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Release Note OmniVista 8770

TC 2931 ed. 01 Release 5.0

Installation Procedure for version –

Release 5.0 Maintenance Delivery #1

This is the installation procedure for OmniVista 8770 version

The software is available on MyPortal

Revision History
Edition 01: January 21th 2022

Legal notice: The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither
ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © Copyright 20XX ALE
International, ALE USA Inc. All rights reserved in all countries.
1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2 CONTENT OF THE SOFTWARE PACKAGE .................................................................................................. 7
2.1 References ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Patches ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Mandatory patches delivered ...................................................................................................... 7
Anomaly Reports fixed in the patches ......................................................................................... 7
Additional patches (mandatory) .................................................................................................. 9
2.3 License file ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Versions of embedded software ...................................................................................................... 10

3 PREREQUISITES ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Server PC prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 11
Hardware and software ............................................................................................................ 11
Virtualization requirements ...................................................................................................... 12
Network hardware requirements… ............................................................................................ 12
Software and hardware compatibility........................................................................................ 13
Configuring the Server PC ......................................................................................................... 13
3.2 PCX compatibilities ........................................................................................................................ 14
IP and IP/X25 connections to OmniPCX Enterprise ..................................................................... 14
OpenTouch .............................................................................................................................. 15
OmniPCX Office and OXO Connect............................................................................................. 16
OmniPCX Enterprise and OpenTouch: software locks ................................................................. 17
3.3 Client PC prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 18

4 INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE .............................................................................................................. 19

4.1 Server installation .......................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Server Upgrade ............................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Client installation via MSI file (new) ................................................................................................ 22
Remote client installation via MSI file ....................................................................................... 22
Silent client installation via MSI file .......................................................................................... 23
4.4 Client upgrade via the server .......................................................................................................... 23

5 SERVER UNINSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... 23

6 MIGRATION FROM OMNIVISTA 4760 R5.2 ............................................................................................. 24
7 SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 25
7.1 Users management and OmniPCX Enterprise profiles ........................................................................ 25
7.2 Server IP address or server name modification ................................................................................. 25
7.3 MSAD synchronization and CMISE security ........................................................................................ 25
7.4 Backup on network drive ................................................................................................................ 26
7.5 Internet Explorer configuration ....................................................................................................... 26

8 NEW FEATURES IN OMNIVISTA 8770 R5.0 ............................................................................................. 27

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8.1 Components evolution .................................................................................................................... 27
Components update in R5.0 ...................................................................................................... 27
Components evolution: Visual C++ 2019 .................................................................................... 27
8.2 Compatibility ................................................................................................................................. 27
Compatibility with OXE PURPLE R100 ........................................................................................ 27 Compatibility with OXE SIP DM ..........................................................................................................27 Purpose of this feature: .................................................................................................................................. 28 New OXE DM Manager settings parameters ................................................................................................ 28 Users management with OXE DM .................................................................................................................. 29 Support of VoIP tickets on OXE PURPLE R100 ......................................................................................33 DM adaptation for OXE R100 SIP Motor refresh ...................................................................................33 DM evolution for identification of SIP devices ....................................................................................34
OpenTouch 2.6.1 ...................................................................................................................... 34
OXO Connect and OXO Connect Evolution (OCE) R5.0................................................................. 35
8.3 Support of new terminals ................................................................................................................ 35
Compatibility with ALE DeskPhones Essential range ................................................................... 35
Compatibility with ALE DeskPhone Enterprise range .................................................................. 36
8.4 Compatibility with ALE Softphone ................................................................................................... 37
8.5 New features in OmniVista 8770 R5.0 .............................................................................................. 37
WBM Performance Dashboard ................................................................................................... 37 License prerequisites ........................................................................................................................38 OXE declaration for Performance Dashboard ......................................................................................39 New application Performance in WBM ................................................................................................40 Trunk activity widget........................................................................................................................41 Devices widget .................................................................................................................................42 Quality widget .................................................................................................................................42 IP domains widget ............................................................................................................................44 OXE system health widget .................................................................................................................46
Installation of the OmniVista 8770 client via MSI ....................................................................... 47
Topology evolution for direct IP link ......................................................................................... 47
Web client enhancements for the OXE configuration ................................................................. 49 Immediate and scheduled mass provisioning of OXE instances .............................................................49 Advanced search ...............................................................................................................................49
Web client enhancements for the Users application................................................................... 50 Custom views enhancement ..............................................................................................................50 Advanced button to access the full configuration of the user ..............................................................50 Users’ mass provisioning enhancement ...............................................................................................51
Increase of the maximum number of SIP devices supported ....................................................... 52
Web directory new look ............................................................................................................ 52

9 NEW FEATURES IN OMNIVISTA 8770 R5.0 MD1 ..................................................................................... 54

9.1 Component update ......................................................................................................................... 54
9.2 KPI on the ALE SIP Softphone .......................................................................................................... 54
9.3 Graphical view of the ALE Enterprise and Essential Add-on modules ................................................. 54
9.4 Compatibility with ALE-2 SIP Deskphone .......................................................................................... 54
9.5 Secure OmniVista 8770 DM configuration files in case of “8770 DM” set to “false” in OXE.................. 54

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New “8770 DM” parameter in OmniVista 8770, and backup Config files ....................................... 54
Restore the configuration files in case of DM Rollback ............................................................... 55
9.6 Hourly polling of VoIP tickets .......................................................................................................... 55
9.7 WBM Performance dashboard enhancements ................................................................................... 56
Dynamic threshold detection ..................................................................................................... 56
Performance application filter date ............................................................................................. 57
10 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & RESTRICTIONS .............................................................................. 58
10.1 RTUM ........................................................................................................................................... 58
10.2 Users Application .......................................................................................................................... 58
10.3 Device Management (DM): ............................................................................................................. 60
10.4 Device Management on OmniPCX Enterprise .................................................................................. 62
10.5 OpenTouch Configuration .............................................................................................................. 63
10.6 OpenTouch/ OmniPCX Enterprise Synchronization .......................................................................... 63
10.7 Performance Application ............................................................................................................... 63
10.8 Re-Hosting .................................................................................................................................... 64
10.9 Audit ............................................................................................................................................ 64
10.10 Alarms ........................................................................................................................................ 66
10.11 OmniPCX Enterprise Object model ............................................................................................... 66
10.12 OmniPCX Office and OXO Connect Configuration .......................................................................... 66
10.13 MSAD - Active Directory Synchronization and Light Client for User Provisioning ............................. 67
10.14 SNMP Proxy ................................................................................................................................. 68
10.15 CITRIX Presentation server .......................................................................................................... 68
10.16 OmniVista 8770 UTF8 Characters in Web Directory ....................................................................... 68
10.17 SECURITY: PKI ............................................................................................................................. 68
10.18 SECURITY: POODLE Vulnerability ................................................................................................. 69
10.19 SECURITY: SHA2 conformity ......................................................................................................... 69
10.20 8082 MyIC Phone on OmniPCX Enterprise and https requests ......................................................... 69
10.21 VoIP quality supervision .............................................................................................................. 69
10.22 USERS application ....................................................................................................................... 70
10.23 Upgrade...................................................................................................................................... 70
10.24 Web Based Management .............................................................................................................. 70
10.25 WBM for OXE Configuration ......................................................................................................... 71
Restrictions .......................................................................................................................... 71
How to clear the OXE MIBs from browsers .............................................................................. 72
10.26 WBM Performance dashboard ...................................................................................................... 74
➢ Hourly polling of VoIP tickets ...................................................................................................... 74
➢ Dynamic threshold detection ...................................................................................................... 75
10.27 Mail Server ................................................................................................................................. 75
10.28 ManageMyPhone .......................................................................................................................... 75
10.29 Device Management (DM) ............................................................................................................ 76

11 KNOWN PROBLEMS IN R5.0.23.00 ....................................................................................................... 77

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OmniVista 8770 - Release 5.0
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This document describes the installation procedure for OmniVista 8770 version

It refers to the Installation manual and Administrator manual.

These documents are essential since this procedure does not provide full installation details.
It is also highly recommended to consult MyPortal. Some new information regarding OmniVista 8770 current
version could be available.

Our Technical Knowledge Center will help you to establish your technical diagnostics:

Each time you are requested to erase or edit a file, it is necessary to make a copy of the original.
These operations must be performed by an expert (ACSE) trained on the product. You can also contact
the "Professional Services" team (MyPortal/Quick Access or your local Services representative).

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2.1 References
The documentation is available on MyPortal, in the section OmniVista 8770/Release 5.0:

Link for Business Partners:

All languages

Link for ALE internal:

All languages

System documentations before R3.2.8 are archived on this website.
Please open an eSR to the Support Team to receive them

2.2 Patches

Mandatory patches delivered

In the \Patches\Mandatory folder you will find the following patches:

Anomaly Reports fixed in the patches

Patch name :
Delivery date : 07Jan2022
CR8770-12292 WBM Performance: After polling all the oxe threshold values are requested instead
of modified oxe
CR8770-12288 MOS threshold calculation is wrong for IP and SIP

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CR8770-12295 DM backup restore: ldap default flag value to be set True
CR8770-12298 Performance: Threshold tooltip showing empty object label

Patch name :
Delivery date : 07Jan2022
CR8770-12376 [Report] : [Related] : New parameter for SIP device to indicate coding of the #
CR8770-12322 Users app: ALES device associated to user with IPTouch as main is considered as
main too
CR8770-12323 Users app: impossible to associate an ALES-Desktop as main if the user has already a
secondary sip device
CR8770-12324 WBM Users: impossible to add an ALES (desktop or mobile) to a user having already a
secondary sip device

Patch name :
Delivery date : 07Jan2022
CR8770-12329 DM On OXE: popup message is not shown in configuration application while changing
the local flag
CR8770-12331 DM On OXE: local flag editable/non editable issues
CR8770-12330 DM On OXE: Ldap crash while performing migration of DM

Patch name :
Delivery date : 07Jan2022

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CR8770-12335 ALES-WEB client-No option to add 4th device for the user when one ALES device is
main and 3 others devices are secondary
CR8770-12359 QA\ VOIP Hourly Polling job - Hourly Polling job to be in disabled state by
CR8770-12339 QA\ VOIP Hourly Polling job - Polling task argument contains Specific
baseDN "NetworkNumber=1, o=nmc"
CR8770-12316 NMClient: For default Adminnmc in WBM user attributes are missing

On server side, all patches located in the Patches\Mandatory folder are automatically installed at the end
of the installation.

Note The manual patches files opening is failing when using the embedded Windows tool. It’s happening correctly
when using an external tool like 7-Zip.

Additional patches (mandatory)

2.3 License file

To install OmniVista 8770 and to access the various clients, you must have a specific license file for your
OmniPCX. This license describes the available modules.
In ACTIS, choose one OmniPCX Enterprise or Office or OCE and specify in its configuration that it is the
declaration node for the OmniVista 8770 server.

OV8770 R1.0 R1.1 R1.2 R1.3 R2.0 R2.5 R2.6 R2.6.7 R3.0 R3.1 R3.2 R4.0 R4.1 R4.2 R5.0
License 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Note During a R5.0 new server installation, the version 14 license is mandatory.
During server upgrade: version 13 is acceptable. However, upgrade to version 14 will be necessary to benefit
from new features.
During the OmniVista 8770 server running mode: versions 13 and 14 are accepted.

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2.4 Versions of embedded software
Component Version Comment
Apache 2.4.48
Apache Axis 2 1.7.9
Apache Ant 1.10.11
Wildfly 10.0.0
EJBCA PKI Re-enabled
Installshield Premium 2015
Oracle Directory Server Enterprise
PHP 7.4.16
OpenJRE(Azul) 8 (Update 1.8.0_292) Embedded in the software from
11.0.10(x64) See TC 2547: OmniVista 8770: No
impact of Oracle Java
announcement on OmniVista 8770
MariaDB 10.5.12
MySQL ODBC driver 3.0.9
Python Python no more embedded
7 zip (7za – Command Line) 18.05
mariadb-java-client (JDBC driver) 2.4.2
Wodsftp.dll 3.8.5
NetSNMP 5.7.3
MindTerm 4.1.5
Plink 0.73
OpenSSL 1.1.1.k
gSOAP 2.8.69
ManageMyPhone 2.4.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 14.22.27821.0
Redistributable -x86

This list is not exhaustive

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This section describes the prerequisites required to install OmniVista 8770 server and client applications.

3.1 Server PC prerequisites

Hardware and software

< 5000 users > 5000 users

Windows 7 Professional SP1 Windows 2012 Server R2 Std Edition
Windows 8.1 Professional (64bits) Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCenter edition
Windows 2012 Server R2 Std Edition Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, Standard
Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise(64bits) (with desktop experience)
Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCenter edition Windows 2019 Datacenter, Standard (with
Operating System
Windows 2016 Datacenter, Standard (with desktop experience)
desktop experience)
Windows 2019 Datacenter, Standard (with
desktop experience)

1 processor Dual-Core (frequency near 2 GHz, but 1 processor Quad-Core (frequency near 2,2
dependent on the processor architecture) GHz, but dependent on the processor
Processor architecture)
Processor architecture equivalent or superior
to Haswell is required
RAM (minimum) 6 GB 8 GB
7 GB with license Manage My Phone 9 GB with license Manage My Phone
120 GB (disk: RAID5)
characteristics of 120 GB
15K rpm
Hard Disk
Graphics board 128 MB
Partition 1 NTFS partition for installation of the LDAP server
Browsers latest Google Chrome from Version 64 (WBM, Directory web client, Manage My Phone)
qualified versions Mozilla Firefox from Version 60 (WBM, Directory web client, Manage My Phone)
Edge 92 64 bits (WBM, Web Directory)
IE - Version 11.0 (Directory web client, Manage My Phone)

Warning Windows Server 2008 is no more supported by Microsoft, thus there is no more support from ALE on
OmniVista 8770 issues linked to Windows 2008

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Due to the Apache release and Visual C++2015 redistributable, the following hotfixes and service packs are

Operating System Service Pack or Hotfix Installation

Windows 7 – Windows 2008 R2 SP1

Windows 8.1 – Windows 2012 R2 KB2919442 replaced by The installation order must be done as
KB3021910 – KB2919355 follows:
All OS except Windows 10 KB2999226

Note ➢ From 50000 subscribers, you need the agreement of ALE International (process PCS – Premium
Customer Support).
➢ From 100 nodes or PCS, you need the agreement of ALE International (process PCS – Premium
Customer Support).
➢ For Accounting, the maximum number of tickets is 30 million.
➢ It’s not recommended to use the local Client installed on the server. However, if for any reason this
Client is regularly used, it’s advised to increase the memory size.
➢ If you encounter slowness on the OmniVista 8770 server, it can be due to Windows Defender antivirus
scan of Windows 2016
Workaround: Configure the OmniVista 8770 folder as an exception

Note The number of simultaneous thick client connections is limited to 30, and 60 for the web client

Virtualization requirements

OmniVista 8770 has been validated in a VMware ESX® environment and Microsoft Hyper-V®.
Refer to the OmniVista 8770 R5.0 Capacity Planning tool.
The hyper-threading option should not be validated on the VM.

Network hardware requirements…

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Recommendation to use a network card Ethernet 10/100bT

Note OmniVista 8770 doesn’t support two Network boards for the administration flow.
Thus, there is no possibility to dissociate the administration flow from the thick client on a network board
and OmniVista 8770 server flows with the OXE, OT, OCE nodes on a second network board.

Software and hardware compatibility

The installation on a dedicated Server PC according to the prerequisites allows a correct operation of the
software. If the number of users is lower than 250 and if the Server PC must support other applications, you
should analyze the compatibility, estimate the performance requirements of other applications and strictly
follow the installation/un-installation procedure. Moreover, the operation of these other external applications
is not supported.
The Security Guide provides a description of parameters for compatibility between an external application
and OmniVista 8770 server.

Configuring the Server PC

The space disk requirements and the rules of disks partitioning are described in the Installation manual.
Here are the essential points:
Hard disk.
A NTFS partition must be set for installing the DSEE Oracle LDAP Server. When installing the server, it is
better to keep the defaults directories and to change only the physical drives.
The Path environment variable giving the access path to Windows and to its dll, which will receive the access
path to OmniVista 8770 binary, must be valid.
• The Path is managed through the System icon of Windows Control Panel.
• If the Path is too long, a blocking error can occur during installation.
• The Path must not have obsolete path, ;; doubles or \\ doubles.
 If there is an error message regarding the Path on installation, change its value and keep only the
access path to the operating system.
The name of the computer must NOT include the following characters:
«/ \ [ ] “ : ; | < > + = , ? * _ ».

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3.2 PCX compatibilities
ICS is no more supported from OmniVista 8770 R3.2

OmniVista OmniVista OmniVista OmniVista

8770 R4.0 8770 R4.1 8770 R4.2 8770 R5.0

OpenTouch BE / MS / MC

OT R1.0 to OT R2.4 X X X X

OT R2.5 X X X

OT R2.6 X X

OT R2.6.1 X X

OmniPCX Enterprise

OXE R8.0 to R12.2 X X X X

OXE R12.3.x X X X

OXE R12.4 X X

OXE Purple R100 X

OmniPCX Office

OXO R5.1 to R10.3, OXO Connect R 2.x, 3.0 X X X X

OXO Connect / OXO Connect Evolution R3.1/R3.2 X X X

OXO Connect / OXO Connect Evolution R4.0 X X

OXO Connect / OXO Connect Evolution R5.0 X

IP and IP/X25 connections to OmniPCX Enterprise

From OmniPCX Enterprise R6.0 till R12.x and all associated OmniVista 8770 releases the IP connection or IP/25
connection are supported

PPP connection is not supported.

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OXE Releases OV8770 Releases
R8.0 >= R1.3
R8.0.1 >= R1.0
R9.0 >= R1.0
R9.1 >= R1.0
R10.0 >= R1.0
R10.1 >= R1.1
R10.1.1 >= R1.2
R11.0 >= R1.3
R11.0.1 >= R2.0
R11.1 >= R2.5 & R2.6
R11.2 >= R2.6.7
R11.2.1 >= R3.0
R11.2.2 >= R3.1
R12 .0 >= R3.2
R12.1 >= R3.2.08
R12.2 >= R4.0
R12.3 >=R4.1
R12.4 >=R4.2
R100 >=R5.0

Warning: OmniVista 8770 ≤ R4.1 are no more supported

OmniPCX Enterprise ≤ R12.2 are no more supported


OT Releases Software version equal to or higher than … OmniVista 8770 Releases

R1.0.1 >=R1.0
R1.0.1 >=R.1.1
R1.1 >=R1.1
R1.2 >=R1.2
R1.3 >=R1.3
R2.0 >=R2.0 and R2.5
R2.1 >=R2.6
R2.1.1 R2.6.7
R2.2 & R2.2.1 R3.0
R2.2.1 / / / R3.1
R2.3 R3.2
R2.3.1 / R3.2.08
Min R2.3.1 / R4.0
R2.4 tbd R4.0

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OT Releases Software version equal to or higher than … OmniVista 8770 Releases
OTMS/OTMC / R4.2.15

Warning: OmniVista 8770 ≤ R4.1 are no more supported

OpenTouch ≤ R2.5 are no more supported

OmniPCX Office and OXO Connect

OV8770 Releases
RCE Software version equal to or higher than …

5.1 510/070.001 or 510/071.001 (wrong call duration fix) >=R1.2

6.1 510/053.001 or 610/054.001 (wrong call duration fix) >=R1.2
7.1 710/100.001 or 710/101.001 (wrong call duration fix) >=R1.2
8.2 820/090.001 or 820/091.001 (wrong call duration fix) >=R1.2
9.0 Not supported – upgrade to 9.2 >=R1.2
9.1 Not supported – upgrade to 9.2 >=R1.3
9.2 920/089.001 >=R2.0
10.0 Not supported – upgrade to 10.3 >=R2.5
10.1 Not supported – upgrade to 10.3 >=R2.6
10.2 Not supported – upgrade 10.3 R2.6.7
10.3 103/009.002 – recommended: last maintenance version >=R3.0
2.0 02.0/016.003 >=R3.1
2.1 02.1/021.001 >=R3.2
2.2 02.2/012.001 >=R3.2.08
2.2 02.2/012.001 >=R3.2.08.09
3.0 03.0/012.001 >=R4.0
3.1 03.1/007.001 >=R4.1
3.2 03.2 / >=R4.1.12
4.0 04.0 / OCE R4.0 >=R4.2
5.0 05.0 / OCE R5.0 >=R5.0

Warning: OmniVista 8770 ≤ R4.1 are no more supported

OmniPCX Office is no more supported
OXO Connect ≤ R2.2 are no more supported
See cross compatibility

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OmniPCX Enterprise and OpenTouch: software locks

The modules of the OmniVista 8770 application are validated by the server license file. On the other hand,
the access to data of the various PCXs requires having appropriate software locks in each PCX:

OmniVista 8770 modules Software locks in OmniPCX Enterprise

Configuration 50 – Configuration
Accounting 42 - Accounting users
98 – Accounting for local calls (for local accounting use)
99 – Accounting for ABC calls (for network accounting use)
Directory (STAP calls) 49 – Directory
Traffic observation 42 - Accounting users
39 – Performance
VoIP 42 - Accounting users
Alarms 47 – Alarms
Secured SSH connection to OmniPCX No specific lock for OmniPCX Enterprise.

OmniVista 8770 modules OpenTouch locks Description

Configuration OAMP_CONFIG Configuration GUI
Alarms OAMP_ALARMS Alarms sending
Performance OAMP_VOIPPERF VOIP tickets sending (not used anymore since removal
of Vital)

OAMP_PERFKPI and SNMP data sending

There is no lock for OXO.

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3.3 Client PC prerequisites

Hardware and Software (Minimum required)

Operating System Windows 7 SP1 Professional (32 or 64 bits)

Windows 8.1 Professional (32 or 64bits)
Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise (64bits)
Processor Intel® Core 2 GHz
This processor type is given as example. The frequency clock is a minimum
RAM 4 GB or higher
Hard drive 40 GB
Graphics board 4 MB video memory with a resolution of 1024 x 768, 16 million colors
Monitor 17 inches (19 inches recommended)
Browsers latest qualified Google Chrome version 93 64 bits (WBM, Directory web client, Manage My
versions Phone)
Mozilla Firefox version 72 (WBM, Directory web client, Manage My Phone)
Edge version 92 64 bits (WBM, Directory web client)
IE version 11.0 (Directory web client, Manage My Phone)
Free disk space OmniVista 8770 client cannot be launched if the free space in the memory size
is below 750MB. Minimum required memory space is 750MB to run the JVM
application. Refer to crqms00191548

The client is also supported on the Windows Server OS supported by the OmniVista 8770 server application.

The use of Clients installed on a Citrix Presentation server XenApp 7.6 is validated. The number of clients is
limited to 4. A minimum of 8 Gb dedicated RAM is required. The use of Clients installed on a Citrix server is
not possible when we manage OmniPCX Office nodes. The OMC tool is not compatible with Citrix.

Windows 7 is no more supported by Microsoft, thus there is no more support from ALE on OmniVista 8770
issues linked to Windows 7

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4.1 Server installation

- Before server installation:

• Consult and apply prerequisites detailed in Installation Manual documentation, Chapter “Installation -
Server Requirements – Collecting Data for the Server”
• Verify that your computer has administrator privilege (local administrator account)
- Starting from Windows 7 or Windows 8, when using an account different from “Administrator”, to start the
server installation or an Upgrade, right click on the ServerSetup.exe file and select the option Run as
administrator. Otherwise the installation would fail.
- OmniVista 8770 server Installation should start with the User Account Control (UAC) setting level “Do not
notify“ in Windows 7 professional machine.

- Help Online: To view the PDF file in the browser, it is required to have the PDF reader add-on.

- From OmniVista 8770 R3.0.13.00.c, new password policy has been introduced; The policy is applicable for
all the password changes which happen during the first login/password resets. This password policy is not
implemented during installation under OmniVista 8770 InstallShield.
- The firewall may generate messages asking for allowing communication for Java.exe and bin_ns-slapd.exe
programs. You must validate these requests.
- It is mandatory to manage a fix IP address (and not a DHCP one) and the default gateway before starting
the server installation.
- The server name cannot contain the following characters: «/\[]":;|<>+=,?* _ ». If it is the case, the server
installation would fail.
- If you use OmniVista 8770 and OmniVista 4760 clients in the same PC or server, then the clients must be
installed in the following order:
• OmniVista 8770 client
• OmniVista 4760 client
- It is not allowed to modify the default HTTP (80) and HTTPS ports (443) because they are required by SIP
device management. The port 443 is also used for Apache.

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Warning During the installation, OmniVista 8770 checks the KB3021910 and KB2919355 are well installed. Otherwise
a popup will indicate that the hotfix requirements are not installed.

Do not continue: press “Ok” and “No” in the subsequent popup. Then install the KB listed above.

- From Windows 2016, to avoid general slowness add < 8770 folder > in Windows Defender settings (refer to
CR8770-8161: Infrastructure: general slowness due to Windows Defender with windows 2016).

- Windows 2019 / 2016

• In Windows 2019 and Windows 2016, windows start menu - OmniVista 8770 - 'OmniVista 8770 client' and
'8770 Diagnostic' - Right click contextual menu, do not display - Run as administrator' option. Only 'open
File location' would be shown.
• However, for other apps like 'ServiceManager' 'Dict customization' Right click contextual menu - Run as
administrator' option would be available.
• The user must execute the 'OmniVista 8770 client' and '8770 Diagnostic' with 'Run as administrator' from
the specific file locations. There Right -click - 'Run as administrator' option would be available.
• In Windows 2019 / 2016 'batch file' and vbs file in the start menu, there is no 'run as administrator'
option. For exe's option 'run as administrator' is available.
• In Windows 2012, there is no such behavior. 'OmniVista 8770 client' and '8770 Diagnostic' - Right click
contextual menu - Run as administrator' option is available.

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- Manage My Phone information

• Minimum supported version for Manage My Phone application is .Net 4.0

• For Windows 7 server, .Net 4.0 must be installed manually to make Manage My Phone application
• End user with Manage My Phone application cannot manage multiline and supervision set, both the
functions are removed from the drop-down list of programable keys.
• From OmniVista 8770, the Administrator can manage all the functions in the programmable keys for all
the users.
• After the upgrade from R4.0/R4.1 server to R4.2 version, the Manage My Phone application is sometimes
disabled. By closing the Zulu platform application in Windows task manager, the services will be triggered
to start mode and service will be up.

4.2 Server Upgrade

Warning Make sure that no client in local has opened a session otherwise there is a risk of database corruption.

Warning The server upgrade from 2.5 release brings a modification for the VOIP quality supervision application. The
Performance application based on a VitalSuite module has been removed. It has been replaced by a simpler
and more integrated module. Reports and data from the previous application will no more be available
after the upgrade to R4.0. The data must be processed before the upgrade.

The upgrade to OmniVista 8770 R5.0 is available from version 4.0.08 (version 11 in the license). It is mandatory
to update the server in the latest maintenance release before upgrading.
The upgrade provides upgrade of the OmniVista 8770 database in new version, including scheduled tasks,
administrators accounts, etc.
Instead of upgrading, it is always possible to reinstall the server: reinstallation allows restarting with new
data, while importing archived accounting tickets and custom report definitions.

For OmniVista 8770 servers with a version < 2.0 (version < 7 in the license), the recommendation is to do a
new installation. Direct upgrade is not available, it is necessary to upgrade following the migration paths

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Possible Migration Path

Source Release Target Release

R2.0 R2.6.7

R2.x R3.0

R2.6.7 R3.2
R3.0 R3.2

R2.6.x R4.0
R3.x R4.0

R3.x R4.1
R4.0 R4.1

R3.2.08 R4.2
R4.x R4.2

R4.x R5.0

Reminder: OmniVista 8770 versions ≤ R4.1 are no more supported.

You can create an eSR to get an intermediate license, with the current OmniVista 8770 license and the
confirmation of the order of the Target OmniVista 8770 license, or active SPS contract number.

For more details on the supported releases, please refer to the Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouchTM Suite for Mid
& Large markets - RELEASE POLICY INFORMATION - October 2021 offer and OmniVista 8770 Feature list and
provisioning level published on MyPortal.

4.3 Client installation via MSI file (new)

Remote client installation via MSI file

The OmniVista 8770 thick client is now available as an .msi binary inside a package: "Omivista8770Client
5.0.msi". MSI is used to install the OmniVista 8770 remote thick client.

"Omivista8770Client 5.0.msi" is a standalone package. The MSI setup file is sufficient to install the OmniVista
8770 client. It has no dependency over any files in the package.

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Silent client installation via MSI file

Silent client installation via MSI is done from the location "<Package_Location>/OmniVista 8770 Client 5.0.msi"

msiexec /i "<Package_Location>\OmniVista 8770 Client 5.0.msi" /qn /l*v C:\msilog.txt”

This command has to be executed from the command prompt.


➢ VC++ 2015-2019 redistributable must be installed before installing the OmniVista 8770 client MSI in silent
mode. Supported version of VC++ package is made available in OmniVista 8770 package under folder name

➢ Command prompt must be run by “Run as Administrator”.

4.4 Client upgrade via the server

When a client connects to a server which has been upgraded, the client update is proposed.
- Accept the update
- Once the installation file has been retrieved, the client relaunch is required
- To relaunch the client, right click on the client launching icon and select the « run as administrator »
- Then accept the next proposals.

Note: From OmniVista 8770 R3.2.08, web client via java applet is no more available
Refer to OmniVista 8770 WBM

To automatically uninstall all the server components, launch the command:
Start\Programs\OmniVista8770\Tools\Uninstall OmniVista 8770 Server
The installation folder is not always deleted during the automatic server un-installation. In this case it must
be deleted before starting a new installation.
In case of server un-installation failure, it could be necessary to remove some registry keys. This can be done
using the script 8770Cleanup.vbs from the folder Tools\8770Cleanup.

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The goal of the OmniVista 4760 to OmniVista 8770 migration is to export the following data from an OmniVista
4760 R5.2 server to import them in a new OmniVista 8770 server.
The following data is retrieved:
• PCX tree and related management
• Company Directory
• Accounting carriers’ data
• Personalized reports definitions
• Accounting organization by levels
To retrieve the accounting tickets from an OmniVista 4760 server, you need to archive them, and then restore
them in the OmniVista 8770 server. (For the Restore operation the option “Label for records (tickets)” must
be equal to “Loaded records”)
For the complete migration procedure, refer to the Installation Manual.

As of the April 2019 offer, the OmniVista 4760 R5.2 license and DVD are no longer configured in ACTIS and
are removed from the catalog.

The Migration tool does not allow retrieving the directory replication management from OmniVista 4760. It
must be again configured in OmniVista 8770 servers.
In addition, during migration, the replicated sub-suffixes from OmniVista 4760 are created as normal entries
in the OmniVista 8770 company directory. That’s why, when the sub-suffix is created, to reproduce the
replication with the same name, the system displays the message “The entry already exists”.
The workaround for the issue is, after migration:
1. Export the entries under the sub-suffix entry in the company directory (for example, if it is a
department sub-suffix, export the department and its children).
2. Then delete the replicated entries (for example, department sub-suffix and its children in this case)
from the company directory.
3. Now create the sub-suffix with the same name using the replication procedure. This will create the
corresponding entry in the company directory.
Then import the entries which were exported during step 1

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7.1 Users management and OmniPCX Enterprise profiles

You need to validate the following parameter on OmniPCX Enterprise:
“System\Other System Param\System parameters\Use profile with auto. Recognition=yes.”
Otherwise no data will be inherited from the profile during user creation.

7.2 Server IP address or server name modification

In order to change an OmniVista 8770 server name, you need to perform the following operations:
• Backup the server data
• Confirm the Directory Manager account password (launch the tool 8770\bin\ToolsOmniVista.exe)
• Uninstall the server
• Change the server name
• Install the server taking the same installation paths than on the previous server as well as the same
company directory root name. The password entered at the installation time (Directory Manager and
other accounts) has also to be the same as the previous one.
• Restore the saved data using the OmniVista 8770 Maintenance application. Select the “Restore with
rehosting” operation.
A Restore with rehosting operation has also to be launched when the server IP address has been changed.

7.3 MSAD synchronization and CMISE security

When a secured access for configuration is managed for an OmniPCX Enterprise, the user “MSAD8770Admin”
must be added to the authorized users list on OXE side. This is to allow users creation from the MSAD server.

The MSAD plug-in must be regenerated and installed again on the Active Directory server after rehosting.

The password of the account MSAD8770Admin must not be changed in the Security application.

The account declared in Active Directory server must be a member of "Admins group".

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7.4 Backup on network drive
Network drives can’t be seen from Maintenance application.
A network backup location must be identified by its own UNC ().

The Security guide describes the preliminary operations management for the backups on network drives.

7.5 Internet Explorer configuration

When Internet Explorer 11 is the default web browser, the option "Use Microsoft compatibility lists" must be
enable and the server name or its IP address had to be added in the proposed list.

For user’s creation from the MSAD Web client, the OmniVista 8770 server name must be inserted in the Trusted
sites list.

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OmniVista 8770 R5.0 is a major release and includes the main following features:
o Support of OXE Purple R100 and SIP evolutions
o Support of new IP/TDM ALE DeskPhones
o Support of OpenTouch 2.6.1
o Performance dashboard
o Enhancements in the Web Client for Users provisioning and OXE Configuration

8.1 Components evolution

Components update in R5.0

JRE 8 upgrade
Apache 2.4.48 (OpenSSL 1.1.1, TLS 1.3 supported)
MariaDB Series 10.5
PHP 7.4.16
Axis2 upgrade
Python uninstallation

Refer to chapter 2.4 for more details

Components evolution: Visual C++ 2019

Evolution of the C++ development and the MS VC redistributable up to VC++ 2019.

8.2 Compatibility

Compatibility with OXE PURPLE R100 Compatibility with OXE SIP DM

From OXE Purple R100, the Device Management (device settings storage and generation of configuration files)
can be located on the OXE or on the OmniVista 8770, according to an OXE system option. Depending on the
location of the DM, the OmniVista 8770 will provide full support for SIP devices management (Devices
Management on OmniVista 8770) or only GUI to provision SIP devices on OXE (DM on OXE).

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© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA page 27/79 Purpose of this feature:

From OXE configuration, it is possible to manage SIP devices:

- Settings of the configuration files for supported SIP devices
- Binaries for supported SIP DeskPhones (the ALE SoftPhone binary is not deployed by OXE DM)
- Management of a dedicated CTL file so that SIP devices can trust the Device Manager

SIP devices OXE Call Server

OXE database
Handle requests backend Data management
tool with OXE database

OXE Device Manager supports 8008, 8018, 8028s, ALE-2 and ALE SoftPhone devices. The 8008, 8018 and 8028s
must be upgraded to a minimal binary version, and a factory reset of the devices is required, in order to take
into account the new CTL, signed by the OXE.
These devices can still be managed by the OmniVista 8770 Users application. In this case, the configuration
file and/or the binary is provided by the OXE DM.
The other devices can only be managed by the OmniVista 8770 Device Manager. New OXE DM Manager settings parameters

In OXE Purple R100, a new parameter has been defined in OXE to switch from OmniVista 8770 DM to OXE DM:
Device management in 8770.

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Note The management of this feature must be done carefully. When it is enabled and OXE synchronization is done:
- Devices associated to OXE subscribers are deleted
- Profiles defined in OmniVista 8770 for 80x8s including 8088 and OTC PC are deleted
- Deployment packages for 80x8s including 8088 and OTC PC are deleted
- All configuration files in OmniVista 8770 DM are removed

That’s why the switching should be done only if needed.

Revert to OmniVista 8770 DM management is not possible. An OmniVista 8770 backup is advised before
activating this feature.

To secure and to avoid the removal of all configuration files on OmniVista 8770 DM side due to disabling this
parameter by mistake, OmniVista 8770 R5.0 MD1 will introduce a security with an additional “Device
Management in OmniVista 8770” parameter on OmniVista 8770 side.

Before switching to OXE DM, SIP devices must be upgraded to the minimal binary version, otherwise OXE will
give them the sub-type ‘default’.
A factory reset of the devices is required, in order to take into account the new CTL, signed by the OXE.
When the switching is done, the SIP device management Profiles are located in OXE node, in path \SIP Device
management \ DM Profile: Users management with OXE DM

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OXE DM is compatible with OmniVista 8770 Configuration and Users applications. Any SIP device can be
created/modified/deleted by OmniVista 8770.
From a management point of view, the user creation operations do not change whether the SIP devices are
configured in OXE or OmniVista 8770 DM. It is possible to create a user with its associated devices in one step.
It applies to main device and secondary devices as well.
In OXE DM, the Creation of a user of type SIP Extension is based on profiles (default profile, up to 100
customized ones)

Creation of a user of type SIP Extension, without DM OXE profile (default values apply)
• Only name/first name, directory number (or free number range) and SIP extension type are given.
• Creation of the user with default values: on OXE side, the SIP device type is set to SIP Default with
Device profile as 0.

• The real type of the device (new OXE attribute “Sub type”) and its MAC address are known either by
later OXE configuration, or during the connection/registration of the device to the OXE. Even if a MAC
address is read from OXE, no configuration file is generated on OmniVista 8770 side.

Creation of a user of type SIP Extension, with DM OXE profile

• User creation with OXE user profile. No device profile is given explicitly: the SIP device profile is part
of the user profile as well of the device type

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The identification password is part of the OXE user profile
• A SIP device is associated with the correct type as soon as the MAC address is defined,
• No configuration file is generated in OmniVista 8770, no license counter is updated in the DM

Creation of a user of type SIP Extension, with OXE profile plus explicit SIP device profile
The administrator can select an OXE user profile and a SIP DM profile during the OmniVista 8770 user creation
in Users application.
The list of the SIP DM profiles is the list of the profiles:
• Synchronized list for 80x8s or ‘OXE DM’ devices managed by OXE
• The list of ‘OTC PC’ profiles managed by OmniVista 8770.

Explicit device profile selected in OmniVista 8770 Users application, in user creation form, overwrites the SIP
DM profile in OXE user profile.

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Note • When a profile is modified, the configuration file of the concerned devices is updated: a NOTIFY
message is sent to the devices.
• A daily polling by the device is also performed if the device was unavailable when the NOTIFY was sent.
• The same profile may be used whether the deployment is local or remote, except for ALE-2.
• SIP device for remote worker requires a profile with SBC and Reverse proxy FQDNs managed.

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© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA page 32/79 Support of VoIP tickets on OXE PURPLE R100

Starting with Purple R100, OXE will collect SIP VoIP tickets emitted by 8008, 8018 and 8028s deskphones in
SIP mode. The OXE Collector will extract from the SIP Publish emitted by the SIP phone the Voice Quality
Record (VQR) at the end of the call and store it in files.

More generally, in the future, new ALE SIP devices (ALE-2, MD1 Target), ALE SoftPhone and ALE DeskPhone
series will publish VoIP tickets, collected by OXE and analyzed by OmniVista 8770.
The OmniVista 8770:
• collects these files, every hour (MD1 target) or daily
• parses them
• loads the data in the OmniVista 8770 database
• calculates cumulative counters as for VoIP tickets from IP phones
• builds VoIP reports
The SIP VoIP tickets are taken into account in the VoIP quality reports but not in the traffic analysis reports,
as there is no indication about the volume (no packets sent, received, lost), but he MOS (Mean Opinion Score)
is indicated. DM adaptation for OXE R100 SIP Motor refresh

From Purple R100 release, OXE has conducted a refactoring of the SIP Motor in order to improve the
performance to handle 300 000 calls per hour and support 15 000 users with SIP TLS, mainly introducing a SIP
Translator process in the External Encryption Gateway (EEGW) hosted by the OST VM.
Once the External Encryption Gateway is configured, the hosted SIP Translator is the entry point for all SIP
devices, even for not encrypted flows.

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PROXY protocol
EEGW SIP trunk


The system

Non-encrypted Encrypted
SIP extension SIP extension

The SIP Server to register the devices is now the SIP Translator.

From OmniVista 8770 point of view, it means some changes in the way the OmniVista 8770 gets the addresses
of the SIP servers from OXE in order to populate the SIP devices configuration.

OmniVista 8770 5.0 supports the generation of configuration files for SIP devices when OXE is configured with
EEGW details. IP address of EEGW is used as SIP servers address, FQDN of SIP translator is used as SIP domain
in all URLs of configuration with updated ports.

SIP Server Group1, SIP Server Group2 are updated in the configuration file for standalone, local redundancy
(with PCS) and spatial redundancy (with PCS).

The retrieval of IP address and ports are unchanged for OXE ≤ R100 and when EEGW is not configured. DM evolution for identification of SIP devices

This evolution allows identification of the device type in OXE for 8008, 8018 and 8028s in SIP mode.
Previously, SIP devices were declared in OXE only with a generic type.
Thanks to the device type auto-discovery, if the authentication for the configuration file request is successful,
the device type is stored in the “sub-type” user attribute, and the configuration file is built accordingly.
Other SIP devices will use the “default” sub-type.

There is no impact in OmniVista 8770.

OpenTouch 2.6.1

The OmniVista 8770 R5.0 is compatible with the OpenTouch 2.6.1, as well as the OmniVista 8770 R4.2.

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OXO Connect and OXO Connect Evolution (OCE) R5.0

The OmniVista 8770 R5.0 is compatible with the OXO Connect and OCE R5.0.

8.3 Support of new terminals

Compatibility with ALE DeskPhones Essential range

This new range of IP Touch devices on OXE are hybrid, depending on the connection. They can work in TDM
mode when connected to a UA board or in IP mode.

The ALE-20 IP is an IP Phone.

The ALE-20h and ALE-30h are TDM and IP.


2 x 3 Soft 2.8” B/W

2 x 10
Keys Backlight
with Led Display
with Display


Those new sets are supported by OmniVista 8770 R5.0 in Users application and in OXE Configuration.
The add-on module EM200 with 20 keys can be added to the ALE-30h DeskPhone from OmniVista 8770 R5.0
MD1 and OXE R100 MD1.
In OmniVista 8770 R5.0:
• New entries are added in the list of the supported devices in Users application, including an update of
the predefined customized views
• It is possible to manage keys in the OXE Configuration (thick client) and in Users application (WBM Client)
with the graphical views for new supported sets.

RTU KPI for ALE DeskPhones Essential range

ALE-20h TDM and ALE-30h TDM are counted in the RTU KPI related to TDM devices
ALE-20h IP, ALE-20 and ALE-30h IP are counted in the RTU KPI related to IP devices

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Compatibility with ALE DeskPhone Enterprise range

These new ALE DeskPhones ALE-300, ALE-400 and ALE-500 use IP (NOE) protocol.

The add-on module ALE-120 is available for the whole range of devices. It is a physical add on with 24 keys.
Three add-on modules can be plugged to a device. The add-on modules are planned from OmniVista 8770 R5.0

In OmniVista 8770 R5.0:

• New entries are added in the list of the supported devices (Users application, including an update of the
predefined customized views)
• It is possible to manage devices’ keys in the OXE Configuration (thick client) and in Users application
(WBM Client) with the graphical views for new supported sets.

RTU KPI for ALE Enterprise DeskPhones

ALE-300, ALE-400 and ALE-500 are counted in the RTU KPI related to IP devices

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8.4 Compatibility with ALE Softphone

The ALE Softphone is built upon a SIP stack and is supported from OXE Purple R100.
The deployment of this application is possible on a Windows PC.
The ALE Softphone is always managed by the OXE Device Manager (DM) whatever the location of the master
DM: on OmniVista 8770 or on OXE. It means that the generation of the configuration file is always performed
by the OXE DM.
The deployment of the ALE SoftPhone binary is done through IS/IT tools.

How to configure the URL of the DM for the ALE SoftPhone:

The ALE Softphone can retrieve the URL of the DM in charge of managing it in 2 different ways:
- Mode 1: Through DHCP
- Mode 2: The URL of the DM is entered directly in the parameters of the ALE Softphone

- If the DM master is on OmniVista 8770, the DHCP must be configured to provide the URL of the DM 8770 (so
that it works with all SIP deskphones). In this case, the administrator must use the mode 2 for the ALE
Softphone and enter directly the URL of the OXE DM in the ALE SoftPhone.

- If the DM master is on OXE, the DHCP must be configured to provide the URL of the DM OXE. In this case,
the mode 1 can be used for the ALE SoftPhone, i.e. the retrieval of the URL of the DM by DHCP, which will
thus return the URL of the DM OXE.

How to provision the ALE SoftPhone as an OXE user:

The OmniVista 8770 Users application allows the provisioning of an OXE user and the associated ALE SIP
Softphone. A new SIP device type ALE-Desktop associated to a user with a SIP Extension station type (main or
secondary) is introduced. It is synchronized with the OXE DM profiles.

The ALE SIP Softphone does not emit VoIP tickets.

The ALE SoftPhone is not counted in the SIP devices, in the OmniVista 8770 license.

8.5 New features in OmniVista 8770 R5.0

WBM Performance Dashboard

A new application is added in the web client, the Performance Dashboard, to monitor the OmniPCX Enterprise
performance with comprehensive graphs on trunk groups, voice over IP quality, devices, health and IP

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• Trunk groups traffic, number of connected devices and IP domains data is collected on selected
OmniPCX Enterprise through SNMP (A4400-RTM-MIB). OmniPCX Enterprise CPU load and disk usage,
related to the OXE health, is also collected with the UCDAVIS MIB through SNMP.
The collected data is stored in OmniVista 8770 database as an image of the OXE resources available at a
given time.
The values read from OXE are cumulative counter and instantaneous values. In that last case, an average
value over 1/2h, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year is calculated.
The default poll interval to collect data is 1/2h. In R5.0 MD1 Target, the interval could be reduced.

• Voice over IP quality data is collected on selected OmniPCX Enterprise with VoIP tickets polling.
The VoIP tickets must be polled daily to benefit from VoIP Quality graphs in the Performance dashboard.
From MD1, it is possible to poll the VoIP tickets hourly (refer to OmniVista 8770 R5.0 MD1 chapter).
Reminder: From OXE Purple R100, SIP VoIP tickets are available for 8008, 8018 and 8028s in SIP mode.

Thresholds can be defined and monitored in the graphs. The threshold on the VoIP quality MOS (Mean Opinion
Score) is available, for other thresholds on trunks, health, … please refer to the OmniVista 8770 R5.0 MD1
chapter. License prerequisites

The Performance Dashboard is available with the Performance item in the license. The administrators with
access to the VoIP Performance reports will access this new application on the web client.
Two levels are defined for this application:
• Read: access to the Performance application (WBM client) in read-only mode: no access to setting
• All: full access to the performance application (WBM client), with possibility to update settings, access
to the Real-Time loading parameters (Accounting/PTP/VoIP/RTP application from thick client).

Reminder: The “PastTimePerformance” license item is related to the OXE PTP counters and provides the
management of Traffic analysis reports and monitoring. The “Performance” license item controls the VoIP
reports management and VoIP quality monitoring.

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© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA page 38/79 OXE declaration for Performance Dashboard
The OXE nodes observed by this performance polling are declared in the Configuration application, with a new
option: SNMP Performance monitoring. The SNMP configuration must be consistent on the OmniVista 8770
(hypervisor) and the OXE (agent), checked during OXE synchronization. OmniVista 8770 works with SNMPv2
and SNMPv3. OXE nodes running an SNMPv1 agent are excluded from the monitoring.

Warning Make sure that SNMP parameters are well defined on OXE SNMP settings and OmniVista 8770 connectivity
settings. Otherwise, the SNMP performance monitoring will be disabled at next OXE synchronization.

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© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA page 39/79 New application Performance in WBM

The Performance Dashboard application is accessible from the WBM client if the administrator has the
performance right.
To access the performance dashboard of a node, the administrator must select an OXE in the tree.

The Performance application is organized in five widgets (1):

• Trunks: Trunks usage monitoring
• Devices: Connected device monitoring
• Quality: MOS for SIP and IP devices, out of range tickets for IP devices
• IP domain: IP domains related data: CAC (Call Admission Control), DSP (processors) and conference circuits
• Health: CPU load and disk usage

(1) A widget is an interactive graphical window, that can be closed, opened, repositioned …

Main view:


Out of service: 0
Busy: 6
Free: 53

Set up the
graph type

In the main view, the period is the last 24 hours by default, with graphs by half-hour. It is not possible to
modify the period in the main view.
The mouse-over (tooltip) on the graph displays the detailed data of the selected part of the graph.
The zoom allows to enlarge the graph.

Widgets settings:
• Modification of the chart type

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• Refresh button

By clicking on one of the widgets in the main view, a detailed view is displayed.
In the detailed views, it is possible to select a period: current day, current week, current month or current
year (more to come in MD1).
It is also possible to select an object, for example a trunk group name for trunks, an IP domain ID for the IP
domains, a device type for the VoIP quality. Trunk activity widget

The trunk activity main widget shows busy channels cumulated for all the trunks of the OXE node.

In the detailed view, following information is displayed:

• Trunk channel status: Number of channels out of service, free and busy
• Trunk channel distribution (Pie or Doughnut chart): % of free, busy and out of service channels
• Out of service versus overrun: Number of channels out of service and overrun, cumulated
• Trunk groups details: Raw data from trunk table

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The devices widget shows the registered and unregistered SIP devices, and in and out of service IP devices. Quality widget

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The quality widgets show the quality of the voice over IP (VoIP) communications for SIP and IP devices:
• IP devices and SIP devices MOS value during the period. A minimum MOS can be defined as threshold
• Percentage of out of range tickets per equipment and per IP address (IP/SIP), based on the MOS value
• Percentage of out of range tickets per equipment and per IP address (IP)
• Record distribution (IP/SIP) during the period: Out of range tickets count
• Volume distribution (IP): Sent, received and lost volume during the period

VoIP tickets for SIP devices

VoIP tickets for SIP devices include information on MOS value (Mean Opinion Score, value from 0 to 5), but no
information on volume. Therefore, the out of range information for the MOS is available for supported SIP
devices, but not the global out of range information.

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The IP domains detailed widget shows:

• Conference circuit status and distribution: Conference Circuits out of service, available and busy
• Compressor status and distribution: Compressors out of service, available and busy
• CAC (Call Admission Control): Number of calls used, allowed and overrun
• Busy resources: Number of conference circuits and DSP (compressors) busy
• IP Domain details table

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© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA page 45/79 OXE system health widget

The health main widget shows the CPU load and disk usage of the selected OXE node.
The detailed widgets display:

CPU activity:
• CPU load: CPU load in percentage
• CPU idle: Number of ticks idle by CPU over last minute
• CPU I/O sent/received: Average amount of data in Mb
• CPU details: Raw data from CPU table

Disk activity:
• Disk usage/total: Disk usage and disk available in GB
• Disk Details: Raw data from disk table

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Installation of the OmniVista 8770 client via MSI

See chapter 4.3 OmniVista 8770 Client installation via MSI file.

Topology evolution for direct IP link

The ABC direct IP link is a new way to interconnect OXE systems within an ABC-F sub-network. There is no
mix between ABC direct IP links and ABC hybrid links (either hybrid links or TDM links) in a sub-network.
This feature is relevant when all the OXE ≥ R100 and the OXE links within an OXE subnetwork are IP links,
allowing a fully meshed network.
As soon as the network switches to a direct link topology, the links towards all possible nodes (99) are
automatically created in the OXE database (Logical Link of type Direct link). The really existing links are
configured through the Link Access instances.
By default, the links are not displayed in the Topology. They are displayed or hidden on demand through a
new option “Display Direct IP Links” in Topology / Preferences, along with the VPN overflows option.

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Warning The direct IP links, like hybrid links, are counted in the traffic observation counters, but not in OXE SNMP
MIB counters, so they are not displayed in the trunk groups in WBM performance.

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Web client enhancements for the OXE configuration

From OmniVista 8770 R5.0, there are two improvements in the OXE configuration from the web client: mass
provisioning and advanced search. Immediate and scheduled mass provisioning of OXE instances

In OXE configuration, the importation/exportation operations of any OXE instances are now available in
immediate or scheduled mode in txt, csv or prg format:

The list of scheduled jobs and their status is displayed. Advanced search

The advanced search of instances allows to filter instances for a given object:

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With multiple instances:

Web client enhancements for the Users application Custom views enhancement

Customized views in edition
Before R5.0, the customized views (also called custom views) only apply for the creation of new users. From
R5.0, the custom views also apply to users’ consultation, modification and adding a device operation.
For example, a local administrator can only view allowed attributes and can only modify them with values
allowed in his custom view.
In case of users created by another administrator, so with possibly another attributes scope, the values of not
authorized attributes are non-editable.

Limit the access to a list of Cost Centers and Class of Service (COS)
The global administrators can define a list of possible values for integer and string attributes, with a default
The targeted attributes are cost center, connection COS, public network COS and phone features COS.
Previously limiting values was possible only for enumerated attributes (attributes with combo box, e.g. device
type). Advanced button to access the full configuration of the user

The navigation from Users application is done through a dialog window, displayed over the Users application.
This window is similar to the OXE Configuration for a connected node (tree and grid) but the tree is limited
to the Users and its sub-classes, and the selected user instance and its sub-instances.

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Available operations for the sub-instances are driven by the OXE managed object definition: action buttons
are available in top menu bar (mainly Subscriber Alias). Users’ mass provisioning enhancement

From R5.0, some restrictions on the users’ mass provisioning update have been removed: now, it is possible
to remove a device, to manage OT rights and OT Clients.

There are also new capabilities in the scheduled operations report window: Remove a job from a list, re-
execute a job:

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Increase of the maximum number of SIP devices supported

Before R5.0, the maximum number of SIP devices supported by OmniVista 8770 Device Manager was 10 000
for ALE SIP devices (8008, 8018, 8028s, …) and 10 000 for third party SIP devices, per server. From R5.0, the
maximum number of SIP devices supported by OmniVista 8770 DM is 15 000. This is consistent with OXE Purple
R100 provisioning level. The ALE SoftPhone is not counted, as it is managed by the OXE DM.
Therefore, in the OmniVista 8770 from R5.0 license, the two counters ALUSIPdevices and ThirdPartySIPDevices
are reset to zero and replaced by a new counter SIPDevices = 15000.

The OXE Configuration limits from thick and WBM clients is the tree expansion time. The maximum number
of rows in a grid is unchanged (10 000)
Devices management application limits: the number of devices that can be loaded in the grid of the application
is unchanged (1 000, except for 8018 hotel devices).

Web directory new look

A new purple theme is proposed in the web directory, consistent with the other WBM applications, Users,
Configuration and Performance.
After the upgrade to R5.0, there is no modification in the existing web directory.
To change the theme, the administrator must click on “Custom” in the left bar.
To come back, click on “8770 WBM”.
Restriction: the web directory custom themes in OmniVista 8770 < R5.0 are no more proposed.

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9.1 Component update

ManageMyPhone is updated to release 2.4.0 supporting the end-user management of new ALE Enterprise and
Essential DeskPhones

9.2 KPI on the ALE SIP Softphone

A new counter is added in the OmniVista 8770 RTU process to count the ALE SIP Softphone devices:


Remark the SIP Extension used to support the ALE SIP Softphone is counted as a SIP Extension device (KAT010 – STD
USER SIP DEVICE RTU) and as a secondary device, SIP type (KAT210 – SIP EXTENSION IN TANDEM).

9.3 Graphical view of the ALE Enterprise and Essential Add-on modules
OmniVista 8770 supports the graphical view of the ALE Enterprise and Essential Add-on modules

9.4 Compatibility with ALE-2 SIP Deskphone

OmniVista 8770 supports ALE-2 SIP Deskphone from all applications, with the generation of a configuration
including settings. It is supported from OXE R100 MD1.

9.5 Secure OmniVista 8770 DM configuration files in case of “8770 DM” set to
“false” in OXE
The goal is to secure the DM feature when the DM server is migrated from OmniVista 8770 to OXE by mistake,
by disabling the “Device Management in 8770” flag in OXE.
The risk is to delete the SIP devices configuration files from OmniVista 8770 (after the first OXE
synchronization), and after that the rollback of the DM from OXE to OmniVista 8770 could be difficult.

New “8770 DM” parameter in OmniVista 8770, and backup Config files

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There is a new OmniVista 8770 parameter “DM on 8770” in the parameters of the OXE node (True by default),
updated during the synchronization of the OXE node, in addition to the previous OXE parameter:
OmniVista 8770 reads the “DM on 8770” Boolean set in OXE configuration, and reads the “DM on 8770” of
that node from OmniVista 8770 OXE configuration:
- If both “DM on 8770” flags are unchecked (meaning that the administrator has decided to migrate the DM
from OmniVista 8770 to OXE and unchecked the “DM on 8770” on both sides OXE and 8770), the SIP
devices configuration files will be deleted during the next OXE synchronization.
- If the new “DM on 8770” flag is uncheck, nothing will be updated in the DM management, as the DM is
still on OmniVista 8770 from OmniVista 8770 point of view.
See chapter Compatibility with OXE SIP DM for more details on OXE DM

Notes When the administrator unchecks “DM on 8770” (set to False) in the parameters of OXE node on OmniVista
8770 side, a pop-up appears asking the administrator to confirm that he really wants to migrate DM from
OmniVista 8770 to OXE. It also informs him that the next synchronization will delete the SIP devices
configuration files from OmniVista 8770. it invites him to export (in full mode) the SIP devices configuration
from the Devices application for that node before the next synchronization, to prepare a possible rollback.

Restore the configuration files in case of DM Rollback

The DM rollback is a manual procedure based on import of the exported SIP devices done before migrating
DM from OmniVista 8770 to OXE.
See chapter 10.29 for procedure details.

9.6 Hourly polling of VoIP tickets

ALE SIP devices (ALE-2 and 8008, 8018, 8028s DeskPhone series in SIP mode) publishes VoIP tickets, collected
by OXE and analyzed by OmniVista 8770 Performance application.
The OmniVista 8770 can now collects these files every hour instead of only daily.

Refer to chapter Support of VoIP tickets on OXE PURPLE R100 for more details.

Refer to the chapter 10.26 Real Time Performance for restrictions

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9.7 WBM Performance dashboard enhancements

Dynamic threshold detection

A notification bubble is raised on the node where a threshold is exceeded:

Refer to the chapter 10.26 Real Time Performance for restrictions

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Performance application filter date

A new filter is added to select a display period from calendar:

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All the “CR8770-…” ref. mentioned below are internal anomaly reports references. Check with Technical
Support on which version/patch it is fixed or if correction is important for you.
In this chapter, you will find miscellaneous information about applications, components that could be
useful, plus some restrictions.

10.1 RTUM
The Russian Government has changed the Time zone from utc+3.00 to utc+4.00. For this reason, a delay of
one hour in RTUM counter calculation can be experienced. To solve the issue, Microsoft has recommended
the patch Windows8.1-KB3162835-x64 to be installed to bring back the time zone in utc+3.00. After, the
RTUM counter calculation will be OK.

10.2 Users Application

General Information:

➢ When DM on OXE feature is enabled, limited attributes are shown for associated sets from the Users

➢ Older OT meta profiles (created for OT16) are made inactive when OmniVista 8770 server is upgraded to
8770 R5.0

➢ During user creation with Meta profile, additional attributes are made editable from R4.1.

➢ To create OmniPCX Enterprise/ OpenTouch Connection users based on profiles, OmniPCX Enterprise/
OpenTouch synchronization needs to be performed first, to get the OE/OT profiles in Users Application.

➢ Option ‘Export for Rainbow’ is introduced in contextual menu at root and department level, and new
preference rule in preferences menu is introduced to support mass provisioning of Rainbow users.
Refer help document for Loginmail syntax in Rainbow preference rules.

➢ A mandatory attribute “OXE Profile Name” has been added for OpenTouch Connection User creation in
the Users Application. This attribute is populated by selecting an entry from a drop down menu. In order
for the drop-down list to be populated, the profile(s) need to be created in the OXE associated with Site
being used for OpenTouch Connection user creation, and then synchronized.

➢ Admin creates a metaprofile for connection users with a free number range. This free number range is
previously created in OXE configuration:

Max. number parameter is very sensitive: it limits the number of first free directory numbers returned
by OmniPCX Enterprise when a consultation is requested. If the administrator sets a very high value

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by mistake or by thinking that this is the range size (possible misunderstanding), the consultation time
increases a lot.
Example: the time to get the first 3000 free number range is about 3-4 seconds.

The problem is that such consultation is done during the creation of a connection user via a
metaprofile. Several seconds can be wasted because of a too high Max.number parameter.

Workaround: the recommendation is to set 10 or even less. In such case, the consultation of free directory
numbers is immediate, and the user creation is therefore optimized.

➢ ALE SoftPhone:

• The ALE Softphone can only be associated to a secondary SIP Extension of an OXE user. ALES cannot
be associated to a main set.

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• ALES: External login is not updated in Company Directory entry. Refer to CR8770-12097

For more information about ALE SoftPhone management, refer to chapter 8.4 Support of ALE SoftPhone

➢ OTC PC SIP connection is no more working.


➢ Memory limit is exceeded with OXE user search for more than 1000 users. Refer to CR8770-6607

➢ “X89 40 keys AOMV” system option has incidence on the ALE Essential/Enterprise phone sets. This
behavior observed with OXE N1.280.5 is not correct. This will be fixed in a future OXE N1 release.
Refer to CR8770-11642

➢ For ALE DeskPhones number of virtual keys and special keys are not finalized in OXE Purple R100.

➢ 'SIPVOIPTicketcollector' value:
With 'Dm on 8770', in the associated Device
If Voip Ticket is enabled, then following would be setting in config file generated by 8770
<setting override="true" value="true" id="SIPVoIPTicketsCollector"/>

If voip ticket is disabled, then following would be setting in config file generated by 8770
<setting override="true" id="SIPVoIPTicketsCollector" define="default"/>

➢ Even if 'sip translator fqdn' value is filled and available in OXE and in Native encryption settings, in
the OmniVista 8770 DM device config file this value is never used.

➢ EGW IP address of CS1 and EGW IP address of CS2 are filled for Server1 and Server2 SIP address in
configuration file.

➢ Special keys F1, F2, F3 and F4 are not available for IP DeskPhone Pleiades 86x8 as the special keys
are not available from OXE side ( Ref:CR8770-12210)

10.3 Device Management (DM):

General Information:

➢ Configuration of remote settings feature is now enhanced for 8008, 8018 and 8028s devices along with
8001 devices. Test scenarios are executed with simulated reverse proxy.

➢ 8001 set in VLAN environment

(KCS article 000046893)
Issue :
After upgrade from a release < to a recent release, the 8001 set cannot anymore be put in
service if this set belong to a VLAN

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The solution is to manage the VLAN configuration in OmniVista 8770 (the security tab of the set). For
more details, see technical alert TC2640

➢ No more support for MIC Android, MIC Blackberry, MIC Windows and MIC Nokia mobile devices.

➢ Secure download of OTC PC configuration file from 8770/data/DM/deploy to OT node takes 15 minutes
Maximum, in case administrator requires immediate transfer of configuration file, enable immediate
transfer option from Administration Application->Application Configuration->Application Settings-
>Device Management->OTCPC_DEVICE-CONFIG->Enable Immediate transfer

➢ Status of the Terminals tests performed in OmniVista 8770 with “device profile”:

Profile(Normal With
Device Node Deployment) Profile Binary used for the testing
8082 OXE OK OK
8082 OT OK OK
8002/8012 OXE OK OK
8002/8012 OT OK OK
8001 OXE OK OK
8008 OXE OK OK
8018 8018-SIP-R300_1.15.20
8028s 80x8S_SIP_R300_1.15.20
8038 OT OK OK
8088 OT OK OK
8088 OXE OK OK
OTC Smart Phone OT 2.911.05.0.apk


➢ Configuration file is not updated with subscriber key information when OXE user is created with SIP
extension along with subtype as IPtouchxx.

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10.4 Device Management on OmniPCX Enterprise
Verify default OXE system option 'DM management in 8770' after OXE is upgraded to OXE R100 Purple from M5
or older releases. Following OXE upgrade, if default option is false, then if OmniVista 8770 is upgraded to
R5.0, during daily job synchronization, migration of DM to OXE will happen, and all non-supported '8770 DM'
devices will be removed along with profiles declared in OmniVista 8770 and binary packages

Migration of DM from OmniVista 8770 to OXE

Though not recommended, support for migration of DM from OmniVista 8770 to OXE is possible.

All '8770 DM' devices are deleted and All 'OXE DM' devices are replaced with a limited schema and configuration
files are removed.


➢ Following the DM migration to OXE, '8770 DM' device 8012 deskphone (which were created when 8770
was DM Master) IS NOT REMOVED. other '8770 DM' device like 8001 and 8002 are removed.
Following DM migration to OXE, 8012 device seems to be seen like a 'OXE DM device' and shown with
'OXE DM' device schema.
Device Profile name still shows the '8012 Telnet enable' which was created when 8770 was DM.
Note: In the 'parameters tab' all the '8770 DM' profiles are REMOVED following migration to OXE DM.
config file location in 8770 - 8012 device config file NOT REMOVED and 8082 device xml.

refer to CR8770-10976 DMonOXE\DM Migration to OXE\ '8770DM' devices not removed.

Revert to OmniVista 8770 DM management is not possible. An OmniVista 8770 backup is advised before
activating this feature.

To secure and to avoid the removal of all configuration files on OmniVista 8770 DM side due to disabling this
parameter by mistake, OmniVista 8770 R5.0 MD1 introduces a security with an additional “Device Management
in OmniVista 8770” parameter on OmniVista 8770 side.

SIP VoIP Ticket collection Enable:


➢ SIP VoIP Ticket collector Enable was not possible through the OmniVista 8770 DM \ Parameters\

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10.5 OpenTouch Configuration
General Information:

➢ ACU_OPENTOUCH user’s creation is forbidden in OpenTouch, but the create option is still available
from OT configuration (as OT 18 data models are still supporting create operation). So, the creation
fails with valid error message.

➢ The OpenTouch node number entered during the OpenTouch declaration should be a numeric value.
Otherwise the topology synchronization with the Performance application fails.

➢ Templates Tab is changed to Profiles in OpenTouch Configuration object tree.

➢ During user creation, the TUI password should not be trivial for security reason. It should not be cyclic,
a repetition, increasing or decreasing.
services -> Security -> Password Management -> Allow trivial TUI, checks this attribute to allow
trivial values to be used for TUI password. Uncheck this attribute doesn’t permit using trivial value
for TUI password.

➢ For OTVM- Automatic creation of persons in directory is applicable only for OmniPCX Enterprise with
OTVM users.

➢ The connect operation of OpenTouch from OmniVista 8770 will not work with the root user and
password. The maintenance credentials should be used for login.

➢ While configuring OpenTouch server, if ERROR_REMOTE_EXCEPTION error occurs then check

- Add the OT FQDN in the OmniVista 8770 server Windows hosts file
- Restart the Wildfly service

10.6 OpenTouch/ OmniPCX Enterprise Synchronization

➢ User name for template management should be filled in the connectivity tab to get the templates
during synchronization.

➢ After declaration of the OmniPCX Enterprise node, the OmniPCX Enterprise Complete Global
synchronization will not synchronize associated to an OpenTouch node. The OpenTouch node should
be synchronized first.

➢ TUI voice mail should be declared in both OmniPCX Enterprise and OpenTouch for successful complete
global synchronization.

10.7 Performance Application

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➢ The SNMP V3 polling with SHA/AES protocols is not working. Refer to CR8770-12073.
➢ The polling fails on one OXE when 2 OXEs are configured in SNMP V3. Refer to CR8770-12074.
➢ The SNMP polling is not fully compatible with OXE configured in spatial redundancy: the polling is not
happening when the CS having the role main IP address declared in the first position in the "IP address"
attribute (in the OXE node parameters) is the standby CPU. Refer to CR8770-12080

10.8 Re-Hosting
General Information:

➢ Execute the re-hosting script in the “Elevated command prompt” in Windows 7, otherwise script
execution will fail. Refer the below link for info:

10.9 Audit
➢ After enabling the Global flag for audit process, the OmniVista 8770 client needs to be restarted to get
the information of OmniVista 8770 login/logout

➢ Audit detailed system records will not be displayed in OmniVista 8770 with OmniPCX Enterprise releases
≥ M1
Refer to CR8770-6606: 8770 R3.2.08.04: Audit system details are not available in audit application for
OmniPCX Enterprise>=OXE 12.

From the OXE release R12 (M1.403), detailed information about “LOGIN” action are not available
Option “more detail” = no, must be selected
Reason: In the OXE release R12, a new package has been deployed (due to a vulnerability issue) on OXE.
This new package does not update the “auth.log” file with the PPID.
So, the detailed information presents in the “shell.log” file cannot be displayed anymore

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Detailed information:

Before OXE release R12:

Since the OXE R12:

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10.10 Alarms
- OpenTouch Alarms will not be received if two OpenTouch servers have the same username but different
parameters (like encryption password, passphrase, etc..). To receive the OpenTouch alarms from all the
declared OpenTouch nodes, there are two possible configurations:
• 1st option: use the same SNMP v3 user name and the same associated parameters (security level,
user password, passphrase, …) for all the OpenTouch nodes
• 2nd option: use a different SNMP v3 user name for each OpenTouch node

- Topology: Dashed Line style between two network elements will be supported with IE version 11 and

10.11 OmniPCX Enterprise Object model

General Information

➢ OmniVista 8770 help files are integrated.

➢ OmniPCX Enterprise help files are integrated.

➢ OmniPCX Enterprise Native Encryption feature

The OmniPCX Enterprise Native Encryption feature can be activated only when Native Encryption
license is available on OmniPCX Enterprise side. The feature is not activated by default, it needs to
be modified. Enable automatic CTL Acquisition parameters, set as True, create the CA certificate and
define the IP details in lanpbxbuild comment. For more details, refer to the OmniPCX Enterprise
technical documentation.

10.12 OmniPCX Office and OXO Connect Configuration

General Information

➢ The license must be added manually for the OXO version based on the CPU (OmniPCX Office Board)
for major upgrades

➢ OXO Connect and OXO Connect Evolution have separate binaries that need to be considered during
the installation

➢ For OmniPCX Office binary downloads, the LOLA software is not required for OXO connect evaluation,
whereas no change for OXO connect installation

➢ OXO Connect and evaluation Input and Output performed only via OMC. OMC is installed on the local
server where the OmniVista 8770 server is running

➢ OmniPCX Office synchronization restriction: synchronization happens only with single OmniVista 8770
user using permanent IP connectivity alarm reception mode. Multiple Permanent IP connectivity with

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multiple OmniVista 8770 user for single OmniPCX Office synchronization is not allowed for OmniPCX

➢ Backup and Restore for OmniPCX Office and OCE are not allowed from configuration. It is part of the
maintenance application

➢ OmniPCX Office backup directory needs to be mounted for configuring OmniPCX Office in
online/offline mode.

➢ OmniPCX Office and OCE alarms are integrated.


➢ OXO Cloud Connect alarms are not received.

➢ OmniPCX Office R2.1 Alarms updated for Rainbow not received in OmniVista 8770 Refer: CR8770-7086
➢ During the first OmniPCX Office and OMC configuration/synchronization, the system must be restarted to
avoid the “OMC Stopping the Management services” failure message in status bar update area.

10.13 MSAD - Active Directory Synchronization and Light Client for User
General Information

➢ MSAD Sync: During the MSAD Access Info Configuration, the entire user Dn (Example:
Cn=ladmin,CN=Users,DC=Company X,DC=com) needs to be entered instead of the username alone.

➢ MSAD: Metaprofile list is coming out of the application screen if you double click on it; Refer to CR8770-

➢ AD Web Client: Page refresh not happening after OmniPCX Enterprise/OpenTouch metaprofile selected
from the IE8&9 browser.
Workaround: The Active Scripting needs to be enabled in the IE browser Internet Options

Enable the Active Scripting as follows:

Open Internet Explorer, click the "Tool" button in the menu bar, select the "Internet
Options” “Security” tab
To enable JavaScript for all sites:
Select the "Internet" area, select "Custom Level" and "Security Settings - Internet Zone" box gets
Enable "Active Scripting" under the “Scripting” section and then click the OK button to apply the
settings. Restart your browser when finished to apply the settings and enable JavaScript.

➢ MSAD Client: OmniVista 8770 Administrator is not allowed to change the default password assigned to the
MSAD8770Admin account. Changing the password will make AD Client inoperable.
Workaround: If MSAD Admin password is changed then restart the Wildfly service in OmniVista 8770

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10.14 SNMP Proxy
➢ After OmniVista 8770 Install/upgrade, enable Windows SNMP service and then perform OmniVista 8770
SNMP Proxy configuration from ToolsOmniVista.

➢ If Windows SNMP service is already installed, then OmniVista 8770 SNMP Proxy configuration must be done
after installation/upgrade from ToolsOmniVista.

➢ External tools like TrapReceiver and iReasoning MIB Browser should not be installed to receive the traps
on the OmniVista 8770 server side. It is better to install them in the client side machines.
These tools by default take the port number 162, and due to this, OmniVista 8770 will not receive OpenTouch
Alarms due to port conflict.

10.15 CITRIX Presentation server

To run multiple OmniVista 8770 clients in Citrix presentation server, the minimum requirement is 8GB RAM;
if the available RAM is less than 8GB, the OmniVista 8770 GUI will not perform as expected.

10.16 OmniVista 8770 UTF8 Characters in Web Directory

The requirement addresses the need for a full UTF8 support in all applications for users names and first names.
The objective is to manage users names/first names in UTF8 characters in the whole OmniVista 8770
management platform and all the connected elements (OmniPCX Enterprise/OpenTouch). Same thing for
import/export with an external corporate directory, from the different OmniVista 8770 applications, Users,
Directory, web directory.

The requirement is driven by the capability of the UA/NOE devices to display non ASCII characters, and the
OmniPCX Enterprise management restrictions where the OXE User attributes vary from Directory name and
firstname to UTF8 name and firstname depending on the character set used for the name/firstname.

In OmniVista 8770 and OpenTouch, priority is given to UTF8 names, meaning UTF8 names are used preferably
in all Directory-based applications.


➢ For remote clients, certificates can be accessed from OmniVista 8770 Server.
Ex: https://<FQDN>:8443/certificates/
Download superadmin certificate from OmniVista 8770 server C:\8770\Ejbca\p12 and import to local
➢ EJBCA PKI doesn’t work. Refer to CR8770-12018

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10.18 SECURITY: POODLE Vulnerability
SSL v3 is now replaced by TLS for encryption for this POODLE vulnerability. Earlier components which were
using SSLv3 like LDAPS, WebClient, WebDirectory will now be using TLS for encryption.
A menu item is added in ToolsOmniVista to enable/disable SSLv3. If SSLv3 is disable, then TLS is enabled.

10.19 SECURITY: SHA2 conformity

SHA2 certificates are installed by default during OmniVista 8770 new installations.

For OmniVista 8770 upgrades from R2.6, only SHA1 certificates are available. If the administrator wants to
migrate to SHA2, he should use toolsOmniVista.exe.

10.20 8082 MyIC Phone on OmniPCX Enterprise and https requests

Http requests from 8082 MyIC Phone to OmniVista 8770 server are no more supported from OmniVista 8770
Https requests are now mandatory. The OmniVista 8770 server is checking the device certificate at each file
downloading request.

Warning A particular care must be taken before doing an upgrade to R3.1: Make sure the devices are doing https
requests and not http.

Refer to KCS article “000040438 : 8770- Directory client consultation via WEB : Invalid certificate.”

10.21 VoIP quality supervision

The Performance application based on a VitalSuite module has been removed from the product as of 2.5
release. The reports and data from this application are no more available after an upgrade to R2.5 and next
releases, so they must be generated and exported before the upgrade.
The VoIP quality supervision is now managed through predefined reports definitions, included in the Reports
The VoIP reports are available for OmniPCX Office, OXO Connect and OmniPCX Enterprise R≥ 8.0.

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10.22 USERS application
Users creations fail when the Entity 1 does not exist on the OmniPCX Enterprise.
The reason is that the user creation by profile is failing in this case. The system tries first to create the user,
using the default parameters (including missing entity 1) before applying the profile’s parameters.

10.23 Upgrade

Warning Case of an upgrade with a local client already started: it is mandatory to check that all the clients are
stopped before upgrading.

Recommendation: if possible, reboot the server before upgrading.

10.24 Web Based Management

➢ The OmniVista 8770 WBM Client is focused on the Users provisioning, including mass provisioning,
customized views for different administrators and domain Management, OmniPCX Enterprise Configuration
and performance dashboard.

General Information:

➢ OmniVista 8770 WBM is accessible in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge & Mozilla Firefox browsers
(Cf 3.3 Prerequisites for administration Client PCs)

➢ OmniVista 8770 Home page can be accessed using the below URL format
https://<8770_Server IP or FQDN>:8443/

➢ OmniVista 8770 WBM can be accessed directly using the below URL format
https://<8770_Server IP or FQDN>:8443/nmclient

➢ Administrators can log to OmniVista 8770 WBM using the same administrator accounts used for
OmniVista 8770 server login


➢ Pagination will be not there for a local admin when Filter (quick search or advanced search) is
performed. CR88770-10550

➢ CR8770-7579 CRUD operation of OXE user and connection user fails in thick client with

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➢ Multiple OXEs are not supported from customized views

➢ custom views and secondary devices restrictions:

CR8770-9464 : only one station type is possible when adding a secondary device to a user
CR8770-9447 : voice mail server wrongly seen as missing
CR8770-9448 : ANALOG station type must be removed from some predefined views and must not be
the default value for other ones

➢ Automatic windows resizing for 8770 WBM is browser dependent and could have impact on the
windows organization if the browser application contains several windows. It is the case for OmniVista
8770 WBM, with grid windows, tree windows.
Workaround: Manually resize the browser windows.
Browser windows can be easily resized using: CRTL + scroll mouse.
This action enables to zoom or un-zoom browser’s window.

➢ Forwarded settings are not displayed in WBM user: CR8770-11975

Note The number of simultaneous Web client connections is limited to 60.

10.25 WBM for OXE Configuration


➢ The GRID display limitation and Pagination are not implemented as in User WBM application
➢ Unable to perform quick search operation for object classes where naming attribute is Enumerated
value. Refer CR8770-10576
➢ Config WBM : Search with ‘/’, ‘ * ’ in config. Refer CR8770-10653
➢ Signaling link backup level is missing under shelf/board. Refer CR8770-10105
➢ In WBM interface, the uid is displaying as “Login”.

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How to clear the OXE MIBs from browsers

OmniVista 8770 configuration application is introduced in the WBM to support the configuration capabilities.

Before using the OXE configuration Webclient application, do the following steps to clear the old OXE schema
files from the OmniVista 8770 server and from browser.

Do the below steps only once.

Server side
Delete the files under the folder <8770 Install Dir>\data\config\WBM\OXE

Client side
1) Launch OmniVista 8770 WBM using the URL https://<8770 server IP or FQDN>:8443/nmclient/ in
chrome or firefox

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2) In Chrome
a. Launch developer tools by clicking F12 or Navigate and select More tools-> Developer tools
b. Under Application Tab, select Clear storage and select Clear site data button. Make sure the
IndexedDB checkbox selected.

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3) In Firefox
Go to menu Options-> Privacy & Security and select the button Clear Data… under Cookies and Site
Data section

10.26 WBM Performance dashboard

➢ 8770 Performance: polling fails on one OXE when 2 OXE are configured in snmp v3: CR8770-12074
➢ 8770 Performance: In health widget- detail view dashboard the pagination count is showing undefined:
➢ WBM RTP: Real-time performance monitoring is disabled when synchronization is done with ssh
➢ mode connection. Refer: CR8770-11982

➢ Hourly polling of VoIP tickets

Note This feature is postponed in a next R5.0 MD1 patch.

- Hourly Polling job to be in disabled state by default: CR8770-12364
- Polling task not getting aborted for on-demand synchronization job: CR8770-12367

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➢ Dynamic threshold detection

Note This feature is postponed in a next R5.0 MD1 patch.

- Red and orange counters displayed on nodes in the tree must show the active threshold detections:
- Display the threshold detections in graphs only when they occurred the first time after a normal
period: CR8770-12183

10.27 Mail Server

From R4.2, Protocol encryption field STARTLS is Mandatory for SMTP server configuration with authentication.

If SMTP authentication is required, select the Authentication mechanism check box, and complete the
following fields:
• In the Connection username field, enter the SMTP account name used for authentication
• In the Connection password field, enter the SMTP account password
• In the Protocol encryption field, select “startls” from the list

10.28 ManageMyPhone

- After the upgrade of OmniVista 8770 R5.0 version, the ManageMyPhone application is sometimes shown
as “disabled”.

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Workaround: By closing the “Zulu platform application” in windows task manager, the services will be
triggered to start mode and service will be up.

10.29 Device Management (DM)

Migrating DM from OXE to OmniVista 8770:

Though migrating the DM back from OXE to OmniVista 8770 is not recommended, if the administrator
wishes to roll back, below steps can be helpful.

• Initial condition: Device management is on OXE side. And OmniVista 8770 device application
shows only 'OXE DM' entries with restricted schema.
• In OXE: : mgr\System\Other System Param\System parameters \'Device Management In 8770’
– Enable Boolean
• From OmniVista 8770 configuration application, perform complete synchronization of OXE
node. This step ensures rolling back device management to OmniVista 8770.
• From the exported backup file’s copy, remove the OTCPC entry line items, for the rest of the
devices, set the action to Delete.
• From Device management application, import this backup file. (This step will perform clean
up activity for the existing OmniVista 8770 device data for 80x8s devices, and ignore any
specific errors related to OTCPC in scheduler logs)
• From the exported backup file’s copy, set the action to Add for all entries and reimport from
device application. Verify all the Devices are imported successfully and could be seen in the
device application.
• Perform the OXE global synchronization to regenerate the configuration files in OmniVista
• Note: ALES Desktop, ALES Mobile and Other SIP Extensions with OXE supported device types
(80x8s, ALE-2) devices which are directly created in OXE node will be still shown in devices
application with limited schema. If the administrator tries deleting such devices from the
OXE Device management application, Set’s subtype will be changed to Default in SIP
parameters in OXE (device type will be lost and it is not recommended.)

Note ALES Desktop and ALES Mobile devices export is not possible from OmniVista 8770 device management, as
these devices are managed by OXE DM.

CR8770-12425: DM on OXE, config files are still present in 8770

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Here is the list of the problems (critical and major) that are not yet fixed. These are the problems detected
in the current version.

Issue key Summary

CR8770-10742 8770 -R5.0 N1.221 OXE software upgrade fails
Orbacus Notify service not running - OXE configure Not possible/Alarms and Synchro
CR8770-10790 Not Possible
[8770 NMClient] OXE config immediate export/import is not working for Bulk data
CR8770-10839 which is taking time more than 5 min\Security Tests\Apache Procrun-prunsrv \Digital Signature - Certificate
CR8770-11912 validity NOK
CR8770-12057 8770 Performance - some disks (partitions) appear as duplicated in filter
CR8770-12074 8770 Performance : polling fails on one OXE when 2 OXE are configured in snmp v3
CR8770-12080 8770 Performance - snmp polling issue with OXE configured in spatial redundancy
CR8770-12098 OXE N1: ALES Mail address attribute is not pushed to OXE node durig creation
DmonOXE\DmonOXE Migration\8088 deskphone not displayed in UUM however
CR8770-12136 present in 8770 Devices Application
Performance: red and orange counters displayed on nodes in the tree must show
CR8770-12182 the active threshold detections
Performance: display the threshold detections in graphs only when they occurred
CR8770-12183 the first time after a normal period
8770/UUM OTC PC device profile settings not take into account if applied after
CR8770-12243 device creation
CR8770-12284 8770 security vulnerability beacause of Apache version
CR8770-12308 VOIP:If OXE node is not reachable, VOIP polling process is not getting terminated.
CR8770-12312 VOIP: Poller job is not terminated properly with in 15mins retry.
CR8770-12319 Threshold calculation not happening when there is SNMP fetch exception QA\ VOIP Hourly Polling job -Job on failure Doesn't Execute for days &
CR8770-12338 loader service crash observed
[Related] : SEPLOS Time and Date Format should be possible to modify through
CR8770-12350 OXE/8770 DM.
CR8770-12360 VoIP: unknown algoComp (codec) 5 and 8 in VoIP tickets from IP equipments QA\ VOIP Hourly Polling job - Polling task not getting aborted for on-
CR8770-12367 demand synchronization job.
CR8770-12369 ALES WBM- Not able to create user with ALES Mobile/Desktop via custom view
User app: For a single user ALES(desktop and mobile)both can be associate with
CR8770-12401 same directory number
After DB restore, the procedure to regenerate the certificate for ejbca application
CR8770-12403 access fails

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[Related] : OXE/8770/ OXE administrator cannot change sub type of second device
CR8770-12409 in tandem from default to ALES(desktop/mobile)
CR8770-12411 ComServer restarts following an http request
DM on OXE: Dm decider falg is set true even when flags on 8770 and OXE are set to
CR8770-12416 False, impacts the DM migration.
CR8770-12424 8770: UUM Error: Attribute not found: External_login

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Submitting a Service Request
Please connect to our eService Request application.

Before submitting a Service Request, please be sure:

− The application has been certified via the AAPP if a third party application is involved.
− You have read the release notes that list new features, system requirements, restrictions, and more,
and are available in the Technical Documentation Library.
− You have read through the related troubleshooting guides and technical bulletins available in the
Technical Documentation Library.
− You have read through the self-service information on commonly asked support questions and known
issues and workarounds available in the Technical Knowledge Center.


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