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Scenario: The RMA construction company is working on a construction project that must be
finished within the given timeframe. The problem is that the company is lacking on skilled
worker which is slowing the quality and quantity of production.
Orientation: Skills shortage causes aggravation for businesses, and if it happens this will
negatively affect the organization's quality and quantity of production. The company must finish
the project within the given timeframe and most significantly, the gap on shortage of skilled
workers must be filled. The finished project must be in good quality and productivity must be
 Gather information and conduct proper analysis to address the shortage of skilled
 We must consider the quality of qualified workers in order to deal with the situation.
If workers lack the necessary abilities, the quality of work may suffer.
 Consider to train existing employees.
 Consider to re-evaluate recruiting practices .
 Consider to invest in new technology to help increase efficiency in the workplace.
 Consider to focus on staff retention.
 Consider taking on apprentices.
 If we consider to train existing employees, will it maximize the overall productivity?
 If we consider to re-evaluate recruiting practices, will it fill the gap of the company’s
shortage of skilled workers?
 Let’s say we consider to invest in new technology to help increase efficiency in the
workplace, will it have a significant effect to the budget and construction time?
 Does staff retention rate important? How do we improve staff retention?
 If we consider taking on apprentices, does it have a significant contribution?
Development and Recommendation:
Train existing employees, in order to make up for a shortage in skilled workers,
many companies have begun offering training to their existing employees, in order to
tailor them to fill current gaps. Adaptability apply workforce skills in a different way,
there may be a more straightforward remedy than you realize. Re-evaluate your
recruiting practices, if skills shortages become a severe problem, it's time to rethink how
you hire new personnel. Alternatively, you might hire people that possess all of the
necessary abilities but lack the experience you were searching for. Apprenticeships, co-
op work placements, and internships are all options for cultivating the next generation of
competent workers at your organization. These are the best options to solve the problem
which is the shortage of skilled workers.

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