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Diocese of Baguio - Schools

S a i n t L o u i s s c h o o l of p a c d a l , i n c .
Siapno Road, Pacdal Circle, Baguio City 2600, Philippines E-mail: Tel. No. (074) 661 – 4223

Life Transforming and Christ Disciple – forming community

Grade 11 – St. Lorenzo

Module 3 - Understanding Chemical Reactions; Rate of Reaction; Stoichiometric

Calculations; Energy in Chemical Reactions

Subject Title: Physical Science
Subject Description: This learning area is designed to provide basic understanding
of Physical Science
Subject Type: Core Subject
Grade Level: Grade 11
Semester: Second Semester
School Year: 2020 – 2021

This subject is divided into one Module consisting of several Lessons. Each Lesson corresponds to
certain number of weeks that begins with Introduction, followed by Instruction, Competencies and
Objectives, Concept Discussion, Learning Activities, Assessments, and Reflection respectively.
As learners of this subject, you are expected to submit all your Learning Activities, Assessment, and
Reflection on their specific deadlines aiming to pass the mid-term. The deadlines of submission and other
important instructions are all indicated in the Instruction area.
The submission schedules are summarized on the table below:
Date Lesson
Week 1 February 15 - 19, 2020 Module 2
Week 2 February 22 - 26, 2020 Module 3

So, let’s start…


This module will help you gain further knowledge of basic chemical concepts and how they are
applied in our daily lives. Aside from phase changes, the underlying principles governing intermolecular
forces of attraction is also included as well as the unique properties of water.
Discussions are also directed to explain the nature of solutions and the different ways of expressing
its concentrations.

Instruction to the User

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the
lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun! This
module is due this February 26, 2020.

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Perform all the provided activities in the module. Remember that all tasks or learning activities are
important because they affect your grade.
3. Analyze conceptually the questions and apply what you have learned.
4. Enjoy studying!
1. Use simple collision theory to explain the effects of concentration, temperature, and particle size on the rate of
2. Define catalyst and describe how it affects reaction rate
3. Determine the limiting reactant in the reaction and calculate the amount of product formed

Concept Discussion 
Module 4
Ways of Harnessing Energy
How Is Energy Harnessed from Various Sources?

Energy is an important factor in any civilization. Most of the activities and needs of society make use of
energy. Homes are cooled or warmed using equipment run by electricity. Vehicles depend on the burning of
fuel. Food is cooked in ovens and on stoves that consume electricity and fossil fuels. Think of any man's
activity and there is always the consumption of energy.

The society's demand for energy and energy-consuming products keeps on growing. That is the reason why
scientists and technologists search for more economical and environmentally responsible ways to meet this
demand. This lesson deals with the different sources of energy and how the energy is harnessed from these

Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels including diesel, gasoline, coal and natural gas, supply most of today's energy needs. Most
countries like the Philippines depend on fossil fuels as energy source. They

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Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels including diesel, gasoline, coal and natural gas, supply most of today's energy needs. Most
countries like the Philippines depend on fossil fuels as energy source. They come from the remains of
plants and animals that died millions of years ago. They are formed from extremely long processes and
cannot be recovered once they are used;

hence, they are called non-renewable sources of energy.

Crude Oil or Petroleum Crude oil or petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. Petroleum literally

translates to "rock oil” since it is commonly found trapped between layers of rocks together with some
natural gas. It is formed from the remains of tiny oceanic organisms that lived millions of years ago. These
tiny oceanic organisms were buried with fine sediments and eventually formed sedimentary rocks. Due to
increased temperature and pressure from the overlying rocks the organic matter in the sedimentary rocks
decompose into petroleum or crude oil.

Petroleum is not very useful as it is. It has to go through processing or refining in order to extract the useful
substances. Using fractional distillation, the constituent hydrocarbons are separated and released. The
refining procedure yields gasoline,

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hence, they are called non-renewable sources of Crude Oil or Petroleum energy.

Crude oil or petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. Petroleum literally translates to "rock oil" since
it is commonly found trapped between layers of rocks together with some natural gas. It is formed from the
remains of tiny oceanic organisms that lived millions of years ago. These tiny oceanic organisms were
buried with fine sediments and eventually formed sedimentary rocks. Due to increased temperature and
pressure from the overlying rocks the organic matter in the sedimentary rocks decompose into petroleum or
crude oil.
Petroleum is not very useful as it is. It has to go through processing or refining in order to extract the useful
substances. Using fractional distillation, the constituent hydrocarbons are separated and released. The
refining procedure yields gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and other residues that could be further refined into
heavy lubricating oil or asphalt products. One barrel of crude oil yields about 76 liters of gasoline.


Coal, the most abundant fossil fuel, is a complex mixture of high molecular hydrocarbons that are about
85% carbon by mass. It is believed that coal came fie plants that grew near swamps in warm, humid areas
millions of years ago. The sh merged plants decomposed and formed a material called peat. Subsequent
burial a peat beneath tons of sediments is the source of coal. Coal, a black or brown solid, we formed under
very high pressure and temperature that compacted and gradually tran formed the peat. weigh

The depth to which the peat is found, the length of time, and the temperature affect the carbon content and
quality of the coal. The coal is classified based on the rank carbon content (see Table 12.1). Generally, the
higher the coal's rank, the greater the amount of heat it releases when it is burned.






Coal used for power generation is burned to provide steam for running steam turls It can also be converted
into liquid and gaseous fuels where the coal undergoes the complete combustion. Coal converted to liquid
and gaseous fuels can be stored in tanks and easily transported through pipelines. Coal liquefaction is done
by heating the coal and then passing the stream of hyd convenience
through it. Another method is by dissolving coal hydrocarbons and then hydrogen added to the resulting
liquid. Coal gasification is a process by which a pulverized coal is treated with superh steam. The resulting
gas which is a mixture of hydrogen, methane, and carbon

mono ide can be used for heating and electricity generation.

Natural Gas

Natural gas which is composed mainly of methane is the cleanest of all the fossil fuck Unlike coal and oil
which release pollutants like nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and soot, the complete combustion of natural
gas produces only carbon dioxide and water Natural gas found on top or dissolved within the oil during oil
reservoir exploration known as associated gas. When natural gas is found all by itself it is called
nonassociated gas which is more desirable than the former.

Ule topic. Use given spare

LESSON 12 HOw sDGHA Natural gas is usually burned to provide steam to run turbine generators in power
plants. Its liquefied form is used as an alternative fuel for vehicles. turbine generator is formed when a
turbine is combined with a generator and it is A

mostly used in harnessing energy from various sources, Biogas is a fuel composed mainly of methane. It is
produced when organic matter

Blogas is allowed to undergo decomposition in the absence of oxygen. The suitable materials for biogas
generation are animal manure, sewage, and municipal waste. Biogas can also be extracted from landfills.

When biogas is extracted from animal waste a biogas digester is used. A biogas di gester is an enclosed
tank that leaves out oxygen. Inside the digester with a temperature range of 35°C to 41°C, the bacteria
break down the animal waste into gases, including methane. In order to maintain the temperature range
where the bacteria are most effec tive, hot water is allowed to circulate with the waste. The gas produced
can be used di rectly as fuel in cooking or as fuel for internal combustion engines of power generators

According to Biomass Energy Centre, biomass is biological material derived from liv e or recently living
organisms. In the context of biomass for energy this is often ned to mean plant based material, but biomass
can equally apply to both animal and able derived material. Biomass sources that are currently used are
wood fuel and Forestry waste, rice hull, bagasse, and residues from coconut processing, Biomass when ed
directly as fuel burns quite well. It could be used to fuel a power plant for the generation of electric current.

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is heat energy from deep within the earth. Most countries like the Philippines with
significant geothermal resources are found around the Pacific Ring of Fire where geological activities like
earthquakes and volcanism are very common. The Philippines is the world's second largest producer of
geothermal energy for power generation and various geothermal fields are located in the different parts of
the country (see Table 12.2).

A geothermal reservoir is a suitable spot for the extraction of geothermal energy. The following elements
are required:

A heat source, the magma

A reservoir made of permeable rock to hold

water which serves as the medium for transporting the heat to the surface. Geothermal energy is used in
the production of electricity. After the exploration di suitable geothermal reservoirs, a production well is
drilled to be the source of steam The steam will be used to drive the large turbines for the conversion of
mechanical energy in the steam into electrical energy. The used steam is brought to the cooling towers
where it is condensed back into water and reinjected into the ground using 2 injection well in order to
replace the water that was taken out of the reservoir. In thi manner, the geothermal plant is able to sustain
its energy source.

Hydroelectric Power

Hydroelectric power is the energy generated through the use of running water in ons to spin a turbine
generator. Hydroelectric power makes use of a high dam or waterie Water is collected behind the dam and
flows out through an opening at the bottos The flowing water makes the turbine generator spin which then
generates electrice The water that comes out from the turbine can be used for irrigation or as source water
to supply for homes.
The Philippines has many existing powerplants that provide more than 10% of electricity requirements.
Although there are a number of large hydropower plants se Table 12.3), the government promotes micro-
hydro (outputs of 1 to 100 kW) and ni-hydro (outputs from 101 kW to 10 MW) projects.

Please see the worksheets at the end of this module.

Psalm 46:1-3 
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we
will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the
sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

Ayson, M., de Borja, R., General Chemistry 2 2016, Quezon City, Philippines, Vibal Group Inc.

Colligative properties retrieved from January 2, 2021

Chemistry: Challenges and solutions, retrieved from

and-solutions/modern-materials-and-the-solid-state-crystals-polymers-and-alloys/ December 29, 2020

Making Change Happen retrieved from

companies-phase-transitions/ December 28, 2020

Numerical Problems on Molality retrieved from
numerical-problems/7861/ December 31, 2020

Papa, E. C. R., General Chemistry 2 (2nd Ed.) 2020, Makati, Philippines, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

Solubility retrieved from January 2, 2020



Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

Diocese of Baguio - Schools

S a i n t L o u i s s c h o o l of p a c d a l , i n c .
Siapno Road, Pacdal Circle, Baguio City 2600, Philippines E-mail: Tel. No. (074) 661 – 4223

Life Transforming and Christ Disciple – forming community

Name: Agpawa Ruffel Jake Jr C____ _____ Score: __________

Grade and Section: _______________________ Date: ____________

Worksheet 1 – General Chemistry 2

(Summative) The Chemistry of Life

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your correct answer from the given descriptions.

___A__1. This gives the combination of the critical pressure and the critical temperature.
a. Critical pressure b. critical point c. critical temp. d. supercritical fluid
___C__2. A point at which all phases of a substance can coexist at equilibrium.
a. Critical pressure b. critical point c. triple point d. open system
___C__3. This is formed when the temperature of a substance is above its critical temperature.
a. Supercritical fluid b. critical temp. c. triple point d. open system

___B__4. Which does not belong to the group?

a. Melting b. heating curve c. condensation d. freezing
___D__5. It represents pressure-temperature relationship at equilibrium for substances.
a. Open system b. closed system c. phase diagram d. heating curve
___D__6. It pertains to the amount of solute and solvent particles present in a solution.
a. Hydration b. solvation c. aqueous solution d. concentration of solution
___A__7. It refers to the interaction of water molecules with solute particles.
a. Hydration b. solvation c. endothermic d. heat of solution
___C__8. All of the following are ways of expressing concentration of solutions except _____.
a. Molarity b. molality c. mole fraction d. heat of solution
___B__9. All of the following are colligative properties of solutions except _____.
a. Osmotic pressure b. titration c. vapor pressure lowering d. freezing point depression
___C__10. It deals with the calculation of the amount of reactants and products in a chemical reaction.
a. Solution stoichiometry b. chemical stoichiometry c. solution d. colligative property

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