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[CHAPTER 3 - "Amulets, Ghosts and Sean"]

"So come on, you have to see her in bed." Sean carried
the laptop to the bed and pushed me aside to be the first
to sit down.

-What are you doing? That place is mine! ”I exclaimed.

I am very afraid of ghosts! Despite acting calm, I'm still


-You've been complaining a lot today. You're usually

never scared, are you scared today? ” Sean looked at
me and that made me swallow hard. It seems I'm going to
have to go along with it, it's the only way. Because if I'm
scared, Sean will know something is wrong, even though I
actually think he already knows.

-Ah ...-

I'm the other twin!

"Turn off the main lights and turn on the lights on the
Japanese table . " Sean said .

I currently have no choice but to follow Sean's
instructions. After turning off the light, I hurried to my
place, quickly jumped on the bed and hit Sean hard.


-Why the hell are you in such a hurry? I'm not going to
watch it without you. ”He sounded calm, but the light
from the laptop screen made me see that he had a small
smile on his face.

Why the hell is he smiling !?

Sean started playing the movie, then he lay down and we
started watching it. At first I was sitting watching intently,
but since I was too glued to the screen I decided to lean
back a bit. The further away you are from the movie, the

The movie continued and the more exciting it got, the

further I got away from the screen, now my back is so
close to Sean, he is lying behind me. Also, I tugged on the
blanket, preparing to cover my face completely.

"If you keep backing away, I'll hit the wall," Sean
whispered close to my ear.

-Ahhhh ... !! Shit !! '' I said out loud as the movie ghost
ran forward at the speed of light.
Okay, it's just a camera angle. But I still clutched the
blanket in fear, as if my life depended on it and my face
was all covered in sweat.

-HAHAHAHA- I heard Sean's voice so I turned around to

curse him.

-Your dad is funny! -

"Really? " Sean said , as he grabbed my neck with his

arms from behind and hit my mouth hard.

-Shia! It hurts! ” I screamed and turned my head to look

at him.

-Keep your mouth closed.-

Sean made a calm face, so I only managed to turn my
head back once. I wanted to turn her back and look at
him, but Sean was holding my neck and he wouldn't let
me. Damn, the movie isn't over.

-You buffalo! The corpse is in the closet in the back,

so hurry up and find it! -

I banged on the table in frustration, because I wanted the

movie to end, plus I realized that Sean wouldn't let me
move from my spot. I'm so scared now that I don't want
to move from being in his arms either, it feels so safe to
be here.

When the ghost came out, I squeezed his arms tightly.

-HAHAHAHA- Sean laughed.

"Is this a comedy movie?" I turned to insult him.

"What's so funny?" I said.

-The movie is not funny ... but it is fun.-

Sean smiled so much that I could even see his white

teeth, which were aligned. For a moment I was stunned
by his smile, then I acted nonchalant. I admit that he is
quite handsome and when he smiles like that, he is even
more so.

I kept my face still and turned forward because I wasn't

going to tell him. The movie was still going on and almost
climaxing, I keep my blanket close by in case the ghost

As for Sean, the arm that was originally around my neck

slid up to my shoulder and squeezed ... I can't breathe!

At first I was afraid of ghosts, but now I am more afraid of

I only dare to think about my heartbeat now, I dare not
curse it. Maybe Black is very close to Sean, so acting like
this is normal. I don't want him to hit me in the mouth
"Hey, hey, how long until I finish?" I wiped the sweat
from my forehead.

"Damn, what torture," I said. I didn't see the expression

Sean made, but I know he was laughing because his
shoulders were shaking. He is very happy seeing how I

"Then don't look, just listen to the sound." Sean placed

his hand on my forehead, then slowly covered my eyes. I
felt like my body was almost glued to Sean's body.

I felt a little weird, because Tod never hugged me like

that, even though we are all men. I imagine Tod and me in
bed hugging each other, that image makes me want to
vomit and gives me goosebumps.

Sean still covers my eyes, but holding me like this makes

me hear the ghost movie even louder, my ears will go
While I was in conflict over what to do with my life,
someone knocked on the door.

*Knock Knock knock*

I was scared and shocked. Sean heard him too, he was

about to let me go to get up to open the door, but
unconsciously I grabbed his sleeve. Sean turned his head
and looked at me in confusion.

"Pause it." I winced with my head lowered.

He looked at me without saying anything and then

rubbed his nose, but refused to pause the movie. He got
out of bed and opened the bedroom door. I hit the pause
button and folded the laptop screen.

-Fuuuu ...- I sighed in relief.

It's good that he didn't have to watch that horrible

movie alone!

"Hey guys ... What's wrong with you two? You reek of
alcohol." I listened loudly to Sean's complaint, then saw
that he let Gram and Yok into the room. Gram and Yok
were staggering together, both of them were in
disgusting condition.

"Black, put the folding table away," Sean turned to tell



I got up and folded the table, placed it in the same corner

as before while Yok and Gram sat down.

-Were you dragged by the nongs or did you take

them? Why are they like this? ” Sean got up and walked
over to sit on the bed next to me.

Gram nudged Yok's shoulder as soon as he got a spot to

drop it, while still listening to Sean's questions. Yok had
no stability to stand up himself. His head fell to my knees,
so I used my hand to hold him. Yok's face was all red.

"Are you okay, Yok?" I asked, leaning down.

-I'm fine! Where I am? I'm not drunk! ” Yok's words

made me laugh.

You are as drunk as if you fell into a pot of wine!

"Damn, he drank, poured himself a glass, then

another and another, drank until he vomited
everything and now he's like this!" Said Gram.

"He wanted it that way," Sean concluded briefly.

"My head hurts." A complaint came from Yok's throat.

-Sean, go get a towel and soak it in warm water. I'll

wipe Yok's face- After saying that, I sat down on the
floor, placing his head on my lap.

Sean froze. He didn't say anything, but after a while he

accepted the order I gave him, he placed the towels next
to me next to a bowl of warm water.

I saw that Yok was drunkier than Gram. My friend used to

be like that, that's why I know that cleaning his face with
warm water will wake him up so he can drink some water
so he can feel better.

As I gently wipe Yok's face. Sean and Gram kept staring

at me even though I had already finished cleaning his
face. I tried to get up, but Yok was barely trying to get off
my lap so he could drink water. Even so, you could see
that he was still a bit drunk, you could tell by the sparkle
in his eyes. Sean helped me lift Yok and once he was off
my lap Gram put his head on my legs.

"What are you doing?" I winced in confusion.

-I'm jealous, clean me.-

Is it an 8-year-old boy?

-I'm drunk too! I'm drunk too! You are done cleaning
Yok's face! Now clean mine! - Said Gram unsatisfied. I
rolled my eyes because I was speechless, got a towel
soaked in warm water and wiped her face.
"Sean, give Yok some water so he'll feel better." I told
Sean as I wiped Gram's face.

I'm just cleaning your face, I'm not giving you a facial
spa! Why do you have to make sounds like that !?

"I'll slap you, lie down quietly," I scolded Gram.

-Treat me well, I'm your friend! -

"If you want me to treat you well, then be my wife," I

said sarcastically.

-A crazy person like me can only be your husband,

Black. Do not think that it can be the other way
around.- Gram replied.

* Boom! *
I was startled when Sean closed the bathroom door.

-Sean, what's wrong with you? .- Gram turned and


-I'm angry. If you're not so drunk anymore, get up and

take Yok to bed.

This was the first time I heard Sean open his mouth and
curse one of his friends. This time he seems to be serious
because he usually doesn't say that. He was very angry,
even though his face still kept the same expression.

-Dammit! Yok is drunk today. ” Gram grunted and got

up from my lap.

"I heard you asked him to come with you," I said.

-Shut. You are my wife, you cannot be making fun of
your husband like that.

I looked at Gram, when did I become his wife? Finally,

Gram and Sean carried Yok to bed.

"I'm going to sleep, I'm tired, " Sean said. I nodded

when he finished speaking.

-The bed is not that big and more people come to

sleep, I guess we won't even be able to breathe.

"You should go to sleep, it's near dawn," Sean said.

-This isn't the first time you've been here, haven't you
gotten used to it yet? -

-I'm used to it, but I still find it annoying.-

What the fuck I can't sleep with them like this! Sean
pushed Yok into the room so he can sleep.

"Damn it, Gram!" Don't even think about it, take a step
back and let Black and I sleep inside the bed. You'll
have to sleep outside. ” Sean scolded Gram when he
saw that he wanted to jump on the bed.

-Oh! Curse! P'Sean, how can you treat your dear

N'Gram like that? Have you forgotten our past? -

His head is filled with stories from the television series.

Gram started complaining about Sean, pretending to
whine every now and then and I couldn't help but laugh,
Sean just ignored him.

"Black, come here ." Sean called.

I had to go to bed, I lay down next to Yok and Sean
followed me. Then he asked me something and I got

-Yok smells a lot of alcohol, can you sleep? -

-I can sleep, Gram smells like alcohol too so that's


-What do I have to do with it? I better take off my

pajamas! ” Gram took off his shirt, leaving only a 3-hole
T-shirt on.

The smell of alcohol has faded quite a bit. I turned to

remove Yok's shirt, leaving him only in his boxers, then
threw it on the floor.
"Is he better?" Sean asked.

-Ah, I wiped his face and we gave him some water, he

should be fine.-

-Let's go to sleep.- Sean said

Gram was about to go to bed, but Sean kicked him out of



-What the hell was that? Curse! You want to start a

fight! -

-Go turn off the lights, if you fall asleep without

turning off the lights, who do you think is going to pay
for it? -
-HAHAHAHA- I was secretly laughing while Yok and
Gram argued.

"What the hell is Black laughing at?" Gram angrily

started to grab my wrist, but Sean quickly grabbed his

* Boom! *

-Oh, hey! Sean, it hurts! '' Gram yelled, vigorously

waving his hand that had just been hit.

"Turn off the lights." Sean rolled over and got ready to
crawl into bed. Gram had to turn off the light and then
crawled back into bed.

I lay on my back, uncomfortable. To the right is Yok

sleeping and to the left is Sean, who rolled onto my side
to sleep, his soft breath crashing against my cheek. Even
though Sean set the air conditioning to the lowest setting,
I still felt uncomfortable. There was only one blanket, so
the battle for the blanket would start right after sleeping.

"Can't you sleep?" Sean's voice came in my ear.

-Hmmm, should I go to sleep on the floor? I'm

uncomfortable.- I replied in a low voice.

"Wait for Gram to fall asleep first and then I'll kick
him, so he sleeps on the floor." Although I was joking I
know he is capable of it.

"Do you dream of kicking me?" I heard Gram curse him.

And then no one said anything else.

[30 minutes later]


Gram and Yok's snoring was so loud that I couldn't sleep,

I don't think I will be able to survive tonight.

They take turns snoring non-stop. It's like they are

participating in a national snoring contest, when Gram
stops, Yok continues and when Yok stops, Gram
continues. Is it a snoring competition?

As I felt like my world was falling apart. The boy next to

me was sleeping soundly, as if he was used to it. I admire

Just when my patience was about to reach the limit. Yok

was startled, woke up, sat up and looked at me.
-Black? -

"Hmmm," I replied calmly, but in my heart I wanted to

kick him so he would stop snoring.

"I want to go out for a smoke, " Yok said.

-Yes.- I nodded.

"Come out to the balcony with me, " he said.

"Ah." I nodded, not wanting to wake Sean up, got up

gently from the bed and followed Yok to the balcony.

Yok walked, opened the balcony door and took a

cigarette to smoke. It seems that Sean loves to smoke
here, because there is an ashtray full of cigarettes.

"Do you want a cigarette?" Yok asked.

-No.- I reject it, the truth is I don't smoke. But I know that
Black smokes and I also know that he's quite addicted to
it lately.

"I can't believe this, are you rejecting cigarettes? " Yok

"I really don't want to," I said.

Yok said nothing more and continued smoking his

cigarette. The smoke he made seemed like morning fog,
from his face it seems that something is distressing him.
I'm worried since he's my brother's friend. So I reached
out my hand and touched his shoulder.


"Huh." He turned to look at me.

-If something bothers you, you know you can tell me,
right? .- Yok was silent when he heard the question. He
laughs and throws all the cigarettes into the ashtray. After
almost half the box is finished.

-Only you understand me.-


"Do you remember I said I was in love with someone?"

Yok asked.

The truth is that I don't remember, probably the person

he told was Black.

-Yes- I nodded.

"And you tried to ask me who it was, but I didn't want

to tell you. " Yok said again.
"Do you want to tell me now?" I asked.

-Yes.- Yok nodded. He got so close that his nose almost

touched my ear.

-I like Sean's girlfriend.-

* Clack ... *

The balcony door opened at the same moment. Making

Yok and I part ways. Standing by the door was Sean, his
face still. I'm afraid of turning pale right now.

-What are they doing? Tell me! -

-Y ... Sean ...-

-Why are you so scared? I just asked what they were
talking about. - Sean crossed his arms and looked at
both of us, we both turned to look at him better.

It seems that Yok is just as surprised as I am. I didn't think

Sean woke up in the middle of the night.

-No, nothing. I just brought Yok to smoke.

-Yok, don't you have arms or legs? Why do you need

someone to accompany you? -

"We just went out on the balcony together," I replied ,

on behalf of Yok.

Sean was still looking at us, that makes me decide to shut

up immediately. Sean is probably suspicious of what Yok
and I are talking about, because in the end he spoke in a
sarcastic tone. He definitely knows what we're talking
about. After Sean walked into the room, I whispered to

-Let's keep talking tomorrow.-


Yok didn't reply, he just nodded. So we went back to

sleep, as I lay down, I kept thinking. I remember Gram
talking about women, about Sean's love fights and if I
remember correctly his partner's name is Namo. He said
that he was going to end their relationship, that this was
not a novel in which they could not end. This girl is
probably the same one that Yok likes, I'll ask her later.

[The next morning....]

-Black, wake up! -

The screams close to my ear plus the force with which
they shook me made me jump. I opened my eyes and
woke up.

"Damn Gram, why are you waking me up so rudely?" I

asked in a low voice.

-The boys have finished showering. So go take a

shower and get dressed so we can go to school or
we'll be late.

Gram's explanation made me rush out of bed, grabbed a

towel to shower, and then I'd get ready so we could go to
class together.

Sean wasn't riding his motorcycle today, because these

bastards brought their own bikes, so they'll go on them.
While Sean was driving his car, which we were in, he
asked me about Yok.
-What did you talk about yesterday with Yok? -

-He asked me where I was all these days.-

"So why did they kiss?" Sean asked.

-What do you say? Kiss me with Yok? Stop talking

nonsense.- I said.

"I saw them, " Sean said in a soft voice.

I frowned and remembered yesterday's event. I

understand why Sean misunderstood.

-Oh, he didn't kiss me, not one bit. He just leaned

forward to whisper in my ear.

-And why did he whisper to you? - Another question

comes back.
-Well he couldn't hear it so he had to get closer to
understand it.-

"Really?" Sean asked me.

"I'm very sure," I firmly insisted.

"I hope so, " he said curtly.

-How can you think I'd do something like that with

Yok? We are all friends and men. Well, tell me, who
would ever do something like that? - I said.

"I don't know, a lot of people like to do that." He was a

bit confused by Sean's words.
What are you trying to say? - I asked.


Sean didn't say anything else. Everything fell silent and

left me thinking all the way to college.

@University B

When we got to the university, we went to eat before

going to class. Even when Gram complained that it was
already late, but when I invited him to come forward, he
assured that he wanted to eat first.

"Didn't you say it's late now? Hurry up," I yelled at


"I can't think on an empty stomach, " Gram said.

-You need to eat to feed your brain.-

-As if your brain really worked when you eat, I assure

you that if there were zombies in this world, you
would survive. Do you know why? Why zombies only
eat brains.

It's early but still Yok and Gram are already fighting. I
admit it's a lot of fun and I can't help but laugh.

-JAJAJAJA.- I secretly laughed.

-If excavators didn't exist you would surely die,

because farmers would try to use your teeth to plow.-
Gram replied annoyed, so I couldn't help but laugh.


Sean sat up and looked at me for a moment, then lowered

his head, but by then I'd already seen his smile.

Is there something wrong with my smile? Is that why

you are making fun of me?

-Gram! - Yok yelled as he took off his hat to hit him with
it. Gram picked it up and put it on his head.

-Thank you, if I could choose .... in my next life I would

ask to be a rabbit. Because I am very tender-

-One moment! I'm going to vomit.- I said.

-Vomit elsewhere.- Gram said patting my head, it seems

he doesn't want me to vomit in front of him.

"Do you want something to eat?" Sean asked me.

"You go shopping, Black and I will wait for you here, "
Yok said.

Yok and I looked at each other. Since we still have a

conversation pending.

"Oh yeah? " Sean said as he raised an eyebrow.

-You better go with Gram, I'll wait.-

Sean suddenly changed his mind, Yok and I could only

look at each other. I suspect Sean knows the secret
between Yok and me. And if he continues like this all day,
he definitely won't let Yok and I be left alone.


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