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Technical Bulletin CCD agent on Rainbow Application

TC2915 Ed03 Release 12.4 md5 and above

Configuration guide for CCD Agent on Rainbow

application on OmniPCX Enterprise

This document provides the configuration details to install the feature CCD Agent on Rainbow application in the context of
the OmniPCX® Enterprise.

Revision History
Edition 1: October 8, 2021 Ed 01
Edition 2: November 17, 2021 Ed 02
Edition 3: November 29,2021 Ed 03

Legal notice: The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither
ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA Inc. All rights reserved in all countries.
Table of contents
1 Requirements for CCD Agent on Rainbow application ................................................................................ 3
2 Configuration of OXE for CCD Agent on Rainbow application ...................................................................... 5
2.1 Create the agents ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Create the REX pro ACD .................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Create the Ghost Z analog extensions ................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Modification of timer 384 ................................................................................................................... 7
3 Configuration with the CCS application ..................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Configure the agent options with CCS Application ............................................................................... 7
4 Configuration on Rainbow company ......................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Check the Rainbow license ................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 Associate the CCD agent number to the Rainbow account ................................................................... 8
5 Log-on of the CCD agent via Rainbow ...................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Logon in VOIP mode ....................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Office phone ................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Other phone ................................................................................................................................... 11
6 Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................ 12
6.1 Command remotesets ..................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Command dhs3_init -R RAINBOWAGENT .......................................................................................... 12
6.3 Placing a ticket request: new Product Sub_Category ......................................................................... 12
7 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 13
7.1 OmniPCX Enterprise traces .............................................................................................................. 13
7.2 Call Handling traces ........................................................................................................................ 13
7.3 OXE logs of CSTAMONO .................................................................................................................. 13
7.4 Rainbowagent.log in trace mode ...................................................................................................... 14
7.5 Wbm logs ....................................................................................................................................... 15
7.6 Check if modifications from CCS ....................................................................................................... 16
7.7 WebRTC Gateway traces ................................................................................................................. 16
7.8 Rainbow client logs ......................................................................................................................... 16
8 Documentation and trainings ................................................................................................................. 17
8.1 Technical documentation ................................................................................................................. 17
8.2 Trainings ........................................................................................................................................ 17

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1 Requirements for CCD Agent on Rainbow application

This deployment guide is delivered to perform the deployment of the feature CCD Agent on Rainbow
application on an OXE PBX system.
Connection of OXE to Rainbow and CCD application settings are not explained in this document.

Once connected and logged-in via the Rainbow application, the Agent will be able to perform most of standard
CCD actions (receives calls, answers, goes in wrap up state, withdraw). See possibilities and restriction at part

Warning Attention: to avoid update issues it is recommended to perform operations of log-on or log-off of the agent
ONLY with Rainbow application (CCS not allowed)!


OmniPCX OXE version must be m520481 minimum (R12.4 md5).

There is no specific license required on the OXE for the feature (But OXE must have CCD facilities).
Agents + remote extensions + ghost analog will be used.
Not explained: the physical ACD authorized phone set on which an agent can log-on.
CCS application can help in managing and controlling the agents.
The Rainbow user must be Rainbow licensed enterprise minimum (see part 4.1).

- PBX is already connected to Rainbow Cloud.

- Web RTC gateway is running (see TC2462)

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Recommendations for Installer: The installer in charge of the solution implementation must have good skills
-ALE CCD Contact Center Standard Edition solution.
-Rainbow application.

On the OmniPCX Enterprise a CCD matrix is already running (you can display with CCS supervision tool).
Example here shows simple matrix with 1 pilot (7001) 1 Waiting Queue (7101) and 2 Processing groups (7201
and 7202).

Values used in the following configuration are example:

Rainbow PBXID =purple
Ghost z=1016
Processing group=7201 = Rainbow account (already declared).

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2 Configuration of OXE for CCD Agent on Rainbow application
Connect to OXE, start mgr (or other configuration tool) and follow the configurations tips.

2.1 Create the agents

Unlike agents already exist for CCD standard usage you must create them. The agent with Rainbow
capabilities have no particular parameters compared to a regular CCD agent. The agent number will be later
associated to the Rainbow account. The agent MUST NOT be in tandem nor associated to any set.

Set type = 8068s

ACD station =Agent

2.2 Create the REX Acd authorized

Create a pool of REX_ACD. You will need as many REX Acd authorized than you will have Agent logged-on
simultaneously. These Rex must not be part of any multiset and must not be associated to any Rainbow user.

Attention: To be selected by Rainbow Cloud the first name of the REX ACD MUST BE: RAINBOW

Warning Attention: To be selected by Rainbow Cloud the first name of the REX ACD MUST BE: RAINBOW

Directory First Name = RAINBOW

Set type: Remote Extension
ACD Station: ACD authorized phone set.

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2.3 Create the Ghost Z analog extensions

The ghost Z extensions created here have nothing different from the ones used for other nomadic
applications. Ghost Z numbers can have not dialable characters (example *1000). They are used for the call
establishment. See document TBE 067 for the ghost z numbers dimensioning.
Set type = analog
Ghost z = true
Ghost z feature = remote extension

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2.4 Modification of timer 384
In order to avoid the “blocked state” of the agent when the distant caller hangs up.
The timer 384 must be set to 0 (in System/timers)

3 Configuration with the CCS application

Open the CCS application and go in the Agent management.

3.1 Configure the agent options with CCS Application

Select agent 5001 and add the processing groups in the list of attachment.
Associated set: must be empty! As selection of media will be chosen by the Agent himself.
Self-assigning: click if you want the agent to be able to enter the processing group number when logging-in.
Preferred processing group: enter the processing group you would like the agent to work in (so the agent
would not have to enter any processing group number during log in).

Password at logon: If set to yes the agent password is required for the log-on.

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4 Configuration on Rainbow company
If you are allowed log into Rainbow Cloud with Company Administrator Account.
Go in "Company" then "members", select “Henri Motte” and select "services"

4.1 Check the Rainbow license

The Rainbow user for CCD must have a license Enterprise minimum (it can be Custom Enterprise, Prepaid
Enterprise or Enterprise monthly).

4.2 Associate the CCD agent number to the Rainbow account

Go in "telephony" tab. Select the OXE "purple" in the list of equipment and the extension 5001 in the list. And
click on “apply”.

At that point there is no Rainbow ID associated to any Rex on the OXE. The Rainbow ID will be given by
Rainbow to the Rex during log on.

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5 Log-on of the CCD agent via Rainbow
You can connect to Rainbow with Rainbow client application or via the web browser (Chrome or Firefox ) with
URL enter Henri Motte credentials then click on the "door" icon on top to log on.

Once the CCD agent is logged on, he can perform these actions:

-Agent log on/log off

-Preferred processing group (no group asked during logon).
-Processing group selection (the agent must enter the group number during logon phase).
-Automatic wrap-up
-Manual wrap-up

What cannot be done:

-Different types of withdraw

-Transaction code.
-Supervisor call
-The Dect mobile is not available as ACD authorized set.
-The application is not yet available for Android or IOS.

You will have 3 possibilities of log-on,

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5.1 Logon in VOIP mode

Computer (Internet calls) = VOIP mode. The CCD Agent is remote worker without Desk phone. During logon
the processing group number shall be entered (If agent is self-assigning) or not if Agent has a preferred
processing group.

You can see in the "agent mode" brackets the Remote Extension on which is agent is associated. It can also
be displayed by the command remotesets on the OXE

5.2 Office phone

Second possibility: Office Phone (with ACD attribute) mode ➔ (Remote Call Control) Agent 5001 is sitting
beside the Acd authorized set ready for you to login in the office, in this mode Agent will have remote call
control on Rainbow web. Agent can use the acd authorized set to login or Rainbow application. Then voice
stream is always on the phone set.

Legal notice: The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither
ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA Inc. All rights reserved in all countries.
5.3 Other phone

Third possibility: Other phone mode ➔ (Hybrid) in this mode, Agent 5001 is working remotely but the voice
quality is not good to his computer and he can select this mode to send the voice to his mobile number or fix
line number and use the computer for Agent feature via web GUI. Depending on OXE management Outgoing
prefix can be added automatically in front of the number entered.

Legal notice: The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither
ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA Inc. All rights reserved in all countries.
6 Monitoring
It would be premature to give today an exhaustive list of tools and tips for troubleshooting the feature CCD
agent on Rainbow as both OXE + CCD + WEBRTC gateway+ Rainbow Cloud + Internet work together.
However, in most cases simple command remotesets and CCS application can fix different issues.

6.1 Command remotesets

The command remotesets display occupied and free remote extension and association between agent and
Remote Extension.

You can see here that agent 5001 (directory number 5001) is connected on Acd authorized Remote Extension
6001. (The selection is made by Rainbow Cloud). The remote extension receive temporarily the Rainbow PBX
id of the Rainbow user

6.2 Command dhs3_init -R RAINBOWAGENT

This command fixes the problem of wrong agent state (usually in case of discontinuity between OXE and
Rainbow application).

6.3 Placing a ticket request: new Product Sub_Category

Important: when writing a ticket request on BPWS portal (you can find the link below) there is a new sub-
category dedicated for application CCD agent on Rainbow.

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7 Troubleshooting
This part is reserved for experienced technicians. Attention: wrong settings of the traces can eventually affect
the OXE performances.

7.1 OmniPCX Enterprise traces

For Rainbow CCD VoIP call:

SIP trace=motortrace 3

7.2 Call Handling traces

tuner +at +cpu +cpl +xtr +tr +s +time

actdbg all=off
actdbg sip=on csip=on isdn=on abcf=on npd=on ars=on remote=on cstaall=on voip=on
actdbg fct=on ext=on ccdn=on acdv2=on rtp=on cnx=on
mtracer -aug -1 /tmpd/OXE_CH -f 99 -s 10000000 -d &

7.3 OXE logs of CSTAMONO

OXE Monoserver CSTA logs:

1. To launch the cstamono traces, connect to the oxe through different terminal.
After connecting to the oxe, follow the below steps to enable traces.
telnet <cpu name or IP address> 2555
shift d or D
2. ls
(This command will display the clients connected to the cstamono server.)
3. log -c <client number corresponding to Rainbow from the ls command> 1
(This command will enable the hex traces for the given client number)

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Ex: log -c 2 1
In this example 2 ->client number and 1 -> Hex dump
This will enable the traces to a file. The file will be located in the below /tmpd directory.
Immediately when the problem has occurred terminate the traces and session.

4. To disable the traces:

log -c <same client number> 0

5. To exit from the Debug Session


Kindly find the generated file name in the below format.

cd /tmpd/
file name -> logfile.<client number>-<hostname>

Note: The terminal should be closed only after the problem occurrence.
If the terminal is closed or if you quit the debug session, the traces will not be captured.

7.4 Rainbowagent.log in trace mode

File to analyse is Rainbow OXE log : (/var/log/rainbowagent.log)

Activate the trace level in file /etc/oxe/
Using “vi” remove the # tag.

# Loggers
# Supported names are:
# - rainbowagent
# - rainbowagent.RainbowAgentConfig
# - rainbowagent.Controller
# - rainbowagent.WebSocketMux
# - rainbowagent.CstaConnection
# - rainbowagent.Config
# - rainbowagent.XmppApplication
# Valid levels are (from less verbose to most verbose):
# - none (turns off logging)
# - fatal
# - critical
# - error
# - warning
# - notice
# - information
# - debug
# - trace
unComment all those lines: =
#logging.loggers.rainbowAgentConfigLogger.level = trace

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#logging.loggers.controllerLogger.level = trace =
#logging.loggers.webSocketMuxLogger.level = trace =
#logging.loggers.cstaConnectionLogger.level = trace = rainbowagent.ApiMgt
#logging.loggers.apiConfigLogger.level = trace = rainbowagent.AhlLink
#logging.loggers.ahlLogger.level = trace =
#logging.loggers.xmppApplicationLogger.level = trace
Result: =
logging.loggers.rainbowAgentConfigLogger.level = trace = rainbowagent.Controller
logging.loggers.controllerLogger.level = trace =
logging.loggers.webSocketMuxLogger.level = trace =
logging.loggers.cstaConnectionLogger.level = trace = rainbowagent.ApiMgt
logging.loggers.apiConfigLogger.level = trace = rainbowagent.AhlLink
logging.loggers.ahlLogger.level = trace =
logging.loggers.xmppApplicationLogger.level = trace

7.5 Wbm logs

To verify action on mao :

OXE logs /tmpd/wbm.log

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7.6 Check if modifications from CCS
As mentioned earlier making log-in log-out from CCS application can lead to issues.
You can verify how modifications have been done on the oxe by
checking the file : /DSH3data/mao/mao_hist

Little example:
Update in MAO of REX 8992001 from API (Rainbow application)
2021/11/09 16:29:08 UPDATE Remote_Extension 1 8992001 1 (api mngt)

Logon or logoff of agent 80422 by config tool (mgr)

2021/11/09 16:41:45 UPDATE ACD2_Action 1 1 1 1 80422 (MANAGER|)

Logon or logoff from CCA CCS application (oxe process main_afe)

2021/11/09 16:42:56 UPDATE ACD2_Action 1 1 1 1 80422 (afe)

Logon or logoff via CSTA on physical set.

2021/11/09 16:48:07 ACDV2 ACD2_Action 1 1 1 1 80422 (ch)

7.7 WebRTC Gateway traces

Connect to web rtc gateway

Launch: mpcollect –all
For audio issue
IP capture expected
Launch: sudo tcpdump -i any -s 0 -w captureWebRTC.cap

7.8 Rainbow client logs

Rainbow Client App traces

follow this link:

Provide also:
Scenario details with eventual screen captures, video
Time & date of unit testing
Give the config & extension numbers (agent, proACD, PG, calling number, call…)

Legal notice: The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither
ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
© Copyright 2021 ALE International, ALE USA Inc. All rights reserved in all countries.
8 Documentation and trainings
8.1 Technical documentation
Read article on Rainbow site:

For connection of OXE to Rainbow and web rtc gateway:


For Web RTC gateway, remote extensions and ghost Z:


Trouble shooting guide on CCD

8.2 Trainings
For CCD application you can consult on-line trainings here: Standard Edition

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Submitting a Service Request

Please connect to our eService Request application.

Before submitting a Service Request, please be sure:

− The application has been certified via the AAPP if a third party application is involved.
− You have read the release notes that list new features, system requirements, restrictions, and more,
and are available in the Technical Documentation Library.
− You have read through the related troubleshooting guides and technical bulletins available in the
Technical Documentation Library.
− You have read through the self-service information on commonly asked support questions and known
issues and workarounds available in the Technical Knowledge Center.


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