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Save Earth

Have you all ever heard of the story of 2 friends, who once when walking through a desert,
almost on the verge of death because of how hot it was, came across a tree, and gratefully sat
under its shadow to cool off? When the time came up for them to carry on with their journey,
instead of gratitude, what they said was “what a useless tree, doesn’t even bear any fruit”? (I
bet you most teens are not gonna care about this but we need to look attractive and as though
we’re interacting with the class because when YOU are on the stage YOU are the boss).

Good *insert the time of the day* sir, and fellow classmates, today I will be talking about why
saving earth is an absolute necessity.

Our planet, the earth is the only planet in our solar system as of yet, that is capable of hosting
living beings. It is the only planet where there is ample oxygen, water, and the right amount of
sunlight for any living organism to survive.

As living beings, we all depend on trees for our survival. The trees give us oxygen, and house
not just the animals, but also us humans as well as other living organisms. Well, other than
oxygen, trees provide us with most other natural resources that are essential for our survival.
Fruits, Medicinal Herbs, Wood, Paper, trees also help in decreasing soil erosion, and bringing
about rainfall.

According to reports, the deforestation rates have increased by 34% since 2019, plastic
pollution in oceans has increased by 25%, causing the death of 100 million marine species PER
YEAR, and as of now, and almost 10,967 species of animals have been extinct due to climate
change and the greed of human beings. Even wild animals don’t attack their prey unless they’re
hungry, and then who/what gave us the right to kill animals for sport, for their fur, for their
teeth, for their skin etc.?

There are many ways to try and reverse climate change and save the earth. Only take what you
need. Remember that you want is not what you need, and what you need is not what you want.
Throw your garbage in the dustbin/trashcan. DO NOT throw your waste in the ocean. Avoid
wasting paper. Plant many trees as you can. don’t waste water, don’t burn your trash, and
don’t waste electricity. Remember to switch of water taps and lights when you don’t need

I would like to conclude my speech by saying; the earth can be saved, if we all play our part. If
we humans won’t care about the nature, then the nature will find ways to heal itself. A best
example would be the Corona virus. A small micro-organism that’s not visible to the naked eye
has caused havoc in the lives of millions for the past 2 years. The richest people, the most
developed countries, the countries with the latest weapons of war, could do nothing against
this micro-organism. WE live on this earth; it is OUR responsibility to take care of it, for the
nature, as well as our future generations. Remember that we did not inherit this earth from our
ancestors, but rather, we borrowed it from our successors. Use your resources wisely. Thank
you and have a nice day.

P.S.1. If its too cringe (gomeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnn)

2. If its too long, (gomeeeeeeeeeeeen) but if you’re using this then cut something out lmao

3. oh and and don’t say out the highlighted parts lmao

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