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Art Integration: Conservation of

animals and plants

in Uttarakhand and Karnataka

1 12 3

Hunting and Poaching Habitat Destruction

The illegal hunting and harvesting of animals is the second
biggest direct threat to species after habitat destruction. It Human activity often changes or destroys the
can have a devastating effect on the individual species and habitats that plants and animals need to survive.
on entire ecosystems as well as on local communities. Wild Because human populations are growing so fast
animals are being poached on a massive scale, with animals and plants are disappearing 1000 times
millions of individual animals of thousands of species faster than they have in the past 65 million years.
worldwide killed or captured from their native habitats. Scientists estimate that in the 21st century 100
species will become extinct every day.

Co Extinction Pollution
Water Pollution causes the marine population to
When plants or animals become decrease extensively and Air pollution can damage
extinct, other plants or animals crops and trees in a variety of ways. Ground-level
that are dependant on it in an ozone can lead to reductions in agricultural crop and,
obligatory way also become reduced growth and survivability of tree seedlings.
Wildlife in Karnataka
The state of Karnataka in South
India has a rich diversity of flora and
fauna. The Western Ghats mountains
in the western region of Karnataka
are a biodiversity hotspot. Karnataka
is home to a large variety of flora and
fauna like the sloth bear, the dhole,
the striped hyena, the golden jackal,
the bonnet macaque, sandalwood
tree, rosewood tree and many more
beautiful species.
Wildlife in Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand is very popular for it’s
variation of flora fauna. There are
many National Parks here including
India’s first National Park, ‘Jim
Corbett National Park’. Home a large
number of tigers, the highest among
any Indian National Park. Major
wildlife species witnessed in the state
include - Tiger, Deer, Indian Elephant,
Leopard, Jungle Cat, Rhesus Monkey,
Langur, Ghoral (goat antelopes), Wild
Dog, Common Otter, Porcupine,
Python, King Cobra and a variety of
resident and migratory bird species.
Why should we If we Don't…………..
conserve the
• The extinction of wildlife species
• Mainly, to prevent species from will certainly have a fatal impact
becoming endangered and to on human race as well
maintain a balance in the eco • Future Generations will suffer
system • Plants are important for a lot of
• To maintain the environment for other animals as food, you get the
future generations idea. It creates a chain reaction
• Preservation of these habitats that can throw everything out of
helps to prevent the entire balance.
ecosystem being harmed •
How to conserve them ????
We can conserve the flora and fauna of Uttarakhand and Karnataka(any
place) by taking small steps

o By being responsible tourists

o By planting native trees
o If you are gardening try avoiding pesticides
o To avoid buying items that are produced by poaching several animals like
ivory, animal skin clothing ect.
o Try to start cleaning the space around you or volunteer to make the
environment a better place
o Spread the word
Thank You by Abhiti Jain 6A

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