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Listening to the Lecture

Before You Listen

You will hear a lecture about some rules for using computers, such as “Don’t use
someone else’s computer without asking.” What are two other rules that might be
2. ___________________________________________________________________

Listening for Main ideas

A. Close your book. Listen to the lecture and take notes.
B. Use your notes to answer the questions below. Circle a, b, or c.
1. What is the main purpose of the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics?
a. to help people utilize new software better
b. to help all computer users think about acceptable computer use
c. to help companies enforce rules of computer use
2. Which of the following would the speaker not consider an ethical action?
a. helping a neighbor
b. giving truthful information on your web site
c. reading someone’s e-mail without permission
3. What is the speaker’s point in saying “there are situations on the Internet in which
you have to decide if you are stealing or not?”
a. Ethical boundaries are never clear.
b. It is not always clear whether our old ethics apply to the Internet or not.
c. There are situations of widespread stealing.
4. What goal do Commandments Six, Seven, and Eight share?
a. getting people to use computer resources
b. getting people to use Internet connections wisely
c. getting people to respect the property of others
5. What are the two principles behind the guidelines?
a. fairness and respect
b. fair use of resources and plagiarism
c. respect and appropriation
6. Which statement would the Computer Ethics Institute agree with?
a. Acceptable use policies are a good way to utilize the ten rules.
b. Acceptable use policies need to be enforced by the police.
c. Acceptable use policies should be decided on by students.
Answer: 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. a

Listening for details

A. Listen to the lecture again. Add supporting details to your notes and correct
any mistakes.
B. Use your notes to decide if the statements are true or false. Write T(true) or F
(False). Correct the false statements.
____ 1. The speaker believes we all share clear rules of ethical computer use.
____2. The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics are laws the Institute
____3. Another way to say “Thou shalt not snoop” is “respect other people’s
____4. Plagiarism is an example of appropriating someone else’s work.
____5. Editing someone else’s files without their permission is an example of
interfering with someone else’s work.
____6. The speaker would agree that using someone’s password without telling
them is acceptable.
____7. The speaker says that no appropriate someone’s ideas means to say someone’s
ideas are your own.
____8. The speaker believes that hackers are concerned about the social
consequences of what they do.
____9. According to the guidelines, it’s acceptable to put whatever you want to on
your web site.
____10. The Computer Ethics Institute tells schools to enforce these rules.
1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.F

Using Your Notes

Try to complete the list below using your partner’s notes
The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics are
4. _______________________________________
5. ________________________________________

1. Don’t use a computer to harm others.
2. Don’t interfere with the computer work of others.
3. Don’t snoop in other people’s files or e-mails.
4. Don’t use a computer to steal.
5. Don’t use a computer to lie.
6. Don’t copy software that you haven’t paid for.
7. Don’t use other people’s computer resources without asking.
8. Don’t appropriate someone else’s ideas.
9. Think about the social consequences of the programs you write.
10. Use a computer in ways that are respectful of others.

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