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STD.BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754684 938 ..



testing -
Penetrant testing-
Part 4: Equipment

3!"2#!$%&&' has the status o a

The European Standard EN IS 3!"2#!$%&&'
ritish Standard

I*S %&+%00

 N *,-IN. /ITHT SI ,E1ISSIN E*E,T 4S ,E1ITTE5 - *,-1I.H( 64/

IHS Intra/Spex technology and images copyright

copyright (c) IHS
IHS 2003
STD.BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754685 874 ..
S EN IS 3!"2#!$%&&&

Nationa& 'ore(ord
This ritish Standard is the English language 7ersion o EN IS 3!"2#!$%&&'+ It is
identical 8ith IS 3!"2#!$%&&'+
The UK  participation in its preparation 8as entrusted to Technical *ommittee
EE/!9:  Non#destructi7e testing: 8hich has the responsi;ility to$

#  aid en<uirers to understand the text=

#  present to the responsi;le intemationa>?European committee any en<uiries

on the interpretation: or proposals or change: and @eep the A interests

#  monitor related international and European de7elopments and promulgate

them in the A 

4 list o organiBations represented on this committee can ;e o;tained on re<uest to

its secretary+
4ttention is dra8n to the act that *EN and *ENE6E* standards normally include
an annex 8hich lists nonnati7e reerences to international pu;lications 8ith their
corresponding European pu;lications+ The ritish Standards 8hich implement these
international or European pu;lications may ;e ound in the SI Standards
*atalogue under the section entitled CInternational Standards *orrespondence
IndexC: or ;y using the CDindC acility o the SI Standards Electronic *atalogue+
4 ritish Standard does not purport to include all the necessacy pro7isions o a
contract sers o ritish Standards are responsi;le or their correct application+
*ompliance 8ith a )ritish Standard does not o itsel( con(er
immunity (rom legal o;ligations+

Summary o  pages
This document comprises a ront co7er: an inside ront co7er: the EN title page:
 pages 2 to 9 and a  ;ac@ co7er+

This ritish Standard: ha7ing

 ;een prepared under the
4mendments issued since pu;lication
direction o the Engineering
4md+  No+ 5ate Text a((ected
Sector *onunittee: 8as  pu;lished
under the authority o the
Standards *onunittee and comes
into eect on %" arch %&&&

 SI 03#%&&&

ISN 0 "'0 2&&'9 !

STD-BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754686 700 ..




Desc"i%t&"s' n&n-(est")cti*e tests+ li,)i( %enet"ant tests+ test e,)i%ent

Enlish *e"si&n

N&n-(est")cti*e testin - Penet"ant testin - Pa"t 4' E,)i%ent

.ISO 3452-4 '#99$/
Essais n&n (est")cti0s 1 Eaen %a" "ess)ae 1 Pa"tie !$ 3e'-stO")ns0"eie P"O0)n 1 Ein("in%"0)n - Teil 4' e"iile
E,)i%eent .ISO 3!"2#!$%&&') .ISO 3!"2#!$%&&')

This E)"&%ean Stan(a"( 6as a%%"&*e( !7 CEN &n % Ma7 %&&'+

CEN e!e"s a"e !&)n( t& c&%l7 6ith the CENICENE8EC Inte"nal Re)lati&ns 6hich sti%)late the c&n(iti&ns 0&" i*in this
E)"&%ean Stan(a"( the stat)s &0 a nati&nal stan (a"( 6ith&)t an7 alte"ati&n U%-t&-(ate lists an( !i!li&"a%hical "e0e"ences c&nce"nin
s)ch nati&nal stan(a"(s a7 !e &!taine( &n a%%licati&n t& the Cent"alSec"eta"iat &" t& an7 CE N e!e"

This E)"&%ean Stan(a"( eists in th"ee &00icial*e"si&ns .Enlish+ :"ench+ e"an/ A *e"si&n in an7 &the" lan)ae a(e !7 t"anslati&n
)n(e" the "es%&nsi!ilit7 &0 a CEN e!e" int&  its &6n lan)ae an( n&ti0ie( t& the Cent"al Sec"eta"iat has the sae stat)s as the
&00icial *e"si&ns

CEN e!e"s a"e the nati&nal stan(a"(s !&(ies &0  A)st"ia+ ;eli)+ C<ech Re%)!lic+ Dena"=+ :inlan(+ :"a nce+ e"an7+
"eece+ Icelan( I"elan(+ Ital7+ 8)e!&)"+ Nethe"lan(s+ N&"6a7+ P&"t)al+ S%ain+ S6e(en+ S6it<e"lan( an( Unite( Kin(&



Cent"al Sec"eta"iat'  ")e (e Stassa"t+ 3> ;-#?5? ;")ssels

 %&&' CEN  All "ihts &0 e2%l&itati&n in an7 0&" an( !7 an7 eans Re0 N& EN ISO 3!"2F!$%&&' E
"ese"*e( 6&"l(6i(e 0&" CEN nati&na l Me!e"s
STD.BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 II 1624669 0754687 647

EN ISO 3452-4'#99$

:&"e6&"( 3

Int"&()cti&n !
# Sc&%e "
2 N&nnati*e "e0e"ences "
3 ene"al 5
4 E,)i%ent 0&" in sit) ins%ecti&n 5
5 E,)ient 0&" 0ie( installati&ns 9

 Anne A .n&"ati*e@ N&nnati*e "e0e"ences t& inte"nati&nal %)!licati&ns 6ith thei" "ele*ant
E)"&%ean %)!licati&ns &
STD-BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 II 1624669 0754688 583 II

EN ISO 3!"2#!$%&&'


Th e te2t o( EN ISO 3!"2#!$%&&' has !een %"e%a"e( !7 Technical C&ittee CENITC #3$ N&n-(est")cti*e
testin+ the sec"eta"iat &0 6hich is hel( !7  A:NOR+  in c&lla!&"ati&n 8ith Technical C&ittee ISOBTC #35 N&n-
(est")cti*e testin1
This E)"&%ean Stan(a"( shall !e i*en the stat)s &0 a nati&nal stan(a"(+ eithe" !7 %)!licati&n &0 an i(entical tet
&" !7 en(&"seent+ at the latest !7 )ne #999+ an( c&n0lictin nati&nal stan(a"(s shall !e 6ith("a6n at the
latest !7 )ne %&&&+
This E)"&%ean Stan(a"( has !een %"e%a"e( )n(e" a an(ate i*en t& CE N !7 the E)"&%ean C&issi&n an(
the E)"&%ean :"ee T"a(e Ass&ciati&n This E)"&%ean Stan(a"( is c&nsi(e"e( t&  ;e a s)%%&"tin stan(a"( t&
th&se a%%licati& n an( %"&()ct stan(a"(s 6hich in thesel*es s)%%&"t an essential sa0et7 "e,)i"eent &0 a Ne6
 A%%"&ach Di"ecti*e an( 6hich a=e "e0e"ence t& this E)"&%ean Stan(a"(
 Acc&"(in t& the CENBCENE8EC Inte"nal Re)lati&ns+ the nati&nal stan(a"(s &"ani<ati&ns &0 the 0&ll&6in
c&)nt"ies a"e !&)n( t& i%leent this E)"&%ean Stan(a"(' A)st"ia+ ;eli)+ C<ech Re%)!lic+ Dena"=+ :inlan(+
:"ance e"an7+ "eece+ Icelan(+ I"elan(+ Ital7+ 8)e!&)"+ Nethe"lan(s+ N&"6a7+ P&"t)al+ S%ain+ S6e(en+
S6it<e"lan( an( the Unite( Kin(&
STD.BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754689 41T
EN ISO 3452-4'#99$

 At th e %"esent tie+ &ne %a"t &0 this Stan(a"( is %)!lishe( in(e%en(entl7 &n the E)"&%ean an(  ISO le*els+ the
&the"s a"e )n(e" the ienna A"eeent an( c&nse,)entl7 ha*e the ISO n)!e" at the E)"&%ean le*el
H&6e*e"+ the ienna a"eeent 6as a%%lie( ()"in the 6&"=+ s& s&e E)"&%ean Stan(a"(s ha*e "e0e"ence(
the )n(e" thei" %"e*i&)s E)"&%ean n)!e" The 0&ll&6in ta!le i*es the c&""es%&n(ence !et6een these
(i00e"ent n)!e"s

Title %"e*i&)s n)!e" &00icial n)!e" 

N&n-(est")cti*e testin - Penet"ant testin

Pa"t #' ene"al %"inci%le EN 5F#G#

Pa"t 2' Testin &0 %enet"ant ate- "ials %"EN 5F#-2 %"EN ISO 3452G2

Pa"t 3' Re0e"ence test !l&c=s %"EN 5F#-3 EN ISO 3452-3

Pa"t 4' E,)i%ent %"EN 95> EN ISO 3452-4

n)!e" )n(e" 6hich this (&c)ent is "e0e"ence( in s&e E)"&%ean Stan(a"(s

STD.BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754690 131 ..

Pae 5
EN ISO 3!"2#!$%&&'

# Sc&%e
This E)"&%ean stan(a"( s%eci0ies the cha"acte"istics &0 e,)i%ent )se( in %enet"ant testin The cha"acte"istics &0 
e,)i%ent "e,)i"e( 0&" ca""7in &)t %enet"ant testin (e%en( &n the n)!e" &0 tests t& !e a(e an( &n the si<e &0 
the c&%&nents t&  ;e teste( T6& t7%es &0 e,)i%ent a"e incl)(e( in this stan(a"('

a/ e,)i%ent s)ita!le 0&" ca""7in &)t in sit) %enet"ant testin techni,)es

!/ 0ie( installati&ns

2 N&"ati*e "e0e"ences
This E)"&%ean Stan(a"( inc&"%&"ates !7 (ate( &" )n(ate( "e0e"ence+ %"&*isi&ns 0"& &the" %)!licati&ns These
n&"ati*e "e0e"ences a"e cite( at the a%%"&%"iate %laces in the tet an( the %)!licati&ns a"e liste( he"ea0te" :&" 
(ate( "e0e"ences+ s)!se,)ent aen(ents to &" "e*isi&ns &0 an7 these %)!licati&ns a%%l7 t& this E)"&%ean Stan(a"(
&nl7 6hen inc&"%&"ate( in it !7 aen(ent &" "e*isi&n :&" )n(ate( "e0e"ences the latest e(iti&n &0 the %)!licati&n
"e0e""e( t& a%%lies
EN "G%#%
N&n (est")cti*e testin - Penet"ant testin - Pa"t %$ ene"al %"inci%les 0&" the eainati&n
%"EN ISO 3!"2#2
N&n-(est")cti*e testil4- Penet"ant testin - Pa"t 2' Testin &0 %enet"ant ate"ials
.ISOBDIS 3!"2#2$%&&9)
EN ISO 3!"2#3
N&n-(est")cti*e testin - Penet"ant testin - Pa"t 3$ Re0e"ence !l&c=s .ISO 3!"2F3$%&&')
%"EN ISO 30"&
N&n-(est")cti*e testin - Penet"ant testin an( anetic %a"ticle testin - ie6in c&n(iti&ns

3 ene"al
E,)i%ent )se( in %enet"ant testin shall !e selecte( an( a%%lie( c&nsi(e"in the 0&ll&6in ene"al as%ects'
- e,)i%ent sh&)l( !e selecte( !ein s)ita!le 0&" the %enet"ant testin techni,)e
-all "ele*ant health+ sa0et7 an( en*i"&nental "e,)i"eents shall  ;e c&%lie( 6ith
- the a%%licati&n shall  ;e in acc&"(ance 6ith the "e,)i"eents &0 EN "G%#%+

4 E,)i%ent 0&" in sit) ins%ecti&n

The e,)i%ent )se( 0&" in sit) ins%ecti&n shall 0)ll0ill the "e,)i"eents &0 EN "G%#%: %"EN ISO 3!"2#2 an(
EN ISO 3!"2#3+ De%en(in &n the %"&cess !ein e%l&7e( the 0&ll&6in testin e,)i%ent a7 !e )se('

- %&"ta!le s%"a7 e,)i%ent

- cl&th Jlint 0"ee/
- %e"s&nal %"&tecti*e e,)i%ent
1 6hite liht s&)"ce
1 U.A/ s&)"ce

5 E,)i%ent 0&" 0ie( installati&ns

5# ene"al "e,)i"eents

 All ate"ials &0 c&nst")cti&n )se( 0&" the an)0act)"e &0 0ie( %enet"ant ins%ecti&n installati&ns+ e  tan=s+ %i%e6&"=
an( ()ctin+ shall !e an)0act)"e( 0"& ate"ials 6hich a"e "esistant t& attac= !7 the %"&()cts )se( th"&)h&)t the
c&%lete %"&cess In a((iti&n+ these ate"ials shall n&t ca)se an7 &(i0icati&n t& the %"&%e"ties &0 the %enet"ant
s7stes )se(

Penet"ant installati&ns shall !e l&cate( in an a"ea 6he"e the"e is n& %&ssi!ilit7 &0 c&ntainati&n &0 the 6&"=in
s&l)ti&ns 0"& ete"nal s&)"ces+ e  lea=s 0"& &*e"hea( stea %i%es In a((iti&n %enet"ant tan=s sh&)l(  ;e 0itte(
6ith li(s 6hich sh&)l( !e =e%t sh)t 6hen the %lant is n&t in )se

he"e %lants a"e 0itte( 6ith e00l)ent t"eatent &" 6ate" "eci"c)latin s7stes+ the s7ste shall  ;e (esine( t& ens)"e
that an7 6ate" (ischa"e( t& 6aste eets l&cal (ischa"e "e,)i"eents In a((iti&n the "ec7cle( 6ate" shall !e &0 
a ,)alit7 s)ita!le 0&" "insin c&%&nents
STD.BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754691 078

EN ISO 3!"2#!$%&&'

he"e et"acti&n s7stes a"e 0itte(+ e  6ith s%"a7 a%%licati&n &0 %enet"ant+ the7 shall !e (esine( s)ch that the
l&cal health an( sa0et7 "e,)i"eents "ele*ant t& &%e"ati&nal sa0et7 an( l&cal ai" eissi&n la6s a"e 0)ll7 et

 All cheicals )se( in %enet"ant testin shall !e st&"e( in cl&se( c&ntaine"s an( st&"ae shall eet "ele*ant health
an( sa0et7 "e,)i"eents

52 P"e%a"ati&n an( %"ecleanin a"ea

S)ita!le e,)i%ent shall !e )se( t& ca""7 &)t the %"e%a"ati&n an( %"ecleanin "e,)i"eents (esc"i!e( in EN "G%F%+

De"easin a"eas shall !e e,)i%%e( t& ens)"e (e"easin &0 the c&%&nents in acc&"(ance 6ith %"e%a"ati&n an(
%"ecleanin "e,)i"eents (esc"i!e( in EN "G%F% an( i0 necessa"7 shall incl)(e an a"ea 0&" c&&lin the c&%&nents
%"i&" t& the a%%licati&n &0 %enet"ant The (e"easin an( c&&lin 0acilities shall !e &0 a(e,)ate si<e t& han(le the
0l&6 &0 c&%&nents a%&)" (e"ease"s )sin hal&enate( h7("&ca"!&ns shall eet "ele*ant ai" %&ll)ti&n "e,)i"e

53 Penet"ant a%%licati&n a"ea

Penet"ant a%%licati&n a"eas shall ha'*e the 0acilities 0&" a%%l7in %enet"ant !7 ai" assiste(+ ai"less an(B&" elect"&static
s%"a7in+ s%"a7 cans+ !")shin+ 0l&6-&n techni,)es &" ie"si&n in a tan= &0 %enet"ant li,)i(

The tan=s )se( 0&" all %"&cesse( cheicals shall !e installe( 6ith a %"&%e" "etainin t"a7 he"e 0l)&"escent
%enet"ants a"e a%%lie( !7 an)al s%"a7in e,)i%ent+ a s&)"ce &0 UGA sh&)l( !e %"&*i(e( 0&" chec=in the s)"0ace
t& !e teste( 0&" %enet"ant c&*e"ae he"e s%"a7 a%%licati&n is e%l&7e(+ s)ita!le et"acti&n 0acilities shall  ;e

54 Penet"ant ("ain a"ea

Penet"ant ("ain stati&ns shall c&nsist &0 a t"a7 ha*in a sl&%in !ase+ a""ane( s& that the %enet"ant is c&llecte( in
a se%a"ate c&ntaine" &0 the tan= c&ntainin the %enet"ant

55 Ecess %enet"ant "e&*al a"ea

"+"+% Ie"si&n 6ash tan=

Ie"si&n tan=s shall c&%"ise eans t&" aitatin the 6ate" &" &*in the c&%&nents t& !e teste( The tan= a7
!e e,)i%%e( 6ith a tan= 0&" the &*e"0l&6 &0 a %a"t &0 the c&ntainate( 6ate"

The tan= shall !e e,)i%%e( 6ith eans 0&" c&nt"&llin the 6ate" te%e"at)"e

"+"+2 S%"a7-6ash a"eas

S%"a7-6ash stati&ns shall c&%nse e1the" an)al &" a)t&atic s%"a7in e,)i%ent

Man)al s%"a7in e,)i%ent shall  ;e e,)i%%e( 6ith a 6ate" &" ai"B6ate" s%"a7 )n ca%a!le &0 (eli*e"in a s)ita!le
s%"a7 at a %"ess)"e as l&6 as %&ss#!le an( at a te%e"at)"e n&t ecee(in 5? H*+ The %"ess)"e shall !e eas)"e(
as nea" as %"actica!l7 %&ssi!le t& the s%"a7 n&<<le 6ith&)t a *al*e !et6een the ete" an( the n&<<le he"e
an)al s%"a7in e,)#%ent is e%l&7e( a s)ita!le s&)"ce &0 ill)inati&n shall !e %"&*i(e( t& c&nt"&l the ecess
%enet"ant "e&*al eithe" 6hite liht 0&" c&l&)" c&nt"ast %enet"ant &" U-A 0&" 0l)&"escent %enet"ant

 A)t&atic s%"a7in e,)i%ent shall eet the "e,)i"eents 0&" an)al e,)i%ent In a((iti&n the n)!e"+ (esin
an( l&cati&n &0 the n&<<les shall  ;e s)ch that all test s)"0aces &0 the c&%&nents a"e e*enl7 "inse( A s)ita!le ("ain
shall  ;e %"&*i(e( 6he"e a)t&atiC s%"a7#n e,)i%ent is e%l&7e( ate" "etaine( in "ecesses shall !e "e&*e(
!7 s)ita!le eans

"+"+3 E)lsi0ie" a"ea

E)lsi0ie" stati&ns shall c&%"ise the e,)i%ent i*en in .a/ an( .!/+ as a%%"&%"iate t& the %"&cess )se(

a/ he"e a h7("&%hilic e)lsi0ie" is t& 8e a%%lie( !7 an ie"si&n techni,)e the st"tti&n shall c&%"ise a tanl
s)ita!le t& all&6 c&%&nents t& !e ie"se( c&%letel7 in the s&l)ti&n 0&" a c&nt"&lle( tie
STD-BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 II 1624669 0754692 TD4 II

Pae F
EN ISO 3452-4'#99$

H7("&%hilic e)lsi0ie" a7 als&  ;e a%%lie( )sin s)ita!le e,)i%ent !7 0&a &" 0l&6--&n techni,)e

!/ A li%&%hilic e)lsi0ie" shall !e a%%lie( !7 ie"si&n &nl7 The stati&n shall c&%"ise a tan= 6hich 6ill all&6
c&%lete ie"si&n &0 c&%&nents in a s&l)ti&n 0&" a c&nt"&lle( tie This shall !e 0&ll&6e( !7 ("ainae

5.6 Drying area

I0 ent"a%%e( 6ate" is t&  ;e "e&*e(+ a%%"&%"iate e,)i%ent shall !e )se( s)ch as a s)cti&n s7ste &" eans &0
"&tatin %a"ts

T& "e&*e s)"0ace 6ate" a%%"&%"iate e,)i%ent s)ch as a 6a" ai" .ai) $? LC/ "eci"c)latin &*en shall !e

T& a*&i( c&n(ensati&n &" &i(ati&n &0 etals an( t& ens)"e that c&%&nents a"e %"&%e"l7 ("ie(+ a 0&"ce( ai" &*en
shall !e )se( t& ens)"e that the"e is a )ni0&" c&nt"&lle( te%e"at)"e (ist"i!)ti&n t&ethe" 6ith a hih ai" 0l&6

"+G Developer application area

De*el&%e" stati&ns shall c&%"ise the e,)i%ent i*en in 5Fa/ t& (/ as a%%"&%"iate t& the (e*el&%e" )se(

a/ P&6(e" (e*el&%e"
The stati&n shall c&%"ise e,)i%ent 0&" a%%l7in the (e*el&%e" !7 &ne &0 the 0&ll&6in'

#/ ()st st&" ca!inet

2/ elect"&static s%"a7 )n
3/ 0l&c= )n
4/ t)!le" 
5/ ins)00lat&" 
>/ 0l)i(i<e( !e(

The e,)i%ent shall !e c&nst")cte( s)ch that an e*en thin c&atin &0 the (e*el&%e" %&6(e " is a%%lie( t& all
he"e a ca!inet is )se(+ it shall !e &0 s)00icient si<e t& acc&&(ate all the 6&"= %ieces eaine(+ eithe" as
sinle c&%&nents &" as )lti%les %lace( in 6i"e !as=ets It shall ha*e a seale(+ hine( li( an( !e 0itte( 6ith
heate"s t& %"e*ent c&ntainati&n &0 the %&6(e" !7 &ist)"e he"e an elect"&static s%"a7 &" a 0l&c= )n is )se(+
s)ita!le eans &0 et"acti&n shall !e %"&*i(e(
!/ ate" s)s%ensi&n (e*el&%e"
The stati&n shall c&%"ise a tan= 6hich shall !e 0itte( 6ith a li( an( shall !e &0 s)ch a si<e that t&tal ie"si&n
&0 c&%&nents can !e achie*e( It shall ha*e 0acilities 0&" c&ntin)&)s aitati&n &0 the (e*el&%e" either !7 clean
ai" &" !7 echanical eans+ an( shall !e ca%a!le &0 aintainin  the (e*el&%e" at the te%e"at)"e "ec&en(e(
!7 the an)0act)"e" an( Incl)(e a s7ste 0&" %e"ittin ecess (e*el&%e" t& ("ain !ac= 0"eel7 int& the tan=

c/ S&l*ent-!ase( (e*el&%e"
The stati&n shall c&%"ise e,)i%ent 0&" s%"a7 a%%licati&n &0 the (e*el&%e" 6ithin a ca!inet This (e*el&%e" a7
!e a%%lie( !7 ai" assiste(+ ai"less an(B&" elect"&static s%"a7in The e,)i%ent shall !e 0itte( 6ith s)ita!le
echanical aitati&n t& aintain the (e*el&%e" in s)s%ensi&n he"e a%%lica!le the s%"a7 )n shall !e act)ate(
!7 ("7+ clean 0ilte"e( ai" This (e*el&%e" a7 !e s%"a7 a%%lie( 0"& an ae"&s&l c&ntaine" &" s%"a7 cans The
ca!inet shall !e c&nst")cte( s& that )n"est"icte( s%"a7in &0 the c&%&nent can ta=e %lace

(/ ate" s&l)!le (e*el&%e"

The stati&n shall c&%"ise a tan= 6hich shall !e 0itte( 6ith a li( an( shall !e &0 s)ch a si<e that t&tal ie"si&n
&0 c&%&nents can !e achie*e( It shall !e ca%a!le &0 aintainin the (e*el&%e" at the te%e"at)"e "ec&
en(e( !7 its an)0act)"e" an( incl)(e a s7ste 0&" %e"ittin ecess (e*el&%e" t& ("ain !ac= 0"eel7 int& the
STD-BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754693 940

EN ISO 3452-4'#99$

5$ Ins%ecti&n a"ea

Ins%ecti&n stati&ns shall !e &0 s)00icient si<e t& %ennit the 0"ee &*eent &0 ins%ecti&n %e"s&nnel an(
c&%&nents an(+ i0 "e,)i"e(+ to acc&&(ate a 6&"= ta!le 6ith a n&n-"e0lectin s)"0ace

:&" 0l)&"escent ins%ecti&n s)ita!le U-A la%s shall !e %"&*i(e( 6hich eet the "e,)i"eents &0 %"EN ISO 30"&+
Ult"a*i&let la%s sh&)l(  !e %"&*i(e( 0&" !ac="&)n( UGA ill)inati&n Th e !&&th shall !e c&nst")cte( s)ch that
the le*el &0 a!ient *isi!le liht shall n&t ecee( 2? l .see %"EN ISO 3?59/

:&"   c&l&)" c&nt"ast %enet"ant ins%ecti&n a s&)"ce &0 6hite liht shall !e a*aila!le 6ith an ill)inati&n le*el &0 n&t
less than 5?? l at the s)"0ace &0 the c&%&nent !ein ins%ecte(
STD-BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754694 887 ..
EN ISO 3452-4'#99$

Annex ZA (normative) ormative re!erences to "nternational p#$lications wit% t%eir relevant

&#ropean p#$lications

This E)"&%ean Stan(a"( inc&"%&"ates !7 (ate( &" )n(ate( "e0e"ence+ %"&*isi&ns 0"& &the" %)!licati&ns These
n&"ati*e "e0e"ences a"e cite( at the a%%"&%"iate %laces in the tet an( the %)!licati&ns a"e liste( he"ea0te" :&" 
(ate( "e0e"ences+ s)!se,)ent aen(ents t& &" "e*isi&ns &0 an7 &0 these %)!licati&ns a%%l7 t& this E)"&%ean
Stan(a"( &nl7 6hen inc&"%&"ate( in it !7 aen(ent &" "e*isi&n :&" )n(ate( "e0e"ences the latest e(iti&n &0 the
%)!licati&n "e0e""e( t& a%%lies

Title CEN n)!e"  ISO n)!e" 

N&n-(est")cti*e testin - Penet"ant testin

Pa"t #' ene"al %"inci%le EN 5F#-# ISO 3452-#

Pa"t 2' Testin &0 %enet"ant ate- "ials %"EN ISO 3452-2 ISOBDIS 3452-2

Pa"t 3' Re0e"ence test !l&c=s EN ISO 3452-3 ISO 3452-3

Pa"t 4' E,)i%ent EN ISO 3452-4 ISO 3452-4

This (&c)ent is "e0e"ence( as %"EN 5F#-2 in s&e E)"&%ean Stan(a"(s
STD.BSI BS EN ISO 3452-4-ENGL 1999 .. 1624669 0754695 713 ..

BSI - Britis) Standards Institution

SI is the independent national ;ody responsi;le or preparing ritish Standards+ It

 presents the A 7ie8 on standards in Europe and at the international le7e6 It is
incorporated ;y 1oyal *harter+
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should ma@e sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions+
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