Amit 407 SFM-Assignment

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Sales Force Management


Ans 1: Sales Tools

1.1 LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Did you know that LinkedIn has more than 450 million registered users, scattered all
over the world?
As the largest professional network, by far, it only makes sense that it’d be full of sales
opportunities in digital marketing.
While you can mine for prospects on your own, you’re better off considering the many
sales professional tools provided by LinkedIn Sales Solutions.
Comparing available products will open your eyes to which approach is best for you in
social media and digital marketing.
For example, Sales Navigator is a popular choice. With this tool, LinkedIn hopes to
make sales prospecting easier than ever before and that’s exactly what you’re looking
This tool helps in many ways, including:
Receive custom lead recommendations.
Access to an advanced search to find the right leads for your business.
The use of InMail to contact any LinkedIn member.
A dashboard for measuring and tracking your social selling results.
Real-time sales updates for customers and prospects.
With a free trial, you should give the Professional Edition of Sales Navigator a try. Even
if you’ve never used LinkedIn for a sales process in the past, this could be the push that
you need to take full advantage in the future.
1.2 Proposify
What is your current process for creating sales proposals?
Believe it or not, many companies are still using Microsoft Word, or a similar solution, to
create proposals.
Even if this has worked for you in the past, you should consider a change. A switch to
Proposify, or a similar solution, could do wonders for your close rate.
With this software, you can share beautifully created proposals with prospects in the
cloud. In turn, you hope to close more deals in a more time-efficient manner.
Here are some of the many features that I like:
Access to a variety of professionally designed templates.
Drag and drop library for ease of management.
Access to an online preview tool.
Use of electronic signatures.
The ability to track everything, knowing exactly where things stand in the sales pipeline.
The last feature is one of my favorites, as I always like to know what’s going on with a
You’ll gain access to metrics, such as how many proposals you’ve created, how many
you’ve closed and your overall close rate.
If the lack of proposal software is holding your business back, let Proposify step in and
be your guide. With a free trial and pricing starting at $25/month, it’s an affordable
solution that can help boost your bottom line.

1.3 Mediafly
Whether you’re looking for a quick turnkey solution or complete sales presentation
application, Mediafly’s suite of sales enablement tools makes it easy for any company to
increase sales efficiency and effectiveness.
Its technology combines interactive sales presentation tools, AI-powered content
automation, seamless CRM integration, in-depth content usage analytics, and
comprehensive support. With a flexible and scalable solution, the B2B sales tool helps
grow with your business along your unique sales transformation journey.
Key features
Next-gen sales enablement software: Engage the modern B2B buyer with interactive
and trackable content that provides a personalized and informative experience.
Learning management systems: Train and coach your team with the latest tools and
proactive, agile sales readiness systems all in one central location.
Interactive presentation software: Transform your content into interactive sales
presentations in minutes, boost engagement, and close more deals.
1.4 CallHippo
CallHippo’s call tracking software helps you assign unique trackable phone numbers to
each of your marketing channel sources. By capturing data from calls, the platform
helps you understand the number of calls being driven by each channel and find out the
demographic information of each caller.
Key features
Call-back function: The tool instantly sets up a telephone conversation between the user
and the advertiser with just the click of the submit button.
Call number tracking: Access to a multitude of service numbers and landline numbers
will save you time and effort.
Dynamic call tracking: Allows websites to dynamically replace phone numbers when the
website loads, capturing complete data on call and making it available for your team.

1.5 ZoomInfo Inbox AI

ZoomInfo InboxAI (formerly Komiko) is one of the many solutions provided by ZoomInfo,
a SaaS platform. This particular solution gives you a 360 degree view of your accounts
by syncing all your sales team email inboxes and calendars directly to Salesforce.
Not only does ZoomInfo InboxAI help lessen manual updates and lost contacts, it also
builds a visual analysis to highlight the relationships and engagement data between
your sales reps and buyer contacts.
Key features
Intelligent prospect and customer data capture: Automatically capture all of your
customer-facing communications and extract the relevant data back into your preferred
CRM software.
Prospect and customer engagement insights: Customize your sales playbooks powered
by artificial intelligence, and gain insights on opportunity win/loss predictability and
automated recommendations.
Interaction graph: Find accounts and opportunities easily with a one-glance visualization
that highlights the relationships between internal team members and contacts.

2. Customer relationship management(CRM) as a tool:

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your
company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The
goal is simple: Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay
connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.
A CRM solution helps you focus on your organization’s relationships with individual
people — including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers — throughout
your lifecycle with them, including finding new customers, winning their business, and
providing support and additional services throughout the relationship.

Who is CRM for?

A CRM system gives everyone — from sales, customer service, business development,
recruiting, marketing, or any other line of business — a better way to manage the
external interactions and relationships that drive success. A CRM tool lets you store
customer and prospect contact information, identify sales opportunities, record service
issues, and manage marketing campaigns, all in one central location — and make
information about every customer interaction available to anyone at your company who
might need it.

With visibility and easy access to data, it's easier to collaborate and increase
productivity. Everyone in your company can see how customers have been
communicated with, what they’ve bought, when they last purchased, what they paid,
and so much more. CRM can help companies of all sizes drive business growth, and it
can be especially beneficial to a small business, where teams often need to find ways to
do more with less.
Why CRM matters to your business.

A CRM system can give you a clear overview of your customers. You can see
everything in one place — a simple, customisable dashboard that can tell you a
customer’s previous history with you, the status of their orders, any outstanding
customer service issues, and more.
You can even choose to include information from their public social media activity —
their likes and dislikes, what they are saying and sharing about you or your competitors.
Marketers can use a CRM solution to better understand the pipeline of sales or
prospects coming in, making forecasting simpler and more accurate. You’ll have clear
visibility of every opportunity or lead, showing you a clear path from inquiries to sales.
Some of the biggest gains in productivity can come from moving beyond CRM as a
sales and marketing tool, and embedding it in your business – from HR to customer
services and supply-chain management.

Though CRM systems have traditionally been used as sales and marketing tools,
customer service teams are seeing great benefits in using them. Today’s customer
might raise an issue in one channel — say, Twitter — and then switch to email or
telephone to resolve it in private. A CRM platform lets you manage the inquiry across
channels without losing track, and gives sales, service, and marketing a single view of
the customer.

What does a CRM system do?

A customer relationship management (CRM) solution helps you find new customers,
win their business, and keep them happy by organizing customer and prospect
information in a way that helps you build stronger relationships with them and grow your
business faster. CRM systems start by collecting a customer's website, email,
telephone, social media data, and more, across multiple sources and channels. It may
also automatically pull in other information, such as recent news about the company's
activity, and it can store personal details, such as a client's personal preferences on
communications. The CRM tool organizes this information to give you a complete
record of individuals and companies overall, so you can better understand your
relationship over time.
A CRM platform can also connect to other business apps that help you to develop
customer relationships. CRM solutions today are more open and can integrate with your
favorite business tools, such as document signing, accounting and billing, and surveys,
so that information flows both ways to give you a true 360-degree view of your
Most CRMs are enhanced by third-party applications to better customize and integrate
your solution with existing systems.
And a new generation of CRM goes one step further: Built-in intelligence automates
administrative tasks, like data entry and lead or service case routing, so you can free up
time for more valuable activities. Automatically generated insights help you understand
your customers better, even predicting how they will feel and act so that you can
prepare the right outreach.

How a CRM system can help your business today.



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