List of Command Line Arguments (Incomplete) : "C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/Firefox - Exe" - Profilemanager

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"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.

exe" -ProfileManager
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -P

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -CreateProfile

Moving address bar: 459,68

Save pass: 488,286

Để sau: 493,733

Xacs nhan: 786,783

For Windows users

 Go to "Start -> Run" (On Windows 7/Vista, press "WindowsKey+R" or use the search box at
the bottom of the Start menu) and enter the file path and file name of the application,
followed by the command line arguments. For example,

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -ProfileManager

(including the quotation marks). In this example the file path to the installation directory is
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox, the file name of the Firefox application is firefox.exe, and
the command line argument we are using is ProfileManager.

 If you regularly wish to start your application using command line arguments then you can
also create a shortcut on your Desktop which includes them. To do this, right-click on an
open space of the desktop and choose "New -> Shortcut". Follow the wizard to create the
new shortcut. When it prompts you for location (not name), type the file path and file name
followed by the command line arguments, exactly as in the example above.

For Linux and Mac OS X users

 Open a Terminal window and type what you want to execute. On Linux, the shortcuts to
your Terminal window will vary in location depending on your desktop environment. On Mac
OS X go to your Applications/Utilities folder and choose "Terminal". Enter the path to the
application, then a space, followed by the command-line argument. For example, to start
the Firefox with the Profile Manager on Mac OS X, you would enter the following:

/Applications/ -ProfileManager

On some Mac versions (needs clarification), this command looks like

/Applications/ -ProfileManager

List of command line arguments (incomplete)

See also the external links at the bottom of this article.
Command Result Example

Starts with profile located

at the given path.
-profile "<path>" firefox.exe -profile "E:\myprofile"
Does not apply to Mozilla
Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x

Starts with a given profile

-P "<profile
name (profile name is case firefox.exe -P "Joel User"

Launches the application

firefox.exe ""
<url> and opens the given

Launches the application

with extensions disabled
-safe-mode and the default theme. firefox.exe -safe-mode
Does not apply to Mozilla
Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x

Enables running multiple

instances of the application
with different profiles; [1]
-no-remote firefox.exe -no-remote
used with -P
Does not apply to Mozilla
Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x

Sets height of the startup

-height <value> firefox.exe -height 600
window to <value>.

Sets width of the startup

-width <value> firefox.exe -width 800
window to <value>.

Starts with Profile

-ProfileManager firefox.exe -ProfileManager
-CreateProfile Create a new profile firefox -CreateProfile test

Starts the application with

the Import Wizard
-migration firefox -migration
Does not apply to Mozilla
Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x

Starts the application with

-console firefox.exe -console
a debugging console.

Starts with the Error

-jsconsole Console (Javascript firefox.exe -jsconsole

Starts with the DOM firefox.exe -inspector

-inspector <url>

Loads the specified firefox.exe -chrome

-chrome <url>
chrome. chrome://inspector/content/inspector.xul

-new-window Loads a URL in a new

firefox.exe -new-window <url>
<url> browser window.

-new-tab <url> Loads a URL in a new tab. firefox.exe -new-tab <url>

Installs an extension firefox.exe -install-global-extension "C:\
globally. Temp\extension-file.xpi"

Purges the caches for

internal JavaScript and
-purgecaches firefox.exe -purgecaches
Applies since Firefox 4

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