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Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter


Cs2TlBiI6: a new lead-free halide double perovskite with direct band gap
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Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 (2019) 445902 (8pp)

Cs2TlBiI6: a new lead-free halide double

perovskite with direct band gap
Shruthi Nair1, Mrinalini Deshpande2,5, Vaishali Shah3, Subhash Ghaisas4
and Sandesh Jadkar1,5
  Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411 007, India
  Department of Physics, H.P.T. Arts and R.Y.K. Science College, Nasik 422 005, India
  Interdisciplinary School of Scientific Computing, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411 007, India
  School of Energy studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411 007, India

E-mail: and

Received 25 January 2019, revised 9 July 2019

Accepted for publication 16 July 2019
Published 7 August 2019

The recent development of halide double perovskites A2B′BʺX6 with favorable band gaps have
provided a new search direction for stable Pb-free perovskite solar cells. Here, we propose a
new lead free double perovskite Cs2TlBiI6 as a potential candidate for perovskite solar cell
absorber. We probe the structural, electronic and optical properties of this material through
density functional theory calculations. Our calculations on this material show that Cs2TlBiI6
adopt cubic double perovskite structure with space group Fm-3m. Using PBE exchange-
correlation functional we obtain direct band gap of about 1.37 eV at the centre of Brillouin
zone. The direct band gap and strong optical absorption of this material in the visible energy
range of solar spectrum implies that Cs2TlBiI6 can be a potential candidate for perovskite
based solar cell. Our fundamental calculations on this material would open up further
possibility of experimental studies on TlBi based perovskite.

Keywords: double perovskites, Cs2TlBiI6, DFT, optical properties

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction Trivalent cations such as Bi3+, alongwith monovalent cation

such as Ag1+, have concurrently been introduced into the
Lead (Pb) halide perovskites have attracted tremendous atten- B-sites of halide perovskites, leading to B-cation double per-
tion in recent years due to their rich opto-electronic proper- ovskites with the general chemical formula A2B′BʺX6. Among
ties, which have resulted in more than 22% power conversion this class of compounds, Cs2AgBiBr6 and Cs2AgBiCl6 have
efficient photovoltaics (PV) [1–4]. Nevertheless, the chemical been reported to have promising photovoltaic properties with
instability and Pb-metal toxicity remains a huge hurdle for good stability [8–10]. The band gaps obtained for these com-
extensive applications of these compounds. Thus, alterna- pounds by optical measurements range from 2.2 eV [7] to
tive compounds with similar opto-electronic properties need 2.77 eV [10] for Cs2AgBiCl6 and from 1.83 eV [9] to 2.19 eV
to be developed. On the front of Pb replacement, several [10] for Cs2AgBiBr6, while that calculated using DFT and
lead-free perovskites and perovskite-derivatives including hybrid functionals is found to be 2.62 eV [10] to 3 eV [7] for
vacancy-ordered double perovskites, cation-ordered double Cs2AgBiCl6 and 2.06 eV [10] to 2.3 eV [7] for Cs2AgBiBr6.
perovskites (elpasolites), and 2D perovskites have been pro- Although these Ag–Bi double perovskites exhibit band gaps
posed during the past two years as potential substitutes for in the visible range, the gaps are indirect, which is not ideal
MAPbI3 (MA  =  CH3NH3) [5–7]. for thin film PV application. Zhang et al [11] have reported
Recently, trivalent Bi3+ and Sb3+ also have been used to that In1+ and Tl1+ are two viable candidates if used in com-
replace Pb to form 2D layered Pb-free halide perovskites [6]. bination with Bi3+ give direct band gap. Recently, Zhao et al
[12] reported direct band gap of 0.91 eV for Cs2InBiCl6 using
Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. HSE functional along with the effect of spin–orbit coupling

1361-648X/19/445902+8$33.00 1 © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd  Printed in the UK

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 (2019) 445902 S Nair et al

(SOC). However, In1+ based compounds like Cs2InBiX6 a supercell that consists of 40 atoms i.e. four formula units
suffer from stability issues due to oxidation of In1+ to In3+ of I2-I-III-VII6. Both the primitive cell (10 atoms) as well as
[13]. Monovalent Tl1+ when used with Bi3+ may be a possible supercell of Cs2TlBiI6 has been optimized and their energy
combination which can satisfy the criteria of direct band gap convergences with respect to different k-meshes and cut-
and hence requires detailed study in order to be incorporated off energies have been tested. The atomic positions and cell
in perovskite solar cell absorbers. parameters are optimized using special Davidson block itera-
The density functional theory has been playing signifi- tion method. The structures are considered to be converged
cant role in explaining the electronic and optical properties of when the force on each ion is less than 0.001 eV Å−1 with total
organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites [14]. Giacomo et al [15] energy convergence of ~10−5 eV. After the convergence tests,
theoretically attempted to substitute Tl1+ and Bi3+ in place of 7  ×  7  ×  7 mesh and default kinetic energy plane wave cut-off
Pb2+ (into tetragonal MAPbI3 structure) and obtained direct of 242.9 eV were chosen for the structural calculations. The k
band gap of 1.68 eV using PBE functional. Later in 2016, points are sampled in the 1st Brillouin zone with Γ-centered
Deng et  al [16] through their computational studies on lead 7  ×  7  ×  7 mesh for the electronic calculations, while a finer
free hybrid double perovskites (CH3NH3)2BIBIIIX6 reported 11  ×  11  ×  11 mesh is used for density of states and optical
the variation in band gap with the variation in terminating calculations. SOC calculations are performed on the optim­
group (X) from Cl to Br to I. Theoretical calculations on ized structure inorder to check the relativistic effects of
these materials show that the band gap of (CH3NH3)2TlBiX6 heavier elements Tl and Bi on the electronic properties of the
decreases from 1.23 eV to 0.72 eV to 0.28 eV as X changes material [21]. In the standard mode, VASP performs a fully
from Cl to Br to I. Single crystals of (CH3NH3)2TlBiBr6 were relativistic calculation for core electrons and treats valence
synthesized by the same group by hydrothermal method and electrons in a scalar relativistic approximation. In VASP code,
an optical band gap of 2.16 eV was reported [16]. Similar the spin–orbit operator HS·O consists with l  =  3, l  =  2 and
results have been reported by Savory et al [17] for inorganic l  =  1 orbitals [22]. The optical response of the material is
Cs2TlBiX6 (X  =  Cl, Br) using hybrid functionals. The com- studied using frequency dependent dielectric function under
parative results of above two works on TlBi perovskites show independent particle approximation [23].
that band gaps of these double perovskites show very little
variation with A cation i.e. (CH3NH3)2TlBiBr6 has band gap
3.  Results and discussions
0.72 eV while replacement of CH3NH3 with Cs gives band
gap 0.71 eV for Cs2TlBiBr6. Based on these results, here we A visualization of basic and double perovskite structure is
have considered Cs as the A cation and I as X anion in the TlBi shown in figure 1 which shows that like the basic perovskite
based double perovskite A2TlBiX6 to start with. Motivated by structure (ABX3), double perovskite A2B′BʺX6 is a 3D frame-
these results and since inorganic TlBi-iodide based double work of corner connected octahedra with monovalent A cat-
perovskites have not been explored, we have initiated our ions (here, Cs+) occupying cubeoctahedral cavities in the
investigations on inorganic TlBi halide based double perovs- framework. From the direct comparison with CsPbI3, it is clear
kite, Cs2TlBiI6. We apply DFT calculations to this material to that the double perovskite under investigation, Cs2TlBiI6, is
probe its structural, electronic and optical properties. We pre- obtained by replacing divalent Pb+2 ions by monovalent Tl1+
sent the results of electronic band structure, density of states and trivalent Bi3+ ions thus forming alternating Tl1+ and Bi3+
(DOS) and frequency dependent dielectric properties for the octahedra in the structure. Cs2TlBiI6 crystallizes in elpasolite
fully optimized crystal structure. Through our calculations, structure which corresponds to an ideal double perovskite
we have shown that Cs2TlBiI6 can show favorable light har- with space group Fm-3m. As discussed earlier, this structure
vesting properties in perovskite solar cell and thus will pro- is a network of corner-sharing octahedra with Cs+ ions in the
vide a step towards experimental synthesis of this material. middle of cuboctahedral cavity. Each Cs+ is coordinated to
12 I− ions while every Tl and Bi is coordinated to 6 I− ions.
2.  Theoretical calculations The polyhedral model of Cs2TlBiI6 in figure  2 shows TlI6
and BiI6 octahedra which alternate along [1 0 0], [0 1 0] and
All the theoretical spin polarized calculations are based on [0 0 1] directions. The centres of octahedra are occupied by Tl
Density Functional Theory as implemented in the vienna or Bi alternating in a rock-salt configuration. The calculated
ab initio simulation package (VASP) [18] program. The all- structural parameters of Cs2TlBiI6 are listed in table 1. Tl–I
electron projector augmented wave (PAW) [19] method is and Bi–I bond lengths are found to be 3.292 Å and 3.089 Å,
adopted for pseudopotentials with following electrons treated respectively which when compared with the bond lengths for
explicitly: Cs (5s 5p 6s), Tl (5d 6s 6p), Bi (5d 6s 6p) and I (5s (CH3NH3)2TlBiI6 (3.292 Å and 3.063 Å) [16] shows that Tl-I
5p). The calculations are performed using electron exchange- bond length is not affected by A+ cation variation whereas
correlation functional of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) Bi–I length is slightly more for Cs based compound.
[20]. The crystal structure of Cs2TlBiI6 is initially built using We qualitatively assess the crystallographic stability
scrap values of lattice parameters and atomic positions from of Cs2TlBiI6 using Goldschmidt empirical criteria [24].
experimental data assuming cubic symmetry. Visualization According to this criteria, one can assign a perovskite, two
for electronic and structural analysis (VESTA) program has parameters, tolerance factor and octahedral factor. The tol-
been used to build and visualize the crystal structures after erance factor is defined as t  =  (RA  +  RX)/√  2 (RB  +  RX),
optimization. All the calculations have been performed on with RA, RB and RX being the ionic radii of A, B and X ions,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 (2019) 445902 S Nair et al

Figure 2.  The optimized super cell of Cs2TlBiI6 double perovskite.

The Cs, Tl, Bi and I ions are shown in blue, gray, pink and green
colors, respectively.

Table 1.  The geometrical parameters of the optimized structure of

Cs2TlBiI6, the numbers in parenthesis under bond lengths indicate
coordination number of Cs, Tl, Bi with I.
Crystal system Cubic
Space group Fm-3m (# 225)
Lattice parameters a  =  12.853 Å
b  =  12.846 Å
c  =  12.846 Å
Figure 1.  Unit cell of CsPbI3 (top) and Cs2TlBiI6 (bottom) α  =  β  =  γ  =  90°
depicting structural comparison between basic and double
perovskite. Dark gray octahedra shows PbI6 while alternating Volume (Å)3 2121.2
light gray and violet octahedra shows TlI6 and BiI6 octahedra, Bond lengths (Å) Cs-I (×12)  =  4.544
respectively with Pb, Tl and Bi occupying the centres of octahedra. Tl-I (×6)  =  3.292
Violet spheres are iodine atoms.
Bi–I (×6)  =  3.089
respectively; stable structures usually have values in the range
0.75  <  t  <1.0 [24]. The octahedral factor which is a measure 
of BX6 octahedral stability, is defined as µ  =  RB/RX, and [ETotal − n Ea ]
(1) ∆E =
stable structures tend to have 0.414  <  µ  <  0.732 [24]. Since N
we have double perovskite with different radii at site B, we where Ea is the atomic energy for each atom (or ion) belonging
consider the average ionic radii of Tl and Bi as RB. Employing to the crystal unit cell, n is the number of atoms of that species
the Shannon ionic radii of Cs, Tl, Bi and effective radii of I and N is the total number of atoms in the unit cell.
[25], for Cs2TlBiI6, we obtain (µ, t)  =  (0.57, 0.83), which lies
within the range of standard halide perovskites. The tolerance [ETotal − (8ECs + 4ETI + 4EBi + 24EI )]
(2) ∆E = .
factor (t) for (CH3NH3)2TlBiI6 is found to be 0.8917 which 40
reveals that Cs2TlBiI6 is structurally slightly less stable as The energies of isolated atoms are calculated by placing
compared to (CH3NH3)2TlBiI6. For comparison, the tolerance them in a unit cell of optimized dimensions. The obtained
factors of Cs2B′BʺI6 compounds were computed and it was value  −2.21 eV suggests that the reaction is exothermic. This
found that among them In1+ based compounds i.e. Cs2InBʺI6 value is consistent with that reported for the organic-inor-
show highest structural stability in cubic phase (t  =  0.968 ganic counterpart MATl0.5Bi0.5I3 [16] (MA+ = CH3 NH+ 3)
and 0.926 for Bʺ  =  Sb, Bi, respectively). We suspect that the i.e.  −2.72 eV in which formation energy has been obtained
reduced crystal stability of Cs2TlBiI6 as compared to similar by calculating energies of pure MATlI3 and MABiI3 instead
compounds is due to the large ionic radii of Tl1+. of individual atoms. The stability of the structure can also be
We calculated the formation energy of Cs2TlBiI6 from estimated from the charge transfer between Cs and Tl/Bi–I
total energy of our system and that of its constituent parts units. The Bader charge analysis [38] provides a picture of
according to, ionic interaction between Cs and the metal iodide octahedra

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 (2019) 445902 S Nair et al

site occupation of B1+ and B3+ cations. It has been reported

that the B site cations must possess lone pair ns2 states in order
to have direct band and allowed optical transitions [17, 26].
The obtained direct band gap of Cs2TlBiI6 is suspected due
to 6s lone pair states of Tl and Bi because both Tl1+ and Bi3+
have the same fully occupied s shells. The interaction of
this lone pair electron with halide atoms gives rise to unique
structural and electronic properties of halide perovskites
[17, 27, 28]. Here, the s contribution of Tl completely matches
the Bi-s contribution which in turn interacts symmetrically
with the iodine atoms. The completely symmetric interac-
tion and orbital matching between Tl and Bi is a reason for
VBM at the zone centre and direct band gap of 1.37 eV. The
Figure 3.  Electronic charge density contour plot in the [1 0 1] band structure can be closely examined by calculating the
crystallographic plane of Cs2TlBiI6 with scale showing highest
charge density in the red regions and lowest in the blue regions; total density of states (TDOS) and partial density of states
Bader charge on each atom (right). (PDOS) shown in figure  5(a). The orbital contributions to
the electronic structure can in detail be understood from the
analysis of PDOS. Several sets of bands are found in the
band structure. As noted earlier, the valence bands ranging
from  −5.85 eV up to Fermi level (0 eV) is more flat and is
primarily a mixture of I-5p, Tl-6s and Bi-6s states whereas,
the dispersive conduction band ranging from 1.36 eV to 6 eV
is composed of empty Tl-6p and Bi-6p states with a small
contribution of I-5p states.
It is well established that in basic ABX3 perovskites the VBM
is formed by anti-bonding states of B-s and X-p orbitals, and the
CBM originates mainly from B-p orbitals [14]. It is noted from
the PDOS images in figure 5(a) that VBM is characterized by
mixed Tl-6s and I-5p orbitals with a minor contrib­ution of Bi-6s
state because Tl-s has larger energy than Bi-s while the CBM con-
sists of mainly Bi-6p and Tl-6p states with a minor contrib­ution
of I-5p states. This observation is well supported by the band
decomposed charge density plots in figure  5(b). In Cs2TlBiI6,
the two metal cations Tl and Bi make different contrib­utions to
the band edge states. Tl atoms contribute more to the valence
Figure 4.  Calculated band structure of cubic Cs2TlBiI6 along
high symmetry lines in the first Brillouin zone. The Fermi level is
band edge than Bi atoms while Bi atoms contribute more to the
aligned to zero. conduction band edge. The contribution of the metallic orbitals
to the band edges is consistent with that reported for organic TlBi
since the average charge per Cs and TlBiI6 units is  +1.72e perovskite [16] and inorganic Cs2TlBiBr6 [29]. It is observed
and  −1.73e respectively. More understanding of the nature that Cs cation has a very negligible contribution to valence and
of charge transfer between the atoms and the bonding mech­ conduction states around Fermi energy since its energy levels
anism can be obtained from the charge density distribution lie deep below the band edges around -8 eV. This suggests that
map in figure 3. The overlap of contours along Tl–I and Bi–I Cs+ cations do not directly influence the electronic structure and
bonds shows the existence of covalent bonding between Tl properties of the material. The PDOS (figure 5(a)) along with
and I and between Bi and I. The absence of charge along Cs–I the charge density plot (figure 3) also gives a picture of bonding
bond shows the ionic nature of bonding between Cs and I mech­anism between the atoms. Since the highest energy bands
atoms. of Cs are located at  −8.2 eV and  −21.4 eV, Cs orbitals show
The electronic properties of this material are further negligible overlap with Tl, Bi and I orbitals which shows that
explained on the basis of its band structure and electronic there is no covalent interaction between Cs and Tl/Bi–I frame-
density of states. The calculated band structure of Cs2TlBiI6 work. The hybridization of Tl-6s and Bi-6s states with I-5p state
is shown in figure 4. It is observed that the minima of valence is responsible for the covalent bonding between Tl–I and Bi–I.
band (VBM) and the maxima of conduction band (CBM) are These results are consistent with that observed in charge density
located at the centre of the Brillouin zone (Γ point). Hence plot in figure 3. Thus, the band gap of Cs2TlBiI6 is defined by
this material has a fundamental direct band gap of 1.37 eV at the orbital overlap between Tl–Bi and I ions whereas Cs+ ions
Γ point. From the band structure, it is seen that both valence act only as charge donor in order to keep the perovskite structure
and conduction bands are dispersive in nature near the edges. stable.
The overall electronic properties of double perovskites We calculate the effective masses of photo-generated elec-
(A2B1+B3+X6) depend strongly on the atomic orbitals and the trons and holes existing around the bottom of conduction band

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 (2019) 445902 S Nair et al

Figure 5.  (a) The uppermost panel shows the total density of states (TDOS) of Cs2TlBiI6 followed by panels showing partial density of
states (PDOS) of Tl, Bi, I and Cs atoms respectively; s and p states are shown in black and red colors, respectively and in (b) the iso-surface
and partial charge density of the VBM and CBM are shown.

(electrons) and the top of valence band (holes) by parabolic 8  dSk

fitting of bands according the approximation relation, ε 2
(5)(ω) = 2
(Pnn (k) )
2πω BZ ∇ωnn (k)
ï 2 ò−1
∂ ε(k) where |Pnn (k) | is the dipole matrix element between initial
(3) m = 2
∂k2 and final states, n and n′ are occupied (En (k)  ⩽  EF) and unoc-
where ε(k) are the band edge eigenvalues and k is the wave cupied (En′ (k)  ⩾  EF) energy levels (EF is Fermi energy), Sk is
vector. an energy surface with constant value, ωnn′ is the energy dif-
Halide perovskites are known to possess ambipolar conduc- ference between the two states En′ (k)  −  En (k).
tivity owing to balanced effective masses of electron and hole Kramers–Kronig relation is used to calculate the real part
[30]. The effective masses of electrons (m∗e ) and holes (m∗h) in of dielectric function from ε2(ω) [33],
Cs2TlBiI6 are calculated from the band structure (figure 4) to 2
ˆ ∞ 
ω s2 (ω  )
be 1.05 mo and 0.23 mo respectively (mo is electron rest mass). (6) ε1 (ω) = 1 + P
π 0 ω 2 − ω 2
It is observed that the hole mass is lighter than electron.
Halide perovskites are known for its unique optical prop- here, P indicates the principal part of the integral.
erties like strong absorption in the visible and UV region of Frequency dependent refractive index and extinction coef-
the solar spectrum, high optical absorption coefficient etc as ficient are calculated by the following relations,
compared to conventional solar absorbers. Hence, our major ï ò1/2
1 ¶ 2
2 1/2
interest is to calculate the optical properties of Cs2TlBiI6. (7) n(ω) = √ ε1 (ω) + ε2 (ω) + ε1 (ω)
The optical properties of a material like optical absorption 2
co-efficient, refractive index, reflectivity etc are explained by ï ò1/2
complex dielectric function as a function of frequency. The 1 ¶ 2
2 1/2
k(ω) = √ ε1 (ω) + ε2 (ω) − ε1 (ω) .
complex dielectric function describes the complete response 2
of a material to the perturbations caused by the electro­ Similarly, absorption co-efficient (α) is calculated by the
magnetic radiation [31]. This function is expressed as, equation,
ε(ω) = ε1 (ω) + iε2 (ω). 4πk(ω)
(9) α(ω) = .
The optical absorption of a material is proportional to the λ
imaginary part of this function ε2(ω) which can be calculated Figure 6(a) shows the real and imaginary parts of dielectric
by the following relation [32], function ε(ω) of Cs2TlBiI6. The imaginary part ε2(ω) is the

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 (2019) 445902 S Nair et al

Figure 6.  Optical plots of Cs2TlBiI6 (a) complex dielectric function showing real part ε1(ω) (red) and imaginary part ε2(ω) (black),
(b) complex refractive index showing refractive index n(ω) (black) and extinction co-efficient k(ω) (red) and (c) optical absorption co-
efficient α(ω) as a function of energy.

absorptive spectrum that reflects the electronic transitions electronic band gap of Cs2TlBiI6 which is 1.37 eV. The optical
from occupied valence bands to unoccupied conduction bands. absorption of a semiconductor is determined by its partial den-
It shows absorption peak centered at approximately 2.5 eV. sity of states. This is related to the density of states of valence
The critical point (absorption onset) in the spectra is observed and conduction bands which depend on the atomic orbitals.
at 1.35 eV i.e. at 918 nm. This point is closely related to the The absorption peak beyond the critical point in the spectra

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31 (2019) 445902 S Nair et al

reflect the inter-band transitions which can hence, be identi- dielectric constant. Using the obtained values of effective
fied by the PDOS of atoms shown in figure 5(a). This peak is masses and static dielectric constant, the exciton binding
due to the electronic band edge transition from mixed states energy is estimated to be approximately 85.7 meV. This value
of I-5p and Tl-6s in valence band to Tl and Bi-6p mixed states is comparable, although twice high, with that estimated for the
in conduction band. This peak covers the entire visible region prototype CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite [36, 37].
of solar spectrum from 1.3 eV to 4 eV extending to ultraviolet
region. This suggests that photoelectrons in sp hybridized
orbital in valence band can be photo-excited to unoccupied
Bi-p orbitals in conduction band. It is suspected that this direct To summarize, through DFT calculations we have theor­
p-p transition from valence band containing I-5p orbitals to etically studied the structural, electronic and optical prop-
conduction band composed of Bi/Tl-6p orbitals could result erties of double halide perovskite Cs2TlBiI6. From the
in strong optical absorption. This serves to be advantageous structural calcul­ations we found that Cs2TlBiI6 is a cubic
than other reported double perovskites like Cs2AgBiX6 com- double perovskite structure with Fm-3m symmetry. The
pounds in which, such a p–p transition is not observed since crystal stability of Cs2TlBiI6 has been qualitatively assessed
valence band in Cs2AgBiX6 consists of Ag-4d orbitals along by calculating its geometrical tolerance factor and formation
with X-p orbitals. The presence of Ag-d orbital in valence energy. However, the thermodynamic stability of this material
band of Cs2AgBiX6 is partly responsible for indirect band gap still needs to be determined with respect to harmonic oscilla-
in these materials [17]. Figure 6(a) also shows the plot of fre- tions or by going beyond the harmonic approximation. The
quency dependent real part of dielectric function ε1(ω) versus Cs2TlBiI6 possess direct band gap of 1.37 eV at the center of
energy. The most important quantity in this spectra is the zero Brillouin zone. The completely symmetric interaction of lone
frequency limit of the function ε1(0) i.e. static dielectric con- pair 6s states of Tl and Bi with I-p states results in valence
stant. The value of ε1(0) is found to be 5.45 from the spectra. band edge at the Г symmetry point. The valence band edge
Static dielectric constant of a material strongly depends on of Cs2TlBiI6 is a hybridized state of Tl–Bi 6s states with I-5p
its band gap according to relation ε1 (ω) = 1 + (ωp /Eg )2 , as states while conduction band edge is derived from 6p states
explained by the Penn model [31]. This value is similar to of Bi mainly. The effective masses of electron and hole in
the dielectric constant of 6.003 obtained for CsPbI3 [31]. This Cs2TlBiI6 are estimated to be 1.05 mo and 0.23 mo respec-
value is also consistent with those reported for Cs2AgBiCl6 tively. During light absorption, the Tl-6s/I-5p electrons can be
and Cs2AgBiBr6 [8, 21]. It can be observed from figure 6(a) photoexcited to empty Bi-6p states. The optical studies show
that ε1(ω) starts increasing from the zero frequency limit ε1(0), that Cs2TlBiI6 shows strong absorption in the visible region
reaches its maximum value, then drops down to zero at certain with peak centered ~2.6 eV. The strongest optical transition
energy and decreases to negative values around 3.93 eV. The originates from I-5p to metallic 6p states at the band edge. The
negative values of ε1(ω) show that in this energy region the static di­electric constant is found to be 5.45 which is similar
incident photons are totally reflected from the material [31]. to the value 6.00 obtained for CsPbI3. The Cs2TlBiI6 shows
Hence, the material exhibits metallic nature in these regions. high theoretical optical absorption co-efficient of the order
The knowledge of refractive index of a material is useful to 105 cm−1. Finally, exciton binding energy for this material
probe its application in optical devices. From figure 6(b) it can was estimated to be approximately 85.7 meV using Wannier–
be seen that the zero frequency limit of refractive index is 2.33. Mott model. Our initial investigations on Cs2TlBiI6 would
The plot shows a value of 2.99 at 1.96 eV (631 nm) implying pave way for further theoretical and experimental studies on
that Cs2TlBiI6 can be used as an anti-reflective coating for this double perovskite for its applicability in thin film photo-
tandem solar cells [34]. From the extinction co-efficient voltaics and optoelectronics.
k(ω), optical absorption co-efficient α(ω) for the material is
obtained. The plot in figure  6(c) shows high absorption co-
efficient of the order of 105 cm−1 in the optical range of solar Acknowledgments
spectrum. This result is obvious since halide perovskites are
known to possess high absorption co-efficient than conven- Shruthi Nair is thankful to the Ministry of New and Renewable
tional absorbers like silicon. The strong optical absorption of Energy (MNRE), Government of India for the financial sup-
Cs2TlBiI6 in the entire visible region shows the usefulness of port under National Renewable Energy Fellowship (NREF)
this material in optoelectronic devices. program. Sandesh Jadkar is thankful to University Grants
We, finally calculated the exciton binding energy of Commission (UPE program), New Delhi and Indo-French
Cs2TlBiI6 within the Mott-Wannier model [35], using the Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research-CEFIPRA,
equation, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi for spe-
cial financial support. The authors would like to acknowledge
me e4 mr 1 mr 1 Prof Dr Anjali Kshirsagar for providing high performance
Ebex =
(10) 2 2
≈ 13.56 .
2(4πε0 ) 2 me ε1 (0) me ε1 (0)2 computing (HPC) facility at Department of Physics, Savi-
tribai Phule Pune University, Pune. Vaishali Shah acknowl-
Where mr is the reduced effective mass calculated by edges the computing facility in ISSC under the DST PURSE
mr  =  (me  ×  mh)/(me  +  mh) (me and mh are effective masses program. Thanks to the Head, Department of Physics, H.P.T.
of electrons and holes respectively) and ε1(0) is the static Arts and R.Y.K. Science College for providing computational

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