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Using EM to Learn Motion Behaviors of Persons with Mobile Robots∗

Maren Bennewitz† Wolfram Burgard† Sebastian Thrun‡

Department of Computer Science, University of Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany

School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, USA

Abstract a variety of techniques has been developed that allows a

robot to estimate the positions of people in its vicinity
We propose a method for learning models of people’s mo- or to adapt its behavior accordingly. For example, the
tion behaviors in indoor environments. As people move techniques described in [15] are designed to track multi-
through their environments, they do not move randomly. ple persons in the vicinity of a robot. The approach pre-
Instead, they often engage in typical motion patterns, re- sented in [16] uses a given probabilistic model of typical
lated to specific locations that they might be interested in motion behaviors in order to predict future poses of the
approaching and specific trajectories that they might fol- persons. The system described in [8] uses a camera to
low in doing so. Knowledge about such patterns may en- estimate where persons typically walk and adapts the tra-
able a mobile robot to develop improved people following jectory of the robot appropriately. [17] apply a Hidden-
and obstacle avoidance skills. This paper proposes an al- Markov-Model to predict the motions of moving obsta-
gorithm that learns collections of typical trajectories that cles in the environment of a robot. [10] present a system
characterize a person’s motion patterns. Data, recorded that is able to keep track of a moving target even in the
by mobile robots equipped with laser-range finders, is case of possible occlusions by other obstacles in the en-
clustered into different types of motion using the popu- vironment. All the techniques described above assume
lar expectation maximization algorithm, while simulta- the existence of a model of the motion behaviors. Our
neously learning multiple motion patterns. Experimental approach, in contrast, is able to learn such models and
results, obtained using data collected in a domestic resi- to use the learned models for the prediction of the peo-
dence and in an office building, illustrate that highly pre- ples movements. The technique described in [3] uses an
dictive models of human motion patterns can be learned. Abstract Hidden-Markov-Model to learn and to predict
motions of a person. This approach assumes that all mo-
1 Introduction tions are already clustered into the corresponding motion
behaviors during the learning phase. Our method extends
Whenever mobile robots are designed to operate in pop- this approach as it determines both, the clustering and the
ulated environments, they need to be able to perceive the corresponding motion behaviors.
people in their environment and to adapt their behavior
according to the activities of the people. The knowledge In this paper we present an approach that allows a mo-
of typical motion behaviors of the surrounding people can bile robot to learn motion patterns of persons, while they
be used in several ways to improve the behavior. If a are carrying out their every-day activities. We use the
robot is able to predict the motions of a person it can, for popular EM-algorithm [11] to simultaneously cluster tra-
example, choose appropriate detours that minimize the jectories belonging to one motion behavior and to learn
risk of collisions. Knowing where the person currently the characteristic motions of this behavior. We apply our
is or where it is currently going to is an important aspect technique to data recorded by mobile robots equipped
in the context of a nursing robot project [12]. The goal with laser-range finders and demonstrate how the learned
of this project is to develop intelligent service robots than models can be used to predict the trajectory of a person
can assist people in their daily living activities. in the natural environment. This paper extends out pre-
vious work described in [2] in different aspects. First,
Recently, a variety of service robots were developed that the method presented here is able to learn the number of
are designed to operate in populated environments. These motion patterns. Second, it includes a better approach to
robots, for example, are deployed in hospitals [7], muse- deal with trajectories of different length. Finally, it uses
ums [4], office buildings [1], and department stores [6], piecewise linear approximations to reduce the complexity
where they perform various services, e.g., deliver, edu- of the learned models.
cate, entertain [14] or assist people [13, 9]. Additionally,
This paper is organized as follows. In the next section,
∗ This work has partly been supported by the EC under contract num-
we present the probabilistic representation of the motion
ber IST-2000-29456.
patterns and describe how to learn them using the expec- we think of the motion model as a specific motion activ-
tation maximization algorithm. In Section 3 we describe ity a person might be engaged in, cim is 1 if person was
our application based on data recorded with laser-range engaged in motion activity m in trajectory i.
finders. Section 4 presents experimental results regard- In the sequel, we will denote the set of all correspon-
ing the learning process and the prediction accuracy of dence variables for the i-th data item by ci , that is, ci =
the learned models. {ci1 , . . . , ciM }. For any data item i, the fact that exactly
one correspondence is 1 translates to m=1 cim = 1.
2 Learning Motion Patterns
Throughout this paper we assume that each motion pat-
Our approach to discovering typical motion patterns tern is represented by T Gaussian distributions with a
of people is strictly statistical, using the popular EM- fixed standard deviation σ. Accordingly, the application
algorithm to find different types of activities that in- of EM leads to an extension of the fuzzy k-Means Algo-
volve physical motion throughout the natural environ- rithm (see e.g. [5]) to trajectories.
ment. The input to our routine is a collection of trajec- The goal is to find the set of motion patterns which has the
tories d = {d1 , . . . , dN } (called: the data). The out- highest data likelihood. How this likelihood is computed
put is a number of different types of motion patterns is explained in [2]. Since the logarithm is a monotonic
θ = {θ1 , . . . , θM } a person might exhibit in their natural function we can maximize the log likelihood instead of
environment. Each trajectory di consists of a sequence the likelihood which is given by:
di = {x1i , x2i , . . . , xTi i } of positions xti . Accordingly, x1i
is the first position covered by the person and xTi i is the N
X 1
final destination. Throughout this paper we assume that ln p(d, c | θ) = T · M · ln √
all trajectories have the same length T . In our current i=1
system we choose T as the maximum length of all trajec- T M
1 XX t dt/βe 2
tories. A trajectory di of length Ti < T is extended by − 2· cim kxi − µm k . (2)
2σ t=1 m=1
linear interpolation.

2.1 Motion Patterns Since the correspondence variables c are not observable
in the first place the common approach is to integrate
We begin with the description of our model of motion over them, that is, to optimize the expected log likelihood
patterns, which is subsequently estimated from data us- Ec [ln p(d, c | θ) | θ, d] instead. Since the expectation is
ing EM. Within this paper we assume that a person en- a linear operator we can move it inside the expression, so
gages in M different types of motion patterns. A mo- that we finally get:
tion pattern, denoted θm with 1 ≤ m ≤ M , is repre-
sented by K probability distributions p(x | θm ). The N
X 1
mean of each probability distribution is computed based Ec [ln p(d, c | θ) | θ, d] = T · M · ln √
on β = dT /Ke subsequent positions on the trajectories. i=1
Accordingly, p(x | θm ) specifies the probability that the T X
1 X
person is at location x after [(k−1)·β+1; k·β] steps given − · E[cim | θ, d]kxti − µdt/βe
m k2 , (3)
2σ 2 t=1 m=1
that he or she is engaged in motion pattern m. Thus, we
calculate the likelihood of a trajectory di under the m-th
motion model θm as where E[cim | θ, d] depends on the model θ and the data
dt/βe Optimizing (3) is not an easy endeavor. EM is an algo-
p(di | θm ) = p(xti | θm ). (1)
rithm that iteratively maximizes expected log likelihood
by optimizing a sequence of lower bounds. In particular,
Please note that the approach described in [2] is a special it generates a sequence of models, denoted θ[1] , θ[2] , . . .
instance of this scheme, as it corresponds to β = 1. of increasing log likelihood. Mathematically, the stan-
dard method is to turn (3) in a so-called Q-function which
2.2 Expectation Maximization depends on two models, θ and θ0 . In accordance with (3),
In essence, our approach seeks to identify a model θ that this Q-function is factored as follows [2]:
maximizes the likelihood of the data. To define the like-
lihood of the data under the model θ, it will be useful to N
introduce a set of correspondence variables, denoted cim . X 1
Q(θ0 | θ) = T · M · ln √
Here i is the index of a trajectory di , and m is the index of 2πσ
a motion model θm . Each correspondence cim is a binary T X
variable, that is, it is either 0 or 1. It is 1 if and only if the 1 X
− 2· E[cim | θ, d]kxti − µ0dt/βe
m k2 . (4)
i-th trajectory corresponds to the m-th motion pattern. If 2σ t=1 m=1
The sequence of models is then given by calculating have converged, we check whether the overall data like-
lihood can be improved by increasing or decreasing the
θ[j+1] = argmax Q(θ0 | θ[j] ) (5) number of model components. During the search, we
therefore continuously monitor two types of occurrences:
starting with some initial model θ[0] . Whenever the Q-
function is continuous as in our case, the EM algorithm 1. Low data likelihood: If a trajectory di has low likeli-
converges at least to a local maximum. hood under the model θ, this is an indication that no
appropriate motion pattern for di has yet been iden-
In particular, the optimization involves two steps: calcu-
lating the expectations E[cim | θ[j] , d] given the current
model θ[j] , and finding the new model θ[j+1] that has the
2. Low motion pattern utility: If we can remove a
maximum expected likelihood under these expectations.
model component θm without reducing the overall
The first of these two steps is typically referred to as the
data likelihood, this indicates that θ contains a sim-
E-step (short for: expectation step), and the latter as the
ilar motion pattern and that θm is a duplicate. To
M-step (short for: maximization step).
detect such a redundant model component θm , we
To calculate the expectations E[cim | θ[j] , d] we apply calculate the data log likelihood with and without
Bayes rule, obeying independence assumptions between θm . Technically, this involves executing the E step
different data trajectories: twice, once with and once without θm .

E[cim | θ[j] , d] = p(cim | θ[j] , d)

Whenever the EM has converged to a local maximum,
= p(cim | θ[j] , di ) our approach extracts those two statistics and consid-
= ηp(di | cim , θ[j] )p(cim | θ[j] ) ers deleting individual model components or introducing
= η 0 p(di | θm
), (6) new ones. In particular, if a low data likelihood trajec-
tory is found, a new model component is introduced that
where the normalization constants η and η 0 ensure that is initialized using this very trajectory. Conversely, if a
the expectations sum up to 1 over all m. If we combine motion pattern with low utility is found, it is eliminated
(1) and (6) exploiting the fact that the distributions are from the model.
represented by Gaussians we obtain: To limit the model complexity we use a penalty term
M [j] α, where M [j] is the number of components of the
E[cim | θ[j] , di ] = η 0
Y 1 t
e− 2σ2 kxi −µm
dt/βe[j] 2
. (7) model θ[j] and α is an adjustable parameter that was set
to 1.7 in all our experiments. This term ensures that we
do not end up with a model that over-fits the data, which
in the worst case is one with an individual motion pattern
Finally, the M-step calculates a new model θ[j+1] by
for every trajectory. Particularly, we compute
maximizing the expected likelihood. Technically, this
is done by computing for every motion pattern m and
k (Ec [ln p(d, c | θ[j] ) | θ[j] , d] − M [j] α)−
for each probability distribution p(x | θm ) a new mean
of the Gaussian distribution. Thereby we con- (Ec [ln p(d, c | θ[j+1] ) | θ[j+1] , d] − M [j+1] α)
sider the expectations E[cim | θ[j] , d] computed in the
where Ec [ln p(d, c | θ[i] | θ[i] , d] (see Equation 3) is
the total expected data log likelihood. According to this
k·β PN difference we increase or decrease the number of model
1 X E[cim | θ[j] , d]xti
m = · PN
(8) components.
β i=1 E[cim | θ[j] , d]
t=(k−1)·β+1 Additionally, we store the model with the highest overall
evaluation Ec [ln p(d, c | θ[i] ) | θ[i] , d] − M [i] α encoun-
2.3 Estimating the Number of Model Components tered before the learning phase. If the maximum number
Since in general the correct number of motion patterns is of iterations is reached or if the overall evaluation cannot
not known in advance, we need to determine this quan- be improved after increasing and decreasing the model
tity during the learning phase. If the number of motion complexity our algorithms stops and returns the model
patterns is wrong, we can distinguish two different situ- with the best value.
ations. First, if there are too few motion patterns, then In most of the experiments carried out with different data
there must be trajectories, that are not explained well by sets our approach correctly clustered the trajectories into
any of the current motion patterns. On the other hand, if the corresponding categories (see also the experiments
there are too many motion patterns then there must be tra- section). Without this mechanism, however, EM fre-
jectories that are explained well by different model com- quently got stuck in local maxima and generated models
ponents. Thus, whenever the EM algorithm appears to that were significantly less predictive of human behavior.
Figure 1: Typical data sets obtained with three robots tracking a person in a home environment.



Figure 2: A single trajectory extracted from the laser
data (left image) and trajectories of two different classes
of motion behaviors (right image). D:

3 Laser-based Implementation
The EM-based learning procedure has been implemented
for data acquired with laser-range finders. To acquire the
data we used three Pioneer I robots which we installed in
the environments. The robots were aligned so that they F:
covered almost the whole environment. Typical range
data obtained during the data acquisition phase are de-
picted in Figure 1.
To determine the trajectories that are the input to our al- G:
gorithm we first extract the position of the person in the
range scans. We locate changes in consecutive laser-
range scans and use local minima in the distance his-
tograms of the range scans. In a second step we identify
resting places and perform a segmentation of the data into
different slices in which the person moves. Furthermore, Figure 3: Expectations E[cim |θ[j] , d] computed in the differ-
we smooth the data to filter out measurement noise. Fi- ent iterations of the EM-algorithm.
nally, we compute the trajectories, i.e. the sequence of po-
sitions covered by the person during that motion. When 4.1 Application of EM
computing these trajectories, we ignore positions which In the first experiment, we applied our approach to learn
lie closer than 15 cm to each other. A typical result of this a motion model for 42 trajectories recorded in a home
process is shown in the left image of Figure 2. environment (see Figure 1). We started our algorithm
with a model size of M = 10. Figure 3 shows for
4 Experimental Results different rounds of the EM the resulting expectations
E[ci1 | θ[j] , d], . . . , E[ciM [j] | θ[j] , d] for every trajec-
To evaluate the capabilities of our approach, we per-
tory di under the current model θ[j] (the darker the more
formed extensive experiments. The first set of experi-
likely). The x-axis of each plot contains the trajectories
ments described here demonstrates the ability of our ap-
d1 , . . . , dN and the y-axis contains the different model
proach to learn different motion patterns from a set of [j]
trajectories. Then we analyze the classification perfor- components θi , for i = 1, . . . , M [j] .
mance of learned models. In all experiments we set the To enhance the readability we grouped the trajectories be-
parameter β to 5 which we experimentally found out to longing to the same motion pattern. Please note that there
yield good results regarding the success rate of learning are exactly three trajectories for each motion pattern in
correct models. this particular data set.
number of motion patterns
model evaluation
30 number of motion patterns
model evaluation
overall evaluation Ec [ln p(d, c | θ[i] ) | θ, d[i] ] − M [i] α
number of motion patterns

number of motion patterns

0 28 -50
as well as the number of model components. As can be

model evaluation [log]

model evaluation [log]
14 -100 26 -100

12 -200
seen from the figure, our algorithm first tries to reduce

10 -300 20 -200 the model complexity. This is because the model con-
-400 18 -250 tains components with very low utilities.
0 2 4 6
8 10 0 5 10 15
20 25
We additionally applied our algorithm to data recorded in
our office environment (the map is depicted in Figure 5
Figure 4: Evolution of the number of model components and (left)). Figure 4 (right) shows the model complexity and
the overall evaluation of the model for the home (left) and the model evaluation for one run in which we started with 30
office environment (right). different motion patterns. As can bee seen from the fig-
ure, the algorithm decreases the model complexity until
Since a uniform distribution of E[cim | θ, d] repre- only 16 (non-redundant) components remain. Afterwards
sents a local maximum in the log likelihood space, the it increases this number to improve the model evaluation.
EM-algorithm immediately would get stuck if we ini- Finally, it terminates with the model correctly represent-
tialize the expectations uniformly. To avoid this we ini- ing 25 different motion patterns.
tially use a unimodal distribution of the expectations for To evaluate the performance of our approach we carried
each trajectory, i.e., for each di the expectations E[ci1 | out 100 experiments for each data set. In every experi-
θ[0] , d], . . . , E[ciM | θ[0] , d] form a distribution with a ment we chose a random set of trajectories and counted
unique peak. The location of the mode, however, is cho- the number of correct classifications. It turned out that
sen randomly. our algorithm was able to learn the correct model in 100%
The topmost image of Figure 3 labeled A shows the ini- of the cases using the data recorded in the home environ-
tialization of the expectations. The second image (plot ment and in 91% of the cases using the data recorded in
B) shows the expectations after one iteration. In the situ- the office environment. The left image of Figure 5 shows
ation corresponding to C the EM has converged to a local two trajectories that our algorithm falsely classified in all
maximum in the log likelihood space given 10 different situations in which it failed. As can be seen from the fig-
motion patterns. As can be seen from the figure, there are ure, both trajectories are extremely similar although they
four model components that explain two different motion actually belong to different motion behaviors.
patterns. In the next step (image D) our algorithm there-
fore tries to improve the data likelihood by introducing 4.2 Predicting Trajectories
a new model component to which it assigns the highest To evaluate the capability of our learned models to predict
probability for trajectory 25 which has the lowest likeli- human motions we performed a series of experiments. In
hood given the current model. The situation after the EM each experiment we randomly chose fractions of test tra-
has again converged to a local maximum is shown in E. jectories and computed the likelihood of the correct mo-
As before, another motion pattern is introduced. We omit tion pattern. Figure 5 (right) shows the average likelihood
the corresponding images for the sake of brevity. The of the correct motion behavior depending on the length
correct classification is found after our algorithm has in- of the observed fraction. As can be seen from the figure,
troduced four additional model components (plot F). As the classification results are quite good and our approach
can be seen from the figure, the system has determined a yields models allowing a mobile robot to reliably identify
model in which all trajectories are correctly clustered into the correct motion pattern. For example, if the robot ob-
motion patterns. Nevertheless, our algorithm still tries serves 50% of a trajectory, then the probability of the cor-
to further improve this model by removing and adding a rect motion behavior is about 0.6 in both environments.
model component. However, since none of these opera-
tions increases the overall evaluation, our algorithm ter- Figure 5 (center) illustrates for one trajectory of the per-
minates and outputs the model corresponding to F. Plot G son in the office environment the evolution of the set of
shows the expectations for a model with 15 components. possible motion behaviors. Shown in grey are the means
As can be seen from the histogram, three trajectories are of four different motion patterns. The black line corre-
assigned to two different model components. Because sponds to the trajectory of the person which was observed
of the penalty term our algorithm prefers the lower com- for the first time at the position labeled S. In the beginning
plexity model corresponding to histogram F. there are four possible motion behaviors (W, B, D, M) to
which the trajectory might belong. When location 1 is
Figure 2 (right) shows the corresponding trajectories of reached the motion behavior W can be eliminated from
two different motion behaviors after the convergence of the set of hypotheses because the corresponding likeli-
the EM. Obviously, the trajectories are correctly clus- hood gets too low. Thus, even if the system is not able to
tered. uniquely determine the intended goal location, it can al-
Figure 4 (left) shows for the same data set but for a differ- ready predict that the person will follow the corridor dur-
ent initialization of the expectations the evolution of the ing the next steps. When the person reaches location 2
W D office environment
home environment
W D 1

average likelihood
T 0.8
3 0.6
S 1 2
M 0.4


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
length of observed trajectory [%]

Figure 5: The two classes of trajectories which sometimes are classified into the same motion behavior (left), an example of motion
prediction (center) and the average likelihood of the correct motion behavior after observing fractions of trajectories (right).

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