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A New Method for Autonomous Robot Calibration

Xiao-Lin Zhong and John M Lewis, Members, IEEE

Dept. of Mechanical, Manufacturing & Software Engineering
Napier University, Edinburgh
10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH10 5DT, UK

Abstract measuring devices; iii) Identify the parameter errors based

on the differences between the measured locations and those
A new method for autonomous robot calibration is predicted by the kinematic model. iv) Implement the
presented which is suitable for on-site calibration in an identified model. These procedures require extensive human
industrial application environment. Using a trigger probe intervention and off-line processing, which precludes the
as an extension of the manipulator link, robot internal method from being used to perform on-site calibration in
joint sensor measurements were recorded for kinematic an industrial environment at regular intervals. The
identification while the robot tip-point was in contact with requirements of measurement phase are particularly
a constraint plane in its workspace. From the consistency demanding, and expensive and complicated pose measuring
conditions of the constraint plane, the linear identification devices are needed for calibration (such as co-ordinate
equations were derived, from which the kinematic measuring machines[51[6], theodolites[4], servo controlled
parameters were extracted based on only robot internaljoint laser interferometers[7], sonic and visual sensors[3][12],
readings without any external measurements of the end- etc.). It has been reported that partial pose information is
point locations. A recurrent neural network (RNN) sufficient for complete parameter identification[9]-[12].
approach was applied to resolve the linear identification Tang[9] utilised a special fixture to obtain partial pose
problem. The RNN-based algorithm is computationally information of a robot end-effector. The fixture consists of
more robust and eficient compared with conventional a flat plate with some accurately located points on it, and
numerical optimisation approaches. Both simulation and an end-effector with a flat surface and some angle to the last
experimental results for a six degree-of-freedom (DOF) axis of the robot. In the 'free mode' of robot, the robot end-
PUMA robot are presented in this paper. effector was manually moved to the known points of the
plate and against the flat plate such that some component
1 Introduction of the end-effector position and orientation were 'measured.
The partial pose measurement scheme eases the
The positioning accuracy of a robot manipulator is a requirements for measuring devices, but it still requires
major concern when using advanced off-line programming intensive human intervention during the set up and
methods in a robotic system. The desired locations of a measuring process. In addition, as pointed out by
Driels[l2], not every robot provides a 'free mode' in which
robot end-effector are normally specified in its workspace,
the manipulator can be moved manually while the power is
while these locations are achieved by controlling its joint
on and the joint servo system is off.
values in robot joint space. However, for a number of
Autonomous robot calibration is defined as the
reasons, including manufacturing tolerance, set-up errors,
wear and tear, transmission errors and compliance, the automated process of determining a robot's model by using
internal kinematic model used in robot controller will not only its internal sensors. It has been observed that
accurately describe the kinematic transformation of the autonomous calibrations are possible for robot
actual robot. Therefore, the actual locations achieved by manipulators with either some a priori knowledge of the
controlling joint values obtained from the controller's task constraint or redundancy of the sensing systems(e.g.,
internal model will deviate from the desired locations. It two robots gripping together)[l3]. The autonomous
has been shown that as much as 95% of robot positioning calibration of hand-eye systems has also been performed by
inaccuracy arises from the inaccuracy in its kinematic using robot joint readings and camera co-ordinate
model description[ll. Robot kinematic calibration is measurements to form the closed-loop constraints[ 131[141.
defined as a process of improving robot positioning Another kind of task constraint has been proposed for robot
kinematic parameter identification which utilises laser line
accuracy through modification of its kinematic control
model without changing its hardware configurations[2]. tracking in robot workspace[l5]. In this paper, we present a
new robot kinematic calibration scheme which can be
There has been an extensive research concerning robot
kinematic calibration approaches over the past decades[11- implemented autonomously and is suitable for on-site
[ 5 ] . Kinematic calibration involves the following
calibration in an industrial environment. Gripping a trigger
procedures: i) Choose a proper kinematic model to describe probe(Figure 2), the robot uses the probe as its extended
the relationship between robot joint space and its link to touch constraint planes in its workspace(the
workspace co-ordinates; ii) Take experimental locations of the constraint planes are not necessarily known
measurements of robot end-effector locations using external exactly). Only the robot joint readings are recorded for

IEEE International C o n f e r e n c e - 1790-

o n Robotics a n d Automation
0-78&3-1965-6/95 $4.W01995 IEEE
identification while the tip-point of the probe is touching AJi" z z Ji" - Ji-1' ;AJiY = JiY - Ji.lY ; AJ? = Jt - Ji-1' .
the constraint plane from various configurations. A linear Every three touch points will specify a norm to the
identification model has been derived from the consistency constraint plane, which is the cross product between two
conditions of a plane, and is presented in the next section. consecutive difference vectors. Ignoring the second order
To improve the robustness and efficiency of the terms of .4p, we have:
identification algorithm, a Hopfield type recurrent neural
network[ 161 was applied instead of the conventional Z, = W i + l x APi = [U@ bOi coilT+ [ ~ l bli
i clilTAp (3)
numerical least square methods. The neural network where
algorithm for identification is presented in section 3. In aOi = A\yioAZi.,lo- A Y ~ + ~ O A Z ~ " ;
section 4 we describe the data collection method used and bOi = AzioAXi.+lo- A Z ~ + ~ O A X ~ ~ ;
the experimental set-up. Both simulation and experimental c O ~ AxiOAyi+io - AXi+loAyiO;
results for a PUMA 560 robot are given in section 5 ,
assuming a special case in which we place the constraint a l i = (Ay?AJi+lz c Azi+loAJiY)-(Ayi+loAJ~+ Az,OAJi+,Y);
plane so that it aligns with the robot base axis. b l i = (AZ?AJi+l" t,A n i + ~ o A J ~ ) - ( A z i + l o A+J iAx x ? A J ~ + ~);'
Discussions and conclusions are given in the final section. cli = (Ax~OAJ~+~Y + Ayi+l0AJiX)-(Ani+1OAJiY+ AyiOAJi,,').
Similarly, we have the expression of the next normal
2 Formulation of the Kinematic vector of the Same plane:
Identification Model &+I = [aOi+lbQ+l cOi+lIT+ [ a l i + l b l i + l cli+1lTAp.(4)
The consistency condition for one plane is that its
The objective of kinematic calibration is to identify the norms must biz parallel, i.e, the cross product between each
pair of norms must be a zero vector. Similar to (3), we
kinematic parameter errors Ap which are assumed to be a
small perturbations from its nominal values specified by
&+I x Zi = [AOi BOi CoilT+ [Ali Bli CliITAp
the robot manufacturer. Without external measurements,
the actual position Pi = [niyizilT of robot end-point =o (5)
remains unknown but must be near the nominal position
AOi = bOi~Oi+l- bOi+lcOi;
Pi0 predicted by the robot controller. Using the Taylor
BOi = coiaoi+1- cOi*lUOi;
series to the first order, we have:
Pi = Pio+ JiAp = [x? y? z ? ] ~+ [Ji"JiY JtITAp
COi = UOibOi+l - uOi+lbOi;
Where Jiis the robot special Jacob which can be calculated A l i = (bOicli+l + ~ O i + l b l i-) (bOi+lcli + cOibli+l);
with robot joint readings and nominal kinematic Bli = (COioUli.,l+ UOi+lCli ) - (COi+lUli + uOicli+l);
parameters[8]; and i = 1, 2, ..., m is the subscript index Cli = (UOibli,l + bOi+lUli) - (UOi+lbli + bOiUli+l).
representing different touch points of the robot. Denoting H =: [AIl B11 Cll ...AIm B1, CImIT; and
AX = [A01 BO1 CO1 ... AO, BO, CO,lT,
We have a linear system:

In ( 6 ) , the coeffcicient matrix H and AX can be

calculated based on the difference of nominal positions
predicted by controller, and the difference of special Jacob
for each pair of consecutive touch points(on1y joint
readings are required for the computations). The only
unknown remaining is the kinematic error to be identified.
Eqn.(6) serves as tJhe linear identification model of the new
As a check of the constraint conditions of (3,assuming
Figure 1. Constraint conditions for co-planar points we have the knowledge that the constraint plane is aligned
with the robot base x-y plane, the z component of AP, will
Although the exact locations of touch points are be zero. From (2), we have:
unknown, they are constrained to lie on a plane. The AJ,"Ap + AZ? = 0 (7)
consistency condition of a plane leads to the construction Using the above equation and ignoring the second order
of the identification model (Figure 1).The difference vector terms of Ap, it is easy to show that the x, y components
between two consecutive touch points is: of (3) are zero (which agrees with the physical implication
APi = Pi - Pi.1 that the normal to the plane is perpendicular to the base n-y
= [AxiO Ay? Az?]T + [AJi" AJiy AJ:lTAp (2) plane) and the relationship of (5) holds.
where Although the exact location of the constraint plane is
Ax? = xiO - ~ i . 1 ' ; Ayio = yio - yi-1'; Az? = zi0 - zi-1' ; not necessarily known, care must be exercised in placing

the constraint plane in the workspace. Considerations m
include: and Ij = - c H i A & , which determine the network
the robot configurations enabling desirable and safe i=l
touch on the plane; connection weights and input currents respectively based on
* the workspace in which accuracy is critical; the nominal kinematic model and parameters. The Apj is
0 the optimal identification configurations of the robot; thej-th component of kinematic parameters to be identified
the workcell layout and the kind of constraint plane which corresponds to the j-th neuron state. n is the
available. dimension of the vector of kinematic error while m is the
As robot base axes are always set up to align with row number of coefficient matrix H .
some reference planes in the workcell, the assumption The energy function gradient with respect to the i-th
made earlier, in which the constraint plane is aligned with neuron state can be obtained from (9):
the robot base co-ordinates, has practical significance. In
the case that external constraint planes are used, it is also
easy to align the plane with the robot base axis using the (10)
probe and VAL I1 axis motion function. To maximise the The time evolution of neuron states should follow' the
robot movement ranges, it is desirable to have the robot opposite direction of the energy function gradient, so we
touch the constraint planes separately which lie have the neuron circuit dynamics equation:
perpendicular to the robot's base axes. The linear
identification model in this case can be constructed
d ( A p i )- p j ( $ T v A p j
-- +Ii)
according to (7), using the correct component of (2) at each dt j=l

point. where p i is the z-th diagonal element of the positive

diagonal coefficient matrix p which is chosen to ensure the
3 RNN- b ased Identi fication A 1 gorithm stability and convergence speed of the neuron circuit. Given
the initial condition of the neuron states(Apj= 0, i = 1, ...,
The linear identification model (6) can be resolved by
n ) , the above ordinary differential equation (ODE)
determines the neuron state trajectories, and hence the
using any standa-d linear least square method such as
kinematic errors to be identified (the stable states of the
Levenberg-Marquart algorithm. It is known that the
neurons). Eq. (11) is actually a linear differential equation
Hopfield type recurrent neural networks@") can be
of high gain which can be solved by any standard ODE
employed to solve a class of optimisation problems
method. To improve the robustness against measurement
[16][18]. The advantages of RNN method over the noise and numerical perturbations, some non-linearity can
conventional numerical approaches are its computational
also be incorporated into (1 1) through the introduction of
efficiency and robustness, due to the parallel computation
the neuron "sigmoid" to the network[l8]. Another
in hardware implementation, and the use of differential
advantage of the R"-based method is the potential
equations in simulation instead of difference equations as
implementation of parallel computation which leads to on-
used in numerical optimisation algorithms[ 181. In our
line identification of kinematic parameters, which is
earlier work[l7], we developed a l2"-based calibration
independent of the robot DOF and the number of
compensation algorithm which exhibited the numerical
parameters to be identified.
robustness near robot singular configurations. We now
After kinematic errors have been obtained through (1l),
present a similar algorithm for the kinematic identification
the kinematic parameters are updated in the forward
problem, which might be ill-conditioned due to the limited
range of robot movement during data collection. The kinematic model and the neuron inputs and weight
connections are updated correspondingly. The above
resolution of (6) is equivalent to the minimisation of the
following energy function in the least square sense: procedure is repeated until the algorithm converges to the
prescribed accuracy. The Hopfield type recurrent neural
network can converge to the global optimal given the
E=+[HAp+AX]T[HAp+AX]+iApThAp (8) specific initial conditions which are in the vicinity of its
Where is a positive diagonal weight matrix for optimal solutions[l6]. Since the kinematic errors are only
regulation. Writing this in the form of Hopfield network small perturbation from the nominal parameters, the above
energy, we have: procedures are guaranteed to converge provided the
n n in kinematic errors are small. Normally three iterations are
E = - + ~ T ~ A P ~- A
c lP , ~~ p ~
+ + C ( A(9)X ~ ) ~
sufficient to get the desirable results.

wheiE 4 Data Collection

Renishaw Probes were originally used for accurate
workpiece set up and workpiece measurement for CNC
lathes. The probe is in effect an omni-directional switch
that triggers when the probe contacts the workpiece from
l . For UNIMATION PUMA robot in this case

- 1792
any direction[l9]. For our application, a special tool
changer was made to hold the probe (Figure 2). The trigger
signal is transmitted as an input to control the robot. The
switch is kept on while the probe is in contact with the
object. The tip-point of the stylus is a ruby ball so that the
contact point from any direction is a constant distance from
the centre of the tip. The stylus has some amount of over-
travel in each direction allowing a certain probing speed.
The data collection procedure written in pseudo-code is as
foollow s:

Repeate until max. number of touch points reached{

Point = RandomConfiguration(MAX,MIN);
MoveTo (Point);
while(ProbeSignal == OFF){
ProbeBy(-XS TEP/ 10,-YSTEP/l 0,-ZSTEP/lO>;

RecordData(JointValues, CartesianValues);
1 Figure 2. Robot touch constraint plane using a Probe
The robot moves from a start point to a point above the 5 Results for a Puma 560 Robot
constraint plane where its configuration is randomly
generated within the robot movement ranges, from which a
The PUMA 560 robot is a six DOF manipulator with
desirable and safe touch on the constraint plane is ensured.2 six revolute joints. There are in total 24 kinematic
From that point, the robot probes the plane by moving in parameters, using Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) notation, to
small steps toward the constraint plane until the probe describe the kinemtaic model. In general another six
signal is on. As there is some over-travel of the stylus, the parameters including three each of rotation{roll-pitch-yaw }
stop point is not the point of the first touch due to the and translatjon parameters are needed for TOOL
probing speed. Therefore fine tuning is needed to retract the transfoi-mation.The nominal parameters are listed in Table
first touch point. Whilst still in contact with the plane, the 1. The x-direction offset of the TOOL(probe) is
fine tuning process begins by moving the tip-point away intentionally built to make the robot wrist parameter
from the plane in steps oP one tenth of the probing steps. identifiable. \Ye also noted that there exists dependence
Then the joint values of the robot and the corresponding between the TOOL parameters and the last link parameters.
Cartesian co-ordinates are recorded for post-processing. The To eliminate the parameter redundancy, the TOOL
above process is repeated until the desired number of touch parameters are incorporated into the last link parameters,
points has been reached. regarding the probe as the extended last link of the robot.
The probing and fine tuning direction is along the The total number of kinematic parameters to be identified
normal to the constraint plane. The probing steps are is reduced to 24.
normally set less than 1 mm hence the fine tuning steps
are less than 0.1 "(the repeatability of' the Renishaw
Table 1 Nominal Parameters of a Puma 560 Robot
probe is in the order of pm), thus achievcs a measurement
accuracy in the order of 0.1 mm which is sufficient for LinkNo. a;h"m ddmm) ahd) TOOL
robot calibration(if more accurate measuremcnt is required, 1 0 0 -~ 1 2 O.O(rad)
smaller probing steps can be set). In the special case when 2 431.8 149.09 0 O.O(rad)
the constraint planes are aligned with robot base planes, the 3 -28.32 0 7d2 O.O(rad)
robot only probe in one axis direction, the movements 4 0 433.07 -7~12 5(")
along the other two axis direclions are set to zero. 5 0 0 rc/2 O.O(mm)
6 - 0 56.25 0 302.34(mm)

The simul,ation program was built to test the proposed

calibration algorithm. Without loss of generality, we
2 . This can be done either on-line using VAL I1 random assumed a speciall case that the constraint planes were
generator, given the intervals of Cartesian co-ordinates, or placed so that they aligned with robot base planes. To
through off-line planning process using robot simulation maximise the robot joint movement and make all the

parameters "observable" from end-point positions, three level of robot repeatability after calibration. The cross-
constraint planes were placed perpendicular to each base evaluation has also been performed by collecting 20 test
axis. Forty random configurations in Cartesian space for points across robot workspace using precision external co-
each constraint plane were generated satisfying the ordinate measuring machine (CMM). The residual root
constraint conditions. Then the nominal inverse kinematic mean square errors for the test points are improved to 0.68
model was used to find the corresponding joint values for mm for position and 0.89 degree for orientation. The
each of Cartesian configurations. If there was no error in calibration results are consistent with the results of other
the kinematic model, it would be found that the positions calibration methods using sophisticated external
achieved by controlling those joint values would perfectly measurements.
match those constraint conditions. However, by inducing Table 2 Identified Errors of a Puma 560 Robot
small errors in the parameters(the induced errors were Link No. Aai(mm> Adi(") Acl,(rad) Aqi(rad)
randomly generated in the range of +2 mm for linear 1 0.761 0.031 0.0002 -0.0005
parameters and k0.02 radian for angular parameters), the 2 0.459 0.068 -0.0019 -0.0047
achieved positions by the 'actual' robot will deviate from 3 0.351 -0.091 0.0030 0.0024
the constraint planes(the dashed lines of Figure 3, the first 4 0.194 -0.445 0.0043 0.0176
40 points are the x component deviations of the 40 touch 5 0.026 -0.655 -0.0053 0.0036
points on the constraint plane perpendicular to x -axis from 6 0.075 -0.372 -0.0006 0.0017
the x-axis constraint plane; the next 40 points are the y
component deviations of the 40 points on the y-axis plane
from the y-axis plane and the last 40 are z component
deviations of the 40 points on the z-axis plane from the z-
axis plane). After calibrating the kinematic model using the
approach as presented in the previous sections, the
deviations from the constraint conditions are dramatically .......... I

reduced(the solid line in Figure 3). The identified errors are Before
almost identical to those induced. Calibration
To test the simulation results, the experimental set-up
was used for data collection(Figure 2). Three calibrated flat
planes were placed perpendicular to each of robot base axis After
for data collection. One hundred touch points on each of the Calibration
plane were collected. Sixty randomly chosen from each of
the 100 point were used for calibration and the remaining
points for independent test. Table 2 lists the identified
kinematic errors based on the calibration data. Figure 4 plot
-15 I I I I I I I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
the x,y, and z component of the differences between each
two consecutive touch points on the same constraint Calibration Points
plane(the first 39 points are the difference of x components
obtained from the 40 test points on the constraint plane Figure 3. Simulation result with induced kinematic errors
perpendicular to the x-axis, and the next 39 are y
component differences obtained from the 40 test points on
the y-axis plane and the last 39 are z component differences 4
obtained from the 40 test points on the z-axis plane). The
dashed lines represent the differences of positions predicted
by the un-calibrated model in the robot controller while the
solid lines represent the differences of positions predicted
by the updated model using the identified errors. The
symmetry of the graph is due to the use of the differences
between consecutive points. It is shown that the calibrated
model works well for test data points as well. Therefore it
reflects the true geometry of the robot rather than simply
the best fit of the calibration data. Using the reference
positions of the constraint planes perpendicular to the base Calibration
axis, we can evaluate directly the positioning accuracy
achieved by this calibration. Considering the positions
reported by the calibrated model as the reference positions I I I I I I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
of the constraint planes, the accuracy comparisons based on
Test Points
the test points are given in Table 3. We can see that the
position accuracy of the robot has been improved to the
Figure 4. Test Result with experimental data

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