Legal Writing Speedy Study Guides

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asia os AR SASS rete applies, if any at alt this egal a a BS + Functional is used to convey information. The goal isto communicate ie ees i . . + Letters to clients f | oor fi + Statements of facts in briefs if | is writing designed to achive a particular rest. The 4 document itself docs something. Writings called Informative writing should be in the formal ar informal instruments are ordinary functional Examples of fe¥ser, depending on the recipient. functional writing are . ole Wills + Gontracts is designed to convince the reader to accept a certain 4 + Complaints + Deeds viewpoint. The classic example isthe argument persue Iti ee that your wing mast he wll doesnot have tobe persuasive, It need not be interesting. Butit must be accurate, complete, and understandable, he register ofthis dacument ranges from. be at its tightest. It must be interesting. It rust be, for lack ofabetter word. good. Y ceremonial to formal, Some ceremonial Tanguage is required bythe law Which register applies, ifany at all, to this lege BN a AUR Say Pe Explain legal terms wien necessey. Remember your clients real interest, CCancor i essential. Do not hide unpleasant facts in pile i | Avoid using legalese a ‘Communication withthe client cannot be avoided In fact, the Model Rules of Profesional Condact requires that an attorney communicate with he client. qi Howto ica ed 4 A. deed is generally 4 prety short and simple legal document, maybe just a couple of pe long. A deed rust be in writing because the statute of frauds requires writing for the transfer of any interest in land other than short-term interests, Additionally a writen deed rust alivays . Identify the pastes involved Identify the land being conveyed Express the grantor’ intent to convey the land to the grantee St den ue te a Identifying the land The deed mus identify the land conveyed, Ifthe deed doesnt describe the land in a way that canbe identified ‘on the ground, its void and doestt convey anything, There ae several ways the ded may legally describe the land. Put your best foot forward Pick the argument you believe the cout is most likely to accept and start with that argument. The court will expect you to start off with your best argument, Ifa court rejects your frst two arguments, you have very litle chance on you tied. If your arguments are equally sttong, organize your topics by level of dificult. Assume there i a procedural point, a purely legal point, and a factual point. The procedural point stands or fills regardless ofthe facts, and sometimes regardless of the merits of the The purely legal point may have merits, even though you construe the facts in the ight most favorsble to your ‘opponent The factual point will involve the ype of complicated facts that are found in eel cases Who, Whoseand Whom ee ete etaee reat ee rea at ede "Fortunately the use of whom is dying out. Unfortunately it is not dying oat fast enough. Perhaps our grandchildren will ot have to fo! with it, but we do When who refers tothe subject of a sentence the correct form is “who” Since we rarely think in grammatical forms, substitution can be help Here i a hint see if the words he, she, or they can substituted for who. If so, would be appropriate to us Whom isthe objective form ofthe word who, Se ifthe words him, her or them would be appropriate When who introduces a subordinate clause its case depends upon its function in that subordinate cause ‘The sameiis tru of whoever Give the prize to whoever wins Give the prize to whomever the judges choose. » Speedy Study Guides Prubienes by ‘Speedy Pubishng, LLC 40. Main St, #1156 Newark, DE 19711 Cover by 24HR Covers

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