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|Tangerine Ape

Spring/Summer 2011

2010 Winner 2011 Winner

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Our Training Formats

|Group Training Programmes

Personalised training programmes for 6 to 12 delegates

Group training sessions with Tangerine Ape are in-depth, hands on and highly individual. These bespoke programmes offer delegates a chance to take a look at very
specific issues, learn and practice tools and techniques to develop new skills and gain personal insight into how to make their work and personal lives more effective.

With numbers limited to a minimum of six and maximum of twelve, the subject matter gets adapted on an on-going basis throughout the programme to absolutely
suit the needs of the delegates in the training room.

Programmes are an action-packed eight hours, with people doing, not sitting. Learning with Tangerine Ape is not a spectator sport!

All of our Group Training Programmes can be tailored and accredited to suit our client’s needs.

|Seminar Session
Any number of delegates
We do appreciate that there will be times when you simply want your people to learn a new skill and learn it
quickly, but you may not be able to release them for a whole day, or you may want them to get some
polish on a skill set they already have, or you want them to get a focused look at one very specific area of
subject matter that your organisation needs to cascade in a timely fashion.

Our Seminar Sessions provide the perfect platform to get your people thinking and seeing things in new
ways and trying out some new techniques.

Seminar Sessions last for 90 minutes and we incorporate a number of different delivery formats
into each one.

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|Licensed Accredited Training
Tangerine Ape work with organisations to design programmes specifically for them, then select, train and accredit the individuals designated to deliver the learning

How does it work?

 The first step is we work with you to develop a tailored, licensed training package for the specific requirements of your organisation. The content of the
programme will be designed to reflect your values, culture and learning aims and objectives.
 We then deliver a train the trainer programme to prepare your designated individuals to deliver this exact programme.

This enables us to ensure the highest possible quality of training and delivery without actually delivering the training ourselves.

Following this we will accredit those individuals we feel most able to deliver a high standard of training and assist you to pilot and roll out the training to your
workforce under our licence procedure.

As a tailored solution the logistics will vary for each case, but as a cost effective method of delivering targeted training to large groups of people, it cannot be

|One to One Fine Tuning Sessions

For a completely personal, in-depth and confidential look at your specific learning needs,
Tangerine Ape offers “fine tuning” sessions in any area off our curriculum.

From preparing you to handle a crucial presentation, to developing your management skills or
helping you with confidence and self-esteem issues, our approach is powerful, comprehensive
and quick.

The fine tuning sessions are dynamic, highly focused and subject matter specific so they
get to the heart of your issues with speed and effectiveness.

Typical fine tuning sessions will last for two hours.

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|Tailor Made
When an organisation is seeking to create impact and improvement through lifting the performance of groups of people, we can work with you at various
levels of programme design, from lightly tailored content or delivery through to fully customised learning solutions. We have in-depth experience of
working in close collaboration with subject matter experts to incorporate client specific knowledge into our learning solutions.

We have a rich library of tried and tested learning content and we combine this with client specific context and requirements to design and deliver 'world
class' customer bespoke programmes.

Our approach is characterised by:

 Insight about how to make the link between capabilities and performance and the organisation's strategy and goals.
 Building in success criteria and metrics from the outset, which enables us to ensure our world class programmes deliver measurable value.
 A robust design approach, which ensures that the learning method is engaging, sustainable and seamlessly applied in the workplace.
 Our research and capability to design solutions that are at the forefront of innovative practice - use of blogs and podcasts to keep the learning

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Just a few of the programmes we offer...
Personal Impact and Effectiveness

Realising Your Potential: Page 9

Giving Effective Feedback: Page 10
Effective Communication Skills at Work: Page 11
Speaking and Presenting with Confidence: Page 12
Speaking in Public with Authority and Confidence: Page 13
Developing Your Personal Impact and Relationships: Page 14
Handling Difficult People and Situations: Page 15
Influencing and Persuading for Managers: Page 16
Conducting Effective Meetings: Page 17
Working Assertively and with Confidence: Page 18
Effective Time Management and Prioritisation: Page 19

Leadership and Management

Successful People Management and Team Leadership: Page 21

People Management Skills for New Supervisors and Team Leaders: Page 22
The Manager‟s Development Programme: Page 23
Performance Management and Coaching: Page 24
Critical Conversations for Managers: Page 25
Effective Change Management: Page 26
Effective Delegation: Page 27
The Creative and Innovating Manager: Page 28
Managing the Talent within your Team: Page 29
The Newly Appointed Manager: Page 30
Facilitation Skills: Page 31

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Essential skills for the Manager and Leader

The Presentation Café: Page 33

Managing Upwards: Page 34
Emotional Intelligence for the Manager and Leader: Page 35
Conducting Effective Appraisals and Performance Reviews: Page 36
Interview and Selection: Page 37
Motivating Teams and Individuals: Page 38
Managing Remote Teams: Page 39
Advanced Facilitation skills for the Manager and Leader: Page 40
Introduction to strategy and Strategic Design: Page 41

People Insight and Feedback

The E.I. 360 View – For all Employees: Page 43

The Team 360 View – For all Teams: Page44
The Manager 360 View – For Mangers: Page 45
The Leader 360 View – For Senior Mangers: Page 46
The Senior Leader 360 View – Executives: Page 47
Performance 360 View – Non Supervisory: Page 48

Manager and Individual Assessment

The Manager Insight Assessment: Page 50

The Individual Insight Assessment: Page 50

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Team Development

The Intact Team Development Programme: Page 52

Coaching and Developing Others

Coaching for Results: Page 54
Train the Trainer Essentials: Page 55
Train the Workplace Trainer: Page 56

…all of our programmes can be accredited.

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Personal Impact and
Effectiveness programmes
In testing economic conditions, organisations are increasingly looking to employees to be more effective, make a
greater contribution and make more of an impact in the way that they work.

The programmes we have designed here provide the interpersonal skills that can make a huge difference to the
way that you interact and perform at work.

These programmes also provide the invaluable life skills that are transferable to your home as well as work life.

With many organisations re-structuring and widening employee responsibilities, these programmes also help
sustain an effective flow of communication and focus your training budgets on the areas that tackle the real issues
facing your business today.

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|Realising Your Potential
This programme promotes the idea that all of us need to take active What will I come away with?
responsibility for our own growth and development. Many people are content
with having their lives decided for them and only complain when things don‟t  Improved communication skills
turn out as they expected. Tangerine Ape will take you through techniques to  The ability to put your ideas forward in a coherent and substantiated
break that mould and begin to take control of your own life, achieving your goals manner
and aspirations, striving for new challenges and really reaching for the stars.  A far greater understanding of self-acknowledging what you want and
how you are going to go about achieving it
You‟ll learn to communicate more effectively, be more assertive with people that  Ways of harnessing positive thought
matter and develop yourself in ways you didn‟t think were possible. The tools  Goal setting techniques – work and personal life
you will come away with on this programme can be applied to all of life‟s  Visualisation techniques
Personal Development
Is this right for me?
 Preparing your action plan for the work place
We have designed this programme for those who feel they have more to give
and have aspirations that they really want to achieve.

What will I learn?

By the end of this programme you will be able to:

 1 day company in-house group training
 Examine and understand what “potential” is programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 How to realise what potential “enablers” are  For further information or to book this
 Introduction to personality types model programme please call: +44(0)7580 189748
or e-mail;
 Examining your own positive attitude
quoting Ref: RYP001
 Working with assertive behaviour  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 How are you planning for success at the moment? specific needs
 Setting personal and career priorities
 Working with a variety of visualisation techniques to set your goals and ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
career priorities  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Positive thought – the how and the why
 Introducing positive communication
 Building meaningful business relationships

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|Giving Effective Feedback
This is a highly interactive programme which gives you the opportunity to
Feedback Model
practice giving and receiving feedback in the workplace.
 Preparation for the feedback meeting
The programme is for one day and will provide the core skills that will help you  Introducing the feedback planner
build confidence to deliver and receive feedback effectively. We work with a  Feedback planning session and model practice
simple process and technique that allows you to transfer the skills learned on  Receiving feedback to develop
the programme back into the workplace.
Essential Interpersonal Skills for Feedback
Is this right for me?
 The power of questioning to gather information
The programme is ideal for any individual who has to give feedback as part of  Demonstrating listening through Emotional Intelligence
their role. The programme will also examine how to receive feedback effectively.  The mysteries of body language
 Has your message been heard?
What will I learn?
Handling Feedback
By the end of this programme you will be able to:
 Understanding life positions and remaining assertive
 Helping the receiver give their own feedback
 Define what feedback is and when it should be used
 Staying neutral not emotional
 How to deliver appropriate feedback to your colleagues in a range of
 Overcoming resistance, denial and aggression when giving feedback
different situations
 Understand how to give balanced feedback using our model
 Build rapport and empathy with your colleagues in feedback situations
Personal Development

 Preparing an action plan for use in the workplace

Pre-Programme Activity
 1 day company in-house group training
 Delegates should bring a real-life scenario with them to the programme programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
to enable them to practice and prepare techniques for use back in the  For further information or to book this
workplace programme please call: +44(0)7580 189748
or e-mail;
What will the programme cover? quoting Ref: GEF002
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs
Building Blocks of Effective Feedback
 What is effective feedback?  One-to-One Fine Tuning
 When to deliver feedback
 Understanding what praise is and the differences from feedback
 Instant feedback

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|Effective Communication Skills at Work
Communication can be judged by the effect and impact it has on others. Building Rapport and creating Productive Relationship’s
 Use of questioning – softening the barriers, using the right approach
This hands-on programme focuses on all of these critical elements, allowing  Listening – what to listen for, how to discern acceptance or resistance
delegates to leave with a clear plan of how to improve their communication  Listening to understand and not just to respond – focus on active
skills, enabling them to achieve the right results. listening

This is a challenging, practical and insightful two-day programme which explores

the techniques required for you to achieve positive results through your How to Influence those around you
interaction with others.  Requirements and process for moving someone from an entrenched
You will leave with a personal action plan identifying the key changes to make  Using and controlling your emotions through words, sounds and
and skills to practice to build your self-confidence and improve your presence to create impact
 Handling difficult situations and delivering difficult messages
communication techniques.

You will also take away tips, techniques and templates to support you in
Communicating and Presenting a Positive Image
 Meetings – getting heard, being taken seriously, taking control,
implementing your communication skills back in the workplace
getting to the decision point
 Understanding the relative impact of phraseology
 Responding to others‟ ideas – sharing understanding, support and
Is this right for me? appreciation

For those wishing to improve their communication skills with others either face- Presenting a Positive Image
to-face, in meetings or on the telephone.  Projecting a more confident image through improved communication
 Putting communication skills into practice
Programme overview:
 2 day company in-house group training
Examining what is Effective Communication programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
 Clarifying how you wish to portray yourself
 To book this programme please call:
 How you are perceived by others (personal assessment/feedback)
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Understanding and softening perceptions and communication barriers quoting Ref:
 Exploring styles of communication and experimenting with different
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
Assessing Relative Difference specific needs
 How to identify hidden emotions and messages through observation
 Tackling difficult behaviour – effecting a change ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
 How to deliver difficult messages and maintain the relationship  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Recognising different behaviours and choosing an appropriate,  Seminar Session
professional response

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|Speaking and Presenting with Confidence – Presenting with impact

During this two-day programme we will help you to transform your presentation
skills, adding greater control and confidence. What will the programme cover?
 Preparation
In a workshop environment you will plan, prepare, practice and deliver a  Meeting the needs of your audience
number of presentations. Some will be recorded for you to view and you will be  Overcoming the barriers to successful group speaking
given feedback on how to enhance your approach and delivery. You will leave  Aims and objectives - focusing on the key issues
with some tricks of the trade and increased confidence to enhance your delivery  Preparing your content and delivery notes
and engage any audience.  Practicing your delivery and timing
 Building Confidence
Is this right for me?  Confidence and its effect on your audience
Suitable for individuals who are required to speak or present in front of others  Techniques for controlling your nerves and confidence boosters
and wish to project a professional image and develop their skills and confidence.  Relaxation techniques to ease anxiety
Programme overview:
Delivery Skills
Speaking and presenting to groups with a greater  An evaluation of your body language and image
confidence and professionalism  Positive language and appropriate gestures
 Plan and prepare your presentations more effectively  Sound interested, enthusiastic and professional when projecting your
 Dealing with limiting beliefs around confidence voice
 Focus attention on the key issues whilst gaining audience acceptance of  Connect and interact with your audience
your message  Top techniques for influence and credibility
 Keeping your audience engaged with enthusiasm and clear  Use effective and appropriate visual aids
 Use the correct visuals to keep interest and enhance your message  2 day company in-house group training
 Interact with your audience, taking questions and feedback programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
Pre-programme activity  To book this programme please call:
 Whilst planning, preparation and practice time is available on the +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
programme, delegates will be required to give some thought to the quoting Ref:
subject matter they wish to practice on the programme SWC004
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

 Seminar Session

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|Speaking in Public with Authority and Confidence – Making it memorable and engaging
You are already comfortable with smaller audiences; you find your nerves are What will the programme cover?
mostly under control and you have experience with presenting at a senior level. The Audience
 Understanding the audience, its needs and expectations
This fast-paced, motivational and highly stretching interactive programme is for  Holding the audience‟s attention – stay in control
you.  Using questions and objections as opportunities
 Maintaining your credibility
Your highly experienced facilitator will coach you through a variety of
challenging exercises to enhance your natural style of presenting. Voice and Image
 Breathing and voice projection
Individual feedback and recordings will add to the experience and give a  Boost your vocal energy
foundation for future success.  Make any nerves work for you
 Body language that inspires
Is this right for me?
This programme is for, directors, senior managers and professionals who find Language that Works
themselves presenting to larger audiences.  Repetition, pausing and summaries
 Using words which are natural and unforced.
What will I learn?  Avoiding business speak
 Understand how to build a logical and attention-holding structure  Positive and dynamic language
 Meet your key objectives with flexible delivery techniques through NLP  Conveying passion
 Making it memorable - construct compelling openings and closures Delivery
 When to use dynamic visuals  Storytelling, ice-breakers and mood makers
 Remain relaxed even when things don‟t go to plan  Creating empathy and feeling for your audience
 The use of silence and pauses for maximum impact  Using word pictures
 Perfect your personal style  Isolating the key messages

Pre-programme activity  2 day company in-house group training

 You will be required to bring a ten minute work related presentation programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
with you to maximise the time available. A recording of your delivery  To book this programme please call:
will be provided for on-going feedback and development. +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

 Seminar Session

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|Developing Your Personal Impact and Relationships

This programme will enable you to think differently about your day-to-day Social Styles in Practice
interactions, assess your own style and identify ways to develop new and highly  What are the different social styles and which is your comfort zone?
effective approaches to building and managing more productive relationships.  How do you display this preference and how does that affect your
communication with others?
It will introduce you to the business benefits of understanding your own and  How to develop flexibility between the styles to build more effective
others' Emotional Intelligence and using it to your advantage. relationships with all styles

Is this right for me? Dealing with Conflict

If you‟re looking to improve your interpersonal relationships and reflect on what  How to deal successfully with negative behaviour
you are currently achieving compared to what you want to achieve this  Understanding the need for conflict and how to use it to your
workshop style programme will give you the environment, support and guidance advantage
to create your personal strategy for improvement.  Handling personal attacks professionally and dealing with sensitive
issues confidently
 Making positive changes in your interpersonal style to fit your personal
What will I learn?
Perception of Yourself and the Image Portrayed to Others  Developing your skills when giving and receiving feedback
 Defining assertive, aggressive and submissive behaviour – how do  Developing active listening skills and effective questioning techniques
others perceive you?
 Identifying the „emotional footprint‟ you want to leave with others
 Presenting your point of view - helping others shape and develop their
ideas of you
 2 day company in-house group training
programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
Defining and using Emotional Intelligence  To book this programme please call:
 What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)? +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Using and developing EI in the workplace quoting Ref:
 The business benefits of using EI in the workplace DPI006
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
Strengths, Weaknesses, Tips and Techniques specific needs
 The dynamics of interpersonal relationships
 The essence of assertiveness and its value for you personally and in the ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
 Adopting appropriate body language and voice tone to be consistent  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
with the message you intend  Seminar Session

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|Handling Difficult People and Situations

This one-day programme provides you with an extremely insightful and practical
What will it cover?
guide on how to manage yourself and the difficult people and situations that you Developing an Understanding of Behaviour
encounter in your workplace. It will provide you with tips and techniques to  Understand why people behave the way they do
enable you to develop the confidence to be proactive and not reactive when  Emotional impact of behaviours – yours and theirs
challenged by people and circumstances.  Encouraging others to change non-productive work behaviour styles

You will learn how to understand other people‟s behaviour and how to respond Forging Positive Working Relationships
appropriately. You will gain practical guidance to apply to your own situations  Adopting a positive approach to your relationships with others
and you will leave the programme with a set of handy reference cards to remind  Creating an open and honest working environment through
you of key skills and techniques learned. constructive feedback

Is this right for me? Managing Difficult People

If you are looking to develop a more confident approach when dealing with  Recognise negative and aggressive behaviour patterns
difficult situations, this programme will give you the tools and techniques you  Understand and manage the situation rather than the person
need.  Identifying and dealing with the underlying causes of difficult
What will I learn? behaviour
 Understand the theory behind workplace behaviour
 Forge positive working relationships with difficult or uncooperative Adopting a Confident, Professional and Appropriate Style
individuals  Managing feedback on the impact of personal communication
 Approach conflict situations with increased confidence in an  Recommendations to build a confident and professional approach
appropriate and timely manner  A toolkit to be combined and adapted to suit your individual situation
 Adopt a confident, professional and appropriate style when faced with  Planning Your Personal Strategy
difficult people or situations
 Plan your personal strategy for dealing with difficult situations
Pre-programme activity  1 day company in-house group training
To gain the maximum benefit from the programme, you will be sent a pre- programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
programme questionnaire to complete which asks you to consider current  To book this programme please call:
expectations. This will help you set the context of the programme and the +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
information you provide will be used on the day as part of the activities . quoting Ref:
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

 Seminar Session

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|Influencing and Persuading for Managers – With an introduction to Negotiation
What will it cover?
This is a manager level programme aimed at enhancing existing abilities in Developing Your Communication Skills
communicating your ideas, messages and objectives and understanding the  Defining communication and the communication process
effect or impact you have on others.  Your personal communication style
The combination of group learning, feedback in a supportive environment and  Self-analysis and skills audit
practical exercises, means that you will leave with a real sense of what you can
personally achieve. You will also complete a comprehensive communication style
questionnaire and the outputs will help you develop a priority list of your key
Effective Interpersonal Communication
 Using non-verbal communication to strengthen your position
skills and techniques as learned from the programme.
 Mirroring the recipients language to promote rapport
 Identifying and overcoming barriers to effective communication
Is this right for me? Persuasive and Influential Communication
If you are a manager who is frequently required to influence and negotiate with
 Expressing your views, ideas and requests with confidence
others, or not achieving your ideal outcomes from negotiations/issues then this
 Gaining others‟ agreement and commitment to change
programme is for you. The primary focus is to recognise and develop influencing
 Using assertive behaviour
and persuading strategies that will enable you to be more effective whilst
 Pull versus push
maintaining rapport with others.
The concluding section of the programme is an introduction to the core Communicating with Confidence
principles of negotiation to secure win/win results  Communicating effectively with senior colleagues
 Communicating difficult or sensitive messages
What will I learn?  Dealing with difficult people and situations – minimising conflict
 Communicate in a more persuasive manner with colleagues and
individuals from outside your organisation An Introduction to Negotiation
 Develop more effective and creative working relationships  The core negotiation process when working with others
 Explain complicated ideas in a manner which aids understanding and  Pre-negotiation – preparation and planning
increases the likelihood of success  Concluding the negotiation – securing a win/win result
 Communicate with increased confidence at meetings
 Become a more active listener and use enhanced persuasion skills to
 2 day company in-house group training
act as an opinion shaper
programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
 Apply principles of negotiation to your day-to-day communication
 To book this programme please call:
 Identify your own preferred influencing style and use it to encourage
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
others to change quoting Ref:
Pre-programme activity  This programme can also be tailored to meet
To gain the maximum benefit from the programme, you will be sent a pre- specific needs
programme questionnaire to complete which asks you to consider current
expectations. This will help you set the context of the programme and the ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
information you provide will be used on the day as part of the activities.
 One-to-One Fine Tuning
 Seminar Session

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|Conducting Effective Meetings
Is this right for me? Conduct a Meeting Effectively
This programme is suitable for individuals who are required to run, conduct and  Using various techniques to make people interact with each other
lead any kind of meeting and who wish to achieve success.  Dealing with problematic attendees
 Controlling flow and time
 Encouraging participation from all attendees
What will I learn?
 Structure and conduct meetings to achieve objectives and avoid
Technology in Meetings
wasting time
 Video and/or audio conferencing tools
 Identify, understand and apply the PPCM approach
 Personalised feedback and input on how to make your virtual meetings
 Encourage contributions from all participants
 Develop communication skills and efficiently conduct professional
 Deal with difficult situations or members Develop Communications Skills
 Give constructive feedback  Questioning and listening techniques
What will it cover?  Identifying the key message and the needs of the audience
 Developing your personality to build rapport more easily and
Efficient Meeting Preparation
 Identifying the different types of meetings
 Practising persuasion techniques to feel more confident in dealing with
 Isolating the common problems and difficulties that occur in meetings
 Structuring the various phases of the meeting
 Handling misunderstandings
 Identifying clearly the role and responsibilities of the chairperson
 Maintaining assertiveness
 Adopting the appropriate tone and structure

Lead Effective Meetings with the PPCM Approach Give Constructive Feedback
 Pursuing effective reviews
 Pertinence: what the purpose is, other possibilities of meeting people
 Mastering summarising techniques
 Preparation: clarifying and communicating the agenda, topics,
duration, commitments, logistics
 Conduct: the techniques to lead and involve the team in the meeting
 Measure: who should draw up the minutes of the meeting  1 day company in-house group training
programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 To book this programme please call:
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

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|Working Assertively and with Confidence
This programme is highly interactive, practical and yet supportive. It uses
many different forms of learning to develop assertiveness skills and lift your Linking Assertiveness, Confidence and Self-Esteem
self-confidence.  Distinguishing between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour
 Self-assessment of your style – the associated strengths and
The programme provides practical guidance for anyone needing to develop weaknesses
assertiveness skills for a range of workplace situations. You will gain  Recognising your own style and behaviours
tools and techniques to make requests assertively, say 'no' to  Techniques to build self-esteem and confidence
unreasonable demands, proactively address problems in the workplace,
and to boost your confidence and build your self-esteem. Handle Challenging Situations and People Confidently and
At the end of the programme, you will leave with a personal action plan  Tackling barriers to assertiveness
identifying the key changes needed to be made, the skills to practice in  Confronting individual challenges which occur in the workplace
order to build your self-esteem, build your self-confidence and improve  Working proactively to prevent future challenges in the workplace
your assertiveness techniques.  Giving and receiving constructive feedback
Is this right for me?
If you want to become more effective at making requests of others, saying Assertiveness and body language
'no' to unreasonable demands, or generally improving your level of  Taking control through positive body language
assertiveness and increase your confidence and self-esteem then this  Responding appropriately to the body language of others in the
programme will give you the guidance you need. workplace
 Using assertive and positive language – making your message clear
What will I learn?  Building rapport to maintain relationships
Understanding Assertive Behaviour
 Defining and recognising assertiveness in the workplace
 Examining the link between assertiveness and work/life balance
 1 day company in-house group training
 Identifying and pinpointing behaviours linked with assertiveness
programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 Introduction to assertiveness techniques to say 'no' and make requests
 To book this programme please call:
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

 Seminar Session

18 | Page
|Effective Time Management and Prioritisation
This programme helps to answer the age old question of “where does all my Defining Time
time go?” It identifies how precious time is and gives you proven  What do we mean by time management?
techniques to effectively protect and manage it.  Being able to recognise what good and poor time management is

Proven time management tools and techniques will be introduced to Managing Yourself
give you the ability to plan and prioritise effectively.  Defining what you are expected to achieve in your role
 Linking your objectives to key result areas
This is a highly practical programme which shows you how and where your  Identify your responsibilities and priorities
time is lost and what impact that has on you and others.  Being able to set goals and objectives for yourself
 Choosing your long-term goals and how they can help your planning
Is this right for me?  Defining your personal time stealers and how to deal with them
This programme has been designed for busy people who want to be able to
manage their time in the most effective way possible. Planning and Prioritising
 Identifying key tips and techniques on how to prioritise your workload
What will I learn?  Using modern planning tools to optimum effect to develop proactive
By the end of programme you will be able to: planning
 Regard time as a resource to be managed in a different way.  Controlling your emails
 Identify and focus on your objectives and key areas of responsibilities.  Technology – useful or not?
 Establish and overcome the causes of poor time management.  Identifying how to balance your focus and energies when managing
 Identify and deal with time stealers. your time
 Prioritise your tasks and the unexpected.  How to use the key criteria for prioritising
 Time management - practical application exercises

Pre-programme activity
Participants who attend this programme will need to identify what the key areas Making it Work
of work which they consider to be the most important to their role and the most  Q & A session on other time management issues
urgent are, prior to attending the programme.  Practical exercise to review your time issues

 1 day company in-house group training

programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 To book this programme please call:
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

19 | Page
Leadership and Management
- Supporting your manager and
leadership development
The Academy has been developed to provide the manager and leader with a defined progression route to support you through each stage
of your managerial career. Below is just a selection of our programmes and pathway options. For further information and to discuss our
approach in these areas please call us, we‟d be delighted to share some of our case studies with you.

Core Skills – The programmes highlighted in this pathway provide the essential skills that help your transition to different
managerial levels.

One-to-One “Fine Tuning” Sessions – Here we focus on the specific aspects of people and team management through our highly
focused One-to-One subject matter specific sessions. We get you to the “nub” of it quickly. See page three for more detail on this

Modular – We offer many of our leadership and management programmes in a modular format. Contact us to find out more about
our modular management and leadership programmes.

Essential Skills – In addition we also run a series of essential managerial/leadership skills programmes applicable to all levels of

20 | Page
|Successful People Management and Team Leadership
Team Building, People Management and Motivation
 Distinguish team roles and responsibilities
This intensive three-day programme focuses on all the key tools and techniques
 Create the ability to recognise and manage the different roles
required of manager‟s in today‟s fast moving business environment.
 Maximise and maintain input and motivation - building the desire for
The facilitator introduces real life examples and insights; you will leave with a
 Theories of motivation and their impact in the workplace
practical toolkit of best practice management techniques. This is a rigorous and
 Practical ideas on how to motivate your team
demanding programme central to your development as a manager and leader of
 Recognise the signs of demotivation - tools and techniques to turn this
Is this right for me?
The programme has been designed for experienced supervisors, team leaders Enhancing Team Performance through Coaching and
and managers. This demanding programme will enable you to hit the ground
running in your role.
 Identify the team‟s coaching and training needs
 Coaching skills for managers
What will I learn?  Provide recognition and feedback
Stepping up to your New Role  Respond to poor performers
 What is required of you? Role and responsibilities
 The role and characteristics of successful leaders Problem Solving and Dealing with Conflict
 Making the transition to a manager of others  A six-step technique for problem solving and decision making
 Meeting the demands of your manager and team  Deal with difficult people and situations - working towards positive
Managing Change conclusions
 Understanding the nature of change  Handle conflict within the team and promoting cooperative behaviour
 A model for implementing change  Recognise and adapt your preferred style for resolving conflict
 Appreciate people‟s reactions to change and manage them effectively Your Future Development
Successful Interpersonal Communication  Your facilitator will coach and assist you to develop a personal
 Overcoming the barriers to effective communication application plan to implement on your return to work.
 Building relationships through positive communication
 Communicating more assertively in meetings  3 day company in-house group training
 Influencing and persuading colleagues programme for 6 - 12 people £2097.00
Personal Effectiveness, Time Management and Delegation  To book this programme please call:
 Techniques for self-management +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Identifying key result areas quoting Ref:
 Deal with information overload SPM012
 The process of delegation and its benefits  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Model for effective delegation specific needs
 Identify and overcome the barriers to effective delegation
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Licensed Accredited Training
 Modular

21 | Page
|People Management Skills for New Supervisors and Team Leaders
If you are new to people management then this programme is the ideal way to
gain the skills you require quickly.

As a new supervisor or team leader you will return to work feeling motivated Effective Communication
and confident that you can make a positive impact in your new role. You will  Overcome barriers - ensure your communications get results
also leave with a personal post-programme action plan to implement.  Assess and listen to your team‟s needs
 Communicate more assertively in team meetings
Is this right for me?  Define feedback and how to give constructive feedback
The programme has been designed specifically for supervisors, team and section
leaders who are relatively new to their role and have had minimal previous Overcome People Problems and Difficult Situations
training in the fundamentals of people management.  Deal with difficult people and situations - working towards positive
Supervisors with more experience may prefer Successful People Management  conclusions
and Team Leadership. See page 21  Supervise people you used to work alongside
What will I Learn?  Understand the decision-making process
 A six step technique to problem solving
Defining Your Role and Responsibilities
 What is required of you? - role and responsibilities
Improve Team Performance
 Meet new challenges and changes with confidence
 Prioritise and plan for yourself and others
 Meet the demands of your manager and team
 Respond to poor performance
 Work with your manager to achieve your goals
 Develop effective strategies for yourself and your team
 Establish your personal leadership style
People Management, Team Development and Delegation Personal Development
 Set personal and team objectives
 Prepare and develop a personal action plan to support your return to
 Build a positive and successful team
the workplace
 Recognise strengths and develop individuals' potential
 The process of delegation and its benefits
 Overcome the barriers to effective delegation
Motivating the Team  2 day company in-house group training
 Maximise and maintain input and motivation - build the desire for programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
results  To book this programme please call:
 Provide recognition and feedback +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Motivate to achieve maximum performance quoting Ref:
 Link individual effort to team and organisational goals PMS013
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Licensed Accredited Training

22 | Page
|The Manager's Development Programme
This practical, comprehensive and very demanding three-day programme uses
psychometric tools, case studies, group discussions, management games and Resource Management
simulation exercises to enable managers to challenge their current way of managing  Planning, organising and utilising resources
in the workplace.  Monitoring and controlling resources
This programme will equip participants with the knowledge and tools to deliver  Effective delegation when under time and priority pressure(s)
improved results upon their return to work.
Is this right for me? Managing the Performance of Others through Coaching
This is a middle manager programme, you will be responsible for the performance of and Feedback
other managers/team leaders and you will be accountable for a business unit or
 Aligning performance to the organisational vision
 Setting clear performance expectations
What will I learn?  Coaching techniques to create high performers
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  Creating the environment and opportunities for others to grow
 Identify your personal leadership style and understand the impact it has on  Identifying the potential in others and creating a structured
those around you development plan
 Know how to adapt your leadership style to the needs of the people you  Providing motivational feedback and praise
manage Managing Conflict
 Lead and manage change successfully, within the business, dealing with  Establishing a positive working environment
resistance along the way  Aligning personal and corporate values
 Manage and organise your resources effectively to achieve business results  Identifying your personal conflict handling style
 Deal with conflict in the workplace in a positive and constructive manner  Adapting your style to different situations
 Develop the performance of those around you through coaching and  Practical techniques for dealing with conflict and difficult people
 Dealing with poor performers
Challenging and Dealing with Under-Performance
What will the programme cover?  Defining under-performance and the reasons for it
Personal Leadership Style  Giving constructive and timely feedback
 The relationship between leading and managing  Remaining credible, honest and professional
 Receiving feedback on your personal leadership style  Techniques for dealing with poor performers
 Analysing your personal leadership style
 Exploring self-perception and how others perceive you
 The impact of your style on those you manage  3 day company in-house group training programme
 Practical and applicable leadership models/tools for 6 - 12 people £2097.00
 Identifying your personal strengths and areas for development  To book this programme please call: +44(0)7580
189748 or e-mail;
Change quoting Ref: MDP014
 Initiating and leading change - your role as a manager and a champion  This programme can also be tailored to meet specific
 Organisational culture and its impact on change initiatives needs
 Communicating change and delivering difficult messages
 Managing change on a day-to-day basis - plans into action ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
 Linking change to the business strategy  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Gaining commitment to the change and dealing with resistance  Modular
 Encouraging change, creativity and innovation  Licensed Accredited Training

23 | Page
|Performance Management and Coaching Managing and Motivating for Individual Performance
 The link between motivation and performance including practical
This practical two day workshop style programme will provide all of the essential approaches for managing differing performance levels
skills and knowledge to manage and motivate other people to achieve their best  Identifying your personal leadership and coaching style
performance.  Changing your personal leadership style to get the most from the
You will explore the link between high performing individuals, teams and their individual performer
business. You will develop your feedback skills, handling difficult or demotivated  Improving and developing performance
people and learn to celebrate success.  What to do when the performance plan doesn‟t work
 Creating and implementing opportunities for learning based on
Is this right for me? personal styles
The programme is suitable for individuals who have performance coach  Praising and celebrating good performance
responsibilities (evaluating and managing others „work) and need to help people  The performance coach – spotting opportunities and keeping it
achieve their potential. informal and positive
What will I learn?  Celebrating success
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  Monitoring and evaluating performance (gathering performance data
 Understand the link between effective performance management and and evidence)
business results  Providing clear and motivational feedback on a regular basis to
 Monitor and measure performance against agreed goals improve individuals‟ daily performance
 Run regular appraisal meetings to encourage your team to reach  Encouraging self-appraisal and review
agreed goals and pick up any development opportunities
 Confidently deal with difficult performance issues positively for all Managing Under-performers
involved  Identifying what constitutes poor performance
 Recognise when to give formal and informal motivational feedback  Handling difficult people in a fair and confident manner
 Encouraging them to find solutions and take ownership
 Understand disciplinary and grievance procedures
Pre-programme activity
 Understand your role in grievance and disciplinary situations
 You will be asked to think about the way appraisals and performance is
currently handled in your workplace
 What you like and dislike and specific situations you would like to
discuss on the training programme
 2 day company in-house group training
What will the programme cover? programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
The Value of Performance Management  To book this programme please call:
 Defining performance management - what it is and why it matters +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 The benefits of effective performance management quoting
 Looking at common reasons for underperforming Ref:PM015
 Exploring your role as a performance manager and coach – how to get  This programme can also be tailored to meet
the best from others specific needs
 Setting clear expectations, SMART and behavioural objectives
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Licensed Accredited Training

24 | Page
|Critical Conversations for Managers
Developing a High Performance Mind-Set
Whether you are saying 'no' to a request, communicating bad news, dealing with  Constructing a strategic line of sight for objectives
poor performance or recruiting, critical conversations happen throughout the  The link between performance and company / team reputation
year.  The links between motivational objectives and measurable business
By using a simple four-step process every conversation can be made more  Create personal ownership – the value of walking the talk
effective for both parties. During the programme there will be opportunity to
practice a variety of real life situations so practical learning can be taken back Setting objectives to excite and motivate
into the workplace.  Understanding the performance elements of goal setting
Is this right for me?  Simple tools to help set the goals people want to achieve
This programme is suitable for people who manage others and have had little  Imaginative goal setting so people can see, hear, touch and taste
exposure to critical or difficult conversations. It is also suitable for managers success
who conduct performance reviews. This programme will help give confidence in  Setting goals using SMARTER and PACES
delivering the difficult messages as well as setting the direction of critical
conversations. The Power of Feedback
What will I learn?  Five-step feedback planner and receiving in the moment feedback
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  How we describe specific observable behaviours
 Create personal ownership in performance improvement  Tackling the issue not the person
 Manage the critical performance review conversation  Practicing Push and Pull for feedback conversations
 Committing to the way forward – in partnership
 Give effective feedback Dealing with Poor Performance
 Deliver bad news and sensitive issues with empathy  Exploring the options to tackle poor performance
 Effectively resolve conflict  Examining the behaviours in and around „poor performance‟
 Manage emotion in reaction in both yourself and others  Assessing individuals from skill and will
 Face into difficult decisions  Challenging our assumptions – what‟s the evidence
Pre-programme activity
In order to gain the maximum benefit from the programme, you will be sent a
pre-programme questionnaire to complete which asks you to consider current  1 day company in-house group training
expectations. This will help you set the context of the programme and the programme for 6 -12 people £699.00
information you provide will be used on the day as part of the programme  To book this programme please call:
activities. +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
What will the programme cover? quoting Ref:
Critical Conversations  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Identify the sensitive issues that are critical to your business specific needs
 What makes a critical conversation different from the rest
 Avoiding conflict at the key touch points
 Staying in control of emotions
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

25 | Page
|Effective Change Management
Decide on a Suitable Change Approach
This programme introduces managers to a range of change management  Avoid pitfalls and produce balanced plans for organisational change
applications, techniques and tools that ensure your change is successful.  Use the change cycle to maximise your success
The programmes provides you with the opportunity to explore your own change  Uncover the enablers and constraints within your change
situations and also practice using a selection of practical change tools and
techniques specifically designed to support your implementation of strategic Select the Appropriate Tactic for Implementation
change within your organisation.  The type of change to be introduced and the implications
Is this right for me?  Choose the best managing style for every aspect of change
Suitable for managers and senior managers who have the responsibility for  Change start points: top-down, bottom-up or pilot sites
implementing and leading the introduction of change initiatives and wish to  Agreeing change targets and objectives
enhance their knowledge and skills in strategic change management.  Clarify the role of leaders and other change agents
What will I learn?  Identify the skills and qualities of effective change agents
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  Use the change curve to overcome individual barriers to change
 Identify the types of change that occur in organisations  Prepare motivational communication plans
 Identify the main components that are involved in planning change
 Appreciate the range of issues and complexities involved in change Monitor Progress and Maintain Momentum
management  How to use appropriate measures to monitor and review the progress
 Understand the main responsibilities when leading people through and results of change
periods of change  Identify the techniques that drive change forward and avoiding a
 Recognise the main barriers to change and establish how change can return to the past
impact on managers and staff
 Create strategies for overcoming resistance to change Personal Development
 Engage others to build their commitment to the required change  The opportunity to practice with a range of change techniques
 Use a series of tools and techniques to analyse, introduce an monitor  The preparation of a personal action plan to assist with your on-going
change development
What will the programme cover?
 1 day company in-house group training
The Need for Change
programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 Enhance your ability to identify the strategic rationale for change
 To book this programme please call:
 Understand the nature of change from strategic to personal levels
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
Create the Right Conditions for Successful Change quoting Ref:
 Learn how your organisation's culture can impact on change ECM017
 The importance of understanding the framework that will help  This programme can also be tailored to meet
implement change specific needs
 Employ the change kaleidoscope to identify the key elements in
defining context ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
 Use stakeholder mapping to appreciate who will be affected by the  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
change and what action to take  Licensed Accredited Training

26 | Page
|Effective Delegation
Being able to let go and delegate tasks to others can be one of the hardest
What will the programme cover?
managerial responsibilities. The temptation is just to do it yourself – after Introduction to Delegation
all you‟re likely to do a much better and quicker job and let‟s face it it‟s  Why delegate?
going to take more time than it‟s worth to explain to someone else how to  What does delegation mean?
tackle the task. This all too common view only leads to disaster – lack of  What cannot be delegated and why?
delegation will lead to you slowly drowning in work. This enlightening one- The advantages and disadvantages of delegation
day programme will give you the confidence to let go of tasks without  The difference between delegation and “dumping”
losing control and give you the skills to use delegation as a motivational  What happens when delegation does wrong
tool to increase performance. Delegation at work – a practical approach
Is this right for me?  Delegating tasks to your team – a planned approach
This introductory programme is suitable for all supervisors, team leaders  Setting targets and measuring performance
and managers who need to boost their delegation skills to improve the  Evaluating the effectiveness of your delegation style
efficiency of their teams. Breaking down the barriers to delegation
What will I learn?  Matching your delegation style to suit individuals
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  Learning how to trust and give respect
 Improve productivity and efficiency through effective,  Understanding your team‟s expectations
intelligent and planned delegation  Managing team member‟s self-esteem; the delegation process
 Use your delegation style to identify the tasks that can and Where do you and your staff want to be?
can‟t be delegated, according to the strengths and  Developing your staff and yourself in tandem
weaknesses of the team  The benefits of smart delegation decisions
 Strengthen your ability to delegate more varied and  Planning – the map of your destination
demanding tasks by accurately assessing the training and Delegation and team efficiency
development needs of your team and implementing cost  Monitoring your team‟s time effectiveness
effective solutions  Time as currency – spend it wisely, spend it well
 Ensure that new working arrangements improve work
quality as well as quantity
 Assess the risks of delegation accurately and plan for all
eventualities  1 day company in-house group training
 Ensure you and all your team remain motivated, programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
contributing appropriate skills and developing new ones to  To book this programme please call:
manage and complete activities and projects successfully +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

27 | Page
|The Creative and Innovating Manager
This is a highly practical and “hands on” one day programme which we
have designed to be a catalyst for innovation and creativity!
Based on the latest thinking and best practice used in problem solving, the Storming
programme ends by providing you with a reporting template designed to  Problem, what problem?
secure senior management and stakeholder endorsement for change.  Impact versus degree of difficulty
Is this right for me?  Effectiveness versus efficiency
If you are a manager or project leader looking to find innovative and Making change happen
creative ideas for problem resolution, then this programme is for you.  Planning how to manage the creative change
It will encourage you to resolve workplace problems by dispensing with the  Constructing a report for management and key stakeholders to
traditional theory, and focus on innovation and creativity to get results. endorse change
What will I learn? Personal Development
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  The preparation of a personal action plan to assist your on-going
 Develop innovative and creative skills to assess and solve your development
workplace problems
 Make more effective use of your own and colleagues‟ creative
thinking skills
 Assess the impact on the business of your creative
recommendations  1 day company in-house group training
 Use “silent storming” to lead innovative and creative problem programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
solving sessions  To book this programme please call:
 Understand how to present new ideas to secure the “buy in” of +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
others to implement change quoting Ref:
 Construct a report that clearly outlines the thinking process, CAI019
conclusions and recommendations for making change happen  This programme can also be tailored to meet
What will the programme cover? specific needs
The blank sheet of paper
 Tapping into the minds of others to find ideas
 Thinking “why not?” as opposed to just “why?”  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

Working together generates innovation and creativity

 Creating the right environment for others to work creatively
 Thought association – what is the real problem here?
 Innovation at work!

28 | Page
|Managing the Talent within your Team
In today‟s competitive marketplace the manager who can provide
Performance Analysis and Performance Gaps
continual development for their team stands head and shoulders
 Recognise positive and negative critical incidents
above the rest. This one day programme will give you practical advice
 Assess development needs through the use of skills, knowledge
on how to best create an environment conducive to the development
and behaviours to focus learning
of your team. In exchange you will increase the efficiency and
 Using techniques such as SWOT, team self-assessment and job
effectiveness of those around you and your team.
skills matrix
Is this right for me?  How to agree motivational development plans
This programme is suitable for anyone who manages others and is  The measurement of learning outcomes
enthusiastic about the continued development of their team. The
programme is designed to help you play an active role in their growth
within the workplace and gives you the skills and ability to increase Creating the Environment where others can grow
their future potential. If you really are keen to encourage learning and  The qualities and skills of an effective developer
development in the workplace this programme is for you.  Excite and motivate the willing and not so willing learner
What will I learn?  Identify and create development opportunities within the team
 Encourage peer review and shared learning
By the end of this programme you will be able to:
 Use simple techniques to analyse team members
development needs Essential Skills for Developing Others
 Identify competency gaps and devise development and  The motivational performance review
training plans  Inspiring feedback conversations that get results
 Demonstrate how to address both personal and job related  Objective setting to assist personal development
learning needs
 Explain how to develop and motivate four “types of
performer” using a motivational matrix
Coaching as a Development Tool
 A review of the key steps to effective coaching
 Monitor development results and conduct motivational review
 How to lead a successful coaching session
 Assisting your team to identify their own learning
 Employ a range of feedback skills to stimulate team member
 Creating the conditions so staff resolve their own problems
thinking and learning
 Employ a coaching style of leadership to enhance team
member confidence and accelerate learning  1 day company in-house group training
What will the programme cover? programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
Developing talent – the essential for survival  To book this programme please call:
 Why is the development of others a critical business skill +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
for managers? quoting Ref:
 Understanding the benefits and pitfalls of development MYT020
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Seminar Session
 Licensed Accredited Training

29 | Page
|The Newly Appointed Manager
Leading People and Building Teams
We have designed a programme that allows the new manager to build their  The behaviours of high performing teams
confidence, understanding and skills in the people and team management  Stages of team development and dynamics
discipline.  Motivation and the “five needs approach”
This is an intensive two-day programme allows the manager to focus on  Developing team and individual competency
combining the essential skills of time management, people resource management,  Skill gap analysis
leadership skill and performance and change management. This programme will  Keeping the team on track and measured
provide you with a thorough grounding in the principles of managerial practice Managing Performance
and excellence.  Setting MT goals and performance indicators
Is this programme right for me?  Giving managerial feedback and difficult messages
The programme is suitable for new managers with some experience at managing  Managing difficult people, conflict and change
or for those with little formal management training who are seeking an  Managing the people you used to work along side
introduction to management techniques. The Need for Change
What will you learn?  Levels and types of strategic change
 Recognise the pitfalls and common mistakes made by newly appointed  The manager‟s role with change and how to influence
managers  Leading through change
 Prioritise your managerial time and delegation matrix Engaging Others
 Plan your management priorities and those of the team  Developing effective working relationships
 Maintain and develop team motivation levels  Managing stakeholders
 Work with understand the need for change within your business area  Influencing and managing those around you – up, down and sideways
What will the programme cover? Personal Development Planning
The Qualities of a Successful Manager  Preparing your action plan to take back into work
 Identifying the behaviours, skills and qualities of an effective manager
 The five key principles of the successful manager in the 21st century
 Setting MT goals for your team  2 day company in-house group training
 Building your manager brand and gaining credibility programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
The Effective Management of Time  To book this programme please call:
 Management prioritisation and time matrix +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Planning and organising the team quoting Ref:
 Working and operating under pressure NAM033
 Management delegation, follow up and review  This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Licensed Accredited

30 | Page
|Facilitation Skills
Programme Overview
Facilitators help others to maximise their contribution in groups and teams by
creating a supportive and outcome focused environment. We have designed this The Dynamics of the Group
programme to allow you learn a range of tools and techniques that generate  Learn how to observe and understand group behaviour
enthusiasm and effect results.  Identify participants needs and expectations
The role of the facilitator has become increasingly important and this one-day  Ensure engagement of all
programme will provide you with the knowledge, skills and a variety of techniques  Guide the group to decisions and conclusions
used by the facilitators here at Tangerine Ape. Managing Conflict
Is this programme right for me?  Differentiate between constructive and destructive criticism
The programme is suitable for all individuals who manage others and want to  Adopt positive techniques for dealing with conflict
improve their ability to facilitate group and team situations in the workplace.  Techniques for dealing with difficult people and groups
What will I learn on this programme? Personal Development
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  Preparing an action plan for use back in the workplace
 Define what facilitation is
 Identify the facilitators role, responsibilities and qualities
 Understand your personal style based on a number of facilitation rating
 Be able to achieve consensus and understand your impact on the group  1 day company in-house group training
 Techniques for maintaining group energy and participation programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 Managing and dealing with group conflict, difference of opinion and  To book this programme please call:
ambiguity +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
What will the programme cover? quoting
The Characteristics of Effective and Powerful Group Facilitation Ref:FAS034
 What is facilitation and what is the process  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 The benefits of facilitation to others and the business specific needs
 Establish the role of the facilitator
 Skills and qualities of the facilitator
How to Structure a Facilitated Session
 The stages of facilitation
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Clarifying group outcomes
 Assigning and understanding roles and responsibilities within the group
 Tracking progress by the group and individuals
 Keeping control of time and action points
Communication Skills for Facilitators
 Listen and question – to pick up clues and signs from the group
 Facilitation skills to keep the group engaged
 Assertively control the group to keep focus on the outcomes
 Recognise when decisions need to be taken

31 | Page
Essential Skills Programmes
for the Manager and Leader
We also run a series of Essential Skills programmes
applicable to all levels of management and leadership. Below is just
a selection and brief overview

32 | Page
|The Presentation Café
This is a one-day highly focused presentation skills programme which will
give you the opportunity to thoroughly practice and perfect your
presentation skills. The emphasis here is very much on honing your
presentation delivery skills, gaining invaluable coaching and feedback from
an expert and your peers. You will also receive recordings of your
presentation sessions.

Is this right for me?

This programme is ideal for those who have experience in delivering
presentations and are looking for further feedback on how they can refine
their presentations skills.

What will I learn?

By the end of the programme you will be able to:
 Create a compelling presentation structure
 Deliver your message clearly using multimedia tools
 Make your presentations memorable and create an impact
 Project confidence and authority using your voice and body
 Deal with the audience and handle challenging situations
Pre-programme Activity  1 day company in-house group training
You will be required to bring along one of your presentations. It could be a programme for a maximum of 6 people
presentation that you have delivered and would like to improve or one that £699.00
you need to deliver in the near future. This will be used as the material for  To book this programme please call:
you to work on during the programme. +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:
Programme Overview: PRC021
 Two practice sessions with personalised feedback and input on  This programme can also be tailored to meet
further tools and techniques to refine your presentation delivery specific needs
The maximum number of delegates for this programme is six. This
is due to the nature of the programme and to allow each delegate  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
appropriate time to fine tune their skills.

33 | Page
|Managing Upwards
This innovative one day programme addresses a fundamental issue facing the
majority of today‟s workforce. Managers can sometimes place unfair demands on our
time, this programme will teach you how to be assertive and gain control and more
importantly manage your manager for a more effective and efficient working

Is this right for me?

We have designed this programme for people who want to have more influence and
authority when dealing with those senior to them. This programme will be beneficial
for PA‟s, supervisors, team leaders, first line mangers and anyone who needs some
tips on how to manage their manager.

Programme overview:

 Assess your current strengths and weaknesses when communicating with

the upper levels of the management team
 How to understand the different management styles that exist within your
organisation and the business/corporate world
 Recognise the management styles of your senior managers and understand
how to compliment these styles through your own working methods
 Examine effective tools to work with your manager for successful
prioritisation of tasks
 Discover the importance of two way communication and how to implement it
 1 day company in-house group training
programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 Understand how to motivate your managers for increased performance
 To book this programme please call:
 Learn how to successfully delegate to more senior members of staff
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:
What will I get out of this? MU022
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Development of mutually beneficial relationships to gain the respect of more specific needs
senior members of the team
 An understanding of “managing upwards” to help implement effective ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
strategies for dealing with difficult and tense business situations
 More control of your career path through self-development and  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
assertiveness; ensure your manager understands your point of view
 Alignment of the needs of yourself, your manager and your organisation for
great results

Personal Development
 Draw up an action plan to ensure your new skills are successful in your
workplace as a result of attending this programme

34 | Page
|Emotional Intelligence for the Manager and Leader

For those working in environments where there are frequent and challenging
interactions with colleagues and customers. Particularly useful for those who
need to understand the underlying nature of their own and others‟ responses,
and who want to improve the quality of their interactions.

Is this right for me?

This programme is about understanding how emotion affects work
performance and relationships in the workplace. It demonstrates how to
ensure emotions can be controlled and focused into greater „task efficiency‟
and „relational effectiveness‟. A combination of insight, skills and abilities are
identified and undertaken to enable you to drastically improve your ability to
grasp what is driving a particular situation and adapt your behaviour to gain
the most beneficial outcome.

Programme Overview:
 1 day company in-house group training
Understanding how emotions work programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 The relationship between emotions and intelligence  To book this programme please call:
 The root cause of emotion +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 How emotions can effect everything we think, feel and do quoting Ref:
 The three families of emotions EIM023
 The difference between emotions and feelings  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Why we become emotionally over sensitive specific needs
 How to avoid emotional confusion
How to manage and control one’s own emotions
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

 The difference between reaction and response

 The relationship between emotion and motivation
 Identifying the learned beliefs that shape many of our emotions
 Increasing self-motivation

35 | Page
|Conducting Effective Appraisals and Performance Reviews
This is an essential programme for anyone in a people management role
who struggles to obtain positive outcomes and changes in behaviour from
an appraisal or performance review process. For a more detailed and in-
depth programme you may want to take a look at our Performance
Developing individuals and team members
Management and Coaching programme.
 Establishing training and coaching needs within the appraisal
Is this right for me? and performance review cycle
 Appropriate motivational tools and techniques
Too often appraisals and performance reviews become an adversarial
 Dealing with the “difficult” appraisal or performance review
meeting where the manager has difficulty getting their point across
successfully and the team member becomes defensive. This programme
Performance communication skills
will give you a number of approaches, and techniques to ensure that the
appraisal and performance reviews that you conduct are structured,  Effective performance language and communication skills
productive and positive meetings.  Summarising to obtain performance agreement and buy-in

What will the programme cover?

What are appraisals and performance reviews?
 What is performance management  2 day company in-house group training
 Understanding the cycle of performance programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
 Examine where you are now  To book this programme please call:
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
Setting clear objectives quoting Ref:
 Selling the value of having performance objectives  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Clarifying roles and purpose on the appraisal specific needs
 Defining and understanding performance standards
 Working with SMART objectives – drilling into MT objectives ALSO AVAILABLE AS:

Assessing and monitoring performance  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

 Managing performance
 Reviewing performance measure
 Delivering performance feedback

36 | Page
|Interview and Selection
This programme is for anyone involved in the recruitment and selection
process in any way – particularly managers who are recruiting new The selection interview
individuals into their own teams.
 Working with a clear structure
Is this right for me?  Building a relaxed atmosphere to improve communication flow
 Using different questioning techniques
Do you find yourself panic recruiting; taking the best of a mediocre bunch
 Managing your “emotional filters”
just to fulfil a need? Is your employee turnover higher than your  Active listening
competitors? Are your operations at risk because you can‟t find the right  Non-verbal communication and body language
people or keep recruiting the wrong ones? Are you new to recruiting and
interviewing full stop? Failing in the recruitment and selection process can Getting it right
do more damage to your business than almost any other factor.
 Learning from others mistakes
What will the programme cover?  Current legislation
 Avoiding the “halo” and “horns” effect
Interview and selection  Balancing your initial reactions
 What is an interview? Practice makes perfect
 The purpose of the interview
 Understand the “selection process”  Conducting the interview – putting into practice sessions
 Examine the selection “flow” model
 When to interview
 Always “fishing”

 2 day company in-house group training
 Clearly defined competencies – what are they and what are you programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
looking for?  To book this programme please call:
 Screening and filtering +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Use and create person specifications quoting Ref:
 Making it work for you – planning and preparing for the IAS025
candidate  This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Licensed Accredited Training

37 | Page
|Motivating Teams and Individuals
This programme has been designed for mangers, team leaders and
supervisors who wish to develop excellent morale and high quality
performance for all team members.

Is this right for me?

Motivating the team member is a key part of any manager‟s role. This
highly practical programme helps delegates to establish practical
strategies to motivate their team for optimum performance, no matter
how testing the times. It shows you how to identify common de-
motivators and prevent these from attacking morale. You will learn
effective communication techniques to ensure everyone is working to the
same objectives, and improve your skills in understanding the unique
needs of individuals to heighten motivation on a personal level.

What will the programme cover?

 Recognise the signs of de-motivation
 Motivating through achievement
 Realise what de-motivates people
 Identifying what can make a team fail, and practical ways to
address it
 How to motivate without incentives  1 day company in-house group training
 Handle de-motivated individuals effectively programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 Learn practical ways to apply theories of motivation  To book this programme please call:
 Identify individual motivational factors +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 The 4 R‟s of motivation quoting Ref:
 Apply different styles depending on the task, the team and the MTI026
individual  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Acquire tools and techniques for decisive leadership specific needs
 Learn how to deliver and use feedback as a motivational tool
 Develop motivational behaviour ALSO AVAILABLE AS:

 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session

38 | Page
|Managing Remote Teams
This programme has been designed for managers who work remotely
from the team they lead.

Is this right for me?

Physical distance between managers and their teams raises barriers to
communication and presents leadership challenges that if not managed
properly result in poor team spirit and performance problems. Whilst
some functions have historically had a significant element of remoteness
(e.g. sales and service), more and more people from all functions and
levels in organisations are working remotely at least some of the time.
This growth in remote working has been facilitated by technical and cost
improvements in remote technologies as well as flexible working
opportunities being demanded by employees and promoted by employers
and of course globalisation.

Don‟t let the challenging aspects of managing from a distance adversely

affect your team‟s morale and productivity without learning how to
address them. This programme will show you positive ways to address
issues of remoteness and equip you with practical tools to increase moral
and lead your people and teams to success.

What will the programme cover?

 1 day company in-house group training
 Understanding the purpose of management in the context of programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
leading remotely  To book this programme please call:
 Problems caused by remoteness for managers and their teams +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 The increased importance of fundamental management skills and quoting Ref:
methods MRT027
 Roles remote managers need to play  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Creating the right environment and situation for people to specific needs
 How delegation needs to change to be successful in remote ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
working scenarios
 Coaching remotely to develop confidence & competence and to  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
retain sufficient control
 Key reasons for failure in remote working
 Developing and maintaining remote team spirit
 Getting results, commitment and action from the team

39 | Page
|Advanced Facilitation Skills for Manager and Leaders
Managers and supervisors who want to develop a more effective non-directive
leadership style, in team situations and anyone wanting to make group
situations more effective.

Is this right for me?

This is a programme that will give you the skills and techniques required to get
the most out of facilitation in all challenging group situations, not just formal
meetings. This is not about chairing meetings but about stimulating group
dynamics in focus groups, team development workshops, project meetings or

What will the programme cover?

 The role of facilitator
 Appreciate the difference between “process” and “content”
 Understanding group dynamics
 Levels of intervention for the facilitator
 Determine the skills required
 Agree what is expected of the facilitator  1 day company in-house group training
 People task issues programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
 The ability to stay neutral when necessary  To book this programme please call:
 What does and doesn‟t work +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Develop mental resilience quoting
 Be firm without causing upset Ref:AFS028
 Handling different situations  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 The emotional cycle of change specific needs
 Catalytic skills
 Interventions tat stimulate the process ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
 Establish ground rules
 Problem solving techniques  One-to-One Fine Tuning
 The mastery ladder
 Closing down the session
  Gaining agenda commitment

40 | Page
|Introduction to strategy and strategic design
This programme is focused on the practical elements of strategic planning
and decision making. We will work with you to begin to develop your
Strategy – the “nuts & bolts”
strategic mindset when planning and making decisions in your  The five steps strategic planning model
organisation.  Where are we now?
 Where do we need to be?
Designed specifically for managers, supervisors and team leaders who
 Where do we need to be?
want to develop their strategic awareness and strategic thinking
 Creating a clear and vivid future state – “HOG”
capabilities, so they can influence the direction of their business/function
 What battles do we need to win
and deliver to their full potential.
 Creating strategic identity and value
Is this right for me?  Strategy map – completing your map
 Defining success
Designed to introduce you with ways to consider and apply strategic  Celebrating milestones
thinking tools to plot the course needed to maximise the potential of the
business and function.

What will the programme cover?  1 day company in-house group training
programme for 6 - 12 people £699.00
Creating Strategic Management Thinking  To book this programme please call:
 Setting and creating clear direction for the
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
function/department/business quoting Ref:
 Creating competitive advantage
Practical Strategic Analysis  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 Analysis and evaluation of the external environment through the use of specific needs
practical tools
 How to analyse business performance ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
 How to identify opportunities and threats
Effective Strategy Formulation  One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Examining what is corporate strategy, business unit strategy and
functional strategy
 Developing strategy that fits with your business
 Creating strategic choice – building sustainable competitive advantage
 Practical activity/case study to enable you to apply the learning
Evaluating your Strategic Plan
 Measuring the plan against stakeholder interests
 Keeping the plan flexible and adapting to changes in the business and
external environment
 Developing and adapting your long term objectives

41 | Page
People Insight and Feedback
Tangerine Ape offer a comprehensive range of 360 Degree Feedback and Psychometric tools which are designed to help the
individual and team understand their strengths and where they can improve their performance.

We incorporate these tools into our:

 Leadership and Management Development Programmes

 Team Development Programmes
 Team Coaching Programme
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Sessions

Our Psychometric and Self-Assessment solutions support individuals in being able to determine their personal styles, improve
self-awareness and are integral components within our learning design and delivery.

- We also offer People Insight and Feedback tools as stand-alone development solutions.

42 | Page
|The E.I. 360 View – For All Employees
The Emotional Intelligence View 360 assesses key emotional intelligence
competencies in each of the areas of Self-Management, Relationship
Management and Communication. The comprehensive 360 degree
feedback report is designed to enhance both self-awareness and
relationship management skills.

What does it measure?

Emotional Intelligence View 360 measures 17 critical emotional
intelligence competencies helping you recognise, understand and manage
your interpersonal behaviour and emotions effectively.

Emotional Intelligence View 360 provides a comprehensive summary

feedback report, comparing self-perception to those of rater categories
chosen by your organisation and including a practical individual
effectiveness plan to facilitate professional development.

Tangerine Ape uses this development tool in coaching, management,
team and some of our personal impact and effectiveness programmes

At a glance:

 74 Questions
 17 Competencies
 Aimed at all levels
 Available as self-assessment
 Online questionnaire
 Flexible, comprehensive reporting
 Branded to your company

Please contact us for pricing structure and

further information

Need a 360 Degree Feedback Coach?

|We also facilitate 360 Degree Feedback Development Sessions. Contact us to find out more and view sample reports.

43 | Page
|The Team 360 View – For All Teams
At a glance:
Team View 360 is a comprehensive tool for understanding and enhancing
team effectiveness and performance. This 360 degree feedback tool is  31 Questions
ideal for bringing focus to the team development process by tracking team  7 Competencies
performance through each individual.  Aimed at all teams
 Online questionnaire
What does it measure?  Flexible, comprehensive reporting
Team View 360 measures each individuals scores compared to the team  Branded to your company
members‟ and the teams‟ overall average scores. It uses 31 team
orientated behaviours within 7 major 360 degree feedback competencies: Please Contact us for pricing structure and
further information
 Problem solving
 Planning
 Controlling
 Self-management
 Managing relationships
 Leading
 Communication Need a 360 Degree Feedback Coach?

Scores can be viewed as raw score averages or standardised scores. The |We also facilitate 360 Degree Feedback Development Sessions. Contact us to
assessments and results are confidential and team member‟s ratings
remain completely anonymous. These results are used to produce a find out more and view sample report.
powerful, graphical report with an easy-to-follow Personal Effectiveness
Plan for each team member, providing each team member with a better
understanding of his or her strengths and development areas.

Team View 360 is ideal for use within team building programmes,
shaping the team development focus and converting team intentions
into individual actions.

44 | Page
|The Manager 360 View – For Managers At a glance:

Manager View 360 is a comprehensive 360 degree feedback tool aimed at  100 Questions
supervisory, middle to senior managers who would prefer a more  20 Competencies
detailed analysis and comprehensive development tool. With Manager
 Aimed at supervisors to senior managers
View‟s rigorous, in-depth report of strengths and development needs and
appropriate feedback, individuals can accomplish continuous self, team  Online questionnaire
and organisational advancement.  Flexible, comprehensive reporting
 Branded to your company
What does it measure?
Please contact us for pricing structure
Manager View 360 assesses twenty critical managerial competencies
and further information
required for effective leadership and managerial effectiveness. The 360
degree feedback competencies are divided into four major areas based on
extensive job analyses of managerial positions in diverse industries:

 Leadership/Performance Management Need a 360 Degree Feedback Coach?

 Interpersonal
 Communication
 Problem Solving |We also facilitate 360 Degree Feedback Development Sessions. Contact us to
find out more and view sample report.
Manager View 360 provides a comprehensive summary 360 degree
feedback report, comparing manager self-perception to those of rater
categories chosen by your organisation, and including a practical
individual effectiveness plan to facilitate professional development.

Manager View 360 is a 360 degree feedback tool ideal for use in:
management coaching; management development programmes;
supervisory training and to support appraisals and professional
development planning sessions for managers

45 | Page
|The Leader 360 View – For Senior Managers
At a glance:
Leader View 360 is aimed at senior managers and directors and will help your
organisation to focus on enhancing overall leadership effectiveness. Leader  35 Questions
View 360 is less comprehensive than Manager View 360 but provides a concise  7 Competencies
and brief 360 degree feedback assessment, focusing exclusively on critical  Aimed at senior management
leadership behaviours required for competitive performance in today‟s
 Available as self-assessment
 Online questionnaire
What does it measure?  Flexible, comprehensive reporting
 Branded to your company
Leader View 360 assesses 35 critical leadership behaviours in 7 core
competencies required for effective leadership in the 21st century: Please contact us for pricing structure
 Planning and further details
 Problem Solving
 Controlling
 Self-management Need a 360 Degree Feedback Coach?
 Leading
 Communicating
|We also facilitate 360 Degree Feedback Development Sessions. Contact us to
Leader View 360 provides a comprehensive summary 360 degree feedback find out more and view sample report.
report, comparing leader self-perception to those of rater categories chosen
by your organisation and including a practical individual effectiveness plan to
facilitate professional development.

Leader View 360 is an ideal 360 degree feedback tool for executive caching,
leadership development programmes and to support appraisals and
professional development planning sessions for senior managers.

46 | Page
|The Leader 360 View – For Senior Leaders
At a glance:
Executive View 360 is a comprehensive 360 degree feedback tool for
rigorous, in depth reporting of strengths and developmental needs for  62 Questions
senior executives and leaders in all industries. It is aimed at senior  22 Competencies
executives who would prefer a more detailed analysis and comprehensive  Aimed at senior level executives
360 degree feedback development tool.
 Available as self-assessment
What does it measure?  Online questionnaire
 Flexible, comprehensive reporting
Executive View 360 assesses twenty-two critical competencies required  Branded to your company
for effective senior leadership and effectiveness. The 360 degree feedback
competencies are divided into four major areas based on job profiling for Please contact us for pricing
executive positions:
structure and further information
 Performance Leadership
 Change Leadership
 Interpersonal Leadership Need a 360 Degree Feedback Coach?
 Personal Leadership

Executive View 360 provides a comprehensive 360 degree feedback report |We also facilitate 360 Degree Feedback Development Sessions. Contact us to
comparing senior executive self-perception to those of board members,
find out more and view sample report.
managers, direct report, peers and team members, and including a
practical individual effectiveness plan to facilitate professional

Executive View 360 is ideal for use in executive coaching; senior
management/executive development programmes; succession/talent
management programmes and to support appraisals and professional
development planning for senior executives.

47 | Page
|Performance 360 View – Non Supervisory At a glance:
Performance View 360 is a comprehensive 360 degree feedback tool designed
 70 Questions
for non-supervisory and non-management personnel. It can be used for all
 14 Competencies
professional, technical, and administrative employees working either as an
 Aimed at non-management
independent contributor or as part of a team within your organisation.
 Available as self-assessment
What does it measure?  Online questionnaire
 Branded to your company
Performance View 360 assesses fourteen critical competencies required for  Flexible, comprehensive reporting
competitive performance in three areas:
Please contact us for pricing
 Project/Task Management structure and further information
 Interpersonal/Team
 Communication

Performance View 360 provides an objective summary 360 feedback report of

Need a 360 Degree Feedback Coach?
employees‟ strengths and areas of development, comparing self-perception to
those of one‟s supervisor, peers and team members and including a practical
individual effectiveness plan to facilitate professional development.
|We also facilitate 360 Degree Feedback Development Sessions. Contact us to
find out more and view sample report.

Performance View 360 is ideal for use in coaching; skill based training
programmes; succession/talent management programmes; career
development and to support appraisals and professional development

48 | Page
Manager and Individual
Contributor Insight tools
Insight and personality tools help provide critical information for high stakes decisions in recruitment, management and
leadership development, succession and promotion planning and team integration to name a few.

Tangerine Ape offers a range of insight tools that are technically stringent, cost effective and make full use of world-class

We use insight tools when working with organisational teams, across a broad selection of our leadership & management
curriculum, our personal impact and effectiveness academy and in our coaching work.

49 | Page
|The Manager Insight Assessment |The Individual Insight Assessment
We use this insight tool when we are working with mangers and This individual assessment has been developed to measure
leaders. The content of the profile report is tailored to reflect a interpersonal effectiveness skills for individual contributors or for a
manager‟s behaviour with direct reports and includes unique content mixed audience. These assessments examine in detail the following
developed specifically for managers and leaders. Additionally, areas:
managers have statistically higher versatility then the general
population, so a unique norm was developed for managers and  Effective Communication
leader that compare their versatility to the population of other  Giving and receiving feedback
managers and leaders, giving them a more accurate view of how
they compare to their peers. The assessment examines the
 Dealing with workplace conflict
following areas in great detail:  Working with others

 Giving positive or corrective feedback

 Creating a positive work environment
 Delegation  For further information and pricing structure
please call: +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Mentoring and coaching quoting Ref:
 Communication up and down with others IIS037

 For further information and pricing structure

please call: +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:

50 | Page
Team Development
Businesses around the world are turning to teams as the most effective way to achieve a variety of strategic and operational initiatives. However, few
teams will perform at high levels and deliver the results expected of them.

No matter how talented the individuals, teams aren't naturally or spontaneously productive. Research shows that teams need to be developed along a
specific set of guidelines to be successful.

Tangerine Ape‟s highly modular and prescriptive approach to team development is based on an understanding of today's workplace. It begins with an in-
depth team evaluation, so the development can focus on correcting the problems and furthering the strengths.

Teams then begin to develop direction, common language, trust and synergy, smoothing the way to high performance.

|We don’t do tree hugging and raft building at Tangerine Ape

51 | Page
|Delivering Team Performance (DTP) – Intact Teams
Having a fundamental understanding of team work is only the beginning. Tangerine Ape‟s
research based programme, DTP – Intact Teams, is a comprehensive programme that helps
the team drill down to the issues that stand in the way of optimum performance.

The modular format makes the programme relevant, highly targeted and flexible to the
demands of the organisation and team.


 Creating the team focus and building meaningful commitment

 Assessing & Developing - team skill sets
 Change Management/Opportunity Analysis
 Defining Team Norms
 Improving Communication/Managing Conflict
 Developing Rewards and Recognition
 Creating Team Operating Procedures
 Integrating New Team Members
 Evaluating Team and Individual Performance

 For further information and pricing structure

The modules range from three-six hours in length. please call: +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail; quoting Ref:

52 | Page
Coaching and Developing

Tangerine Ape give people a clear insight and understanding into the
dynamics that happen between people when they work one-to-one and in
group situations.

53 | Page
|Coaching For Results
Programme Overview The Coaching Meeting
On this two day programme you will learn the latest essential skills and
 How to structure your coaching meetings
techniques required to work as an inspirational workplace coach.
 Exploring the coaching model
Managers need to use a variety of coaching skills and approached
approaches to work  Identify the skills and qualities of a high performance workplace
effectively with individuals and teams to deliver business results. coach
Throughout the two days, you will take part in practice sessions and  Learn to become an “instant coach”
receive feedback from the coach to evaluate your coaching style‟s impact
on others. The True Spirit of Coaching
 The three thinking styles for dynamic workplace coaching
Is this programme right for me?
 Learn the techniques of appreciative enquiry
If you supervise or manage others and are responsible for their  Understand what is important to your learner
development in the workplace this programme will help you unlock their  Coaching beyond your boundaries of subject knowledge
Enhancing Your Coaching Ability
What will I learn?
 Identify peaks and troughs in performance
 Understand the role of the coach as a developer of others  How to track success
 Make use of the latest coaching models to structure and make  What to do when things go wrong
your coaching meetings more effective  Techniques to overcome blocks and barriers to success
 Create a variety of coaching styles to adapt your coaching to any
situation Coaching in Action
 Use day-to-day work activities as an opportunity to coach and
 Putting your new skills into action – practice coaching sessions
raise standards
 Inspire your learner by agreeing motivational coaching outcomes
 Employ the skills of “instant coaching” and “extended coaching”
 Learn how to assess your effectiveness as a coach
 2 day company in-house group training
What will the programme cover? programme for 6 - 12 people £1398.00
 To book this programme please call:
 Working as a coach +44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 What is the role of the coach quoting Ref:
 Adopting a coaching style that suits you and meets your learners CFR031
needs  This programme can also be tailored to meet
 The four areas where you can expect to focus as a workplace coach specific needs


 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Seminar Session

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|Train the Trainer Essentials – Developing Effective and Confident Training Techniques
Programme Overview Establishing and Meeting Training Objectives
Covering the fundamentals of design, delivery and evaluation, this intensive  Establishing and writing training objectives
and highly interactive programme gives you a unique opportunity to learn  Building training content
from the experts. Delegate numbers are restricted to eight to allow time for  Producing training materials
the use of video as an aid to training style development.
Training Methods and Visual Aids
Is this programme right for me?
 Using visual aids for maximum effect
Suitable for new trainers and individuals who are looking to build their skills  Working with white boards, transparencies and flipcharts
and confidence in training session planning, preparation and delivery of a  Using computer based presentation packages
variety of learning solutions.
Group Dynamics
What will I learn?
 The make-up and structure of groups
By the end of this programme you will be able to:  Anticipating and overcoming trainee problems
 Handling difficult trainees
 Clearly identify the requirements of your role as trainer
 Write appropriate training objectives
Training Delivery and Evaluation – putting into practice
 Training exercises; design and delivery of training sessions
 Identify appropriate training materials and structure content to meet
 Each delegate will undertake practical sessions through the duration of
group objectives
the programme
 Confidently deliver effective training sessions
 These encompass the writing of session objectives, content
 Select and utilise effective visual aids to support your training
development and delivery
 Overcome difficult situations or problems which can occur during a Training Evaluation
training session
 How to measure the effectiveness of the learning
 Evaluate the effectiveness of your training against predetermined
 3 day company in-house group training
What will the programme cover? programme for a maximum of eight people
 The role of the trainer
 To book this programme please call
 Why organisations train
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
 Meeting the needs of the business quoting Ref:
 Supporting organisational objectives and strategies
 The qualities of a successful trainer
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
specific needs
The Learning Process
 How people learn ALSO AVAILABLE AS:
 Learning styles
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Your training style
 Licensed Accredited Training

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|Train the Workplace Trainer
Programme Overview One-to-One Training as a Means of Accelerating the Learning Process
This intensive programme enables you to overcome the barriers to effectively and  Understanding the concept of effective knowledge transfer
confidently deliver high impact on-the-job training.  The training methods available
This three-day programme provides guidance on the effective planning and  Checking understanding
delivery of training in office, shop floor, retail, factory, hotel, laboratory or other  One-to-one training skills – providing positive and immediate feedback
workplace situations. The programme is highly practical and interactive and is  Communication skills – listening, questioning, and responding
presented in a supportive environment that ensures the successful transfer of new Workplace Training with Small Groups or Teams
skills into the workplace.  The difference between individuals and small groups
Is this programme right for me?  Instructional techniques – the basics of solving problems
The programme is suitable for individuals who are responsible for training others  Adopting a more formal structure where appropriate
in the workplace and on-the-job but who may not have received any formal Reviewing and Measuring the Success of Your Training
training on how to do this effectively.  Effective observation methods
What will you learn?  Monitoring the success of your training – maintaining an awareness of
 Understand the training process and the benefits of on-the-job training progress
 Recognise and overcome the barriers to effective learning at work  Evaluating the impact of training on actual performance
 Identify performance gaps in individuals or teams and set learning Personal Development
objectives  Preparing an action plan for use back in the workplace
 Adopt an appropriate training approach to bring the best out of individuals
within your team
 Monitor the success of your training
 Evaluate the effectiveness of your instructional skills and techniques
 3 day company in-house group training
What will the programme cover?
programme for a maximum of eight people
 Why train and develop staff on-the-job?
 Overcoming the potential obstacles and objections
 To book this programme please call:
 Taking advantage of every learning opportunity to benefit individuals and
+44(0)7580 189748 or e-mail;
organisation quoting
 Overcoming negative attitudes – stressing the positive message of the
 This programme can also be tailored to meet
Performance Gap Analysis
specific needs
 Defining the training needs and preferred learning styles of individuals and
teams at work
 Examining the needs and identifying suitable training
 One-to-One Fine Tuning Session
 Setting clear training objectives
 Licensed Accredited Training
Preparing for Workplace Training
 Where, when and how to train – planning what to say and how to say it
 How people learn
 Different approached to workplace training
 Preparing the training material
 Structuring the sessions

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