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4/3/22, 7:13 PM Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) solved MCQ's with PDF Download [set-9]

Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) solved MCQs

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201. Give the correct response :

A. The true owner has right of P.D. if he dispossess the trespasser who is in settled possession.

B. Trespassers on the property of another cannot get any benefit of right of P.D.

C. Both (a) and (b).

D. None of the above.

C.Both (a) and (b).

202. Some person, lawful tenant of Agriculture land having reasonable fear of being ejected by force, made a practice
of keeping their clubs in readiness. They expected attack and one of them was killed in the fray.

A. Attackers are entitled to the right of P.D.

B. Tenants are entitled to the benefit of right of Private defence.

C. Both tenants and attacks can avail the right of private defence.

D. Tenants are not entitled to the benefit as they were prepared to anticipated any attacks.

B.Tenants are entitled to the benefit of right of Private defence.

203. The father of the accused was attacked by the deceased and suffered a simple injury on his head, the accused in
order to protect his father administered a fatal below on the chest of deceased with Ballam

A. The accused has no right of P.D..

B. The accused has the right of P.D..

C. Although accused has the right of P.D. he had exceeded it.

D. None of the above.

C.Although accused has the right of P.D. he had exceeded it.

204. Give the correct response :Z under the influence of madness attempts to kill A.

A. A has no right of private defence.

B. Z is guilty of no offence.

C. Both (a) and (b). 1/9
4/3/22, 7:13 PM Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) solved MCQ's with PDF Download [set-9]

D. None of the above.

C.Both (a) and (b).

205. A new tenant A enters by night in the building, B another tenant, suspecting him to be thiefattacked A. In this x
case :

A. A has right of PD.

B. A has no right of P.D. because of no offence was committed by B.

C. A has no right of PD.

D. A has right of P.D. because B is guilty of an offence.

A.A has right of PD.

206. A police officer without any search warrant enters a house in search of stolen property ingood faith. The owner
obstructed and resisted the entrance:

A. He cannot plead the right of P.D. because police officer not justified was acting in good faith.

B. He is right to do that as police officer had no search warrant.

C. Cannot say.

D. None of the above.

A.He cannot plead the right of P.D. because police officer not justified was acting in good faith.

207. A police officer attempted to execute a warrant the issue of which was illegal. The accusedis :

A. Justified in his resistance.

B. Is not justified as police officer was performing his duty.

C. Is not justified in his resistance.

D. Cannot say.

B.Is not justified as police officer was performing his duty.

208. In which of the following case the right of P.D. is executed:

A. A thief was held with his face down to ground to prevent his entrance by owner causing death of thief by suffocation.

B. A person attacked by spear struck a below with a club causing death.

C. In both case.

D. In None of the above case.

D.In None of the above case. 2/9
4/3/22, 7:13 PM Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) solved MCQ's with PDF Download [set-9]

209. In which case, the right of PD is exceeded

A. A person killed a weak woman found stealing at night.

B. A person attacked by another by a rod of iron struck a blow of lath: x

C. A thief was caught red handed, and then beaten till his death.

D. In (a) and (c).

D.In (a) and (c).

210. The right of P.D. of the body extends to the voluntary causing of death if the offence is :

A. An assault with the gratifying lust.

B. An assault with the intention of kidnapping or abducting.

C. An assault with the intention of committing rape.

D. All of these.

D.All of these.

211. Give the correct response :

A. It cannot confer any right of P.D. on the accused person unless he apprehends physical violence from his opponent .

B. The right of private defence of the body extends to the voluntary causing of death of the offence is an assault as may
reasonably cause the apprehension that death would otherwise be the consequence.

C. Both (a) and (b).

D. None of the above.

C.Both (a) and (b).

212. Give the correct response

A. Even the husband cannot forcibly take out his wife from the house of his paramour.

B. The right of P.D. of the body extends to the voluntary causing of death if it is an assault with the intention of kidnapping.

C. Both (a) and (b).

D. None of the above.

C.Both (a) and (b).

213. A was stabbed by B. His brother in law when he forcibly took his wife from his father in law house.

A. B is entitled to the benefit of PD.

B. B is guilty of causing death.

C. B is not entitled to the benefit of PD., as A is doing lawful act.

D. Cannot say.

A.B is entitled to the benefit of PD.

214. A person run away from a hotel without paying bill, he was caught by servants. In thiscourse he killed one of the 3/9
4/3/22, 7:13 PM Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) solved MCQ's with PDF Download [set-9]

hotel servants. He took the plea of private defense. x

A. He is not entitled to the right of P.D. as a person cannot take advantage.

B. He is entitled as right of PD extends to the causing of death against the assault of abduction.

C. Cannot say. x
D. None of the above.

A.He is not entitled to the right of P.D. as a person cannot take advantage.

215. Give the correct response :

A. The right of P.D. commences as soon as reasonable apprehension of danger, to the body arises from an attempts only not
from threat.

B. Every person has right of private defence against the offence affecting his body.

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above.

C.Both a and b

216. The right of PD property extends to the voluntary causing of death against the following offences :

A. House breaking by night.

B. Robbery.

C. Mischief by fire.

D. All of these.

D.All of these.

217. In which of the following the right of PD of property extends to the voluntary causing of death ?

A. Criminal trespass.

B. Theft.

C. House breaking by night.

D. All of these.

C.House breaking by night.

218. A guard standing at the gate of Police Station challenged the passer by to stop. He did not stop. Guard fired a
shot which hit him in the chest : 4/9
4/3/22, 7:13 PM Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) solved MCQ's with PDF Download [set-9]

A. Guard is not entitled. x

B. Guard is entitled to the benefit of PD of property.

C. Guard is not entitled as there is not question of guarding police station.

D. Cannot say.
A.Guard is not entitled.

219. The right of Private defence of property commences as soon as :

A. Reasonable apprehension of danger to the property appears.

B. Property is stolen.

C. Property is taken to some distance.

D. None of the above.

A.Reasonable apprehension of danger to the property appears.

220. The right of PD of property against theft continues till :

A. The assistance of public authorities is obtained.

B. The property has been recovered.

C. The offender has effected his retreat with the property.

D. All of these.

D.All of these.

221. The right of P.D. of property against robbery continues as long as :

A. Offender causes or attempts to cause to any person death or wrongful restrain.

B. Offender causes or attempts to cause to any person death.

C. Offender causes or attempts to cause to any person death or hurt or wrong-full restraint.

D. None of the above.

C.Offender causes or attempts to cause to any person death or hurt or wrong-full restraint.

222. A person followed up purporting to be those of their stolen cattle’s and proceeded to villagesof thieves and fired
on them. He pleaded the right of P.D.

A. He is entitled to the benefit of right of P.D. of property.

B. He is not entitled as he did not recourse to the public authorities.

C. He is not entitled as the defence has been put to on end by successful retreat of the thieves.

D. None of the above.

C.He is not entitled as the defence has been put to on end by successful retreat of the thieves.

223. The right of P.D. against an assault which reasonable cause the apprehension of death extends to :

A. Cause harm to innocent person if he cannot effectively exercise right of P.D. without taking risk of harming innocent person.

B. Cause harm to innocent person. 5/9
4/3/22, 7:13 PM Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) solved MCQ's with PDF Download [set-9]

C. Cause harm to the innocent person., if he suspect him to be assaulter. x

D. None of the above.

A.Cause harm to innocent person if he cannot effectively exercise right of P.D. without taking risk of harming innocent
person. x

224. A is attacked by mob who attempts to murder him. He cannot effectually exercise his right ofP.D. without firing on
the mob and without taking risk of the life of children mingled in the mob:

A. A did not commit offence if by firing he harms children.

B. A is guilty if by firing he harm children without recourse to the police authorities.

C. A is guilty of firing causes harms to children.

D. None of the above.

A.A did not commit offence if by firing he harms children.

225. Give most accurate response. A enters by night a house which he is legally entitled to enter. Z in good faith,
taking A for a housebreaker, attacks A and causes injury. In this case :

A. Since A was legally entitled to enter the house, Z would be liable for voluntarily causing hurt to A.

B. Z will be liable because he has acted in haste without exercising proper care and attention to ascertain whether A was an
inhabitant or a house-breaker.

C. Z will not be liable because he has acted under a mistaken belief that A was a burglar.

D. Z will not be liable because he has acted in the exercise of his right of private defence of property under a misconception
that A was a house-breaker.

D.Z will not be liable because he has acted in the exercise of his right of private defence of property under a
misconception that A was a house-breaker.

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Question and answers in Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860),Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) Multiple choice questions and answers,
Important MCQ of Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860),Solved MCQs for Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860),
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