in equipment or machinery. When an
organization invests in new computers, for example, the cost can be depreciated over
multiple years; but when an organization invests in management development, it is a
cost for that year and cannot be depreciated. So from an accounting point of view,
dollar for dollar, it is better to invest in the equipment that employees use than it is to
invest in the employees using that equipment.

b) Growth and present status of the industry:

Oakland, CA – November 28, 2006 – Bersin & Associates, the only research and
advisory firm solely focused on enterprise learning and talent management, today
announced the availability of new research on the state of the corporate training
industry. The results will appear in the December issue of Training magazine, in its
25th annual report on the corporate training market and trends.

The Bersin & Associates study was conducted in August 2006, based on an online
survey of more than 330 corporations in the United States with more than 100

“Over the past few years, the learning and development function in organizations of
all sizes has grown in stature,” commented Josh Bersin, president and founder of
Bersin & Associates. “Economic growth, new governmental regulations, and the
challenges of an aging workforce have made learning and development a strategic
business function. More organizations are viewing training as a key component to
their long-term success, and are increasing budgets to invest in the future,” Bersin

Findings from the report include:

Organizations of all sizes and across nearly all industries reported higher budgets this
year. Overall, training budgets increased an average of 7%.

The training budgets of health care companies have shown the greatest increase, up
20% over last year. More than 40% of health care companies also reported training
staff increases this year.

Technology and financial services companies also reported large budget increases of
10% or more. The technology sector has the highest proportion of companies
reporting training staff increases (69%), but this group also had a fair number
reporting staff decreases (23%). Pharmaceutical companies also show a mixed story,
with 40% reporting staff increases and 30% reporting staff decreases.
▪ Instructor-led classroom training continues to be the delivery method of choice,
used for 62% of all formal training. However, the use of self-study e-learning
continues to rise, now accounting for 15% of all training delivered.

The report also covers how companies are spending their training dollars, which skills
are in most demand, and the rise in outsourcing. Readers will find information and
statistics on the use of new approaches to learning, how programs are being delivered,
and how delivery varies depending on company size, industry, and type of training.

C) Future of the industry:

As the economy continues to slow and training budgets to come under increasing
pressure, the market consolidation is likely to continue, with fewer larger training
providers dominating the market. However, there will always be a place for smaller
niche operators who can undercut the larger corporate operators.

Large companies seeking to cut costs will drive the growth in demand for outsourced
HR functions, including training, favoring larger training providers and those that can
operate globally to match their clients’ business models; for example, those serving
global IT companies.

The use of technology in learning will continue to grow as part of the solution to
deliver key benefits such as cost reduction and standardized modular learning. This
will favor training providers with up-to-date technology and knowledge of how to
apply it.

At the same time, the growth in the use of technology in the workplace will continue
to pervade all sectors and most occupations, giving rise to the need to deliver
technology skills as part of the training offer, not[= a stand-alone subject. For
example, e-skills UK, the SSC for the IT and telecoms industries, points to the need
for IT professionals with business skills, who can deliver business solutions through
the expert application and exploitation of technology. Skillset, the SSC for the
audiovisual industries, points to a similar need for hybrid creative, technologically
skilled, business-aware individuals.

Training will increasingly need to be integrated into the business strategy as all
businesses come under greater competitive pressure. This will provide an advantage
to those training providers seen to be offering business solutions instead of just ad hoc
training services.

Training providers that are likely to be under the least pressure will be organizations

operating in sectors:

• That is driven by regulation, for example, financial services and hospitality;

• With environmental obligations, for example, energy and manufacturing;

• That is driven by technology, for example, financial services, IT, and the audiovisual

• Those are least affected by the economic downturn, for example, the public sector.
2.1 Origin of the Organization.

Keeping in mind the most critical needs in today's context, we have emerged as a service partner
providing our clients a one-stop solution offering a gamut of services - Training & development,
International & National Internship, International & National Placement & Student exchange program
abroad. Moreover, we are India's 1st Organization to launch customer care for the students for the
mentioned services Training &development, International & National Internship, International &
National Placement & Student exchange program abroad. Thus, our mission is to establish high
standards of professional etiquette and to effectively facilitate a comprehensive and accomplished
system of continuing professional development for every possible profession through our exceptional
training solutions.

An ability to build, develop and nurture brands and enable them to achieve a leadership position in the
key markets. Deft in coordinating sales territories, quotas, and goals and establishing training programs.
Adept at analyzing sales statistics gathered by staff for determining sales potential and inventory
requirements and monitoring the preference of the customers.

High energy, a results-oriented leader recognized for proactive initiative and enthusiastically meeting
deadlines. Experience in all aspects of sales cycle and management: lead generation, customer needs
assessment, presentations, negotiations, staff management & training. Keen ability to inspire and
motivate employees via fruitful relationship-building skills. Diligent and fair leadership that secures

We understand the multiple needs of the business world and recognize that there is a gap in what
enterprises expect and what people perform. We can meet the needs from a single source, with the
facilities, resources, and learning expertise to fully achieve the desired goals. For this purpose, Amoolya
Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. has come up with a unique International Internship Program,
International Live Projects, Various Training Programs on Personality Development/Career
Management/How to get a desirable Job, etc. & 3 days Workshops on how to choose career options to
train and develop the knowledge and resource-based skills in the candidates to fill the void of the
business environment. This is not all, we also look forward to the successful placements of our Interns
with the top companies of national and international repute.
2.2 Growth and development of the Organization.

Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is a people training and development company. Established in
2013, on the principles of developing and delivering high-quality training, the company can facilitate
various training and development programs/internships in India and abroad with top B-schools and has
trained almost 40000 and above interns to date. The Services of the company are spread beyond the
national boundaries of India. Keeping in mind the most critical needs in today's context, we have
emerged as a service partner providing our clients a one-stop solution offering a gamut of services we
have emerged as a service partner providing our clients a one-stop solution offering a gamut of services.

Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is a people training and development company. Established in
2013, on the principles of developing and delivering high-quality training, the company can facilitate
various training and development programs/ internships in India and abroad with top B-schools and has
trained almost 40000 and above interns to date. Liaison with 26 universities in India with a base size of
900 & above campus. International Liaison with 80 universities abroad with a base size of 500 & above.
Having a Team of 42 exclusive corporate trainers. The operations of the company are spread beyond the
national boundaries of India.

Keeping in mind the most critical needs in today's context, we have emerged as a service partner
providing our clients a one-stop solution offering a gamut of services. Training &Development,
International & National Internship, International & National Placement & Student exchange program
abroad. Moreover, we are India's 1st Organization to launch customer care for the students for the
mentioned services Training &development, International & National Internship, International &
National Placement & Student exchange program abroad. Thus, our mission is to establish high
standards of professional etiquette and to effectively facilitate a comprehensive and accomplished
system of continuing professional development for every possible profession through our exceptional
training solutions.

We understand the multiple needs of the business world and recognize that there is a gap in what
enterprises expect and what people perform. We can meet the needs from a single source, with the
facilities, resources, and learning expertise to fully achieve the desired goals. For this purpose, Amoolya
Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. has come up with a unique International Internship Program,
International Live Projects, Various Training Programs on Personality Development/Career
Management/How to get a desirable Job, etc. & 3 days Workshops on how to choose career options to
train and develop the knowledge and resource-based skills in the candidates to fill the void of the
business environment. This is not all, we also look forward to the successful placements of our Interns
with the top companies of national and international repute.
Clients Profile

18% First Time Investors


First Time Investors Businessmen Senior/Middle Management Entrepreneur

Clients Age
Above 65
7% 22-30
50-65 21%

23% 30-40

22-30 30-40 40-50 50-65 Above 65

2.3 Present status of the Organization.

Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is a people training and development company. Established in
2013, on the principles of developing and delivering high-quality training, the company can facilitate
various training and development programs/ internships in India and abroad with top B-schools and has
trained almost 40000 and above interns to date. Liaison with 26 universities in India with a base size of
900 & above campus. International Liaison with 80 universities abroad with a base size of 500 & above.
Having a Team of 42 exclusive corporate trainers. The operations of the company are spread beyond the
national boundaries of India.

Their Associates:
2.4 Functional Departments of the Organization:



Advertising deals with the following:


What is the primary purpose of the advertisement? Is it to inform about the product/company, sell the
product or improve the image of the company?


Who is the target? From which sector of the public are you trying to achieve a response?


Bearing the aim and target in mind, which of the media available you are the most suitable for – i.e.; TV,
radio, press, or internet?


What are the competitors doing? Which media channel are they using? Are they successful? Can you
improve on their approach and beat them?

2. Developing effective advertising:

Good advertisement generally elicits the following four responses:

Attention :

It should catch your eye or ear and stand out of aimed the clutter of competing advertisements.


It should arouse interest and deliver sufficient impact in the message or offer.

It should spur an action that leads to the achievement of the ad’s original objective – i.e.: potential
customers to purchase or use your product or services.


It creates a desire to learn more or crave ownership.

Selling is the exchange of goods and services for an agreed sum of money.

Depending on the circumstances, a sales transaction can include one, some, or all of the following

Prospecting and qualifying:

Identifying qualified prospects i.e.: those that are likely to want or need your product or services and can
afford to pay for it.


Undertaking research about prospects to assist in the actual selling process.


Making actual contact with the prospect in person, by phone, or in writing.

Presenting and demonstrating:

Presenting and demonstrating features and the benefits of your product or services to convince the
prospect that their want or need can be satisfied.

What is sales promotion?

It relates to short-term incentives or activities that encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.
Sales promotion initiatives are often referred to as “below the lines” activities.

What are the major promotion activities?

Sales promotion activities can be targeted towards the final buyer. Here are some typical sales
promotion activities.

Consumer promotion:

• Point of purchase display material

• In-store demonstrations, sampling, and celebrity appearances
• Competitions, coupons, sweepstakes, and games
• Loyalty rewards programs

Business promotions:

• Seminars and workshops

• Conference presentation
• Trade show display
• Telemarketing and direct mail campaigns
• Newsletters
• Event sponsorships

Trade promotions:


• Corporate entertainment
• Bonus stock

Salesforce promotions:

• Commissions
• Sales competitions with prizes or rewards
2.5 Organization structure-and Organization chart:

Mr. Vidur Chandna

(Managing Director)
Mr. Vinod Kumar
(Managing Director)

Ms. Anna Gupta

Mr. Nitin Malik
(Country Head)
(Head Legal affairs)

Ms. Divya Narang

(Area Manager)
• Nitin Malik (Head Legal Affairs):

(Central Govt. Standing Counsel, Executive Member- High Court Bar Assn., Delhi)

Practicing as an Advocate at Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, and District. Courts,
Panchkula, Consumer Courts at Panchkula & Chandigarh and D.R.T. dealing in all types of cases
relating to Civil, Revenue, company matters, working as an arbitrator with various firms and also
specially empaneled on the professional firms of Chartered Accountants for dealing and drafting of
notices, cases, agreements, appeals and revisions of all sorts and also in Banking Sector and Public-
Sector Undertakings.

• Mr. Vinod Kumar (Managing Director):

A dynamic-oriented professional with more than 20 years of Finance experience with the ability to
engage with clients and targeting their needs. Exposure in handling client queries, providing them
feasible solutions & building healthy relationships, thereby achieving high customer satisfaction.
Expertise in setting up international and national level marketing networks and driving them to attain
key objectives.

An ability to build, develop and nurture brands and enable them to achieve leadership positions in key
markets. Deals in coordinating sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, and goals and
establishing training programs. Adept at analyzing sales statistics gathered by staff for determining sales
potential and inventory requirements and monitoring the preferences of customers.

High energy, a results-oriented leader recognized for proactive initiative and enthusiastically meeting
deadlines. Experience in all aspects of sales cycle and management; lead generation, customer needs
assessment, presentations, negotiations, staff management ad training. He has a keen ability to inspire
and motivate employees via fruitful relationship-building skills. He has diligent and fair leadership that
secures profitability.

Portfolios Managed:

Managed nearby 11800 portfolios.

Conducted 100 &Above workshops on Financial Literacy India & Abroad.

Conducted 200 & Above Workshops on Placement talks in top b schools in India & Abroad.

• Mr. Vidur Chandna

Experienced individual with a demonstrated history of working in the insurance industry. Skilled
in financial planning, customer relationship management (CRM), recruiting, team building, and
team management. Strong sales professional with a master of business administration (MBA)
focused in marketing from narsee monjee institute of management studies, Mumbai.

The Five forces that shape industry competition are as follows: -

1. The threat of new entrants:

If there are not enough barriers to restrain entrants, enough new entrants may emerge to lower
the profitability of the incumbents.

2. Power of suppliers:
If the suppliers are powerful enough, they may raise their prices, decreasing their customer’s
profitability (industry in question).

3. Power of buyers:
If the buyers are powerful enough they will demand lower prices from the industry and thereby
lowering profitability.

4. Availability of substitutes:
If the industry is not just competing against products and services of their direct competitors, but
also industries where the customers can meet their needs.

5. Industry rivalry:
If there are enough players who are equally resourced for a fight, it could move to cut-throat
Threat of New Entrants
High Power of Buyers
1) New independent broker. Medium
2) Number of sub-industries 1) Medium number of buyers
developing 2) Various companies and
3) Switching cost to new services.
customers. 3) Cost of switching is high
4) Close customer relations.

Power of Suppliers Availability of Substitutes

Medium High
1) Mutual fund companies 1) Products from companies
2) Other broker dealers in like Milestone and India
structured deals, separate account Bulls are present.
2) Relative Price of
3) Life insurance companies. Substitutes.

Industry Rivalry
1) Individual financial planners
can also be competitor.
2..7 SWOT Analysis.

• Handling large • Brand awareness.

number of clients. • Lack of track record.
• Multi-lingual staff.
• Reputation oriented.
• Strong management
• Customization of
Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

• Rising of insurance • High competition in

and banking sector. investment sector.
• Proponent timing to • Strong reliance of
enter the market clients on external
because of the need. investment
2.8 Products and services offered by the Company.

• Wealth Management:
The term Wealth Management refers to a professional investment and advisory service that offers
financial planning, investment management, and other types of specialized financial advice. It is a
process that aims to provide techniques and plans that allows an individual or a company to attain all the
possible goals in a systematic pragmatic manner.

• Proprietary Financial Planning:

We offer property advisory services for all residential and commercial properties, rendered by our expert
team members having thorough market knowledge in residential, industrial leading Prices. We work on
the following area:
1. Negotiate on Property valuation/deal on behalf of clients and get a better value of money.
2. To make appropriate proposals favoring our clients.
3. Projects offering an assured return on investment.

4. Cash flow analysis & financial Modeling.

5. Legal documentation of properties in a methodical manner.

• Portfolio Management:
Portfolio Management refers to the science of analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats for performing a wide range of activities related to one's portfolio for maximizing the return at a
given risk. It helps in making a selection of Debt Vs. Equity, Growth VS Safety, and various other

• Tax and retirement planning:

Tax planning is simply optimizing both the timing and strategy of your business tax matters, to ensure
that you pay as little tax as possible. Those strategies should be geared to optimize and improve business
growth. Tax planning is an essential tool for any business to undertake each year to effectively plan
towards the end of the financial year to ensure no nasty tax bills appear unexpectedly.
The goal of retirement planning is to achieve financial independence. As people tend to live longer, a
new reality about retirement savings: They have to stretch for a longer period of time. So, we are here to
help you with the best advice.
• Mutual funds advisory:
Mutual Funds are measured on relative performance. Their performance is compared to a relevant index
such as the S&P 500 Index or to other Mutual Funds in their same sector. Hedge funds, on the other
hand, are expected to deliver absolute returns by attempting to make profits under all circumstances,
even when the relative indices are down.

• Business loan assistance:

We deploy technology and apply innovation to create unique and compelling propositions that help you
do what you always wanted to do. Hereunder are a host of unique features and benefits that you enjoy
with Business Loans from banks, Financial Institutions & FDIs. We help in making and designing
appropriate project reports and presentations. Most of these features are industry firsts and come only
with our portfolio of offerings.

• Training and development:

Training and development activities are designed to impart specific skills, abilities, knowledge to interns
and employees. The company also provides training to management students (BBA, MBA, BCOM)
from different colleges like amity university. Lal Bahadur Shastri College of management, universal
business school, management of education and research institute(MERI), etc.
2.9 Promotional Strategies used by the company.

Backlinking strategy:
An incoming hyperlink from one web page to another website, “the more backlinks you have pointing
back to your site, the more popular it will be”.

Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. follows the backlinking strategy, in this strategy, they generate
traffic on:
• Maximum likes on Facebook.
• Maximum ratings on Just Dial.
• Maximum followers on Google+.
• Maximum subscriptions on YouTube.
3.1 Student's Work Profile.

In Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd., my role as a trainee in the organization working on the
marketing strategies survey done by Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. My responsibility is to
know the marketing strategies of Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. for this I made a
questionnaire for a survey and made a report on that survey.

3.2 Key Learning.

Classroom teaching helps the student by making the conceptual base clear, but on-the-job training is the
practical way, which helps the students to get practical knowledge of the concept. Normally the students
are not aware of the actual requirement

Working as a trainee at Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. was a wonderful experience, it gave
me an immense understanding of how companies are making business in various ways.

It is my pleasant duty to express my special thanks to Miss. Vidur Chandna for her encouragement
throughout my project and their guidance during the compilation of work.
4.1 Statement of the research problem.
Analysis of Marketing Strategies for the various levels of the market situation and finding the various
factors responsible for success and failure of a company which needs to be worked on.

4.2 Objectives of the study.

• To study the factors affecting the market conditions.
• To understand the marketing strategies of Amoolya Group of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
• Studying the market condition for the successions of the organization.
• To find the reasons for failure.
• Finding an area for development through study.

4.3 Research design.

Data Collections Methods:

1. Primary Data:
Primary data is the raw data that is collected by the researcher as first-hand information from the sample
taken into observation for a specific purpose. The primary data is collected through surveys, personal
interviews with the help of a designed questionnaire, observation.

The collection of data is done with help of designed questionnaires and personal interviews.
Questionnaires are closed-end like scale method is been used to design the questionnaire.

Primary data is collected through questionnaires and personal interviews of management level and
worker level employees.
2. Secondary Data:

The secondary data refers to those, which are already stored somewhere for someone’s requirement or
reference. It can be collected from sources like books, the internet, etc. For my study purpose, I have
also used various sources of secondary data. I have used sources such as the Internet, books, discussing
with friends, etc.

Secondary data is collected through the company periodical, broachers, etc. of the company.

Sample frame: - Employee from each department and each level in the department and interns of the

Sample size: 100 Employees and interns for questionnaire


Random sampling refers to the sampling technique in which each and every sample item has an equal
chance of being included in the sample. The selection is free from personal bias and the sample depends
entirely on chance. The employees of Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. have been randomly
given the questionnaires to fill.

Every study has got some limitations, during the project “analysis of marketing strategies” in Amoolya
Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. I have also faced some constraints and limitations. They have been listed
as follows:

Some employees who were interviewed didn’t share their observations or problems they were facing
because they didn’t find it important to share because of their personal opinions and views.

Many employees and organization have low awareness about the marketing strategies and why it is
needed in the organization, as well as what benefits will it bring to an individual or group of people and
in turn the organization.

Some respondents were not aware of the information asked in the questionnaire. So could not fill the
questionnaire appropriately.
When it comes to market strategies every company is taking steps forward if we talk about Amoolya.
Company is taking steps like promotion through offline and online mode were in offline Mode
Company is focussing on doing seminars and promotions incorporates and doing presentations to add
distributors, presentation are companies focusing on adding distributors from the market like
households and retire people as the major product of the company is insurance and investments they
are (the company is ) doing seminars on T3 terminal 3 focusing travel insurance and collecting a
database of clients that are father use for reselling other investments. Also, the company is expanding
its operations in Haryana, Punjab belt so they are focusing on marketing through some agencies which
are helping them in marketing by doing promotions and roadshows also for doing brand awareness
company is educating youngsters on the topic of the like value of money.

Where in the online mode we as a company are focusing on

• Email Marketing: Email marketing where company send emails to the existing clients for
reselling software’s like mail chimp and send lane is used for emails

• Online Marketing: Online marketing where companies do campaigning through Facebook and
Instagram to generate leads

• Just dial Marketing: Just dial helps the company in achieving a lot of clients and also it increases
the sales of insurance and mutual funds

• Intern Marketing: In this company do hire management trainees from B-schools and ask them
to promote the company in their home town

• Facebook Marketing: Facebook Marketing hereby deals in campaigning the quotations of

mutual funds over Facebook.

• Mobile marketing: where customers service call is done to the existing customers to sell them
new products.

• Message marketing: where messages are sent in bulk to do lead generation for example get
your insured for Rs. 50 lakhs in just Rs. 20 per day that’s how marketing is done.


We were taught about different types of interviews and we were asked to make a presentation for the


We were taught how a salesperson can respond to the customers’ concerns that would alleviate them
and allow the deal to move forward. We were given situations on the spot and we were asked to
handle them.

We learned the seven steps of problem-solving. We were given few scenarios to solve using the seven
steps. We were also asked to give the pros and cons of the options.


We were given a topic to discuss amongst ourselves for 15 minutes. The topics that we got were “Job
Vs Entrepreneurship”. We were evaluated based on our performance.


We were asked to give a presentation for five minutes on our topic. We have to choose one topic on
which we have to give a Sales pitch for 5 minutes.


We had to sell workshops offered by AGC and the time limit was 1 week. As this is one of the toughest
products to sell, the purpose of this task was to see individual marketing skills and their unique ideas to
sell the product. Also to give a taste of the real market and client dealing experience.
In this task, I contact 16 people out of which I was able to convert 6 of them.


1. Vinod Goyal 9838768865

2. Anil Goyal 7409222222

3. Sanjay Agrawal 9161072000

4. Rajesh Mathur 7568536969

5. Ashish Agrawal 9648760160

6. Indu 8929433777

7. Rohit Verma 8800000383

8. Arvind Singh 7388555027

9. Riya Sharma 8196099899

10. Prashant Agrawal 9451711111

People who were converted:-


1. Richa Agarwal 9721061235

2. Ritesh Agarwal 8707650391

3. Sushil Agarwal 9415175669

4. Prem Prasad Agrawal 8299201833

5. Manjeet Kaur 9335815825

6. Avantika Gupta 9450095505


We were given the task of online branding in which we had to increase the Facebook and Instagram
likes on the official page of the company Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
1) Do Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. have enough resources to provide
their services?

1. Yes 91.3%

2. No 7.7%

3. Maybe 1%

From the above pie chart, it is clear that 91.3% employees and interns think that the company have
enough resources to provide their services. Whereas 7.7% interns specifically think in contrast because
they have recently joined the organization and they don’t have complete idea about the working of the

2) Do you know the target audience for Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.?

1. Yes 85.1%

2. No 6.1%

3. Maybe 8.8%


From the above pie chart, it is clear that 85.1% of employees and trainees know the right target audience
for Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Whereas in contrast 6.1% don’t know about the target
audience and 8.8% are not sure whether they know or not. No, and Maybe are because of the trainees
who have joined the organization recently, they don’t know exactly about the organization.
3) What is the best medium for the advertisement according to your point of view?

1. Local Newspaper 0.6%

2. Hoardings 3.6%

3. Radio 2.3%

4. Internet 93.5%


From the above pie chart, it is clear that 93.5% think that the best medium for advertisement is the
internet. Internet is the cheapest source of advertisement, advertisement through social networking sites
is the best thing anyone can do. As maximum people are available over here.
4) What according to you can be other modes of marketing strategies that can be
used by Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.?

1. Direct Mail 3.5%

2. Social Media Marketing 87.8%

3. Brand Marketing 8.7%

4. Mobile web Marketing 0%

From the above pie chart, it is clear that 87.8% of employees and trainees think that the best
source of advertisement according to them is Social media marketing. Reason being that it is the
cheapest source of advertisement and it creates awareness about anything faster than any other
5). Do you feel there is a need for any celebrity endorsement in the company?

1. Yes 12.2%

2. No 74.8%

3. Maybe 13%


From the above pie chart, it is clear that 74.8% of employees and trainees feel that there is no need for
any kind of celebrity endorsement in the company. Whereas 12.2% feel that there is a need and 13% are
not sure about it.
6). How much according to you Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is
willing and realistically able to spend on advertisement?

1. 0 – 10% of the revenue 84.2%

2. 10 – 20% of the revenue 12.3%

3. 20 – 30% of the revenue 1.75%

4. 30 – 40% of the revenue 1.75%


From the above pie chart, it is clear that 84.2% of employees and trainees think that Amoolya is willing
to spend 0-10% of the revenue on the advertisement. Whereas 12.3% think that the company is willing
to spend 10-20% of the revenue.
7) Do you agree that the company has proper marketing strategies for its

1. Strongly disagree 2.6%

2. Disagree 2.6%

3. Neutral 14.8%

4. Agree 76.5%

5. Strongly agree 3.5%


From the above pie chart, it is clear that 76.5% of the employees and trainees think that the company is
using proper marketing strategies for its services. Whereas 14.8% of people are neutral.
8) Do you agree that the company has positioned itself in the market in a better

1 Strongly disagree 1.7%

2. Disagree 1.7%

3. Neutral 17.4%

4. Agree 77.4%

5. Strongly agree 1.7%


From the above pie chart, it is clear that 77.4% of employees and trainees think that the company has
positioned itself in the market in a better way. Whereas in contrast, 17.4% are neutral.
9) Do you agree that the company is targeting its customer in the market in a proper

1. Strongly disagree 2.6%

2. Disagree 2.6%

3. Neutral 10.4%

4. Agree 80%

5. Strongly disagree 4.3%


From the above pie chart, it is clear that 80% of employees and trainees think that the company is
targeting its valuable customers in the right way. Whereas 10.4% are neutral.
The finding is concluded after the analysis of the responses shown and received in the questionnaire and
through interviews of employees.

• Both workers and management employees are happy with their work.

• Employees are satisfied with management’s Marketing Strategies.

• Marketing and proper advertisement will also make the customers aware of the upcoming

projects and will provide them with the knowledge.

• Being a training and development company, the company needs to set its preferences regarding
target audience and Amoolya is doing the right way.
• Relatively new company in the market and have high competition

• Employees learn so many different things from the process & projects. They apply their

knowledge and skill and also develop new things from the process. Very interesting and

knowledgeable process, which keeps their interest.

• Good support from peers, subordinates, supervisors, and different organizations.

• Growth slow is in terms of promotion, financial terms.

• Sometimes there is bad communication between different departments. This delays the supply of
the material and fails to fulfill the commitment.
• Technology should be updated from time to time according to the marketing conditions.

• Marketing Strategies should be molded in a way that suits the market situation.

• Marketing strategies should be clear to all the employees to achieve their targets.

• In the company, 91.3% of the employees and trainees said there are enough resources to provide
services as compared to 7.7% of the employees and trainees who think the opposite of it.
• In the company, 85.1% of employees and trainees know the targeted audience for Amoolya Group
Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. as compared to 6.1% of the employees and trainees who are unaware of
the target audience.
• In the company, 76.5% of the employees say that the company has proper marketing strategies for
its services as compared to the 2.6% ratio of the employees and trainees which think that the
company does not has proper market strategies. Plus 14.8% of employees and trainees are neutral
regarding the same.
• To attract more and more customers the company should provide more services. They should
be given some better lucrative offer.
• Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is providing premium quality training and
development programs with the latest information. But the irony is that people are not aware of
it and its advantages so they must be made aware of it by showing its advantages and what it
does by the hoardings and internet.
• Some more R & D should be carried out so it should be made to give make more services than
what it does.
• The company should continuously keep on providing new versions to enable people to have a
choice and variety of products in this way customers will be attracted and motivated.
• A company should also arrange as many extra marketing strategies for the customers and
employees to keep them fresh and motivated. As 80% of customers are interested in the new
marketing strategy of the company. The company should keep encouraging new training
programs for the customers and employees.
• The HR department should take care of employees’ suggestions or complaints properly.
Whatever may be the decision from the higher management either positive or negative,
feedback should be given to the employees. This makes them realize that they are recognized
by the company and their suggestions are important for the company's growth. And also
appreciate employees for their valuable suggestions.
Research shows that satisfied employees will create a higher marketing strategy and in turn positively
influence organizational performance.

The present study has been conducted to analyze the marketing strategies in the company. The research
is carried out in “Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.” situated in Delhi.

91.3% of employees are satisfied with the company “Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.”. Like all
other companies Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is also facing some challenges in the market
environment. There are some demands by the employees for their welfare and company is also taking
care of it.

Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is always on the lookout for talented people to join its team.
The company offers an informal work atmosphere, freedom of decisions, and a multi-disciplinary
experience opportunity. This is a reason that clients of Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. stay
with their organization for a very long period. Many employees over here want to work with this
organization for a long time. Employees feel satisfied working with this organization as this company is
giving them good marketing strategies and open culture, as an employee’s basic need. If people have the
desire to work and learn new things, this is the destination for those talented people. The maximum
number of employee’s responses show that they found the project and process to be very knowledgeable
and interesting.

Employees personally feel that it’s a very strong organization and with time it has proved its excellence.
And with time there are many changes been done and this changes and development are continuing.




















18. Kotler Philips, marketing management 1998, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
19. Kothari C.R., “Research Methodology”, 2nd Edition, 2003, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,
New Delhi.


Q1) Do Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. has enough resources to provide their services?


Q2) Do you know the target audience for Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.?


Q3) What is the best medium for the advertisement according to your point of view?

Local Newspaper Hoardings

Radio Internet

Q4) What according to you can be other modes of marketing strategies that can be used by Amoolya
Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd.?

Direct Mail Social Media Marketing

Brand Marketing Mobile Web Marketing

Q5) Do you feel there is a need for any celebrity endorsement in the company?


Q6) How much according to you Amoolya Group Of Consultants Pvt. Ltd. are willing and realistically
able to spend on advertisement?

0 to 10% of Revenue 20% to 30% of Revenue

10% to 20% of Revenue 30% to 40% of Revenue

Q7) Do you agree that the company has proper marketing strategies for its services?

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neutral Agree

Strongly agree

Q8) Do you agree that the company has positioned itself in the market in a better way?

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neutral Agree

Strongly agree

Q9) Do you agree that the company is targeting its customer in the market in a proper way?

Strongly disagree Disagree

Neutral Agree

Strongly agree

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