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Standard Operating Procedure (Inventory Reconcilation)

Ergode and any other ecommerce company’s major reason of loss is Ineffective and inefficient
Inventory management.As a part of Inventory Managemnt team I put effort towards the best
inventory management practices
Ergode don’t have fully automated Invenoty management process and also that is not at all
effective so that we can’t rely upon that and that’s why we do all these things manually.

Inventory Reconcilation:-


The basic step first is to know the amount of inventory we have in a ceratin order which
we do by checking the AMAZON Seller Central.The steps involved in updating/uplaoding
per purchase order’s items inventory is explained below:
 Firstly export the Purchase Order File for the month which we will be uploading the
received Inventory say for e.g you are checking Inventory for the month fo Dec’21, go to
 Application Virventures
 Click FBA Finance
 Choose ‘Manage Purcahse Order

 Select Date range which will be from 1st Dec’21 to 31st Dec’21

 Once the file is downloaded filter only ‘AMAZON Warehouse’ shipments through which
we get only FBA po’s
 Go to PO Column and sort A to Z
 Download sample file (Used for uploading the received inventory data in APP
Sample file looks like this:

 Copy PO & go to AMAZON Seller Central. Check quantity per item and insert it as per the
item in the PO file
 Copy the worked po’s in the sample file-Change the format to ‘text’ (tab-Delimited) and
upload it in the system.

Once All POs are uploaded for the particular Month then once again we have to download the
Purchase Order File by following the same steps that we used before.

This Purchase Order file is gonna be the updated one.

Once new Purchase Order file is downloaded then we will be applying filter on some columns
like PO column,PO Location and then on total loss (High to Low)

Again we’ll be checking the POs for the no. Of items received on amazon under each SKU

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